BP settlement - introduction

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  • 8/2/2019 BP settlement - introduction


    George W. ConkAdjunct Professor of Law & Senior Fellow, Stein Center for Law &


    Certified Civil Trial Attorney

    Room 409

    [email protected]

    212-636-7446Torts Today tortstoday.blogspot.com

    OtherwiseCommentari es on Law, Language & Poli tics


    Fall 2013

    Fordham Law School

    BP Settlement

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    8. Public nuisance resulting in pure

    economic loss Restatement 3rd 9/3/13

    An actor whose wrongful conduct harms

    or obstructs public property or a public

    resource is subject to liability for resulting

    pure economic loss if the claimants losses

    are distinct from those suffered bythe

    public at large.

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    Admiralty law preempts state

    common law of tort Louisiana v. M/V Testbank, 752 F.2d 1019

    (5th Cir. 1985)

    Applying maritime law and rejecting state-law claims for nuisance by plaintiffsseeking to recover for economic lossessustained in connection with an oil spill

    from a vessel on the Mississippi Riverwhich is federal water

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    Oil Pollution Act 1990 33 U.S.C.. 2702

    Elements of liability

    (a) In general

    each responsible party for a vesselor a facility from which oil isdischarged into or upon thenavigable waters or adjoiningshorelines or the exclusive economic

    zone is liable for the removal costsand damages that result from suchincident.

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    33 U.S.C.. 2702. Elements of liability

    (A) Natural resources

    Damages for injury to, destruction of, lossof, or loss of use of, natural resources...

    (B) Real or personal property damage

    (C) Subsistence use

    (D) Revenues

    Damages equal to the net loss of taxes,etc. ...by the Government of the UnitedStates, a State, or a political subdivisionthereof.

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    33 U.S.C.. 2702. Elements of liability

    (E) Profits and earning capacity

    Damages equal to the loss of profits orimpairment of earning capacity... due tothe injury, destruction, or loss of real

    property, personal property, or naturalresources...

    (F) Public services

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    FRCP 23 Class Actions

    (a) Prerequisites.

    (1) the class is so numerous that, joinderof all members is impracticable

    (2) there are questions of law or fact

    common to the class, (3) the claims or defenses of the

    representative parties are typical of the

    claims or defenses of the class; and (4) the representative parties will fairly

    and adequately protect the interests of the

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    Economic loss zone

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    Proposed class action


    Economic loss complaint

    Medical benefits complaint

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    Class definition: Natural Persons and

    Entities who lost earnings, income, or


    Anyone living in Louisiana, Mississippi,Alabama or specified counties in Texasand Florida

    Crew on vessels homeported or fishing inGulf waters

    Owners of real estate

    Commercial fishermen, vessel owners

    Oyster leaseholders

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    Claims for Economic Damage by Entitiesor Individuals based on employment in theBanking,Gaming, Financial, Insurance, Oil& Gas, Real Estate Development, andDefense Contractor industries, as well asEntities selling or marketing BP-brandedfuel (including jobbers and branded


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    Bodily Injury Claims BP Shareholder Claims

    Moratorium Loss Claims

    Claims relating to menhaden (or pogy)fishing, processing, selling, catching, orharvesting

    Claims for punitive damages againstHalliburton and Transocean.

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    Categories of recognized economic

    harm claims

    Individual Loss of Wages

    Business Economic Loss

    Multi-Facility Business Economic Loss

    Start-Up Business Economic Loss

    Failed Business Economic Loss

    Failed Start-Up Business Economic Loss

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    Property Damage

    Loss of Use/Enjoyment of Real


    Coastal Real Property Damage

    Wetlands Real Property Damage

    Realized Real Property Sales Loss

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    Special Categories

    Vessels of Opportunity

    Vessel Physical Damage

    Subsistence Damage

    Seafood Compensation Program

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    For business losses



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    Compare actual profit during post-spill

    period to profits claimant might haveexpected

    Step 1 Benchmark period minus 2010

    loss period profits

    Step 2 compensates for incremental

    profits or losses relative to the benchmark


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    Compensation & Benchmark Periods

    The Compensation Period

    Selected by the Claimant

    - three or more consecutive monthsbetween May and December 2010

    The Benchmark Period:

    Pre-DWH Spill period claimant chooses asthe baseline for measuring its historicalfinancial performance.

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    Compensation & Benchmark Periods

    The claimant can select among the three

    Benchmark Periods:


    2008-2009 average; or

    The average of 2007-2009

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    BPs lament expenses and

    income do not match

    Administrator has interpreted

    revenue as cash received and

    expenses as cash


    Causal link of Business losses must

    be shown

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    5th Circuit October 2, 2013

    Unjustifiable claims may be paid

    The District Court must clarify how cash-basis claims are treated

    Unlike `accrual accounting cash basisaccounting shows positive or negativecash flow but does does not demonstrateprofit and loss

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    Causation reqts for business

    economic loss claims NO causation evidence required for ZoneA businesses, Landing sites, commercialwholesale or retail dealer or primary

    seafood processors

    Zones B and C

    V shaped pattern: 8.5 % or moredownturn compared to benchmark

    Upturn of 5% or more in 2011 comapredto 2010

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    Risk transfer premium RTP

    Businesses added to 2010 losses

    Tourism Zone A 2.5; zone B 2.0, Zone C2.0, Zone D 1.25

    Charter fishing 2.5 in Zones A,B, or C

    Zone D-1.25

    Primary seafood processors of

    shrimp/crab/oyster 3.0 (any zone) Other seafood 2.25

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    RTP individuals

    Tourism employees zones A, B, C 2.0,zone D 1.25

    Charter fishing 2.5 Zones A, B, C

    Zone D 1.25

    Landing site 2.25 (all zones)

    Non-tourism, non seafood Zone A 1.5 Zone B 1.25 Zones C, D 0.25

    Individual periodic vendors 1.0

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    Class action

    Medical benefits

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    Amchem v. Windsor (1997)

    "Class members were exposed to different

    asbestos- containing products, fordifferent amounts of time, in differentways, and over different periods. Some

    class members suffer no physical injury orhave only asymptomatic pleural changes,while others suffer from lung cancer,

    disabling asbestosis, or frommesothelioma . . . . Each has a differenthistory of cigarette smoking, a factor thatcomplicates the causation inquiry.

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    Amchem v. Windsor (1997)

    "The [exposure only] plaintiffs especially

    share little in common, either with eachother or with the presently injured classmembers. It is unclear whether they will

    contract asbestos-related disease and, ifso, what disease each will suffer. They willalso incur different medical expenses

    because their monitoring and treatmentwill depend on singular circumstances andindividual medical histories."

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    Medical Benefits Class

    Claims for compensatory and punitivedamages and declaratory relief, broughtunder federal and maritime law fornegligence, negligence per se, gross

    negligence, willful misconduct, and strictliability for personal injury and/or bodilyinjury, later-manifested injury, progression

    of existing injury, damage, disease,mental or physical pain or suffering,emotional or mental harm or anguish

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    CLEAN-UP WORKERS at any time betweenApril 20, 2010, and April 16, 2012;

    Resided in ZONE A for at least sixty daysbetween April 20, 2010, and September

    30, 2010 (ZONE A RESIDENT), anddeveloped one or more

    Resided in ZONE B for some time on each

    of at least sixty days between

    April 20, 2010, and December 31, 2010

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    Opt-outs from this settlement

    * BP employees

    * persons on Deepwater Horizon on April20, 2010

    * anyone who has signed a release forsuch claims

    * long-term (5 year) workers cleaning,loading, unloading or storinghydrocarbons, petrochemicals, or nuclearmaterials

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    Compensation for Specified Physical

    Conditions claimed to be caused byexposure to oil and/or dispersants

    Comprehensive Periodic Medical

    Consultation Program providingregular medical examinations andtests to class members every three

    years over a 21-year period

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    * Preservation ofclass members

    rights to sue BP for compensatorydamages for physical conditions thatmanifest at a later date

    * A transparent and efficient claimsadministration process.

    * Establishes Gulf Region Health

    Outreach Program

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    acute ocular, respiratory,

    ear/nose/throat, dermal, and


    related conditions

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    Clean-Up Workers Zone A and Zone B Residents

    Enhancer for Overnight Hospitalization

    and Payment of Actual Hospital Expenses, if applicable

    Lump sum payments plus enhancers

    $1,300 to $60,700

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