Boys With Delayed puberty M. Hashemipour Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology Isfahan University of...

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Transcript of Boys With Delayed puberty M. Hashemipour Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology Isfahan University of...

  • Boys With Delayed pubertyM. Hashemipour

    Professor of Pediatric EndocrinologyIsfahan University of Medical Sciences

  • Delayed pubertyGirlsDelay in onset of secondary sexual development by age12-13 primary amenorhoe at 15.5-16yBoysDelay in onset of secondary sexual development by age 14y

  • .mean duration from the onset of puberty to onset of menarche is 2.4 1.1 years

  • .Detained puberty Puberty has started but has not concluded after 5 years

  • A boy who has not completed his secondary sexual development, 4.5 years from the onset of puberty(T2) A girl who does not experience menses within 5 years from the onset of puberty(B2)

  • Delayed Puberty Types


    Hypogonadotropin hypogonadism

    Hypergonadotropin hypogonadism

  • Medical history14yr old boyShortest in his classNo problem at school Always looks small

  • What do you ask him?

  • No chronic disease Normal sense of smell Sexual function and patterns of body hairKnown testicular abnormalities

  • Student Non-smokerNo siblingsMother has arthritisFather did not grow till he entered college

  • What's important in Physical examination?

  • Physical ExaminationNo dysmorphic featuresCVS, Resp, Abd Exam are normalBP = 110/76Ht= 135cm Zcore = -3.9 Wt= 30kg

  • Physical ExaminationArm span height span= 2cm Growth Velocity =5cm/yr

  • .Testicular volume =2.5mlTesticular length = 1.5cmPenis length = 6cmNormal Testicular consistencyNo Pubic & Axillary Hair No gynecomastia

  • What's your differential diagnoses?

  • What's your investigation?

  • Hormonal and Biochemical studyNormal BUN & ESRNormal T4 &TSHLow IGF1& IGFBP3 for age Normal IGF1& IGFBP3 for BANormal GH stimulation test

  • Hormonal and Biochemical studyTestosterone= 0.15ng / mlCeliac test= okCortisol levels = okGnRH test shows no responseLow GonadotropinNormal prolactin

  • imaging

    BA=11.5yrMRI= Normal

  • What's your treatment ?

  • We prescribed Oxandrolon for 6 months Zinc 12.5 mg/day Iron 12mg/day for 3 mo Vitamin A = 6000IU/week for 3 months

  • But Testicular volume &Testicular length did not change

  • , Diagnosis?

    Any comments?

  • Because of not response to treatment We prescribe :Testosteron 50mg every month for three months Letrozol 2.5mg/day

  • (Six month after stopping Testosteron) Testosteron level was 0.8ng/mlTesticular volume =5mlTesticular length = 3cm

  • Diagnosis?

  • Constitutional Delayed puberty

  • . Discussion

  • .CDGP is not a medical disorder, but a temporary condition

    If treatment is necessary for a child, it must be emphasized that they are normalTheir body clock for puberty has just started later than their friends.

  • CDGPis a common conditionBoys > girlsBoys look youngNormal physical examinationNo evidence for systemic disease No evidence for hormonal dysfunctionUsually normal nutrition.

  • CDGPShort statureHT at or below 3rd percentile

  • CDGP

  • .HA < CABA < CAGV= N888888888888888888888BA=HA

  • CDGP Delayed puberty and pubertal growth spurtFamily history of delayed puberty

  • CDGPNormal growth rate for bone ageDelay bone age 1 -3 years Normal height for bone age

  • Adult height

    HT reach within the lower part of mid parental target HT

  • HA < CABA < CAGV= N888888888888888888888BA=HA

  • .HT deficit at onset of puberty

  • CDGP IGF-I is normal for BA Delayed Adrenarche

  • Nutrition CDGM Decreased vitamins A and D iron, and zinc deficiency

  • Diagnostic approach to delayed puberty

  • .Differentiation between HH and CDP is very difficult because:There is an overlap in physical and lab findings

  • Growth ChartPatients with HH have normal height in early or mid adolescence Patients with CDP are short

  • initial ApproachBone AgeX-ray of the left hand and wrist to evaluate bone age

  • .The onset of puberty correlates with BA BA=11-13y in girlsBA=12-14 in boys

  • .At Bone age :11 to 13 years in girls12 to 14 years in boyspatients with CDP usually continue pubertal development

  • Initial ApproachIn patients who are apparently healthy initial assessment of LH & FSH If elevatedHypergonadotropic Hypogonadism

  • Differential DiagnosisIf low Hypogona Hypogo

  • DDx: Constitutional Delayed Puberty Brain tumor Hypopituitarism HypothyroidismHyperprolactinemia

  • MalnutritionExercise intensityUse of medicationsChronic disease

  • .HA < CABA < CAGV= N888888888888888888888BA=HA

  • Differential Diagnosis:

    Hypogonadotropin Hypogonadism Adrenarche is at the normal age Higher DHEAS than CDP

  • Isolated Gonadotropin DeficiencyAfter the age of 18:Absence of first signs of pubertyFailure of a rise in gonadotropinsFailure of a rise in gonadal steroids

  • Isolated Gonadotropin Deficiencyserial Ht and testicular measurements made over 1-2 years will help clarify the diagnosis

  • Isolated Gonadotropin DeficiencyAs no single test can distinguish between these two disorders, so we should rely on clinical clues and the natural evolution over time

  • Pituitary failure

  • Diagnostic EvaluationMorning serum testosterone >0.2ng/mlpredicted increase in testicular size to >4 mL within 12mo in 77% in boys 15 mo in 100% of boys

    In boys with < 0.2ng/ml12.5% of boys will have puberty within 12mo

  • . Treatment

  • Treatmentwatchful waiting includes :periodic evaluation of testes & testosterone every 6 mo Reassurancepsychological counselingAssurance to family

  • Treatment TestosteroneOxandroloneGHTrace elements

  • TreatmentTreatment In BA
  • ,Testosterone therapy may be started as early as A bone age of 1213 yr to decrease the psychological disturbance

  • Testosterone Therapy

    At BA=12 CA=1414.5 yr50 mg once a month for three to six monthssix months later.It is Spontaneous pubertal development if Testicular enlargementincreasing testosterone >50 ng/dl

  • Management6-12 months after completing the first course of therapy IfTestosterone
  • Management Treatment should not continue more than 2 courses to differentiate CDP from permanent DP

  • Constitutional Delayed PubertyAfter 2 courses6-12 months after completing the second course of therapy 8am serum testosterone 50ng/dl: PPV 100% PNV59%LH peak> 14 IU 3 hours after triptorelin PPV 100% PNV72%

    Dx= CDGP

  • Aromatase inhibitorAromatase inhibitors, alone or in combination with rh-GH

  • Growth Hormone Therapy: The value is controversial

  • Oxandrolone1.25-2.5mg/day0.05 mg/kg daily for 1 yearPediatrics. 1995 Dec;96(6):1095-100.

  • OxandroloneGrowth promoting effects is related to mild androgenic effects of it After oxandrolone withdrawal Increase in total serum testosteroneprogress in puberty.

  • GnRHa

    Decapeptyl 01 mg/m2 s.c..(120 g/ kg, 500 g,100 g/m2

  • GnRHa

    After 4 h LH and FSH should be measured LH>8 mIU/ml) in favor CDGPLH assay by commercial chemiluminescent kitAll of these patients entered spontaneous puberty within 1 year

  • Constitutional Delay PubertyFirst signs of secondary sexual development occur within 1 year after LH rises to pubertal levels after administration of 100 g GnRH subcutaneous GnRH agonistAfter GN and sex steroid begin to increase spontaneously above prepubertal values An 8 am serum testosterone> 20 ng/dL puberty develop within 12 to 15 month

  • Use of GnRH agonist and human chorionic gonadotrophin tests for differentiating constitutional delayed puberty from gonadotrophin deficiency in boys

    The GnRH-agonist test and the repeated-injection hCG test are reliable diagnostic tools for differentiating CDP from GD in boys.

    Clinical Endocrinology (2002) 56, 603607

  • synthetic LHRH01 mg/m2 iv bolus Blood samples for of LH, FSH and testosterone levels were drawn prior to injection and 30 and 60LH >7.5 IU/L usually precedes the first physical sign of sexual maturation by less than 1 year.

  • Buserelin test LH, FSH at 0 and 4 hours were measured. low LH response to buserelin, HH could be diagnosed with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 96% Journal of Pediatrics 2006 Lh5 CDGP

  • ,Kallmann

  • cdpuberty kallmankallmannPituitary failure

  • LHRH testHGH:0.625 ng/ml , TSH:3.35 uIU/ml Cortisol:19 ug/dlProlactine:3.66


  • Laboratory assessmentHCG stimulation test 3000 units/m2 per injection

    One to three injections daily or on alternate daysTestosterone should be obtained within 24 hours of the last injection Testosterone levels greater than 170 ng/dl after a single injection 200 ng/dl on day 3 300 ng/dl on day 5 indicates normal testicular function

  • Pituitary failure

  • Prader-Willi syndrome

  • Diagnostic evaluationBA=HA
  • pubertal development

    Testicular volume >3-4 mLLongitudinal measurement> 2.5 cmSerum testosterone > o.5 ng/mL

  • ManagementIf the LH level rises more than 2.5 SD above the mean value Testosterone level decreases below the normal range for ageWe think to HH

  • The upper segment to lower segment ratio

    Birth : 1.7 3 years: 1.33 5 years : 1.17 10 years : 1.0

  • Upper to lower segmentpre-puberty ratio 1During puberty 1Adult men o.92Adult woman 0.95
