Box Folder 27 1 Slonimsky, Henry and Marion....

3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 2: Correspondence, 1947-1982. Box Folder 27 1 Slonimsky, Henry and Marion. 1963-1971. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

Transcript of Box Folder 27 1 Slonimsky, Henry and Marion....

3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000

MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series H: United Jewish Appeal, 1945-1995. Subseries 2: Correspondence, 1947-1982.

Box Folder 27 1

Slonimsky, Henry and Marion. 1963-1971.

For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website.

J~ : j

15 Jwae 1964

Rabbi Morri• Lieberman Baltimore Hebrew ConpepUon 7-601 Pas-k Heiabta AYame Baltimore 8, Marylud

Dear Morri•:

Jam e:nclo•baa• la 81ontm9ky'• baadwrttlq, a ll•t ot people he thoqht mlp& be blYlted to Jo1D bl the •poneo~lnc 1ra11p. He Mid &bat lhl• wae not abautiv• wt repiaeumed hl• flr•t ~--·

Mealnrh.Ue, l happened to talk abftl ~ project wltll Mortem Bennu. le temporarily bl *" York cm u .. .ipmam for the UJA. He wa•

.. ry ctlmeia•Uc bat IRl&IMted that we .. re Yl'OD8 to limit the li•t. He thoqbt all Jill alGDlld should be writtea aDd aaked 11 they wlahed to be pUt o1 tt. He felt that it wa• OQJ' re•poaalMlity ut to make tb.i• u ex­cluh•• " cla.b'' bu.t to P" •~•l"JW a chance to partldpate. ~tiler they woald or not waa up to them. He sqaeeted tbat •• de"Yelop no elaborate machinery 1Nt •imply HDd a l•tte~ jolatly elped br yoa and me. What do YOG th1Dk of thl• idea?

I •imply cannot a•t to Atlantic City cm W edu•day or any time Ible weu. I am la'ri.Da for larael on ln July aad e:apect to be back •om• tlm• tawu" the ad of July. a ahould we 1•* toa•th•r to dl•cv.•• thl• with Glueck?

re will yoa be dDr1aa Aupat? PleaM P" ma a rlq a• •oon a• you 1•t back from the Conference.

Harben A. Friedman

Dean Paul Steinberg HUC-JIR 40 West 68th Street New York. N. Y.

Dear Paul:

31 August 1964

Juat a note to ask you what ie new on the Slouimaky project.

The bust ia finished.. SloDim.aky lovea it. It i9 now at the foundry being caat. I have advanced $100 to the arti•t for materials. I have a bill from the foundry for $350, which will be chle whea the ~t is fbn •bed, and then we :must pay the artiat the balance.

Have you been in touch with F..arl Stone? I heard aomewhere that there wae a new pr~ident of the Alumni A.aaocia.tion. Ia that accurate?

I ahall be out of town all thia week, bot 1 thbak we ehould get together immedU.tely after Rosh Haahanah, don't you?

Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year.


Herbert A. Friedman

' \ \


.St GRAPE snm


September 5, 1964

Dear Colleague:


I am very happy to be able to share the following good news with you. This iall Dr. Henry Slonimsky, one of the most beloved and revered teachers of the College-Institute and former Dean of the JI R, is going to eel ebrate his 80th birthday.

At the recent CCAR Convention, as wel 1 as at the Administrative Committee of the Alumni Association, I mentioned the possibility of giving our colleagues an opportunity to express their appreciation to Dr. Sl onimsky on this great milestone in his life. The response was most enthusiastic from scores of men who had the privilege of studying under him and of being able to consider him a friend.

I, therefore, am asking you, at this ti me, if you would 1 to participate in raising a fund to be presented to Dr. Sl onimsky at a fitting occasion in New York City a short time from now. We felt that a gift of cash would be the simplest way of doing this. Any amount, of course, will be most welcome and if you would like to wri te him a l etter, I wil 1 be glad to see that it is incl uded.

Would you be good enough to make your check payable to the "Henry Sl onimsky Fund" and send it to me in the enclosed envelope.

May I ask that you take care of this as soon as possible as time is short and I would like to have the gift ready in time to be presented to him.

Vtith my sincere thanks and with every good wish for a wonderful New Year, I remain


~~~ Rabbi Ear 1 S. Stone



Rabbi Earl Stone 51 Grape Street Denver. Colo.

Dear Earl:

11 September 1964

After returning from Denver laat week, I apoke to the follawiag fellaww. :all of whom agreed to send $100: laidore Br••lau. Philip :8el"D9tein. Morri• Liebel'DIAll. Horace Manac:Jaer. Leon Kroaiah. So, you •hoald be receiving thoae checb •hortly.

Phil BernateiD .. Ul tUt he ~ apeak to Jack Rudin and Larry Sclnrarts. asking each one of them for $100.

Manacher said that he would·~ to AlviA Ru.bin. Herbert Weiner., Al Silverman. .Jerry VaUnn. ana nch other• that he could think o!.

I have not yet been able to reach lrriDc Lehnmm. l will try him apiD OD Monday.

I will write to Morton Berman and HerMrt Brichto. both of whom are ill Iara el.

Aa for my own. I have alrealfy given $100 to the •culptoz. So when. the final :reckoning ia made wilb him. it will not total $1200 but $1100. So., this i• my ccmtrlbu.tion.

Shortly I •hall be receiving• bill from ithe foundry for the bronze casting. When that bill camea., for approzimately $350, I will aend it to you and aak you to pay it out of Whatever .fund.a you have already received.

So far., I have not received your letter, ~have any of the other mea to whom I apOlte. I waa under the impreaaimi that JQU told me laatweek that it bad already gone out. Did I min.Dder•t:aD•l?

With hat wines for a Happy New Year, I am..

All ever,

Rabbi Morton M. Berman Keren Bayeaocl P.O.B. 583 J'eruulem. &rael

Dear Mickey:

11 September 1964

Henry Slonimeky will be 80 year• old wt moath. I took the bddatiTe of a arranging to1'" a l»row but made llythe .famou scal,eor, Nadum W Rapoport.. Aa yOll may bow, be ia the oae who dW 6e lal#toric :monument

in the Waraaw ghetto aDcl also the 1aig •tat.le at 1r.a4 Morde~ Slonimak eat for him durillg moat Of J1ily ad ..A.upit aDcl tM 1IUt ahoald be fiDiabed within another month.

I had intended tbat t1liil woUld lae a amaJI project. inol"riaa a JaaMful of men. from each of Whom l woald a9k for $100, ai:ace the total coat of the bust in brom:e .... to be $1200.

The AJomni AaaociatiDD of tJae HUC-JIB. decided that thay wanted to raiee a purae of money to present to mm u a gift. aa had lteeA done recently on bebal.f of .Jacob Marcus. The Alumni AaaociatiOD a•bcl me if l wowd permit them to take ayer the raiatng o! the :fmada amt the payiag of the btiat aa well a• giYiDg the balance Of whatever wOllld. lbe rataed to Dr. SlonimU:y aa a e peracmal gift.

I certainly agreed to thia and Earl Stone, the immediate paat preaiclent of the AJvmni Aeaociation. la aenaing out a letter to au :the men hllormiD& them tlaat they can melre a ccmUibution.

I am •till taking the reapanalbility of spe•king to the emall group of i.Daiclera on a more peraom.l -.1.. So far, the following men have indicated that they would like to cODtribute $100 each to thia fund: Morrie Lieberman. P.bilip Berutem. Horace Mamcher, Iaidore Bre~ Leou Krom.ah. aad myaelf. Phil Beruatein. Ace M•nacher aad I are making aclditicmal can. '-several other fell.ow•. By a.ezt week thoae will be completed.


If you want io •end $100 or any amount.please make O\lt the Check to the Hennr Slonimaky Fund and mail it to Rabbi Earl Stone, 51 Grape Streei. Deaver r

Jam writing to TOii, acmally, becauae 1 know that yog woald want to parti­cipate - fully as poaaible in riew of your fe~•· Ami belDg diatant, you might not receive Stone'• letter., nor might not hear of thia in. any other way.

The is a },andaome cr•tiaa a:Jllll Dr. SlonlmakY wantll lt to remain in the library at the aa.ool. I &boqght of t1da .. c:aa .. ia a small way ;it will keep him allYe ~ future generat:iODS of .iaae'ita.

Rabbi Herbert Bridato Hebr..,... Unioa College ~ DaYid Street .TerQaiem. la1"Ml


Dear Herb:

11 Septexnber 1964

Henry SJonjmSlc:J will -be 80 yeua D uezt moith. I &oo1t &Jae UdtiatiYe of arrangiag to have a brODU -.t made 1'f 6e famou 8Clllptor. Nathan Rapoport. A9 ya. may kaow, be la thew w1ao dW the hiStoric m.oau­mem in the lfa:r-w gheUO &lad alao tbe Ma ...... at Yw Monecai. Slonimllky sat for 1dm Airing moat of J'aly Ud ~t aDli the but lil:lodd be fiDiabe4 Wlt1aill ~r moath.

l ;I'

J had intended tbat tbia woald be a mnan project. laYol'rillg a handful of num. fr91D each of whom I would aak for $100, abace the total coat of Uae bat lD bronae 'WU IO be $1200.

Th6 J\iumni Association of the HUC-Jlll 4ecidecl that they wanted to raiae a puree of money to present to h1m aa a ~t9 aa had been done recently on bebalf of Jacob Marcus. Tbe Almmd A8aociaticm Uked me if 1 d pennit them to take cn9r the ~al•iD.g of the fanda and tae paying of the bast a• well aa giving~ lwlance of wb.ateYer wouJ.a be rahed to Dr. Slcmimaq.a• a peraonal gµt.

I certaiDly agreed to thi• and Earl Stoae, the iilimeiliate paet preaiclent of the Alumni Allsociatiou. i• aenBing out a letter to all the men in­forming them. that Ibey can make a eomibatimL

I am •till t.aking tlui reaponaibllity of &peaking to the amall group of buJidera on a more peraonal 'ba.sia. So far. the following men have indicated that they would like to ccmtribr&te $100 each to this fund: Morri8 Lieber~ Philip Benuateln. Horace Man•cher. Jsidore Brealau, Le Leon KroniBh and myael f. Phil Bel'llflein. Ace Mana cher and I are ma1ring additional call• to several othu fellowa.. By aezt week thoae will be completed.

- 2-

If J'CN nm to seJid $100 or any a:mom:at. pleaae make oat the check to the Remy Slonimaky Fa.a and mail it to :aP1a Earl Stoae, 51 Grape Street. DellYer, Colorado.

I am writbl& to you. actaally. Mcaue I know: tlaat ya.& woalcJ want lo participate .. fully •• pouible la riew of you faellqa. Alli. belq \YOU might not receive 8Dne'• letter, .aor might aot hear of tide ill aay other way.

The but i8 a huts Mlle aD4 Dr. Sleehn~,.,.,... it to remain bl the library at tile •chool. I l:laoagl¢ of fila hcaaee lD a -11 way, k will keep him aUwa bd fGilft ...-•ti-• of ••«•••· Best wishes for the Mew

September 15, 1964




D E-' "VER 2 0 , CoLORADO

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10019

Dear Herb:

Thank you very much for your note of the 11th. There was a mix-up at the post office, therefor e , a delay in sending out our mail, but by this time I am sure you have r eceived my letter, as wel 1 as the other men.

I have spoken to a couple of people and they promised to work, Hy Perel muter and Harry Kaplan. I have a few more in mind. With the men you have al r eacY contacted, and have agreed, I don• t think we should have any trouble raising the necessary funds for the bust, as well as a sizeable gift. I will keep you informed as to how things are progressing. I will al so send a fol lowup letter to the JIR men whom I feel ought to respond and haven• t, after a fair amount of time. I will keep you posted of developments.

It was good seeing you and want to wish you and yours a very happy New Year.


~~1V'~ 111nl~Oi1 11'.llOil 110'rt l1jJ KEREN HAYESOD UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL

HEAD OFF'ICt JERUSALEM • 0'~Vl1' n!Ji1.li1i1 CAIL£5 ; KIR\'llOO .Jl~UIALEM : n1D,l~1' . PHONE : 2Utt : ff.!>~1' . P . O . I . SS3 ., .n


Rabbi Her bert A. Friedman, United Jewish Appeal, 1290 Avenue of the AI:ier icas, Ne,,, Ynrk, N ,Y. 10019.

Dear Herbert:

September 17, 1964

I am s ending a checX f)f 100 to Earl Stt,ne fnr the Henry Slon.i.msky Fund.

I am happy, indeed, that You tol)K the initiative to l'f! this great teactier and friend of us ill.

I am also pleased tnat the Al.Umni AsSociatil)n of the HUC-JlR had decided t,,, raise a purse as a gift, in addition to helping IMke Possible the bust itself. N,., teac her deserves this tribute s.., ric~.

'l'tith affecti'1nate greetings to y,..u, Fr ancine and David,

.,. . -

~~ J ~PL£ @~j~"


September 22, 1964

THlt lt49Dl"S STUDY

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman United Jewish Appeal 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, N. Y.

Dear Herb:

Just a note to tell you that I talked to Jack Rudin and Larry Schwartz about the Slonimsky fund. Each promised to send $100. , and I am doing the same.

If there are any other calls you would like me to make where you think I might have some special influence give me a ring.

All the be st.

Cordif/f y,

Phi[fs. Bernstein

P. S. Did I tell you that Abba Eban is to speak for us in Rochester at our annual Forum Weekend Friday night, October 16th and Saturday, October 17th? I know that be is expected in the country shortly and would appreciate your letting me know where and when he can be reached.


HAvemeyer 9-4402-3



96-18 43rd AVE , CORONA. N. Y 11368

~.r . Herbert Friedman -, September 22. 1964



200 Centr3l Park South

New York, New York 10019

INV. 2304

_J JOB 1173 S/roemo open

BRONZE Cast. "Portrait Bust" measuring 24" high x at the shoulders.

Verde Antique Karble Base measuring 11 n x 9" x l~"

4~ City Sal es Tax


Ul'llos1 otherwiM &hpu141red herein• (1) Our terms are net cash (2) All models ere 11 all tomes h•ld al owner's risk and due lo apace llmitetions we re~rve the right, in OW' sole discrelion, to dtslroy all models within .1111 months lrom completion ol the work.

' "' 325.00



J.4 .20




----' .. , .- -:="P"

Rabbi Earls. Stone 51 Grape Street

23 ~her l<J64

~nver, Colorado 80220

Dear Earl:

J'uet three more itema to rel>C!rt:

~ zec:eived a .aote ft'~ MOrtoli Ber:maa .from Iarael Ayiag that he aant you $100. And PJill Benaatetn. Jack .Rudin and Larry Sclnruta will al•o be aaadin.g $100

At your ea.rlie•t opportu.nity l woal4 loYe to get a reactioa from you u to the fir at retnrna to your letter.


23 September 1964

RaW Pbllip 8. Jleruteia Temple Brit1l K-.all 1131 amwo.IAnme RocU.ter IS. x ... York

Maay h'*" filrYG!U po I* nerm• ... n-r wce• wltll .Jack ....... J...ny It' .,... • ..... •""2 ..... for yo.a ID -eh, .lwlll liilit ,._ ...... I w11 .. t. llodla. ..... . ba larae1 ............. .

~ .... ----... ......... ., .cw ....... ,, ..... will be ata7ia1 at tlla:..... Betel~ FrW&'J ...... at 1eut. l ........ Ida plau .. nafter. ~· llJ ao1ili to Lall• America. i.utl do .. bow~ ......

All die beat.


Babbt Earl a. atom Ti 1 Emmae 1 51 Onpe Street Denver 20. Colo.

r Earl:

September 241 1964

Our colleape, Barb •riadmn1 bad _,.sa to • about thia before yaur latter bad arr1'91ld.

1 t.aten to enclose ., CODtri1"atioo m tm 'Mi~ lloaf.uky

' . I sure tbat YQU 111 be auccaaaful. lt la a pleasure to participate.

CC:Blind Rabbi Herbert Friedman• United Jewish Appeal

September 2 9, 1964



D~VER 20, Go.t.OrtADO

Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10019

Dear Herb:

I have a very fine report to make to you. First, the following men have sent in $100: Jacob Rudin, Irving Lehrman, Morton Berman, Horace Manacher, Lawrence Schwartz, Morris Lieberman, Leon Kronish and Philip Bernstein. Alvin Rubin $50 and Hi Perelmuter has promised $100, which I should have shortly. This makes a total of $950, plus your own which woUld be $1050 and mine which will make it $1150, so we are in good shape on this score.

Yesterday I received a bill from the foundry for $369. 20 and I sent a check in that amount.

At the moment, I have 77 gifts, including the $100 givers, with a grand total of $1495. (This does not include irours, mine or Hi Perelmuter ). I am amazed at the great n~r of HUC men who, I am sure did not have Slony as a teacher, but have responded. By the same token, I am disappointed so far in our own men. Last night, I went through the CC.AR list and picked out 56 men whom I know are old JIR alumna who should have answered by now. I am sending them another letter at once. I also listed 40 names of our alumni who are not members of the CC.AR and have sent them to Paul Steinberg to see if his office has their addresses. So you see, all in all, I think this is going to work out very well.

Have you heard anything about the time and nature of the event in honor of Slony? As soon as you know, I would appreciate hearing as I will then know the deadline for sending in the grand total.

Looking forward to hearing from you and with fond regards, I am





Nathan Ropoport

54 West 7 4th Strut New Yori: 231 N. Y.

\.+- J (_ ._ ~- : ~' l ~ < , t'l:: .. ,,., ~ .. . ~ :r ~f ~l·~. £</~~

CJ th1 occasion of his eighth. th birthday the Hebrew Union • r/ ~ , ,.

(~'College-Jewish Institute of Religio!" - its faculties m Cincinnati, New Yo rk,

V Los Angeles and Jerusalem,and ils Board of Governors - salutef~ ~Ion~ ~inent !cholar, ~eloved Teacher and &evoted /:lean,

------ &ulding on the finest tradition of American and European

academic learning which had shaped his scholarship, Dr. Slonimsky in a

long and distinguished career o! teaching conveyed h > bis students at

American universities and our rabbm1~ school;; a ur.!..fa.::C: ~~~.~!..}~.l c:x.p~·c:ssiv~

o! his own deep and r ich ph1losophic and Jewish convic1 ions.

(9i his interpreta t1or_}J ewtsh religion and thought became the

never exhaustible, ever freely and (reshly flowing i:;ources of the True, the

Good and the Beautiful. Midrash, Hebrew poer,!Y and literature, and Jewish

• philosophy to him wer e just so mauy facets ot the one living spirit o! a

.(,L ~i,l people whose p r oud son he c<m:f~ to be.

, ~~nerations of disc~ples gratdully acknowledge the benefactions

r~ceived from a man blessed w1th th«:>. gift of teaching, who instructeJ by

imparting the essence 0£ his own self, who stayed young because teaching

of others never ceased to teach hun. the teacher.



Chairman, Bfud~f Gov•rnoro


- - . -....

Hebrew Union c;ollege" Jewish Institute of Religion UNO£& TB£ PATR ONACE OF TB£ UN I ON O F AMERICAN H£8R.EW CONCltECA TIO NS



Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman United Jewish Appeal 220 West 58th Street New York, N. Y.

Dear Herb:

Just a note to keep you informed.

Office of lht Exu111111t Dtttn

October 16, 1964

I) I received a card today from Earl Stone who advises me that to date he bas received about $1, 700. and the checks still coming in.

2) Joe Weiss, who is the President of the Association of Reform Rabbis bas agreed that the Decem.ber meeting of the Association will be devoted to a luncheon in honor of DY. Slonimsky.. The date is December 9th - the place is here.

3) I think it would be a good idea if you, Ed. Klein and Herb Weiner and I could get together to discuss the affair.

With warm regards and best wishes,,

Paul M. Steinberg

J .





.Rabbi He:rbert A. Friedman United Jewish Appeal 220 West 58th Street New York, N. Y.

Dear Herb:


0 lfice of the Executive Detm

October 28, 1964

I think that we ought to get together to work out the details .for the following:

1) The Association of Reform Rabbis will devote their December meeting to honor Dr. The occasion will be marked with a luncheon on Tuesday. Dec. 8th.

Z) Earl Stone bas received a little over $1200. I think he ought to follow up with another letter.

3) I have asked Ed Klein to prepare a citation.

4) We ought to meet to discuss invitations, program, etc.

Please be in touch.


Paul M. Steinberg

•·11111 :1:awan m• ...... Wla• l'r• .,... .... 30 Wut 61tll Sb'eet New Yon, .. T.

Octeber za. 196'

At die. a ........... u a ..... Al p' a.111:lath• it .... .., ..... da&tta1n ... e: •"8 W8'ad•tl1il ....... ..._ria& Dr. •• •·• w-. a .. f••afMt lor,.._.r.,ue it? 1 ....... ,.. ........................ ,.. are •• 1ood at N p el tM9 llW tllilt J brr ,_ •-'*

WWl...,-••-...awum...-·1 'r._...,

CC: Rabbi Herbert A . Friedman J llabbi Herbert Weiner


---------ewish Institute of Reli 'on 7 Hebrew Union ~olJe U N 0 E R T 8 E P' A T R 0 N AC £ 0 F TH £ UN I 0 N 0 F A M E R I CA N H £ 8 R £ W C 0 NCR£ CAT I 0 N.S




ltabbi Herbert A. Friedman United J~•h Appeal 1290 Avenue of America• Rew York, N.Y. 10019

Dear Berb:


0 ffice of the ExemJive Dean

November 11,

Enclosed you will find a copy of the citation for Dr. Sloniaaky. If you could have it here by

~ Bovealber 23, Dr. Glueck c&D •ip it. I mow that be will be in Bew York at that tiae.

Warm regard•.


1~ Paul H. Steinberg


c - s

n !:I Ill



Rabbi Herbert Friedman Un ited Jewish Appeal 1290 Avenue of the l\niericaa New York, New York 10019

Dear Herb:

November 18, 1964

I don't want to hold up your artist: hence, I am sending the text of the resolution for Dr. Slonimsky, with Herman Snyder's signature. I am still awaiting Ed Siakin's signature. When this comes in I will send Lt to you, but I thought the artist might like to start in the meantime.

With "bestest,"

eek:eh enclosure

ff!_"' Rabbi Edward E. Klein


.. proudly bails

on tho occocton of his ei5hticth b1rthd~y, in seo:Jt pro!ound &r~titcla


For tho elorwinz i.n:Jp1r.ation, tb.c brcadth or uiadom, the C:c?~h of le:amloe; aclflcsaly offorcd to oT',Zo!fl~ ccncrDtf.onD cf otc:lc:!!.s, az ?ro!cs~or an::S Deen at our ochool,

for tho cloquocce of hi!: t:o't"da n:-.d the e~:.:al cloqcenco of hiB life­long quest for truth,

~rso:;ali.ty en tcB h.:zd t!';::> zo::d fortul1:)

Thia trlbuto of love and respect i:i offcro<! wit?1 o~-r pryara GO-.:. ~Tont hia cor..tinued haolth, st~b • .o~ ftilfill~nt .

f 'l Qt I



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//1-f"'- 0/2.1 ~ >~/ ~4-, 7'~~ ;/17.&~~v?A

'RESIDENT JOMph I. Wela West End Telllpl.

1"7-02 N.wport Av.. Hepomlt 94, N. Y •


Mau..ic. J. ai-

2nd VICUllESIOM Georve a. u.b.nnan

TIEASUUI $dney la11611 N-u C:O-nffy r_,.i.

2-40 Hempsl9ad A.,._ W..t Helllpd9ad. N. Y.

~RETAIY lewla Satlow r-pl• Emanu-EI

123 Merrick Aft. East Meadow, H. Y.

EXECVTNE COMMIJTEE The Olbnond llemhard H. Colla Albert H. Friedlaner lemon! ICllgfelcl Selig Salkowltz Samvel Teit91bou..


HONOlldY (PAST) PRESJOENTS ~foatw Joshua L Goldbef,g William f. Roseftblum Theodore S. Rou David J. Seligson Hotha11 A. Perllman

e Albert s. Golddeill Jacob P. Rudin Jacob IC. Shankman Ely !. Pilchlk Daniel L Davis Hcnold I. Saperst.ln Abram v- Good-n

EXECUTIVE B?ARD MEETING : 11:00 a .m. in cne cf the classrooms of t he JIR, prier t o the Luncber n Meeting .


7s-1µ ~/( _, ___ ~ ~ tf d ,_


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SDl.aal ... c.<0. Rabbi Herbert Friedman

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14 1Iay 1971

Dr. Chaim Sheba 'l'el Hashomer Hospital Tel Aviv, I~rael

Dear Chaim:

I finall}' got to see :rs . Slonims y today, showed her the broc ure and liad a fairly long discussion wit11 her.

•y reaction is that she i$ quite interested. She thinks she will have S75, 000, and m~ybe even $H>O, 000 to give a\ay, and she reaily seems to be favorably in­clined. She is ,now going to discuss it with her lawyer and .1er executor.

When I orougLlt up the question of giving the mone;,' now, while she is alive and receive interest from you, s1e said that sfie would really like to do thiG, but her lawyer has already warned her against making any such commitment. Under normal circumstances, at ner age of 84, she should be quite aDle to l~ve from the income, and the capital could ~emaln in tact. So, theoretically, ~he cou1d giv~ t1e car ital away now, as Z tried to suggest. But, they told her some unusail sickness might occur whereby she reiglit have to use the capital, and ~ince it is all she has, sheuwould not be fair to herself if ohe gave it away. So, I don't think we have much of a chance along those lines .

I will contact her again in a week or two to see if the dea1 is final. .:iieanwhlle, all the best.

Sincerely yours,

Herbert A. Friedman