Book Mart Jesus de Los Santos YEI

7/21/2019 Book Mart Jesus de Los Santos YEI 1/27 1 Index . Tense page Simple present…………………………………………………………..…... 3.  (structure , examples / exercises ) Simple past……………………………………………………………..…. 8. (structure , examples / exercises ) Simple past verb to be was/were ……………………………………….. !. (structure , examples / exercises ) "resent continuous…………………………………………………………. (structure , examples / exercises ) "ast continuous……………………………………………………………#. (structure , examples / exercises ) $uture %xpression &oing to………………………………………………'. (structure , examples / exercises ) Simple uture prediction probabilit*……..………………………….... +. (structure , examples / exercises ) "resent perect…………………………………………………………….. 8. (structure , examples / exercises ) "ast perect te past o te past……………………………………….. -!. (structure , examples / exercises ) "resent perect continuous………………………………………………… -. (structure , examples / exercises )



Transcript of Book Mart Jesus de Los Santos YEI

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Index .

Tense page

Simple present…………………………………………………………..…... 3. (structure , examples / exercises )

Simple past……………………………………………………………..…. 8.

(structure , examples / exercises )

Simple past verb to be was/were ……………………………………….. !.

(structure , examples / exercises )

"resent continuous………………………………………………………….

(structure , examples / exercises )

"ast continuous……………………………………………………………#.

(structure , examples / exercises )

$uture %xpression &oing to………………………………………………'.

(structure , examples / exercises )

Simple uture prediction probabilit*……..………………………….... +.

(structure , examples / exercises )

"resent perect…………………………………………………………….. 8.

(structure , examples / exercises )

"ast perect te past o te past……………………………………….. -!.

(structure , examples / exercises )

"resent perect continuous………………………………………………… -.

(structure , examples / exercises )

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"ast perect continuous………………………………………………….. --.

(structure , examples / exercises )

$uture perect going to………………………………………………...… -3.

(structure , examples / exercises )

"assive voice…………………………………………………………….. -.

(structure , examples / exercises )

eported speec………………………………………………………… -'.

(structure , examples / exercises )

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Simple Present: Habits, routines, daily activity


+ verb + comp.

  . 0 1dd “s” to te verb  -. 1dd 2%S to verbs ending4 ch, sh, x,

Spelling rules 3rd person singular (5e, se, it)4 o, s.

3. 6ange “y’’  or “ies’’  in a verb wit. a consonant beore 7*.

  . 6ange ave or as



+ do does + not + v + c

9o4 I / :ou / ;e / Te* 9oes4 5e / Se / It

Yes/no uestion: do does +  + v + c!

"# uestion: $# + do does + 

+ v +c!


;e are watcing te 5unger &ames at scool.

;e watc te 5unger &ames at scool.

;e dont watc te 5unger &ames at scool.

9o we watc te 5unger &ames at scool? :es, we do / @o, we dont.;ere do we watc te 5unger &ames? In te scool.

  9ave is stud*ing in anoter scool because a riends ault.

9ave studies in anoter scool because a riends ault.

9ave doesnt stud* in anoter scool because a riends ault.

9oes 9ave stud* in anoter scool because a riends ault? :es, e does / @o, edoesnt.

;ere does 9ave stud* because a riends ault? In anoter scool.

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• Susan is worAing wit a ver* amous person.

Susan worAs wit a ver* amous person.

Susan doesnt worA wit a ver* amous person.9oes Susan worA wit a ver* amous person? :es, se does / @o, se doesnt.

;* does Susan worA wit a ver* amous person?

• =aria goes swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend.

  =aria doesnt go swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend.9oes =aria go swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend? :es, se does / @o, se


;ere does =aria go swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend? Se goes to Saint


• =* riends and I worA rom =onda* to $rida* in a big compan* and we rest two

da*s a weeA.

=* riends and I dont worA rom =onda* to $rida* in a big compan* and we rest twoda*s a weeA.

9o m* riends and I worA rom =onda* to $rida* in a big compan*?

  ;* do m* riends and I worA rom =onda* to $rida* in a big compan* and we rest

two da*s a weeA? Cecause we need mone*

• aul and >uis pla* volle*ball in a ver* amous team te* are campions.

  aul and >uis dont pla* volle*ball in a ver* amous team te* are campions.

9o aul and >uis pla* volle*ball in a ver* amous team are te* campions?

;ere do aul and >uis pla* volle*ball in a ver* amous team te* are campions?

• =* amil* loves picnicsD we go on a picnic ver* oten.

=* amil* doesnt love picnics.

9oes m* amil* love picnics? :es, we does / @o, we doesnt;en does m* amil* go to a picnic? En weeAend.

• =* students are ver* intelligent, te* never ail exams.

=* students arent ver* intelligent, te* never ail exams.

1re m* students ver* intelligent? :es, te* are / @o, te* arent.;* are m* students ver* intelligent?

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• osemar* wases odrigos clotes on weeAends.

osemar* doesnt was odrigos clotes on weeAend.9oes osemar* was odrigos clotes on weeAends? :es, se does / @o, se doesnt.

;ere does osemar* was odrigos clotes on weeAends?

• "aul and I are ver* good riends.

  "aul and I arent ver* good riends.

1re "aul and I ver* good riends? :es, we are / @o, we arent.;* are "aul and I good riends?

• =* dog eats all Aind o ood.

=* dog doesnt eat all Aind o ood.

9oes m* dog eat all Aind o ood? :es, e does / @o, e doesnt.

;* does m* dog eat all Aind o ood?

• >ouisiana is a ver* big state.

>ouisiana isnt a ver* big state.Is >ouisiana a ver* big state? :es, it is / @o, it isnt.

;* is >ouisiana a ver* big state?

• "eter bruses is dogs air twice a weeA.

"eter doesnt brus is dogs air twice a weeA.

9oes "eter brus is dogs air twice a weeA? :es, e does / @o, e doesnt.;ere does "eter brus is dogs air twice a weeA?

•  @orma se levanta mu* temprano los lunes.

 @orma gets up ver* earl* on =onda*.

 @orma doesnt get up ver* earl* on =onda*.

9oes @orma get up ver* earl* on =onda*? :es, se does / @o, se doesnt.;ere does @orma get up ver* earl* on =onda*?

• %l sol brilla para todos.

Te sun sines to ever*one.

Te son doesnt sine to ever*one.

9oes te sun sine to ever*one?;at time does te sun sine to ever*one?

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•  @osotros bebemos Fugo de naranFa en la maGana.

;e drinA orange Fuice in te morning.;e dont drinA orange Fuice in te morning.

9o we drinA orange Fuice in te morning? :es, we do / @o, we dont.

;* do we drinA orange Fuice in te morning?

• 1*er platiHu con el ermano de mi amigo.

I talA wit m* riends broter toda*.I dont talA wit m* riends broter toda*.

9o I talA wit m* riends broter toda*?

;ere do I talA wit m* riends broter toda*?

• >uisa estJ platicando muco con >uis.

>uisa talAs muc wit >uis.>uisa doesnt talA muc wit >uis.

9oes >uisa talA muc wit >uis?

;* does >uisa talA muc wit >uis?

• =i ermana HuemK la ropa al plancar.

=* sister burned te clotes at iron.=* sister didnt burn te clotes at iron.

9id m* sister burn te clotes at iron?

;* did m* sister burn te clotes at iron?

• LonJs cepilla sus dientes 3 veces al dMa.

Lonas bruses is teet 3 times a da*.Lonas doesnt brus is teet 3 times da*.

9oes Lonas brus is teet 3 times a da*?

;ere does Lonas brus is teet 3 times a da*?

• >as oFas de los arboles caen lentamente en otoGo.

• Te leaves o trees all slowl* in autumn.

Te leaves o trees dont all slowl* in autumn.9o te leaves o trees all slowl* in autumn?

;en do te leaves o trees all slowl*?

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• $ernando rompe coraBones.

$ernando breaAs earts.$ernando doesnt breaA earts.

9oes $ernando breaA earts?

;* does $ernando breaA earts?

• >os ladrones roban bancos mu* seguido.

Te robbers steal banAs ver* oten.Te robbers dont steal banAs ver* oten.

9o te robbers steal banAs ver* oten?

;* do te robbers steal banAs ver* oten?

• =i amilia ace iesta cada aGo.

=* amil* maAes part* ever* *ear.=* amil* doesnNt maAe part* ever* *ear.

9oes m* amil* maAe part* ever* *ear?

;at does m* amil* ever* *ear?

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Simple Past: An action finis#ed in t#e past.


+ v. past + comp


+ did + not + v.sbf + comp

Yes/No: %id + 

+ v. sbf + comp!

"#: $# + did + 

+ s.sbf + comp!


• =aria ran on te street.

=aria didnt run on te street

9id =aria run on te street? :es, se did / @o, se didnt;en did =aria run on te street?

• &abo inised is omeworA.

&abo didnt inis is omeworA.

9id &abo inis is omeworA? :es, e did / @o, e didnt.

;en did &abo inis is omeworA?


I talAed wit m* riends broter *esterda*.I didnt talA wit m* riends broter *esterda*.

9id I talA wit m* riends broter *esterda*?

5ow long did I talA wit m* riends broter *esterda*?

• >uisa talAed muc wit >uis.

>uisa didnt talA muc wit >uis.

9id >uisa talA muc wit >uis?

;* did >uisa talA muc wit >uis?

• =* sister burned te clotes at iron.

=* sister didnt burn te clotes at iron.9id m* sister burn te clotes at iron?

;* did m* sister burn te clotes at iron?

• =* riends and I went to soot to te mountain.

=* riends and I didnt go to soot to te mountain.

9id m* riends and I go to soot to te mountain?

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;* did m* riends and I go to soot to te mountain

• ocio woAe up angr*.

ocio didnt waAe up angr*.

9id ocio waAe up angr*?;* did ocio waAe up angr*?

• =* pants sranA wen I wased tem.

=* pants didnt srinA wen I wased tem.9id m* pants srinA wen I wased tem?

;* did m* pants srinA wen I wased tem?

• Te plane lew rom =iami to =exico.

Te plane didnt l* rom =iami to =exico.

9id te plane l* rom =iami to =exico?

;* did te plane l* rom =iami to =exico?

• 1na >uisa O =aria climbed te %verest a *ear ago.

1na >uisa O =aria didnt climb te %verest a *ear ago.

9id 1na >uisa O =aria climb te %verest a *ear ago?;ere did 1na >uisa O =aria climb?

• =* riends O I went driving to "uebla at #43! pm *esterda*.

=* riends O I didnt go driving to "uebla at #43! pm *esterda*.9id m* riends O I go driving to "uebla at #43! pm *esterda*?

;ere did m* riends O I go driving?

• >ast weeA I paid m* credit card.

>ast weeA I didnt pra* m* credit card.

9id I pa* m* credit card last weeA?;* did I pa* m* credit card last weeA?

• Te robbers stole banAs ver* oten.

Te robbers didnt steal banAs ver* oten.

9id te robbers steal banAs ver* oten?;o stole banAs ver* oten?

• =* amil* did part* ever* *ear.

=* amil* didnt part* ever* *ear.

9id m* amil* part* ever* *ear?

;at did m* amil* ever* *ear?

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Simple past verb to be $as $ere


+ $as $ere + comp


+ $as $ere + not + comp

Yes/no: $as $ere + not + 

+ comp!

"#: $# + $as $ere + 

+ comp!


• Se was wit er bo*riend last weeAend.

Se wasnt wit er bo*riend last weeAend;as se wit er bo*riend last weeAend? :es, se was / @o, se wasnt

;o was wit er bo*riend weeAend?

• ;e were at scool *esterda*.

;e werent at scool *esterda*.;ere we at scool *esterda*? :es, we were / @o, we werent.

;o was at scool *esterda*?

• =* parents were %nglis teacers man* *ears ago.=* parents werent %nglis teacers man* *ears ago.

;ere m* parents %nglis teacers man* *ears ago?;ere were m* parents %nglis teacers man* *ears ago?

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Present &ontinuous: An action in progress. An action

t#at is done at t#e moment of spea'ing


+ to be + (. ing + comp

Neg:  + to be + not + (. ing + comp.

Yes/No: to be + 

+v. ing + comp!

"#: $# + to be +  + c. ing + comp!


•   Maria is swimming right now.

 Maria isn’t swimming right now. Is Maria swimming right now? Yes, she is / No , she isn’t 

What kind of msic is Maria !istening right now?


• ;e are watcing te 5unger &ames at scool.

;e arent watcing te 5unger &ames at scool.

1re we watcing te 5unger &ames at scool? :es, we are / @o, we arent.

;* are we watcing te 5unger &ames at scool?

• 9ave is stud*ing in anoter scool because a riends ault .

9ave isnt stud*ing in anoter scool because a riends ault.

Is 9ave stud*ing in anoter scool because a riends ault? :es, e is / @o, e isnt.

;* is 9ave stud*ing in anoter scool because a riends ault?

• Susan is worAing wit a ver* amous person .

Susan isnt worAing wit a ver* amous person.

Is Susan worAing wit a ver* amous person? :es, se is / @o, se isnt

;* is Susan worAing wit a ver* amous person?

• =aria is swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend.

=aria isnt swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend.Is =aria swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend? :es, se is / @o, se isnt.

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;ere is =aria swimming wit er riends ever* weeAend? Se is to Saint >orenB

• =* riends and I are worAing rom =onda* to $rida* in a big compan* and we rest

two da*s a weeA.

=* riends and I arent worAing rom =onda* to $rida* in a big compan* and we resttwo da*s a weeA.1re m* riends and I worAing rom =onda* to $rida* in a big compan* and we rest two

da*s a weeA? :es, we are / @o, we arent.

;ere are m* riends and I worAing rom =onda* to $rida*? In a big compan*.

• aul and >uis are pla*ing volle*ball in a ver* amous team te* are campions.

aul and >uis arent pla*ing volle*ball in a ver* amous team te* arent campions.1re aul and >uis pla*ing volle*ball in a ver* amous team? 1re te* campions? :es,

te* are / @o, te* arent.

5ow oten are aul and >uis pla*ing volle*ball in a ver* amous team?

• Te police oicer is worAing long ours .

Te police oicer isnt worAing long ours.

Is te police oicer worAing long ours? :es, e is / @o, e isnt.

;* is te police oicer worAing long our?

• Te cildren are sAating in te ice rinA.

Te cildren arent sAating in te ice rinA.1re te cildren sAating in te ice rinA?  :es, te* are / @o, te* arent.

;en are te cildren sAating in te ice rinA?

• Sand* is wasing Luans clotes.Sand* isnt wasing Luans clotes.Is Sand* wasing Luans clotes? :es, se is / @o, se isnt.

;en is Sand* wasing Luans clotes?

• Lulian is painting te ouse.

Lulian isnt painting te ouse.

Is Lulian painting te ouse? :es, e is / @o, e isnt.

;* is Lulian painting te ouse?

• Im talAing wit m* riends broter toda*.

Im not talAing wit m* riends broter toda*.

1m I talAing wit m* riends broter toda*?

;* am I talAing wit m* riends broter toda*?

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• >uisa is talAing muc wit >uis.

>uisa isnt talAing muc wit >uis.Is >uisa talAing muc wit >uis?

;* is >uisa talAing muc wit >uis?

• =* students are ver* laB*.

=* students arent ver* laB*.

1re m* students ver* laB*?

;* are m* students ver* laB*?

• =* students are writing a grammar exercise.

=* students arent writing a grammar exercise.

1re m* students writing a grammar exercise?;ere are m* students writing a grammar exercise?

• Se is opening a git.Se isnt opening a git.

Is se is opening a git?

;at is se opening?

• >aura and Lose are writing a letter to teir grandma.

>aura and Lose arent writing a letter to teir grandma.

1re >aura and Lose writing a letter to teir grandma?

;* are >aura and Lose writing a letter to teir grandma?

• ;e are pressing te Fudge.

;e arent pressing te Fudge.1re we pressing te Fudge?

;o is pressing te Fudge?

• Im cooAing caAe or m* wies birtda* in tis moment.

Im not cooAing caAe or m* wies birtda* in tis moment.

1m I cooAing caAe or m* wies birtda*?

;* am I cooAing caAe?

• =* girlriend O I are going to wit er parents te next Sunda*.

=* girlriend O I arent going to wit er parents te next Sunda*.

1re m* girlriend O I going to go wit er parents?;* are m* girlriend O I going to wit er parents?

• Im building te sand castle o m* sons, in tis moment.

Im not building te sand castle o m* sons, in tis moment.1m I building te sand castle o m* sons, in tis moment?

;ere am I building te sand castle o m* sons, in tis moment?

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• =* dog is biting a bone.

=* dog isnt biting a bone.

Is m* dog biting a bone?;en is m* dog biting a bone?

•Te robbers are stealing banAs ver* oten.

Te robbers arent stealing banAs ver* oten.1re te robbers stealing ver* oten?

;o stealing banAs ver* oten?

• =* amil* is doing parties ever* *ear.

=* amil* isnt doing parties ever* *ear.

Is m* amil* doing parties ever* *ear?

;* is m* amil* doing parties ever* *ear?

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Past continuous: An action in progress in t#e past.


+ $as $ere + (. ing + comp.


+ $as $ere + not + (. ing + comp.

Yes/No: $as $ere + 

+ v. ing + comp!

"#: $# + $as $ere + 

+ + comp!


• ;e were dancing at St. Palentines 9a* "art*.

;e werent dancing at St. Palentines 9a* "art*.

;ere we dancing at St. Palentines 9a* "art*? :es, we were / @o, we werent.

;ere were dancing at St. Palentines 9a* "art*?


• >orena was read a love booA.

>orena wasnt read a love booA.;as >orena read a love booA?

;* was >orena read a love booA?

• Se was opening a git.

Se wasnt opening a git.

;as se opening a git?

;at was se opening a git?

• >aura and Lose were writing a letter to teir grandma.

>aura and Lose werent writing a letter to teir grandma.;ere >aura and Lose writing a letter?;en were >aura and Lose writing a letter?

• ;e were pressing te Fudge.

;e werent pressing te Fudge.;ere we pressing te Fudge?

;* we pressing te Fudge?

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• Te wind was blowing ver* strong *esterda* approximatel* at ten oclocA pm.

Te wind wasnt blowing ver* strong *esterda* approximatel* at ten oclocA pm.;as te wind blowing ver* strong approximatel* at ten oclocA pm?

)uture e*pression oing to.


+ am is are + going to + verb + comp

Neg:   + am is are + not + going to + verb + comp

Yes/No: am is are + 

+ going to + verb + comp!

"#: $# + am is are + 

+ going to + verb + comp!


;ere going to ave an exam next weeA.

5es gonna be an engineer.

  ;e arent gonna ave an exam next weeA.

5e isnt going to be an engineer.

1re we gonna ave an exam next weeA? :es, we are / @o, we arent.

Is e gonna be a engineer? :es, e is / @o, e isnt.

;en are we gonna ave an exam?

;* is e going to be engineer?


• Te* are going to drinA beer in te part*.

Te* arent going to drinA beer in te part*.

1re te* going to drinA beer in te part*?;ere are te* going to drinA beer?

• ;ere going to ide te trut.

;e arent gonna ide te trut.

1re we gonna ide te trut?

5ow muc are we gonna ide te trut?

• Te robbers are going to steal banAs ver* oten.

Te robbers arent going to steal banAs ver* oten.

1re te robbers going to steal banAs ver* oten?

;o is going to steal banAs ver* oten?.

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• =* amil* is going to do part* ever* *ear.

=* amil* isnt going to do part* ever* *ear.Is m* amil* going to do part* ever* *ear?

;* is m* amil* going to do part* ever* *ear?

Simple future

Aff:  + $ill + verb + comp


+ $ill + not + verb + comp.

Yes/No: $ill +  + verb + comp!

"#: $# + $ill + 

+ verb + comp!


 I’!! win the !ottery.

"he wi!! tra#e! to $ro%e. I won’t win the !ottery.

"he won’t tra#e! to $ro%

Wi!! yo win the !ottery? Yes, I wi!! / No, I won’t.Wi!! she tra#e! to $ro%e? Yes, she wi!! / No, she won’t

;* will *ou win te lotter*?;ere will se travel?


• Se will ride one motorc*cle wit riend.

Se wont ride one motorc*cle wit riend.

;ill se ride one motorc*cle wit riend?

;* will se ride one motorc*cle wit riend?

• Te plant will grow ealt* and strong in te garden.

Te plant will not grow ealt* and strong in te garden.

;ill te plant grow ealt* and strong in te garden?;o will grow ealt* and strong in te garden?

• Te robbers will steal banAs ver* oten.

Te robbers wont steal banAs ver* oten.

;ill te robbers steal banAs ver* oten?

;o will steal banAs ver* oten?

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• =* amil* will do part* ever* *ear.

=* amil* wont do part* ever* *ear.

;ill do m* amil* part* ever* *ear?;* will do m* amil* part* ever* *ear?

Present Perfect: An action started in t#e past $it# a

conseuense in t#e present and future.


+ #ave #as + verb. P.p + comp.


+ #ave #as + not + verb P.p + comp.

Yes/No: Have #as + 

+ verb P.p + comp!

"#: $# + #ave #as + 

+ verb P.p + comp!


• =* grandparents ave lived in Teuacan or '! *ears.

=* grandparents avent lived in Teuacan or '! *ears.

5ave m* grandparents lived in Teuacan or '! *ears?;ere ave m* grandparents lived or '! *ears?


• Lunior as brused is soes since cildren.Lunior asnt brused is soes since cildren.

5as Lunior brused is soes since cildren?

;* as Lunior brused is soes since cildren?

• Te* ave eaten amburgers or 3 *ears.

Te* avent eaten amburgers or 3 *ears.

5ave te* eaten amburgers or 3 *ears?;* ave te eaten amburgers or 3 *ears?


• ;e ave lived ere or too man* *ears.

;e avent lived ere or too man* *ears.5ave we lived ere or too man* *ears?

;ere ave we lived or too man* *ears?

• "ablo as swung te bab* or ours.

"ablo asnt swung te bab* or ours.

5as "ablo swung te bab* or ours?;en as "ablo swung te bab* or ours?

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• Se as opened a git.

Se asnt opened a git.5as se opened a git?;o as opened a git

• ;e ave pressed te Fudge.

;e avent pressed te Fudge.

5ave we pressed te Fudge?

;* ave we pressed te Fudge?

• >aura and Lose ave written a letter to teir grandma.

>aura and Lose avent written a letter to teir grandma.

5ave >aura and Lose written a letter to teir grandma?;o as written a letter?

• =* amil* as made part* ever* *ear.

=* amil* asnt part* ever* *ear.5as m* amil* made part* ever* *ear?

;* as m* amil* made part* ever* *ear?

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Past perfect

Aff:  + #ad + verb p.p + comp.


+ #ad + not + verb p.p + comp.

Yes/No: Had +  + verb p.p + comp!

"#: $# + #ad + 

+ verb p.p + comp!


• =* amil* ad made part* ever* *ear.

=* amil* adnt made part* ever* *ear.5ad m* amil* made part* ever* *ear?

;* ad m* amil* made part* ever* *ear?


• obert ad wased is Feans beore it rained.

obert adnt wased is Feans beore it rained.

5ad obert wased is Feans beore it rained?;en ad obert wased is Feans beore it rained?

• Te* ad pla*ed volle*ball previous da*.

Te* ad not pla*ed volle*ball previous da*.

5ad te* pla*ed volle*ball previous da*?

;en ad te* pla*ed volle*ball?


• Se ad cleaned te ouse at morning.

Se ad not cleaned te ouse at morning.

5ad se cleaned te ouse at morning?

;en ad se cleaned te ouse?

• Se ad orgotten er Ae*s at scool wen arrived ome.

Se adnt orgotten er Ae*s at scool wen arrived ome.

5ad se orgotten er Ae*s at scool wen se arrived ome?;ere ad se orgotten er Ae*s at scool wen se arrived ome?

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;o ad orgotten te Ae*s wen arrived ome?

Present perfect &ontinuous:An action started in t#e past, going in progress in a

certain moment, until t#e present.


+ #ave #as + been + + comp.


+ #ave #as + not + been + v. ing + comp.

Yes/No: Have #as + 

+ been + v. ing + comp!

"#: $# + #ave #as + 

+ been + v. ing + comp!

%xamples/ %xercises

• Se as been waiting or er real love all er lie.

;e avent been worAing ard tese da*s.

5ave *ou been stud*ing or *our exams? :es, I ave / @o, I avent.5ow long ave *ou been worAing in tis compan*?

• =* amil* as been maAing part* ever* *ear.

=* amil* asnt been maAing part* ever* *ear.5as m* amil* been maAing part* ever* *ear?

;* as m* amil* been maAing part* ever* *ear?

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Past perfect continuous:An action started in t#e past, going in progress in a

certain moment before anot#er action.


+ #ad + been + v. ing + comp.


+ #ad + not + been + v. ing + comp.

Yes/No: #ad + 

+ been + v. ing + comp!

"#: $# + #ad + 

+ been + + comp!

%xamples / %xercises

• Se ad been waiting or er real true all er lie.

;e adnt been worAing ard tese da*s.

5ad *ou been stud*ing or *our exams? :es, I ad / @o, I adnt.5ow long ad *ou been worAing in tis compan*?

• =* amil* ad been maAing part* ever* *ear.

=* amil* adnt been maAing part* ever* *ear.5ad m* amil* been maAing part* ever* *ear?

;* ad m* amil* been maAing part* ever* *ear?

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- )uture e*pression oing to -*pressed t#e idea t#at somet#ing $ill occur before

anot#er action in t#e future. t can did s#o$ t#at

somet#ing $ill #appen before a specific time in t#e



+ am is are + going to + #ave + verb past. Part + c.


+ am is are + not + going to + #ave + verb p.p + c

Yes/No: Am is are +  + going to + #ave + verb p.p + c!

"#: $# + am is are + 

+ going to + #ave + verb p.p + c!


• :ou are going to ave perected *our %nglis b* te time *ou come bacA rom teQ.S.

Im not going to ave perected m* %nglis b* te time I come bacA rom te Q.S.

1re *ou going to ave perected *our %nglis b* te *ou come bacA rom te Q.S?

;en are *ou going to ave perected *our %nglis?

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Passive (oice : ts used $#en $e focus on t#e action and

t#e doer is not important.

Structure: to be + past participle


• Simple present4

14 ita writes a letter.

"4 a letter is written b* ita.

• Simple past4

14 ita wrote a letter.

"4 1 letter was written b* ita.

• $uture4

14 ita will write a letter.

"4 1 letter will be written b* ita

• "resent 6ontinuous4

14 ita is writing a letter.

"4 1 letter is being written b* ita.

• "ast continuous4

14 ita was writing a letter."4 1 letter was being written b* ita.

• "resent perect4

14 ita as written a letter.

"4 1 letter as been written b* ita.

• "ast perect4

14 ita ad written a letter."4 1 letter ad been written b* ita.

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%xample / %xercises


• Simple present4

14 m* riends build a ouse.

"4 1 ouse is built b* m* ouse.

• Simple past4

14 =* riends built a ouse.

"4 1 ouse was built b* m* riends.

• $uture4

14 =* riends will build a ouse.

"4 1 ouse will be built b* m* ouse.

• "resent 6ontinuous4

14 =* riends are building a ouse

"4 1 ouse is being built b* m* riends.

• "ast continuous4

14 =* riends were building a ouse."4 1 ouse was being built b* m* riends.

• "resent perect4

14 =* riends ave built a ouse.

"4 1 ouse as been built b* m* riends

• "ast perect4

14 =* riends ad built a ouse

"4 1 ouse ad been built b* m* riends.

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0eported Speec#: 1o report $#at anot#er person #as


9irect Speec4 2I speaA %nglis

 @o bacAsit4 5e sa*s tat e speaAs %nglis.

CacAsit4 5e said tat e spoAe %nglis.Interrogative4 2;* dont *ou speaA %nglis? 5e asAed me w* I didnt speaA

%nglis.:es/@o Huestion4 29o *ou speaA %nglis? 5e asAed me weter / i I spoAe %nglis.Imperative4 26arol, speaA %nglis 5e told 6arol to speaA %nglis.


.0 5e said 7I liAe tis song

5e said e liAed tat song.

-.0 7;ere is *our sister?

Se asAed me were m* sister was.

3.0 7I dont speaA Italian se said.

 Se said se didnt speaA Italian.

.0 7Sa* 5ello to Lim te* said. Te* said to sa* ello to Lim.

#.0 7Te ilm begins at seven oclocA e said. 5e said te ilm began at seven oclocA.

'.0 79ont pla* on te grass, bo*s se said.

 Se told te bo*s not to pla* on te grass.

+.0 79oes se Anow obert? e wanted to Anow.5e wanted to Anow i se Anew obert.

8.0 7Tr* tis at ome te teacer said.

Te teacer said to tr* tat at ome.

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