Boyland Superseding Indictment (Filed)

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Transcript of Boyland Superseding Indictment (Filed)

  • 7/29/2019 Boyland Superseding Indictment (Filed)




    - a g a i n s t -WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. ,

    Defendant .


    S U P E R S E D I N GI N D I C T M E N TCr. No. 11-850 (S-1) (SLT)(T. 18, U.S.C. , 371,666 (a) (1 ) (B),981(a) (1 ) (C), 1341,1343, 1346, 1349, 1951(a) ,

    2 and 3551 e t se q . ; T. 21,U.S.C. , 85 3 (p) ; T. 28,U.S.C . , 2461(c))

    INTRODUCTION TO ALL COUNTSAt a l l t imes r e l evan t t o t h i s Superseding Ind ic tmen t ,

    un le ss o therwise i nd i ca t ed :The Defendant and Other Ind iv idua l s

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    2. In o r about and between 2008 and December 2011,Co-Conspira tor #1, an ind iv idua l whose i de n t i t y i s known to theGrand Jury, was employed by the Assembly and served as BOYLAND'sch i e f of s t a f f .

    3. In o r about and between 2010 and 2011, a carn iva l

    promoter (the "Promoter"), who was cooperat ing with f edera l lawenforcement, and whose i de n t i t y i s known to the Grand Jury, heldhimself out to BOYLAND and Co-Conspira tor #1 as an ac t ivecarn iva l promoter i n t e r e s t e d i n scout ing loca t ions and s e t t i ng upcarn iva l s in Brooklyn, New York.

    4. In o r about and between 2010 and 2011, anundercover Specia l Agent ("UC1") of the Federa l Bureau ofInves t iga t ion ("FBI") , whose i de n t i t y i s known to the Grand Jury,held himse l f ou t to BOYLAND and Co-Conspira tor #1 as anent repreneur from Phi lade lphia , Pennsylvania who was ( i) in theimpor t -expor t business , ( i i ) i n t e res t ed in a id ing the Promoter ' s

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    bus iness assoc ia te of UCl and was seek ing oppor tun i t i e s to inves tin r e a l e s t a t e in Brooklyn, New York. UC2 provided h is ce l l u l a rt e lephone number, which was ass igned a Flor ida-based a rea code,to BOYLAND.The Travel ing Carn iva l Business

    6. Travel ing carn iva l businesses t h a t seek to opera tecarn iva l s in New York City must ob ta in permiss ions , permits andl i censes from var ious l o ca l government agenc ies . For example,the Department of Consumer Affa i r s ("DCA") must i s sue a"Temporary Us e Device License" in orde r fo r a carn iva l to opera ter i d e s . DCA of ten r equ i res l e t t e r s of suppor t from the l o ca lcommunity board and elec ted o f f i c i a l s who represent the d i s t r i c twithin which the carn iva l i s to be held . In addi t ion , the NewYork City Department of Bui ld ings must i nspec t and approve acarn iva l before it can begin opera t ing .

    7. Carn iva l ope ra to rs in New York City f requent ly

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    The Criminal Schemes9. In o r about and between August 2010 and August

    2011, th e defendant WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r witho ther s , co r rup t ly so l i c i t ed in excess of $250,000 in b r ibes andaccepted thousands of do l l a rs in cash and o ther forms of paymentin exchange fo r t ak ing o f f i c i a l ac t ions and exer t ing o f f i c i a linf luence as spec i f i c oppor tun i t i e s arose on behal f o f thePromoter , UC1 and UC2. BOYLAND and Co-Conspira tor #1 s o l i c i t e dand accepted br ibes in connect ion with (i) the purported i n t e re s tof the Promoter and UC1 in hold ing carn iva l s in BOYLAND'sd i s t r i c t , and ( i i ) the purported i n t e r e s t of UC1 and UC2 ininves t ing in r e a l e s t a t e development pro jec t s in BOYLAND'sd i s t r i c t .

    10. In add i t ion , in o r about and between January2007 and December 2011, the defendant WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. d idknowingly and i n t e n t i o n a l l y devise a scheme and a r t i f i c e to

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    I . The Carn iva l Scheme11. In o r about and between August 2010 and August

    2011, the defendan t WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r withothe rs , engaged in a scheme to s o l i c i t br ibes from the Promoterand UC1 in exchange fo r BOYLAND's ass i s tance in secur ing thenecessary permits and suppor t to al low the Promoter to holdcarn iva l s in BOYLAND's d i s t r i c t ( the "Carnival Scheme").

    12. It was pa r t of the Carniva l Scheme t ha t s t a r t i ngin o r about August 2010, BOYLAND met with the Promoter and UC1 onmult ip le occas ions in New York Ci ty and discussed the des i re ofthe Promoter and UC1 to hold carn iva l s in BOYLAND's d i s t r i c t . Inthose meet ings, BOYLAND reques ted payments fo r a s s i s t i ng thePromoter and UC1. BOYLAND also discussed var ious ways in whichpayments made to him could be disguised to hide t h e i r t ruepurpose.

    13. As a r e s u l t of these meetings , BOYLAND d i rec ted

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    thousand do l l a rs by check and money orders t h a t were deposi tedin to BOYLAND's campaign bank account .

    I I . The Real Es ta t e Scheme14. In o r about and between November 2010 and August

    2011, the defendant WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r witho ther s , engaged in a scheme to s o l i c i t br ibes from UC1 and UC2 inexchange fo r BOYLAND's o f f i c i a l ass i s tance to UC1 and UC2 withr e a l es ta te development pro jec t s in BOYLAND's d i s t r i c t ( the "RealEs ta te Scheme"). It was pa r t of the Real Es ta t e Scheme t h a tBOYLAND and Co-Conspira tor #1 exchanged te lephone c a l l s , t e x tmessages and emai ls with UC1, when BOYLAND and Co-Conspira tor #1were loca ted in the Eas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York, and UC1 wasloca ted in the Sta te of Pennsylvania .

    15. It was also p a r t of the Real Es ta t e Scheme t h a t onMarch 11, 2011, BOYLAND met with UC1 and UC2 about t h e i r i n t e r e s ti n r e a l es ta te development pro jec t s in h is d i s t r i c t , h igh l igh t ing

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    16. On o r about March 25, 2011, UCl met with BOYLANDa t h is d i s t r i c t o f f i c e i n Brooklyn, New York. BOYLAND agreedt h a t in exchange fo r money, BOYLAND would a s s i s t UCl and UC2 inobta in ing New York Sta te gran t monies to help f inance the r e a les t a t e development p ro j e c t s i n h i s d i s t r i c t .BOYLAND $7,000 in cash .

    In re turn , UCl paid

    17. Approximately one week l a t e r , BOYLAND showed UCland UC2 l oca t ions in h is d i s t r i c t t h a t he suggested would besu i t a b l e fo r development p ro j e c t s . BOYLAND emphasized t h a t a l lthe proper t i e s he was showing UCl and UC2 were in BOYLAND'sd i s t r i c t , which "we have con t ro l over . " BOYLAND fu r the r s t a t ed ,"Everything we've seen I 'm in con t ro l o f . You know, I 'm thepo l i t i c i an . I 'm the guy who can make t ha t move over on t h i s end,so we know the fo lks t ha t can p u l l the s o r t of t r i g g e r s we' relooking for ."

    18. On o r about Apr i l 29, 2011, in a ho te l s u i t e in

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    Prof i t A"), the i de n t i t y of which i s known to the Grand Jury , fo r$15 mil l ion .

    19. During t h i s meet ing, BOYLAND demonstra ted h isawareness of the c r imina l na tu re of the plan by expla in ing to UC1and UC2 t ha t he d id no t want to t a lk on the t e lephone about thesea c t i v i t i e s and t h a t he pre fe r red in -person meet ings . He s t a t ed ,"I s topped t a lk ing on the phone awhile ago . I 'm j u s t sayingthe re i s no r e a l conversa t ion t h a t you can have t ha t , you know,espec ia l ly with what we' re t a lk ing about ." BOYLAND fu r the r madec l e a r t h a t he needed to conceal h is involvement in the proposedp ro j e c t . BOYLAND s t a t e d , " I got a middle guy by the way . . Igo t t a s tay c lean . . I got a bag man . "

    20. On o r about June 7, 2011, in a ho te l room in NewYork, New York, BOYLAND r e i t e ra t ed t h a t he wanted UC1 and UC2 topay him $250,000 in exchange fo r the Hospi ta l A p ro j e c t . WhenUC2 in s tead o f fe red to pay BOYLAND $5,000 fo r i n t roduc t ions to

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    I I I . The Fraudulent Voucher Scheme21. As a New York Sta te Assemblyman, the defendant

    WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. wa s en t i t l ed to rece ive the fol lowingwhen he was in Albany fo r l eg i s l a t i ve bus iness : (1) t r a ve lexpenses incurred fo r round- t r ip t r a v e l to Albany ( the "mileageexpense") ; and (2) a f u l l p e r diem of approximate ly $160 p er daywhen BOYLAND spent the n ight in Albany and a p a r t i a l p er diem ofapproximately $6 1 p e r day when BOYLAND was in Albany but d id no tspend th e n igh t the re . In o rde r to rece ive mileage expense andp e r diem payments , BOYLAND was requi red to submit a NYS AssemblyMember Travel Voucher ("Voucher") t h a t de ta i l ed (1) the miles het r ave led to and from Albany; (2) the days in which he was inAlbany on l e g i s l a t i ve bus iness ; and (3) whether he was en t i t l edto f u l l o r p a r t i a l p er diem on those days .

    22. In o r about and between January 2007 andDecember 2011, BOYLAND submit ted Vouchers in which he fa l se ly

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    on h is Vouchers the number of days in which he wa s in Albany fo rl e g i s l a t i ve business . The defendant BOYLAND f a l s e l y ce r t i f i edt ha t " the [ ] t r a ve l expenses were incurred in the render ing ofl e g i s l a t i v e du t i es , " and t ha t the cla imed amount was " jus t , t rueand c o r re c t . "

    24. New York S ta t e records show t h a t in r e l i ance onBOYLAND's f raudulent Vouchers , the New York Sta te Department ofTaxat ion and Finance - Divis ion o f the Treasury ( the "NYSTreasury") pa id BOYLAND t ens of thousands of do l l a rs in mileageexpense and p e r diem payments , through checks sen t v ia the UnitedSta tes Pos ta l Serv ice and by o ther means.

    COUNT ONE(Ext 'ort ion Conspi racy - - Real Es ta t e Scheme)25. The a l l eg a t i o n s contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 are r ea l l eged and incorpora ted as i f s e t fo r th fu l ly in t h i sparagraph.

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    consen t wa s to be induced under co lo r of o f f i c i a l r i g h t , to wit :BOYLAND's pos i t ion as a member of the Assembly.

    (T i t l e 18, United Sta tes Code, Sect ions 1951(a) and3551 e t seq. )

    COUNT TWO(Attempted Extor t ion - - Real Es ta te Scheme)27. The a l l ega t ions contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 are r ea l l eged and incorpora ted as i f s e t fo r th fu l l y in t h i sparagraph.

    28. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both dates being approximate and inc lus ive , within theEas te rn D i s t r i c t o f New York and elsewhere , the defendant WILLIAMF. BOYLAND, JR. , toge ther with o ther s , d id knowingly andi n t en t iona l ly a t t empt to obs t ruc t , delay and a f f e c t commerce, and

    the movement of a r t i c l e s and commodities in commerce, byex to r t ion , in t ha t the defendants and o ther s obtained and

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    COUNT THREE(Bribery and Trave l Act Conspi racy - - Real Es ta t e Scheme)29. The a l l eg a t i o n s con ta ined in paragraphs l through

    24 a re rea l l eged and incorpora ted as i f s e t fo r th fu l ly in t h i sparagraph .

    30. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both dates being approximate and inc lus ive , within theEas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere , th e defendant WILLIAMF. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r with othe rs :

    (a) being an agent of th e Assembly, an agency of th eNew York Sta te government which rece ived benef i t s in excess of$10,000 under one o r more Federa l programs involving gran t s ,con t rac t s , subs id i e s , loans , guarantees , insurance and o therforms of Federa l as s i s t an ce i n one o r more one-year per iods , d id

    knowingly and wi l fu l ly conspire to cor rup t ly s o l i c i t and demandfo r th e b en e f i t o f BOYLAND, and accep t and agree to accept , one

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    commerce, with i n t e n t to promote, manage, e s t a b l i sh , car ry on andf a c i l i t a t e the promotion, management, es tab l i shment and carry ingon of unlawful a c t i v i t y , to wit : rece iv ing br ibes r e l a t i ng to theReal Es ta te Scheme, i n v i o l a t i o n of New York Penal Law Sect ions200.10 and 20.00, and t he r e a f t e r to perform ac t s to promote,manage, es tab l i sh , car ry on and f a c i l i t a t e the promotion,management, es tab l i shment and carry ing on of such unlawfulac t i v i t y , cont ra ry to Ti t l e 18, United Sta tes Code, Sect ion1952(a) (3) .

    31. In fur therance of the conspiracy and to e f f e c t i t sob jec t s , within the Eas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere ,the defendant WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. and Co-Conspira tor #1committed and caused to be committed, among o ther s , thefo l lowing:

    OVERT ACTSa . On March 11, 2011, BOYLAND met with UC1 and

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    e . On March 25, 2011, BOYLAND met with UC1 in

    Brooklyn, New York.f . On A p r i l 1, 2011, BOYLAND met with UC1 and

    UC2 in Brooklyn, New York.g . On A p r i l 29, 2011, BOYLAND met with UC1 and

    UC2 in Atlan t ic City , New Je r sey .h. On May 9, 2011, Co-Conspi ra tor #1 met with

    UC1 in New York, New York.i . On May 24, 2011, Co-Conspi ra tor #1 engaged in

    a t e lephone conversa t ion with UC1.j . On May 27, 2011, BOYLAND, Co-Consp i ra to r #1

    and ano ther i nd iv idua l met with UC2 in Brooklyn, New York.k. On June 7, 2011, Co-Consp i ra to r #1 met with

    UC1 and th e Promoter in Brooklyn, New York.l . On June 7, 2011, BOYLAND met with UC1 and UC2

    in New York, New York.

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    COUNT FOUR(Bribery - - Real Es ta t e Scheme)32. The a l l eg a t i o n s contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 a re rea l l eged and incorpora ted as i f s e t fo r th fu l l y in t h i sparagraph.

    33. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both da tes being approximate and i nc lus ive , with in theEas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere , the defendant WILLIAMF. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r with o ther s , being an agen t of th eAssembly, an agency of the New York Sta te government whichrece ived b en e f i t s in excess of $10,000 under one o r more Fed era lprograms involving gran t s , con t rac t s , subs id i e s , loans ,guaran tees , insurance and o th e r forms of Federa l ass i s tance inone o r more one-year pe r iods , d id knowingly, i n t en t iona l ly andcor rup t ly s o l i c i t and demand fo r th e b en e f i t of BOYLAND, andaccep t and agree to accep t , one o r more th ings of value, to wit :

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    COUNT FIVE(Honest Serv ices Fraud Conspi racy Real Esta te Scheme)34. The a l l eg a t i o n s contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 are r ea l l eged and incorpora ted as i f s e t fo r th fu l ly in t h i sparagraph.

    35. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both da tes being approximate and inc lus ive , within theEas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere , the defendant WILLIAMF. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r with o ther s , d id knowingly andi n t en t iona l ly conspire to devise a scheme and a r t i f i c e to defraudand deprive the c i t i z e ns of the S ta t e of New York and theAssembly of t he i r in tang ib le r i gh t to the honest se rv ice s o fBOYLAND through br ibe ry , kickbacks and the concealment ofmater ia l informat ion, to wit : the Real Es ta te Scheme, and fo r thepurpose of execut ing such scheme and a r t i f i c e , to t ransmi t andcause to be t r ansmi t t ed , by means of wire communication in

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    COUNTS SIX THROUGH FIFTEEN(Honest Serv ices Fraud - - Real Es ta te Scheme)36. The a l l ega t ions contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 are r ea l l eged and incorpora ted as if fu l l y s e t fo r th in t h i sparagraph .

    37. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both da tes being approximate and inc lus ive , with in theEas te rn Di s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere, the defendant WILLIAMF. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r with o ther s , d id knowingly andi n t e n t i o n a l l y devise a scheme and a r t i f i c e to defraud and deprivethe c i t i z e ns of th e Sta te of New York and the Assembly of t h e i rin tang ib le r i gh t to the honest se rv ices of BOYLAND throughbr ibery , kickbacks and the concealment of mater ia l information,to wit : th e Real Es ta t e Scheme.

    38. On o r about the da tes l i s t ed below, fo r thepurpose of execut ing such scheme and a r t i f i c e , the defendant

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    Telephone conversa t ion between BOYLANDand UC1 who was using ou t -o f - s t a t ete lephone numberTelephone conversa t ion between BOYLANDand UC1 who was using ou t -o f - s t a t et e lephone numberVoicemai l message from Co-Conspira tor#1 fo r UC1 on UC1's ou t -o f - s t a t et e lephone numberTelephone conversa t ion between CoConspirator #1 and UC1 who was us ingou t -o f - s t a t e te lephone numberText message from BOYLAND to UC1 onUC1's ou t -o f - s t a t e t e lephone numberTelephone conversa t ion between BOYLANDand UC1 who was using ou t -o f - s t a t ete lephone numberTelephone conversa t ion between CoConspirator #1 and UC1 who was usingou t -o f - s t a t e te lephone numberTelephone conversa t ion between BOYLANDand UC1 who was us ing ou t -o f - s t a t et e lephone numberTelephone conversa t ion between CoConspirator #1 and UC1 who was us ing

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    40. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both da tes being approximate and inc lus ive , within theEas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere, th e defendant WILLIAMF. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r with o ther s , d id knowingly andi n t en t iona l ly conspire to obs t ruc t , delay and a f f e c t commerce,and the movement of a r t i c l e s and commodities in commerce, byex to r t ion , i n t h a t the defendant and others agreed to obta inproper ty , to wit : cash and o ther forms of payment r e l a t i ng to theCarn iva l Scheme, from the Promoter and UCl, with t h e i r consent ,which consen t was to be induced under co lo r of o f f i c i a l r i gh t , towit : BOYLAND's pos i t ion as a member of the Assembly.

    (T i t l e 18, United Sta tes Code, Sect ions 195l(a) and3551 e t seq. )

    COUNT SEVENTEEN(Bribery Conspiracy - - Carn iva l Scheme)

    41. The a l l ega t ions contained in paragraphs 1 through

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    guarantees , insurance and o ther forms of Federa l ass i s tance inone o r more one-year pe r iods , d id knowingly and wi l fu l ly conspireto co r rup t ly s o l i c i t and demand fo r the benef i t of BOYLAND, andaccep t and agree to accep t one o r more th ings of value, to wit :cash and o ther forms of payment re la t ing to th e Carn iva l Scheme,from one o r more persons , to wit : the Promoter and UC1, in tend ingto be inf luenced and rewarded in connect ion with business and oneo r more t r ansac t ions and se r ie s of t r ansac t ions of the Assembly,involving th ings of value of $5,000 o r more, con t ra ry to Ti t l e18, United Sta tes Code, Sect ion 666(a) (1) (B).

    43. In fur therance of th e consp i racy and to e f f e c t i t sob jec t s , within th e Eas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere ,the defendant WILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. and Co-Conspira tor #1committed and caused to be committed, among o ther s , thefol lowing:


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    e . On October 18, 2010, Co-Conspirator #1 sen tan email to UC1.

    f . On October 19, 2010, BOYLAND sent an email toUC1.

    g. On October 28, 2010, BOYLAND met with UC1.h. On October 29, 2010, BOYLAND engaged in a

    t e l ephone conversat ion with UC1.i . On November 3, 2010, BOYLAND met with UC1 and

    the Promoter in Brooklyn, New York.j. On November 10, 2010, BOYLAND engaged in a

    te lephone conversa t ion with UCl.k. On January 17, 2011, BOYLAND engaged in a

    te lephone conversa t ion with UC1.1 . On o r about January 28, 2011, BOYLAND met

    with UC1 in New York, New York.m. On February 23, 2011, Co-Conspirator #1 l e f t

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    q. On February 27, 2011, Co-Conspira tor #1 sen ta t e x t message to UC1.

    r . On March 8, 2011, Co-Conspira tor #1 providedthe Promoter with l e t t e r s on BOYLAND's o f f i c i a l l e t t e r h ead .

    (T i t l e 18, United S ta t e s Code, Sect ions 371 and 3551 e tseq . )

    COUNT EIGHTEEN(Attempted Extor t ion - - Carnival Scheme)44. The a l l ega t ions contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 are r ea l l eged and incorpora ted as i f s e t fo r th fu l ly in t h i sparagraph.

    45. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both da tes being approximate and inc lus ive , within theEas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere , the defendan t WILLIAM

    F. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r with o ther s , d id knowingly andi n t e n t iona l ly a t tempt to obs t ruc t , delay and a f f e c t commerce, and

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    COUNT NINETEEN(Bribery - - Carn iva l Scheme)46. The a l l eg a t i o n s contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 are r ea l l eged and incorpora ted as i f s e t fo r th fu l l y in t h i sparagraph .

    47. In o r about and between August 2010 and August2011, both da tes being approximate and inc lus ive , within theEas te rn D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere, the defendant WILLIAMF. BOYLAND, JR. , t oge the r with o ther s , being an agent of theAssembly, an agency of the New York Sta te government whichrece ived benef i t s in excess of $10,000 under one o r more Federa lprograms involving gran ts , co n t r ac t s , subs id i e s , loans ,guaran tees , insurance and o th e r forms of Federa l ass i s tance inone o r more one-year per iods , d id knowingly, i n t e n t i o n a l l y andcor rup t ly s o l i c i t and demand fo r the b en e f i t of BOYLAND, andaccep t and agree to accep t , one o r more th ings of value, to wit :

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    COUNTS TWENTY THROUGH TWENTY-TWO(Mail Fraud - - Fraudulent Voucher Scheme)48. The a l l eg a t i o n s contained in paragraphs 1 through

    24 are r ea l l eged and incorpora ted as if s e t fo r th fu l ly in t h i sparagraph.

    49. In o r about and between January 2007 and December2011, both da tes being approximate and inc lus ive , within theEastern D i s t r i c t of New York and elsewhere , the defendantWILLIAM F. BOYLAND, JR. d id knowingly and i n t en t iona l ly devise ascheme and a r t i f i c e to defraud the NYS Treasury , and to obta inmoney and prope r ty from the NYS Treasury by means of mater ia l lyfa l se and f raudu len t p re t ense s , r ep resen ta t ions and promises , andfo r the purpose of execut ing such scheme and a r t i f i c e , d id causeto be placed in a pos t o f f i c e and author ized depos i to ry fo r mai lmat te r , one o r more mat te rs and th ings to be sen t and de l ive redby the United Sta tes Pos ta l Serv ice , to wit : checks mailed by the

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    CRIMINAL FORFEITURE ALLEGATION50. The United Sta tes hereby gives not ice to the

    defendant t ha t , upon h is convic t ion of any of the offensescharged in Counts One through Twenty-Two, the government w i l lseek for fe i ture , in accordance with Ti t l e 18, United Sta tes Code,Sec t ion 98l(a) (1) (C) and Ti t l e 28, United Sta tes Code, Sect ion246 l (c ) , of any proper ty cons t i tu t ing or der ived from proceedsobta ined di rec t ly o r i nd i r e c t l y as a r e s u l t of such of fenses .

    51. I f any of the above-descr ibed fo r f e i t a b l eproper ty , as a r e s u l t of any a c t o r omission of the defendant:

    a . cannot be located upon the exerc ise of dued i l igence ;

    b. has been t rans fe r red o r sold to , o r deposi tedwith, a t h i rd par ty ;

    c . has been placed beyond the j u r i s d i c t i on ofthe cour t ;

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    any o th e r proper ty o f the defendant up to the value of thefo r f e i t a b l e proper ty descr ibed in t h i s fo r f e i t u r e a l l eg a t i o n .

    (Ti t le 28, United Sta tes Code, Sect ion 2461(c) ; Ti t l e18, United Sta tes Code, Sect ion 981(a) (1) (C); Ti t l e 21, UnitedSta tes Code, Sect ion 853(p))



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    F.#2011R02117FORMDBD-34JUN. 85 No.







    T. 18 , U.S. C ., 371, 666 (a) (1) (B), 981 (a) (1 ) (c ) , 1341, 1343, 1346, 1349, 1951 (a ) ,2 and 3551 e t seq . ; T. 21, u.s.c., 853 (p ) ; T. 28, u.s.c., 2461(c )

    A true bill.


    Filed in open court this __ _ day,of____ _ A.D. 20


    Bail,$ __________ _Lan X. Nguyen, Assistan t U.S. Attorney (71 8-254-6162)Robert L. Capers, Ass istan t U.S. A ttorney (718-254-6346)

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