BnB Novembe2012 Online

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  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    2 | NOV | 2012

    PresidentMr. C.S.Vjaaragavan

    Vice PresidentDr. S. Svanesan

    SecretaryMr.T. Swamnatan

    TreasrerMr. C.A. Raj Matvanan

    CateringMr. S.P. Candrasekar


    Mr. J. Ganes Bab

    EntertainmentMr. D. Grs

    Library & NewsletterDr.S. Natarajan

    SportsMr. M.P. Premkmar




    N.1 Bat Cb Rad,R.A.Pram,Cenna 600 028

    Pne N: 044-24322195,044-24321233

    Gest Rm: 044-24351449

    E-Ma: [email protected]:

    thePresidents Message

    Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change theirminds cannot change anything George Bernard Shaw

    Dear Fellow Members,I thought it is time to talk to you once again through thisnewsletter. Whatever we have been saying, we are trying to putinto practice, in every ield o our activities.

    You will note that you have been receiving bits and bytes ona regular basis as usual. Inact, you have also started gettingsmall income rom that, based on the initiatives o ourcommittee member Dr. S.Natarajan. The Committee Memberhas been taking enormous interest in the development oLibrary as well as Publication.

    Regarding Entertainment, all o you would have noticedbesides usual programme o Tambola and movies in a weekthe committee member is working hard to introduce somenew concepts. The Club Day unction was well organied andwas very well received by the Members. Thanks to the goodeorts o the Committee Member Mr. D.Girish. He is alsoplanning to introduce Alumni Club Super Singer Programs asannounced during the club day by the Vice Chancellor. Sincehe requires some good outlay, there are some discussions asto how to go about but soon the committee Member will comeorward with the plan o action or the programme to you all.

    As regards, the project, you will observe that Conerence Hallsrest rooms are renovated and work in is progress or Receptionroom at the entrance.

    Plans are on the anvil to modernie and revamp the kitchenand probably to extend it. As you are aware kitchen areawas conceived about ten years ago and built which has servedtill date. It is high time now, to work out the kitchen areawhich will serve or the next ten years. Advanced kitchenequipments are available and it is our duty that we providesuch equipments to the caterer so that he wi ll be able todeliver better and more hygienic ood to the Members. As Imentioned earlier in my letter, this will be the thrust or theyear. Dish washing systems are undergoing changes. TheMember In-charge Mr. J.Ganesh Babu has improved theHousekeeping and also working on the above Projects.

    New items have been added in the Menu which are receivinggood response rom the Members. The Member In-ChargeMr. S.P.Chandrasekar is putting in lot o eorts personallywith his team to provide quality stu to the Members. Wehave improvised new menus in the parties and also acilitated

    the service by providing new cutleries. Members who arearranging parties, require such better attention.

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    NOV | 2012 | 3Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also whatit takes to sit down and listen.-Winston Churchill

    In sports, you would have noticed, keeping in mind, the Wards and also Membersand their spouses who are interested in training coaches have been inducted orBadminton, Cricket and Tennis. Members are requested to make use o such acilitiesor which our Member Mr. M.P.Premkumar is working hard. Usual tournaments arebeing conducted meticulously by Mr. M.P.Premkumar and his team.

    Mr. Dwarak, our Club Member requires a special appreciation or the untiring eortshe is taking in bringing our website and associated acilities to a good order. TheManagement team on behal o everyone expresses its appreciation to him.

    Mr. T.Swaminathan, Secretary and Mr. C.A.Raj Mathivanan, Treasurer are co-ordinatingevery activity to ensure proper implementation. Besides this, they are ensuring thatproper service is given by the Oice sta, bringing them into some good workingatmosphere.

    We require to do something new this year, abroad, why abroad in India too. Peoplecelebrate Fathers Day and Mothers day. A thought is coming to me why not wecelebrate MATHA PITHA DAY. All Members can bring their parents to the Club

    one evening. The Club will provide an entertainment in honour o them. Club willalso provide Dinner to them at the Clubs expense. Ater all we owe our existence tothem. It is our duty to ensure they are honoured amidst us atleast once a year. I hadnot yet discussed in the management committee and will do so to elicit their views andalso igure out the inancial implication. Upon the approval by the committee takinginto account various actors the member in charge will seek your response so that wecan organie one sometime in December 2012 or in the year 2013. I the Parents wantto participate in the Entertainment Event they can participate either as rendering somesongs or an entertaining speech or three minutes or perorming some small skit. I seekyour honest response to this eect when the committee member calls or it.

    You will note rom the write-up given by the Chairman o the New Year Committee, it

    is being planned in a very grand scale. The New Year Chairman Mr. D. Ranganathan isworking overtime to ensure there is a marked dierence in the New Year celebrationscompared to the earlier years with the introduction o many new events and concepts.Lot o care is taken to introduce very exciting dinner menu. Please participate to makeit a success, o course there is a limitation o the number o seats.

    Ws u ll bsC S VijayaraghaVan

    Navarahri Kolu was set-up at our Lobby,and Kolu Sundal distributed during thecelebratory 9 days. It culminated in a grandmanner with Ayudha Pooja done with ervor

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    4 | NOV | 2012

    From the neW year eVe CommitteeChairmanS deSk:

    Respected members o our prestigious club.I am happy as the chairman o this yearsNew Year Committee to present this reportto you. This year the New Year committeewanted to give our members a total lydistinctly dierent New Year Eve celebrationsin all its events to make it a very memorable

    and enjoyable celebration. To live up towhat we have planned, the preparations werestarted by the irst week o August that is aclear ive months ahead. This was mainlyto sign up with the inest singers, orchestra,dancers, caterers and other artists. But ocourse the inest will always be expensive. Togive our members the best at a very nominalcost, the New Year Committee has wholeheartedly spent their earnest time and energyto rope in maximum sponsors. All this eort

    will make our members have a varied, unilled entertainment together with a widespread o oods at a very nominal cost.

    Core o any New Year celebration is in itsentertainment programme and a livelyanchor is a must. Hence play back singer Mr.Karthick with his orchestra and DD (DivyaDharshani) o Vijay TV ame will be there toenlighten the gathering. Mr. Karthick as allo you would be aware o the most popular

    play back singer in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,Malayalam and in Hindi ilms. Recently hehas been a music director also or a ew ilms.He has won numerous state and National

    awards or the year 2010,2011 and 2012.

    To receive themembers andtheir guests atthe entrance

    we will beposting


    dressed as Sivaji, MGR, Rajinietc. Instant photographsare being arranged orour members absolutelyree o cost with propsand standees. You cantake home your sweetmemories o the event. Atable magician will be there going round

    all the tables perorming magic and keepingour members and guests engaged duringbreaks. Mimicry, stand-up comedy and DJmusic, all rom highly reputed artists andperormers are planned.

    The stage will be decorated with lights andLED backdrops and all displays and scrollingand song sequence backups will be on theLED wall. Sound and lighting is done by oneo inest in the business today in cine andtelevision. As per our clubs normal practice,

    the registration or the New Year will startrom the 1st o December 2012 with a newlook tickets this year and taris will be asollows:

    Members/Spouse/Wards above 12 years`800/- per person

    Wards below 12 years`600/- per person

    Members guest`1250/- per person

    Guests wards`800/- per person

    Added to all the above course we will haveour colourul cracker show and the NewYear dawn count down by LED lighting. Onbehal o my entire New Year Eve CelebrationCommittee, we are eagerly expecting to seeyou all on 31st evening sharp at 7 PM. Pleasedo register or the New Year eve Celebrationswell in advance and bring your guests tooand have an enjoyable and memorable NewYear Eve celebrations.





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    NOV | 2012 | 5


    Watch this space for monthly updates on Sports at the Alumni Club!

    Peace begins with a smile - Mother Teresa

    Vijay Mohan Memorial Intra club SnookerTournament sponsored by amily and riendso Vijay was conducted during Sept/Oct.2012. Aptly the tourney was completed on14th October 2012, the birthday o Vijay.The best o ive rames inals was played

    between K.Raghunandan (M.No.526) andK.Vibhuraja (M.No.630) and K.Raghunandan(M.No.526) triumphed. The avourites othe course E.Sivakumar (M.No 103) and

    R.Natarajan (M.No.1465) lost in Quarters andSemis respectively. A total o 84 matches with28 competitors were completed in a recordtime o one month. Thanks to excellentcooperation rom all participants. The otherlosing semi-inalist was V. Arjun Sarathy son

    o M.O. Vijaya Sarathy (M.No.1237). Theevent concluded with a prie distribution bythe ather and all members o Vijays amilyollowed by dinner.


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    6 | NOV | 2012 You can ool some o the people all o the time, and all o the people some o thetime. But you cannot ool all o the people all o the time. - Abraham Lincoin


    ENTERTAINMENTfor the month of

    3 NOV 12


    10 NOV 12



    TAMiL MOVie

    17 NOV 12


    SUpeR HiT TAMiL MOVie


    & DeepAVALi cRAckeRS


    23 NOV 12


    24 NOV 12



    TAMiL MOVie

    nOVeMBer 2012

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    NOV | 2012 | 7Patience and perseverance have a magical eect beore which difcultiesdisappear and obstacles vanish. - John Quincy Adams


    SAvETHE LIFE OFASTROKE PATIENTKeep a syringe or needle in your home to dothis... Its amaing and an unconventional wayo recovering rom stroke, read it through itcan help somebody one day.


    Please keep this very handy. Excellent tips.Do take a minute to read this.You will never know, that ones l ie maydepend on you. When stroke strikes, thecapillaries in the brain will gradually burst.When a stroke occurs, stay calm.

    No matter where the victim is, do not movehim/her. Because, i moved, the capillarieswill burst.

    Help the victim to sit up where he/she is toprevent him/her rom alling over again andthen the bloodletting can begin.

    I you have in your home an injection syringethat would be the best.

    Otherwise, a sewing needle or a straight pinwill do.

    1.Place the needle/pin over ire to sterilie

    it and then use it to prick the tip o all 10ingers.

    2.There are no speciic acupuncture points,just prick about an mm rom the ingernail.

    3.Prick till blood comes out.4.I blood does not start to drip, then squeee

    with your ingers.5.When all 10 ingers is bleeding, wait a

    ew minutes then the victim will regainconsciousness.

    6.I the victims mouth is crooked, then pull

    on his ears until they are red.7.Then prick each earlobe twice until two

    drops o blood comes rom each earlobe.

    Ater a ew minutes the victim should regainconsciousness.

    Wait till the victim regains his normal statewithout any abnormal symptomsthen take him to the hospital. Otherwise, i

    he was taken in the ambulance in a hurry tothe hospital, the bumpy trip will cause all thecapillaries in his brain to burst.

    I the patient is saved, barely managing towalk, then it is by the grace o his ancestors.This inormation about letting blood to savelie is rom the Chinese traditional, doctor,Ha Bu Ting, who lives in Sun Juke.



    S.Natarajan (M.No.876)

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    8 | NOV | 2012 Club news contunies on pg no 33Three grand essentials to happiness in this lie are somethingto do, something to love, and something to hop or. - Addison

    The original picture o Jhansi ki RaniLaxmi Bai. This picture was been taken160 years ago Gandhi with Mr. Charlie Chaplin

    Partition migration rom West Punjab 1947

    It was a last time when Netaji was caught by Britishers

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    11/4110 | NOV 2012

    Ingredients:Carrot 600 gmGreen Capsicum 600 gmRed Capsicum 600 gmYellow Capsicum 600 gmZucchini 600 gm

    Tomato 600 gmIceberg Lettuce 600 gmCoriander Lea 2 tspMint Lea 2 tspGarlic Chopped 2 tspOlive Oil 50 mlLemon Juice -2 tspSalt to tasteSugar to tasteCrushed Pepper to taste

    Method:Cut all vegetable into juliennes.Mix the vegetable with lemon juice andgarlic, resh herbs and olive oil.Season it with salt and sugar to table.


    COOKNOOK Continental

    classicIf you are in a mood to experiment, then its got tobe continental cuisine! From healthy vegetable saladto fried veggies, continental food is easy to make yetextremely delicious. Chef Anandfrom Cornucopia, thespecialty continental restaurant, shares 2 lip smackingrecipes to add variety to your usual menu.

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    13/4112 | NOV 2012

    Ingredients:Carrot, parboiled and cut 800 gmBeans, parboiled and cut 800 gmCauliower, parboiled and cut 800 gmBroccoli, parboiled and cut 800 gmZucchini, parboiled and cut 800 gm

    Green pea, parboiled and cut 800 gmBaby corn, parboiled and cut 800 gmSpinach, parboiled and cut 800 gmBasil, parboiled and cut 800 gmRed wine 1 tsp



    Lemon juice 2tspSalt to tasteSugar to tasteOlive oil -60 mlGarlic (Chopped) -50 gm

    Method:In a pan, heat olive oil and saut garlic.Add vegetables and seasoning. Stir ry thevegetables in high fre or fve minutes.Season it with lime juice and basil.

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  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online



    Men may remember the seven year itch as the 1955 hollywood classic,famous for its iconic image of Marilyn Monroe. But the phrase has quitea different connotation for women. Psychologists use the term to refer toa mans increasing tendency to stray after the seventh year of marriage.



    14 | NOV 2012

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    17/4116 | NOV 2012

    Why seven years, you may ask. Relationshipexperts give a rough break up: frst two yearso marriage y o in getting to know eachother; the next three in the excitemento becoming parents and raising the frstchild; the next two in planning the secondpregnancy and managing two tiny tots. Atersuch a varied and hectic frst seven years, liesettles into a routine which the husband andwie probably fnd monotonous and dull.The Missus becomes ully involved with herchildren, their school, their extra-curricularactivities, their nutrition etc. She inadvertentlystarts ignoring the most important man in herlie and he naturally eels sidelined leading tothe inevitable breakdown o relations.

    With instances o infdelity and divorce onthe rise, the seven year itch is inecting moreand more people. But surprise, surprise! Thepopular perspective that only the men wanderin a relationship seems to be on the wane.An increasing number o women areadmitting to indulging in extra maritalaairs. The decreasing threshold o tolerancecoupled with ragile egos may be to blame orthe married couple looking elsewhere

    or the ulflment o their emotional andphysical needs.

    Here is a fve step guide to help you tide overthe seven year itch.


    Nothing proves the adage amiliarity breedscontempt better than married lie. But beoreyou take up the cudgel against your hubby orhis perpetual rant that you have let yourselgo and are no longer the svelte emme atalehe married, do take a look at yoursel. Hisstatement may not be all chauvinistic. Indianwomen have the wonderul capacity o puttingtheir amily frst but that unortunatelymeans that they ignore their own health andappearance. I am surely watching the GreekGod you married change into a pot-belliedcouch potato will defnitely have a negativeimpact on your psyche too. Both o you needto tighten your belts and set out on the path

    o transormation. Beauty is not skin deep butit is an important part o the overall processo holistic living. And it is never too late tostart caring or your body. So, what are youwaiting or? Get a couples membership to theswanky, neighbourhood gym that you haveadmired rom ar. Besides spending precioustime together, enjoy watching your delectablecurves reappear and your hubbys paunchdisappear. Regular visits to the parlour willalso work wonders or your appearance

    and confdence.


    Seven years on, most couples eel that theyhave done all they could to keep the sparks

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    alive. In truth, however, they have onlyexplored the surace. There is so much youcan do to let your hubby know that he is stillThe One or you. Cook his avourite meal,git him sweet surprises, buy him a new set oclothes or give yoursel a makeover. The endresult will defnitely be worth it. Your eortswill spur him on to do his bit to keep the

    excitement going.


    Technology is ubiquitous these days, so takeadvantage o it, especially in case o longdistance marriages. Text each other, post ascrap, tweet, write on his wall, send a longmail, swap orwards, in short keep in touch.Also remember that no matter how tech-savvy you are, the best ways to show your loveis through the old-ashioned handwrittenlove letter, a greeting card flled with sweetnothings or a hand-picked bouquet. Apart

    rom these romantic exchanges rememberto talk the talk. Have a weekly chat sessionwith each other. Thrash all your doubts andanswer all his questions rankly. Keep thecommunication channel open.


    Nothing can recharge your senses like atrip down memory lane. So what is stoppingyou? Curl up on the soa with a steamingmug o coee and your wedding album. Flipthrough the pages together and get nostalgic.Alternatively, watch old home videos shot onyour camcorder and relive the moments. Plana second honeymoon to the same destinationwhere you went or your frst one. Preerably,stay in the same hotel and visit the same spotsas earlier. Marvel at how much the place haschanged and yet how much it has remainedthe same.


    Physical intimacy is important in any romanticrelationship. Sadly, most married couplesget so busy with their individual lives and soinvolved with the emotional see-saw a marriagebrings in that the physical aspect o themarriage is relegated to the background. Donot let this happen with your marriage. Keepthe passion alive. Even seemingly trivial thingsdone together improve intimacy. Cook Sundaybrunch together, catch the latest romanticick, have a candlelit dinner at home or goballroom dancing. A touch, a glance, a gestureis enough to keep the ame burning.

    American novelist Peter De Vries said,

    The bonds o matrimony are like anyother bonds - they mature slowly. So let themarriage mature like a vintage wine andlive happily ever ater savouring the taste operect harmony.

    Seven years on, most couplesfeel that they have done allthey could to keep the sparks

    alive. In truth, however, theyhave only explored the surface

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    23/4122 | NOV 2012



    Difficult PeoPleat Work

    SucceSSfully !Managing people cohesively is paramount to achieve professional and

    organization goals. However, difcult people can become impediments

    to success. We recognized that difcult people at work are a reality.

    We also identied different kinds of trouble-creators and their traits. The

    concluding part attempts to nd ways to deal with such people effectively.

    In dealing with such people, always introspectbeore taking action. Spend time to analysebehaviour/reactions and identiy reasons

    or such responses. Are you acing similarproblems with others? I yes, its time tochange your management style. I no, thenask yoursel, Am I overreacting?, Can I workaround the problem smartly? I you have agood riend/mentor, get an objective view onthe problem. Talk to the person, understandhis/her behaviour and gauge reactions/responses. Dont take the issue head-on as itwill only widen the rit.

    Well, despite your sincere attempts, theproblem persists? Then, you have two choices:quit the job or tackle them. Quitting is whatlosers do! And, you may encounter similar/worse people on the new job. In the last issue,we recognized some common trouble-creatorsat work. Now, lets fnd ways to tackle them

    Chatterbox & Gossip monGer

    These people love talking and gossip. Intheir company, listen, but dont react. Avoid

    responding/engaging in the conversation.Since you are unresponsive, your colleague

    will lose interest. I the conversationbecomes personal, clearly inorm that it isunproessional to discuss private lives. Assign

    work to him/her by saying, Since you areree, can you please take print-outs? or Canyou please give this invoice to Richa? Eveni he/she is part o your team, maintain thesame strategy. Tell the person that both ous will not meet deadlines i we continuetalking. Heres a good trick tell him/her, Iam writing an important proposal, lets take abreak at 11.00. However, dont exceed yourusual coee break schedule. As a team leader,i you have a Gossipmonger/Chatterbox in

    your team, ensure that you maintain/monitorstrict deadlines. Openly communicate andreprimand the person i he/she alters.

    KnowledGe KinG/Queen

    These people are the sel-proclaimed KnowAlls in the organization. As a manager, keeppatience. I you plan to discuss an assignment,get all your acts right. Collect backgroundinormation/possible questions. Go beyondthe obvious and ask yoursel the why/why-

    nots. Be frm and quick in your responses/replies. Give them a eeling o ownership.

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    Use words like We/Our/Us insteado I/Me. Knowledge King/Queen areassets to the team. Thereore, manage themprudently. Recognize him/her as a mentorand give opportunities to lead small projects.

    However, retain fnal decision-makingauthority and tactully track these projects.


    Nothing works right or these people. Actually,all they are seeking is attention and empathy.Thereore, dont cheer them up or givesuggestions. I the situation is not serious,ignore them. Use sympathetic terms likethats bad or really! Its crazy. However,dont go too ar! Whiners will eventually

    complete their tasks on time. I had a colleaguewho would complain about every recruitingassignment. Her attitude was irritating otherteam members. This is what I did every timeshe would start complaining, one o the teammembers would talk about a task that wastougher than hers. It worked! During monthlytask review, i the job has not been completed,clearly communicate that he/she wasted timecomplaining. At the same time, or a successulassignment, give credit openly and say, Whywere you complaining? You did a great job!

    pseudo manaGer

    A Pseudo Manager delegates work withoutauthority. As a co-worker, oer help only ithe request is genuine, else decline frmly. Asa manager, i you dont take action againsta Pseudo Manager, other members will eeloverworked. Clearly communicate that unlessauthorised by you, they should not acceptdelegated work. Ask them to direct theperson to you i they have issues. Have reviewmeetings with the Pseudo Manager and discussadverse repercussions o this behaviour onhis/her career.

    passively & openly aGGressive

    While Passively Aggressive people seemunassuming, their sarcasm can dampen yourmorale. Openly Abrasive people are direct andrude in their communication. When handling

    either one o them, be assertive, strong, bluntand confdent. Dont ignore their barbs. Letthem know that while you are cognizant otheir snide remarks/aggressive behaviour,it does not aect you. I you are delegatinga task to either type, always ocus on resultsand delivery. Dont become riendly. Alwayshave Plan B, in the event o this persondeliberately aulting on deadlines. You have towork smart! Resorting to hostile and aggressivebehaviour will only complicate matters. I the

    Openly Abrasive person starts a fght, dontlose your cool. Ask the person to meet you inthe discussion room. Its not worth creatinga scene. Wait until the person fnishes andthen give crisp, stern and confdent replies. Ithe situation gets worse, you can always seekintervention rom HR.the pleaser

    The Pleaser will compromise commitments tobe in the good books o people. The frst stepis to set mutually agreeable deadlines. Indicatethat your manager was wondering why ThePleaser was not perorming. Drop namesliberally. This will have a abulous impact.Bring to notice that while others are meetingtargets, he/she is not. Inorm that there are

    While Passively Aggressive peopleseem unassuming, their sarcasmcan dampen your morale. Openly

    Abrasive people are direct andrude in their communication. Whenhandling either one of them, beassertive, strong, blunt and condent

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    strong chances o him/her receiving a badassessment. Try strengthening relationshipand exercise greater inuence. This works!

    Since these people are capable o givingcommitments and not keeping them, devisea good tracking system to monitor daily/weekly/monthly progress.

    Credit taKers

    You will fnd Credit Takers in every workplace.Thereore, do only what is mandatory andstop giving new ideas/inormation. I let out,dont get emotional. I the credit taker is a co-worker, bring up the topic. I this doesnt help,

    explore ways to communicate. Naina reusesto acknowledge your critical contribution ona management presentation. I you are in theroom, seize the right moment and say, WhenI researched or this project, the marketresponse was overwhelming or bring outone/two key aspects o the research. I thiscontinues, reuse/give excuses or not helping.Be direct about your eelings. Casually spreadword among colleagues regarding yourcontribution. However, dont back-bite.

    Bosses can make you do all the work and takecredit or it. I it doesnt matter much, leaveit! However, i you eel that you should receivedue credit, subtly ask i you can assist her/himin the meeting. You may not do much, butyour presence will give you visibility. With acredit-taking boss, you will have to be on yourtoes. Be proactive and identiy ways to workon some assignments that will give you accessto superiors. During interactions, leave subtle

    hints like, It was great working with Rajeshon the marketing campaign, I am glad Priyaincluded me in this assignment or Learningon this project was amazing. Challengingassignments can do wonders to your career.You may lose opportunities to hone your skillsi you badmouth your boss!

    In lie, we will ace difcult people andsituations in our personal and proessionallives. So, lets begin by accepting this universal

    truth and chisel our skills to manage themsuccessully and eectively.

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    Store Sambar powder and Rasam powder in thedeep reezer. This will keep the aroma resh or alonger time!

    Always ry onions in a little oil and thengrind. Raw onion paste will turn bitter


    Cut the top o the carrot and store in airtight bag.This will keep it resh or a longer period!

    To keep the chilies resh or a longer time, removethe stems beore storing!

    Add a pinch o sugar while cookingspinach and green leay vegetables, itwill retain its green colour!

    A bay lea added to the our container will keep theour ree rom moisture!

    To get rid o the smell o eggs in the cakes, add onetablespoon honey to the cake batter while beating it!

    When boiling vegetables, cook them whole andthen cut them into pieces. This reduces the loss oproteins and soluble carbohydrates!

    No 6, 3rd Cross Road, R.A.Puram, Chennai 600028 | Phone: | [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    CaptivatingCaSCaDES OF


    CaptivatingCaSCaDES OF

    atHiRapaLLYA avourite haunt o visiting movie moghuls, the breathtaking environso Athirapally ormed the backdrop o many fghting sequences, rapescenes and romantic interludes o blockbusters like Punnagai Mannanand Raavana. Heroines have sizzled beneath the thundering alls and

    heroes have bashed up villains in the lush green environs.


    28 | NOV 2012

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    Emerging rom the high altitudes o Anamalai rangein Tamil Nadu, Chalakudy River winds its way throughdense orest teeming with wildlie, hills and gorgesoverhung with trees down the slopes o the WesternGhats. It traverses through the Vazhachal Falls just pastthe Peringalkuthu Dam to plunge 80 t at Athirapallyvillage in Thrissur district in Kerala.

    hoW to get thereIt is 55 km rom Kochi. The nearest airport(Nedumassery) is 85km. Chalakudy (30km) is the

    nearest railhead. Travel along NH-47 to Chalakudy andturn right or Pollachi. There is a scenic route to the allsvia a rubber plantation.

    WeatherFebruary to May is the summer season when thetemperature varies between 30 and 36 degreesCelsius. During the monsoon (June to October), thetemperature is between 26 and 32 degrees. The nightsare cool and pleasant. In the mild winter (Nov. to Jan.),the temperature ranges rom 18-28 degrees.

    BeSt time to viSitDuring the monsoon rom June to October when thealls are in ull spate.

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    muSt See muSt DoAthirApAlly FAlls

    The alls plummets 80 t down a yawning chasm beorecreating the glorious spectacle o cascading water andinvigorating sting o its ying spray. Trek along a cobbledpath leading to the top o the alls and watch it cascading

    down the hard granite rocks with a thunderous roar.Or move down to the base o the alls along a winding,boulder-strewn path covered by a canopy o verdantoliage or unbeatable views o the alls and undulatinghilly regions which stand sentinel to the alls.

    VAzhAchAl FAlls

    Not a waterall in the true sense, it is a scenic spot beingin close proximity to the dense green orestland. Theriver tumbles down a large slope dotted with myriads orocks thus creating a prousion o oam and a cascade

    like impact. With prouse ora and a medicinal herbalgarden maintained by the Forest Department, Vazhachalis a tourists delight.

    chArpA FAlls

    To the east o Athirapilly is the lesser known Charpa allswhich plunges down to the road during the torrentialrains. Gaze at the multi-layered ow o this roadside allsand eel the mist.

    Jungle sAFAris

    Take a jeep ride through the dense orest to soak inthe sights and sounds o the jungle. The region has abewildering biodiversity which comprises o 402 rareplants, 99 fsh species and diverse species o aunaincluding our rare species o Hornbill, the rare Cochinorest cane turtle, the lion-tailed macaques, tiger,leopard, and the Nilgiri langurs. Then drive along thebackwaters o the Sholayar Dam past tea plantations toMalakkapara and Valpara. Beyond the tea estates is theamed Indira Gandhi National Park. From the very top,one can catch glimpses o the picturesque waters o the

    Aliyar mini-hydel project.

    ShoP forOne can shop or honey, spices and Kerala banana chips.

    eat hereTry out the Kerala are served at the restaurants in thehotels and resorts or stop by the wayside eateries orrereshments and snacks.

    We recommenDOvernight camping near a Kadar tribal hamlet just by theshores o a reservoir. Savoir tapioca cooked in bamboohollow, and reshly caught fsh which is turned gentlyover a log fre. Visit the tribal village, fsh in the river andgo on a guided trek accompanied by a native guide tohave close encounters with the bold and the beautiul.

    Take a jeep ride throughthe dense forest to soak inthe sights and sounds ofthe jungle. The region hasa bewildering biodiversity

    which comprises of 402 rareplants, 99 sh species anddiverse species of fauna

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online

    33/4132 | NOV 2012

    Recipes at youR fingeRtips

    The Epicurious app is a boon or ood lovers and is available orandroid users, apples iProducts and windows phones or ree!Time to whip up some great dishes Wouldnt it be great i youcould have more than 25,000 recipes on your phone or easyaccess anytime? Wouldnt it be better i the recipes were userriendly with step by step instructions with descriptions o theingredients? And wouldnt it be the ultimate i the recipes werecategorized in accordance to health benefts, time taken to cookthem and the time o the day best suited to gorge on them?

    I you are an aspiring che, a gourmet lover

    or a homemaker who loves rustling up newdishes, Epicurious app rom CondeNet is amust have application or you. Inspired bythe award winning website, the app is already making waves inall smart phone markets across brands.Epicurious has crossed more that 5 milliondownloads on iTunes alone and is alsothe winner o the ASME Award (NationalMagazine Awards or Digital Media) orthe second consecutive year.

    reCipes Galore

    Epicurious is an extensive database o recipes with over thousands available, with more being addeddaily. The recipe app eatures delicacies rom leading recipe sources such as Gourmet and Bonapptit and rom renowned ches all over the world. With a beautiul interace and high qualitygraphics, you can view the cookbook in amazing clarity and display especially when using the iPador the tablet. You can choose to save your recipes and view them later and send and share recipestoo. You can sync your avourites to the list in the Recipe Box and access them online on the mainwebsite anytime you are in a mood to cook.

    easy searCh

    The search acility in the app scores the maximum brownie points. Voice search is also available;however, when a particular recipe is needed, just typing keywords brings most results. For easysurfng, recipes are categorized under heads such as regional, ingredients, health benefts, timetaken and more. Categories vary in a wide range rom weekend dinners to themed kids meals.You can also opt or the Recipe o the Day. The app also showcases a wide array o recipes ordrinks o various genres. Epicurious has everything including minute meals, themed dinners, partypreparations and so on. Recipes can be fltered as you enter the ingredients in your ridge. Thecookbook is designed with recipes, pictures o the ingredients, instructions or cooking the dishalong with pictures o every instruction or some recipes. Epicurious also allows its members toreview recipes. Recipes can be bookmarked and an FAQ column helps overcome most problemswhen it comes to cooking.

    With such a broad spectrum o meals to choose rom, Epicurious is sure to bring out the inner chein you.

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    Kaara Kozhukattai


    Mambazha Kozhukattai

    IngredIents:Raw Rice, soaked or 3-4 hours - 1 cupSalt - a pinchUrad Dal - 1 tspAsaetida - a pinchMustard Seeds - 1 tspGrated Coconut - 1 tbsp

    Chilli Powder - 1/2 tspCrushed Red Pepper - 1 tbspOilCurry Leaves - 2 or 3


    Riped mango 3Ghee - cupGrated coconut cupsMilk powder - 3 spoonsSugar - 1 cupHoney - 3 spoons

    Method:Wash, peel mango and grind nicely,set aside.Heat cup water and add sugar and stir tillit turns kambi paagu in slim heat.

    Now add grinded mango,milk powder,ghee,honey and stir well till all mixes well and takeout rom heat.When it is cool make small balls rom theabove.

    Method:Grind the soaked raw rice with lots o waterinto a very watery consistency.Heat 2 tbsp oil on a pan and pour in the batter.Keep stirring until the batter starts to cometogether and becomes thicker, almost like adough.Remove rom heat. Add 1 tbsp o oil and the

    milagai podi or crushed red pepper.Combine into the dough and knead or aboutve minutes until it is smooth and elastic.Shape the dough into tiny balls (the sieo small marbles). and steam or about 5-7minutes.Heat some oil in a pan , splutter the mustardseeds and ry the urad dalAdd the curry leaves and coconut. Stir ry or aminute.Add the steamed rice balls, salt and chilli

    powder to the pan and combine theingredients.Remove rom heat ater 4-5 minutes when theballs get slightly browned.

    NOV | 2012 | 33Money cant buy riends, but you can get a better class o enemy. - Spike Milligan

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    34 | NOV | 2012 Lie is like a game o cards. The hand that is dealt you isdeterminism the way you play it is ree will. - Jawharlal Nehru



    Gateway o Temple represents The eet o the body Yagna platorm represents Stomach

    Maha Mandapam Chest

    Artha Mandapam Neck

    Sanctum Sanctorium (Garphagraham) Heart

    Deity in the Garphagraham Presence o God in the orm o light inheart

    Thirumular says - OUR BODY IS TEMPLE

    The most amazing fact about the structure of the templeis that every key fragment of a Temple represents an

    important part of human body.

    Generally Rajagopuram consists o odd number o stories 3,5,7 or 9

    Three stories represents Waking, dream and deep sleep state

    Five stories Five senses through which weexperience world

    Seven stories Five senses, mind and intellect

    Nine stories Five senses, mind intellect heart andego

    Nine Gateways in the temple Nine Orices in the body

    Five Prakaras three Prakaram - threesheaths

    Five sheaths o the body

    By passing the prakarams we enter theGarpakraham

    Turning the ve senses towards almighty giving up ego when we get the

    thought less state, - presence o god iselt

    Vimanam Head

    Sivalingam Almighty

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    NOV | 2012 | 35Everyone thinks o changing the world, but no one thinks o changing himsel. Leo Tolstoy

    Nandhi Soul

    Sacricial altar Surrendering ego and desire

    Red stone, white stone, Blackstonewater sand, iron and cement ---- sevenmaterials are used in the construction

    Skin, blood, fesh, nerves, bones, at andEndocrine secretions body consists oseven matters

    Garphagraham is also nose o thetemple which attracts holy powers romcosmos

    Nose in hales air

    The Macrocosm is refected in the microcosm, the great cosmos is refected in the body (mz;lj;jpy;cs;sJ gpz;lj;jpYk; cz;L).

    Philosophical meaning o constructing the temples representing human body is that the soul(Nandhi) should leave its desire ego etc. and merge with the almighty (idol in the Garphagraham).In the structure o the Chidamparam temple 21,600 tiles are used, representing 21,600 breadths(the number o breadths one person takes in a day today modern science correlates it). The saintshad possessed such an advanced knowledge, as a result o their tapas. At a period when advancedsciences like the physiology and anatomy were unknown, this was a great miracle indeed! a wonderthat ascinate us even today.

    Sources:South Indian Temples: Padmanabhan. S,. 1934Nagercoil : Kumaran Pathippagam 1977Nathamenum Kovilile by Dr.S.P. Sabharathinam, M.Phil, Ph.DMunnor Pathai blogspot 8375.

    ms. n.radha SPoUSe fd.S.natarajan (m.n.876)

    On Saturday the 20th Oct 2012 Lions Club o Chennai East Coast jointly with Alumni Club Anna

    University organised planting o 50 saplings at our club premises. Saplings like neem, banyan andother tree saplings were planted. The program was inaugurated by PMJF Ln. V.S.B.Sunder, Vice DistGovernor - II, Dist 324 A-1, Ln S.Ramakrishnan, President, Lions Club o Chennai East Coast andmembers o the Alumni Club were present. We thank our member Mr. P.Sairam (M.No.1747) oracilitated the planting o the saplings.

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    36 | NOV | 2012 Never argue with a ool, onlookers may not be able to tell the dierence. Mark Twain

    Tegel airport is small but vibrant and theconerence volunteer suggests taking the busto the motel instead o a taxi. Schone eld isthe other airport near to Berlin. It is an hoursfight rom Brussels which is the capital oBelgium and also the designated center othe European Union. Berlin in August is hotand most people are in their summer outtsexcept or a ew in business suits at the Motelwhere I had made a reservation. The roads and

    prominent squares are easily navigable. Thewords with new spelling in a amiliar alphabetis engaging, but without condence about thepronounciation one cannot get very ar. I havememoried some useul expressions in German,but I ound, that suave Germans at the airportand hotel prephrase the start o a conversationwith a question about language preerence.Fora lark, I ask the next person I meet a souvenirshopkeeper the same question: Do you speakEnglish? and she says o course. On the road,

    the world amous automobiles such as MercedesBen, BMW and Volksvagen, are visible in largenumbers. What is surprisingis the large numbero people pedallingalong with great gusto ontheir bicycles. There is even a Fat Tyres bicycle

    stand which rentsout bicycles or the day.Public transport is extensive with buses and anunderground network that is easily aordable.Taxicabs are available and very comortable in aspell o rain, but are much more expensive.


    A cruise on the river Spree is most exhilarating.The ticket costs 19 euros and the boat is a

    double decker, with deck-chairs on the upperdeck and dining tables below. For an additional3 euros, the captain provides headphones inwhich you can hear the guides description othe landmarks in a variety o languages. The men

    Seat o government, the Reichstag

    The Brandenburg Gate


  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    NOV | 2012 | 37We can do no great things, only small things with great love - Mother Teresa

    ZooligischeGartenThe river Spree


    on the deck are sipping the world amous beers.The next day is oddlya cold dayin August, andprominent are the caee machines everywherestreaming espresso coee and other varietiessuch as mocha and latte. I one is particularabout vegetarian ood, one must insist loudly onvegetarischeto be understood by local people.There are a handul o Indian restaurants nearthe University, such as Manjurani, Ajantha, andBharath.The landmarks themselves are a mix o

    the Potsdam architecture rom the Bismarck eraand modern 20th century buildings and bridges.The guide mentions that a number o Naiperiod buildingsthat were fattened by bombersduring World War II and new buildings havebeen built in their place.

    Remnants o the cold war that ollowed WorldWar II are preserved in some areas, mostsignicant o them being the Berlin wall, thatseparated Soviet controlled East Germany rom

    the American controlled West Germany. Thelength o wall visible on the cruise now hasvibrant art and grati but otherwise does notlook very imposing. There are carved arches andeagles and I even spotted two cherubic angels

    set in stone high up on a building, their handsolded in Namaste or maybe they were sayingAu Weidersehen.

    The KonertHaus or Concert House is mostimpressive and is located on the most beautiulsquare, the GendarmenmarketPlat. Bustso great composers adorn the walls o theauditorium and during the concert plannedor the conerence attendees, I recognie the

    melodious music o Johann Strauss althoughit is not the amiliar Blue Danube. Berlin wasalso home during a period in their career togreat mathematicians such as Euler, Leibnit,Weirstrass, and Einstein.

    The zoologischeGarten(zoological Garden)is a kilometer rom my motel, and amilies aremilling around buying tickets or strolling. I didnot go in by mysel, but noticed the peacocks onthe intricate metal gate at the entrance to the

    oo, and was ullled.-Article byd. Pf. t. n. B

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    38 | NOV | 2012 Wise men talk because they have something to say ools,because they have to say something. - Plato

    Sphere ( 3 )Guiding principle ( 6 )Middle eastern league ( 4 )Garland ( 3 )Papal representative ( 6 )Gray western wol ( 4 )Could be the end o a puppet or prot ( 3 )

    These could spell the end o the world ( 6 , 5 )Bards - requently ( 3 )Tricks ( 5 )Indian dollar ( 5 )One who has some legacy coming ( 4 )

    A type o margarine ( 4 )Coral habitat ( 4 )Human inheritance ( 5 , 5 )The call o the battle ( 7 )Loan repayment ( 6 )Reasons o personality clashes ( 4 )Lady - a structure in east ? ( 4 )

    Elevator manuacturer ( 4 )1/120 O a minute ? ( 3 )Think like this - sounds as i permitted. ( 5 )Win easily in sports ( 4 )French cleric ( 4 )



  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online


    NOV | 2012 | 39

    For advertising contact: optns Meda Pvt. ltd., P: 2435 2581 / 4211 2582Pbsed and wned b Mara Bna at E-6, CDS Avene, 4 Cart Track Rad, Veacer, Cenna-600 042

    Prnted b B. Ask Kmar, at Ratna oset Prnters, 40, Peters Rad, Rapetta, Cenna-600 014. Edtr: Mara Bna.RNI No. TNENG/2007/20172

    There was only one entry to the crossword and the winner is :T.Ramakrishnan 299 : [email protected]`

    250 Will be credited to the winners accountClue numbers were missed out . The error is regretted

    Sketch artists need ( 4 )Rough age o ossils ( 6 , 5 )Robert louis stevenson - abbr ( 3 )]The latter part o rench mail ( 5 )One could have it anywhere in the body ( 4 )Political contestants aim ( 4 )Omen ( 4 )Cleopatras incomplete riend ( 5 )Father on the double ( 4 )Sickly look ( 4 )Hero ? Symbol ? ( 4 )Woody ------ misspelt ( 5 )Frequent customer at the bar ( 3 )Ground to display strength ?( 6, 5 )----- As a violin ? ( 3 )Equivalent ull time student - abbr ( 4 )Essence o rose petals ( 5 )Silent, morning, universal - killer whale ( 5 )Pick up this when you buy something ( 3 )Lawn waterers ( 6 , 5 )Abbr. American bar association ( 3 )Shelter on a ship ( 3 )Geometrical unction ( 6 )Return o the habitual drunkard o 43 across ( 3 )Clarinet part ( 4 )Returned as emis ? ( 6 )Female bleater ( 3 )

    Big name in speakers / amous indian scientist ( 4 )Unnished alloy - undergarments ( 4 )Hard heavy blackish wood ( 5 )Flatten ( 4 )Dwellings - in havana ( 5 )A --------- (unnished movable helmet) ront ( 1 , 4 )Normally do this to a tune with a partner ( 5 )Can we depend on him ? ( 5 )Immodest swimwear ( 5 )True houses or sale ( 4 , 6 )Place or a carnation ( 5 )Do not sit ( 5 )Divorced - like a pea variety ( 5 )To colour without starting ( 5 )Made an excessive display ( 7 )Island in dublin ( 4 )Arab resident ( 6 )Lost sheen like a jeans ( 5 )I in hindi ( 4 )Story sounding like a rear appendage ( 4 )Every amily has one ( 4 )Fits a oot ( 4 )Abbreviated medical centre ( 4 )A big continent ( 4 )Rama took this to ght or accept an applause ( 1,3 )Not a noble metal ( 4 )Non conormity report - abbr. ( 3 )

    Fill up the blanks with appropriate words rom the set given below. Match the resultantsentences with the meanings given in the right. One 9 letter word is not given ully.Decipher the same. Send the answers to [email protected] under the subject- november b&b dd. The rst three all correct entries get a credit o rs 250 in their bills.Results will be announced only in the next issue and queries will not be entertained.

    AN ----------- KIDNEY SHAPED NUT OF A ------------ AMERICAN TREE MUFtI



    -------------- -------------- WHEN WORN BY A PERSON IN THE ARMED FORCES CAsheW

    A PERSON OF -------------- ------------- treBLe

    A WORKER OF AN OILWELL DRILLING ----------- OTHER THAN THE ------------ troVe

    THE HIGHEST -------- PART IN ------------ MUSIC CALIFornIUM

    A -------------- COLLECTION doss

    BeD ciViLiAN RADiOAcTiVe eNcYcLOpeDic cRew



    PuzzlE foR ThE MoNTh of NoVEMBER 2012

  • 7/30/2019 BnB Novembe2012 Online
