Book Format

Book format: Author's surname, followed by their initials or first names, exactly as they appear in the book (option: 2nd author's initials before their surname) Date of publication: between fullstops or in brackets, depending on journal style. Title of the book underlined or in italics (Note: with the wide availability of word processors, italics are increasingly being favoured over underlining ) Place of publication (in USA, the State is added if the place is a town rather than city, e.g. Cambridge, Mass.:) Publisher's name, following a colon (:). E.g. Carrol, V. (1975) Pacific Atoll Populations . Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Journal article format: Author's surname, followed by their initials or first names. Date of publication. Title of the article, possibly in 'inverted commas'. Pay special attention to the difference from the entry for books. Title of the journal underlined (or given in italics). Volume number, and the issue within that volume, either in brackets, separated by an oblique (/), or after a comma. Page numbers of the article, following a colon or a fullstop. E.g. Conroy, J. (1973) 'Urbanization in Papua New Guinea: A Development Constraint', Economic Record , 49(2):76-88.


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Transcript of Book Format

Book format:Author's surname, followed by their initials or first names, exactly as they appear in the book (option: 2nd author's initials before their surname)Date of publication: between fullstopsorin brackets, depending on journal style.Titleof the book underlined or in italics (Note:with the wide availability of word processors,italicsare increasingly being favoured overunderlining)Placeof publication (in USA, the State is added if the place is a town rather than city, e.g. Cambridge, Mass.:)Publisher's name, following a colon (:).E.g.Carrol, V. (1975)Pacific Atoll Populations. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Journal article format:Author's surname, followed by their initials or first names.Dateof publication.Title of the article, possibly in 'inverted commas'. Pay special attention to the difference from the entry for books.Title of the journalunderlined(or given in italics).Volume number, and the issue within that volume, either in brackets, separated by an oblique (/), or after a comma.Page numbersof the article, following a colon or a fullstop.E.g.Conroy, J. (1973) 'Urbanization in Papua New Guinea: A Development Constraint',Economic Record, 49(2):76-88.

Book chapters or articles in books:Author's surname, followed by initials or first names.Dateof publication.Article/chapter title, possibly in 'inverted commas'.'In' followed by theeditors' names, with initials before surnames.(Ed.) or (Eds.) to denote edited bookBook title,underlined(or in italics).Placeof publicationPublisher's namePage numbersof the article (orafter book title)E.g.McCarthy, L.P. & Walvoord, B.E. (1988) Models for collaborative research in writing across the curriculum. In S. McLeod (Ed.),Strengthening programs for writing across the curriculum. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 77-90.Note: Alphabetic order & underlining the main sourceAlphabetic order:Never change the order of the authors around. If the first author is out of alphabetical order, then this shows s/he is themajorauthor and the others have contributed less. If you change the order, then people will only be able to follow up your reference on a computer, which will normally find any author listed.Underlining the main source:The only bibliographic entries where you don't underline (italicise) any part of the entry are:

unpublished paper(you indicate this by writing 'MS' or 'Mimeo' after the title);

PhD theses: just write 'PhD thesis' after the title, e.g.Brown, J., 1985, 'The Interface between School and College', PhD thesis, University of Hawaii.