BP Oil UK Ltd

BP Oil UK Ltd Planning Statement (including a Design and Access Statement) for proposed Roadside Services at the A15/A1175 Roundabout, Market Deeping Document Reference: 577 64 PS MB November 2018

Transcript of BP Oil UK Ltd

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BP Oil UK Ltd

Planning Statement (including a Design and Access Statement) for proposed Roadside Services at the A15/A1175 Roundabout, Market Deeping Document Reference: 577 64 PS MB

November 2018

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BP Oil UK Ltd Robert Doughty Consultancy Limited 577 64/PS/MB


1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

2. THE APPLICATION SITE AND PROPOSAL ................................................. 2

3. PLANNING POLICY AND MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................. 4

4. THE IMPACT OF DEVELOPMENT ........................................................... 10

5. DESIGN AND ACCESS ........................................................................ 15

6. CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 17

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1.1. This Statement has been prepared by the Robert Doughty Consultancy

Limited on behalf of BP Oil UK Ltd for a new roadside services proposal

to be built by a local and well established construction company, the

Lindum Group.

1.2. The application site is currently used for agriculture as part of a larger

field to the north west of the roundabout junction of the A15 and A1175

to the north of Market Deeping.

1.3. The development is for roadside services, comprising a Petrol Filling

Station (PFS) with ancillary retail area and landscape buffer. The facility

will operate for 24 hours a day. The shop will provide a limited range of

basic top up goods aimed at the traveller, including:

• confectionery, snacks and drinks,

• convenience groceries (chilled/dairy, tinned and package goods),

• non-food goods including household, toiletries, newspapers/magazines, BBQ fuels,

• cigarettes, and

• car care items.

1.4. The application is supported by the following technical reports

• Minerals Safeguarding Assessment.

• Landscape Review

• Transport Statement

• Phase I & II Geo-Environmental Assessment

• Protected Species Survey

• Heritage Impact Assessment

• Lighting Scheme

• Drainage Strategy.

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2.1. The application site, outlined in red on the location plan, is to the north

west of the A15/A1175 roundabout to the north of Market Deeping,

Lincolnshire. The embanked A1175 road, together with the high level of

landscaping, creates a level of visual separation between the site and

the settlement. The site in effect abuts the developed area of Market


2.2. The site is part of a larger agricultural field. The southern and eastern

boundaries follow the edge of the A1175 and A15 respectively. The

northern and western boundaries will be created by the development in

the form of the planting of hedges and trees.

2.3. The site is level, although the adjacent roads are raised on

embankments. The two roads are lit in the vicinity of the roundabout

and the development site.

2.4. The site is visible from the public highway and a footpath (MaDe/1/2),

although these views are against the backdrop of the street furniture

and landscaping for the roads. There are no longer distance views of

the site, as demonstrated by the Landscape Review provided with the


2.5. The proposal is for Roadside Services, comprising a PFS with ancillary

retail element, car parking for staff and customers and landscaping. The

retail floor area of 300m2 will provide a limited range of basic top up

goods aimed at the traveller, including:

• confectionery, snacks and drinks,

• convenience groceries (chilled/dairy, tinned and package goods),

• non-food goods including household, toiletries, newspapers/magazines, BBQ fuels,

• cigarettes, and

• car care items.

2.6. Most custom will be fuel related, although some travellers may stop for

some basic goods and there may be limited trade from residents

unrelated to a fuel purchase.

2.7. The PFS will be provided by BP and the store operated by Marks and

Spencer Food. Both the store and the filling station will operate 24 hours

a day.

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2.8. Before preparing the planning application, Pre-Application Advice was

sought and received from the local Planning authority (dated 19 July


2.9. The Pre-Application Advice report required an application to address

some key issues including:

• The reasoning behind the proposed location.

• Confirmation that the retail element will be ancillary to the main use of the PFS, with details of operating hours, thus demonstrating that the shop is not a “Main Town Centre Use”.

• An indication of the economic benefits and job creation as a result of the proposal.

• Preparation of a programme of archaeological works to determine the nature, character and date of archaeological remains to inform any further mitigation strategy.

• Provision of a detailed lighting strategy and assessment.

All these details have been submitted as part of the application.

2.10. The Market Deeping Town Council and Deeping St James Parish Council

were briefed on the proposal at a joint meeting on the 25 September

and both Council’s provided constructive feedback, raising no objection

to the proposal subject to suitable landscape and highway


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National Planning Policy Framework (July 2018)

3.1. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out Central

Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected

to be applied.

3.2. Paragraph 8 - Achieving sustainable development describes the three

overarching objectives of the planning system, which are interdependent

and need to be pursued in mutually supportive ways (so that

opportunities can be taken to secure net gains across each of the

different objectives):

‘a) an economic objective – to help build a strong, responsive and competitive economy, by ensuring that sufficient land of the right types is available in the right places and at the right time to support growth, innovation and improved productivity; and by identifying and coordinating the provision of infrastructure;

b) social objective – to support strong, vibrant and healthy communities, by ensuring that a sufficient number and range of homes can be provided to meet the needs of present and future generations; and by fostering a well-designed and safe built environment, with accessible services and open spaces that reflect current and future needs and support communities’ health, social and cultural well-being; and

c) an environmental objective – to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; including making effective use of land, helping to improve biodiversity, using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy.”

3.3. Paragraph 11 of the NPPF outlines the requirement of plans and

decisions to apply a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

“For decision-taking this means:

c) approving development proposals that accord with an up-to-date development plan without delay; or

d) where there are no relevant development plan policies, or the policies which are most important for determining the application are out-of-date, granting permission unless:

i. the application of policies in this Framework that protect areas or assets of particular importance provides a clear reason for refusing the development proposed; or

ii. any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole.”

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3.4. Paragraph 38 states,

“Local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way. They should use the full range of planning tools available, including brownfield registers and permission in principle, and work proactively with applicants to secure developments that will improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of the area. Decision-makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible.”

3.5. Retail policy and town centre issues are addressed in paragraphs 85 –

90. Main Town Centre uses are to be located in existing centres,

although each development should be appropriate for the role of the

settlement. Development that cannot be accommodated in a town centre

should be located on the edge of that centre if possible. If no sites are

available, out of centre sites may be considered.

3.6. Applicants and local planning authorities should demonstrate flexibility

on issues such as format and scale, so that opportunities to utilise

suitable town centre or edge of centre sites are fully explored.

3.7. An impact assessment should be prepared for any out of centre retail

development of over 2,500m2 to assess the potential impact on the

vitality and viability of the town centre, although a lower limit may be

justified through the development plan process.

3.8. According to paragraph 109, development should only be prevented or

refused on highways grounds, if there would be an unacceptable impact

on highway safety, or the residual cumulative impacts on the road

network would be severe. All proposals should address the needs of

people with disabilities and reduced mobility in relation to all modes of

transport, allow for the efficient delivery of goods, and access by service

and emergency vehicles.

3.9. All developments that will generate a significant amount of movement

should be required to provide a travel plan and the application should be

supported by a transport statement, or transport assessment, so that

the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed.


3.10. Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states


“If regard is to be had to the development plan for the purpose of any determination to be made under the Planning Acts the determination

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must be made in accordance with the plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.”

3.11. The Development Plan for the purposes of this application is the South

Kesteven Core Strategy (2010), the Site Allocation and Policies DPD

(2014) and Saved Policies from the Local Plan (1995). The Local Plan

(2011 to 2036) is currently being prepared and will replace all these

documents upon its adoption, expected in late 2019. The Minerals and

Waste Local Plan (2016) prepared by Lincolnshire County Council is also

relevant to this project. The ‘Deepings First’ Neighbourhood Plan has

been promoted for the Deepings area, that includes the site within its

Neighbourhood Plan area.

Core Strategy (2010)

3.12. The Core Strategy sets out the strategic objectives and policies for land

use planning across South Kesteven.

Policy SP1: Spatial Strategy:

3.13. New Sustainable development is required to increase the supply of jobs

houses and services in the District as a whole. Within the District this

development will need to be distributed across locations within the main

settlements (Grantham, Stamford, Bourne and the Deepings) to

maintain and support their role. Development must be of a scale

appropriate to the role of the specific settlement. Extensions to

settlements will be permitted if there are no suitable sites within the

developed footprint.

Policy EN1: Protection and Enhancement of the character of the district

3.14. New development is required to be designed to a high standard, taking

into consideration a number of factors, including, national and local

designations, local distinctiveness, the condition of the landscape,

Biodiversity, flood risk and visual intrusion.

Policy EN2: Reducing the risk of flooding

3.15. Development is expected to avoid areas at high risk of flooding. If

development is promoted in a flood risk area, it will need to demonstrate

how flood risk is managed to avoid risk to the development and to avoid

flood risk elsewhere.

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Policy E2: Retail Development

3.16. Town centre uses will be directed to the identified centres at Grantham,

Stamford, Bourne and the Deepings, with the scale of development

proportionate to the role of the centre. Smaller scale development that

meets the everyday needs of local people will be permitted in local

service centres. The policy advocates a sequential approach to site

selection for town centre uses. The PFS facility is deemed not to be a

town centre use where the convenience retail element is ancillary to the

primary function of fuel sales and is not required to meet a sequential


Site Allocation and Polices Development Plan Document (DPD) (2014)

3.17. The DPD sets out allocations and location specific policies for the main

towns across South Kesteven. Policy DE1 and DE2 identify allocations

for residential and employment respectively. The site does not form part

of any specific allocation and is not covered by the policies for the


South Kesteven Local Plan (Consultation Draft, 2018)

3.18. The new Local Plan will bring together the Core Strategy and Site

Allocations DPD into a single document together with the unadopted

Grantham Area Action Plan into a single document. A pre-submission

consultation was undertaken in June 2018. Submission of the Plan is

anticipated at the end of 2018.

Policy SD1: Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development

3.19. The revised Local Plan continues the adopted plan’s focus on sustainable

development in the main settlements and includes the following


Objective 1

“To welcome and encourage development that supports the sustainable growth and diversification of the local economy.”

Objective 2

“To develop a strong, successful and sustainable economy that provides a range of employment opportunities for local people by:

• Providing a range of well-located sites and premises for employment

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• Promoting additional growth and diversification of the District’s economy, particularly in “knowledge-rich” business and higher skill level jobs“

“When considering development proposals, the Council will take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in favour of sustainable development contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. It will always work pro-actively with applicants jointly to find solutions which mean that proposals can be approved wherever possible, in order to secure development that improves the economic, social and environmental conditions in the area.

Planning applications that accord with the policies in this Local Plan (and, where relevant, with policies in Neighbourhood Plans) will be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

The Council will grant permission unless material considerations indicate otherwise - taking into account whether:

a. any adverse impacts of granting permission would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in the National Planning Policy Framework taken as a whole;

b. or specific policies in that Framework indicate that development should be restricted.”

Policy SD2: The Principles of Sustainable Development in South Kesteven

3.20. In addition to the presumption in favour of sustainable development new

proposals will need to reduce journeys and improve access by walking,

cycling or public transport, reduce flood risk and enhance the services

and infrastructure in the District.

Policy SP1: Spatial Strategy and SP2: Settlement Hierarchy

3.21. The spatial strategy set out in the emerging plan continues the focus on

the main settlements of Grantham, Stamford, Bourne and the Deepings.

Development will create strong, sustainable, cohesive communities,

whilst providing a range of new job opportunities to secure balanced


Policy SP4: Development on the Edge of Settlements

3.22. When development is proposed on the edge of settlements, it will be

supported with evidence of community support, be adjacent to the

existing pattern of development without extending obtrusively into the

open countryside.

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Policy E6: Other Employment Proposals

3.23. Employment proposals not covered by policies E1 to E5 will need to

demonstrate that there are no suitable or appropriate sites or buildings

within allocated sites or the built-up area of existing settlements and

that there will be no adverse impact on the character and appearance of

the area or an impact on the local highway network.

Policy EN1: Landscape Character

3.24. Proposed development will need to consider the landscape setting of the

specific character area, as defined int eh local plan. Applications may

need to be supported by a Landscape Character Appraisal, which in turn

takes into consideration those appraisals prepared to inform the Local

Plan and any Neighbourhood Plans.

Policy DE1: Promoting Good Quality Design

3.25. New development proposals will need to maintain, or where appropriate,

enhance, the amenity of neighbouring users in terms of noise, light

pollution, loss of privacy and loss of light and have regard to features

that minimise crime and the fear of crime.

Policy DEP2: Market Deeping Town Centre Policy

3.26. Requires any proposals for a Main Town Centre Use to be subject to a

sequential approach.

Minerals and Waste Local Plan (2016)

3.27. The Minerals Local Plan identifies Minerals Areas of Search. Policy M11

of the Minerals Local Plan requires development proposed in an area of

search to be supported by an assessment to demonstrate that it will not

sterilise potential future mineral extraction. Development may be

acceptable in an Minerals Safeguarding Area (MSA), if the impact on

resources is negligible, the minerals can be extracted before

development or extraction is impracticable or unviable. This site is within

an MSA and a separate Minerals Statement accompanies the application.

The Deepings Neighourhood Plan

3.28. The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan area was agreed by South Kesteven

District Council. A consultation draft plan is yet to be produced, because

it is at an early stage, although the consultation meeting held with the

Market Deeping Town Council and Deeping St James Parish Council was

to reflect the joint working on the ‘Deepings First’ Plan.

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The Principle of Development

4.1. The new PFS will be located on the edge of the town on the strategic

road network (A15) close to an existing employment area. It will be

easily accessed by travellers along the road (its main customer base),

commuters and residents. Although there is a PFS at the Co-op Store

in Market Deeping, the nearest out of town PFS is over 3 miles from the

application site and the proposal will service commuters traveling in and

out of Market Deeping. The development will create jobs and provide an

accessible service.

4.2. The PFS would support development and growth proposals. Traffic from

the industrial estate will have no need to venture in and out of town for

fuel or essentials.

4.3. Sustainable development is welcomed in South Kesteven. The objective

of the policy is to improve accessibility to jobs, houses and services and

to reduce traffic growth (Core Strategy – Objective 4). The spatial

strategy requires development to be focussed in Grantham or the three

market towns. Priority is given to sites within the built-up area.

4.4. Policy SD2 of the draft local plan sets out a number of principles for

sustainable development in the district, these include developments


- minimise the need to travel

- proactively avoid land at risk of flooding, or increases the risk of

flooding elsewhere

- enhance the districts services and infrastructure.

4.5. National and local policy also acknowledge the importance of supporting

local communities.

4.6. The adopted Development Plan is, however, silent on the specific issue

of roadside services, such as PFS and does not cover the issue of this


4.7. The PFS is expected to primarily serve travellers along the A15 and

A1175 rather than residents of Market Deeping itself, who are already

served by a PFS at the Co-op Store in Market Deeping. Although Market

Deeping is at a crossroads on a number of A roads, these roads now

bypass the town and, as a consequence, travellers no longer pass

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through the town. If travellers were diverting into the town to use the

PFS at the Co-op, they would need to be able to find the facility, which

may be difficult for the passing driver and, contrary to policy, would most

likely increase travel distances and traffic in the town.

4.8. By locating the PFS at the crossroads to Market Deeping, one of the

major settlements in South Kesteven, it would benefit from proximity to

the market, that is the route of users along the strategic road network,

whilst also being close to a major built up area, including the business

park, which will reduce the impact of the development in the wider

landscape setting. The street lighting at the road junction also has an

impact on the immediate area of the site. Locating the PFS at the

junction close to Market Deeping will have the joint benefit of being close

to the road (the market) and the potential workforce in the town,

reducing the length of the journey to work.

4.9. There are no other sites available to accommodate the development that

would serve the same level of travellers whilst also being accessible to

the workforce in Market Deeping. The visual character of the area is

already significantly affected by the presence of the road, with its

associated streetlighting, and Market Deeping itself.

4.10. The location maximises benefit to the traveller while also reducing the

visual impact of the development and remaining accessible to a potential

workforce and, consequently is a sustainable location for this


4.11. The site is a sustainable location for the proposed use in accordance with

the objectives and policies in both the adopted and emerging Local Plans

regarding sustainable location of economic development. It is readily

accessible to both the proposed customer base and a potential workforce

resident in Market Deeping, one of the larger settlements in South

Kesteven. The location at the cross roads will reduce the need for long

diversions for travellers seeking fuel, whilst also minimising visual

impact on the wider countryside, screened as it is by existing

development and being located in an area already dominated by the

highways furniture, including the street lighting and road signs, and the

landscape planting provided with the junction itself.

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4.12. National and local policy direct main town centre uses into established

town centres. New retail proposals above 2,500m2 outside of town

centres are, therefore, generally required to be supported by an

assessment of their potential impact on the vitality and viability of the

town centre.

4.13. Main town centre uses include retail, leisure, bars, pubs, sport and

recreation uses, but not PFSs. PFSs were often located in town centres

in the past, but such locations are no longer popular and are not viable

for the operators. The retail element of the development is limited in

size and the range of stock, which is designed to support the travellers

needs for refreshment and an element of “top up” shopping, is ancillary

to the main use.

4.14. It is concluded, therefore, that a PFS is not a main town centre use and

need not be subject to a sequential assessment under retail and town

centre policies. The convenience retail element, even if one attributes

the full gross internal floor space of 305m2 of the petrol sales kiosk, falls

well short of the 2,500m2 that would trigger a retail impact assessment

and is clearly ancillary to primary use for the sale of fuel.

4.15. In addition to this, small scale shops and services that serve a

neighbourhood or a rural area are permitted outside town centres,

because they contribute towards the sustainability of the smaller

settlements. In this case, the community served by the small shop is the

traveller along the strategic road network and, as such, its provision

within a PFS is permissible under national and local policy. The scale of

development would indicate that, although the retail element would be

acceptable within a town centre, it is not a Main Town Centre Use. A

conclusion accepted in principle by the Pre-Application Advice is that not

all town centre uses are Main Town Centre uses.

4.16. In addition to the suitability of the location of the development when

assessed against the settlement hierarchy and retail policy, discussed

above, there are several other issues to address, including flood

risk/drainage, archaeology, economic benefit, landscape impact and

light pollution. These issues will be addressed in turn.

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4.17. The Archaeological report submitted with the application (Heritage

Impact Assessment and Geophysical Survey (2018)) identifies the

presence of prehistoric and roman remains in the wider area, including

the Car Dyke, which runs north south 480m to the east of the site. Post

medieval remains have been identified on the site as part of a much

wider pattern of remains.

4.18. The development has the potential to cause harm or loss of local to

regionally significant archaeological assets, due to the depth of

excavation necessary to install the fuel tanks. The impact, however, will

be less than significant because development would only affect a small

part of a much wider area of archaeology.

4.19. Following further discussion with the Community Archaeologist, it is

agreed that any planning permission should include a condition to secure

a scheme of investigation.

Economic Benefit

4.20. In addition to the construction of the facility itself, the development will

employ 25 Full Time Equivalent staff in a variety of full and part time

contracts. The facility will serve a substantial travelling public with more

than 15,000 road movements on the A15 western leg of the roundabout

alone. The PFS will also serve the businesses and residents in the area,

contributing to the attraction of the Market Deeping area for new


4.21. The service station will be located just outside a built up area and near

to an industrial estate, so it is well located to serve the local people and

businesses and close to a potential workforce.

Landscape Impact

4.22. A Landscape Review is submitted with the application. Views of the

proposed development will be mainly limited to close views from the A15

directly to the south and east of the site and the A1175 east of the site.

There may be some mid distant views of the proposal from Meadow

Road, and the southern end of New Road to the north east of the site,

but it will be difficult to perceive any detail against the backdrop of

existing road signage, lighting, and moving vehicles associated with the

busy roundabout.

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4.23. There are listed buildings within 500m of the site but the development

will not impact on these buildings or their settings.

Light pollution

4.24. A lighting scheme has been provided with the application. Although

located outside the settlement curtilage, the application site sits

immediately alongside a well-lit roundabout on two A roads. The impact

of a new illuminated petrol station is, therefore, reduced because of the

proposed location where there is already a high level of street lighting.

Traffic and Highways

4.25. The traffic that already uses this route will utilise this service. Provision

of a PFS will not lead to a significant increase in traffic. A Transport

Assessment accompanies the planning application and includes an

explanation of the junction arrangements that include a new ghost right

turn lane.

4.26. The scheme, including the site access, has been designed in liaison with

LCC highways officers as part of the pre-application process.

4.27. Access and egress arrangements will maintain highway safety. Traffic is

already traveling relatively slowly at this point due to proximity to the

roundabout. The new access point is not expected to cause any conflict

with traffic queueing south bound.


4.28. A Protected species survey has been undertaken to support the

application and was submitted together with the Pre-application Enquiry.

This survey concludes that there are no significant, rare or unusual

habitats area present and no evidence of protected species has been


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Context and Layout

5.1. The site is located at a busy roundabout junction of the A15 and A1175.

Although located outside the developed area of Market Deeping, the

town lies immediately to the south of the A1175 and is visible to

travellers along the A1175, especially the Northfields Business park to

the east, an area that is set to expand. The junction itself has an

urbanising effect, with the lamp standards, signage, laybys and A roads.

5.2. Due to the location and the single storey nature of the proposed

buildings, there will be no adverse impact on the amenity of

neighbouring users in any of the above aspects.

5.3. There is open land to the north, beyond the junction area, before one

reaches Langtoft. To the east and west, there are substantial extant and

finished minerals workings. The site, however, is always experienced in

the context of the junction itself, rather than a more open context that

would be the case on unlit stretches of the road to the east, west or


5.4. The area is also a Minerals Safeguarding Area. There is evidence of

substantial minerals resources in the area, not only by the Minerals and

Waste Local Plan, but also by the existence of quarries in the area.

Impact on the Minerals resource is addressed in a separate statement.


5.5. The PFS is laid out for an efficient use of the site. The proposed buildings

are single storey and will not have an impact on the wider setting, whilst

ensuring that travellers are clear how to use the site efficiently.


5.6. The Protected species report submitted with the application

demonstrates there are no significant, rare or unusual habitat areas

present and no evidence of protected species.

Highway safety

5.7. The traffic that already uses this route will utilise this service. Provision

of a PFS will not lead to a significant increase in traffic.

5.8. The scheme, including the site access, has been designed in liaison with

LCC highways officers as part of the pre-application process. A

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Transport Assessment accompanies the planning application that

concludes there is no transport reason to withhold planning permission.

5.9. Access and egress arrangements will maintain Highways safety.

Historic Environment

5.10. The Heritage Impact Assessment and Geophysical Survey have

concluded there is some indication that pre-historic and roman remains

of a local to regional significance may be found during construction,

there will be no impact on any listed buildings in the area.

Landscape and Boundary Treatment

5.11. The proposal, although occupying a small area of level agricultural land

in the fens is contained and defined by the adjacent highways and road

junction. The site is dominated by the landscaping and lighting standards

that form an essential part of the adjacent highway. The site is only

visible from the immediate vicinity, views that are already dominated by

the highway itself. It will have little impact on the wider landscape.

5.12. The northern and western site boundaries will need to be created. A

landscape scheme has been provided as part of the application, and will

result in a new native species hedgerow, including a number of new

trees, all of which will soften the appearance of the buildings, and to

some extent the existing junction, when viewed from the north and east.

Flooding and Drainage

5.13. The site lies in Flood Zone 1, and as such is not at risk of flooding. A

drainage strategy has been prepared and this demonstrates how

increased rates of surface water run off can be managed.

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6.1. The application proposal is for a new BP Petrol Filling Station with a sales

kiosk. The retail offer is provided by M & S Food and is ancillary to the

primary use for the sale of fuel. The application proposal is in a strategic

location on the highway network to serve passing vehicular traffic.

6.2. The filling station is of modern design with a new road junction proposed

from the A15 with a ghost right turn lane. The scheme will be

landscaped to assimilate the development into the local landscape.

6.3. The new facility will create jobs and will make a positive contribution to

the local economy.

6.4. A comprehensive package of technical reports accompanies the

application that show there will be no demonstrable harm to matters of

acknowledged importance in respect of transport, drainage, heritage,

minerals, landscape and light pollution.

6.5. Pre-application consultation was carried out with Market Deeping Town

Council and Deeping St James Parish Council, whereby there was general

support for the proposal.

6.6. The application proposal complies with the Development Plan and the

National Planning Policy Framework. As a result, it is concluded the

application should be approved without delay.

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