Booklet AIESEC Volta Redonda 2014


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Transcript of Booklet AIESEC Volta Redonda 2014

Page 1: Booklet AIESEC Volta Redonda 2014


About Volta Redonda:











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Av. dos Trabalhadores 420 - Vila Sta. Cecília, Volta Redonda

– RJ / Brasil

January, 22th 2014

Volta Redonda is a municipality in the microregion of the Paraíba Valley in

South mesoregion Fluminense in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is also

known as the "Steel City" for housing the National Steel Company.It is

bisected by the Paraíba do Sul River, which flows from west to east, the main

source of water supply of the city and also responsible for its name due to a

curve rio.The estimated population in 2011 was 259,011 inhabitants, 7 making

it the largest city in South Fluminense region and the third largest in the

state.The climate is Tropical altitude mesothermal with hot, rainy summers

and dry winters.The average temperature offset is 20 ° C, the minimum

annual average of 16.5 ° C and maximum annual average of 27.8 ° C.

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1 – What you can expect from us:

1. Send you the reception booklet

2. Help you find accommodation

3. Assign a Buddy to you

4. Pick you up your arrival

5. Help you with any visa issues

6. Take you to work on your first working Day

7. Show you around in the first days

8. Introduce you to another members and interns

9. Expectations alignment and preparation

2 - What we expect from you?

1. Read our reception booklet

2. Send us a copy of our travel tickets and health insurance as soon as you have them

3. Keep clear and open communication – meet our expectations and help us meet your

by talking to us about your needs boforehads

4. Answer to our e-mails on time

5. Attend to all physical and online meetings necessary

6. Be patient, positive and resilient, we Will do our Best to help you

3 – Money !

The currency in Brazil is the real (R$).We suggest you to bring U.S dollars or traveler’s

checks,most estabelishments accept credit cards, but not all of them. VISA is the most popular

credit card and it can be used is most major Banks.

Some product avarege price:

– A regular lunch cost you around R$15,00

– R$2,50

- R$2,00

– R$5,00

– R$16,00

– around R$30,00

– R$ 2,50

– R$10,00 to R$60,00

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4 – Transportation Tips

In Voltar Redonda the most popular mean of transport is the bus. One ticket costs R$ 2,50

and there are bus connecting all the city. You can acess the Schedule of the bus in the site :

Basic guidelines we try to follow ourselves

Carry along a photcopy of your passport, in case you are asked to show some ID(You also

can use your driver’s license)

Do not take along more cash that you need.

Avoid dark and isolates areas

Walk if a sense of purpose: keep in mind where are you going to.

Don’twalk around with your camcorder or your camera swinging from your wrist

Usefull telephone: Police: 190 Fire Brigade:193 Hospital: 192

See more in this link:

5 - Telephone TIPS

In Brazil you need cards to make a call in public telephones. But you can dial 9090 before

the 8 digital telephone numbers so that reciever accepts paying the call.

To call a telephone number in Volta Redonda from abroad dial : +55 24 (+ 8 digit telephone


Its cheaper to bring your móbile phone and buy the prepaid chip SIM card. It costs around R$3,50

+ the credit that you want.

6 - Volta Redonda Experience

-Churrasco – Barbecue

-Feijoada – Baked beans with pork

-Açai – Amazon fruit

-Brigadeiro – made of chocolate

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-Caipirinha- Alcoholic fruit drink

- Água de coco – coconut water

-Cachaça – Alcoholic beverage

3. :

- São Paulo (310 km)

-Rio de Janeiro (127 km)

-Juiz de Fora (180 km)

-São José dos Campos (220 km)

-Angra dos reis (85 km)

-Taubaté (180 km)

-Petrópolis (170 km)

-Resende (50km)

-Cabo Frio (280 km)

-Resende (50 km)

-Penedo (arround 50 km)

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