Book of Isaiah-1

Judgement and Comfort ( Studies from the book of Isaiah) After the death of King Solomon, the United Kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms-The northern country of Israel and southern nation of Judah. The prophet Isaiah lived in Judah. He was prophet to four kings of Judah from about 740BC to 681BC. He preached repentence and salvation to the whole nation. The country of Israel faded from its former prominence because of sin and disobedience. It was eventually destroyed totally by the Assyrian forces. Although Judah was also threatened by Assyria and Egypt, it was spared ( for a longer period), because of the influence of the prophecies of prophet Isaiah, that caused the country to repent and turn to God time and again. Isaiah was a piercing poet, who understood the two sided nature of God's character: Mercy and judgement, grace and discipline, justice and forgiveness, exile and salvation. The tension of these great paradoxes fills the pages of Isaiah's writings. Isaiah knew people who lived double lives- the nation of Israel. He shared God's hatred for compromise. He challenged them to shape up and love God with all their hearts and mind. Q-Do you know of any double minded people?Any christians you can call a hypocrite? Q-Is it possible to live a life totally pleasing to God? Q why do some christians drift away from God? Lesson 1- God's remedy for rebellion Introduction- It is common in our country, when people get sick, they often go to the Chemist directly instead of going to the doctor. The chemist is not a doctor. He doesnot examine the patient or ask for investigations. Based on the limited knowledge he has, he gives treatment. This can be dangerous at times. Medical doctors are often frustratedd by patients who call the office and want to receive a prescription without an examination. A thorough examination is needed to accurarately diagnose and treat an injury or illness. After the diagnosis the patient must follow the treatment plan to get well. Even if the


Judgement and Comfort ( Studies from the book of Isaiah) Lesson 1- God's remedy for rebellion We as believers must be honest before God and confess our sins and forsake them. We should be careful not to justify our wrong doings. If we begin to think our religious duty is sufficient, we will be in danger of rebelling against God. If we begin to drift away from God, He will warn us through his word and his spirit. God wants us to continue to know His peace and experience his presence daily.

Transcript of Book of Isaiah-1

Judgement and Comfort ( Studies from the book of Isaiah)

After the death of King Solomon, the United Kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms-The northern country of Israel and southern nation of Judah. The prophet Isaiah lived in Judah. He was prophet to four kings of Judah from about 740BC to 681BC. He preached repentence and salvation to the whole nation. The country of Israel faded from its former prominence because of sin and disobedience. It was eventually destroyed totally by the Assyrian forces. Although Judah was also threatened by Assyria and Egypt, it was spared ( for a longer period), because of the influence of the prophecies of prophet Isaiah, that caused the country to repent and turn to God time and again. Isaiah was a piercing poet, who understood the two sided nature of God's character: Mercy and judgement, grace and discipline, justice and forgiveness, exile and salvation. The tension of these great paradoxes fills the pages of Isaiah's writings. Isaiah knew people who lived double lives- the nation of Israel. He shared God's hatred for compromise. He challenged them to shape up and love God with all their hearts and mind.

Q-Do you know of any double minded people?Any christians you can call a hypocrite?Q-Is it possible to live a life totally pleasing to God? Q why do some christians drift away from God?

Lesson 1- God's remedy for rebellion

Introduction- It is common in our country, when people get sick, they often go to the Chemist directly instead of going to the doctor. The chemist is not a doctor. He doesnot examine the patient or ask for investigations. Based on the limited knowledge he has, he gives treatment. This can be dangerous at times. Medical doctors are often frustratedd by patients who call the office and want to receive a prescription without an examination. A thorough examination is needed to accurarately diagnose and treat an injury or illness. After the diagnosis the patient must follow the treatment plan to get well. Even if the diagnosis is correct and the treatment plan is good, the patient will not recover, if he fails to follow it. Isaiah chapter 1 and 2 describes God's diagnosis and treatment plan for the the kingdom of Judah. While the nation was rightly concerned aout the growing power of Assyrians, God revealed that their main problem was not an external military foe, but an internal spiritual sickness was destroying them. Would they follow God's treatment plan? Often when we face problems in our lives and turn to God in tears and prayer, God will diagnose the problem and prescribe the right treatment .This study will remind us to be receptive to what God wants us to do in our lives.

Bible lesson-Isaiah 1:2 to 2:5 Lesson

1. Diagnosis : Rebellion against God. (Is 1:2-9)

1-Chapters 1-39 of the book of Isaiah are written having in mind the impending judgement on Israel by the Assyrians. After the Assyrian threat is over, Ch 40-66 focus on the comfort God gives his people through deliverance.Deliverance would come after true repentence and obedience. Repentence without obedience is not repentence. In chapter 1, Isaiah addressed the southern kingdom of Judah. He began with bad news; a diagnosis of their deteriorating spiritual condition, which clearly indicated what was going to

happen to them as a nation. Isaiah did not raise the subject of Judah's rebellion gently. He was very stern and compared them to an ox and a donkey .Unlike these lowly animals, common beasts of burden who knew and appreciated the owner who cared for them, God's children didnot appreciate Him as their maker, owner and care taker. Instead they rebelled against the one who was a loving parent to them. When a child rebells against the parents and willfully disobeys the parent and as a consequence hurts himself, it is extremely painful to the parents. The nation of Judah with their rebellion hurt the father heart of the almighty God. This type of rebellious behavior is usually not a rational decision, but as Isaiah indicates it is result of spiritual corruption.(v-4).Inspite of the pain and turmoil that results from sinful behavior, people often persist in going their own way.The resulting injuries and afflictions from a sinful way of life present a clear picture of Judah's spiritual condition-they had serious soul-threatening wounds. The spiritual decline of individuals ultimately led to national decay and resulted in Judah's oppression by the enemy. Rebellion always has a heaavy price to pay. Only God's mercy can protect the nation.

Discuss- There is a lot of suffering in our country-India. Can you think of some ways the country has rebelled against God? What can we as part of the country(though a minority) do?

We as believers must be honest before God and confess our sins and forsake them. We should be careful not to justify our wrong doings. If we begin to think our religious duty is sufficient, we will be in danger of rebelling against God. If we begin to drift away from God, He will warn us through his word and his spirit. God wants us to continue to know His peace and experience his presence daily.

2- Treatment: Willingly obey God Isaiah continues his prophecy by prescribing a treatment for the nation of Judah. The treatment did not include any religious activities. They were already religious ,outwardly following the law, but it did not please God. Isaiah 1:10-15, describe how the people of Judah were observig religious sacrifices and festivals.This was the only thing that distinguished them from their pagan counterparts.Otherwise their lives looked the same as unbelievers. Many people today are just like the people of Judah. They participate in religious avtivities but possess little spiritual fervour. God is looking for a change of behav ior that flows from a change of heart. Isaiah offers several behavioral changes in verses 16-17, that can be the result of true spiritual change. It involved turning away from unrighteous behavior, turning back to God, and receiving the forgiveness of God, on God's terms. The promise in verse 18 is one the most beautiful statements of God's forgiveness in the scripture. Judah's sinful behavior, symbolised by scarlet and crimson stains, could be replaced by the purity symbolised by white snow and white wool. However they could receive this forgiveness only as a result of genuine repentence and obedience to God. Isaiah warned that the failure to change would result in continued oppression by the enemy(v-20).It is no different today. God raises up prophetic voices to speak to individuals. You may hear God talking to you through the pastor, an elder or while you read the Bible.God speaks to Churches, to communities and nations about their spiritual condition. Unfortunately, there are many false prophets telling people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear. It is the willingness of people to obey God that determines their future.Through the prophetic ministry of Isaiah, God provided a remedy that would result in healing and restoration if followed by the people

Discuss--How will a true spiritual change affect a person's priorities?-Why is willingness to obey God, necessary to receive forgiveness?

3-Restoration:God gives peace -Isaiah 2:2-5

Chapter 1 is a stinging indictment of Israel's sins, but Chapter 2 offers the promise of a bright future.There was still hope for the wayward people of God. They could look forward to a time when all nations would join them and acknowledge the Lord and His temple(2;2), respect and follow God's laws(v:3), and experience true peace( v:4). As impossible as this may seem from a human stand point, God's promise will be fulfilled in the last days.(v:2).The term “last days” is a general reference to the period of time that began with Christ's ascension to heaven and will culminate with his second coming. God's people are to live in an expectation of these days coming to pass. To some extent this has already come to pass. There are believers in almost all countries and nations. It will come to pass in totality after rapture and tribulation. Christ will come to the earth and reign for a 1000 years. The desire for a peaceful international setting similar to what Isaiah describes is a universal human desire. Even the United Nations , founded to promote world peace and solve world problems, uses Isaiah 2:4 as a motto for their work. Their noble efforts for the last 60 years have not however resulted in the condition described by Isaiah. Nations are still in dispute with each other. History repeatedly shows that lasting peace is not obtainable by human effort. Only divine intervention give true and lasting peace. Isaiah's prophecy lets believers know there will be a day when all conflicts will come to a screeching halt. Until then, God's people must continue to walk in the light of the Lord(v:5), eventhough the darkness of this world is all around us. Discuss How can you have God's peace in your life?

Concluding prayer-Pray that God will help us to hear and obey him, when he speaks to us.-Pray that God's will, will be done in this world.-Pray for the salvation of souls.-unsaved family members, friends etc by name.Let each person say the names of the unsaved members in their family and one person lead in prayer.

pray for GCLC-pastors, missions and ministries and services. Pray for each others needs.