Boost Morale with an Injection of Fun ! ASTPHND 2006 Annual Meeting Seattle, WA Facilitated by Beth...

Boost Morale with an Injection of Fun! ASTPHND 2006 Annual Meeting Seattle, WA Facilitated by Beth Hannley Catalyst Consulting, Inc.

Transcript of Boost Morale with an Injection of Fun ! ASTPHND 2006 Annual Meeting Seattle, WA Facilitated by Beth...

Boost Morale with an Injection of Fun!


2006 Annual Meeting

Seattle, WA

Facilitated by

Beth Hannley

Catalyst Consulting, Inc.


•Work (wurk) noun.

• 1. Use of bodily or mental power in order to do or make something, especially as contrasted with play or recreation. (The Oxford American Dictionary)


• Describe the benefit of a positive work environment

• List twelve questions to assess employee satisfaction

• Identify 3 strategies to increase employee satisfaction

• Identify three ways to inject fun into the workplace

• List 3 ways to inject fun into work

• Laugh with vigor in public


1.Think about the Specific People Involved

2.Lead by Example

3.Have fun – Take Risks

4.Change Takes Time


1. Fun is energizing

2. Happy employees = productive employees

3. Happy employees = Happy customers

4. Recruit and retain good employees

5. Happier employees come to work more!

6. A hearty laugh burns up 3.5 calories


Find someone who: Can juggle Dated someone who is now famous Has the same color eyes as you have. Has been married to the same person for 20+years Has been to the Super Bowl or to an Inaugural Ball. Sings in a choir or plays a musical instrument Has lived outside the US for more than a year Has seen the same movie at least five times Likes to ski, fish or snowshoe. Sketches, paints, knits or weaves. Has hit a home run or a hole-in-one Has owned his/her own business Has written a book or plans to. Has three or more children Can speak two languages Is owned by two or more cats Has climbed a mountain. Is left-handed Ballroom dances – fun or competition


Purpose: Meet people in a different wayHave fun

Example:Find someone who juggles…Get his/her autograph Sign up to 3 lines/page

Object: Autograph for each line


Working with a partner, share a story of fun at work

• Tell about at time that was particularly fun at work. What was the high point of this time? What made it fun?


• Talk about a working relationship that is especially fun. How did this relationship develop? What do you most appreciate about this person?


“Does a positive work environment make a difference in business results?”

• So, Gallup surveyed…….. – 105,000 Employees – 2500 Business Units in 24

Companies– 12 Industries, including healthcare


Twelve questions linked to business results:– Profitability,– Productivity, – Customer Satisfaction, – Employee Retention

The Manager is key


1. Do I know what is expected of me at work?

2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my job right?

3. At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best everyday?

4. In the last seven days, have I received recognition or praise for doing good work?

5. Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person?

6. Is there someone at work who encourages my development?


7. At work, do my opinions seem to count?

8. Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my job is important?

9. Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work?

10. Do I have a best friend at work?

11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked with me about my progress?

12. This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow?


1. Know what is expected of me at work?

2. Have the materials and equipment I need to do my job right?

3. Opportunity to do what I do best everyday?

4. Recognition or praise in the last seven days?

5. Supervisor, or someone at work, cares about me?

6. Someone encourages my development?

Source: Marcus Buckingham, First, Break All The Rules


Making fun work

• Take yourself lightly• Be sincere• Think small and simple• Practice relevant humor• Practice safe humor• Hire for humor• Make fun a priority

Source: Paul Hawken


Smiling makes you happier

Women smile 8 more times a day than men do

People like and trust you if you smile

People can “hear” you smile.

Smiling cools the brain…frowning heats


• We’re too busy

• It cuts productivity

• We’re professionals

• It’s not my style

• No budget


1. Smile2. Eat 3. Tell jokes 4. Casual Friday5. Dress up for Halloween 6. Post cartoons on doors, bulletin

boards7. Celebrate birthdays and

anniversaries8. Group outing 9. Dance the Macarena or Electric


10. ?????


1. On an index card, briefly describe your favorite way to inject fun at work

2. Print or Write legibly

7-5-35 Exercise


Round One1. Exchange cards with five people. 2. Find a partner3. Compare the ideas on the cards you have4. Score the ideas by splitting 7 points

between the two cards. (7-0, 6-1, 5-2, 4-3) 7=High

5. Write the score for each card on its back

7-5- 35 Exercise


Round Two1. Exchange cards with five people. 2. Find a partner3. Compare the ideas on the cards you

have4. Score the ideas by splitting 7 points

between the two cards. (7-0, 6-1, 5-2, 4-3)

5. Write the score for each card on its back

7-5- 35 Exercise


Repeat for Rounds Three, Four,and Five

At the end of Round Five, add up all the points on the back of the card you’re holding. Maximum is 35 points

(7 points X 5 rounds = 35)

7-5- 35 Exercise


How can you inject fun into your work?



Staff meetings

Celebrating successes

Recognizing performance




• Include ‘sense of humor” in job competencies

• Ask Fun Interview questions:•Describe a time when you had a lot of fun at work

•Tell me about a time when you used humor to manage job stress

•Describe your ideal work place

• Look for smiles; listen for fun!


• Give them a welcome present: eg a keychain for their new office keys

• Send them on a scavenger hunt to help learn their new teammates and the work area.

• Give them a “buddy”

• Create a crossword puzzle with co-workers names on it.

• Check in at one month, three months

“Are you having fun here?”


• Open with a video….– Meetings, Bloody Meetings - with John Cleese

– Celebrate What’s Right With The World

– Old Movie Serials – Flash Gordon, Lone Ranger

• Show and Tell Time – Chance to share success

• Use Icebreaker questions:

– If you could have fifty pounds of anything, what would it be?

– What was your first job? Strangest? Most fun?

• Bring toys to play with…

– Crayons, paper airplanes, bubbles


• Graffiti Board • “Think Outside the Box” Lunch• Photoshop staff pictures into your

presentation….• Create a Mirth Committee


Informal and inexpensive

• Ask staff how they want to be recognized’

• Catcher Program – reward “Right-doing”

• Personal note from the supervisor

• Small rewards: favorite latte, funny PostIt Notes, Movie tickets

• Time off –15 minutes extra at lunch

• Email a Standing Ovation - –


– Soon

– Sincere

– Specific

– Personal

– Positive

– Proactive

Source: Bob Nelson, 1001 Ways to Recognize Employees


Four Steps to effective recognition.

1. I saw what you did

2. I appreciate it

3. It’s important because

4. Here’s how I feel about it.

Source: Bob Nelson, 1001 Ways to Recognize Employees


Most popular fun recognition gifts

#10 Gag gifts

#9 Popcorn tins or fruit baskets

#6 Plaques and trophies

#7 Tickets to movies or sports events

#5 Balloons (with or without gorilla delivery)

#3 Dinner out (or breakfast or lunch)

#2 T-shirts, and

#1 Coffee mugs, (preferably with a cartoon)

#4 Gift certificates

#8 Books


• Pay for the guy behind you

• Do the 3’oclock spin

• Leave voice mails in character – a historical figure or TV/Movie character

• “Think Outside the Box” Lunch

• Photoshop staff pictures into your presentation….

• Silly Socks and Terrible Ties


Office and Meeting ToysColoring books Play-DohKaleidoscopesBubblesNerf ballPost-it notesPuzzlesPrismsCrayons/markers


1001 Ways to Reward Employees by Bob Nelson

Fun Works – Creating Places Where People Love to Work by Leslie Yerkes

Managing to Have Fun: How Fun at Work Can Motivate Your Employees, Inspire Your Coworkers, and Boost Your Bottom Line by Matt Weinstein

Fun and Gains: Motivate and Energize Staff with Workplace Games, Contests and Activities by Carolyn Greenwich


Looking for even more fun ideas? Check out these websites about laughter and play:

•Matt Weinstein:

•Bernie DeKoven:

•Joel Goodman:

•Allen Klein:

•Clifford Kuhn, M.D.: 


Great way to close (or open) a meeting

For a full minute, continuously repeat the following sound……..


Beth HannleyCatalyst Consulting, Inc.Mill Creek, Washington

[email protected]