Body fat Assessment Flyer

What are the advantages of Ultrasound testing over other methods? The Ultrasound System has been found to be more accurate than skin fold calipers and Bio- electrical impedance devices (such as electronic scales). Skin fold calipers require exten- sive user skill, and BIA devices are sensitive to hydration, caffeine intake and exercise levels. Ultrasound technology is easy to use, non-invasive, and the measurements are not affected by any of the above factors, therefore providing consistent results. Compared to Skinfold Calipers and Bathroom/ electronic scales: • Calipers measure Skin folds, NOT Fat thickness. Skin fold thickness measurements can be 1.5 – 3 times the true fat thickness. • Unfortunately the scale only gives us half the story. It tells us how much weight is be- ing measured but it does not tell us our health, body composition or progress in that single number. Ultrasound-technology bodyfat testing is used by Elite Sporting Clubs such as: Ultrasound-technology bodyfat assessments How does it work? Ultrasound may sound intimidating, but if you’ve ever heard an echo you’re a long way to understanding how this technology measures accurate fat-tissue thickness. Ultrasound waves travel in tissue and then record strong reflections that occur at the boundary of different tissue types, for example, fat-muscle and muscle-bone. Accurate Body Fat % Track Fat Loss & Muscle Gain No Embarassing Pinching


Track your body fat with state of the art ultrasound technology.

Transcript of Body fat Assessment Flyer

Page 1: Body fat Assessment Flyer

What are the advantages of Ultrasound testing over other methods?The Ultrasound System has been found to be more accurate than skin fold calipers and Bio-electrical impedance devices (such as electronic scales). Skin fold calipers require exten-sive user skill, and BIA devices are sensitive to hydration, caffeine intake and exercise levels. Ultrasound technology is easy to use, non-invasive, and the measurements are not affected by any of the above factors, therefore providing consistent results.

Compared to Skinfold Calipers and Bathroom/ electronic scales: • Calipers measure Skin folds, NOT Fat thickness. Skin fold thickness measurements can be 1.5 – 3 times the true fat thickness. • Unfortunately the scale only gives us half the story. It tells us how much weight is be-ing measured but it does not tell us our health, body composition or progress in that single number.

Ultrasound-technology bodyfat testing is used by Elite Sporting Clubs such as:

Ultrasound-technology bodyfat assessments

How does it work? Ultrasound may sound intimidating, but if you’ve ever heard an echo you’re a long way to understanding how this technology measures accurate fat-tissue thickness. Ultrasound waves travel in tissue and then record strong reflections that occur at the boundary of different tissue types, for example, fat-muscle and muscle-bone.

Accurate Body Fat %Track Fat Loss &

Muscle GainNo Embarassing
