“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’” John 8:12





“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever

follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the

light of life’”

John 8:12



Spring 2016 Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Pride Dear Readers,

We are proud to announce the BQU’s first graduating class and transfers.

Our pride is not a worldly pride: the kind of the pride the selfish person harbors to act on any of their desires at whim. Neither is our pride righteous in its own eyes, nor a self-praise that would boast on its own ability or grandeur. Rather, we are proud of the way God made us, consider being lesbian and gay a gift, and are blessed through the gospel message that all are welcome in God’s kingdom.

We are likewise proud to be a community of believers. God has placed us into both the queer and Christian communities and we are especially honored of the calling we received to create a safe space that intersects the Church and God’s marginalized LGBTQ people. Do not ever once think that we do not love the Church, Biola University, or the Christian community. We are lovingly committed to them, as demonstrated by our continuation to love and fight for wholeness even in these places that often reject us.

As the graduating class and transfers are preparing to take a next step into their journeys, the BQU desires to take its first step out of the closet. That we do so publicly is essential for pride. Throughout Church history, Christians went underground in times of persecution, as the Church still does today in countries of great intolerance. However, it is most essential to the message of the Gospel that followers of Christ proclaim God’s saving grace out openly in the world. While we keep the names of members who are continuing their education in confidence, we affirm that coming out is necessary for the personal development of queers and for growth in the Christian body.

To queers at Biola and those worldwide, know God loves you.


Co Founders/Directors Natasha Magness & William Haggerty




Spring 2016 Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Sarah Beckerle

"To be alive at all is to have scars." ~John Steinbeck

Jenny Ezaki William Haggerty

Andrew Escalante Jason Brown

Rachel Jallins

Natasha Magness Gavin Kirkwood Ysa Kendall

"I wonder how many people I've looked at in my life and never

seen." ~ John Steinbeck

"Who am I? Your worst nightmare." ~Mulan

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't

mind.” ~Dr. Seuss

“No day but today” ~Rent "Rejoice despite the fact this world will tear you to shreds Rejoice

because you’re trying your best" ~Andrew Jackson Jihad

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have

love for one another.” ~John 13

"Conviction without experience makes for harshness." ~Flannery O' Connor

"Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” ~Alejandro Jodorowsky



Spring 2016 Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Andy Motz Michael Tavizon Sabina Timothy

Ryan Vanderhelm Hannah Quinn

“The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice

must have strong wings.” ~Kate Chopin, The Awakening

". . . But the greatest of these is love." ~1 Corinthians 13

“He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

~1 John 4

"Against me earth and Hell combine but on my side is power Divine" ~Newton/Cowper Hymn

"To love another person is to see the face of God." ~Victor Hugo

The Biola Queer Underground exists to create a place of love and unity for LGBTQ and straight allies, where one can be open, vulnerable, and find unconditional acceptance.

If you are interested in joining a safe space for LGBTQ people, or wish to support us as an ally, contact [email protected].

Natalie Tinnerman

"Practice resurrection" ~Wendell Berry



Spring 2016 Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Recap of 2012-2013 Sp


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In the spring of 2012, Will, Tasha, and three other LGBTQ Biola friends started meeting together for coffee on Sundays. The group started to grow and soon moved to an apartment where members shared fellowship and support for one another every week. Group rules were discussed and decided on, as well as protocol for new members, and we decided on a group mission. Soon the idea of making a zine was hatched and members started writing articles and stories and poetry to submit. Then, late in the semester, and providentially on the same day that President Obama came out in support of same sex marriage, the Biola Queer Underground website was launched. Friends and allies from nearby schools put up posters and handed out fliers, many of which were immediately torn down. News spread through the help of Christian and LGBT bloggers alike, until the story made the front page of the MSNBC website.

Fall of 2012

The next fall, the members of the BQU watched to see if the administration would make good on its claim to open dialogue, which it had

promised in the last chapel of the previous semester. However, Underground members were severely disappointed by the results,

particularly the gender and sexuality panel. In response, the BQU decided to host its own panel through the support of Soulforce and LGBTQ Biolan

alumni. Throughout the fall, the Underground members started reaching out and making connections with various LGBTQ movements at other

Christian universities in Southern California.

The spring of 2013 saw unprecedented growth in membership, and new leadership structures were developed to accommodate the groups growing size and needs. The Biola Wikipedia page was edited to include a mention of the BQU, and was updated and re-launched with a new weekly blogroll featuring more articles, stories, and poetry. Because of a member's article on the website, a homophobic pamphlet that advocated reparative therapy was removed from Biola's health center. Much work also made this yearbook possible—putting faces to the voices of the Underground. Sp


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Spring 2016 Lorem Ipsum Dolor



I’m really excited to introduce, Jason Brown, who will be joining the Biola Queer Underground as my new co-director in the next school year. Jason has a passion for seeing equality for LGBTQ students at Biola, but I’ll let him tell you about that.

Natasha Magness

Biola University is a flourishing academic Christian community—but that is not every student’s experience of this place. For some, Biola has been an institution that has asked them to close off essential elements of their human experience. As Christians, sexuality and gender must be integrated into good belief and practice. For these reasons – and as a queer person myself – I’ve decided to struggle alongside others at Biola to create a community of which we can all be proud. I’m looking forward to lively and productive conversations, new friendships, and greater understanding in the Biola community. The Biola Queer Underground remains committed to providing safe space for LGBTQ people on their journeys, as well as helping Biola at large become a fully accepting place too.

Jason Brown

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Psalm 16:11

Co Directors Natasha Magness & Jason Brown



Spring 2016 Lorem Ipsum Dolor



The Biola Queer Underground is a student organization entirely funded by student members. If you would like to support events surrounding LGBTQ

equality or help run our weekly support group, consider donating to the BQU

through PayPal. Click the donation tab at