VOCABULARY 2Chris Barker


Pearson Education LimitedEdinburgh Gate HarlowEssex CM20 2JE, Englandand Associated Companies throughout the world.

ISBN 0 582 46878 7

First published 2001 Copyright © Chris Barker 2001

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Illustrations by Mark DavisPrinted in Spain by Cayfosa-Quebecor, Barcelona

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AcknowledgementsWith thanks to Helen Parker of Penguin Longman Publishing, for helping to shape the material and for her encouragement during the writing process; to Theresa Clementson, whose good sense, good humour and hard work made the transition from typescript to printed page seem effortless; and to Diane Winkleby, who opened my eyes to some of the delights of American English.

Chris Barker London, 2001

The publishers make gratefu l acknow ledgem ent for perm ission to reproduce the fo llow ing


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© G ary M Prior/A ll Sport; p 10, Leonardo D iC aprio , © Ed G eller/Retna ; p 10, Venus W illiam s,

© Daniel M o loshok/A ll Sport; p 10, Britney Spears, © Rex; p 10, David Coulthard , © Clive

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1 Physical description


4 -5

6 - 1 1

The body; The foot; The hand; The head; Skin; Features of the face; Hair style; Hair type

House and home 12-17

The kitchen; The living room; The bedroom; the bathroom; Types of house; Abbreviations; Location

Eating in and eating out 18-23

Quantities; Containers; Table items; Preparing food (verbs); Cooking food (verbs); Places to eat and drink; In a restaurant; Describing food; Modifying expressions; Asking for a table and ordering a meal

Places in town

Public buildings; Entertainment; Services; Shops and shopping

1 - 4 Test yourself 1

Test exercises 1 - 5

5 Travel and transport


3 2 -3 7

Vehicles; Air travel; Rail travel; Bus travel; People; Journeys; Travelling (verbs)

Cinema, television and radio 38 - 43

Types of film; Talking about films and TV programmes; Television and radio; TV transmission; Radio

Money 44 -49

English money; Banks; Foreign exchange till / Bureau de change; Cards; Cheques;Shops; Money and character; Money you get or earn; Expressions to do with money

Unit Pages

8 Personal belongings, 50 - 55clothes and shoes

Everyday items; Types of shoe; Parts of a shoe; Jewellery and accessories; Materials;Patterns

5 -8 Test yourself 2

Test exercises 1 - •<


Phone, e-mail and letters 5 8- 63

Telephones; Numbers and services; Phoning; Talking on the phone; Automated phone services; Sending letters; Sending e-mails (verbs)

10 Holidays 6 4 - 6 9

Time off; Types of holiday; Preparing to go; Accommodation; Staying at a campsite; Staying in a hotel; Describing a holiday

2 4 - 2 9 11 Landscape and weather 70 - 75

The earth; The sky; Points of the compass; Landscape features; Weather; Weather forecasts

12 The animal world 76-81

Classification of animals; Farm animals; Other common animals; Food from animals; Skin; Wild animals

9-12 Test yourself 3

Test exercises 1 - 4


82 -83


Liquid measure; Informal letters; The British postal system; The definite article with geographical names; Temperature; Some basic spelling rules; British / American spellings; British and American English

Self assessment and progress check 88

Answer key A - H

''Central pull-out section)

IntroductionFinding the right words

How many times do we want to say

something in another language but we

can't find the words?

Learning a language means that you start

with a few words and phrases and slowly

add to them. It is hardest in the early

stages, because there's so much you want

to say and you only have a small number

Topics, words and phrases

In this hook, we have chosen the topics

which you often cover at the elementary

level o f an English course (see the

previous page fo r the list of contents).

Under each topic, you will find im portant

('key') words and phrases. If you use these

How to use Boost Your Vocabulary 2

You can use this book on your own, for

self-study, or in a class with your teacher. It

can be used in three ways:

1 To practise and learn more vocabulary

• Choose a topic area of interest to you.

• Read the lists of words and phrases in

the topic area.

• Translate the words and phrases into

your language in the spaces provided,

using a good bilingual dictionary.

• Do the practice exercises. Try not to

refer to the lists when you are writing.

• Check your work by looking back at the


• Finally, use the Answer key to mark and

correct your work.

of words. This is why it is important to try

to increase your vocabulary as quickly as


You will find that some words and phrases

are more useful to you than others. You

need to focus on these and try to learn

them so you can use them. You don't have

to learn every word or phrase.

words and phrases frequently, you will

be able to remember them better. The

exercises under each topic usually start

with single words, making sure you can

spell them correctly, and build towards

longer writing activities.

2 To help you with written and spoken work

When you are working on a particular

topic in class, use the lists to help you

with writing or speaking.

Do the practice exercises at home to

help you use the words and phrases in

a variety of contexts.

3 To revise before a test

Test yourself on particular topics by

looking at your translations and saying

the English words or phrases.

Try this on your own and with a partner.

Types of exercise Tests

There are word puzzles, quizzes, surveys

and questionnaires; there are exercises

which ask you to organize words into

groups; and there are opportunities for

continuous writing. They aim to help you

remember vocabulary and use it



Some of the exercises have symbols,

to help you identify them quickly:


word groups


When you see this symbol, you

should write in your notebook.

PYou will also find some words

and phrases in a green box with

this symbol. These focus on

gram m atical aspects.

Answer key

You can find the answers to the exercises

and the tests in the centre of the book, in

a special pull-out section.

There are tests after Units 4, 8 and 12.

They revise the language of Units 1 to 4,

5 to 8 and 9 to 12. They will help you to

see how well you are doing.

Self assessment and progress checks

On page 88 you will find charts which will

help you to assess and record how much

progress you are making.


S When you see this symbol, you can

f in d m ore in fo rm a tio n in the

reference section at the back of the book.

The reference section also contains some

basic spelling rules, which fo llow on from

those in Boost Your Vocabulary 1. It includes

British and American spelling differences

(colour and color, fo r example) and a unit-

by-unit list com paring British and American

English vocabulary.

Boost Your V oc a bu l ar y 2 In t roduct io" _ 0 _

Physical description








(He's) pale ......................................... (She's got) freckles

fair-skinned ......................................... spots

dark ......................................... a scar

tanned ......................................... a mole

Boost Your V o c a b u l a r y 2 Unit 1

Features of the face

a / round face


long, thin






He wears glasses.

He's got a beard.

He's got a moustache.

Hair style










(I've got)

a fringe,

a shaved head.

Hair type







I've got thick hair.

dark brown

light blue


greenish brown

long eyelashes


strong features

high cheekbones


(I've got)

a centre parting.

a side parting.

long, straight hair.

medium-length, wavy hair.

I wear my hair ...

in bunches.

in a pony tail.

in plaits.

in dreadlocks.

tied back.

He's going bald.

My hair sometimes gets greasy. m See page 86 for the British / Am erican

vsord list.

Boost Your V o ca b u l a r y 2 Unit 1 | 7 |

I^Sf 1a Circle the words in the wordsnake. The last letter of one word is the first letter of the next.

(cTtTTTj)0 s e y e l b o w a i s t h u m b a c k n e e y e b r o w r i s + h i g h i p s

1b Now circle twenty parts of the body in the wordsearch.

w S T 0 M A C H E N

c H I N H A I R y 0

(F 0 R E H E A y E 5


N L 0 A 0 R K J A N

& D N I U B L P S E

E E G L T 0 0 T H C


T 0 E D M C H E S T

L I P B 0 T T 0 M R

2 Put the words in exercises la and lb into the correct categories.

The h ead The bodyforehead


The leg and the foot The a rm an d the hand

8 Boost Your V o c a bu l a r y 2 Unit 1

3 Complete the description of this exercise.

Exercise 1

Lie on your b a c k and put both your h _______up

by the sides of your h (or across your c _____

if you are new to this exercise).

Bend your k up. Keep them and your a ____

together and keep your b ________on the floor.

Move your k to one side so that they make a

45° angle to the floor.

Move your upper body forwards, towards your

I , then back again. Keep your

s ______________relaxed.

Repeat fifteen to twenty times.

4 Tracy and Wayne have tried a lot of hairstyles. Describe them using the words in the box.

4 r

cropped wavy fringe frizzy dreadlocks

straight curly bunches pony tail spiky

1 Wayne's g o t wavy hair. ^

2 He's wearing his hair in a pony tail. 7

3....................................................................................... 8 ...

4........................................................................... 9 ...

5........................................................................... 10.

Boost Your V oc abu la r y 2 Unit 1

5a How would you describe these people? Underline the correct words.

* % A

Pete Sampras has got a round / an oval face and th in / th ic k eyebrows. He's d a rk /

fa ir -sk inned. His hair is sp iky / curly.

Leonardo D iCaprio's gota square / an o v a l face .

He's dark / fa ir -s k in n e d .

He's got ve ry b ig / q u ite

small eyes and a sm a ll /

big nose. He's got f in e /

thick hair, and it's sh o rt /


Venus W illiams has got an o v a l / a ro u n d

face. She's got w a vy / cu rly hair, which she wears tied b a c k / up

5b Now write similar descriptions of the singer Britney Spears and the racing driver David Coulthard.

6 Complete the form to describe yourself.

On File Model AgencyApplication formPlease complete this questionnaire about yourself and send it with your photos.

short hair

cropped hair

curly hair

frizzy hair

a shaved head

fine hair

a side parting

greasy hair

tied back

in bunches

in plaits

7 Now write a description of your brother, sister or best friend using the phrases in exercise 6.

My best friend Becky is fair-skinned.

8 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

W ords Expressions1 1 ................2 ................................................................

3 ................................ 2 ...................

4 ................................................................

5 ................................ 3 ...................

6 ....................................................7 ................................ 4 ..................

8 .......................................................9 ................................ 5 ..................

1 0 .......................................................

I’m | | pale f~~] fair-skinned I’ve got Q ] long hair □| |dark | | tanned | | medium-length hair □

| | straight hair □

I’ve got | |freckles | | spots | | wavy hair □

1 I a scar 1 1 a mole / moles | | a fringe □| | thick hair □My skin’s quite dry □

I’ve got good skin n | | a centre parting □

1 sometimes get spots Q| | dry hair □

1 never get spots □1 sometimes wear my hair

□ up □I’ve g o t.................. ....eyes. □ in a pony tail □

| | in dreadlocks □

Boost Your V oc a bu l ar y 2 Unit 1

House and homeTranslate the words and phrases.

The kitchen


shelf (shelves)

* cooker



* microwave


washing machine

* fridge


^ sink

. taps




w ork surface

coffee machine

« kettle




The bedroom

double bed

single bed

bunk beds

plain / patterned « carpet

chest of drawers



desk lamp

dressing table

^ duvet

notice board

» radio alarm

^ w ardrobe

wastepaper bin

The living room


television / TV

^arm chair

coffee table


* rug

sound system


table lamp

standard lamp




* vase



u fireplace


light bulb




The bathroom

■fc bath

u shower


toilet roll

soap dish

towel rail


> m irror

linen basket

bath towel

hand towel


v toothbrush

12 Boost Your V oc a b u l a r y 2 Unit 2

Types ofhouse

detached house

semi-detached house

b terraced house

JU m ...........Abbreviations

Rd Road

St Street

Ave Avenue

Where do you live?

In north London.


in the country

in a town / village + name of street + name of town /

village / areain a suburb called

in a quiet / busy street

in the mountains

near the sea

near the city centre ..

a long way fromthe city centre

about twenty minutes' walk from the city centre ..

on the outskirts of town

quite close to apark

above a shop

next to a cafe

opposite thepost office

What are your neighbours like? J -

Wherabouts exactly?

In Camden Town. O ur flat is above a shop in Park Street.

W hat's it like there?

It's quite noisy.

I live at 45 Westcliff Road.

It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the centre of town by bus.

See page 86 for the British / Am erican

w ord list.

Boost Your V oca bu la r y 2 Unit 2&

Put the items in the room where you normally find them. Some items can go in several rooms, but just choose one.










radio alarm






kitchen living room

b ath ro omwashbasin


2a Match the two parts of these words (lk coffee table). Then add them to the correct room in exercise 1.

1 coffee v . a) basket

2 double \ b) surface

3 towel |i c) bin

4 toilet J d) drawers

5 bath / e) dish

6 chest o f / lamp

7 linen / g) machine

8 soap H) rail

9 sound \ i) roll

10 standard \ i) bed

11 washing ^ k) table

12 wastepaper 1) system

13 work • m) bulb

14 light n) towel

2b Find ten things in the picture from exercises 1 and 2a. Write the words below.

9 ..

10 .

14 Boost Your V o c a b u l a r y 2 Unit 2

|a f 3 Solve the crossword.


Look carefully at these two pictures and find four more differences.

Across ►1 A chest o f ....... (7)

4 Turn this on to get some water. (3)

5 Do you prefer a bath or a ...... ? (6)

7 An oven + a hob = a ...... (6)

9 I l iv e 45 Park Road. (2)

10 You toast bread in a ......... (7)

12 The cold water's OK, but there's n o water. (3)

14 It goes into an electrical socket. (4)

15 Rd. (4)

Down y1 No more washinq-up! We've qot

a (10)

2 We live in a f la t a shop. (5)

3 It's got four legs, and it's the name of a mountain in South Africa. (5)

6 O ur house is n e x t a field. (2)

7 I live q u ite to the sports centre. (5)

8 You boil water in it. (6)

11 A small carpet. (3)

1 3 You make this favourite English drink in a pot. (3)

There are two armchairs.

Picture 2

There's only one armchair.

y 5 Describe the living room and the kitchen in your house or flat.

Boost Your Vocobulary 2 Unit 2 jTs j

6 Match each description to a picture. Complete the descriptions by choosing from these words.

opposite next above

1 I live ............... !(l................ Cornwall,................................... the sea. O ur houseis called 'Penhaven'. It's a detachedhouse. It is n 't .................................... avillage. The nearest town is Padstow.

Picture ...

2 I l iv e ...................................... London,

................................... a suburb calledHounslow. It's a long way from the centre of London. It's................................... Heathrow Airport.

I l iv e ..................................... a terracedh o u se ....................................a busy street,but it i s ..................................... to a park.

Picture ...

3 I live .................................... the country,................................... a village calledElterwater, which i s ....................................the Lake District. O ur cottage is ................................... the post office.

Picture ...

4 I l iv e ......................................Aviemore inScotland. I t 's ......................................themountains. It takes about half an hour to get to the nearest big town,Inverness.

Picture ...

5 I l iv e ...................................... Ilkley, a town................................... North Yorkshire.O ur flat is ..................................... a shop,................................... the outskirts oftown. I t 's .................................... RipleyRoad. It's quite close to my school.

Picture ...

R Boost Your V oc a bu l ar y 2 Unit 2

Amy. lives

[ / 8 Write an account of where you live. Use these notes to help you.

City / Townoutskirts



Countrysmall town


O th e rsea


nearest city

A re a

busy / quiet

9 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

W ords1 .....2 .......3 ........

4 ........

5 ........

6 .......7 ........

8 ......9 ........

1 0 ......

Expressions1 .............

2 .................

3 ....................

4 ...................

5 ...................

Boost Your V oca bu la r y 2 Unit 2 a

Eating in and eating outM i ^ e e re erence section on p a g e 84.Translate the words and phrases.


litre ...........................pint ...........................100 g (grams) ...........................kilo ...........................100 ml (millilitres) ..........................piece ...........................loaf (of bread) ...........................slice (noun) ...........................teaspoonful ...........................small amount ...........................a little ...........................

Containerspacket ...........................tub ...........................jar ...........................carton ...........................bottle ...........................can ...........................tin ...........................

Table items

knife (knives) ...........................fork ...........................soup spoon ...........................dessert spoon ...........................teaspoon ...........................bowl ...........................plate ...........................side plate ...........................cup ...........................saucer ...........................jug pot ...........................table mat ...........................napkin ...........................

181 Boost Your V o c a b u l a r y 2 Unit 3

Preparing food (verbs)

chop .............

slice .............

grate .............

peel .............

mix .............

add .............

pour .............

Cooking food (verbs)

boil .............

fry .........bake .............

roast .............

grill .............poach .............

steam .............

heat .............

You can use the verbs above to makeadjectives.

Popular British dishesboiled carrots mashed potatoes

grated carrots scrambled eggs

fried fish butbaked potatoes roast chicken

grilled sausages roast potatoes

Places to eat and drink

restaurant .............

cafe .............

fast-food restaurant.............

pizzeria .............

sandwich bar .............

takeaway .............

pub .............

In a restaurant



main course


Describing food







just right









Modifying expressionsnot very a bit rather

I i i

very / really too

(My roast chicken's) not very tasty.

(My toast is) a bit burnt.

(This curry's) rather spicy.

(Mm, my roast potatoes are) really nice.

(These french fries are) too salty.

Asking for a table and ordering a meal

YouCould I have a table for four, please?

To start, I'd like...

As a main course, I'll have...

Could I have some more bread, please? ....

Could I have the bill, please?

W a ite rWhat would you like?

What can I get you?

Anything to drink?

Enjoy your meal!

The chicken is served with rice.

See page 86 fo r the British / Am erican w ord list.

s >Boost Your V oca bu la r y 2 Unit 3 19





10 1 1 12

2a Try out your cooking skills!

Do you know how to make a pancake!

a little a small amount

125g a teaspoonful of

300 ml one

Add the quantities in the box to the ingredients.

Ingredients.............. lemon juice ........................... of milk

........................... of flour ........................... of oil

........................... egg ........................... sugar

Complete the instructions and put them in the right order.

Method.....................the flour with the milk.

.............................a little of the mixtureinto the pan.

Put it on a warm plate and .............................. itwith lemon juice and sugar.

T h e n .............................. the egg.

.........................................the oil in a frying pan.

When the pancake’s cooked on one side, flip it over.

2b Write the list of ingredients and the method for your own favourite dish,

fio) Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 3

^ 3 Put the words into the correct categories. Then next to each word write an appropriate item of food.

bakeboilhalf a litre peel

chop a bar a jar roast

a carton

grate a loaf a tin

200ggrilla packet add

ways of cooking foodbake a cake

containersa carton o f milk

quantities200%......... o f b u tte r

w ays of p re p a rin g foodchop an onion

4 Wayne and Tracy were really hungry and thirsty when they got to Tracy's house after school. Use the words in box A and the pictures in box B to write what they had.

sUce a slice o f ham

bar ..........................

can ..........................

carton ..........................

loaf ..........................

bottle ..........................

piece ..........................

tub ..........................

packet ..........................

10 tin

Boost Your V oca bu la r y 2 Unit 3

5 Look at the survey and complete the chart.

eggsaj friedb] boiledc) poached

fishaj friedb) steamedc) grilled

chickena) friedb) grilledc) roast

potatoesa) boiledb) chipsc) baked

carrotsa) boiledb) steamedc) raw

6a Write the descriptions in the correct column.

* Fried, boiled or poached? British teenagers tell us how they like their food.

ResultsTheir favo uritepoached eggs

My favo urite

6b Choose different descriptions for 1 to 8.

rather spicy


very fresh

too salty

just right

very tasty




too sweet

very tender




2 3

N e g a tiv era th e r spicy $ 6




birthday cake

cooked vegetables


meat (e.g. a steak)




Boost Your V o c a b u l a r y 2 Unit 3

7a Match the menus to the places.

1 cc,fe ” •••• 3 fast food res tau ran t 5 Chinese takeaway

2 sandwich bar ...... 4 pizzeria 6 restaurant

7b Add your two favourite fillings to menu f.

7C Give examples of a starter, a main course and a dessert for menu b.s ta rte r.............................. main course dessert .......................

°) M a r g h e r i t a The o r ig in a l!

N a p o le ta n a Very tasty!

C alzone Ins ide th e re ’s ham , cheese a n d

to m a to . mmm, delicious!

Top five fillings j1 tuna with salad

and mayonnaise

2 chicken with salad /

2 cheese and tomato


5 .......................... i

f 8 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

Words Expressions1 1 ................2 .................................................................

3 ................................ 2 ...................

4 .................................................................

5 ................................ 3 ...................

6 ....................................................7 ................................ 4 ...................

8 ....................................................9 ................................ 5 ...................

1 0 ........................................................

Boost Your V o ca b u l a ry 2 Unit 3

Places in townsTranslate the words and phrases.

Entertainment Services

cinema ........................................ bank

theatre ........................................ bureau de change

concert hall ........................................ hotel

games arcade ........................................ tourist inform ation

bowling alley ........................................ (office), • , laundrette

skating rink ........................................I k doctor's surgery

optician'sdisco ........................................ ,

dentist s

health centre

job centre

estate agent's

24 Boost Your V o c a b u l a r y 2 Unit 4

Shops and shopping

shopping centre .........

department store ........

supermarket ........

butcher's .........

baker's / bakery ........

jeweller's ........

florist's / flower shop ....

bookshop ........

greengrocer's .......

fishmonger's ........

chemist's ........

newsagent's ........


dry cleaner's

off licence

video shop


record shop

toy shop

hardware store

electrical goods store,

clothes shop

corner shop


The clothes shop has got a sale on.

There are lots of bargains.

There's a ten per cent discount on everything.

A few items are half price.

YouCan I have ...?

Have you got any ...?

I'm just looking, thanks.

Could you help me? I'm looking for .

I'll take one of those, please.

How much is it?

Can I pay by credit card / cheque?

Could I have a receipt, please?

Shop assistantCan I help you?

If you need any help, just ask.

Are you being served?

It's on special offer.

Anything else?

Would you like a bag?

Here's your change.

Sign here, please.

Here / there you are.

'Are there any discounts V for students?

m -See page 86 fo r the British /

Am erican w ord


Boost Your V oc a bu l ar y 2 Unit 4

1 Match each picture to a shop. Then, for each type of shop, give the name of one in your town.

Picture Shop N a m e of one in my town

1 w butcher's

2 .... florist's

3 .... jeweller's

4 .... stationer's

5 .... greengrocer's

6 .... baker's

7 .... chemist's

8 .... newsagent's

9 .... hairdresser's

10 .... dry cleaner's

11 .... fishmonger's

12 .... electrical goods store

2a Match the words in the two columns. Some words in the second column can be used twice. Then write the full name under the correct picture.

police gallery

shopping \hall

post \


departm ent / centre

artinform ation

bus /

i°b jsurgery

sports 1 store

concert \\ station


railway house

1 police station □ 7 •

□ 8 .

□ 9 .

n io.

□ n .

□ 12.



2b Tick the places that are within fifteen minutes' walk of your house or school.

Boost Your V o c a b u l a r y 2 Unit 4

3a Find fourteen more words for places in towns.

(C O U R T) B A N K S

s u D P H C L U B U

c c 1 N E M A N O P

H G S J A L K 1 O E

O C C H T P 1 V K R




C O L L E G E 1 P K


S L 1 B R A R Y W T

4 Where would you go?1 You've got toothache.

2 You've got a headache.

3 Your eyes hurt and you can't see the board at school.

4 You've got a lot of clothes to wash.

5 You've got a jacket which can't be washed.

6 You're looking for a flat to rent.

7 You've got to do the week's food shopping and you haven't got a lot of time.

8 You've seen an accident in the street. One of the cars drove away without stopping.

9 You're looking for a job.

10 You want to buy a new watch.

1 1 You're going to Australia on holiday and you want to change some money.

1 2 You want to buy some flowers for your friend's birthday.

3b Put the words from the wordsearch in the correct group.

the lawcourt


culture and e n te rta in m e n t



I 'd go to the dentists.

5 Choose five of the following places in your town to take an English friend. Write sentences explaining your plans, giving details of each place.

concert hall theatre

skating rink games arcade

bowling alley club


On Monday evening we'll go to a concert a t the Barbican Concert Hall.

6 You are telephoning to book two tickets for Charlie's Angels this evening. Complete the dialogue.

Assistant: Plaza Cinema, good afternoon.

You: (soy what you want) ....................

Assistant: Which performance?

You: (decide and respond)................................

Assistant: That'll be £15, please.

You: (discount for students?) ............................

Assistant: Only for the two o'clock performance.

You: (respond) ...................................................

Assistant: OK. That's fine. Could 1 have your creditcard number?

7a W rite 'S' fo r the shop assistant's sentences and 'C ' fo r the custom er's sentences in dialogues 1, 2 and 3.

7b Fill in the missing words.

7c N um ber the sentences in the correct order to m ake dialogues.

7d W rite the type o f shop in which each d ia logue takes place.

Dialogue 1S/C Correct order All washing machines come with a two-year guarantee.

If you need any help........................... , just ask.

....... I will. Thank....................................

....... Good morning..................................... I help you?

....... I'm ........................................... looking, thanks.

Type of shop ..................................................................................................

S ] B o o s t Y o u r V o c a b u la r y 2 U n it 4

D ialogue 2

S/C Correct o rde r

...... Yes, we have. It's just here.

...... Could I .............................. a receipt, please?

...... Are you .............................. served?

...... Yes, of course you can. Sign .............................. , please.

............................................ much is it?

...... It's £12.99. It's on .............................. offer.

...... No, I'm not. I'm ............................ for the latest Harry Potfer book.Have you got it?

...... Of course. I'll ............................. it in the bag with the book.

...... Oh, that's good. It's £15 in other shops. I ........................... take it.Can I pay by cred it..............................?

Type of shop ...............................................................................................................

D ia logue 3

S/C Correct o rder

...... I .............................. take a lettuce, please.

...... Good morning, Mrs Harris. W ha t.............................. you like today?

...... Oh, yes. They came in this morning.

...... Anything .............................. ?

....... There you .................................. A lettuce and some carrots. Twopounds, please.

...... Yes, some carrots, please. Are they fresh?

* ...... I've only got a £20 note. Have you got a n y ...............................?

...... In that case, I'll have a kilo.

Type of shop ...............................................................................................................

W rite ten words and five expressions you are going to m emorize.

Words Expressions1 1 ..................2 ...........................3 ............................. 24 .............................5 ............................. 36 ...........................7 ............................. 48 ...........................9 ............................. 51 0 ...........................

B o o s t Y o u r V o c a b u la r y 2 U n it 4 E

J 3 _

Test yourself 1 (Units 1 to 4)How much can you rem em ber? My mark:

601 Label the picture.

0 forehead

1 e2 n...........................

4 I.................

5 c

6 h

7 e"

9 m10 n”

(10 marks)

2 Com plete the description of the girl in exercise 1.

Amy is J f.QIC:sinned She's got dark brown hair. It's 1...........................-length andshe wears it in 2 .......................... She's got an 3.......................... face. Around her nose,she's got 4. (4 marks)

3 Solve the crossword.

A cro ss ►

1 This large store sells clothes, furniture, things for the kitchen, perfum e and all sorts o f things. ( 10)

5 It's in the w all, and it brings electricity into your hom e. (6)

7 Not cooked. (3)

8 If you w ant to buy a cooker or a fridge, go to an ... hardw are store. (10)

10 ... the outskirts of tow n. (2)

1 1 I enjoyed that pasta dish. It was really ... . (5)

1 5 If you w ant to wake up early, use my ... -a larm . (5)

1 6 You've got a top one and a bottom one right under your nose! (3)

18 My hair sometimes ... greasy. (4)

19 W ould you like a ... o f water? (5)

D o w n Y

1 The sweet part o f a m eal. (7)

2 Two ... o f crisps, please. (7)

3 I usually w ear ... h a ir in a pony tail. (2)

4 You use it to dry yourself a fter a shower. (5)

6 ... the light on. (4)

7 I get all my CDs and cassettes from Andy's (6)

B o o s t Y o u r V o c a b u la r y 2 T e s t y o u r s e l f 1

’ d E2



5 6 7

8 9


11 12 13 14


16 17

18 19

9 If you w ant to buy presents fo r ch ild ren, go tothe . shop in the High Street. (3)

12 I'm sorry I wasn't ... to come to your party. (4)

13 You turn them on to get water. (4)

14 They're at the end of your feet. (4)

1 5 It's m ade of cloth or wool and you put it on the floor. (3)

1 7 You live in that new block of flats. W hat's ... like there? (2)

(21 marks)


4 Complete the shopping list.

Two ..!*?.. erf milk. 4

I j w Ar .................. O-f W W W^ldde &

2. A: .................. o*f bread 6

2> U&f ' Two .............. o f +owu»+oe.s

Ar .................... orf lewoytfde

Ar .................... O^f t is c u i+ A

Ar .................... e rf clr\ocold+e

(6 marks)

5 Unscramble the words, which all start with the letter in dark type, and put them in the correct group.

work sur


w t o


u 9 s * e

y r


e C r

n t e


y ' 9 '


I °

I y


ska tin g

w a s h in g

n h ' m e c a

Things you find in a house

q work surface

1 ................................2 ..............................................

3 ..............................................

4 ..............................................

Places in town

5 ..............................................

6 ..........................................7 ..............................................

(9 marks)

Travel and transportTranslate the words and phrases.


bus ................................

coach ................................

train ................................

tram ................................

plane ................................

lorry ................................

van ................................

car ................................

taxi / cab ................................

motorbike ................................

scooter ................................

bike ................................

Use by with means o f transport, e.g. by public transport, by bus, by coach, by train, etc.

Air travel





departure lounge

check-in (desk)

passport control


flight (number)


baggage reclaim

window seat

aisle seat

boarding pass


hand luggage

first class

business class

economy class

Rail travel




information (desk) ....

waiting room

left-luggage (office / lockers)

ticket office


gentlemen / gents ...




way out


direct train

standard class (second class)

first class


no-smoking sign

buffet car

restaurant car




single (ticket)

return (ticket)


student card

rail card

Bus travel


bus stop


bus pass

travel card (= rail and bus pass)

32 Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Unit 5


Trainticket collector





cabin attendant

customs officer

immigration officer





on time





m See page 86 for the British / American word list.

Travelling (verbs)



take (a train, bus, plane or taxi)

catch (a train, bus plane, but not a taxi) ...

miss (a train, bus or plane)

change (trains, buses, planes)

get on (a train, bus or plane)

get off (a train, bus or plane)

get out of (a car or taxi) ,

Plane travelboard

take off


And they say cycling

How much is the train fare?

Are there any discounts for students?

Is it cheaper if I book in advance? .

Is there a train that leaves at about 7.30?

What time does the train get in?

Do I have to change?

Which platform is it?

Is this the train to ...?

Train travel is ...

I cheap / expensive

j quick / slow

! comfortable / uncomfortable .

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 5 133

1 You are at the railway station. W hat do these symbols mean?a i n f o r m a t i o n 5 □E w 0_

2 ^ . S t 0______ 6J(g)|3

3® - i _________ / ___________ s

7 ^ 6 and ffcs

2 Choose the correct verb.

(get off /get out)1 We're going to sit here all day in this taxi. The traffic is so bad.

Let's and walk.

2 The train stops at Didcot. You need to here.

(catch / take)3 Hurry up, or you won't ...................................... the train.

4 We decided to ...................................... a taxi.

(get off / take off)5 W hat time did their plane ................................... ?

6 Ask the bus conductor to tell you where t o ......................................

(get on / get in)7 It's OK. There's enough room in the car. .........................................

8 I wanted to go to York but I ....................................... the train to Leeds by mistake.

(land / get in)9 What time did the train .....................................?

10 What time did the plane .....................................?

3 Write about a real or imaginary train journey using the notes below.Last summer I travelled from ...

Journey from / to? .......................................................................................

Class / single / return ticket? .......................................................................................

Fare (student discount)? .......................................................................................

Departure time (on time / late)? .......................................................................................

Direct? ........................................................................................

Refreshments? .......................................................................................

Arrival time (early / late / on time)?......................................................................................

Boost Your V oca bu la r y 2 Unit 5

[^jjj 4 Write the words in the correct column. Some words can go in more than one column.

| baggage reclaim

! check-in desk

! return



boarding pass


immigration officer


ticket collector

buffet car

departure lounge

left-luggage lockers


travel card

cabin attendant


pass (noun)


waiting room

5 Complete the questionnaire.

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND THE ENVIRONMENTPlease help us by filling in this questionnaire. Thank you. A

In the past two weeks ...1 ... which of the following means of

transport have you used?

Bus □ Train □ Car □ Bike □ Other □ (please specify)

2 ... how much have you spent on

train tickets? ........................

bus tickets? ........................

... how many journeys have you made using the following means of transport?

• None * 1 - 5 • More than 5

bike .......................

public transport .......................

car .......................

taxi .......................

3 ... approximately how many kilometres have you travelled

by public transport? car? bike? ................

In your opinion, what is the best way to travel? Why?

a ir travel I rail travel bus travel

places and facilities

baggage reclaim


tickets and documents

Boost Your V ocabulary 2 Unit 5 [35

| ^ f 6 Solve the crossword.

A c ro s s ►

1 To f in d o u t w h e n yo u r tra in leaves,

you need to lo o k at the .......

b o a rd . (10)

5 W ith 7 D o w n. You can sit here

b e fo re yo u r tra in leaves. (7 -4 )

8 The p la n e to o k ....... on tim e . (3)

1 1 A t yo u r d e s tin a tio n a irp o rt, you

p ick up y o u r bags fro m the

b a g g a g e ........ (7)

13 Two o 'c lo c k in the a fte rn o o n = 2

(2 )

14 The tra in leaves at 6 .3 0 . W h a t

tim e does it g e t ? (2)

1 5 You lo o k at th e m to f in d ou t tra in

tim es. (10)

2 0 Passengers w h o w o u ld like d in n e r

sh o u ld go to t h e ca r now. (10)

2 3 F ir s t s ta n d a rd class? (2)

D o w n y

1 I have to ch a n g e ? (2)

2 The tra in to B rig h to n leaves fro m ........ 6. (8)

3 W e w e n t on a schoo l ....... to F rance last year. (4)

4 T h e re 's a bus ......... r ig h t o u ts ide m y house. (4)

6 The bus was fu ll. I c o u ld n 't on . (3)

7 See 5 Across.

9 D o you w a n t a s ing le o r a re tu rn ......... ? (6)

10 A veh ic le fo r tra n s p o rtin g sm a ll ob je cts . (3)

12 A m e a su re m e n t o f d is tance e q u a l to a b o u t 1.6

k ilo m e tre s . (4)

1 5 They w e n t o n a ....... o f the G re e k is lan ds. (4)

16 H u rry up ! You d o n 't w a n t to ....... y o u r tra in . (4)

17 You u s u a lly the p la n e a b o u t tw en ty m inutesb e fo re take o ff. (5)

18 W o u ld you like a w in d o w o r an a is le ........ ? (4)

19 I've g o t m y d riv in g licence, bu t I h a v e n 't g o t a ....

21 Does this bus g o ........ the tow n ce n tre? (2)

2 2 You c a n 't have a c ig a re tte . T h e re 's a ........ sm o k in g s ignup the re . (2)

1 D1--- 1---

O5 6


8 9


11 12

M13 14


L15 16 17



20 21 22


Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 5

7 Use the words in the box to complete the airport information leaflet.

airline boarding pass business check in

control departure economy first class

flight gate passport hand luggage

security terminal ticket

F o r y o u r i n f o r m a t i o n

• Make sure you know which your planeleaves from.

• When you arrive at the airport find the desks for your ......................... (e.g. British Airways, Air France).

• Make sure you are in the right queue. Your ticket will tellyou which class you are travelling: .................................................. or .........................

• The assistant at the desk will ask for y o u r ...........................and y o u r ............................

• He or she will then ............................. your baggage and giveyou y o u r ..............................

'i n • Please note tha t you can only carry one item of^ J .......................... onto the plane.

• You should then go through p a ssp o rt............................ andthrough the ............................ check.

• Go to the ........................... lounge and check which^ ............................ y o u r . leaves from.

8 W rite ten words and five expressions you are go ing to mem orize.

W ords Expressions1 1 ...........................................................................................

2 .............................3 ............................... 2

4 ...............................

5 ............................... 3

6 ...........................7 ............................... 4



Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 5 |3!

Cinema, television and radioTranslate the words and phrases.

Types of film

horror film

science fiction (sci-fi) film

animated film

historical film

gangster movie

disaster movie

road movie

real-life drama







love story

Talking about films and TV programmes

t's a blockbuster. ................................

t's a low-budget film. ................................

t's a classic. ................................

t's based on a book. ................................

t's subtitled. ................................

t's dubbed. ................................

t's beautifully filmed,

t's quite moving,

t's very funny.

It's nonsense.

The story is ridiculous.

The acting is marvellous.

She's superb in the title role.

He isn't very convincing.

What's showing at the Roxy Cinema?

When is the new Star Wars film coming out?

Where's it on?

W ho's in it?

Who's it directed by?

What's it about?

What time is A question o f sport on?

What channel is it on?

It's on at 8.30 on BBC1.

I missed last night's episode of Friends.

Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Unit 6

Television and radio

music programme

travel programme

current affairs programme

arts programme

sports programme

wildlife programme

natural history programme


talk show

chat show

quiz show

game show


comedy series

period drama


soap (opera)

sitcom (situation comedy)





regional news

weather forecast








TV transmission






Boost Your V ocabulary 2 Unit 6 (39L

1 Complete the words for types of film. Then match them with the pictures. Finally, give an example of each type of film (in English, if possible).

: : v ; ..... ..............— r„.my . .

-J. r* '

1 a n im a te d film d

2 c m d

3 c t n

4 g _ n _ s t ___film

5 d _ s _ s t ___movie

6 r ___1 - 1 _ fe drama

7 r ___d movie

8 s c _____c _ - f _ c _ i _ n



2910 m _ s _ c _ 1

11 1 _ v _ story

h _______r film1213 e P _ _

t h ___1____r14

Boost Your V oca bu la r y 2 Unit 6

2 Decide whether the following descriptions are positive or negative.

© © © ©1 It's very funny. ✓ 6 The story is ridiculous.

2 It's quite moving. 7 The acting is awful.

3 It's nonsense. 8 He isn't very convincing.

4 It's a classic. ! 9 She's superb in the title role.

5 It's beautifully filmed. lOThe animation is marvellous.

W rite a sum m ary of a favourite film .

Use a d ic tio n a ry to he lp you w rite yo u r sum m ary , but keep it sim ple. N o te tha t you can use the

present sim ple fo r this type o f descrip tion .

Name of film

What sort of film is it?

Who's it directed by?

(Is it based on a book?)

Who's in it?

What's it about?

W hat's the problem?

How does the film end?

What are the performances like?

Any other comments?

Rating: ★ to ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

B illv E llio t

Billy Elliot is part- comedy, part real-life drama. It's directed by Stephen Aldry.

It stars Jamie Bell as an 11-year-old who wants to be a ballet dancer. The problem is tha t his father and brother think ballet is silly. They want him to be a boxer. But Billy goes to dance lessons and finally achieves his dream.

Jamie Bell is superb in the title role. His dancing>s totally convincing. The film is a classic.

4 W ayne and Tracy are w atch ing a DVD. Com plete w hat Wayne says.

1 The picture's quite dark. 4 I want to see that bit again!

Turnmupm the. brigh fness,.............................. .......................................................................2 I can't hear what they're saying. 5 I don t want to see the adverts. Let s go

through them quickly.

3 There's something wrong with the . , ,picture. It's all black, white and grey. 6 I m going to the toilet, but I don t want

to miss anything.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 6 |41

Look at the programmes Wayne is going to watch this evening. Decide which type of programme each one is.

4.30 That Thing A p ro file o f A m erican te e n a g e singer, B ritn ey S p ears

music programme / documentary

5.00 Learning Zone P ro b lem s w ith M ath s? H ere are the an sw ers

5.30 Oprah Winfrey M em b e rs o f the a u d ien ce tell O p rah w hat they think

6.00 Hollyoaks In this e p iso d e , th ings get se rio u s w hen Ben tells C in d y

h e ’s got a n o th e r g irlfrien d . . . and sh e 's not h appy

6.30 The Animal Zone G ira ffe s in E a st A frica

7.30 * Top of the Pops L iv e b an d s, v id e o s and the U K ’s n u m b e r o ne sin g le

8.00 The Colourists M ic h a e l P alin p re se n ts a p ro file o f fo u r S co ttish p ain ters

9.00 Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

A n sw e r th e q u e stio n s and w in a big p riz e

9.30 Match of the Day F in la n d v. E n g lan d : h ig h lig h ts o f to d a y ’s g am e

10.30 Panorama : T h e w a r a g a in st d ru g s in B rita in to d a y

6 Look at the TV schedules for this week in a newspaper. Find an example of each type of programme, write its name and when it is on.

Type Name of programme When?

1 documentary

2 game show

3 comedy series

4 talk show

5 drama

6 natural history programme

The Hunger Business I t 's on a t 7.30pm on Friday. / There isn't one on th is week.

42 Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 6

7 Try this quiz.

M n e m a

Quick quizj 3 R ad io

\ Gladiator is a) an ep ic

b) a w estern

c) a sci-fi f ilm

(1 mark)

Mr Bean is a) a g a n g s te r m ov ie

b) a co m e d y

c) a h o rro r film

(1 mark)

A f ilm w h ich d id n 't cost a lo t o f m o n e y to m a ke is ca lle d

a) a b lo ckb u s te r

b) a lo w -b u d g e t film

c) a soap

(1 mark)

A g re a t f ilm is som etim es ca lle d

a) a th r il le r

b) a d o c u m e n ta ry

c) a classic

(1 mark)

RADIO 1 FM 97.6-99.8 Mhza) W h a t is the fre q u e n cy?

b) W h a t is the na m e o f the ra d io

s ta tion?

c) W h a t is the b a n d ?

(3 marks)

< ® > TU

W h a t d o you ca ll these k inds o f TV tra n sm iss io n ? ~


(2 marks) \

Tom and Jerry a n d The Simpsons a re *

p o p u la r ............................................................ *

(1 mark) ;

AnswersC h e c k y o u r answ ers on p a g e D.

How many questions did you answer correctly? marks out of 107 -1 0 F rom H o lly o a k s to 4 - 6 N o t b a d

1 -3 It's n o t y o u r a m b it io n

r ro m Nollyo< H o lly w o o d , y o u 're hot! to be a f ilm star, is it?

8 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

Words 1 ......2 .......3 ........4 ........5 ........6 .......7 ........8 .......9 ........1 0 .......


Boost Your V ocabulary 2 Unit 6 flU

MoneyTranslate the words and phrases.

English money

note ..............................

coin ..............................

pound ..............................

penny (pence) ..............................

English bank notes: £50 (fifty pounds / a fifty-pound note), £20, £10 and £5.

English coins: £2 (two pounds), £1, 50p (fifty p / fifty pence / a fifty-pence piece), 20p, lOp, 5p, 2p and Ip (a penny).

Banks Foreign exchange till / Bureau de change

cashier ................................... foreign currency ...........................................

enquiries ................................... exchange rate ...........................................

travellers' cheques ................................... commission ...........................................

current account

savings account

cheque book

paying-in book

ATM (automated telling machine) /

cash machine


(name of who you - are paying)

(amount in words) -

account number -

How many pesetas are there to the pound?


credit card

debit card

store card

BANK OF WORLD COMMERCE 1, High Street, Leeds &£ bS m”


A.0DA2?4b "---- 12345b?fi DO A. S m i t h

■ branch

(amount in figures)

your signature



price tag



till / check-out



Money and character



careful with money

careless with money

Change is an uncountable noun, e.g. ' I'm sorry, I haven't got any change.' Refund and exchange are used as both verbs and nouns.

Answer key1 Physical descriptionExercise la

chin nose eyeelbowwaistthumb


The hea d


The leg a nd the foo t


Exercise 3


The bodywaistbackhipsstomachchestbottomneckshoulder (could also go under 'The arm and the hand')

The a rm and the h an delbowthumbwristfingernail (could also go under 'The leg and the foot')


Exercise 4

Possible answers1 Wayne s got wavy hair.2 He's wearing his hair in a pony tail.3 His hair is spiky.4 He's wearing his hair in dreadlocks.5 His hair is curly.6 His hair is cropped.7 Tracy's wearing her hair in bunches.8 She's got straight hair.9 Her hair is frizzy.10 She's got a fringe.

Exercise 5a

Pete Leonardo VenusS am pras DiCaprio Williams

an ova1 an oval shortthick fair-skinned a rounddark quite small curlycurly small tied back


Exercise 5bPos'-bio answersBritney Spears has got an oval face. She's got big eyes and long eyelashes. She's got straight, medium-length hair.

David Coulthard's got a square face and a straight nose. He's got short, curly hair.

2 House and homeExercise 1

b e d ro o m


Posso 'e answersk itchen b a th ro o m living ro o m

sink washbasin fireplacefridge toothbrush sofaoven bath televisionfreezer flannel vasemicrowave

Exercise 2a

Possible answers1 coffee table living room2j double bed bedroom3h towel rail bathroom4i toilet roll bathroom5n bath towel bathroom6d chest o f drawers bedroom7a linen basket bathroom8e soap dish bathroom91 sound system living room1 Of standard lamp living room1 Ig washing machine kitchen12c wastepaper bin bedroom13b work surface kitchen14m light bulb living room

Exercise 2b

1 bath towel 6 light bulb2 washbasin 7 toothbrush3 flannel 8 linen basket4 bath 9 soap dish5 towel rail 10 toilet roll

radio alarm wardrobe

Exercise 3

D R Ta W E R 5 T


5 H 0 W E R B

H V ‘t L

W E C 0 0 ‘ k E R

’ A T L E

5 0 A 5 T E T*

V o r v S T u

E k E > L U 6R • 0 A D E

Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Answer key

There are two armchairs.There's a bookcase.There's a lam p on the table.There are floorboards.There are blinds.

Picture 2

There's only one armchair.There are bookshelves.There's a vase of flowers on the table. There's a carpet.There are curtains.

Exercise 6

Exercise 4Picture 1

2 in /

Picture d

near inn n e a r / inn nearn / on oppositenext Picture ePicture a

4 innear / in Picture b

in / on Picture c

q ua n titie s

200g half a litre a bar a loaf

o f b u tte rof milk of chocolate of bread

Exercise 7Possible answ er

Amy lives in a semi-detached house on West Street in Richmond. It's next to the Omega Cafe and it's a hundred metres from the river. It's quite near the airport.

ways of p re p a rin g food

chop an onionpeel an orangegrate cheeseadd salt

Exercise 41 a slice o f ham2 a bar of chocolate3 a can of cola / drink4 a carton o f orange juice5 a loaf of bread6 a bottle of lemonade7 a piece of cheese8 a tub of ice cream9 a packet o f sweets10 a tin of soup

Exercise 5

poached eggs fried fish roast chicken chips / potato chips raw carrots

3 Eating in and eating out Exercise 6a

Exercise 1Positive N e ga tive

1 napkinvery fresh ra th e r spicy

7 glass just right burnt2 fork 8 iug very tasty too salty3 dinner plate 9 teaspoon delicious underdone4 bowl 10 cup very tender overcooked5 knife 11 saucer too sweet6 (soup) spoon 12 side plate disgusting

Exercise 2a

a lit t le (lemon ju ice ) 300m l (of milk)1 25g (of flour) a small amount (of oil)one (egg) a teaspoonful of (sugar)

1 M ix (the flou r with the milk).2 (Then) add (the egg).3 Heat (the oil in a frying pan).4 Pour (a little o f the mixture into the pan).5 (When the pancake's cooked on one side, flip it over.)6 (Put it on a warm plate and) serve (it with

lemon juice and sugar.

Exercise 3

Possible answers

w ays o f c o o k in g fo o dbake boil roast grill

co n ta in e rs a carton a jar a tin a packet

a cake potatoes a chicken a sausage

o f milk of honey o f peaches of biscuits

Exercise 6b

Possible answers

burntrather spicy / very tasty delicious / too sweet overcooked / just right underdone / very fresh very tender / just right very fresh / delicious too salty / underdone

Exercise 7a

1 c) 3 d )2 f) 4 a)

Exercise 7c

Possible answers

starter main course


tom ato soup roast chicken with steamed vegetables fru it salad and ice cream

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Answer key

4 Places in town Exercise 7

Exercise 1

} b) 5 h)2 I) 6 a)3 1) 7 c)4 i) 8 j)

Exercise 2a

police station shopping centre post office tourist information department store art gallery bus station job centre sports centre concert hall doctor's surgery railway station

Exercise 3a

9 g)10 e)11 d)12 k)

police stationshopping centre doctor's surgery bus station sports centre department store job centre

8 post office9 art gallery10 railway station1 1 tourist information 12 concert hall

i @ D Q i i Q @ i i lI?

nH SJ L s s U_

c Cc 1 3± I N o _P


A 1 o _E_

O c fR V _K R

o § o R E S M_

__i T R H A

S !I _u_Ig i _S O R

<£ T IE Su 1 1 S K

Cl _A_M i _N_ = RJ T 1

1 <flJ J T JL a T 2Exercise 3b

the lawcourt

e du cationuniversitycollegeschool

shopssupermarket bookshop

services banklaundrette hotel (library)

Exercise 4

1 I 'd go to the dentist's.

cu ltu re a nd e n te rta in m e n tcinemamuseumlibrarytheatrediscoclub

2 I'd go to3 I'd go to4 I'd go to5 I'd go to6 I'd go to7 I'd go to8 I'd go to9 I'd go to10 I'd go to11 I'd go to12 I'd go toI'd go to the florist's / flower shop.

Exercise 6

P ossible a n sw e rs

I 'd like two tickets for Charlie's Angels please. For the 6 .30 performance, please.Is there a discount for students?I'll take tickets for 6.30, please.

D ia lo g ue 1S C OrderS 3 All washing machines come with a two-year

guarantee. If you need any help, just askC 4 I will. Thank you.S 1 Good morning. Can I help you?C 2 I'm just looking, thanks.

Type of shop e le c tric a l g oo ds s to re

D ia logue 2S C O lde r

s c s s c s c

Yes, we have. It's just h e re .Could I h a ve a receipt, please?Are you b e in g served?Yes, of course you can. Sign h e re , please. H ow much is it?It's £12.99. It's on sp e c ia l offer.No, I'm not. I'm lo o k in g for the latest Harry Potter book? Have you got it?O f course. I'll p u t it in the bag with the book. Oh, that's good. It's £15 in the other shops. I 'll take it. Can I pay by credit ca rd ?

Type of shop b o o k s h o p

D ia lo g ue 3S Cc

Order2 I 'll take a lettuce, please.1 Good morning, Mrs Harris. W hat w o u ld

you like today?5 Oh, yes. They came in this morning.3 Anything e lse?7 There you a re . A lettuce and some

carrots. Two pounds, please.4 Yes, some carrots, please. Are they fresh?8 I've only got a £20 note. Have you

got any c h a n g e ?6 In that case, I'll have a kilo.

Type of shop g re e n g ro c e r 's

5 Travel and transportExercise 1

1 information 52 ticket office 63 no smoking 74 left-luggage lockers 8

Exercise 21 g e t out 62 g e t o f f 13 catch 84 take 95 ta k e o ff 10 land

way out refreshments buses and trains toilers

get off get in got on get in

Exercise 3

Possible answer

Last summer I travelled from ... to ... by train.I bought a standard class return ticket. I've got a student card so I got a discount. The train left on time. It was a direct train to ... . There was a buffet car so I had a sandwich. We arrived about five minutes early.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Answer key

Exercise 4 Exercise 2

places and facilities

air travel

b a g g a g e reclaim

check-in desk

depa rtu re lounge

te rm ina l

i pilo t ticket collector

p e o p le j im m ig ra tio n o ffice r driver

bm a tten da n t ;

rail travel

buffe t car

le fl- lu gg ag e lockers



te rm inus

w a iting room

te rm inus

sta tion

w a iting room

I return

t ic k e ts a n d | bo a rd in g pass d o c u m e n ts | passport

! return

! travel card

! pass| (passport)

con ducto r

ticket collector

; driver

j retu rn

! travel card

j pass

; (passport)

Exercise 6

1 D E 2p A R 3t U R E 's

0 L R T

W A I T I N 6& 0

' R T P E P

'o F F ’ T T

0 0 I ,0v

M ”R E C L A I

T> M K N " i N


,3t r 14m E T A ”B L E ’*5

0 I 0 E

u S 19c A A

" r E S *T A U R A *Kl T

”o R D 0

Exercise 7

terminalairlinefirst class, business (or) economy ticket (and your) passportcheck in (your baggage and give you your) boarding pass hand luggagecontrol (and through the) security (check)departure (lounge and check which) gate (your) flight (leavesfrom)

1 It's very funny. ✓2 It's quite moving. ✓3 It's nonsense. V4 It's a classic. V5 It's beautifully filmed. ✓6 The story is ridiculous. ~ v ~7 The acting is awful. s /8 He isn't very convincing. ; V9 She's superb in the title role.

YcT The animation is marvellous. ✓

Exercise 4

1 Turn up the brightness.2 Turn up the volume.3 Turn up the colour.4 Rewind it.5 Fast-forward it.6 Press the pause button. / Pause it

Exercise 5

That Thing

Learning Zone

O p rah Winfrey


The Anim al Z one

Top of th e Pops

The Colourists

Who W ants to b e a M illionaire?

Match of th e Day

P an o ram a

Exercise 7

Cinema1 a) an epic2 b) a comedy3 b) a low-budget film4 c) a classic


music programme / documentary

educational programm e

chat show

soap opera

wildlife programm e

music program m e

arts programm e

quiz show

sports programm e


6 Cinema, television and radio5 a) 9 7 .6 -9 9 .8 Mhz

b) Radio 1

Exercise 1TV

c) FM

1 animated film d 6 a) satellite2 comedy m b) cable3 cartoon g 7 cartoons4 gangster film i5 disaster movie6 real-life drama

ba 7 Money

7 road movie8 science fiction (sci-fi)


Exercise 1

9 western k Notes Coins

10 musical n 1 - £l+20p1 1 love story e 2 £ 2 0 + £ 2 0 + £5 50p12 horror film i 3 - 5 0 p + 2 0 p + 10 p + 5 p1 3 epic h 4 - 2 0 p + 2 p + 1p14 thriller c 5 - £ 2 + £ l+ 5 0 p + 2 0 p + 2 0 p

6 £10 + £5 5 0 p + 2 0 p + 2 0 p + 5 p + 2 p +2 p

Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Answer key

Exercise 2

[7 R T « ra

L2 N U M B E I

3 J 0 B4 B R 0\ K f j

I 5 ! 5A V I N 5

i 6 T I L L7 w A_[ g E

T8 p 0 C K E T9 C A S H 1 1 E i ftl10 A i L 0 W A N] C E \n C\0 I N 5

|l2 \c \h E Q u\ f

Exercise 3

1 c) cheque book 5 a) savings account2 g) exchange rate 6 d) travellers' cheques3 h) foreign currency 7 e) debit card4 f) cash machine

Exercise 4

8 b) weekly wage

a) I ta ly lirab) Spain peseta

c) Russia rouble

d) France franc

e) Japan yen

f) Argentina peso

g) Morocco dirhameighta cash machine travellers' cheques current account savings account Possible answers 'credit card debit card store card

SiNK OF WORLD CGMfvEFCEp.. Thi. Clothes Con=tt

■h -£T1


|£gr-(? Q

8 commission9 Possible answer

How many lira are there to the English pound? 1 0 a receipt1 1 exchange (or a) refund 12 salary

Exercise 5 1 a) babysitting

b) delivering newspapersc) helping at the local hairdresser'sd) helping on a market stalle) washing carsf) taking dogs for walks

5 a) chequeb) credit card / debit cardc) store cardd) savings account

8 Personal belongings, clothes and shoes

Exercise la

1 sunglasses2 rollerblades3 hairbrush4 keyring

Exercise 2 a

1 mobile phone2 brief case3 cheque book4 glasses case

Exercise 3

1 diary2 ring3 comb4 calculator5 CD player

Exercise 4a


contact lenses hair slide address book pencil case

bracelet personal stereo wallet watch rucksack

(B ! Oj T !f t

- m o t ) p I 's\ Ar \IB) L

(5 Ql I D 0 L L N i u A

M ! h E c w E W! T T

<W 0 ! 0 L) Kn

E A | T F

[C] I fz | E 0 V L 1 o 0

0 I I W y l EJ UJ m RT A i(s w 0 ! T T E ! D) M

:t w i A I N E ft 5) y0 (U E A T H E ft)

y | (s T R I P I E D>

1 collar 3 pocket2 sleeve 4 zip

Exercise 4b

Types of shoe6 boots7 trainers8 sandals9 platforms

Patterns14 striped15 checKed16 spotted

M a te r ia ls10 wool11 cotton12 silk13 leather

Parts of a shoe17 heel18 sole19 toe

Exercise 6Possible answers1 I t 's a black leather ja cke t with two fro n t pockets and

a zip.2 It's a woollen jumper with plain sleeves and a patterned

front.3 It's a rucksack with a pocket on the front.4 It's a checked shirt with a plain collar and two pockets.5 It's a silver necklace with the letter E on it.

9 Phone, e-mail and lettersExercise 1 a



Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Answer key

f 7 !

Exercise lb3 (Dial the area code, without the first '0 '.)1 (Dial the international code. From most

countries, this is 00.)4 (Dial the friend's number.)2 (Dial the national code, which is 44.)

Exercise lc

1 police 3 ambulance 5 operator

2 fire 4 directory enquiries

Exercise 21 Speaking.2 Hold on3 Can I take a message?4 Do you want to hold?5 I've got the wrong number.

Exercise 3

1 post o ffice 1 answering machine3 directory enquiries4 air mail5 service provider

e-mail address first class area code wrong number phone box / number

Exercise 41 to phone / e-mail2 up phone3 on phone4 up phone / e-mail5 up phone6 from post7 in e-mail8 in e-mail9 on phone10 back phone

Exercise 5

ft ! A

Exercise 6

C 9 Are you OK?10 (Do you) fancy going clubbing tonight?11 I could meet you at 7. See you later.

D 12 ... knows you are waiting.13 ... will be answered as soon as

possible.14 ... try to connect you.

10 HolidaysExercise 11 electricity hook-up 6 laundrette2 cycle hire 7 wheelchair access3 pony trekking 8 showers4 phone 9 shop5 children's play area

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Answer key

Exercise 2Possible answersCornwall, in the south-west of England on the coast 17 04 (year)24 04 (year)731 double room, 1 twin-bedded room,1 single roomIs there wheelchair access?

Exercise 3 Travel1 a package holiday2 sightseeing3 a tour4 a guidebook5 a phrase book

M oney6 a deposit7 a tip8 the bill9 travellers' cheques

Places to stay10 full board11 a youth hostel12 a cottage13 a chalet14 a bed and breakfast (B & B)15 a caravan site / a campsite

Exercise 4bPossible answersDo you have any rooms available from ... to ...?We'd like one twin-bedded and one single room, please. Do all rooms have bathrooms en-suite?Do we have to pay a deposit?

Exercise 5

1 T d like to check out please.2 I think there's something wrong with the

shower.3 Could I have a wake-up call, please?4 What time is breakfast, please?

Exercise 6a

1 spending2 resort3 touristy4 hired5 sunbathing6 picnic

7 trip8 sightseeing9 took10 boring11 sunny12 pack

11 Landscape and weatherExercise 1

[Z * \* \° \

lE E



A | V

Exercise 2astream lakeoasis oceanriver

Exercise 3a1 Egypt2 Switzerland

Exercise 41 I t 's cold.2 It's hot.3 It's raining.

Exercise 51 th ick2 a light3 sunny


Exercise 2a

Possible answers fo r o ther an im als in green

3 Tenerife4 Venezuela

4 It's freezing.5 It's foggy.6 It's cloudy.

4 scattered5 strong

5 Japan6 Poland

7 It's snowing.8 It's quite warm.

6 heavy7 lightning

Exercise 6Possible answersS tockholm : In Stockholm today, there will be sunny periods. The top temperature will be 18°C. Tomorrow, there will be sunny periods with scattered showers. The temperature will rise to 19°C.

Moscow: In Moscow today, there will be strong winds. The top temperature will be 10°C. Tomorrow, there will be thick fog and the temperature will fall to 8°C.

A thens: In Athens today, there will be a good deal of sunshine. The top temperature will be 33°C. Tomorrow, there will be more sunshine, but there will also be a risk of thunder and lightning. The temperature will rise to 34 °C.

C airo : In Cairo today, there will be a good deal of sunshine with top temperatures of 3 4 °C. Tomorrow, the sunshine will continue, and the temperature will rise to 40°C.

B arce lona : In Barcelona today, there will be sunny periods but it will be overcast for much of the day. The top temperature will be 28°C. Tomorrow, there will be quite heavy rain and the temperature will fall to 27°C.

12 The animal world

Exercise 1 b

1 dolphin 11 shark2 penguin 12 pig3 alligator 13 lion4 toad 14 sheep5 frog 15 horse6 donkey 16 duck7 goose 17 ant8 whale 18 fly9 monkey 19 bee10 hedgehog 20 rat

m a m m a ls fish a m p h ib ia n s

whale shark frogmonkey salmon toadhedgehog qoldfish newtpig salamanderlion re p tile srat alligator insectssheep antdonkey .’O' >i beehorse flydolphin b ird s mosquito

goose butt ei fly



Exercise 3

P ossib le a n sw e rs

1 The spider is the odd one out because i t is an invertebrate/has got eight legs/doesn't make noise/hasn't go t fur.

2 The whale is the odd one out because it lives in the sea.3 The frog is the odd one out because it's an amphibian.4 The panda is the odd one out because it isn't a bird.5 The wolf is the odd one out because it isn't a kind of cat.6 The cow is the odd one out because it's an adult.7 The worm is the odd one out because it can't fly.

Exercise 4

1 chick2 calf3 lam b4 duckling5 gosling6 piglet

Exercise 5

a) goatsc) a vampire batb) sharksa) a polar bearb) a kangaroo

chicken, eggs milk, beef lambduck, eggs goose, eggs pork

6 c) a seal7 b) a spider8 a) snails9 c) a cheetah10 c) snakes

Test yourself 1 (Units 1 to 4)Exercise 1

0 forehead1 eye2 nose3 tooth / teeth4 lip5 chin

6 hair7 ear8 cheek9 mouth10 neck

Exercise 2

0 fair-skinned1 medium2 bunches3 oval4 freckles

Boost Your V ocabulary 2 A n s w e r key

0 cartons 4 bottle1 jar 5 packet2 loaf 6 bar3 tins

Exercise 5T h in g s you f in d in a house0 work surface1 bath towel2 linen basket3 sound system4 washing machine

Places in to w n5 doctor's surgery6 sports centre7 art gallery8 bowling alley9 skating rink

Test yourself 2 (Units 5 to 8)

Exercise 4

Exercise 1

E P R fY 'i U R E f’s )

E R r r


A (0 R I V E f t ) A 6

y V Cr R I P) L

E A A In , yy L [B 0 A R D)

(M I 5 y L

(J 0 U R N bJv)

0 departures 6 delayed1 driver 7 arrivals2 trip 8 timetable3 board 9 train4 miss 10 single5 journey

Exercise 2

0 f lig h t 6 sunglasses1 bus 7 trainers2 travel card 8 rucksack3 foreign currency 9 credit card4 cash machine / ATM 10 watch5 airport

Exercise 3

Possib le a n sw e rs

1 coach, train, lorry, car, motorbike, scooter2 th rille r, western, horror film , disaster movie, cartoon,

epic3 documentary, sitcom, news, game show, chat show,

sports programm e4 taking dogs fo r walks, washing cars, babysitting,

helping on a market stall5 temporary job, part-time job, summer job

Possible answers

0 nylon - I've got a nylon rucksack.1 plain - My plain jumper is my favourite.2 beads - I don't like wearing things round my neck, so I

never wear beads.3 pocket - Put the keys in your pocket.4 receipt - The shop assistant put the receipt in the bag.5 coin - Have you got a £1 coin?6 sitcom - Have you seen that new TV sitcom?7 platform - Which platform does the train go from?8 on time - It's OK, the train's on time.9 conductor - The conductor will tell you when to get off

the bus.10 take off - What time does your plane take off?

Test yourself 3 (Units 9 to 12)Exercise 1

Exercise 4

e) 3 b) 6 ,)

g) 4 a) 7 c)

d) 5 h) 8 f)

0 I checked my e-mail bu t there were no messages fo r me.

9 I booked a room at a hotel next to the beach.10 I d idn 't return her call because I didn 't have the number.1 1 I went away for a long weekend.1 2 I spent hours on the phone last night so that's why it was

engaged for so long.13 I paid the bill and left the hotel immediately.14 I sent the parcel first class so you should get it tomorrow.15 I called her number but there was no answer.16 I can't stand package holidays because you have to do

the same as everyone else.

Exercise 2

0 hill 0 ' I t ’s hot1 mountain 6 It's snowing.2 river 7 It's cloudy.3 valley 8 It's raining.4 lake 9 It's windy.5 forest 10 It's sunny.

Exercise 3

0 safari 11 bats1 lions 12 spider2 tigers 13 north3 giraffes 14 south4 birds 15 beaches5 butterflies 16 island6 waterfall 17 lightning7 elephant 18 tent8 moon 19 lift9 stars 20 camera10 mosquitoes

Exercise 4

C o m m u n ica tio n s0 Service 1 class 2 mail 3 enquiries 4 tone 5 of

W e a th e r1 thunder 2 deal 3 showers 4 hard

H o lid a y s1 youth 2 trekking 3 site 4 B 5 service

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Answer key

Money you get or earn

pocket money ....................................... (weekly) wage .

allowance (annual) salary ,

I get £10 a week pocket money. ...........................

My parents give me spending money. ...........................

I get an allowance of £30 a month. ...........................

I get money for my birthday. ...........................

I get money for doing chores around the house........................................

babysitting. ...................................

delivering newspapers. ...................................

taking dogs for walks. ...................................

helping on a market stall. ...................................

helping at the localhairdressers. ...................................

washing cars at the local supermarket. ...................................

(I've got)

a part-time job.......................................................... I earn £20 a week.

a temporary job .................................................................................................

a summer job............................................................ I work part time.

a full-time job.....................................................................................................

Expressions to do with money

I paid £50 for my watch.

I've spent too much money.

Can you lend me £10?

Could I borrow £10?

I owe you £10.

I save about £10 a month.

I put £10 a month into a savings account.

I'm broke.

Write down the fewest number of notes and coins you need to pay for these things without getting any change.

Coins£1 ♦ 20p

2 Tracy's sister saves her pocket money. Solve the clues, and you will see what



11 12

she is saving for.

Here's my c re d it.......................... (4)

My a cco u n t...................... is 2055883. (6)

I've got a part-time ...........................(3)

I haven't got any money. I'm completely......................(5)Save some money. Open a ......................account. (7)

Another word for the check-out in a store.(4)Money paid for a week's work. (4)

I spend most of m y ...................... money oncomputer games. (6)

He / She works in a bank. (7)

I get an ........................of £40 a month. (9)

Money = notes and ......................... (5)

They don't accept credit cards, so I'll write a (6)

1 c A R D

8 j i

9 j ! 1i ]

10 i i


12 i ; ; j

3 Match the words in column A with those in column B.


1 cheque ..fJL .£?<?£..................... a) account

2 exchange ..................................................................... b) wage

3 foreign ..................................................................... c) book

4 cash ..................................................................... d)cheques

5 savings ..................................................................... e) card

6 travellers' ..................................................................... f) machine

7 debit ..................................................................... g) rate8 weekly ........................................................ ; ........... j h) currency

46 Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 7

4 Answer the questions in the Money Quiz.

M ONEY QUIZHow m uch do you know about m oney?

1 Match the countries with the 8currencies.

a) Italy -------- roubleb) Spain _____lirac) Russia francd) France pesoe) Japan dirhamf) Argentina yeng) Morocco peseta

What do you call the amount the bank charges to change money from one currency to another?

2 How many different coins are there in English money?

3 What is another name for an ATM?

9 In a bank, how do you ask about the exchange rate between your currency and the English pound? How many

?1 0 In a shop, what do you ask for to

prove that you have bought something?

4 What do you call cheques which you can change at banks in other countries?

5 Name two types of account you can have at a bank.

6 Name two types of card which you can use to pay in a shop.

7 It’s 4th May. You want to write a cheque for £ 2 5 to The Clothes Company. Fill in the cheque.


l£ 1It§

0 0 6 2 7 ‘4b 1 2 3 u Ss=?6 00

1 1 You buy a T-shirt but it is too small so you take it back to the shop. The shop assistant should offer you an

...............................or a ..........................

1 2 a wage is the amount you earn in a week. What do you call the amount you earn in a year?

f AnswersCheck your answers on page E.Then read the analysis below. ANALYSIS12 correct Do you work in a bank?8-11 correct You know about money.

Are you good at Maths, too?

5-10 correct Not bad.0-4 correct You aren’t interested in

money, are you? You’re an artist, a musician or a writer, perhaps.

5 Fill in the questionnaire.


I Write the words for the jobs. Tick the ones which you would do.

2 How and when do you get money?

3 Do you save money?

How much do you save per month?

Where do you put it?

4 Which of these things have you bought in the last week? What was the equivalent cost in English money?


Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Unit 7

5 Write the words and tick the ones you have.

6 Tick the statements you agree with and put a cross after those you disagree with. Add any comments you wish.

a You should never lend anyone money. Q

b You should never borrow money. Q ]

c You should never owe money. Q

d If you borrow money, you should pay it back as soon as you can. Q

e You should never spend more than you’ve got. Q

f If a friend needs money, you should always iend or give it to them. Q

g If you see something you like, you should always buy it. Q

7 How would you describe yourself?

a) generous Q b) mean Q c) careful with money Q d) careless with | |money

Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

: Words Expressionsj 1 ............................... 1 ....................................................................................

| 2 .................................................................................................................................

j 3 ............................... 2 ....................................................................................

j 4 .................................................................................................................................

I 5 ............................... 3 ....................................................................................

j 6 .................................................................................................................................

I 7 ............................... 4 ....................................................................................

| 8 .................................................................................................................................

I 9 ............................... 5 ....................................................................................

1 1 0 .................................................................................................................................

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 7 49

Personal belongings, clothes and shoesTranslate the words and phrases.

Everyday items



school bag

brief case

mobile phone




cheque book

credit card




glasses case


contact lenses



Types of shoe



high heels


flat shoes






Parts of a shoe

laces ........................ ......

toe ........................... ^ /ePYSZif i t

personal organiser / 'Filofax' ™

address book


CD (compact disc) ...

CD player


minidisc player

personal stereo / 'walkman' ™





pencil case




Jewellery and accessories




(silver) ring


(gold) chain



hair slide

See Boost your Vocabulary 1,Clothes, page


cotton ......................................

denim ......................................

silk ......................................

wool ......................................

nylon ......................................

canvas ......................................

leather ......................................

suede ......................................

plastic ......................................

manmade ......................................

synthetic ......................................

The materials (cotton ... plastic) are used as both nouns and adjectives. M anmade and synthetic are only adjectives. Wool has two adjectives: wool and woollen.







i ■ ■ ■ ■ ii m m m m i iiiiii

• • • • • • •, • • • • • • *

• • • • • • «

My most important belongings are my

mobile phone and my diary.

I take my skateboard almost everywhere!

I usually wear a gold chain, but I don't

wear any other jewellery.

My favourite jacket is my baseball jacket.

It's white with red sleeves. It's got the

number 49 on the back.

Where did you get your leather jacket

with all the zips? It's cool.

I like that striped woollen jumper.

I've got a patterned canvas rucksack with


Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 8 |s 7 | ^

la Join a word from column A to a word from column B to make a new word.

1b Tick (%/) the items you have.

A B 1

1 sun a) brush 2

2 roller b) ring 33 hair c) lace A4 key d) glasses


5 pen e) board 5

6 neck f) ring 6

7 skate g) knife 78 ear h) blades


2a Match a word from column A with a word from column B. (Write them as separate words.)

2b Tick (%/) the items you have.


1 mobile a) book

2 brief b) lenses

3 cheque c) case

4 glasses d) slide

5 contact e) book

6 hair f) case

7 address g) case

8 pencil h) phone

1 mobile phone

2 ....................3 ........................

4 ........................

5 ........................

6 ....................7 ........................

3a Complete the words.

3b Tick ( ✓ ) the items you have.

2 r

3 c

1 / a r y □ 4 c

O □ <r5 CD p

□ 6 b

If you are working in class, give your partner one minute to look at your answers to exercises 1, 2 and 3. Then ask: ( ( S j j

W hat have I g o t?

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 8








I! 4a Match the five circled words in the L wordsearch to the pictures below.

T B 0 0 T S E S N P

H E E Lr \P I

r \5 A

/■ \ B L

S 0 L E 0 L L N U A

I/"NC H E C K E & T T

W 0 0 L K T E A T F

c L P fz] E 0 V L 0 0

0 L M I T E UJ S [nJ R

T A S u 0 T T E D M


0 L E A T H E R D w



4b Now find and match...

• four words for types of shoe

• four words for materials

• three words for patterns

• three words for parts of a shoe

Types of shoe

6 1 1 ... .........


I—fad—m j E U i• • • • I

• • •• c • • ]

Parts of a shoe

17 ^

' / 5a Write a list of the ten items that are most important to you.

5b What do you think your best friend's top ten items are? Write a list.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 8

6 Imagine you have lost these items. You are describing them to the lost-property officer. Write the descriptions.1 I t 's a black leather jacke t with two fro n t pockets and a zip.

3 ......................................................................................................................................

4 ......................................................................................................................................

5 ......................................................................................................................................

7 These are the top ten lost items in the UK. But what order should they be in? Write down your guesses.

(1 = the thing that is most often lost)

The top ten lost items

1 6

2 ................................................................... 7

3 ................................................................... 8

4 ................................................................... 9

5 ................................................................... 10

8a Read the list of the top ten lost items. How many did you guess correctly? Answer:

8b Tick the items you have lost in the past year. Is there anything else you've lost?

I've also lost

9 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

Words! 1 .....; 2 .......

3 .......

; 4 .......

; 5 .......

I 6 .......

! 7 .......



Expressions1 ..............

2 .................

3 ....................

4 ....................

5 ....................

Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Unit 8 |5 5 |

B .

Test yourself 2 (Units 5 to 8)How much can you remember?

1 Find ten words to do with travel.

My mark:60









0 departures

1 .....................

2 ..................3 .....................

4 .....................

5 .....................

6 ..................7 .....................



(1 0 marks)

2 Use the pictures to complete the entry in Sophie's diary.

1 wa3 so excited about my holiday in Greece! My fOdflf.......aiasr\’t until 4.2)0 in the trfterv&on, 3© X went into town to pet some thing3 X needed -for the holiday. X caught the...................... at about ten o’clock.. X bought A ......................because X waited to use the underground A3 Well. X neededsome bngli3h mey ey and some ...................... -for vs/ken X -fir3tarrived in Crete, but when X got to the tank it wa3 clo3ed.Then X remembered. Xt wa3 Saturday. Luckily there\s a...................... in the wall outs\de the bank, so X could at I east

get some bngli3h wtoney. A-nd X knew X could change money atthe .......................... X Went 3traight into the Metro 3hoppingcentre. The 3un \s t uite 3trong in Greece so X wanted to getsome good .......................... X tried lot3 on be-fore X -foundsome X liked. TV\en X 3aw a pair o-f really cool a 3port3 3hop. X jU3t had to have the*v\ X came out o-f thesports 3hop and 3aw a canw s and leather ...................... in thewindow o-f a 3hop which jU3t 3ell3 bag3.Xt Was <£Aite eXpen3ive. X didn’t have enough money to buy it,30 X U3ed n y .......................... Xt wa3 then that X looked atn y .......................... Xt Was 4-.2>0. X’d m’«33ed my plane.

(10 marks)

B oost Y o u r V o c a b u la r y 2 Test y o u r s e lf 2

1 five m ore types of vehiclecoach .......................................................

2 five m ore types of filmth r i l le r .....................................................

3 five m ore type.*, o f TV p i e i j f v -w '


| 4 t h r e e m e r e w c v s -‘ hs : ;it ■;.) - ••


I 3 Write ...

5 tw o m o re fypc i. o'- temporary job

(20 marks)

Underline the odd one out. Then use it in a phrase or a sentence.

0 silk wool leather nvlon I've got a nylon rucksack.

1 denim plain cotton wool

2 beads slip-ons plimsolls lace-ups

3 pocket toe heel sole

4 salary wage allowance receipt

5 credit store coin debit

6 western epic thriller sitcom

7 boarding pass gate platform baggage reclaim

8 cancelled on time delayed late

9 conductor pilot flight attendant immigration officer

1 0 get on get off take off change

(20 marks)

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Test yourse l f 2 57

9 Phone, e-mail and lettersTranslate the words and phrases.


phone box

phone card

mobile phone

(star) key

cordless phone

handset / receiver

answering machine


to ring / phone / call someone

to call / dial (a number)

to call back

to return a call

to hang up

to put the phone down (on someone)

to send a text message

to pick up your messages

to monitor your calls

to key in (your account number)

Can you speak up, please?

What's your phone number?

Sorry, you've got the wrong number.

I spend hours on the phone.

It's | ring ing.............................................

| engaged.........................................

Talking on the phone

A: Hello. Is (Will) there, please?

B: Yes, (he) is. Hold on, I'll (just) get (him) for you.

A: Can I speak to (Jane), please?

B: Sorry, (she) isn't here.Can I take a message? /

B: Sorry, (she's) on the other line.Do you want to hold?

A: Is that (Tim)?

B: Speaking.

58] Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 9

Numbers and services

international code ............

national code ............

area code ............

operator ............

directory enquiries ............

fire .............

police .............

ambulance .............

It's out of order,

a bad line.

Sending letters

post office ......................................

letter ......................................

PS (postscript) ......................................

envelope ......................................

package ......................................

parcel ......................................

postcard ......................................

address ......................................

postcode ......................................

first class stamp ......................................

second class stam p......................................

post box ......................................

air mail ......................................

delivery ......................................

collection ......................................

postman / postwoman ......................................

I sent it first class.

Has the post arrived yet?

I got / had a letter from Claire tnis morning.

I haven't heard from my uncle for ages.

What time does the post go?

Sending e-mails (verbs)

type in your password

check your e-mail(s)

send an e-mail / a message

get an e-mail

forward an e-mail

print out an e-mail

be online

surf the net

We keep in touch by e-mail.

Who's your internet service provider (ISP)? .

What's your e-mail address?

I can't open this attachment.


Automated phone services

The person you are colling knows you are waiting.

If you have a touch-tone telephone, please press the star key now.

You will now hear a series of options.

Your call is in a queue and will be answered as soon as possible.

Please hold while we try to connect you.

Please try again later.

If you leave a message we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Please speak clearly after the long tone.

s See page 84 for inform ation about the postal service in Britain.

'M y e -m a il add ress is: Tracy a t te e n m a il

d o t com ; a ll lo w e r c a s e .' See page 87 for the British / American word list-

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 9

H o w to m ake a phone call ft o tii a } j 11 % > n«* box in Br itain

Lift th e r e c e i v e r .

Put in your phone c or some c .

D the number.

1b Put the instructions in the correct order.

j H o w to m a k e a ca ll ft o-,v . j • • ( ».•.

a fr ie n d in B r ita in

! ..... Dial the area code, without the first 'O'.

Dial the international code. From

most countries, this is 00.

.... Dial the friends number.

... Dial the national code, which is 44.

la Complete the instructions.

] police..................

1c Write in the telephone services.



Write the missing phrases and sentences in these conversations.

41 - Is Mr Young there, please?^ Speaking...................

Oh, hello, Mr Young.

2 - Hello. Is Karim there, please?- Yes, he is.......................................... , 5

I'll just get him for you.

3 - Hello. Can I speak to Juliet, please?- Sorry, she isn't here...........................


Yes, if you could. Just say that Tom called and ask her to ring me.

3 Match the words in A with the words in B.

Is Mrs Palmer there, please?I'm afraid she's on the other line.

No, it's OK. I'll call back later.

Is that 7584 9376?No, this is 7584 9377.Oh, sorry, ..........................................


1 post 6 e-mail address machine2 answering 7 first code mail3 directory 8 area class number4 air 9 wrong box office

5 service 10 phone enquiries provider








post o ffice

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 9

4 Choose a word in the box to complete the sentences. You will need to use some words more than once. Then write post, phone or e-mail to show the context of each sentence.

j back up from in to on

Post / p h o n e / e -m a il

1 I'll gel back ............t.° as soon as possible. Ph?.0?./.€r!l)9j!...................

2 Please hang ............................... ........................... .................

3 She's ................................. the other line. .............................................

4 I need to pick ................................ my messages. .............................................

5 Can you speak ............................... please? .............................................

6 I had a postcard ............................... Jonathon. .............................................

7 We keep ............................... touch by e-mail. ......................................... .

8 Type ................................. your password. .............................................

9 Hold ................................ , I'll get him for you. .............................................

1 0 I'll call ............................... later.

5 Solve the crossword.

Across ►

2 S h e .. . to h im on the p h o n e every day.

(5)5 I 'll send h e r an e -m a il. I t 'l l be q u ic k e r

th a n the ... .(4)

7 He w as so rude . He ... the p h o n e d o w n on m e. (3)

9 I 'm a fra id she 's n o t here. C a n I ... a m essage? (4) 4

10 I 'll ta k e the p h o n e ... the o th e r ro o m . (4)

12 A n o th e r w o rd fo r c o lle d o r ra n g . (6)

15 O n m y m o b ile p h o n e , you can receive vo ice m essages o r ... m essages. (4)

18 If you th in k Karen 's n u m b e r is o u t o f o rd e r, ask the ... to check it. (8)

19 If you leave a m essage, w e 'll ge t b a ck to you as ... as poss ib le . (4)

2 0 W h a t t im e does the post ... ? (2)

22 Please ... in y o u r a c c o u n t nu m b e r. (3)

2 3 H e a lw a ys ... he r a b ir th d a y c a rd . (5)

D ow n y1 D o you w a n t ... h o ld , c a lle r? (2)

2 S h ort fo r 'S tre e t'. (2)

3 Please try ... later. (5)

4 H o w lo n g d o you ... on the p h o n e each d a y? (5)

5 I ... o u t e -m a ils if I w a n t to keep th e m . (5)

1 2

5 P E3

A K4

55 6 7 8


10 i i

12 13 14

15 16

17 18


20 21

■n 23

6 'H a n d . . . ' is a n o th e r w o rd fo r receiver. |(3)

8 Please spea k c le a rly a fte r the lo n g ... . (4)

1 1 You w ill n o w h e a r a series o f ... . (7)

13 W h e n I d ia l the num ber, n o th in g h a p p e n s . H e r p h o n e m ust be o u t o f ... .(5)

14 Y ou 're p o p u la r ! Your p h o n e 's been ... fo r hou rs! (7)

16 Sorry, I've g o t the ... num ber. (5)

17 Be fore the lo ca l num ber, you m ust d ia ! the a re a ... . (4)

21 Sorry, he 's ... the o th e r line . (2)

6 Answer the questions.

A Have you used any of these things in the last week? How many times?

Yes. I've used a phone several times.

No. I haven't used a mobile phone.

1 ....................................................................

2 .......................................................3 ....................................................................

B a) Have you sent any of these things in the last week? How many? / Who to?b) Have you received any of these things in the last week? How many / Who to?







f Tracy, it's Wayne. Where are the chocolates I and the mage lines I bought? Tracy, I know \ you're there. Pick op the phone!

Is!62 Boost Your Voca bu la r y 2 Unit 9

C Can you understand these text messages? Write them out in full.


10 FanC goin clubN 2nite?

11 I c%d mEt U @ 7 . CUL8R.


Sections A and B9 - 1 3 'Yes' answers:

You're a very goo d com m unicator, a nd you like technology.

6 - 8 'Yes' answers:

You're quite a goo d com m unicator, a nd you 're O K w ith technology.

1 - 5 'Yes' answers:

Either you 're so p o p u la r tha t you d o n 't need to get in touch w itn people (they get in touch w ith you); o r you p re fer co m m u n ica ting w ith people tace-to -fa ce .

D W h at comes next in these au to m ated service messages?

12 'The person you are calling ............

13 'Your call is in a queue and

14 'Please hold while w e ...........

Section C AnswersA re you O K ?

[D o you) fa n c y g o in g c

I c o u ld m e e t yo u a t se 1'

Three correct answers:

Two correct answers:

O ne correct answer:

No correct answers:


en. See you later.

See you at seven.

N u m be r 3 was the p rob lem , eh?

O K, so you d o n 't w ant to go clubb ing .

D id you know that you can get a text-m essaging d ic tionary?

Section DIf you g o t a ll o f these right: You need to get o ff the phone

and get out m ore!

* I


7 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

Words1 .......

2 ......3 ........

4 ........

5 .......

6 ......7 .......

Expressions1 ...................

2 .................

3 ...................

4 ...................




1 0

101 HolidaysTranslate the words and phrases.

Time off

to take time off

to go away for a long weekend

to have a holiday

to go on holiday

to spend three weeks in (Spain)

Types of holiday

to g o ... to g o ­

to a resort ........................................ on a tour

to the mountains ........................................ on sa arito the countryside ........................................ skiing

on a package walkin9holiday ........................................ camping

on a beach holiday ........................................ sightseeing

Preparing to go



phrase book


travellers' cheques

to pack your bag



to stay at a ...


bed and breakfast ('B & B')

youth hostel


caravan site

to rent a /a n ...





Staying at a campsite

tent .............

caravan .............

pitch (= space fora tent) .............

electricity hook-up............ .

gas ............

restaurant ............

cafe ............

bar ............

showers ............

shop ............

laundrette ............

phone ............

children's play area .........

swimming pool ............

fishing ............

mini-golf /crazy golf ............

pony trekking ............

tennis courts ............

table tennis ............

cycle hire ............

wheelchair access............

64 Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Unit 10

Staying in a hotel

to book ......................................... a room with a ...

to pay a deposit ......................................... bathroom (en suite)

half board (includes breakfast and dinner) shower

.................................................................................... TVfull board (includes breakfast, lunch and dinner) telephone

reception .........................................

receptionist .........................................

lift (nounj .........................................

room service .........................................

reservation .........................................

first floor .........................................

key .........................................

tip (noun / verb) .........................................

Do you have any rooms available?

We'd like to stay for two nights.

What time is breakfast, please?

Could I have a wake-up call, please?

Could I put it (e.g. a drink) on the bill, please?

I'd like to check in / out, please.

I'd like to pay the bill, please.

Excuse me. The television doesn't work. /

I think there's something Wrong with the showe

Describing a holiday

Activitiessunbathing ..........................................

swimming ..........................................

relaxing ..........................................

sightseeing ..........................................

We went on an excursion.

We went on a boat trip.

We took photos.

We had a picnic.

We hired bikes.

sea view

a single room

a double room (= with a double bed)

a twin-bedded room (= with two beds)

See page 87 for the British / American

word list.







We had a great time.

It was sunny. / It rained the whole time.

The weather was fantastic / terrible.

The food was lovely / disgusting.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 10 65

Complete the list of facilities.


5 children's play area

2 Fill in the online booking form.


We want to find a B & B on the coast in Cornwall, in the south-west o f England. There are five o f us: my husband,

1 myself, our two children Jonathon (fifte e n ) and Jessica (eighteen), and my mother. The children don't mind sharing a room. My mother

sometimes uses a wheelchair. She'd like a room overlooking the sea. We want to go fo r a week from Friday 17 April, /

returning Friday 24 April.

C o u n try / A r e a .............................................................. N u m b e r o f n ig h ts ....................

................................................................................................. R o o m s..............................................

L o c a tio n ............................................................................. Types o f r o o m ...........................

C heck in: D a y M o n t h Year ...............................................................

C h eck o u t : .........D a y ...........M o n t h ........... Year S pecial n eed s / Q u estio n s..

O ne o f our travel advisors w ill confirm your reservation request w ithin one w orking day and will send you

an e-m ail g iving details o f the booking term s and am ount due.

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 10

3 Try this quiz.

TravelWhat do you call ...1 a holiday where travel and

accommodation are included in the

price?a package holiday

2 a holiday looking at places of interest?

Places to stayW hat do you call ...10 accommodation with all meals?

I I a place which is not expensive and where mostly young people stay?

12 a small old house in the country?

13 a wooden house in or near a ski resort?

3 a holiday which includes a number of destinations?

4 a book which tells you about places to visit?

5 a book which gives you useful words and phrases to use on holiday?

MoneyWhat do you call ...6 the money you pay before arriving at

a hotel or campsite, to book your room or place?

7 the extra money you give to a waiter or a taxi driver?

14 a house or small hotel where the only meal provided is breakfast?

15 a place where you can park a caravan?

Holidays and you16 Which of these holidays would you

choose, and why?

8 the piece of paper which tells youhow much you have to pay' 17 Where do y °u usual|y «° on holiday?

9 cheques which can be used in any country?

18 What do you normally do on holiday?

AnswersC h eck yo ur answ ers on p a g e F.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit

4a You are going to England for a holiday with your friends. You find a youth hostel on the Internet and you phone to make a reservation. First complete the notes.

4b Now write your part of the telephone conversation.

Receptionist: Holland Park Youth Hostel, good morning.

You: (Rooms available? Dates) .................................................

Receptionist: Yes, we do. What exactly do you require?

You: (Number and types of room) ......................................

Receptionist: Yes, that's fine. We can do that.

You: (Special needs / Questions) .....................

Receptionist: Yes.

You: (Deposit?) ..

Receptionist: Yes, please. If you can give me your credit card details ...

5 Write what the people are saying.

I 'd like to check

out, please.

2 Hello, this is Room 202.

3 Could

4 What

681 Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Unit 10

6a Wayne went with his family on holiday last year. Use the words in the box to complete his postcard.

resort hired pack picnic spending took

sightseeing touristy trip sunny boring sunbathing

D ear T r a c j

k/e're . . . SPZOdjng. a ijeek a t a ......................... ..................on the coas t.

There a r e lo ts o f p lastic donkeys and silltj hats in the shops, because i t s

a realhj X think, i t s horrible, but^joo'd like it.

X ........................................... a bike on Monday, b u t X fe ll o f f

and h o r t roj leq. X wanted to trcj uiaterskiina^ o r coindsorfiny

but X can't nou).

Ve5 terdac^j Mum and Dad jo s t latj on the beach ..........................................

all morning. Then cJe had a .......................................... , but i t u)as too ho t and

there ujere lo ts o f flies. X wanted to ao on a boat ......................................... in the8 9

afternoon, but toe uJent ......................................... instead. Theu ..........................................10

lo ts o f photos, b u t X thooopt i t <Jds realhj ...................................................£ven tha

ujeather's boring it 's j u s t ............................................. the u)hole time.

X can 't uJait to ............................................ /nj b a ^ and j\o home.

U /acjne


S 6b Write a postcard from somewhere you've been on holiday.

7 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

W o r d s E x p r e s s i o n s

1 1 ..................

2 ......................................................3 ............................... 2 ..................

4 ...............................................................

5 ............................... 3 ..................

6 ......................................................7 ............................... 4 ..................

8 ......................................................9 ............................... 5 ..................

1 0 ...............................................................

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 10 6 9

Translate the words and phrases.

The earth

continent ..................................

country ..................................

island ..................................

peninsula ..................................

ocean ..................................

sea ..................................

land ..................................

Points of the compass

north west



south west ................................

south .......

I live in the north of England.

My village is ten kilometres east of York. .

Landscape features

bay ........................................

beach ........................................

cave ........................................

cliff ........................................

rock ........................................

coast ........................................

coasiline ........................................

field ........................................

forest ........................................

hill ........................................

lake ........................................

pond ........................................

reservoir ........................................

The sky




north east


south east














m See page 84 in the reference section for the use o f the definite article with named landscape features.

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 1 1


It's i cold.

: chilly.

I frosty.

; freezing.

| snowing,







: foggy-cloudy.


' windy.

1 raining.

It's pouring!

I'm boiling!

I'm freezing!

What's the weather like?

Is it going to rain / snow?

I think there's going to be a storm.

Weather forecasts

There will be ...

a good deal of sunshine.

sunny periods,

strong winds.

a light breeze,

heavy rain.

scattered showers,


thunder and lightning,

thick fog.

a hard frost.

It will be ...


a dull day. ............................

mild. ............................

wet. ............................

Temperatures will rise to 27'C

(degrees centrigrade).

Temperatures will fall to minus 2°C.

The early-morning mist will gradually clear.

There's a risk of thunder later on in the day.

See page 87 for the British 1 American

word list.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 1 1 |7l

1 Complete the grid with landscape words.


3 A m o u n ta in w ith a la rg e h o le a t the to p , w h ich can be d a n g e ro u s if it 's active . (7)

6 A la rg e n a tu ra l h o le in rock. (4)

7 A la rg e a re a o f trees in a tro p ic a l c lim a te . ( 10)

9 A grassy a re a w h e re you o fte n see cow s o r sheep. (5)

10 A la rg e a re a o f sa n d w h e re it is a lw ays h o t a n d dry. (6)

Do'vn Y

1 A very h ig h h ill, w h ich o ften

has snow on the top. (8)

2 A sand y a re a next to the sea.


4 An a re a o f w a te r in 10 Across.


5 A h ig h rock w h ich goes

s tra ig h t d o w n to the sea. (5)

6 The line betw een the la n d a n d

the sea. (9)

7 A la rg e m a n m a d e a re a o f

water. (9)

8 A n a tu ra l line o f w a te r tha t

runs across a c o u n try to the

sea. (5)

11 A ta ll p la n t w h ich lives fo r

m a n y years. (4)

12 A n a re a o f la n d w ith w a te r all

a ro u n d it. (6)

16 A la rg e n a tu ra l a re a o f w a te r w ith la n d a ll a ro u n d it. (4)

13 A lo w a re a betw een tw o lines o f hills o r m o u n ta in s . (6)

1 4 A sm a ll river. (6)

15 A n a re a o f la n d th a t is h ig h e r th a n the la n d a ro u n d it. (4)

1 7 The la rg e a re a o f sa lt w a te r th a t covers m ost o f the e a rth . (5)

18 W a te r th a t fa lls s tra ig h t d o w n over a h ig h rock. (9)

2a Look again at the grid. List the words to do with

Iy f 2b Which of the landscape features in the grid are within one hundred kilometres of your home? Make a list, with their names, and add any that are not in the grid, e.g. canal, forest.

Feature Namebeach Teresitas Beach

. 07 2 Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 1 1

3a Where is it? Choose from the places in the box.

; Japan Egypt Switzerland Poland Tenerife Venezuela

QUICK QUIZ How good is your geography?

< Perhaps you w a n t to tra ve l d o w n the R iver N ile, v is it the p y ra m id s o r the Va lley o f the K ings, o r m aybe even go in to the Sahara Desert. If you like w ater, you can choose betw e en the M e d ite rra n e a n Sea in the no rth and the Red Sea in the east.

If yo u like m o u n ta in s , you can go to the A lp s or the Ju ra m o u n ta in s . You can go sa ilin g on Lake Lucerne o r Lake Geneva and you can w a lk in the b e a u tifu l va lle ys, b u t there 's no sea fo r you to sw im in because th is c o u n try d o e sn 't have a coastline .

It's an is land close to the n o rth -w e s t coast o f A frica , b u t it is n 't part o f A frica . It's g o t an a c tive vo lcan o in the cen tre called Pico deT eide. It's a p o p u la r h o lid a y d e s tin a tio n .

< In th is S outh A m e rica n co u n try , y o u 'll f in d th e w o rld 's h ig h e s t w a te rfa ll, A n ge l Falls. You can go w a lk in g in the A ndes, w h ich are in the n o rth -w e s t o f the co u n try , o r yo u can stay in the cen tra l p la ins and e xp lo re the O rin o co river. O r m aybe y o u w a n t to en jo y life in the ca p ita l, Caracas.

T h is co u n try is in the Pacific Ocean. It's m ade up o f o ve r a th o u sa n d is la n d s .T h e landscape is m o s tly m ade up o f m o u n ta in s .T h e re 's a vo lca n o called M o u n t Fuji.

M o s t o f the c o u n try is q u ite fla t, bu t in the so u th the re are th e C a rpa th ia n m o u n ta in s . You can go w a lk in g and sk iin g there . In the east th e re are la rge fo re s ts . In the north -e a s t the re are several lakes, b u t the o n ly c o a s tlin e is in the n o rth .T h a t's w h e re y o u 'll f in d the B a ltic Sea.

flRSlUERSCheck y o u r answ ers on page G.

y 3b Write a similar description of your own country, or a country you know. Remember to use landscape words.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 1 1B .

4 Use the sentences in the box to describe the weather in each picture.

It's foggy. It's freezing. It's Hot. It's raining.

It's cold. It's snowing. It's quite warm. It's cloudy.

5 Choose the correct word to complete the weather forecast.

1 thick / heavy

2 light / a light

3 sun / sunny

4 a light / scattered

5 heavy / strong

6 thick / heavy

7 light / lightning

In th e n o rth th e re w ill b e 1 $ !$ !* . ......................... fo g in th e

e a rly p a r t o f th e d a y , b u t th is w ill c le a r to w a r d s m id d a y . In

th e a f te r n o o n , th e re w ill b e .......................................... b r e e z e a n d

so m e ........................................ p e r io d s , a l th o u g h th e re is a r is k o f

........................................ s h o w e rs to m o rro w e v e n in g . O v e rn ig h t,

th e re w ill b e ..........................................w in d s w ith

........................................ ra in a n d e v e n a r is k o f th u n d e r a n d

74 Boost Your Voca bu l ar y 2 Unit 1 1

Look at the weather forecast for today and tomorrow in Berlin. Then write the forecasts for Stockholm, Moscow, Athens, Cairo and Barcelona.

BerlinIn Berlin today, th e re will be thunder and th e rain will continue. I t will be overcastlightning. There will also be heavy rain. The and the tem perature will fa ll to 14° tem perature will be 21 °C. Tomorrow,

Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

W ords Expressions1 1 ................2 ..............................................................

3 ............................... 2 .................

4 ...............................................................

5 ............................... 3 .................

6 .....................................................7 ............................... 4 .................

8 .....................................................9 ............................... 5 ..................

1 0 .........................................................

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 1 1

Translate the words and phrases.

Classification of animals

mammals, e.g. horse, bear ......

birds, e.g. duck, eagle ......

reptiles, e.g. alligator, crocodile ......

amphibians, e.g. frog, toad ......

fish, e.g. goldfish, salmon ......

invertebrates e.g. insects, spiders ......

Farm animals

Youngcalf (calves)






goose (geese) ................................................... gosling

hen ................................................... chick

sheep (sheep) ................................................... lamb

pig pigletgoat ................................................... kid


See also Boost Your Vocabulary 7, Pets, page 39.

Other common animals

ant ..............

bee ..............

butterfly ..............

cockroach ..............

% ..............mosquito ..............

mouse (mice) ..............

pigeon ..............

rat ..............

snail ..............

spider ..............

wasp ..............

worm ..............

Food from animals

cows: beef, milk

pigs: pork, bacon, ham, sausages

sheep: lamb

calves: veal

hens: chicken, eggs ....

goose: goose, eggs ....

duck: duck, eggs





Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 12

Wild animals

alligator .........................................

bat .........................................

bear .........................................

camel .........................................

cheetah .........................................

chimpanzee .........................................

crocodile .........................................

deer (deer) .........................................

dolphin .........................................

eagle .........................................

elephant .........................................

fox .........................................

frog ............................giraffe .........................................

gorilla .........................................

hedgehog .........................................

hippopotamus .........................................

kangaroo .........................................

leopard .........................................

lion .........................................

The dolphin is my favourite wild animal because it's very intelligent.

I don't like snakes because they're dangerous.

I can't stand cockroaches because they're dirty.

I'm frightened of mice because they run so fast.

I think it's cruel to keep animals in zoos.

I think it's important to see wild animals, even if they are in zoos.

I hate circuses with animals.

I'm in favour of hunting. You have to keep wildlife under control.

I'm against hunting. It's cruel.

I think killing animals for meat is wrong.I'm vegetarian.

I think you need to eat meat to keep healthy.






polar bear












wolf (wolves)


See page 87 for the British / American

word list.

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 12

la Find the names of twenty animals in the wordsearch.

CD 0 L P H I N) L 5 F

u L B M E F 0 I H L

c K E 0 D L P 0 E y


R A T K E B G 0 P 0

W C N E H S A F H 0

H R V y 0 H N R 0 5

A L L i G A T 0 R E

L T 0 A D R y G 5 L

E Z D 0 N K E y E B

1b Label the pictures using the animals from the wordsearch.

r <1 dolphin 2 3 ................

' f l f 4

4 ................ 5 ................

(IT7 ............. 8 ................ 9 ................

1 0 .............. 11 .............. 1 2 ..............

i f

1 3 .............. 1 4 ............. 1 5 ..............

16........... 17...........

1 9 .............. 2 0 .............

1 8 ..............

78 Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 12

2a Put the animals in exercise 1 into the following groups. Add two animals to each group if you can.

mammals fish amphibians

i l l !

............................... birds

reptiles ...............................

2b Tick the animals which you can find in your country.

3 Which is the odd one out? Give a reason for your choice.

1 rat, spider, mouse, squirrel odd one put because Jt.

is an invertebrate / has got eight legs /_

doesn't make a noise / hasn [t g o t f ur.

2 elephant, whale, zebra, giraffe ........................................................................

3 crocodile, frog, lizard, alligator ........................................................................

4 parrot, panda, eagle, seagull ........................................................................

5 leopard, tiger, wolf, lion ........................................................................

6 foal, chick, cow, lamb ........................................................................

7 fly, worm, butterfly, mosquito

4 Complete the chart.

a d u lt y o u n g fo o d

1 hen c.h.ick. ............................................ chicken, eggs

2 cow ! ...... .............................. ................

3 sheep 1 ......................................................

4 duck ! .......................................................

5 goose ....................................................... i

6 pig | ....................................................... 1

5 Try this quiz.


A You {ind them °^ re a s =Thev've~got ^ mmrntainous areas, mey ve y

How much do you know about animals?

farms, but alsoin mountainous beards.

(aTgoSs^) b) sheep

® ^3h tbln !k9eCsmbJ ° ^ and it flies at

h) ^ vam P^re mosquito: a vVampireP ^ o ta vampire bat

but also \ rhey've got I

c) bears 1

o It lives in the sea but it isn't a fish and it isnt a reptile. It can also live out ofcircus L SOmetimes Performs in a

a) a tortoise b) a porpoise c) a seal

a) whales

The biggest i s --------b) sharks c) alligators

^ COVRred"nVt M tC° ^ - ^ 9i0nS' Jt

O These are all types of one small animal: bird-eating, garden, gladiator, money, water, wolf and zebra.What is the animal? a) a rat b) a spider c) a cockroach

^ b a c f c T C ; t S d° " '‘ ayou might slowly andrestaurant in France menu in aa) SnaiIs b) bees

Which is the fastest? a) a tiger b) a leopard


covered in Z L ^ f re^ions. It's black. Whlte fur' but its skin is

a> a Polar bear m _ a chimpan2ere W « Panda

It has a sort of pocket, called a pouch', at the front of its body, where it keeps its young.a) a giraffe b) a kangarooc) a monkey

■ J

( & TheY haven't got legs, but thev can

large animals like deer.a) crocodiles b) aUiggtors c> m n h ,,

AYS V V E R S ------Check your answers on page G. Then read the analysis below.

ANALYSIS9 to 10 correct answers: You're going to be a vet or work on

a nature reserve, right?6 to 8 correct answers: You know your animals.1 to 5 correct answers: Science isn't your strongest subject, is it?

80| Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Unit 1 2

6 Complete the questionnaire.

A n im a ls and y o u

r a & V ' d l ' I

1 Which is your favourite wild animal? Why?

2 Are there any animals you find frightening?

3 If you could go anywhere in the world to study animals .

• where would you go?

• which animals would you study?

4 Would you like to work with animals?

5 What are your feelings about eating meat?

6 What are your feelings about horse-racing?

7 What are your feelings about zoos?

8 W hat are your feelings about circuses?

7 Write ten words and five expressions you are going to memorize.

Words Expressions1 1 .................2 ..............................................................

3 ............................... 2 ..................

4 ...............................................................

5 ............................... 3 ..................

6 .7 ............................... 4 ..................

8 .....................................................9 ............................... 5 ..................

1 0 .........................................................

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Unit 12

Test yourself 3 (Units 9 to 12)How much can you remember? M y mark:

601 Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B and use them

to complete the sentences.

A B0 I c h e c k e d a) a room at a hotel

1 I P°'d b) her call

2 I spent N. c) her number

3 I didn't return d) hours on the phone last night

4 I booked ------- e) my e-mail

5 I sent f) package holidays6 I went g) the bill

7 I called h) the parcel first class8 I can't stand i) away

n I checked my e-mail u 4 ru ..................... ' ........................................ but there were no messages for me.

9 ................................................................ next to the beach.

10 ................................................................ because I didn't have the number.

1 1 ................................................................ for a long weekend.

12 ................................................................ so that's why it was engaged for so long.

13 ................................................................ and left the hotel immediately.

14 ................................................................ so you should get it tomorrow.

1^ ................................................................ but there was no answer.

1 ^ ................................................................ because you have to do the same aseveryone else.

(1 6 marks)

2 Write ...

• the words for these landscape • the phrases to describe thesefeatures types of w e a th e r

0 h i" o 3 5 C ^ I t ' s h o t

3 Complete the e-mail.

Hello from Kenya! I ’m now in Mombasa, in an internet caf£.

i Cool, eh? We had a great time on f ...

We saw 1........... ,

and the most fabulous *............ There were really

beautiful 5........... in the Jadini forest. We had a picnic by

a wonderful *............ And I rode ?............•

At night we sang songs around a fire and looked at the

8............ and the They were so bright! Of

course, you had to be very careful to protect yourself from

I was a bit scared of t h e ' ^ f e ^ ^ 1........... ,

too. And one morning I found an enormous 12........... in my



shoe! W e ’re now staying at a hotel in Mombasa for a few days.

........and t l"........... of Mombasa there are fabulousS. Yesterday, we went on a trip to an

< < ^ 3 ^ just off the coast.

As usual, I ’ve had a few disasters. The first night there was a

terrible storm, with the most amazing 17............ Our

11 collapsed! I got stuck in the

the hotel this morning. And I ’ve lost my £°............. But

apart from that, i t ’s been great!


4 Write in the missing words.(20 marks)

Communications W eather Holidays0 an internet ?$Cyj.c.?. provider 1 ...................... and lightning 1 a ...................... hostel1 a first-.......................stamp 2 a g o o d .......................of 2 p o n y .....................2 by a i r ..................... sunshine 3 a caravan .....................3 d irec to ry ..................... 3 scattered ..................... 4 a B & .....................4 a touch- .................... phone 4 a .......................frost 5 room .....................5 o u t ......................order

(14 marks)

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Test yoursel f 3

ReferenceLiquid measureSee Unit 3, Eating in and eating out, page 18.

100 ml (millilitres) = 1 I (litre) = 1.76 pt (pints)

Informal lettersSee Unit 9, Phone, e-m ail and letters, page 59.

(number and street) (town /city)(county)(postcode)


U James StreetHaiiSaxVest Yd rhh re//X/ X R G

^ Naif

X>£Of'' PxOS/£,

P fn you can coins. n e x t \vee/eyid. T'yn looking S o i ^ a r ^ to seeing you.

Yours / B est Wishes / L ove


P S . D o n 't S o rb et to bring your Swimming costum e1.

The British postal system

First-class post should arrive the day after posting.

Second-class post should arrive by the third working day after posting.

Special delivery is for valuable items which need to arrive before twelve o'clock (midday) the day after posting.

Recorded delivery is forimportant (but not valuable) items which can go either first or second class.

The definite article with geographical namesSee Unit 11, Landscape and weather, page 70.

Use the definite article with names ofoceans the Atlantic, thelndian


seas the Mediterranean, theBaltic

rivers the Danube, theMississippi

the Alps, the Andes

the Seychelles, the West Indies

the Sahara, the Gobi Desert

mountain ranges

groups of islands


Do not use the definite article with names ofindividual mountains




Mount Everest, Mount Kilimanjaro

Etna, Vesuvius

Jamaica, Sardinia

Lake Michigan, Lake Balaton

TemperatureSee Unit 11, Landscape and weather, page 71.

Celsius (Centigrade)°C = (°F - 32) x 5

Fahrenheit °F = 9 x °C + 32

5O' 10' 20" 30' 40' 50' 60' 70*

r n m .80' 90' 100' 110'

ost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Reference

Some basic spelling rules

See also Boost Your Vocabulary 1,page 85, for Some basic spelling rules.

Adjectives: comparatives and superlatives

1 To m ake the comparative and superlative of regular one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives:add -er and -est

comparative superlativelong longer longest

2 Adjectives which end in -e:add -r and -st for the comparative and superlative

comparative superlativewide wider widest

3 Adjectives which end in -ycomparative superlative

-y - ie r zn> - iest

early earlier earliest

heavy heavier heaviest

4 One-syllable adjectives which end in a single consonant:double the consonant before adding -eror -est

comparative superlativebig bigger biggest

hot hotter hottest

wet wetter wettest

5 When the vowel which comes before the final consonant is not stressed, or when it is spelled with two letters:do not double the consonant

comparative superlative quiet quieter quietestgreat greater greatest

6 Do not double y or w at the end of words

Adjectives and adverbs

1 To make an adjective into an adverb: add -lyadjective adverbnice nicely

quiet quietly

2 Adjectives which end in -y

adjective adverb-y = > -Hynoisy noisily

easy easily

3 Adjectives which end in -le: drop the e before adding -ly adjective adverbsimple simply

terrible terribly

H See Boost Your Vocabulary 3, forthe comparatives and superlatives of two-syllable adjectives.

British / American spellings

British American -------------------/(Qytl usA

litre liter (See page 18.)

burnt burned (See page 19.)

theatre theater [See page 24.)

(health) centre (health) center (See page 24.)

jeweller's jeweler's (See page 25.)

programme program {See page 39.)

colour color (See page 39.)

cheque check (See page 44.)

travellers' cheques travelers' checks (See pages 44 and 64.)

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Reference

British and American English

B ritish A m e ric a n

1 Physical description (See page 6.)

spots pimplesa fringe bangsin bunches in ponytailsin plaits in braids / pigtails

2 House and home (See page 12.)

cooker stovehob range / cooktopfridge refrigeratortaps faucetsbin trash canwork surface counterstandard lamp floor lamptoilet roll toilet papertowel rail towel rackwashbasin sinklinen basket clothes basketflannel washclothchest of drawers dressernotice board bulletin boardradio alarm clock radiowardrobe closet (b u ilt-in type)detached house single-family housesemi-detached house duplex/two-family

houseterraced house row housebungalow ranch houseflat apartmentin + name of street on + nam e o f s tree tcity centre downtownopposite across fromwhereabouts where

3 Eating in and eating out (See page 18.)

packet (of crisps) bag (of potato chips)tub (of ice-cream) carton (of ice-cream)tin cangrill broilside plate salad plateiug pitchertable mat place mattakeaway takeoutstarter appetizerbill checkhorrible awful / terriblechips French frieslemonade lemon-lime drinkjam jam, also jellyunderdone undercooked

4 Places in towns (See page 24.)

railway station train station1 sports centre the gym / health club

B ritish A m eric a n

university college (in fo rm a l

la n g u a g e , university may be used)

cinema movie theatergames arcade arcadedisco clublaundrette laundromatdoctor's surgery doctor's officeestate agent's real estate officebookshop book storegreengrocer's fruit and vegetable

marketfishmonger's fish marketchemist's drug store / pharmacynewsagent's news dealer /

news standoff licence liquor storehairdresser's beauty shop(record / toy) shop (record / toy) storeelectrical goods electrical supply

store storeclothes shop clothing storecorner shop convenience storemarket farmer's markethas got a sale on is having a saleAre you being May 1 help you?served?

It's on special offer. It's on sale.You've got You have atoothache. toothache.

on holiday on vacationa lettuce a head of lettuce

5 Travel and transport (See page 32.)

coach bustram streetcar / trolleylorry truckmotorbike motorcyclescooter mopedtransport transportation / transitunderground subwayleft-luggage (office) baggage roomtoilets: restroom:

gentlemen / gents men's roomladies women's /

powder roomrefreshments snack bartimetable schedulestandard class second class(second class)

non-smoking no-smoking carcompartment

buffet car dining carsleeper sleeper / sleeping car

Boost Your V ocabu lar y 2 Reference

B ritish A m e ric a n

s ing le (ticket) o n e -w a y (ticket)re tu rn (ticket) ro u n d - tr ip (ticket)ra il ca rd pass / fa re c a rdq u e u e (noun) lineb a g g a g e re c la im b a g g a g e c la imh a n d lu g g a g e c a rry -o n b a gticket co lle c to r co n d u c to rc a b in a tte n d a n t f lig h t a tte n d a n t

to b o o k to reservew a y o u t exit

6 Cinema, television and radio (See page 38.)

cu rre n t a ffa irs cu rre n t eventsp ro g ra m m e p ro g ra m

ch a t show / ta lk show ta lk showc o m e d y series va rie ty showRoxy C in e m a Roxy T h e a te rf ilm m ovieb it p a rta dve rts c o m m e rc ia ls

7 Money (See page 44.)

purse co in purse /

c h a n g e purse

cash ie r te lle r

e n q u irie s cu sto m e r service desk

cu rre n t a cco u n t ch e ck in g a cco u n t

c h e q u e b o o k check b o o k

p a y in g -in b o o k d e p o s it slips

p o cke t m o n e y /

s p e n d in g m o n e y

a llo w a n c e

h e lp in g o n a m a rke t h e lp in g a t / in

sta ll a m a rk e t

till cash re g is te r / c h e cko u t co u n te r

m e a n ch e a p / s tingy

c a re fu l w ith m o n e y th rifty

care less w ith m o n e y a sp e n d th rin

8 Personal belongings, clothes and shoes(See page 50.)

rucksack b a c k p a c k / c a y p a c k

m o b ile p h o n e ce ll(u la r) p h o n e

d ia ry da te b o o k /

o rg a n iz e r

b ro o c h p in

h a ir s lide b a rre tte

tra in e rs ru n n in g shoes 1


f la t shoes fla ts

la ce -u p s O x fo rd s

s lip -o n s loa fe rs

p lim s o lls sneakers

spo tte d p o lk a -d o t

z'P z ip p e r

B ritish A m e ric a n

ju m p e r sw eate r / p u llo v e r

sw eate r

9 Phone, e-mail and letters (See page 58.)

p h o n e box p h o n e b o o th

han dse t rece iver

d ire c to ry e n q u irie s in fo rm a tio n /

d ire c to ry assistance

to rin g so m e o n e to ca ll so m e o n e

to put the p h o n e to h a n g up

do w n (on som eone ) (on som eone )

It's e n g a g e d . It's busy.

postcode zip code

post box m a ilb o x / d ro p box

p o s tm a n / p o s tw o m a n m a il ca rrie r

post m a il

10 Holidays (See page 64.)

h o lid a y v a ca tio n

coun trys ide co u n try

p a cka g e h o lid a y p a cka g e to u r

w a lk in g h ik in g

ca ra va n site tra ile r p a rk

fu ll b o a r d . A m e ric a n p la n

lift e le va to r

firs t f lo o r second f lo o r

C o u ld 1 p u t it on m y Please ch a rg e it to

ro o m ? m y ro o m .

ca ra va n tra ile r

p itch (space fo r a tent) ten t site

p lay a rea p la y g ro u n d

m in i-g o lf / crazy g o lf m in ia tu re g o lf

pon y tre k k in g p a ck tr ip

cycle h ire b icyc le ren ta l

to h ire to rent

11 Landscape and weather (See page 70.)

a g o o d d e a l o f

sunsh ine.

m ostly sunny

sunny p e rio d s p a rtly sunny

m id d a y n o o n«i c ttY w

12 The animal world (See page 76.)

no entries fo r this section ^ ~

Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Reference

u jjc jji i ic i i i una progress checkSelf assessment

Fill in the chart when you have completed each unit.

Which vocabulary sections were the most useful?(e.g. Hair style)



f well c do in t cises?





You wrote down some words and expressions to memorize. How many of them can you remember?

Words /1 0 Expressions /5

Which vocabulary sections do you need to go over again before you do the test?1# ' 1

Tick the correct part of the line.

1 Physical description " 12 House and home i z Z i . : . - — i3 Eating in and

eating out irA t I

4 Places in towns F -" - : .......... 1

Test score: / 60

5 Travel and transport e e i ::;:... i6 Cinema, television

and radio liiZ " 17 Money l :.:::::' i8 Personal belongings,

clothes and shoes r ..................... iTest score: / 60

9 Phone, e-mail and letters ■ i

10 Holidays ..... i1 1 Landscape and weather it . ........... i1 2 The animal world L ... 1Test score: / 60

Progress check

How much of the vocabulary did you know before you worked through the units? How much do you feel you know after working through the units?

Less than 25% About 50% More than 60%

Units 1 - 4 beforeafter

Units 5 - 8 beforeafter

Units 9 - 1 2 beforeafter

Boost Your Vocabu lar y 2 Self assessment and progress check