Book of Isaiah-2

Studies from the Book of Isaiah Lesson 2- Judgement and the savior (Note- The book of Isaiah is not written in the Chronological order. For this reason, we will base our study topic wise.) Introduction-For the smooth functioning of any society, a set of rules and regulations-what we call laws are needed. To have laws, we need law makers and law enforcers. The rulers/ government of a country make the laws. The police and courts enforce the laws. Often we find this is not an easy task. Sometimes we might feel the laws are not reasonable and at times the law-enforces don’t do their job. Discuss- Q-Which laws of our country, society or church do you think are harsh or unreasonable? Q-Are our judiciary and police departments trust worthy? Q-What changes would you suggest in the church rules and their implementation? Bible Lesson-.( read the appropriate given text for each sub-topic) When ever the laws are not just or the implementation of the laws is not proper, we find it is the poor and weak in the society that suffer the most. It was true even in the times of Isaiah. There was wide spread abuse of the courts and those in power took advantage of the weaker sections of people. Isaiah condemned the partiality and injustice of the ruling classes and the corruption of those who enforced the law. He also prophecied about a future day, when a just and impartial ruler (Jesus Christ) would rule the world. 1. Social injustice judged-Is 10:1-4 When the Israelites were in Egypt, they were treated in a cruel and unjust manner by the Egyptian rulers. They were slaves and suffered tremendously. The lord delivered them from bondage and led them into freedom. The


Bible Lesson-.( read the appropriate given text for each sub-topic) After the lofty description of the Messiah and his work in Israel, there can be only one proper response-praise. This entire chapter revolves around the appropriate response of the people in praise to God for his intervention in their lives (v:1-5) and his divine presence among them(v:6). Q-Can you think of other aspects where the poor suffer? 3-The savior celebrated -Isaiah 12:1-6

Transcript of Book of Isaiah-2

Studies from the Book of Isaiah Lesson 2- Judgement and the savior(Note- The book of Isaiah is not written in the Chronological order. For this reason, we will base our study topic wise.) Introduction-For the smooth functioning of any society, a set of rules and regulations-what we call laws are needed. To have laws, we need law makers and law enforcers. The rulers/ government of a country make the laws. The police and courts enforce the laws. Often we find this is not an easy task. Sometimes we might feel the laws are not reasonable and at times the law-enforces don’t do their job.Discuss-Q-Which laws of our country, society or church do you think are harsh or unreasonable?Q-Are our judiciary and police departments trust worthy?Q-What changes would you suggest in the church rules and their implementation? Bible Lesson-.( read the appropriate given text for each sub-topic)

When ever the laws are not just or the implementation of the laws is not proper, we find it is the poor and weak in the society that suffer the most. It was true even in the times of Isaiah. There was wide spread abuse of the courts and those in power took advantage of the weaker sections of people. Isaiah condemned the partiality and injustice of the ruling classes and the corruption of those who enforced the law. He also prophecied about a future day, when a just and impartial ruler (Jesus Christ) would rule the world.

1. Social injustice judged-Is 10:1-4 When the Israelites were in Egypt, they were treated in a cruel and unjust manner by the Egyptian rulers. They were slaves and suffered tremendously. The lord delivered them from bondage and led them into freedom. The Lord himself gave the rules and regulations for the Israelites to follow .In the rules God made provision for the poor and downtrodden. He expected the Israelites to take care of the poor and weak among them. (Deut 10:17,18). For example they were not to harvest their fields to the very edge or go back over them a second time to glean.(Lev 19:9,10) . The history shows that, Israel failed miserably to carry out God’s vision for His nation. Instead of defending and providing for the weaker members of Society, the ruling elite exploited them. Even in the courts, the wealthy and the powerful were favoured at the expense of the poor and the weak. There are many parallels to these situations today. Community leaders offer rich corporations tax benefit to attract them to come to their locality. The poor traders don’t get any benefit. In the government hospitals the poor wait for days together, sleeping on the footpaths, before they can get treatment. But in the same hospital, if a minister comes, all the best doctors rush to him. He gets priority and the best of care. He can easily get better care in a private hospital, where as the poor cannot.

Q-Can you think of other aspects where the poor suffer? In v 3, Isaiah points to a day of reckoning that would bring disaster to all those who participated in oppressive activites. He describes the rich running for their lives and thefalse security their wealth provided. The oppressors would die or be taken prisoner. In v:4, this day of visitation was fulfilled when both Israel and Judah were defeated and taken into captivity. We see an important principle here. God cares about the way people treat each other. God is going to call each one of us into account, for the way we treat others. Realising this, we should fear God and correct our behavior, when dealing with other people.Q- Do you give respect to the people who work for you? Especially when they are older than you?For example, Parents should not allow their children to shout and speak rudely with the servants, maids, drivers etc.

2-The savior promised- Isaiah 11:1-5 Chapter 10, describes rulers and leaders who used their positions for their own benefit at the expense of others, but Chapter 11 describes one who is just the opposite. There is hope and a descendant of Jesse would usher in a new messianic era. (11:1) We who live in the messianic era, which is also the era of the Holy Spirit’s out pouring, can take courage because Jesus our Messiah offers hope for all situations. Several statements in v:3 and 4 show the Spirit’s working through the Messiah . The messiah faced many a challenge in the power of the Holy Spirit and was a victor. We can be victorious in our everyday walk of life, only with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was never swayed by the position and power of a person. He did not accept whatever people told him. He was guided by the Holy Spirit and so he could discern correctly. He was always in favour of the poor and the needy. Mercy, righteousness and faithfulness guided Jesus in all his actions. As Christians we have been sent into this world as Christ’s representatives. As his followers we need to have his characteristics. We can become Christ like only with the help of the Holy spirit and with the washing(reading) of the word.

3-The savior celebrated -Isaiah 12:1-6

Discuss-Q-what should be your response when you know that God has forgiven you?Q-For what blessings, does God deserve praise?

After the lofty description of the Messiah and his work in Israel, there can be only one proper response-praise. This entire chapter revolves around the appropriate response of the people in praise to God for his intervention in their lives (v:1-5) and his divine presence among them(v:6).

We as Christians praise God not only for what God has done in our lives, but for who he is. These are the two main components for giving praise to God .In v:3 we see that :--the Lord’s anger is turned away-He has not only forgiven them but now, He is comforting them. The song of salvation in V:2 reminds us of the song of Israelites after they were

dramatically delivered from the red sea.(Ex 15:2). The example of water from the well points to God as the Israelites source of spiritual life (12:3). During the many years of prosperity before the exile, Israel and Judah became self sufficient. By looking to God for spiritual restoration, God would be the source of life for Israel again. The last three verses reveal the desired outcome of the people’s praise among their

unbelieving neighbours. By their giving praise to God, God will become known “among the nations” and in “all the world”. Praise is to be the natural response of a believer. The genuine praise of a believer will positively affect an unbeliever.

Concluding prayer--Let every member praise God for one of his attributes.i.e for who he is.Ex-Praise God because is loving, full of grace, forgiving, omniscient, omnipotent,

omnipresent, creator etc-Let every person thank God for what he has done for them in one sentence-pray for GCLC, pastors, ministries, missions and Sunday services-Pray for each others needs.