Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1907-04-23 [p ] Williams...

f- trHE BOUBO APRIL 23 1907 f If f K t t- Jil b4 r wT E i Tcl z > < The HIggins Metal Fly Screen f v x SPiS a thing of beauty Handspme in finish Easily operated Highly ornamental Insect proof Gives perfact satisfaction t Gains approval and endorsement wherever used immensely popular Nothing to get out of order vt r v i Strong and durable Vy be madejn all shapes x Requires no repairs 1 Equaled by no screen on the market i Efficient in all particulars 2ov is the time to order Estimates on Screens Furnished By T A HENDRICKS Exclusive Agent For Central Kentucky LEXINGTON KY Long Dis Phone 443 r j 1 t ir- I an r t e p o Box 51g V > is the best V FLOUR for your dough Sold by all Smears Paris Milling Co Williams Carbolic Salve With Arnica And Witch Hazel The best salve in the world for Cuts bruises Seres Ulcers Salt Rheum Tetter Chapped Hands and all skin eruptions It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money Price 25c by druggists WILLIAMS MFG CO Props Cleveland 0 MASTERS SALE 1 OF Sdurton County Land COURT Amanda Maston Administratrix etc Plaintiff of Sale Roy Maston etc Defendant The undersigned Master Commission- er persuant to the judgment and order of sale made and entered in the above styled action at the March term 1907 of the Bourbon Circuit Court will on SATURDAY APRIL 20 07 at about the hour of 11 oclock a m at the court door in the city of Paris Ky sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder upon a credit of six and twelve months for equal parts of the purchase money the land described in the judgment and or- der to be sold in this action towit A certain tract or parcel of land situ- ated in Bourbon county Ky on the South side of the Paris and Jaekstown pike at junction of said pike with the Cane and bounded as fol lows Beginning at an iron sin in the center of tne Paris and Jackslewn pike at junction of Cane Ridge pike cor aietf to Mrs S K Cozine Sylvia Ayres and Mrs F M George thence S It poles to 2ha stone in the Rmge dirt cornel t 6 sine thence S 371 Elt ole to 3 a stone corner to Lip San dusky thence S 87 E 128 to 7 a stone in the line of rJunius Clay and corner to I B Sandusky thence N 3 E 68 poles to 8 an iron pin in the center of the Paris andJackstown pike corner to James Clay Da Allen and Dr Best thence with thepike N 87 W 140 poles to 10 a stake at angle in pike corner to MrstMary E George thence S 89 W 56 poles to the beginning containing 60 and being the same land con veyed to said J H Maston by deed of date March 5 1884 by Jacob G San dusky and Eliza of record in the Bourbon County Clerks office Deed Book 75 page 350 But there is to be deducted the following describ ed tract A certain lot of land in Bourbon county Ky beginning at a point at the intersection of the Paris and Jacks town turnpike and dirt road and run- ning east ith said pike 420 feet to a corner to said Maston thence with his line S 105 feet to another corner of said Maston thence with said Mastons W 420 feet to said dirt road thence with said dirt road 105 to the beginning and containing one acre of land more or less The purchaser will be required to bond with good secruity bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from paid payable to the undersigned Master Commissioner and e arid effect of judg- ment RUSSELL MANN Master Commissioner Bourbon Circuit js v Denis Dundon Attorney V I PURITY 1 u 1 J I I I I I- L I I I J I i I BOURBONCIRCUIT I Vs Notice I i 48 Ca same ah lid acres Sanduskyand in line feet ex- ecute dateuntil I J I a W road apr 3t B ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Piles Piles Piles Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure blind bleeding ulcerated and itching piles It absorbs the tunurs allays the itching at once acts as poul ticegives instant relief Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for piles and itching of the parts Every box is guaranteed Sold by all druggists by mail for 50c and 100 Out oi Sight Out of sight out is an old saying which applies with special force to a sore burn or wound thats been treated with Bueklenis Arnica Salve Its out of sight out of mind and out of existence Piles to and chil blains disappear under its healing in fluence Guaranteed by Oberdorfer the drugigst 25c apr Indians and War Paint The Indians have a tradition that tells how the custom of painting their faces originated A certain big chief whilQ huutiiig debr was chased by a lion and roll exhausted calling upon the Big Bear which Indians believe was the grandfather of man to save him The Big Bear hoard and went to the mans assistance scratching his foot and sprinkling the blood over him No animal will cat bear or taste his blood and when the lion smelled it he turned away But in doing so he scratched somQ of the blood off the In- dians fjCcifcwitli his cluw by accident When lie found himself unhurt the Indian was so thankful that he let the blood on his face With the marks of the lions claws tins gave the effect of stripes and ever afterward when going on hunting expeditions for man or beast the Indian painted his face in stripes as a charm against danger c Man and His Dress The dressed man wears clothes that no one ever notices at business except in the very warmest weather usually dark No one ever notices clean linen while linen soiled ever slightly is very conspicuous No one ever notices a hat unless it is of ultra shape dirty or sin jy No one over notices shoes unless they are loud or need blacking or are run down at the heels or shabby No ever notices clean finger nails while those needing attention are always conspicuous The should not oe lost sight of by the conspicuousness of his clothes either from being overdressed or shabbily dressed Battens Wedge The First Fly Fishers Doubtless the reason why artificial flies were originally invented was be cause it was impossible to use the smaller qnd more delicate natural flies as baits 011 the hook The first fly fisher cast his eyes about him in search of something that would answer in imitating the flics upon which the trout were feeding Feathers were natural ly the first materials thought of and tile old red cocks hackle was the first of a11 the artificial insects the old old Adam of them all The Dreed has been increasing for several hundred years and numbers 2000 or nore at the present day Of salmon flies alouo there are several hundred patterns These belong to the lure order mostly ado tmaDy of flies used for and trout The little old red hac ke remains a good fly to this day and is put upon bodies of many colors pea- cock being perhaps as well liked as anything red woOl is favored by and Stream- A Criminal Attack On an inoffensive citizen is frequent ly made in that apparently useless tuoe called the appendix Its generally the result of protracte following liver torpor Dr Kings New Life Pills regulate the i liver prevent appendicitis and estab lish habits of the bowels 25 cents atOberdorfers drug store Help the Horse- No article is more useful V about the stable than Mica i Axle Grease Put a little on the spindles before hook- up the horse and the load home quicker MICA AXLE GREASE wears well bcitcr than any other grease Coats the with a hard smooth surface of powdered mica which reduces friction Ask the denIer for- Mica Axle Grease ofmind I wen so one man I the large hall manyForest lit- tle con- stipation STANfJAIfI fit CIKAPAM- YIDGOrllonted i dry t pass c q i j j 7 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AHQNG THE LILACS By Virginia Leila Weatz Copyright leoo by W E Cald vull It was a warm spring evening that they hail ventured to sit on the little wooden veranda There was suggestion of approach- ing summer in the breeze and the air was redolent with lilacs By glancing toward the right it was m t difficult to where the fragrance came from On the other side of the hedge in the dcopeiihg twilight was a purple forest of plumes and beyond that white in the gray light the old Ilo vard house the oldest in the tiny village us well as the largest SelJeu Howarl was the only living representative of Ute family Presently the group on Mrs Tones veranda began to speak oL Selden leading up to the subject from the fra- grance of the bushes Them lilockfj is sickishly sweet observed Mrs Tones herself Keally nauseating acquiesced the boarder who hail been spending the winter hero in this little cottage among tile Berkshire hills By the way I saw a strange man at the postoflicc this morning and I overheard some one say bo was Mr Ilowjirtl Very good looking uum he was aud seemed to know a thingor two Thats him Mrs Tones But why he know a tiling or two Tie dont lo uofhiu but travel and trapse round the country Hardly ever home awl wont have a thing to do with the people in the village The moon was beginning to SlIm red and low in tlie warm dusk and the lilacs made superb black shaflow ef- fects qirtho lawn The little tired out cily girl who sat on the lowest step Of the veranda and who had just arrived that lay huRl vothing to say SIus wis tilling her whole soul with the bjiuty- i the coming night Pretty soon carrying her lainj she went upstairs to her bodropm She lookQil at the high mound of fither lied and the small windOw at the foot which was already flooding the spring moonlight For a moment she stood irresolute then she lowered the shade slipped on a cheesecloth ki mono lire wl he pins from hey hair let ting it fall about her blow rtut thc lamp awl followed her wliini to lean from the casement It had been a very long while siuCG Katherine Hope had looked from a window over a garden when the moon was shining True from the window of their stodgy city lodgings ou Eiev- onth street her mothers aud liars she hail leaned out at times when her hwul was hot anil aching with too much work and had caught a breath of out- side air nut that vasj so different Iron that window she could look out only ou clotheslines sheds tjip baQjc windows of the hoarding houses du the next street and there whatever restful thoughts might conic to her were made havoc of by an accordion cheap coon songs or the ca1crvauling of feline ereatttres OIL the fences below And now oh the feathery pale ilor esceuoii of the lilacs over yonder Katheriue drew her breath in with de- light as their dominant scent came up her If only her dear mother could be with her to enjoy the beauty of It all But that hail not been possible When the physician had shaken his head gravely over his young patients Avornout condition and commanded an change An the country it had been all that mother and daughter could do to scrape together the ilieaget savings for Katherincs rest of a AntI Katherine was not one to mew and whimper over impossibilities She was here now and she would make the best of every moment to grow strong ami well again that she might go back with new life to her ofUee work and the companionship oi her sacrificing little mother The mild country air anti tile thou- sand odors of the spring played upon her face and lifted her loosened hair gilded by the moonshine into the like ness of an aureole Her white kimono fell softly around her from the position in which she held her arms her soft elbows were plainly visible anil her exquisite face leaning hack a bit against the lark painted frame of tho window StOOl out like a cameo The girl was little conscious of any- thing except the wonder of the night nor was she aware of one whoAvatchCil lIar a moment from the shadow of tho lilacs in the garden beyond the jiedgo- Selden Howard was returning from 5 dog kennels whence he had gone to look after a sick collie when his ey had chanced to fall upon the figure in the casement and in slIcer artistic ap- preciation hind rested there Shes like some young process he thought to himself v pursuing his way jowaril the big house or goddess Her hairs lilcp the silvery floss around corn Her name ought t6 be Perdila- Marpessa or Ariadne How ever in the world the Jonesfjimily stumhle across such a crehture TIm glamour of the girl wove itself into his dreams and in waking intervals he pondered on plans for an acquaintance Ah ha I at last laughed he Early the next morning he went a fishing As luck would have it lie sociired a well lilleh creel On his way homo without ceremony he lifted the latch of Mrs Jones low back gate and entered He walked right up to the kitchen window for there stood Mrs Tones rolling the dough for breakfasf biscuit i rYe got sucli ig ci l fullQ fish iijerevthnt L ilbnt knov flia lx lh with them no over fhere I S- warm out a see rose hot l lut I I It into 1 I I slmnhlers I I I I I I I i to immediate fort- night i I I I i I j I I J I j hi j a H introit Good mOIfUng1rs tid j f I 0 con ii rnied I f lid Toue l1e 1 jolly Thou one ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > toAvanthc white housa my housekeepei and hes sick Tils morning so Im wondering if youll- icccptrthe eY AVlth the gallantry of a knight he held out t her his crccj Oh Mr Selden exclaimed woman a lilt liustered unmistakable appreciation YouItl the heavens fall not When had Mr IIOAvard last honored her humble like this Surely not since his ppor soul I just guess I will And so Mrs is sick youll Just stay to breakfast itll be all rt ady in fifteen niiinites This Avaw as much is Howar d had hoped for Youre awfully kind Mrs Tones he said affecting surprise VAJitl yes I believe Ill stay Ive a over In the kennels Ill pj bnck anil look after her thou Ill be back to ac- cept your hospitality When ICatherine Hope entered lhc dining room Mrs Tones of course7 pre- sented Mr IIo fTrd How do you do Mr Howard sail she conventionally with irsmile a lit- tle tired in spiteof play of childish dimples But Selden was looking down admiringly ou the flue white parting that separated the brUds of purest flax And like Mr Set den asked Mrs Jones a bit later re- ferring to the biscuit I love them answered ho referring to the girls dimples Of course that wat only the begin- ning After that Selden Howard man- aged almost daily to meet ICatherine or at least to catch a glimpse of her Her lovely tired eyes and little quiet ways appealed to him in an infmitQly more tender and real fashion than had those of ninny a pampered beauty whom hed met in the course ofhis va- ried travels One morning Katheriue was readiilg The liousQ Mirth out on the veran- da At least she was supposed to lie reading it Iii reality she hind dOll the hook keeping the page harked with her slim forefinger She had days more here in Clods grte earth and the lilacs seemedto be call ling her imperatively She had been breathing in lilacs to that extent that ho thoughts seemeil to Ub fairly oil with them All tit an impiih of yielding nine to her Why in the Avorld should she not step oyeritlie low hedge tuid go into the lilac garden She did Bees hung above the purple bloom and a little attenuated fountain tinkled in the distancf Oh jt vasal- tOgether enchanting rust then a gold- en eyed sable collie came leisurely tIme curved walk to her You beauty cried the girl exultant- ly stooping to pat the dogs queenly head The collie with slowly swishing tail gently kissed her behind the ear A commanding whistle from around tile turn of the walk and then Mollie Mollio old girl where are you Mollie sat with one ear uptlie other down jis collies will when per- plexed She loved her master but also she loved her new found friend All cried Seldeii coming upon them unexpectedly But it is beaut- iful in my garden he said looking gladly upon Kalherine Do you know last night I dreamed you were here You are very very wel- come little lady You see she explained helplessly trying to hide her telltale blushes it was the lilacs They called me Suddenly he took both her hands in his and drew her toward the bushes Dear lilacs he whispered whimsi- cally she is here now ou enchanted ground and we must keep her You belong to my garden he added mas- terfully turning full upon Katheriiie I will not let you go The house yonder is very lonely and waits for you You will stay Her answer Well she was a girl mind very thocCand lie was a man and strong aifd it was spring and they were among the When pursued the kangaroo if possi- ble directs his flight toward the river If lie reaches it he enters and thanks to his great height is able to go on foot to a depth where the dogs are obliged to swim There he plants him- self on his two hind legs and his tail and up to his shoulders in the water he waits the attick of the dogs With his foie paws he seizes by the head the first dog that approaches him and as ho is more solidly balanced than his assailant he holds the dogs nose un- der water as long as he can Unless i a second log speedily comes to the rescue the first one is sure to be drowned If a companion arrives and j by his attacks on the kangaroo man- ages to set the captive free the half j Downed brute is glad to regain the shore as quickly as possible In this wry a strong and courageous male kangaroo will hold his own against twenty or tl irly logs drowning sonic i und frightening others and time hunter is obliged to intervene with a bullet The Scorpion ot Ceylon A more disagreeable object than a scorpion Coy 1 041 it would be dimcult to imagine Although as a rule itdoes not measure more than seven inches in length there is a species found in the woods that are longer thaii a foot j They crawl out of some dried wood arid taking up their position on a con- venient rock or stone look as they hold their great jointed sting curved over their backs and their claws held aloft time very picture of aggressive j warfare Here they stretch themselves iii the broiling sun and await their proy These are the smith beautiful honeybirds that dart from flower to flower and take the place o the hum- ming birds east As one ap- proaches the scorpion seems to shrink into the stone until it becomes nlmgst- fmperceptiblei time s lvt iis eUv aiVrtJlaiJt AuiifnI victim which in a moment Ts destroyed J no ling but the mit smiliug with Se- lf ll 1wellil1 lied Hl1l- Vell eh Yell I liC colli Y t I how t I I I I I 01 on to sc nt low IG t T I to hand lilacs rite KangLroo ut I I I of of the S 1 i nit St J goud r Acc sick I lie dye hem once flIRT YOu 1 Bay 4C1 in l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription IP not a secret or medicine against which the intelligent mini naturally averse because of the tin i certainty as to their harmless character i but is a OF KXOWN COMPOSITION a full list of all its ingredients being I printed i i on bottle f wrapper An examination this list of will diseloso tho fact that it is nonalcoholic ill its composition chem glycerine of the commonly in its The R Prescription of Dr Is in fact the only for the cure of womans peculiar weak- nesses and aiiiaents sold drug- gists that not contain Furthermore j it is the only medicine for womans diseases ingredients of which have tho all the i leading medical writers and teachers of- j several schools of practice arid that too as remedies for the for which Favorite Proscription is recom- in lided A little book of some of these endorse- ments will be sent to any address post- paid and absolutely if you request same card or letter V Pierce Buffalo NT Y Dont that Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription for womans weaknesses and j is not a or secret medicine being the Favorite Prescrip- tion of a regularly educated and ated physician in the practice of hi that of diseases j of women that its i are in plain English on every bottlewrapper i that it is medicine for the euro of womans diseases that contains no alcohol and the only one that has a professional endorsement more ever published for other rued ieines Send these endorsements as j above They are for the If you from periodical headache dizzines or dragging down sensation low down in the weak hark have disagreeable and weak catarrhal pelvic or are in- distioss from lung on your feet then you may be sure of benefit from taking- r Favorite Prescription- Dr Tiercos Pleasant best lax ative and regulator of the bowels They invigorate liver and bowels Ono a Jasativo a cathartic Williams Kidney Pills I 1 Have you neglected your kidneys Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder Have you pains in loins side back groin and bladder Have you a flabby appearance of the face especially under the eyes Too frequent a desire to pass urine If so Williams Kidney Pius will you Sample free By rifail 50 cents a j Williams Mfg Co Props Cleveland 0 Williams Carbolic Salve With Arnica and Witch Hazel i The best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises Sores Ulcers Tetter Chapped Hands and j to give satisfaction or money re- funded Price 25c by Druggists WILLIAMS MFG Co Props Cleveland O For sale by Oberdorfer I County Court Days Below is a list of County Courts held month tributary to Paris j Anderson Lawrenceburg 3d Monday Bath 2d Monday j Bourbon 1st Monday 3d Monday fc Breathitt Jackson 4th Monday 7 Clark Winchester 4th Monday Estill Irvine 3d Monday Fayette Lexington 2d Monday Fleming Flemingsburg 4th Monday Franklin Frankfort 1st Monday Garrard Lancaster 4th Monday Grant Williamstown 2nd Monday Harrison Cynthiana 4th Monday j Henry 1st Monday i Jessamine Nicholasville 3d Monday Lee 4th Monday Lincoln Stanford 2nd Monday Madison Richmond 1st Monday Mason Maysville 2d Monday Mercer Harrodsburg 1st Monday Montgomery Sterling 3d Monday Nicholas Carlisle 2nd Monday Oldham Lagrange 4th Monday Owen Owenton 4th Monday Plendletown Falmouth 1st Monday Powell Stanton 1st Monday Pulaski Somerset 3d Monday Scott Georgetown 3d Monday ShelbyShelbyville 2nd Monday Wayne MQntcello 4th Monday Woodford Versailles 4th Monday Good News to Women Father Williams Indian Tea Natures Remedy is becoming the Remedy in usePale Weak Nervous Delicate Women suffering from those weak nesses peculiar to their sex will find in Father Williams Indian Tea a wonderful Tonic and Regulator It quiets the Nerves puts on flesh gives strength and elasticity to the step brightens the eyes the complexion and makes you well and strong again Tea or Tablets cents For sale bv W T Brooks TREES VINES SIIRUBS SPRING 1907 Blue Grass Nurseries Lexing ton Ky offer a large line of fruit and ornamental trees evergreens grape vines Asparagus shrubs rhubard and small fruits for the spring of 1907 i We haveno agents Strawberry and general catalogues on application to j H F HILLENMEYER SONS k FOREST THOMAS CHARLES THOMAS THOMAS BROS Cleaning and Pressing Mens and ladies Clothes Special JJttention Given to Ladies9 Work Dry Cleaning faain St mot mr icine evc dientc make- up Owl too in lltitrs n t d ate I t testi- monials free r bn lug two or three j I ure i Salt Rhe m all skin eruptions It is guaranteed I I t t i ach incounties Paris I BoyleDanVille I I f H t I I mostpopular I I 20 I I rpat Th ti of rI J tJ 4 H i itt f 1 Oil to Ezilish used I does 1I S S y T > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < WE MAKE A y tf SPECIALTY OF r Sharpening Saws j gr Lawn lowers I Fitting Keys Repairing Trsais Ammunition of all T lands always on hand WilFER DAVIS Chas Cassity Aaron Cassity Main St Over Bowiing Alley Paris Ky OSSITY BROS Cleaning and Pressing of Meas and Ladies Clothing Special Attention Given to Ladies York French Drp Cleaning hats Bloed WikVoti Watt Home t Connections Home Seekers and Special One Way Colonist to the WEST NORTHWEST AND SOUTHWEST Tickets on sale first and third Tues days during March 1807 Vs 3800 To San Francisco Cos Angeles andMany Other California Points Tickets on sale daily March 1 to April 30 1907 4040 To Portland Ore Seattle Wash Vancouver B C Etc sale daily 4 to April 80 Correspondingly low rates to inter points West and North west Further information cheerfully given by W H HARRIS Agent D S JORDAN T A Bargains in f REflL ESTftTE For Sale property for sale Two Cottages on West street Four large rooms good stable lots 50x100 feet Farm of 153 acres near Cen treville all inlf grass f good barns and all other out- buildings farm of 47 710 acres on the Russell Cave pike S miles from Paris 10 from Lexington Newtobac co barn Other buildings are should be glad to you these placesat anytime Prices riht Call on oraddress 2nd Floor Wilson Building E T Phone 748 T I g Jt tb- w 7 I Mc I I 0- I r I I i zr ow I I I 0 Jf air HeS J 4- if t 1 t t ric i r e i il t r 1 J l I j t Phone r Special ow Rates J VIA lEI s i2 r 6 r l Tickets on 4 H J eeRNee It II It e e e- t Q e e I have listed tile I tilt e tit each halls porche cistern S IA V S e 2j acres Brick tit e Another I S S e S good fit tft a tit w tit I D 1Xl Ii e e e I I G y i it t 1 t H 5 I Quivil1 NahvUo R R- And and- S e T 211 arch t e I S following S S 5 except residence S S 5 S sho- wS 1 S S y- BECRAFT i i < > ¬ ¬ + + + > +

Transcript of Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1907-04-23 [p ] Williams...


trHE BOUBO APRIL 23 1907



f K t t-

Jil b4r wT Ei Tcl



The HIggins Metal Fly Screenf v x

SPiS a thing of beautyHandspme in finishEasily operated

Highly ornamentalInsect proofGives perfact satisfaction

tGains approval and endorsement wherever usedimmensely popularNothing to get out of order vt

r viStrong and durable Vy

be madejn all shapes

x Requires no repairs 1

Equaled by no screen on the marketi Efficient in all particulars

2ov is the time to order

Estimates on Screens Furnished By

T A HENDRICKSExclusive Agent For Central Kentucky

LEXINGTON KY Long Dis Phone 443






I anr



p o Box 51g



is thebest V


for your doughSold by all Smears

Paris Milling Co

Williams Carbolic Salve WithArnica And Witch Hazel

The best salve in the world for Cutsbruises Seres Ulcers Salt RheumTetter Chapped Hands and all skineruptions It is guaranteed to givesatisfaction or moneyPrice 25c by druggists

WILLIAMS MFG CO PropsCleveland 0



Sdurton County Land


Amanda Maston Administratrix etcPlaintiff

of SaleRoy Maston etc Defendant

The undersigned Master Commission-er persuant to the judgment and orderof sale made and entered in the abovestyled action at the March term 1907of the Bourbon Circuit Court will on


at about the hour of 11 oclock a mat the court door in the city ofParis Ky sell at public auction tothe highest and best bidder upon acredit of six and twelve months forequal parts of the purchase money theland described in the judgment and or-

der to be sold in this action towitA certain tract or parcel of land situ-

ated in Bourbon county Ky on theSouth side of the Paris and Jaekstownpike at junction of said pike with theCane and bounded as follows Beginning at an iron sin in thecenter of tne Paris and Jackslewn pikeat junction of Cane Ridge pike coraietf to Mrs S K Cozine SylviaAyres and Mrs F M George thenceS It poles to 2ha stone in the

Rmge dirt cornel t 6sine thence S 371 Elt ole to 3 astone corner to Lip Sandusky thence S 87 E 128 to7 a stone in the line of rJuniusClay and corner to I B Sanduskythence N 3 E 68 poles to 8 aniron pin in the center of the ParisandJackstown pike corner to JamesClay Da Allen and Dr Best thencewith thepike N 87 W 140 poles to 10a stake at angle in pike corner toMrstMary E George thence S 89 W56 poles to the beginning containing60 and being the same land conveyed to said J H Maston by deed ofdate March 5 1884 by Jacob G Sandusky and Eliza of recordin the Bourbon County Clerks office

Deed Book 75 page 350 But thereis to be deducted the following described tract

A certain lot of land in Bourboncounty Ky beginning at a point atthe intersection of the Paris and Jackstown turnpike and dirt road and run-ning east ith said pike 420 feet to acorner to said Maston thence with hisline S 105 feet to another corner ofsaid Maston thence with said Mastons

W 420 feet to said dirt roadthence with said dirt road 105 tothe beginning and containing oneacre of land more or less

The purchaser will be required tobond with good secruity bearing

interest at the rate of six per cent perannum from paid payable tothe undersigned Master Commissionerand e arid effect of judg-ment

RUSSELL MANNMaster Commissioner Bourbon Circuit

js v

Denis Dundon Attorney V



u 1J











Vs Notice I



same ah












apr 3t B













Piles Piles PilesDr Williams Indian Pile Ointment

will cure blind bleeding ulcerated anditching piles It absorbs the tunursallays the itching at once acts as poulticegives instant relief Dr WilliamsIndian Pile Ointment is prepared forpiles and itching of the partsEvery box is guaranteed Sold by alldruggists by mail for 50c and 100

Out oi SightOut of sight out is an

old saying which applies with specialforce to a sore burn or wound thatsbeen treated with Bueklenis ArnicaSalve Its out of sight out of mindand out of existence Piles to and chilblains disappear under its healing influence Guaranteed by Oberdorferthe drugigst 25c apr

Indians and War PaintThe Indians have a tradition that

tells how the custom of painting theirfaces originated A certain big chiefwhilQ huutiiig debr was chased by alion and roll exhausted calling uponthe Big Bear which Indians believewas the grandfather of man to savehim The Big Bear hoard and went tothe mans assistance scratching hisfoot and sprinkling the blood over himNo animal will cat bear or taste hisblood and when the lion smelled it heturned away But in doing so hescratched somQ of the blood off the In-

dians fjCcifcwitli his cluw by accidentWhen lie found himself unhurt theIndian was so thankful that he letthe blood on his face With themarks of the lions claws tins gave theeffect of stripes and ever afterwardwhen going on hunting expeditions forman or beast the Indian painted hisface in stripes as a charm againstdanger c

Man and His DressThe dressed man wears clothes

that no one ever notices at businessexcept in the very warmest weatherusually dark No one ever noticesclean linen while linen soiled everslightly is very conspicuous No oneever notices a hat unless it is of ultrashape dirty or sin jy No one overnotices shoes unless they are loud orneed blacking or are run down at theheels or shabby No ever noticesclean finger nails while those needingattention are always conspicuous The

should not oe lost sight of by theconspicuousness of his clothes eitherfrom being overdressed or shabbilydressed Battens Wedge

The First Fly FishersDoubtless the reason why artificial

flies were originally invented was because it was impossible to use thesmaller qnd more delicate natural fliesas baits 011 the hook The first flyfisher cast his eyes about him in searchof something that would answer inimitating the flics upon which the troutwere feeding Feathers were naturally the first materials thought of andtile old red cocks hackle was the firstof a11 the artificial insects the old oldAdam of them all The Dreed hasbeen increasing for several hundredyears and numbers 2000 or nore atthe present day Of salmon flies alouothere are several hundred patternsThese belong to the lure order mostlyado tmaDy of flies used for

and trout The little old red hacke remains a good fly to this day andis put upon bodies of many colors pea-cock being perhaps as well likedas anything red woOl is favored by

and Stream-

A Criminal AttackOn an inoffensive citizen is frequent

ly made in that apparently uselesstuoe called the appendix Its

generally the result of protractefollowing liver torpor Dr

Kings New Life Pills regulate thei liver prevent appendicitis and establish habits of the bowels25 cents atOberdorfers drug store

Help the Horse-No article is more useful V

about the stable than Mica i

Axle Grease Put a little onthe spindles before hook-up the horse and

the load home quicker


GREASEwears well bcitcr than anyother grease Coats thewith a hard smooth surface ofpowdered mica which reducesfriction Ask the denIer for-

Mica Axle Grease







I the large























By Virginia Leila Weatz

Copyright leoo by W E Cald vull

It was a warm spring eveningthat they hail ventured to sit

on the little wooden verandaThere was suggestion of approach-ing summer in the breeze and the airwas redolent with lilacs By glancingtoward the right it was m t difficult to

where the fragrance came fromOn the other side of the hedge in thedcopeiihg twilight was a purple forestof plumes and beyond that white inthe gray light the old Ilo vardhouse the oldest in the tiny village uswell as the largest SelJeu Howarlwas the only living representative ofUte family

Presently the group on Mrs Tonesveranda began to speak oL Seldenleading up to the subject from the fra-grance of the bushes

Them lilockfj is sickishly sweetobserved Mrs Tones herself

Keally nauseating acquiesced theboarder who hail been spending thewinter hero in this little cottage amongtile Berkshire hills By the way Isaw a strange man at the postofliccthis morning and I overheard some onesay bo was Mr Ilowjirtl Very goodlooking uum he was aud seemed toknow a thingor two

Thats him Mrs TonesBut why he know a tiling or

two Tie dont lo uofhiu but traveland trapse round the country Hardlyever home awl wont have a thing todo with the people in the village

The moon was beginning to SlImred and low in tlie warm dusk and thelilacs made superb black shaflow ef-

fects qirtho lawn The little tired outcily girl who sat on the lowest step Of

the veranda and who had just arrivedthat lay huRl vothing to say SIus wistilling her whole soul with the bjiuty-i the coming night

Pretty soon carrying her lainj shewent upstairs to her bodropm ShelookQil at the high mound of fitherlied and the small windOw at thefoot which was already floodingthe spring moonlight For a momentshe stood irresolute then she loweredthe shade slipped on a cheesecloth kimono lire wl he pins from hey hair letting it fall about her blowrtut thc lamp awl followed her wliini tolean from the casement

It had been a very long while siuCGKatherine Hope had looked from awindow over a garden when the moonwas shining True from the windowof their stodgy city lodgings ou Eiev-onth street her mothers aud liars shehail leaned out at times when her hwulwas hot anil aching with too muchwork and had caught a breath of out-side air nut that vasj so differentIron that window she could look outonly ou clotheslines sheds tjip baQjcwindows of the hoarding houses du thenext street and there whatever restfulthoughts might conic to her were madehavoc of by an accordion cheap coonsongs or the ca1crvauling of felineereatttres OIL the fences below

And now oh the feathery pale iloresceuoii of the lilacs over yonderKatheriue drew her breath in with de-

light as their dominant scent came upher If only her dear mother could

be with her to enjoy the beauty of Itall But that hail not been possibleWhen the physician had shaken hishead gravely over his young patientsAvornout condition and commanded an

change An the country ithad been all that mother and daughtercould do to scrape together the ilieagetsavings for Katherincs rest of a

AntI Katherine was not one tomew and whimper over impossibilitiesShe was here now and she wouldmake the best of every moment togrow strong ami well again that shemight go back with new life to herofUee work and the companionship oiher sacrificing little mother

The mild country air anti tile thou-sand odors of the spring played uponher face and lifted her loosened hairgilded by the moonshine into the likeness of an aureole Her white kimonofell softly around her from the positionin which she held her arms her softelbows were plainly visible anil herexquisite face leaning hack a bitagainst the lark painted frame of thowindow StOOl out like a cameo

The girl was little conscious of any-thing except the wonder of the nightnor was she aware of one whoAvatchCillIar a moment from the shadow of tholilacs in the garden beyond the jiedgo-Selden Howard was returning from 5dog kennels whence he had gone tolook after a sick collie when his eyhad chanced to fall upon the figure inthe casement and in slIcer artistic ap-preciation hind rested there

Shes like some young process hethought to himselfv pursuing his wayjowaril the big house or goddessHer hairs lilcp the silvery floss aroundcorn Her name ought t6 be Perdila-Marpessa or Ariadne How ever inthe world the Jonesfjimily stumhleacross such a crehture TIm glamourof the girl wove itself into his dreamsand in waking intervals he ponderedon plans for an acquaintance Ah haI at last laughed he

Early the next morning he went afishing As luck would have it liesociired a well lilleh creel On his wayhomo without ceremony he lifted thelatch of Mrs Jones low back gate andentered He walked right up to thekitchen window for there stood MrsTones rolling the dough for breakfasfbiscuit i

rYe got sucli ig ci l fullQfish iijerevthnt L ilbnt knov flia lx lhwith them no over fhere







hot l lut




















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Good mOIfUng1rs tid





con ii rnied




Toue l1e1 jolly

Thou one











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toAvanthc white housamy housekeepei and hes sick

Tils morning so Im wondering if youll-icccptrthe eY AVlth the gallantry of aknight he held out t her his crccj

Oh Mr Selden exclaimedwoman a lilt liusteredunmistakable appreciation YouItl theheavens fall not When had Mr

IIOAvard last honored her humblelike this Surely not since his

ppor soulI just guess I will And so Mrsis sick youll Just stay

to breakfast itll be all rt ady infifteen niiinites This Avaw as muchis Howard had hoped for

Youre awfully kind Mrs Toneshe said affecting surprise VAJitl yesI believe Ill stay Ive aover In the kennels Ill pj bnck anillook after her thou Ill be back to ac-cept your hospitality

When ICatherine Hope entered lhcdining room Mrs Tones of course7 pre-sented Mr IIo fTrd

How do you do Mr Howard sailshe conventionally with irsmile a lit-tle tired in spiteof play of childishdimples But Selden was looking downadmiringly ou the flue white partingthat separated the brUds of purestflax

And like Mr Setden asked Mrs Jones a bit later re-

ferring to the biscuitI love them answered ho referring

to the girls dimplesOf course that wat only the begin-

ning After that Selden Howard man-aged almost daily to meet ICatherineor at least to catch a glimpse of herHer lovely tired eyes and little quietways appealed to him in an infmitQlymore tender and real fashion than hadthose of ninny a pampered beautywhom hed met in the course ofhis va-

ried travelsOne morning Katheriue was readiilg

The liousQ Mirth out on the veran-da At least she was supposed to liereading it Iii reality she hind dOllthe hook keeping the page harkedwith her slim forefinger She had

days more here in Clods grteearth and the lilacs seemedto be call

ling her imperatively She had beenbreathing in lilacs to that extent thatho thoughts seemeil to Ub fairlyoil with them All tit an impiihof yielding nine to her Why in theAvorld should she not step oyeritlie lowhedge tuid go into the lilac garden

She did Bees hung above the purplebloom and a little attenuated fountaintinkled in the distancf Oh jt vasal-tOgether enchanting rust then a gold-en eyed sable collie came leisurely

tIme curved walk to herYou beauty cried the girl exultant-

ly stooping to pat the dogs queenlyhead The collie with slowly swishingtail gently kissed her behind the ear

A commanding whistle from aroundtile turn of the walk and then

Mollie Mollio old girl where areyou Mollie sat with one ear uptlieother down jis collies will when per-plexed She loved her master butalso she loved her new found friend

All cried Seldeii coming uponthem unexpectedly But it is beaut-

iful in my garden he saidlooking gladly upon Kalherine Doyou know last night I dreamed youwere here You are very very wel-come little lady

You see she explained helplesslytrying to hide her telltale blushes itwas the lilacs They called me

Suddenly he took both her hands inhis and drew her toward the bushes

Dear lilacs he whispered whimsi-cally she is here now ou enchantedground and we must keep her Youbelong to my garden he added mas-terfully turning full upon Katheriiie

I will not let you go The houseyonder is very lonely and waits foryou You will stay

Her answer Well she was a girlmind very thocCand lie was a man andstrong aifd it was spring and theywere among the

When pursued the kangaroo if possi-ble directs his flight toward the riverIf lie reaches it he enters and thanksto his great height is able to go onfoot to a depth where the dogs areobliged to swim There he plants him-self on his two hind legs and his tailand up to his shoulders in the waterhe waits the attick of the dogs Withhis foie paws he seizes by the head thefirst dog that approaches him and asho is more solidly balanced than hisassailant he holds the dogs nose un-

der water as long as he can Unless i

a second log speedily comes to therescue the first one is sure to bedrowned If a companion arrives and j

by his attacks on the kangaroo man-ages to set the captive free the half j

Downed brute is glad to regain theshore as quickly as possible In thiswry a strong and courageous malekangaroo will hold his own againsttwenty or tl irly logs drowning sonic i

und frightening others and time hunteris obliged to intervene with a bullet

The Scorpion ot CeylonA more disagreeable object than a

scorpion Coy 1 041 it would be dimcultto imagine Although as a rule itdoesnot measure more than seven inches inlength there is a species found in thewoods that are longer thaii a foot j

They crawl out of some dried woodarid taking up their position on a con-venient rock or stone look as theyhold their great jointed sting curvedover their backs and their claws heldaloft time very picture of aggressive j

warfare Here they stretch themselvesiii the broiling sun and await theirproy These are the smith beautifulhoneybirds that dart from flower toflower and take the place o the hum-ming birds east As one ap-proaches the scorpion seems to shrinkinto the stone until it becomes nlmgst-fmperceptiblei times lvt iis eUv aiVrtJlaiJt

AuiifnI victim which in a momentTs destroyed J

no lingbut

themit smiliug with




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Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription

IP not a secret or medicine againstwhich the intelligent mini

naturally averse because of the tini certainty as to their harmless characteri but is a OF KXOWN COMPOSITION

a full list of all its ingredients beingI printed i i on bottlef wrapper An examination this list of

will diseloso tho fact that itis nonalcoholic ill its composition chem

glycerine ofthe commonly in its

The R Prescription of DrIs in fact the only

for the cure of womans peculiar weak-nesses and aiiiaents sold drug-gists that not contain

Furthermorej it is the only medicine for womansdiseases ingredients of which havetho all the

i leading medical writers and teachers of-

j several schools of practice aridthat too as remedies for the forwhich Favorite Proscription is recom-in lided

A little book of some of these endorse-ments will be sent to any address post-paid and absolutely if you requestsame card or letterV Pierce Buffalo NT Y

Dont that Dr Pierces FavoritePrescription for womans weaknesses and

j is not a or secretmedicine being the Favorite Prescrip-tion of a regularly educated andated physician in the practiceof hi that of diseases

j of women that its i arein plain English on every bottlewrapper

i that it is medicinefor the euro of womans diseases

that contains no alcohol and the onlyone that has a professional endorsement

moreever published for other rued

ieines Send these endorsements asj above They are for the

If you from periodical headachedizzines or dragging

down sensation low down in theweak hark have disagreeable and weak

catarrhal pelvic or are in-

distioss from lung on your feet thenyou may be sure of benefit from taking-

r Favorite Prescription-Dr Tiercos Pleasant best lax

ative and regulator of the bowels Theyinvigorate liver and bowelsOno a Jasativo a cathartic

Williams Kidney Pills I

1 Have you neglected your kidneysHave you overworked your nervoussystem and caused trouble with yourkidneys and bladder Have you painsin loins side back groin and bladderHave you a flabby appearance of theface especially under the eyes Toofrequent a desire to pass urine If soWilliams Kidney Pius will youSample free By rifail 50 cents a


Williams Mfg Co PropsCleveland 0

Williams Carbolic Salve With Arnicaand Witch Hazel i

The best Salve in the world forCuts Bruises Sores Ulcers

Tetter Chapped Hands and j

to give satisfaction or money re-funded Price 25c by Druggists

WILLIAMS MFG Co PropsCleveland O

For sale by Oberdorfer I

County Court DaysBelow is a list of County Courts

held month tributaryto Paris j

Anderson Lawrenceburg 3d MondayBath 2d Monday j

Bourbon 1st Monday3d Monday fc

Breathitt Jackson 4th Monday 7Clark Winchester 4th MondayEstill Irvine 3d MondayFayette Lexington 2d MondayFleming Flemingsburg 4th MondayFranklin Frankfort 1st MondayGarrard Lancaster 4th MondayGrant Williamstown 2nd MondayHarrison Cynthiana 4th Monday j

Henry 1st Monday i

Jessamine Nicholasville 3d MondayLee 4th MondayLincoln Stanford 2nd MondayMadison Richmond 1st MondayMason Maysville 2d MondayMercer Harrodsburg 1st MondayMontgomery Sterling 3d MondayNicholas Carlisle 2nd MondayOldham Lagrange 4th MondayOwen Owenton 4th MondayPlendletown Falmouth 1st MondayPowell Stanton 1st MondayPulaski Somerset 3d MondayScott Georgetown 3d MondayShelbyShelbyville 2nd MondayWayne MQntcello 4th MondayWoodford Versailles 4th Monday

Good News to WomenFather Williams Indian Tea

Natures Remedy is becoming theRemedy in

usePale Weak Nervous DelicateWomen suffering from those weaknesses peculiar to theirsex will find in Father WilliamsIndian Tea a wonderful Tonic andRegulator It quiets the Nerves putson flesh gives strength and elasticityto the step brightens the eyesthe complexion and makes you welland strong again Tea or Tabletscents For sale bv W T Brooks


Blue Grass Nurseries Lexington Ky offer a large line of fruit andornamental trees evergreens grapevines Asparagus shrubs rhubard andsmall fruits for the spring of 1907 i

We haveno agents Strawberry andgeneral catalogues on application to j



THOMAS BROSCleaning and Pressing

Mens and ladiesClothes

Special JJttention Given toLadies9 Work

Dry Cleaning

faain St


mr icine




Owl too in lltitrs



d ate

I t testi-monials




two or threej




SaltRhe mall skin eruptions It is guaranteed






ach incounties

Paris I





H t













J tJ4


i ittf




























Sharpening Sawsjgr Lawn lowers

I Fitting Keys

Repairing Trsais

Ammunition of allT

lands always onhand


Chas Cassity Aaron CassityMain St Over Bowiing Alley

Paris Ky

OSSITY BROSCleaning and Pressing of Meas

and Ladies ClothingSpecial Attention Given to

Ladies YorkFrench Drp Cleaning

hats Bloed WikVotiWatt

Home t

ConnectionsHome Seekers and Special One Way



Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during March

1807 Vs3800

To San Francisco Cos AngelesandMany Other California

PointsTickets on sale daily March 1 to

April 30 1907

4040To Portland Ore Seattle Wash

Vancouver B C Etcsale daily 4 to

April 80Correspondingly low rates to inter

points West and Northwest

Further information cheerfullygiven by


Bargains in


For Sale

property for saleTwo Cottages on West

street Four large rooms

good stable lots 50x100 feetFarm of 153 acres near Cen

treville all inlf grass f

good barns and all other out-buildings

farm of 47 710acres on the Russell Cavepike S miles from Paris 10from Lexington Newtobacco barn Other buildings are

should be glad toyou these placesat anytimePrices riht

Call on oraddress

2nd Floor Wilson BuildingE T Phone 748

TIg Jt tb-w








I i zrow




Jfair HeSJ4-

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1 t tric i r e i il t r

1 Jl



tPhone r

Special ow RatesJVIA

lEIs i2

r 6r

lTickets on 4


eeRNeeIt IIIte


t Qe eI have listed tile I

tilt etit each halls porche cistern

S IAVSe 2j acres Brick

tit eAnother

ISS eS good


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titID 1Xl Iie e e







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