Bots in reti - · Bots...

Bots in retail: the time is now Microsoft Enterprise Services [email protected]

Transcript of Bots in reti - · Bots...

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Bots in retail:the time is now Microsoft Enterprise Services [email protected]

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Foreword 5

Introduction 6

The retail industry today 7

Bots, artificial intelligence, and 8machine learning

Why now, and why retail? 8

Bots and your business: what can 10it do for you?

Getting to market 12

Real-life examples 13

What now? 14

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At the same time, established industry players face disruption

from new market entrants with more agile, cloud-based

business models that have customer service built into their

very core and are infinitely more efficient.

As retailers attempt to tackle these challenges, thoughts

naturally turn to technology to address some key questions.

What if your sales staff knew what a customer wanted before

they even started shopping? What if you could resolve half

your product support queries without an employee having

to get involved? What if you could have a 24-hour tailored

customer response service that scales infinitely in line with

your business as it grows?

Many companies have already begun harnessing the power

of artificial intelligence, machine learning and bots to engage

their customers and drive down costs. Tens of thousands of

bots have been launched in the past year alone from some

of the leading high-street and online brands. The good news

for those retailers that have not done so yet is that bringing

a bot to market can be quick and simple, enabling brands

to harness this transformational technology to reshape the

customer experience whilst optimising operations in a matter

of weeks.

Read on to discover how investing in bots is already paying

off for a wide range of retailers and how you can bring a bot

to market in just five weeks thanks to Microsoft’s

tailored proposition.

I hope you find the insights in this eBook a useful addition to

your own transformational journeys.

When we speak to retailers about their digital transformation journeys, two topics arise time and again: customer experience and operational efficiency. Brands are continuously looking for new ways to engage customers in an era where access to information and different purchasing options are more prevalent than ever.

Cindy Rose, CEO, Microsoft UK

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In 2016, we surveyed1 more than 1,000 business and IT leaders from a wide range of UK organisations to understand how they were responding to rapid economic, societal, and digital changes.

Among retailers, more than 50 percent thought that their

current business model would be outdated in less than

10 years. More than half also thought that the retail sector

would be significantly or moderately disrupted in the next

two years. Only in the financial services sector did we see

a higher proportion respond in this way.

The answer, according to all respondents, lies in digital

transformation. As promising as that sounds, the reality of

transforming a business to take advantage of emerging

digital technologies is complex and unique to each

organisation. So why should a company invest in such a

transformation? What might it entail? And what would the

concrete outcomes be—other than remaining competitive?

Retailers have two main drivers behind their digital

transformation efforts:

• Improving the customer experience

• Becoming more efficient

While retailers differ in how long they’ve been pursuing such

programmes and how much strategic importance they place

on them, they lag behind other industries when it comes to

two technologies: artificial intelligence and digital assistants,

or “bots.”

More than 50 percent of retailers surveyed thought their current business model would be outdated in less than 10 years


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Changing shopping habits and increased access to information mean that established retailers have to adapt to stay relevant. Many didn’t, and their high-profile demises have served as warnings for other retailers that the established way of operating couldn’t continue.

The industry faces disruption from low-cost retailers that

compete on price, and high-cost retailers that compete by

providing excellent products, with a customer experience to

back up the price point. According to our survey1, 18 percent

of retailers also expect competition from other sectors,

and 10 percent expect it from new entrants with disruptive

business models.

As technical barriers to entry have lowered retail startups

have been able to gain a foothold through established

marketplaces like Amazon and ASOS. While one small

challenger is unlikely to have much effect, 50 or 100

of them can have a devastating cumulative impact.

The customer experienceAccording to analyst firm Gartner2 customer

experience is “the new competitive battlefield,” and

89 percent of companies now expect to compete

mainly on the basis of customer experience, up from

36 percent in 2012. Most companies would claim to

be customer centric—in fact 80 percent3 do—but

of those, only 8 percent have customers who agree.

In an era where a customer’s experience of a retail

brand happens through multiple channels, companies

need to ensure that the experience is consistent and

rewarding. Fortunately, because many customers

interact with brands digitally, they create a wealth of

data that brands can use to improve the experience.

What many companies lack, however, is a way of

handling and understanding that data to take action.

The efficient retailerIn a market that continues to be highly competitive,

driving down internal costs is critical for retailers. With

many operating hundreds of branches and interacting

with thousands of suppliers, complexity can create

inefficiency. Technology has long promised solutions

to these problems, and retailers have always been

quick to adopt ways of automating processes—from

barcodes and electronic point-of-sale technology to

online stores and enterprise resource planning systems.

We stand on the verge of what many are calling the

fourth industrial revolution. Cloud computing, big data,

and artificial intelligence represent huge shifts in how

humans use technology to make previously impossible

tasks not only achievable, but cheaper.

The retail industry today



2Gartner Customer Experience Action Plan



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There are three reasons why now is the time for retailers to consider incorporating bots into their business.

1 Great for customersNo one can have escaped the buzz about digital assistants

over the past couple of years. Consumers have embraced

them, which is good news for businesses.

● Bots are never too busy to speak to a customer and can

run 24x7.

● They are easy to scale. You can deploy as many as you

need, meaning customers don’t have to spend long

periods on hold in a queue or searching through a website.

● They have better memories than humans. This means

customers avoid having to explain their story

to multiple advisors because the bot has all their data.

Bots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning Artificial intelligence (AI)Although its definitions are broad, artificial intelligence

(AI) is essentially the ability of computers to make

rational decisions, similar to the way a human would.

This has been a goal of computer scientists for decades,

but only now are we seeing a surge of interest in the

field thanks to advances in computing power and a

stronger theoretical understanding of how to handle the

data that a computer needs to “think.”

Machine learningClosely related to AI, machine learning lets computers

learn to perform tasks without being explicitly

programmed to do them. It is a critical component of

AI, and has seen recent advances for the same reasons.

BotsBots can replicate the effectiveness of your best

advisors, cutting frustrating wait times using the power

of the cloud with infinite scale, and reducing operating

costs. An example of this is Microsoft’s Cortana—a

digital assistant that can recognise human speech,

interpret requests, and deliver information or perform

tasks based on what it is asked to do.

Why now, and why retail?

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2 Control the explosion of dataHighly digitised organisations such as retailers create

gigabytes of data a day. External data sources like supplier

systems and social media only add to this, and the volume,

variety, and velocity of incoming data will only increase.

Making sense of this requires automated tools that can

process the data and derive useful insight from it at the right

time for the right user. Harnessing data also helps deliver

a better customer experience. If a customer walks into a

physical store, sales staff won’t know anything about them or

their needs. Bots have access to both the data you hold on a

customer, including past interactions and purchases, and any

other data they allow the bot to access, such as their social-

media profiles. By mining this data, bots can have a more

relevant conversation with a customer.

3 Drive down costUsing bots isn’t about replacing people with machines, it’s

about helping people do their jobs more efficiently. Instead

of a human in a contact centre spending their day answering

simple customer queries, a bot could do this, leaving the

human free to handle more complex cases, or improving the

bot’s performance.

Using bots isn’t about replacing people with machines, it’s about helping people do their jobs more efficiently.

Why now, and why retail?

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Bots and your business: what can they do for you?

Scenario A: product supportSome retailers already have bots that do this. They exist

mainly as part of a brand’s website or app, and provide an

automated chat service to help users resolve issues faster

for greater customer satisfaction. Their intelligence is often

programmed based on existing customer support workflows

or FAQs, and many have access to customer databases to

provide a more personalised service to the user.

If a customer needs to be transferred to a human advisor, the

handover is smoother because the bot can provide an instant

view of the situation, which the advisor can easily understand.

Scenario B: the purchasing journeyWhen browsing a retail site, users can talk to a chat bot to

describe their needs. This is especially useful in areas where

consumers can be overwhelmed by choice, or don’t have

enough information to make an informed decision. The bot

can interface with systems to book appointments at physical

stores, reroute enquiries to human sales advisors, and use

background information about a customer to provide a

more personalised service. This could be information the

company already holds about that user’s past purchases

or, if a customer grants the bot access to their social-media

profile, the bot could quickly start to build up a picture of the

customer’s personality and their tastes. This allows the bot to

provide more appropriate offers when up-selling or cross-

selling, which can potentially boost sales.

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Scenario C: intentional selling Bots can serve as a helpful interface between a consumer

and a digital product. Take mobile phones. Customers will

often turn off their data roaming when they go abroad, but

many don’t realise that they have roaming included in their

tariffs, or could buy data packages for less that they thought.

In this scenario, bots encourage customers to get better use

of a service, and brands can benefit from wider up-selling

opportunities. Clothing retailers have also started offering

personal-stylist bots, which give advice to customers about

how they can combine items to achieve their perfect look.

Scenario D: new starter on-boardingLarge retailers have established processes to bring new

starters into the business, but the admin still takes up

valuable hours for managers. Bots can help users set up

accounts, get familiar with IT systems, and complete

relevant training—all using natural language that people

can understand and respond to.

Bots encourage customers to get better use of a service, and brands can benefit from wider up-selling opportunities.

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Getting to market

8/10 executives1 recognise the importance of using digital channels to create a consistent customer experience, but less than 35 percent feel confident to execute these initiatives.

Building bots is less complicated than many retailers think,

thanks to development frameworks. These help to provide

bots with the intelligence they need and integrate them into

existing technologies so that consumers can discover and

interact with them easily. The Microsoft Bot Framework was

launched in 2016 to help developers kick-start their digital

assistant projects. Here are some of the reasons why it’s the

framework of choice for developers around the world.

Easy to integrate with customers’ favourite channelsThe framework makes it easy to add bots to communication

channels that are already popular with customers, including

Skype, Facebook Messenger, SMS, and email, as well as your

website and app. Developers need to build a bot just once,

then connect it to multiple channels.

Quick to buildThe Bot Framework is currently in preview phase and its

open-source code is freely available to developers, who can

program the bots in a language that suits them. In addition

we run an early adoption programme for customers that

delivers a working prototype bot in just five weeks.

Simple to findRight now, there’s no standard way for consumers to find

bots they can talk to. The Bot Framework allows developers

to make their bots discoverable via search, so they appear

natively on results pages. Bots made in the framework can

also be found by other assistants like Cortana. In the latter

scenario, Cortana interfaces with the bot, so consumers might

not know they are talking to a bot at all. Consumers can even

add it as a friend on their favourite communication platforms.

Powered by years of intelligenceMicrosoft Cognitive Services was launched at the same time

as the Bot Framework. These APIs provide powerful service

extensions to make your bot smarter through Cognitive

Services such as Language Understanding Intelligent Service

(LUIS). Translation for automatic translation to more than 30

languages, and FormFlow for reflection generated bots. It

also has access to a rich suite of knowledge from Cortana

and Bing, which have been answering and learning from

real-world customer queries for years.


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Skyscanner and Skype have collaborated to build a travel search chat bot for the Skype platform.

Skype users involved in a group conversation can simply

add the Skyscanner bot to the chat and interact with it

naturally, as if it were another group member.

They can use the bot to search for flights and see prices

and route options directly in the chat. The bot then provides

a link where users can go to complete the purchase.

Skyscanner and Skype

“ Working with Skype on creating our bot was a natural fit for us: travel is an inherently social activity, and so it seems completely fitting that we’ve worked with Skype – the world’s largest peer-to-peer communications platform and the first messaging platform to offer bots which can interact as part a group chat environment, to give users the ability to share the experience of finding the best flights together.” David Low, Head of Bots and Conversational Search, Skyscanner

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We have a fast-track scheme to get you up and running within five weeks in three simple steps:

1 | Strategy briefingIdentify business challenges that can be addressed with solutions based on

the Microsoft platform

2 | Design led innovation workshopEstablish a delivery plan to achieve your vision

3 | Development sprintFocus on solution design, development, and deployment using a consolidated

and accelerated approach

What now? To discover more about how your business can benefit from bots, AI, or machine learning, contact us at:

[email protected]

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CASE STUDY: AI at Sibos 2016

See what other leading brands have built

Bot Directory

Explore the open-source Bot Framework and begin creating your bot today

Bot Framework

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