BN 02-02-2012

7 Day Forecast 7 Day Forecast on page A2 on page A2 Thursday, February 2, 2012 Friends of the Bluton Library Announces Ocers, Page A5 BHS Wrestler Earns Career Win #100, Page B1 Thursday High 45 Low 31 LOCAL Information Volume 136 – Number 5 Bluffton, Ohio 45817 $1.50 LOCAL Information LOCAL Information Bluton Academic News Bluton Academic News Honor Roll Lists and More, Pg. A8 Honor Roll Lists and More, Pg. A8 The Village of Bluffton’s Town Council held a special meeting on the night of Janu- ary 30, 2012. At this special meeting, Council discussed two ordinances and one reso- lution. The newest council member was also sworn in. Council President Dennis Gallant announced that after going through the interview process with all of the can- didates they decided to ap- point Everett Collier to ll the vacant council seat. An ofcial motion was made and seconded to appoint Collier. The council members unani- mously approved the deci- sion and Collier was invited to stand up and be sworn in. Collier then took a seat be- tween the village administra- tor and the council president. Mr. Collier is a former Bluff- ton postmaster. Council discussed and ap- proved as emergencies Ordi- nance No. 01-12, Ordinance No. 02-12, and Resolution No. 03-12 on their rst read- ings. Ordinance No. 01-12 states, “The Village of Bluff- ton, Ohio accepts the said an- nexed territory into the Vil- lage of Bluffton, Ohio.” The section of N. Dixie Highway that starts at the current edge of the village and extends out to around where Southgate Lanes Bowling Alley is will be annexed from Richland Township to the Village of Bluffton. Ordinance No. 02-12 states that American Legal Publishing’s Ohio Basic Code, 2012 Edition, includes changes that the State Legis- lature made to the Ohio Ba- sic Code. The ordinance ap- proves and enacts this 2012 edition of the Ohio Basic Code as the code of ordi- nances for Bluffton. State Awards $7.9 Million to GROB for Expansion Project A Closer Look at Genetics and Medicine by Austin Arnold by Kathryn Tschuor Everett Collier being sworn in at Monday night’s Council meeting. Photo by Kathryn Tschuor CNB Reports Another Record Year continued on page A3 by Austin Arnold Professor and Bluffton Resident, David Kisor (right) is currently teaching a class at ONU that has students learning the connection between genetics and medication. Photo submitted by David Kisor Collier Appointed to Vacant Council Seat This semester, an ex- citing new course at Ohio Northern University is be- ing offered for the rst time that very well might change the way at how we look at drug medications in the near future, by observing our own genetic makeup. The course titled “Per- sonal Genome Evaluta- tion,” has students taking an in-depth look at how genetics relate to medical drugs. The pharmacoge- netics (the general study of the different genes that determine drug behavior) course is centered around a blog established by Bluff- ton resident and professor David Kisor, who is also the Chair of Pharmaceuti- cal and Biomedical Sci- ences at ONU. The blog specically analyzes Ki- sor’s DNA information, which reveals what health conditions he may have in- creased and decreased risks of getting. This detailed information was gathered from a cheek swab sample Kisor provided and sent into a professional com- pany. There are several companies available to the public that will analyze DNA samples for a fee and it is a growing trend. Kisor sent his DNA in to be the example for the course and astonishingly he received no less than 950,000 pieces of information. Each piece of information is measured by what is called a SNP, which is a variant chemical in one’s DNA makeup. By studying Kisor’s genetic information, the students can begin to understand what medications may be good or bad for their pro- fessor, or model patient, if you will. The course was born out of the information provid- ed by the Human Genome Project, which started in the 1990’s and ofcially ended in 2003. However, it took a long time to decipher all of the knowledge that was revealed with the project, taking close to ten years to have a good enough un- derstanding of genetics to teach a course such as this. “So much information was revealed back then that it took a long time for the learning curve to catch up to technology,” Kisor said. The course is meant to introduce everybody to the idea of how genetics can inuence our medical care. “Most healthcare pro- viders did not have the kind of genetics training in school that is required to understand some of this in- formation. Most of us had training in genetics along the inherited disease line as opposed to molecular ge- netics,” Kisor said. In attempting to look at the subject in broad terms, there are three main focal points of the class: disease risk, drug sensitivity and disease carrier status. From Kisor’s and other fac- ulty members’ standpoint, what got them interested in teaching the subject was the drug sensitivity. GROB Systems, Inc. site in Bluffton Photo by Austin Arnold GROB Systems, Inc., located in Bluffton, Ohio, is pleased to announce that they have been awarded $7.9 million in funding from the State of Ohio for an upcoming expansion. GROB Systems, a builder of machine tool equipment, is a subsidiary of GROB- WERKE GmbH & Co. KG located in Mindelheim, Ger- many. GROB engineers and manufactures custom made equipment for high volume production for automotive, motorcycle, tractor and truck manufacturers. GROB produces such equipment as machining centers, assembly lines, robots and automation. This expansion will add approximately 50,000 square feet to their facility. This addition will increase their assembly area, which is housed in the existing 257,000 square foot plant. The expansion is due to the increase in sales expe- rienced by GROB over the past year and a half. GROB is a very lean organization with a young and talented workforce. GROB’s advan- tage in today’s market is that they are the only company to have a facility located in the United States that is capable of both engineering and manufacturing their com- plete product. GROB Systems currently employs approximately 270 people, 50 of whom were hired in 2011 alone. They plan to add approximately 35 employees per year over the next three years. Much of the workforce will be recruited from the GROB Apprenticeship Pro- gram, which trains employ- ees to become mechanical and electrical technicians. GROB holds open testing for positions in this two year training program. The test- ing for the next group of apprentices will be held in April 2012. Applications for this testing are being accept- ed immediately. Other areas in which GROB plans to increase hir- ing will be in the electrical start-up department, as well as both mechanical and elec- trical engineering. GROB is looking to hire both experi- enced employees, as well as recent college graduates looking for growth potential with an established com- pany. GROB plans to have the expansion completed by the fall of 2012. On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 the 8th Annual Share- holders meeting of the Citi- zens Bancshares, Inc. was held and once again, record numbers were reported for 2011. This marks the sixth consecutive year that CNB has seen record numbers at the annual report. “Our management team was extremely pleased with our performance this year with the economy still strug- gling to exit the Great Re- cession, we produced anoth- er record year for our bank,” President and CEO of CNB Mike Romey said. “We can now count six years in a row with record earnings leading to substantial increases in dividends for our stockhold- ers.” The bank’s success is impressive when consider- ing the type of year 2011 was from the standpoint of a bank. Romey said the con- sumer, which accounts for two-thirds of the economy, pulled back in the rst half of the year only to re-emerge in the nal quarter, drawing down their savings and tak- ing on additional debt. In a look at the numbers, CNB ended the year with an equity to assets ratio of 9.40 percent and total capi- tal of $55.4 million. The bank ended the year with total assets of $589 million, an increase of 4.77 percent. Earnings per share increased 14.88 percent to $158.44 per share vs. $137.92 per share in 2010. The return on equi- ty increased to 20.84 percent vs. 19.60 percent in 2010. The bank paid dividends of $96 per share including a special dividend increase of eight dollars in September. There is a concerning trend that is growing across the country and region, and Bluffton has been no excep- tion. The trend is call scams, which con unsuspecting people into handing over thousands of dollars of their own money to frauds try- ing to get rich quick. Within the last four or ve months at least three cases, and ve overall in recent memory, involving telephone scams have come to the attention of the Bluffton Police De- partment, according to Chief Rick Skilliter. Of the cases that have been handled by the Bluffton P.D., a common factor is the targeting of elderly individu- als. Unfortunately, many frauds target the elderly be- cause they grew up in a more trustworthy environment than we live in today. “The elderly lived in an age where people didn’t lie. A man’s word was as good as his handshake and you didn’t need a contract, but technology has made all of that moot,” Skilliter said. Some residents have been tricked into handing over substantial amounts of money and the police de- partment wants to get the word out about this problem to avoid future incidents of people falling prey to scam- mers. What is essential for people to know is that once money changes hands, it is nearly impossible to get back if one realizes they have been scammed. This is because federal authorities and especially local authori- ties often just do not have the wherewithal to deal with such a widespread and un- derground industry. “The challenge that we have is when the money goes through Western Union, it’s not like you use the U.S. Mail to violate any federal laws, it’s a wire transfer and because these are so ram- pant right now the federal authorities, and certainly the local authorities, do not have the resources right now. We have no credible means for recalling the money or get- ting restitution for the vic- tims,” Skilliter said. Call Scams Becoming a Problem in Bluffton continued on page A3 continued on page A3 continued on page A6 by Austin Arnold


February 02, 2012 issue of the bluffton news

Transcript of BN 02-02-2012

Page 1: BN 02-02-2012

7 Day Forecast 7 Day Forecaston page A2on page A2 Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friends of the Bluff ton Library Announces Offi cers, Page A5

BHS Wrestler Earns Career Win #100, Page B1

ThursdayHigh 45 Low 31

LOCAL Information

Volume 136 – Number 5 • Bluffton, Ohio 45817 $1.50

LOCAL InformationLOCAL Information

Bluff ton Academic NewsBluff ton Academic News Honor Roll Lists and More, Pg. A8Honor Roll Lists and More, Pg. A8

The Village of Bluffton’s Town Council held a special meeting on the night of Janu-ary 30, 2012. At this special meeting, Council discussed

two ordinances and one reso-lution. The newest council member was also sworn in. Council President Dennis Gallant announced that after going through the interview process with all of the can-

didates they decided to ap-point Everett Collier to fi ll the vacant council seat. An offi cial motion was made and seconded to appoint Collier. The council members unani-mously approved the deci-

sion and Collier was invited to stand up and be sworn in. Collier then took a seat be-tween the village administra-tor and the council president. Mr. Collier is a former Bluff-ton postmaster.

Council discussed and ap-proved as emergencies Ordi-nance No. 01-12, Ordinance No. 02-12, and Resolution No. 03-12 on their fi rst read-ings. Ordinance No. 01-12 states, “The Village of Bluff-ton, Ohio accepts the said an-nexed territory into the Vil-lage of Bluffton, Ohio.” The section of N. Dixie Highway that starts at the current edge of the village and extends out to around where Southgate Lanes Bowling Alley is will be annexed from Richland Township to the Village of Bluffton.

Ordinance No. 02-12 states that American Legal Publishing’s Ohio Basic Code, 2012 Edition, includes changes that the State Legis-lature made to the Ohio Ba-sic Code. The ordinance ap-proves and enacts this 2012 edition of the Ohio Basic Code as the code of ordi-nances for Bluffton.

State Awards $7.9 Million to GROB for Expansion Project

A Closer Look at Genetics and Medicine

by Austin Arnold

by Kathryn Tschuor

Everett Collier being sworn in at Monday night’s Council meeting. Photo by Kathryn Tschuor

CNB Reports Another Record Year

continued on page A3

by Austin Arnold

Professor and Bluffton Resident, David Kisor (right) is currently teaching a class at ONU that has students learning the connection between genetics and medication. Photo submitted by David Kisor

Collier Appointed to Vacant Council Seat

This semester, an ex-citing new course at Ohio Northern University is be-ing offered for the fi rst time that very well might change the way at how we look at drug medications in the near future, by observing our own genetic makeup.

The course titled “Per-sonal Genome Evaluta-tion,” has students taking an in-depth look at how genetics relate to medical drugs. The pharmacoge-netics (the general study of the different genes that determine drug behavior) course is centered around a blog established by Bluff-ton resident and professor David Kisor, who is also the Chair of Pharmaceuti-cal and Biomedical Sci-ences at ONU. The blog specifi cally analyzes Ki-sor’s DNA information, which reveals what health conditions he may have in-creased and decreased risks of getting. This detailed information was gathered from a cheek swab sample

Kisor provided and sent into a professional com-pany. There are several companies available to the public that will analyze DNA samples for a fee and it is a growing trend. Kisor sent his DNA in to be the example for the course and astonishingly he received no less than 950,000 pieces of information. Each piece of information is measured by what is called a SNP, which is a variant chemical in one’s DNA makeup. By studying Kisor’s genetic information, the students can begin to understand what medications may be good or bad for their pro-fessor, or model patient, if you will.

The course was born out of the information provid-ed by the Human Genome Project, which started in the 1990’s and offi cially ended in 2003. However, it took a long time to decipher all of the knowledge that was revealed with the project, taking close to ten years to have a good enough un-derstanding of genetics to

teach a course such as this. “So much information

was revealed back then that it took a long time for the learning curve to catch up to technology,” Kisor said.

The course is meant to introduce everybody to the idea of how genetics can infl uence our medical care.

“Most healthcare pro-viders did not have the kind of genetics training in school that is required to understand some of this in-formation. Most of us had training in genetics along the inherited disease line as opposed to molecular ge-netics,” Kisor said.

In attempting to look at the subject in broad terms, there are three main focal points of the class: disease risk, drug sensitivity and disease carrier status. From Kisor’s and other fac-ulty members’ standpoint, what got them interested in teaching the subject was the drug sensitivity.

GROB Systems, Inc. site in Bluffton Photo by Austin Arnold

GROB Systems, Inc., located in Bluffton, Ohio, is pleased to announce that they have been awarded $7.9 million in funding from the State of Ohio for an upcoming expansion. GROB Systems, a builder of machine tool equipment, is a subsidiary of GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG located in Mindelheim, Ger-many. GROB engineers and manufactures custom made equipment for high volume production for automotive, motorcycle, tractor and truck manufacturers. GROB produces such equipment as machining centers, assembly lines, robots and automation.

This expansion will add approximately 50,000 square feet to their facility. This addition will increase their assembly area, which is housed in the existing 257,000 square foot plant. The expansion is due to the increase in sales expe-rienced by GROB over the past year and a half. GROB is a very lean organization with a young and talented workforce. GROB’s advan-tage in today’s market is that they are the only company to have a facility located in the United States that is capable

of both engineering and manufacturing their com-plete product.

GROB Systems currently employs approximately 270 people, 50 of whom were hired in 2011 alone. They plan to add approximately 35 employees per year over the next three years.

Much of the workforce will be recruited from the GROB Apprenticeship Pro-gram, which trains employ-ees to become mechanical and electrical technicians. GROB holds open testing for positions in this two year training program. The test-ing for the next group of apprentices will be held in April 2012. Applications for this testing are being accept-ed immediately.

Other areas in which GROB plans to increase hir-ing will be in the electrical start-up department, as well as both mechanical and elec-trical engineering. GROB is looking to hire both experi-enced employees, as well as recent college graduates looking for growth potential with an established com-pany.

GROB plans to have the expansion completed by the fall of 2012.

On Tuesday, January 24, 2012 the 8th Annual Share-holders meeting of the Citi-zens Bancshares, Inc. was held and once again, record numbers were reported for 2011. This marks the sixth consecutive year that CNB has seen record numbers at the annual report.

“Our management team was extremely pleased with our performance this year with the economy still strug-gling to exit the Great Re-cession, we produced anoth-er record year for our bank,” President and CEO of CNB Mike Romey said. “We can now count six years in a row with record earnings leading to substantial increases in dividends for our stockhold-ers.”

The bank’s success is impressive when consider-ing the type of year 2011 was from the standpoint of a bank. Romey said the con-sumer, which accounts for two-thirds of the economy, pulled back in the fi rst half of the year only to re-emerge in the fi nal quarter, drawing down their savings and tak-ing on additional debt.

In a look at the numbers, CNB ended the year with an equity to assets ratio of 9.40 percent and total capi-tal of $55.4 million. The bank ended the year with total assets of $589 million, an increase of 4.77 percent. Earnings per share increased 14.88 percent to $158.44 per share vs. $137.92 per share in 2010. The return on equi-ty increased to 20.84 percent vs. 19.60 percent in 2010. The bank paid dividends of $96 per share including a special dividend increase of eight dollars in September.

There is a concerning trend that is growing across the country and region, and Bluffton has been no excep-tion. The trend is call scams, which con unsuspecting people into handing over thousands of dollars of their own money to frauds try-ing to get rich quick. Within the last four or fi ve months at least three cases, and fi ve overall in recent memory, involving telephone scams have come to the attention of the Bluffton Police De-partment, according to Chief Rick Skilliter.

Of the cases that have been handled by the Bluffton P.D., a common factor is the targeting of elderly individu-als. Unfortunately, many frauds target the elderly be-cause they grew up in a more trustworthy environment than we live in today.

“The elderly lived in an age where people didn’t lie. A man’s word was as good as his handshake and you didn’t need a contract, but technology has made all of that moot,” Skilliter said.

Some residents have

been tricked into handing over substantial amounts of money and the police de-partment wants to get the word out about this problem to avoid future incidents of people falling prey to scam-mers. What is essential for people to know is that once money changes hands, it is nearly impossible to get back if one realizes they have been scammed. This is because federal authorities and especially local authori-ties often just do not have the wherewithal to deal with such a widespread and un-derground industry.

“The challenge that we have is when the money goes through Western Union, it’s not like you use the U.S. Mail to violate any federal laws, it’s a wire transfer and because these are so ram-pant right now the federal authorities, and certainly the local authorities, do not have the resources right now. We have no credible means for recalling the money or get-ting restitution for the vic-tims,” Skilliter said.

Call Scams Becoming a Problem in Bluffton

continued on page A3

continued on page A3continued on page A6

by Austin Arnold

Page 2: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


Their philosophical, po-litical, and strategic differ-ences could hardly be more stark. The Tea Party and the Occupy Movement are sisters under the skin, but strange bedfellows, neverthe-less. The past few years has seen the emergence of these two populist movements mo-tivated by a deep distrust of a system of government that seems to participants to be out of control and beyond the infl uence of most citizens.

The Tea Party gained prominence about two years ago in the run-up to the 2010 congressional elections. Their commitment, energy, and money support is largely credited with the election of an unusually high proportion of fi scal and social conser-vatives to the U.S. House of Representatives where they helped the Republican Party gain a majority. The major unifying concern in that elec-tion was the huge and unsus-tainable level of debt that had been amassed by the federal government that was continu-ing to grow at an astronomi-cal rate of over 1 ½ trillion dollars a year. Tea Party out-rage was further fueled by the fact that the Democratic ad-

ministration with a majority in both houses of Congress had approved nearly 500 bil-lions of dollars in “stimulus” spending, dollars that had to be borrowed. And, the “stim-ulus” included a massive bailout of Wall Street fi rms that had speculated and gam-bled the nation’s economy to the very brink of collapse. And if that weren’t enough, the Democrats had also ad-opted the Health Care Af-fordability Act that included what the Tea Party partisans viewed as an unwarranted in-trusion into their freedom to choose not to be insured for health care expenses, the so called “health care mandate” that would require nearly all Americans to purchase medi-cal insurance or face penal-ties. Outraged by irrespon-sible Congressional spending decision and convinced that forces antithetical to their core values had taken control of the government, the Tea Party organized effectively to participate in the electoral process with their notable success.

The Occupy Movement fi rst appeared about a year ago and seemed to have been inspired by the popu-

lar uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East against tyrannical and dictatorial governments as well as by popular demonstrations in a number of European coun-tries responding to austerity measures necessitated by the sovereign debt crisis brought on as part of the aftermath

of the western world’s fi nan-cial meltdown. Occupy Wall Street started as an expres-sion of frustration with the system that bailed out the “too big to fail” money center banks, but failed to provide a meaningful cushion for the 99% of the population that was suffering from massive unemployment, mortgage foreclosures, and, especially for the young protesters, an unmanageable burden of student debt incurred by stu-dents and former students who were unable to fi nd em-

ployment that would allow them to pay off that debt. And the executives of the big fi nancial institutions who pi-loted their corporations into the shoals of fi nancial ruin not only were not held to ac-count for their misdeeds, but continued to collect salaries and bonuses that seem ob-

scene. Not unlike the Tea Party movement, the Occupy movement struck a chord with citizens throughout the country leading to numerous “Occupy” events and demon-strations from coast to coast. So far, it seems that Occupy has failed to organize in any effective way to affect the electoral process, but surely the specter of thousands of citizens demonstrating in their districts will have an ef-fect on candidates for offi ce.

One of the common threads of these two popu-

list movements is the strong sense that the political system is out of control; that the voic-es of individual citizens have little impact on the decisions that are taken in the nation’s capital. Although it has been the rallying cry of the Occu-py movement, it is my guess that most Tea Party members would agree that they are part of “the 99%”, the vast major-ity of citizens who feel as if they have been left out of the system and who have failed to prosper in any proportion remotely connected to the gain in wealth enjoyed by the top 1% of the country’s income earners. Wealth is now concentrated to a degree not seen in America since the age of the robber barons of the 19th century. And, with wealth comes political infl u-ence. Our elected represen-tatives are beholden to the sources of the campaign con-tributions that make their ten-ure in Washington possible.

Bill Moyers, admittedly a voice for liberal causes, has returned to television with a weekly news program. A recent episode focused on the development of what the authors of the book, “Win-ner Take All Politics” have

labeled, “crony capitalism”. Their point is that our poli-ticians and the wealthy and powerful capitalists have joined in an adventure of mu-tual benefi t where the politi-cians secure the privileges of capital in the society in ex-change for the fi nancial sup-port of the owners of capital – the wealthy. That makes the benefi ts of the free mar-ket available to the highest bidder – our government is for sale to wealthy individu-als and corporations who can virtually guarantee a candi-date’s re-election through campaign contributions.

I read somewhere the fol-lowing statement: “If you’re not furious, you are not pay-ing attention”. Both the Oc-cupy movement and the Tea Party include many of our fellow citizens who are furi-ous. I suppose the question of the moment is whether or not a suffi cient number of people are furious enough that they can be organized in a way to effect change in a system that no longer serves their interests.

George Stultz



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Page 3: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


Town Council Meeting 1/30/12

Bluffton Residents Should be Cautious of Call Scams

“We’re connecting the genetics to kinetics. We’re teaching that there is a genet-ic basis for why some people handle a drug differently,” Kisor said. “We know right now that there are certain ge-netic characteristics that will allow some drugs to work and some drugs to not work. We also know that there are some genetic characteristics that will tell us whether or not a drug may cause an adverse event in an individual. We’ll get to a point where we can pick a drug that should have a high probability of success right off the bat.”

As the technology contin-ues to move forward, these kinds of tests are going to make their way into the clini-cians’ offi ce, and it’s got huge implications, Kisor said. First and foremost, patients will be better served by cutting down on the “trial and error” meth-od with prescribing medica-tions to treat a specifi c con-dition. An example of this is the drug Plavix, used to treat blood clots.

“We know there is a cer-tain enzyme that makes that drug work. Some people may not have that active enzyme,” Kisor said. “You’re doing better for the patient and re-ally, economically, you’re doing better also. You’re not wasting money on medica-tions that don’t work for an individual. And, in the case of drugs that cause adverse events that we can look at with genetics we could be saving somebody’s life and certainly saving thousands and thousands of dollars.”

In fact, when Plavix was fi rst introduced, its con-nection to genetics was not known. Now, with the knowledge of that direct con-nection, some doctors may require a genetic test from a patient before prescribing it, according to Kisor. Right now, there are about 12 drugs the FDA requires genetic testing for and that number is only going to go up Kisor said. This is all in an attempt to do best by the patient and save money all at once.

Saving time, money and preventing someone from a possible adverse effect from a medication are certainly all positives. But, with the good there is the bad. One negative aspect of knowing your own genetic makeup is seeing what conditions you are at risk for, which can be startling to anyone. However, Kisor pointed out that all the genetic information really tells you is that you are at a relative risk for certain health concerns.

“With any of this infor-mation, our DNA is not ab-

solutely predictive. In other words, if you were to have your DNA analyzed and it said you had an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, it doesn’t mean your necessar-ily going to get Alzheimer’s disease. Any of those genetic risks are just that, they are risks, and they are relative risks,” Kisor said.

There are certainly envi-ronmental effects that may or may not result in someone actually contracting a health condition they are at risk for. Kisor said that the environ-mental factors may even have a bigger infl uence than the genetics themselves.

Although it may be scary to have these risks laid out in front of you, there is also a benefi t in having that knowl-edge ahead of time, according to Kisor. An example he gave is if someone fi nds out they are at risk for heart disease, that person can then start eat-ing healthier and exercising more regularly.

“The genetic risk is some-thing you can’t really change, but what you can do is change those other risk factors. So, if you have a genetic risk that is some level, maybe you can lower those other risk factors and help yourself out. I think that’s a benefi t, I really do.”

“Personal Genome Evalu-tation” is not just open to pharmacy and medical stu-dents but to all students on campus. There are law and ethics students enrolled in the course because there are social and ethical questions that get intertwined with this study. For instance, what would happen if your genetic makeup was a known fact and your employer termi-nated you due to the knowl-edge of an increased risk you may have to a type of cancer? This scenario certainly poses a wealth of legal and ethical questions.

Altogether there are 360 ONU students taking the course and there are even students from other universi-ties in the country enrolled in the course as well. Although those students cannot be of-fered offi cial credit for the class, they still have the op-portunity to collect the in-formation for their own indi-vidual benefi ts. In fact, there are over a hundred students outside of ONU taking the course, which includes stu-dents from Clemson, Ander-son, Bowling Green State University, Purdue and Vir-ginia Tech. Having this mix of students is certainly an ad-vantage in Kisor’s view.

“You get perspectives from nursing students at Northern, genetic students from Clemson and Ander-

son, medical students from Virginia Tech and pre-med students from other schools. And, most of our conversa-tion has been what do you do with what you know and how accurate is the informa-tion. It’s been less about the science and more about what does it mean, he said.”

While there is a good deal of science involved in the class, it does not dominate the focus of the course.

“While we are trying to explain some of the basic science that supports the risk information, people want to know what that risk infor-mation means,” Kisor said. “We’re all on a learning curve, every single one of us.”

The College of Pharmacy at ONU is striving to make a national impact, and it seems to be on its way. It is one of only nine schools in the coun-try that offers six full years of school to pharmacy students. And, last year, ONU was the only school to be a part of a meeting on pharmacist edu-cation conducted by the Na-tional Human Genome Re-search Institute. The meeting consisted of 15 national orga-nizations and 15 governmen-tal groups. ONU caught word of the meeting and inquired about attending. Upon fi nd-ing out it was an invite only meeting, Kisor simply stated the university’s interest on the subject and low and be-hold, ONU was invited to the meeting.

“Our students benefi t be-cause we take some of the in-formation from that meeting back to our curriculum and move forward that way,” Ki-sor said.

Although the course will offi cially end at the conclu-sion of the semester, the blog that Kisor has set up will go on, and certainly useful in-formation can still be drawn from that. Kisor is hopeful that the same course can be offered in the future, with maybe other faculty members offering their DNA informa-tion to serve as the model subject for the course. The objective is to keep climbing the learning curve and fi nding the additional benefi ts this area of study may reveal.

“I see a day when a new-born will have a heel prick and their blood will be taken and their entire DNA analy-sis will be done. And, how that information is used by healthcare providers is what we need to work on. Would you want to know that your daughter or son at the age of two months is at an increased risk for some disease? The ethical and social implica-tions are huge,” Kisor said.

Henry P. Huber Scholarship Committeecontinued from A1

The Henry P. Huber Scholarship committee is currently accepting appli-cations for the 2012-2013 school year. Applications may be acquired from the Guidance Counselor at Bluffton High School, the Superintendent’s offi ce in

the Bluffton Elementary School and from the Citi-zens National Bank in Bluff-ton.

Applicants are required to submit with their applica-tion, whether a high school senior or currently enrolled in college, the most recent

transcript of their academic program. Applications must be fi led with the committee by May 25, 2012.

Grants are limited to students planning to major in vocational agriculture, or closely related fi elds of study.

Resolution No. 03-12 au-thorizes Mayor Fulcomer to enter into an agreement with the Richland Township Trust-ees regarding tax issues for the annexed area of North Dixie Highway. A copy of the annexation agreement was included with the resolution in the council packet. James

Mehaffi e, the village adminis-trator, explained that because the annexation went through a longer process of hearings and was not an expedited an-nexation, an agreement with the township is not required. However, the village has en-tered into agreements with Richland Township in the

past and doing so promotes a good relationship between the township and Bluffton.

The next scheduled meet-ing of the Village of Bluff-ton’s Town Council will be held on February 13, 2012 at 8:00 pm on the third fl oor of Town Hall.

Letters to the Editor may be

sent to:

[email protected]

101 North Main St., Bluffton

continued from A1

Making the problem two-fold, many times these calls come from foreign countries which makes it very diffi cult to track and also restricts what can be done legally. In fact, with one of the cases from here in Bluffton, it was traced to Ontario, Canada. When Skilliter got in touch with the authorities there, despite the close proximity to where the scam call origi-nated to this agency, there was nothing the authorities could do about the situa-tion since the money trans-fer went across international lines.

“When I contacted the Canadian authorities and gave them the address we believe a call originated from, the offi cer said it was right down the street from their offi ce and responded, ‘we can’t touch them,’” Skilliter explained.

There have been a few different strategies used to try and trick people in shell-ing out money, all originat-ing from a phone call. A popular sell is the sweep-stakes tactic, where a scam-mer calls and tells the target that they have won a large sum of money, say $50,000 for example, and as long as they pay the taxes up front, the rest is theirs to keep. The goal is to have the victim send the scammer several thousand dollars in hopes for a much larger return and that never comes to pass.

Another common ploy is the caller starting off by mumbling “grandma” or “grandpa,” which prompts the target to assume a par-ticular grandchild is calling. Once this is established, the caller will take on the false persona of a grandchild and will claim to be in some sort of trouble in another coun-try, resulting in asking for an amount of money being wired to help them to either get home or get out of jail. This strategy often involves the fraud telling the victim to not tell anyone else, es-pecially “mom” or “dad,” because they are too embar-rassed by the “situation.”

Similarly to the fi rst tactic, another strategy in-volves the victim being sent a rebate as long as a third or half of the amount of money is returned to the source. The unknowing victim is tricked into cashing the check that turns out to be invalid. This in turn causes the bank to track down the victim be-cause they cashed the check.

How do you know if you are being targeted by a call scam? Although there is no fi nite answer, there are sev-eral red fl ags that a person should heed. Any call in-volving a promise of money but yet asking for money in return should cause extreme suspicion to the person re-

ceiving the call. Another alarm is the avoidance of us-ing the U.S. Postal Service because the scammers are smart enough to know that there are legal consequenc-es the federal government can take against mail fraud. Scammers will often rely on a wire service and Parcel or FedEx service.

And, in addressing the strategy of a “personal” call from somebody in trouble in another country, if a family member really was in trou-ble abroad, it is likely the situation would be handled by the appropriate authori-ties and you would be more likely to get a call from someone at an embassy than from the person you know at 4:00 in the morning, accord-ing to Skilliter.

“Anybody that is out of country and in custody is entitled to representa-tion through the embassy, so there will be no per-sonal contact, that will all go through a U.S. embassy somewhere.”

At the latest Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce meeting, Skilliter even made an announcement about the growing issue of call scams and it may have prevented another person falling vic-tim to a caller claiming to be a family member in another country.

“Ironically after that meeting I went home and got an email from somebody that was at the meeting and had spoken to their par-ents, and that day they got a phone call from somebody trying to do this to them,” Skilliter said.

The toughest thing to do is get out of the trap created by a scammer once one falls into it. To help avoid “fall-ing in” there are a couple of measures that can be taken. First, never share personal identifying information, es-pecially bank account num-bers. If someone is suspi-cious of a caller that claims to be someone the receiver knows, try quizzing them on information only that person would know and on something that has not been discussed previously in the conversation.

Skilliter said the scam callers can be very clever and sneaky. There was even a local case of a caller pos-ing as Skilliter to try to get their target to believe the scam even after that person had raised suspicion about previous calls they received.

“Some people have had to change their phone num-bers because they are re-lentless once they get your information. Once they have it, they’re going to try and maximize it.”

Some general advice is just to be very cautious and skeptical if you receive a

call and the person on the other end asks for or offers you money.

“I’ve never seen a Pub-lisher’s Clearing House van in Bluffton. I suppose there may be a day it shows up and somebody will be mad at me because they missed their golden opportunity when they hang up the phone be-cause the police chief said don’t take that phone call. But, they don’t call you, it’s all through the mail,” Skilli-ter said.

And although there are many good organizations out there that do ask for fi -nancial help, extreme cau-tion should be used yet again because it is possible for what seems to be a chari-table cause to just be a front for a phony scam.

“I know there are legiti-mate causes out there and this certainly has got to be hurting their campaign pledging abilities, but I have to watch out for the 4,200 people that live in Bluffton and that’s what I’m going to do. If one or two people have their feelings hurt or feel slighted because I’ve said ‘I don’t think this is a good idea,’ then I’m sorry, but I have to look out for ev-eryone,” Skilliter said.

Although identity theft and things of that nature are still serious concerns, it seems more and more frauds are relying on phones to steal money these days.

“We use to warn people about identity theft and guard your serial numbers and social security numbers and things of that nature, and that is absolutely criti-cal, but the reality is, there’s more people ripping folks off this way and making more money than robbing banks and all the other stuff, probably, if you added it all up.”

Skilliter estimated that it could even be in the neigh-borhood of a billion dollar industry based on the fact of how many people are doing this and how quickly several thousands of dol-lars can change hands. In a recent meeting with other local authorities, with about eight agencies represented, each person had a handful of call scam incidents reported to them. Clearly it is not just a Bluffton problem, it is a region, state and national problem.

If someone suspects they are being targeted by a call scam, they can call the Bluffton P.D. for assistance and Skilliter said they will do everything they can to help. But again, if a trans-action has occurred, 9.9 out of 10 times there is nothing they can do once the money changes hands.

Genetics and Medicine

continued from A1

Dave Kisor lectures Photo submitted by David Kisor

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Page 4: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012



ALARM 4 3 3 5 2 1 4 2



ACCIDENT 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 1


OPEN BURNING 1 3 1 1 2




MISC./GOOD INTENT** 2 1 3 2 3 2

TOTAL RUNS 8 6 10 12 7 10 7 5 5 4 4 3





Type of call Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. year end

Medical 24 23 31 27 36 41 31 28 34 39 31 31 376

MVC 3 8 1 2 2 2 0 2 0 1 2 1 24

Fire 4 1 4 9 5 8 7 3 2 4 2 2 51

Transports 3 0 0 1 1 9 1 2 1 2 2 2 24

Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

total calls per month 34 32 36 39 44 60 39 35 37 46 37 36 475

total calls 475

call location Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. year end

Bluffton 27 22 29 27 29 48 34 23 32 30 28 29 358

Orange Twp. 3 5 3 11 7 7 3 4 3 9 4 5 64

Richland Twp. 4 2 3 0 6 5 2 6 2 6 5 2 43

other 0 3 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 10

total calls 475

Transport Dest. Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. year end

Bluffton Hosp. 16 11 12 14 23 27 14 16 20 27 15 14 209

BVH 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 2 4 6 1 2 32

SRMC 3 3 7 2 4 4 8 2 3 3 2 5 46

LMH 1 6 1 2 4 1 1 4 0 2 4 4 30

Lifeflight 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 3 10

MMH 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 2 1 11

Maplecrest 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

Richland Manor 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

Birch Haven 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Residence 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3

total tx. Per month 25 23 25 24 34 41 26 27 29 38 25 29 346

total patients transported 346

no transport 14 10 11 16 11 19 13 11 8 10 12 8

total no transport 143

Total run sheets 39 33 36 40 45 60 39 38 37 48 37 37

Total Run Sheets 489

Elisabeth Pridonoff (standing) makes a point with a local high school student during a piano master class Jan. 27 in Bluffton University’s Yoder Recital Hall. Pridonoff and her husband, Eugene, comprise the Pridonoff Duo, who conducted the master class for about 40 piano students and teachers the morning after presenting a concert in the university’s Artist Series. In addition to performing internationally, the Pridonoffs are professors of piano at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music.

Bluffton Fire Department 2011 Report Free Social Media “One-on-One”Available to Bluffton Chamber Members

Photo Exhibit to Explore ‘Gray Space,’ February 5

Black and white pho-tography by American and international artists will be showcased in “Gray Space: Windows from the Ordinary into the Extraordinary,” an exhibition opening Sunday, Feb. 5, in the Grace Albre-cht Gallery of Bluffton Uni-versity’s Sauder Visual Arts Center.

Continuing through March 2, the exhibit is free and open

to the public. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and 1-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.

Among the photographers whose work will be featured is visiting artist Craig Line, a Findlay, Ohio, native who lives in Vermont and has worked for The Associated Press and Vermont Magazine. He will give a talk, also free and open to the public, at 6

p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, in the arts center’s Hester Lecture Hall.

Findlay artists Spencer Cunningham and Danny Gantchev will be represent-ed in the exhibition as well, along with Roger Sugden, a Findlay native who now lives in Fort Wayne, Ind., and pho-tographers from Cincinnati, New York City, Paris, Spain and Bucharest, Romania.

Do you have social media questions, but are afraid to ask?

The Bluffton Area Cham-ber of Commerce offers a new benefi t for members this winter. Through the as-sistance of Emily Turner, Bluffton University cham-ber intern, the chamber will provide free one-on-one, or small group social media workshop sessions.

Turner will graduate in May with a double major in Business and Accounting with a minor in Information Technology. These major and minor backgrounds pro-vide her with marketing and technology skills to assist chamber members.

“One specifi c class I’ve taken is Introduction to In-formation Systems. There I learned how the social media interacts with today’s busi-ness world. I’ve used Twit-ter on a daily basis for the past four months and Face-book on a daily basis for the past seven years. This gives me quite a bit of experience with both social networks,” she said.

Turner is available to provide free consultation with chamber members in any of these areas. Contact Fred Steiner of the chamber to set up a free consultation session.

Here are days and times Turner is available:

Monday and Wednesdays 9 – 10 a.m. or, Noon – 2 p.m.

Thursdays – Noon – 5 p.m.

“This is an important benefi t of being a member of the Bluffton chamber,” said Steiner, chamber CEO. “Professional social media consultants charge anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour. The Bluffton chamber offers it free to members. The free consultation opportunities come from the two previous social media workshops held by the chamber. One session could be worth an entire year’s membership in the chamber.”

For persons interested in joining the Bluffton cham-ber, e-mail: [email protected]

Bluffton University NewsBluffton University News

Dr. Shelly Weaverdyck, director of the Alzheimer’s Education and Research Pro-gram at Eastern Michigan University, will discuss de-mentia in a Bluffton Univer-sity Forum at 11 a.m. Tues-day, Feb. 7, in Yoder Recital Hall.

“When the Brain Goes Awry: Effects of Brain Quirks and Disorders on Thinking and Doing” is the title of the Bluffton alumna’s presenta-

tion, which is free and open to the public.

Weaverdyck, who earned a bachelor’s degree in psychol-ogy from Bluffton in 1977, founded the Alzheimer’s Re-search Program at Eastern Michigan and has served as director since 1991. Until re-cently, she was also a demen-tia specialist at the Turner Ge-riatric Clinic at the University of Michigan, where she has taught and been a researcher

and consultant as well.Among other publications,

Weaverdyck collaborated on a 2005 book, “Teaching De-mentia Care,” published by Johns Hopkins University Press, and contributed a chap-ter on assessment to another book, “Key Elements of De-mentia Care,” published by the national Alzheimer’s As-sociation.

Dementia Expert to Speak at Bluffton, February 7

Bluffton EMS 2011 Report

Spread your good news!wedding, engagement, anniversary and milestone birthday announcement forms are available

in the Bluffton News offi ce or online RECYCLE THIS PAPER!RECYCLE THIS PAPER!

Page 5: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


Friends of the Bluffton Public Li-brary Hold First Meeting of 2012

The executive board of the Friends of the Bluffton Public Library held a spe-cial general membership meeting after their regular board meeting January 24 at 6:30 p.m. in the Rich-land Room of the Bluffton Public Library. The general meeting, the fi rst of the year, was a chance for members to meet newly appointed board members and offi cers. In late October, the Friends held a general membership meeting to instate several offi cers and board members into their 2012 positions, but instead they announced that they did not have a presiden-tial candidate to elect that evening as they had planned. The group decided to also hold off on electing the ex-ecutive board members until they had the presidential is-sue settled.

Using the Internet, the Friends voted in December to ratify the group’s revised constitution and to elect the executive board members and the group’s president and vice president to their new positions. The offi cers are: Jim Shaffer- President, Jan Potter- Vice President, Paula Scott- Secretary and Sallie Jordan Jones- Trea-surer. Jim Shaffer is new to his role of president, as Jan Potter had previously held that position for several years. Paula Scott and Sallie Jordan-Jones resume their previous duties.

The new executive board members are: Tammy Bradshaw, Darrell Huber, Sharleen Olson, Elfrieda Ramseyer, Teri Sato, Pat

Sheidler and Tracey Steele. Darrell Huber and Elfrieda Ramseyer are new to their positions on the board.

As the clock hands in-dicated that it was exactly 6:30 p.m. the meeting com-menced and Pat Sheidler said that the group needed to come up with a way to draw more of the members to the rare general membership meetings. Both the October 2011 and January 2012 gen-eral membership meetings drew fewer members than desired. It was suggested that perhaps having a speak-er talk or give a presenta-tion would garner higher member attendance. Tracey Steele suggested possibly getting a local movie critic to talk before a meeting. Jim Shaffer offered the idea of getting one of the travel se-ries people, like he’d seen in Columbus, to Bluffton as a draw. Paula Scott wondered if the Friends could have a slide shown before a movie at the Shannon Theater ad-vertising the group and up-coming general meeting or event. The other members agreed that would be an ex-cellent idea, especially in April for national library week when they could ad-vertise their annual tea and spring book sale.

At the general meeting the Friends of the Library also discussed how much money their fundraising ef-forts of 2011 had gathered. The spring book sale made $468 and the fall book sale made $702. The annual spring tea in April brought in $568. The golf outing ac-cumulated $1,437 for the Friends. Jordan-Jones said

that at the end of the year, the Friends of the library had $5,380.49 in their checking account. “So we’re in very good shape.” Added Jordan-Jones.

At the next tea, planned for April 12, 2012, the spe-cial guest will be Christie Weininger who will give a presentation called ‘Victo-rian Secret, The Secret Be-neath the Shape.’ The topic will be Victorian era fash-ion. The last weekend of that month the Friends plan to have another spring book sale with a special preview sale for members the night before. In June 2012 the Friends will hold their 2nd Annual Birdies for Book-worms Golf Scramble at Bluffton Golf Course. The golf outing is scheduled for June 9.

During the meeting, one of the board members an-nounced that the library needs someone to donate a couple dozen cookies or bars for the library’s 2nd An-nual “Cook for Books” Chili Cook-Off. The cook-off will be held on February 25 and the cookies or bars need to be at the library the day be-fore. The Friends also need volunteers to make items for the 2012 spring tea or to host a table during the event. Table hosts make sure the tea pots are kept full and provide all of the plates, tea cups and saucers, napkins, silverware, water glasses, etc. needed for a table of six.

The Friends of the Li-brary adjourned their meet-ing slightly after 7:00 p.m. and will hold their next board meeting at the end of February.

This article was origi-nally published on page three of the Thursday, May 13, 1982 Bluffton News.

by Howard Raid

‘A.B.’ Aaron Burr Murray

Many of the readers will recall that A. B. served the community ably for many years as the superintendent of the public schools. He is a graduate of the pub-lic schools and of Bluffton College. Some time ago he called me from his home in Ashtabula to add some information to one of my articles. At that time we questioned him about the Murrays. Later he stopped at our home to visit brief-ly and to buy slaw cut-ters. Since he is one of the original stockholders in the company, he promotes the operation by giving slaw cutters to his relatives and other friends. So again we asked him for some more Murray information. A. B. promised to send me some clippings. It was with some real expectation that I opened his letter. So to the clippings.

The parents move to Bluffton (Shannon)

The parents moved from

Niles in Trumbull County to Shannon in the fall of 1848. The Joseph Murray family lived in a home just south of what is now the Deringer Appliance place of business. Murray was

born in Ireland and Mrs. Murray, a Deppeler, was from Switzerland. From a clipping in the Findlay Moring Republican we read, “The following Spring Mr. Murray built two wagon houses and another building. These buildings have been trans-formed into homes of the three brothers.” He worked as a wagon maker and an undertaker.

Some Excitement

Just imagine the news that spread quickly through the village now called Bluffton since 1861, that cold January the 22nd morning 1868. How the folk must have run from one home to another with the news, “Quadruplets have been born to the Joseph Murray family.” Remember that in those days there was no Bluffton Community Hospital. The doctors had only the very simplest of equipment and medicines. Furthermore the births took place in the Murray home. There is no information about what caused the death of one of the ‘quads’ within a short time after birth. In a way it is a miracle that any of them lived in those days before incubators for the small babies. The three remaining boys were christened Willis Medlow Murray, Maurice Monroe Murray and Horace Greeley Murray. They were to provide local color to the Bluffton scene for many years.

P. T. Barnum An article from the

Lima Sunday News reports of the triplets’ invita-

tion to the P.T. Barnum Circus. In 1872 the cir-cus train stopped in Lima for a show. While there he heard that quadruplets had been born in Bluffton just a few years earlier. Since he always boasted of being the possessor of the ‘wonders of the world’ he sought out the Murray fam-ily. He made arrangements for the boys to appear for one day of the circus. The parents had fi rst been con-tacted to see if the boys might go with the circus. But the parents agreed to bring them over for one day. Barnum was unaware that there were only three of the quadruplets that had survived. When he found this out he still insisted that the triplets should be a part of the exhibition during the show in Lima.

“Proud of his fam-ily, Murray came to Lima and was given the freedom of the entire ‘big top.’ The triplets attracted as much attention as the whole cir-cus. They were four years of age. In subsequent show-ings in Lima after 1872, P. T. Barnum always inquired about the triplets and on one occasion visited them. Whenever the circus showed within 50 miles of Bluffton the Murray family were always special guests of P. T. Barnum.”

Got a Big Kick

What kid

would not get

a big kick out of being the guest of honor at a circus? In those days many of the ‘kids’ would get up at 4a.m. on circus day to watch the fi rst section pull into town. “But it was an even more gala day for the Murray brothers Medlow, Monroe and Horace, when P. T. Barnum seated them in a section all by themselves. Together they watched the clowns and elephants and certainly enjoyed it. To hundreds of others who assembled under the ‘big top’ the triplets were a part of the show. The triplets wore Russian boots, cel-luloid collars and all the fi xin’s of the yesteryears.”

The Triplets’ Family From the 1933 copy

of the Findlay Morning Republican and Courier we get the following information. There were “Four other children in the Murray family. Mrs. Ella Mohler of Bluffton is the oldest. Emma has passed away. Lloyd Murray is in

the cement block business. Mrs. Leo Triplehorn, wife of the mayor of Bluffton and Mrs. Genevieve Basset who died in Texas recent-ly. Medlow’s children were the twins Dwight and Dwain, the twin girls Mrs. Scott Woods of Rawson and Mrs. Arthur Amstutz of Bluffton. Their children were Melvin Murray and Mrs. Everett Crawford of Findlay; Nile who just passed away this winter and Clayton, deceased, the father of John Murray now residing in Elida. The children of Horace Murray were Aaron then of Plain City and Mrs. Eddie Badertscher of Bluffton.” Remember that this report was mostly given in 1933.

The Community Activities of the Triplets

Medlow operated a

wallpaper and paint store near his home for many years. He did painting and papering in addition to the sales. His son, Clayton, followed his footsteps.

Monroe served as the Bluffton Postmaster. A. B. reported that he was appointed by three presi-dents, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and then by Herbert Hoover. Horace served for many years as the deputy recorder in the Allen County Courthouse in Lima.

The Nicknames When we came to

Bluffton in 1947 all we heard Monroe called was ‘Dode.’ We just assumed that was his name as it was listed that way in the telephone book. Horace was called ‘Hod.’ While Medlow was called ‘Med.’ He was the last of the Murray triplets to pass away in 1958. Thus ended an interesting set of brothers who added a cer-tain zest to the Bluffton Community.


Med, Hod and Dode Murray—Bluffton’s First Triplets

February 8, 1912 – A “Farmers’ Institute” was slated to be held at the Bluffton Town Hall on February 14 and 15, 1912. Among the speakers scheduled to pres-ent speeches were Rev. W.S. Gottshall, Mayor A.D. Lugibihl, Frank Blackford, E.J. Hoddy, Philip Baer, Mai Jennings, Lida Spangler, Mrs. R.E. Hughson, Mrs. Marion Hixon, Mrs. C.G. Coburn, Mrs. C.R. Swank, Gertrude Grey and Rev. J.H. Butler. Members of the committee on resolutions were Henry Gratz, president; Joseph Huber, secretary; and J.R. Marshall, W.H. Radabaugh and I.M. Jennings. In other news that week, the “Armorsville” column reported, “Monday afternoon, the neighbors gave Grandma Boyd a wood chopping. With gasoline engine, buzzsaw and axes the wood piled up rapidly. With a smiling face the aged lady came out and said, Boys if you leave before supper I’ll be after you with the broom. The boys enjoyed the well pre-pared evening meal.”

February 4, 1937 – The local column reported, “Eugene and Stanley Moyer, grand-sons of Mrs. Orpha Harris of South Main street who have been playing with the Jimmy Richards band at Grandview Gardens, Steubenville, Ohio spent the latter part of last week with their mother at Findlay. They report that they were well out of the fl ood area and returned to join the band at Wheeling, W. Va., where they fi lled an engage-ment at the opening of the Diamond club in that city, Saturday night. In other news that week, Pine restaurant proprietor Leland Sechler “began construction Monday of a second story at the rear of his block over rooms occupied by the restaurant and the Star theatre,” the newspaper reported. “The brick addition, seventy by thirty feet when completed will consist of a dining room and also nine hotel rooms for transients.”

February 8, 1962 – Rev. Martin Waidmann was scheduled to assume the pastorship of St. John’s United Church of Christ in Bluffton. He had previously served as pastor of two Evangelical and Reformed churches in the vicinity of Bellevue, Ohio. A native of East St. Louis, Illinois, Rev. Waidmann was a graduate of Washington University and Eden Theological Seminary. In other news that week, the Allen County Chapter of the Central Ohio Heart Association announced that Mrs. Paul Diller had been appointed as general chairperson of the 1962 Heart Fund in Bluffton. “Mrs. Diller said plans are becoming completed for the regular observance of Heart Sunday in Bluffton, which comes usually on the last Sunday in February,” the newspaper reported. “The Heart Fund is a member of the Bluffton-Richland United Fund.”

February 8, 1987 – New offi cers of the Bluffton Community Hospital Auxiliary were installed during a recent candlelight ceremony. Trudy Baber was elected presi-dent, replacing former president Lois Rodabaugh, while Linda Augsburger was elected vice president. Re-elected as treasurer was Ruth Badertscher and Lucille Steiner was elected secretary. In other news that week, Bluffton area resident Daryl Steiner “was named the 1986 junior associate leader of the Meeker Agency of Connecticut Mutual Life,” the newspaper reported. This honor was “in the area of life and dis-ability income insurance, mutual fund investments, and retirement plans. He works in conjunction with Hardy Financial Group of Lima, and works with individuals and businesses in developing and implementing fi nancial plans.”


A look back in time...





by Kathryn Tschuor

Send your news items to: editor@bluff

This photo of the Murray brothers was featured with the original 1982 article in The Bluffton News.

Page 6: BN 02-02-2012

BlufftonBAPTIST - 345 County Line Road. John

McMinn, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship service, 10:45 a.m.; Evening worship, 7 p.m.; Wednesday - AWANA, Bible study and prayer service, 7 p.m.

ENGLISH LUTHERAN - 111 Grove St. Kevin Mohr, pastor. Worship, 9 a.m.; Sunday school, 10:15 a.m.

FIRST MENNONITE - 101 S. Jackson St. Steven Yoder, pastor. Louise Wideman, associate pastor. Worship 9:15 a.m., Christian Education 10:30 a.m.

FIRST MISSIONARY - 247 N. Lawn Ave. Rev. Gary Marks, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m.; evening service, 6 p.m.; Thursday, prayer meeting, 7 p.m.

FIRST UNITED METHODIST - 116 Church St. Bryant Miller, pastor. Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.

PRESBYTERIAN - 112 N. Main St., Pastor Matthew Zuehlke. Sunday School 9:00 a.m., Worship 10:15 a.m.

ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - 223 W. College Ave. Rev. Carol Clements - Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; Worship, 10:30 a.m.

ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC - 160 N. Spring St. Sister Carol Inkrott, pastoral leader. Saturday Mass, 4 p.m.; Sunday Mass 10 a.m.

TRI-COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF GOD - 835 N. Main St. Terry D. Hunt, pastor. Sunday: Christian education 9 a.m.; Worship, 10 a.m.; Evening service, 6:30 p.m.; Monday - Crossfi re Youth Alive, 7 p.m.; Wednesday, Lay Leadership Training Institute, Royal Rangers, M’Pact Girls Clubs, 7 p.m.

QUAKER MEETING - (Religious Society of Friends) 118 S. Spring St., Jon and Sally Weaver-Sommer residence; Sunday, 10 a.m., 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays. Rural Bluffton

BETHEL CHURCH OF CHRIST - 4014 Co. Rd. 304, Ada. Minister, Brandon Mayden.Youth Minister, Mike Kupferer; Minister to Seniors, Harrison Underwood. Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship, 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.;

COUNTY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN - Tom Dearth, pastor. Ray Hadley, associate pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m.; Evening worship, 7 p.m.

EBENEZER MENNONITE - Corner Columbus Grove-Phillips Roads. Dick Potter, senior pastor, Jim King, co-pastor. Wade Slechter, pastor of student ministries. Sunday school, 9 a.m.; worship, 10:15 a.m.

EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - 8375 Phillips Rd. Eric Rummel, pastor. Sunday school, 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m.

PLEASANT VIEW CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN - Thayer Road, a mile south of St. Rt. 30. Mark Bowyer, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m.

RILEY CREEK BAPTIST - Corner Hancock CR 12 and Orange TR 27. David Lanquist, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m.; Evening worship, 6 p.m.; Wednesday prayer and praise, 7 p.m.

BLUFFTON TRINITY UMC - 2022 St. Rte. 103 Pastor Wade Nelton. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. worship 10:15 a.m. Jenera

TRINITY LUTHERAN - 301 N. Main St., Jenera. Alois Schmitzer III, and Jeffrey Bolwerk, pastors. Worship, 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Christian education, 9:20 a.m. Trinity Lutheran School, grades preschool through 8th grade. An extra service will be held Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. thru August 17.

ST. PAUL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN (ELCA) - 9340 Twp. Rd. 32, rural Jenera. Steven Edmiston, pastor. Phillip Riegle, youth ministry coordinator. Traditional worship, 7:45 and 9 a.m., contemporary worship, 11:15 a.m., Sunday school, 10:15 a.m.

JENERA UMC - Pastor John Foster Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Mt. Cory

MT. CORY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - Jerry Lewis, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m.

PLEASANT VIEW UNITED METHODIST - Twp. Rd. 37. Jerry Lewis, pastor. Sunday school 10:30 a.m.; worship, 9:15 a.m. Rawson

GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP - Pastor David Leman- Corner of County Rd. 37 & CR 313. Web Address: Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m.; Monday Youth 7-8:30 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer Meeting 7-8:00 p.m.


-208 N. Main St. Michael Armstrong, pastor. Sunday school, 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m.

TRINITY UNITED - South Main, Terry Ream, pastor. Worship, 10 a.m.; Wednesday, Bible study, 7 p.m.

BeaverdamCHURCH OF CHRIST - 308 E. Main

St. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship and Jr. church, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday evening service, 7 p.m.; Tuesday evening Bible study, 7 p.m.; Wednesday prayer meeting/ Bible Study, 7:30 p.m. at Richland Manor.

ROCKPORT UNITED METHODIST - 5505 Rockport Road, Columbus Grove. Greg Coleman, pastor. Worship, 9 a.m.; Church school, 10 a.m.


Franklin St. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m. Chapel Belles Boutique and Etc Shop open Thursdays-Fridays, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m.

GRACE MENNONITE - 502 East Main St., Pandora. Dennis Schmidt, pastor. Sunday school, 9:15 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m.

PANDORA CHURCH OF CHRIST - Steve Holbrook, minister. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; worship, 10:30 a.m. Missionary - 300 Rocket Ridge. Sunday school, 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m.

RILEY CREEK UNITED METHODIST - Corner Road M and Road 7-L. Mark Hollinger, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.

ST. JOHN MENNONITE - 15988 Road 4, Pandora. D. Lynn Thompson, preaching and teaching pastor. Dave Stratton, leadership/dis-cipleship pastor. Grace Burkholder, children & family minitries. Paul Ginther, youth director. Worship, 8:30 and 11 a.m.; Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; Sunday evening, 6 p.m.: Adult cell group ministry, kids’ choirs; Wednesday, 7 p.m.: POW (Prayer on Wednesday) for adults, Pioneer Club for 3 years old- 6th grade, junior high & senior high youth ministries.

PANDORA UNITED METHODIST - 108 E. Washington St. Duane Kemerley, pastor. Sunday school, 8:30 a.m.; Worship, 9:30 a.m.


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Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


This would be equivalent to a 9.60 percent return on the market value of Bancshares stock and the stock value was increased to $1,000.00 per share in June. The bank’s market to book price at the end of the year held steady at 1.24 percent of book. Total loans increased by 3.26 percent in 2011 and the bank saw growth in agri-cultural loans and real estate loans. Many depositors left money in their transac-tion accounts and checking account balances increased by over $13.7 million in 2011, while interest bearing account balances declined. Total deposits fi nished the year at $422.0 vs. $414.6 in 2010. There were also a couple of announcements made, as the bank looks forward to 2012 and beyond. CNB has begun reviewing plans to add on to its Operations Center building in 2012. Romey said when the plan-ning is complete, they hope to begin construction of a major addition to the build-ing in the spring. The bank also announced the approval from its regulator to estab-lish a full service offi ce in Defi ance, Ohio and they have entered into a contract

to purchase the bank lot with the intention of building in 2013. The Forecast for the upcom-ing year remains rocky. Romey said they expect to have a lower interest rate environment in 2012 in gen-eral, but with higher and lower rates. The economy is anticipated to be infl uenced by the great unwinding of debt with both government and consumers continuing to pay down excessive debt loans. “We still have a long way to go until the consumers will be in position to hold up their two-thirds of the economy. The labor force is shrinking and the real wage rate was negative last year when adjusted for infl ation. It was the fi rst time in 30 years that has happened,” Romey said. Romey also mentioned the poor housing market, with home prices still well above long term trend lines and the surging of foreclosed home prices. While 2012 looks to be another tough year eco-nomically, CNB will rely on what has delivered the bank success for the past half dozen years. The abil-ity to continue providing a

diversifi ed loan portfolio, including agricultural, com-mercial and manufacturing loans will be key along with remaining a conservative bank. Romey said the fact that CNB is a conservative lender is largely why it did not run into problems in the big downturn of the econo-my in 2008-09. Another big part of the bank’s success is knowing the customer and knowing when to offer the customer a loan. “We expect another chal-lenging year in 2012 and believe our success will be determined by our ability to fi nd additional qualifi ed borrowers and our abil-ity to hold onto our current borrowers when competi-tors offer them lower rates and unreasonable terms,” Romey said. Additionally, with each employee owning stock in the company, everyone has a vested interest in making sure their investment is prof-itable, according to Romey. “We remain extremely excited that our employee ownership model has lead to some superior results again this year which we attribute to the hard work and dedica-tion of all our shareholders.”

CNB Shareholders Meeting

The Pandora United Methodist Church is hosting a blood The Pandora United Methodist Church is hosting a blood drive on Thursday, February 2 from 1-6 p.m. The church is drive on Thursday, February 2 from 1-6 p.m. The church is located at 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora. To schedule located at 108 E. Washington Street, Pandora. To schedule

an appointment, please call the Red Cross at 419-523-an appointment, please call the Red Cross at 419-523-4810 or visit and enter sponsor code: 4810 or visit and enter sponsor code:

PANDORAUMC.PANDORAUMC. 5393 SR 224Ottawa, Ohio 45875

WE ARE EXPANDINGOUR SERVICE AREAWe have no first time customer gimmicks.WE HAVE A SET BESIDE PROGRAMNo tank rental charge(except the small 124 gal. tank).

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We are family owned and operated by Brad, Greg and Brad Cherry. Our qualified team of employees are Lori Anspach, Lisa Cherry, Russ Cramer, Brian Goecke, Tom Green, Bill Imm, Mike Lugibihl, Tom Niese, Jeff Niese, Wayne Williams, Chris Wilson. We are committed to customer safety and service!

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Cherry’s Propane Service,




continued from A1

It’s not your ordinary pan-cake breakfast. From 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 11, at Maple Crest Senior Living, Bluffton, pancakes will “fl y” right onto your plate.

The breakfast, in the Patio Room of Maple Crest Senior Living, 700 Maple Crest Ct., Bluffton, is a fundraiser for the Maple Crest Memory Garden Project, according to Laura Voth, CEO of Menno-nite Home Communities of Ohio.

The pancake event, open to the public, is an interac-

tive experience that is fun for all ages. Pancakes provided by Chris Cakes of Colum-bus, work this way: you have the option of catching your pancakes as they are tossed through the air to your plate.

If that sounds too scary, you may simply have your pancakes placed on your plate. The breakfast features all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, coffee and orange juice.

“The event is a fundraising kick off for the Memory Gar-den project at Maple Crest,” said Voth. “The Memory

Garden will be located by the main pond at Maple Crest. It will include a dock, screen house, walkway and refl ec-tion area, all surrounded by a beautifully planned garden of trees, shrubs and perennials.”

All proceeds from the breakfast will go toward the project. Donations are also accepted. Tickets are $7 for adults, $6 for seniors 65 and older and $5 for children 5 and under.

For more information contact Maple Crest at 419-358-7654.

Flying Pancake Fundraiser to be Held at Maple Crest

Page 7: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


Now serving Putnam County Specializing in diabetes, osteoporosis and

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Community Calendar

February 2—B Girls JV/V

Basketball vs Columbus Grove 6PM

B Boys Freshman Basketball @ Col Grove 5PM

PG Girls Varsity BB vs. Arcadia (Home) 6pm

Arlington V/JV Girls Basketball w/ Cory Rawson 6pm

Red Cross Blood Drive @ First Mennonite Church Bluffton 12-6pm

Pandora UMC Blood Drive 1-6pm

February 3—B Boys JV/V

Basketball @ Col. Grove 6PM

PG Music Booster BBQ Dinner 4:30pm

PG Boys Varsity BB vs. Arcadia (Home) 6pm

Arlington Varsity/JV Boys Basketball @ Vanlue - 6pm

C-R SOS Camp Wilson Spaghetti Dinner 4:30pm

C-R V/JV Boys’ Basketball with LB 6pm

February 4—B Boys JV/V

Basketball vs Van Wert 6PM

BU W Basketball vs Anderson 3PM

BU M Basketball vs Anderson 1PM (Alumni Day)

BU Men’s basketball reunion game, 11 a.m.

BU Athletics Hall of Fame Banquet, 6:30 p.m., Marbeck Center

PG Girls Varsity BB @ Kalida 1pm

Arlington V/JV Boys Basketball w/ Riverdale 6pm

February 5—C-R All County Band/

Choir Concert 3pm

February 6—Bluffton Scrap Artist

Quilters 7PMWeight Watchers - St

Mary’s Church 5:45PMBluffton Music

Boosters - HS Band Rm 7PM

BFR Session III Indoor Soccer (5wks+tourney)

BFR Ultimate Fit begins

Bluffton Elem. PTO - Elem. Library 6:30PM

Bluffton Club 56 - For 5th & 6th Graders 3:15PM @ Bluffton Campus Life Room

B l u f f t o n / P a n d o r a Club JV Campus Life - For 7th & 8th Graders 8-9PM @ BCLR

C-R HS Quiz Bowl at

Ada Invite 4:30pm

February 7—TOPS - St. Johns UCC

6:30PMBoy Scouts 7-8:30PMLions Club @ Maple

Crest 11:45AMB l u f f t o n / P a n d o r a

Campus Life - 8-9PM @ Bluffton Campus Life Room

B U Forum: “When the Brain Goes Awry” by Shelly Weaverdyck Ph.D., 11 a.m., Yoder Recital Hall

PG Boys Varsity BB @ CG 6pm

C-R V/JV Girls’ Basketball with Hopewell-Louden 6pm

C-R V/JV Boys’ Basketball at Lakota 6pm

C-R V/JV Wrestling with Allen East and OG 6pm

February 8—BU W Basketball @

Manchester 7:30PMBU M Basketball vs

Manchester 7:30PMBluffton Breakfast

Club - 7:15-7:55AM @ Bluffton Campus Life Room

PG HS Quiz Bowl vs. Wayne Trace (home) 4pm

Happy Birthday!

February 2Ella KruppLonnie KentAlta RaylBess MoserJodi Parker

February 3Mike Krugh Dick Hauenstein

February 4 Paula ScottSean BurrellDeb BollenbacherVanessa ScolesEmma WoodruffAmanda DaganiBetty BashLeland Lehman

February 5Emily PorgueJessica FoltzJ o n a t h o n

MontgomeryJoey WelchNancy SmithCarmen MaroscherSue KinnJohn Marshall

February 6Elanor MarshallTravis SiferdAshley GoldsberryEmily NeslerJason BunnKent DillerBill LuginbuhlDorothy WilliamsJustin King

February 7Chelsea HauensteinAlex CogleyKyle NeslerJanice BrewsterHarley AugsburgerSteve StrattonJackson Steinmetz

February 8Larry KempfRick SkilliterAllan BirchnaughRebecca ReichenbachElaine RichShirley FrazeeRussell LudwigChris SchumacherJosh WeaverIrina GromanDorothy Stephens

Lions ClubMembers meet every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at noon.

Weight WatchersMembers meet at 5:45p.m. each Monday evening at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.

O v e r e a t e r s Anonymous Members meet at 9a.m. each Tuesday at St. Mary’s Catholic Church

TOPS ClubMembers meet at 6:30 p.m. each Tuesday evening at St. John’s United Church of Christ

ACT: Citizen’s Action GroupMembers meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at noon at Common Grounds.

Bluffton Boy ScoutsTroop 256 meets every Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the third fl oor

of Town Hall, Main Street.

Creative WritersMembers meet the second Monday of each month (September through May) at 2:00 p.m. in the Maple Crest lounge.

To add your organization to Club Notes, call 419-358-8010 or email [email protected]

Club Notes Mennonite Home Health & Senior Services of Bluff-ton has received a 0 (zero) defi ciency survey from the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), according to Laura Voth, Mennonite Home Com-munities of Ohio CEO.

The state requires that all home health agencies be reviewed every 12 to 36 months. ODH completed its

review of Mennonite Home Health and found no defi cien-cies or defi cits.

“The state surveyor ac-companied the Home Health staff into the patient’s homes and found the highest quality of care was being given by our nursing staff and home care assistants,” said Voth.

Also reviewed by the state were all the Home

Health policies and proce-dures. ODH complimented us on the fi ne organizational skills that met all state regula-tions, added Voth.

This is the 16th year for the Home Health program of Mennonite Home Communi-ties of Ohio. During that time it has always been found, by the state surveyors, to be giv-ing quality in-home care.

AARP Tax-Aide help will be available at the Bluffton Senior Center starting Thurs-day, February 2 at 9 a.m. AARP volunteers specialize in helping taxpayers with low and moderate income, with special attention to those age 60 and older. Appointment is required and may be made by calling 419-358-8971 or stop by the Bluffton Senior Cen-ter. Please bring the follow-

ing with you when you come for your appointment; current year’s tax forms, copy of last year’s income tax returns, W-2 forms from each em-ployer, unemployment com-pensation statements, SSA-1999 form if you were paid Social Security benefi ts, all 1099 forms, all forms indicat-ing federal income tax paid, and Social Security cards or other offi cial documentation

for yourself and all depen-dents. Everyone must also present a current photo ID a the time of their appointment. The volunteers are not trained to do schedule C, compli-cated/lengthy schedule D, or schedule E (rental property, royalties, partnerships, and trusts that involve deprecia-tion), so those cases could be turned away.

A number of students from the local area have been named to dean’s lists at uni-versities throughout Ohio. Students listed on their col-lege’s dean’s list earned a grade point average of 3.5 or better during the fall semester or quarter.

The University of Toledo

Bluffton – Mitchell Cra-mer, Sierra Inbody, Kelsea Kiene

Mt. Cory - Kassondra Ver-hoff

Ohio State Lima

Bluffton -Sarah Amstutz, Alan King, Eric Numbers

Additionally, Sierra Thomas, of Bluffton, re-ceived an honorary nursing pin from Owens Community College.

Area Students Announced to Respective Dean’s Lists

Tax Services Available at Bluffton Senior Center

Mennonite Home Health Receives Excellent Rating

Page 8: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


If you If you have a have a

story idea, story idea, contact contact

us at us at editor@editor@blufftonbluffton

news.comnews.comor or callcall419-419-358-358-80108010

Aaron Belcher

On January 18, 2012, Bluffton Middle School con-ducted the annual science fair for 8th graders. The students started working on their proj-ects in September and after a lot of research and testing they presented their projects to the judges on the 18th. Eight students received Supe-rior scores (three with perfect scores) and three students received an excellent score. Students receiving a superior score will move on to district competition at Ohio Northern University on March 24th. The Science Fair participants are as follows along with their project subject and score:

Sara Bertka – Do people

tend to remember informa-tion better by hearing or see-ing? – Perfect score of 40

Elizabeth Nisly – How does the appearance of food affect your perception of the taste? - Perfect score of 40

Joel Siefker – Does tem-perature affect how much energy a wind turbine makes? – Perfect score of 40

Samuel Crisp – Do foot-ball gloves increase your ability to catch the ball in wet or dry conditions? - Superior

Katie Frazier – Which type of dance exercise (jazz, barre, modern, none) helps a dancer’s balance? - Superior

Misha Groman – Do dif-ferent brands of fi sh food give a Betta fi sh brighter colors? - Superior

Brielle Hamilton – Is the accuracy of your serve im-pacted by the shape of your hand when serving in volley-ball? - Superior

Jared Metzger – Is a vac-uum the best way to sound proof a room? – Superior

Abby Prater – Does the amount of air pressure affect the distance in kicking a foot-ball? – Excellent

Patrick Rhonemus – Does color affect memory reten-tion? – Excellent

Amy Warren – Which type of pop is the most corrosive on tooth enamel? - Excellent

BMS Dec. Students of the Month

All A Honor Roll

6th Grade

Madison Bassett, Kassan-dra Bishop, Dakota Bricker, Brayton Businger, Kaitlyn Burkholder, Sarah Gillen, Christian Groman, Garrett Habegger, Christopher Har-nish, Sydney Hoff, Kalysta Jolliff, Kayla Kindle, Alex-andra Moser, Darby Prichard, Nathaniel Staley

7th Grade

Isaac Andreas, Haley Bak-er, Joshua Begg, Kayleigh Coughlan, Nathan Heinze, Brice Metzger, Zane Mey-ers, Douglas Nester, Abbie Parkins, Alex Roob, Sabrina Shrider, Sarah Siders, Jayme Siefer, Megan Sycks, Phil-lip Tatarkov, Sarah Theisen, Kristen Yost

8th Grade

Saraelizabeth Bertka, Mark Bixel, Mia Edwards, Sami Fruchey, Jeremiah Garmatter, Misha Groman, Brielle Hamilton, Kylee Leugers, Jack Marcum, Da-vid Myers Elizabeth Nisly,

Bret Rumer, Katherine Scott, Joel Siefker

A and B Honor Roll

6th Grade

Lelani Bischoff, Braden Conrad, Kaden Reneker, Tabitha Geiger, Conor Greer, Kaylee Kinn, Emily Parker, Morgan Auchmuty, Kim-berly Gordon, Laura Stra-han, Dakota Jolliff, Allison Wise, Lucie Fett, Braeden Edwards, Kaleb Jeffer-son, Kelli Leugers, Colton Fruchey, Nicole Schweyer, Abbey Gambrell, Jared Ar-nold, Nathan Reynolds, Nash White, Miranda Schutz, Meta Nickels, Natalie Reynolds, Britney Essinger , William Deitsch, Hunter Brodman, Daniel Setzer, Karis Wilson Raine Sumney, Brianna Kee-ler, Cyndie Salsbury, Aaron Belcher,

7th Grade

Jadyn Barhorst, Matthew Bowden, Trevor Bunch, Levi Mikesell, Marley Runk, Bra-cy, Katie Burkholder, Con-nor Dawson, Marie Hotmire, Emily Metzger, Jake Staley,

Grace Nickels, Eli Bourassa, Ceandra Thurmond, Tyler McLaughlin, Marie Roe, Booke Koontz, Ana Spiri-digliozzi, Levi Smith, Ryan Sprague, Colin Phillips, Trev-or Bassitt, Shane Combs, Bri-an Deeds, Nicholas Marcum, Alton Burkholder, Baylee Liddick, Samuel Edwards, Andie Schmutz, Cole Wilson, Noah Woodruff, Chris Wal-ters, Emily Stratton,Dakota Arnett, Sarah McOwen, Ali-cia Schmutz, Morgan Rie-man, Antony Kingsly

8th Grade

Samuel Crisp, Katelynn Frazier, Kaitlin Kidd, Nicole Edelbrock, Cole Harlow, Kaitlynn King, Amy War-ren, Nikki Campbell, Maggie Fett, Carrick Lancaster, Noah Edwards, Jared Metzger, Zachary Little, Jack Burrell, Cody Gesler, Patrick Rhone-mus, Lauren Bish, Richard Cleveland, Mitchell Ault, Cassidy Bush, Kyle Swank, Blake Sampson, Taylor Mon-day, Abby Heaster, Gabriel Meyer, Abby Tuttle, Adam Wannemacher, Amelia Hes-lep

9th Grade – all A:

Neva Adams, Adam Bas-inger, Kevin Childs, Joshua Garmatter, Lacy Hill, Bryce Johnston, John Oakley, Jor-dan Skilliter, Olivia Sneary, Mackayla Wilson, Emma Woodruff, Roger Zeits

10th Grade – all A:

Courtney Barnett, Tyler Begg, Jacob Bishop, Katie Breidenbach, Meg Burrell, Sara Chappell-Dick, Landon Cluts, Julian Harnish, Mor-gan Humphreys, Kit-Ann Knisley, Andrew Lee, So-phia Marcum, Audrey Mar-shall, David Nester, Kaleigh Oberly, Trent Phillips, Bailey Prichard, Joel Ritter, Lily Schumacher, Emily Schwa-ger, Hunter Solmonson, Ce-leste Stauber, Noah Stratton, Emily Sycks, Stephen Tatar-kov, Billy Theisen, Lauren Yost

11th Grade – all A:

Aaron Basinger, Jes-sica Brockert, Tyler Carroll, Anna Crisp, Jonathan Nisly, Justin Paul, Rachel Sehl-horst, Emily Sprague

12th Grade – all A:

Brandy Aller, Alaina Bix-el, Emily Born, Jenna Buro-

ker, Hannah Chappell-Dick, Ashlin Gable, Kristi Geiser, Zachary Harlow, Lucas Harnish, Seth Heaster, Jen-nifer Hieronimus, Keshaun Hughes, Liza Hunt, Michael Liska, Victoria Parson, Ab-bey Rieman, Logan Skelly, Lindsey Sneary, Taylor Steele, Halle Steingass, Jane Sycks, Kallen Terry, Kaitlin Thompson, Isaac Winegard-ner, Mary Wodruff

9th Grade – A/B:

Robbie Stratton, Alex-ander Hord, Erica Sheehan, Kathryn Basinger, Madison Domer, Elijah Runk, Taylor Mayer, Michiah Schlievert, Makayla Smith, Kyle Strahm, Kayla Phillips, Al-exandria Schmutz, Mariah Fleming, Emma Burkholder, Sidney Joseph, Clay Wilson, Aisha Oliver, Aaron Shaw, Adel Sommers, Eric Prater, Lauren Parkins, Sahaj Vohra, Jayden Taulker, Colt Free-man

10th Grade – A/B:

Joseph Bertka, Jill Stein-metz, Andrew Demellweek, Isaac Little, Drake Lugin-buhl, Sarah Wright, Sydney Bonnell, Paige Buroker, Alan Childs, Joshua Bracy, Madison Essinger, Abigail Heslep, Andrew Hoff, Molly

Moser, Jonatan Moser, Ryan Sprague, Jonah Bourassa, Morgan Pugsley, Jacob Scalf, Olivia Hunt, Richard Williams Basinger, Hunter Smith, Joseph Bischoff, Morgan Schroeder

11th Grade – A/B:

Kory Enneking, Julie Al-thaus, Katie Palte, Michael Deter, Francinny Olivei-ra, Nathan Bunch, Karli Leugers, Megan Dulle, Ja-cob Garmatter, Nathaniel Diller, Josiah Conley, Rachel Yoder, McKenna Reneker, Delaney Reineke, Michael Sheehan, Matthew Spall-inger, Alexis Lugibihl, Jacob Neuenschwander, Brittany Brown, Stefan Stechschulte, Kyle Huber, Nicholas Sling-er, Adrian Rumer, Matthew Deter, Zachary Wilson

12th Grade – A/B:

Peter Grihalva, Austin Housh, Kayla Longworth, Alissa Garmatter, Nathan Little, Mikaela Diller, Logan Steingass, Andrew Court-ney, Matthew Gillett, Chel-sea Moran, Jacob Nienberg, RJ Stratton, Chase Wilson, Lydia Guagenti, Ava Yo-akam, Jeremy Basinger, Ellis Barnes, Kyle Risner, Jamie Wickert, Megan Kirkendall, Ryan Conner

Superiors (“I”) Class A Andrew Hoff euphonium Sara Chappell-Dick fl ute Jane Sycks trumpet Julian Harnish piano Lauren Yost voice Bluffton Cello Duet Mary Woodruff cello

Class B Emma Woodruff oboe Nicholas Slinger alto sax Jane Sycks piano Ladies String Quartet Senior String Quartet Men’s Quartet Senior SA Ensemble Sophomore SA Ensemble Jennifer Hieronimus voice Class C Courtney Barnett piano Emily Sycks piano Emma Woodruff piano Rachel Ann Woodruff piano String Quartet String Choir Justin Weaver voice

Excellents (“II”)

Class B Audrey Marshall piano JacKyle Andrew Hoff voice

Class C

Jack Henry Neff cello Kyle Kahle violin Danielle Diller voice Victoria Briggs voice Katie Jo Breidenbach voice Wynter Wise voice

Goods (“III”) Class A Jacob Bishop violin

Class C Elizabeth Leis voice Emily Swisher voice

Senior SA Ensemble: Jane Sycks, Lindsey Sneary, Kristi Geiser

Sophomore SA Ensemble: Samantha Rhonemus, Emily Sycks, Lauren Yost, Katie Jo Bre-idenbach, Morgan Schroeder

Men’s Quartet: Chase Wilson, Clay Wilson, Eli Runk, Lucas Harnish

Bluffton Senior String Quartet: Hannah Chappell-Dick, Lindsey Sneary, Mary Woodruff, Rachel Woodruff

Bluffton Ladies String Quartet: Emily Sycks, Morgan Humphreys, Emma Woodruff, Lauren Yost

Bluffton String Quartet: Celeste Stauber, Amanda Diller, Stefan Stechshulte, Julian Harnish

JacKyle: Jacob Bishop, Kyle Kahle

Bluffton Cello Duet: Mary Woodruff and Julian Harnish

Bluffton String Choir: Violins: Hannah Chappell-Dick, Emily Sycks, Jacob Bishop, Mor-gan Humphries, Celeste Stauber, Rachel Woodruff, Liz Leis, Stefan Stechschulte, Kyle Kahle, Amanda Diller. Violas: Lindsey Sneary, Emma Woodruff. Celli: Mary Woodruff, Lauren Yost, Julian Harnish, Jack Henry Neff. Basses: Sara Chappell-Dick, Landon Cluts.

6th Graders:

Aaron Belcher, son of Tracy & Jodi Belcher of Bluffton

Aaron participates on the following athletic teams: basketball, football, and baseball. In his spare time he likes to play basketball and play PS3. He also likes to go to the BFR.

Lani Bischoff, daughter of

Joseph & Melissa Bischoff, Bluffton

Lani is a member of the BMS choir. She plays bas-ketball, soccer, and is in dance. She attends the Eb-enezer church. In her spare time she likes to paint, do pottery, and draw.

7th Graders:

Trevor Bassitt, son of Tom & Mindy Bassitt, Elida

Trevor is a member of the BMS basketball team. In his spare time he likes to play basketball.

Sarah Siders, daughter of Aaron & Joy Siders, Bluffton

Sarah is a member of the BMS strings program. She is a 4-H member and shows horses. In her spare time she likes to ride her horse.

8th graders:

David Myers, son of Phil & Faith Myers of Bluffton and Pat Myers of Pandora

David is a member of the BMS football team. In his spare time he likes to play video games.

Sami Fruchey, daughter of Brad & Kelli Fruchey, Bluffton

Sami is a member of the BMS Choir. She plays on the MS basketball and vol-leyball teams and plans to play on the Jr. High softball team. She attends Emmanuel UCC. In her spare time she likes to play travel softball and watch movies.

Bluffton High School Honor Roll, Second Nine Weeks

Bluffton Eighth Grade Science Fair Participants

Bluffton Middle School Honor Roll, Second Nine Weeks

BHS Band Solo and Ensemble Results - January 28

Lani Bischoff

Trevor Bassitt

Sarah Siders

David Myers

Sami Fruchey

Page 9: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012





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The boys basketball had a big home win early last week over Pandora-Gilboa, but followed it up with a tough road loss at Ada. The Pirates are 3-11 on the year and travel to Columbus Grove Friday.

The Pirates earned their third victory of the season and second in a row Tues-day, beating the Pandora-Gilboa Rockets, 69-60, at Bluffton High School. Matt Gillett scored a career high 31 points to help lead the Pi-rates to the non-conference victory.

The fi rst quarter found the lead change nine times as both teams found plenty of offensive production. Michael Donley scored nine fi rst quarter points for the Pirates, hitting 4-of-6 from the fi eld including 1-of-1 from behind the arc. The Rocket’s Abe Basinger hit a three at the buzzer to tie the score at 16 to end the fi rst quarter.

Matt Gillett hit a three to start the second quarter, but both teams hit a cold streak from there as neither team scored in the follow-ing two minutes. Pandora’s Owen Lugibihl ended the drought with a bucket in the paint, but that was quickly matched by a lay-up from Gillett to help the Pirates maintain a three point lead.

The Pirates kept that lead for the rest of the half as they scored 10 second quarter points and held the Rockets to only six, mak-ing the score 26-22 in fa-vor of the home team at the half. Donley led all scorers at half-time with 12 points while Gillett scored 10 of his own. Lugibihl led the Rockets with eight fi rst half points.

RJ Stratton led the Pi-rates in the third quarter, scoring 8 points on a 4-of-5 performance from the fi eld, including three straight lay-ups in a two minute span. That gave Bluffton a 41-35 lead with 30 seconds remaining in the quarter. However, just before the quarter ended, Pandora hit a half-court buzzer beater, bringing the score to 44-38

in favor of the Pirates.The fourth quarter be-

longed to Matt Gillett. The senior caught fi re and scored the Pirates’ fi rst 10 points. He scored 15 total points in the quarter, not missing a single shot on 2-of-2 from the fi eld, 3-of-3 from behind the arc, and 2-of-2 from the charity stripe. The strong fi -nal frame helped the Pirates to a 69-60 win.

“It’s nice getting that third win,” Gillett said. “I think we’re getting a bet-ter feeling for the offense. We’re starting to get out and run a little bit and I think that’s more our pace. Hope-fully that helps us out the rest of the season.”

Head Coach Todd Boblitt was very pleased with his team’s perfor-mance. “We got some easy baskets in transition there in the second half and we

converted… Our guys were extremely unselfi sh tonight on the offensive end. I was really proud of how well we shared the ball,” said Boblitt.

The Pirates out-rebound-ed the Rockets 24-21 on the night, while committing fi ve less turnovers (19-14). Bluffton shot 18-of-37 (49 percent) from the fi eld, 8-of-12 for three (67 percent) and 9-of-18 (50 percent) from the free throw line.

The Pirates struggled at Ada Friday, as they lost a Northwest Conference game to the Bulldogs, 59-27. Ada played tight de-fense all night, only allow-ing 15 points combined in the fi rst three quarters of the game en route to win num-ber 12 on the season and number four in the NWC.

Underneath the main scoreboard in Bluffton’s home gym a handmade sign reads, “Know Defense, Know Winning. No Defense, No Winning.” After giving up a few too many offensive re-bounds and second chances to the Ada Bulldogs in a 51-34 loss Thursday night, the sign could simply replace “defense” with “rebounding” and be just as accurate. The Bulldogs won the second half 31-18 and gave the Pirates their third straight loss.

The red & white reversed a poor habit of late, when they started quickly. Lydia Gua-genti, Bailey Prichard, Sierra Amstutz and Katie Palte each scored as BHS staked claim to an 8-2 advantage in the fi rst quarter. But the Bulldogs hit two three pointers and ended the quarter on an 8-0 spurt to regain the lead 10-8. Bluff-ton’s cold shooting limited

their scoring throughout the game, but the Pirates grabbed the lead back early in the second quarter on a layup by Danyelle Hughes that made the score 16-13 off a beautiful zip pass from Paige Buroker from the top of the key. Unfor-tunately, Ada had another 8-0 run in them to end the half, including back to back three pointers as the catalysts. The Bulldogs took a 21-16 advantage to the locker room and had all the momentum.

In games past, the Pirates were able to re-verse roles in the second half and come out

the aggressor to make a game of it. This was not the case against the stout Ada defense.

Zach Wilson stands in front of a banner made for his 100th career win. Photo by June Orr

Wilson Gets Win #100, Wrestlers Place 11th at LCC

Michael Liska waits for the air to clear before shooting vs Pandora Photo by Troy Breidenbach

by Evan Skilliter

continued on page B2

One Up, One Down for Pirate Boys Basketball

Bluffton’s wrestling team fi nished eleventh out of forty teams in the Lima Central Catholic Thunderbird Invita-tional. Junior Zach Wilson won the 145 class and re-corded his 100th career win along the way, quite a feat for a junior. But many Pirates experienced success in Lima. Wilson dispatched Carlisle’s Jimmy Sandlin 12-7 in the fi nals for the championship. Zach improved to 30-0 on the season .

Senior Kody Koronich took third place in the 285 class, recovering after be-ing pinned in the semfi nals. Kody won a hard fought 3-2 decision in the third place match over Coldwater’s Alex Grieshop. Colt Freeman fell in the fi fth place match of the 106 class by a 7-2 score. Colt went 3-3 in the tournament, with three pins. Zach Cozadd and Jacob Garmatter both went 3-2. Garmatter won all three matches by pin and Co-zadd added one as well. Josh Bracy and Josiah Conley both

ended with 2-2 records. The team travels to East-

wood this weekend in a du-als meet before, beginning the stretch run of the season. Next weekend in the North-west Conference tourna-ment at Columbus Grove and the following weekend the OHSAA District Meet begins.

Complete individual re-sults for each wrestler can be found online at under the Sports tab.

Lady Pirates Give Up Too Many Second Chance Points to Ada

continued on page B2

by Sam Brauen

by Sam Brauen

Wes Barry goes up for two points at Ada Photo by Marvin Foster

Katie Palte blocks an Ada shot with Sierra Amstutz’ support Photo by Troy Breidenbach

Page 10: BN 02-02-2012

Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


One Up, One Down for BHS Boys

Beavers Knock off Grizzlies

University Sports University Sports

Pandora - Gilboa

Cory-Rawson let a strong 1st half go to waste as Pan-dora-Gilboa rallied late to snatch a Blanchard Valley Conference victory on Fri-day.

Both teams started slowly with Cory-Rawson taking a slim 7-6 lead after one quar-ter of play.

The Hornets warmed up in the second quarter going on a 16-9 run to take a solid 8 point lead at the midway point.

That lead would slowly disappear in the second half as Pandora-Gilboa cut it to only 2 points by the end of

the 3rd quarter.Pandora-Gilboa contin-

ued their momentum into the 4th quarter to take the lead and win by a fi nal score of 49-45.

Tyler Harris hit four 3-pointers as he led the Hor-nets with 19 points. Mathew Alspach had 9 points. Alex Edson added 8 points. Jer-emiah Alspach had 7 points and led the Hornets in re-bounding with 5.

St. Wendelin

Solid defense and a bal-anced scoring attack helped Cory-Rawson take down St. Wendelin 54-35 in non-con-ference play on Saturday.

Cory-Rawson opened up with a 13-11 advantage over St. Wendelin in the fi rst quarter. The Hornets extend-ed that lead to 27-20 at the half.

Defense was the key for the Hornets in the 2nd half as they held the Mohawks to only 15 points over the fi nal two quarters while putting up 25 points themselves.

Tyler Harris led all scor-ers with 13 points and 4 as-sists. Alex Edson matched Harris in assists and scored 10 points. Risner added 9 points. Jeremiah Alspach chipped in 8 points while Grant Marshal contributed 7 points.

The Hornets improve to 4-9 overall.

Hornets Rebound for Win Against St. Wendelin

The Pandora-Gilboa boy’s basketball team split their pair of games this past week as they lost a non-conference battle to host rival Bluffton last Tuesday evening. The boys quickly turned things around three days later, as last Friday night they came-from-behind in the second half for a Blanchard Valley Conference win.

Looking ahead on the schedule, the Rockets (3-3 BVC, 1-3 PCL, 4-10) will look to build upon their win this past weekend and host BVC rival Arcadia this Fri-day evening Feb. 3rd. The Rockets will then travel down State Route 12 this coming Tuesday night Feb. 7th to take on Columbus Grove in a PCL tilt.


The Rockets ran into a buzz saw when they trav-eled to Bluffton last week in a non-league showdown between the two border-

ing schools. The two teams played to a 16-16 deadlock after eight minutes of play, as Bluffton slowly pulled away from there, dropping the Rockets by nine, 69-60. Most everything the Pirates threw in the air from behind the 3-point arc seemed to go in as the Rockets had no answer defensively. Nathan Schutz led the Rockets scoring ef-fort with 12 points, nailing two 3-pointers, while team-mate Owen Lugibihl pitched in a solid 10 points. Seth Schmenk and Eric Fenster-maker both tossed in 8 points, Abe Basinger was right be-hind them tallying 7 points, as the duo of Josh Breece and Alex Osborn each connected on 6 points. Jared Tousley rounded out the scoring with his 3 points. The turnover margin didn’t do the Rockets any favors as they turned the ball over 5 more times than the Pirates 19-14.

Cory- Rawson

Things didn’t look good early for the Rockets as they

fell behind early, 7-6 after the fi rst quarter of play and then faced a 23-27defi cit at the halftime break. But what-ever was said in the halftime locker room, the Rockets lis-tened, as they went out and outscored the Hornets 32-22 in the second half for a 49-45 BVC win. Owen Lugibihl led the Rockets charge as he piled up 14 points and Abe Basinger added 10 points, as P-G evened their BVC re-cord at 3-3. Josh Breece fi n-ished his night with 9 points, Seth Schmenk followed him up with 7 points, connect-ing on two 3-pointers. Alex Osborn contributed 4 points, Eric Fenstermaker hit a fi eld goal and free throw for his 3 points, and Nathan Schutz banked in one shot from the fl oor for his 2 points. Over all in was a well played game as both teams combined for only 19 turnovers. Cory-Rawson won the JV game.

continued from B1

Cory-Rawson fell behind early and never recovered as they fell to Leipsic in Blanchard Valley Confer-ence action on Thursday.

Leipsic shot out of the gate with a 20-4 run in the fi rst quarter. Cory-Rawson picked up the offense in the

second quarter scoring 12 points, but Leipsic was still able to extend their lead to 34-16 by halftime.

Coming out of the break Leipsic went on another run outscoring Cory-Rawson 18-12.

The Hornets rallied in the 4th quarter with a 12-9 ad-vantage over the Vikings but

it was too little, too late. The fi nal score was 61-40 in fa-vor of the Vikings.

Morgan Woodward and Courtney Dulle led the Hor-nets with 11 points each. Ki-ley Scott led the Hornets in rebounding with 7. The Hor-nets are now 5-9 overall and 1-6 in the BVC.

The Bulldogs came out on a mission to put as much pres-sure as possible on Pirate ball handlers. Mission accom-plished. In the fi rst quarter, the Pirates were able to shoot only 2-of-12 from the fi eld to score only fi ve total points. On the other side of the ball, the Bulldogs shot 7-of-9 from the fi eld to score 16 total points.

The story did not change much in the second quarter as the Pirates were forced to take uncomfortable shots over the top of close defend-ers, making just 2-of-11 from the fi eld and scoring only sev-en second quarter points. The Bulldogs continued to score and took a 28-12 lead into halftime, marking the lowest scoring half for the Pirates all

season.Konnor Baker led all

scorers at half-time with 12 points, hitting 3-of-6 from two point range and 1-of-1 from behind the arc. Michael Donley led the Pirates with six fi rst half points.

The Pirates could only muster three points in the third quarter as the Bulldogs jumped out to a commanding, 41-15, lead heading into the fi nal frame. That lead would prove to be too much as the fi nal quarter found the Pirates unable to come back. They hit the showers with the fi nal score 59-27.

Ada’s Baker led all scor-ers for the night, turning in 17 points on an 8-of-14 night from the fi eld, including 1-of-2 from behind the arc. RJ

Stratton led the Pirates with 12 points, hitting 5-of-12 from the fi eld and 2-of 2 free-throws.

Other scorers for the Pi-rates were Drake Luginbuhl (2 points), Donley (8 points), Matt Gillett (3 points), and Jordan Skilliter (2 points). The Pirates shot 10-of-40 (25 percent) from the fi eld, 2-of-13 (15 percent) from behind the arc, and 5-of-8 (63 percent) from the charity stripe. They pulled down 15 rebounds as a team and com-mitted 16 turnovers.

The Pirates will be back in action Friday, February 3, at Columbus Grove at 6 p.m. and then Saturday, February 4, at home against Van Wert, also at 6 p.m.

Eight third quarter Pirate turnovers and fi ve Bulldog offensive rebounds spelled doom for Bluffton. Ada won the quarter 17-11 to extend the lead out to eleven and they never looked back. The Pirates shot just 2 of 11 from the fi eld in the fourth quarter making a comeback nearly impossible as the defi cit grew out of reach. Ada’s Taylor Willeke scored 12 points to lead a balanced Bulldog at-tack. Tori Wyss and Tabby Jolliff each added 11.

“We got a lot of the looks we wanted,” Coach Eric Garmatter commented. “We were able to go inside at times and also get out in transition. Our shots simply did not fall tonight.” The Pirates shot a cool 11/39 (28%) inside the arc and just 2/9 (22%) on threes with makes by Gua-genti and Anna Crisp. “We struggled to defensively rebound the ball and gave up second and third chance points, and we just can’t do that.” Because of the 15 of-

fensive boards and turnovers (Bluffton 24, Ada 19) the Bullogs were able to hoist 18 more shots than the Pirates, helping them to the win.

The 7-9 Pirates have a week to get ready before host-ing Columbus Grove, who is 7-8 on the season. Both squads are 3-3 in Northwest Conference play.

Bluffton Scoring: Gua-genti 10 points, Amsutz 7, Prichard 6, Palte 4, Crisp 3, Lugibihl 2, Hughes 2

The Pandora-Gilboa Lady Rockets played two games this past week, splitting the pair. P-G lost their Blanchard Valley Conference match-up versus McComb last Thurs-day, and then the next time out they nearly doubled up Continental in their Putnam County League win over the Lady Pirates.

Looking ahead on the schedule the Lady Rockets (5-2 BVC, 2-3 PCL, 9-6) will host state ranked Arca-dia this Thursday night Feb. 2nd. They will then turn their attention to the PCL side of things as they will travel to Kalida this Saturday after-noon Feb 4th to battle the Lady Wildcats.


The Lady Rockets never really seemed to get on track in this game as they fell be-hind by a score of 9-7 after the fi rst quarter and 24-21 at the half before the Lady Pan-thers pulled away in the sec-ond half, as P-G lost 56-44.

Even though in a losing effort Megan Maag had a career type night for the Lady Rock-ets as she posted a double-double scoring a game high17 points and pulling down a game high 10 rebounds. Her teammate Megan Hovest had a solid night as she poured in 15 points hitting three 3-pointers. Others to contrib-ute in the scoring effort were Hunter Hermiller, hitting four free throws to fi nish with 4 points, Vanessa McCullough hit a 3-pointer for her 3 points, Morgan Gerdeman and Ash-ley Williams each popped in 2 points, while Ashley Alt closed things out with her lone point. The Lady Rockets had a decisive edge in the re-bounding department (35-22) but wiped out that advantage as they committed twice as many turnovers (20-10) than McComb. P-G won the JV game.


A 24-7 scoring advan-tage for the Lady Rockets in the second quarter proved to be the springboard that pro-pelled P-G to a 70-37 win

over Continental. The duo of Megan Hovest and Megan Maag combined to outscore Continental themselves as they accounted for 40 of the 70 point outburst for P-G. Hovest poured in a game high of 22 points while catching fi re from long range, connect-ing on fi ve 3-pointers. Mean-while Maag fi nished with 18 points while also securing a team high 9 rebounds. Those two couldn’t have done it by themselves with out get-ting help from their team-mates. Ashley Williams ran the show as she dished out 11 assists to go along with her 5 points, and even though Van-essa McCullough didn’t score its worth noting she passed the ball around accumulat-ing 6 assists. Keri Conine had a solid all around game as she contributed 8 points while Morgan Gerdeman and Megan Verhoff both tal-lied 6 points each. Hunter Hermiller was the fi nal lady to fi nd her name in the scor-ing column as she tossed in 5 points. Continental won the JV game.

Lady Hornets Fall Behind Early, Lose to Leipsic

The Bluffton Univer-sity men’s basketball team avenged an early season 82-79 home loss to Frank-lin College by pulling out a tough 65-57 victory on Sat-urday, Jan. 28. The Beavers upped their season record to 13-6 overall and 7-5 in the HCAC. Franklin dropped to 10-9 (7-5 HCAC) with its second consecutive loss.

The Beavers charged out of the gate, opening an 11-0 lead as fi ve different players put points up on the score-board. After the Grizzlies fi nally got untracked and cut the lead to seven, a hit from deep by senior Mychal Hill (London/Jon. Alder) put the visitors back up 16-6 mid-way through the fi rst period.

Franklin then settled in on its home court and be-gan chipping away at the

Bluffton lead until they knotted it up and then went ahead 24-22 on a jumper by Zach Mershbrock. Consecu-tive layups by Will Pope (Somerville/Preble Shaw-nee) put the visitors back on top, 26-25, heading into intermission.

The teams battled for the fi rst seven minutes of the second period with Bluffton clinging to a slim lead until senior Brent Farley (Lima/Shawnee) nailed a jumper and Josh Johnson (Ottawa/Ottawa-Glandorf) followed with a deuce on back-to-back possessions, pushing the Beaver lead to eight at 38-30.

The Grizzlies had one last run in them as they cut the defi cit to 52-50 with just under four minutes to play, but that was as close

as they could get. As Frank-lin looked to knot the game or go ahead with a three, a huge steal by Josh Fisher (Rockford/Parkway) led to a fast-break layup which shifted the momentum back in Bluffton’s favor. The vet-eran visiting squad closed out the game 65-57 by drain-ing 9-of-12 from the char-ity stripe to quell Franklin’s hopes for a season sweep of the Beavers.

Hill paced the Beavers in scoring with 15 points while also adding four dimes and fi ve boards. Fellow senior Nate Heckelman (Norwalk) also had a productive game for the team, sinking all 10 of his free throws to fi nish with 12 points and three rebounds. Farley chipped in with 11 points and fi ve boards as well.

The Bluffton women’s basketball team put up a strong fi ght but fell short (60-45) on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012, to the conference-leading Grizzlies of Franklin College. The loss snapped a streak of fi ve-straight HCAC wins by the Beavers while dropping the team to 7-12 (5-7 HCAC). The home team improved to 18-1 over-all (11-1 HCAC).

Lauren Hutton (New Riegel) started the game hot for the Beavers, scoring the team’s fi rst three buck-ets for a 6-2 advantage fi ve minutes in. Franklin settled down and answered with a 12-point jag for a 14-6 lead with eight and a half minutes

to play in the fi rst period.Beth Yoder (Marshall-

ville/Smithville) made her mark in this big game for Bluffton. The senior sharp-shooter came off the bench and gave the team a spark in the fi rst period, scoring sev-en of Bluffton’s nine points in a quick run by the Bea-vers which cut the Franklin lead to 17-15 with 2:32 re-maining in the half. Frank-lin standout Sarah Condra drained a triple that put the home team up 22-17 head-ing into the locker room.

Franklin notched the fi rst 10 points of the second stanza to open up a 32-17 advantage just three min-utes into the period. A Kylee

Burkholder (West Unity/Hilltop) layup with 13 min-utes to play cut the defi cit to 35-25, but after that tally, it was all Grizzlies. They built the lead up to as much as 20 and coasted in for a 60-45 victory at the expense of Beavers who were looking to extend their school-record fi ve-game HCAC winning streak.

Turnovers and fouls plagued Bluffton throughout the game as they struggled to fi nd any offensive rhythm. Sending the skilled and ex-perienced Franklin squad to the charity stripe for 21-of-28 freebies was too much to overcome.

The Bluffton men’s and women’s track and fi eld team were back in action on Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012, the fi nal day of the Findlay Clas-sic Invitational. Although it was a long, two-day meet, the Beavers had several strong performances.

Sophomore Kayla Mul-lenhour (Delphos/Jefferson) opened the second day of competition on the track by breaking the school record in the 60-meter hurdles and setting a new personal re-cord of 10.40. Junior Mad-die Moore (Linn Grove, Ind./South Adams) then took the track to break the

school record in the one-mile, running a time of 5:31.24. Sophomore Brandi Dominique (Wauseon) also rewrote the record books by setting a new school record in the 800-meters with a life-time-best time of 2:28.16.

Multiple personal re-cords were additionally set on the track. Freshman Jenna Strauss (Bridgewa-ter) had a trio of lifetime bests by running 9.32 in the 60-meter dash, 32.44 in the 200-meter dash and 10.66 in the 60-meter hurdles. Fresh-man Eric Dameron (Galion) ran two personal records in the 200-meter dash (25.69)

and in the 400-meter dash (57.85). Freshman Josh Mattoon (Rawson/Cory-Rawson) also had a pair of lifetime bests by running 57.87 in the 400-meter dash and 25.67 in the 200-meter dash. Junior Chris Arnold (Fort Wayne, Ind./Canter-bury) ran a lifetime personal record in the one-mile with a time of 5:14.36.

Highlighting the fi eld events on day two was soph-omore Julie Court (Galion) who had a lifetime best throw in the shot put with a distance of 31-08 feet.

Women’s Basketball HCAC Winning Streak Comes to End

Three School Records Broken on Day Two of Findlay Classic

P-G Boys Refuel in Second Half to Overtake Hornets

Lady Rockets Propelled by Early Lead Over Continental

Ada Grabs Win from Lady Piratescontinued from B1

by Matt M. Stutz

by Matt M. Stutz

by Benji Bergstrand

by Benji Bergstrand

Page 11: BN 02-02-2012

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Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012


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Bridge Hospice is pre-senting “Consider the Con-versation,” a documentary designed to teach men and women how to talk to their loved ones about end-of-life care. The event will be held Thursday, February 16 from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Hancock County Agency on Aging, 339 East Melrose Avenue in Findlay.

“Consider the Conversa-tion” examines multiple per-spectives on end-of-life care and includes information and experiences gathered from in-terviews with patients, family members, physicians, nurses, clergy, social workers, and national experts from around the country. Following the documentary, a discussion will be led by a team of pro-

fessionals.This event is free and open

to the public. Continuing edu-cation credits will be offered for medical professionals, social workers and funeral home directors. Registration is required and can be made by calling Bridge Hospice at 419.423.5351.

Bridge Hospice Presenting “Consider the Conversation”


What’s for lunch? February 6 - February 10

BLUFFTON CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTERMONDAY:B: Bagel, Cream Cheese, Citrus Salad, MilkL: Crusty Macaroni & Cheese w/Sausage, Green Beans, Apricots, MilkS: Goldfish Crackers, Applesauce, Tap Water

TUESDAY: B: Apple Cinnamon Cherrios, OJ, MilkL: Pork Fritter on a Bun, Baked Beans, Peaches, MilkS: Orange Slices & Wafers, Tap Water

WEDNESDAY: B: Cinnamon Roll, Applesauce, MilkL: Hot Ham & Cheese, Sandwich, Slaw, Fruit Cocktail, MilkS: Rice Cereal Snacks, Apple Juice

THURSDAY:B: French Toast, Pineapple, MilkL: Vegetable Beef Soup, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Banana, MilkS: Pumpkin Bar, Strawberry Milk

FRIDAY:B: Raisin Bran, OJ, MilkL: Chicken Alfredo, Breadstick, Carrots & Peas, Pineapple, MilkS: Peaches & Graham Crackers

CORY-RAWSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOLMONDAY: BBQ Pork Sandwich, French Fries, Fruit, MilkTUESDAY: Chili Soup, Bread & Butter, Fruit, MilkWEDNESDAY: Cereal & Milk, Sausage, Hash Browns, Fruit, MilkTHURSDAY: Chicken Nuggets, Peas & Carrots, Fruit, MilkFRIDAY: Taco Salad, Potato, Fruit, Milk

CORY-RAWSON MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOLMONDAY: Popcorn Chicken, Cauliflower Blend, Fruit, MilkTUESDAY: Assorted Sandwiches, Potato, Fruit, MilkWEDNESDAY: Potato Fluff, Peas, Fruit, MilkTHURSDAY: Burrito, Green Beans, Fruit, MilkFRIDAY: Chicken Roll-up, Corn, Fruit, Milk

PANDORA GILBOA SCHOOLMONDAY: Tacos, Lettuce/Cheese, Cookie, Fruit, Milk Ala-Cart: Taco Salads, Pretzels, Salads, Malts

TUESDAY: Pizza Boz, Hot Vegetable, Chips, Fruit, Milk Ala-Cart: Chicken Tenderloins, Pretzels, Salads, Malts WEDNESDAY: Ft. Long Hotdogs, Baked Beans, Ice Cream, Fruit, Milk Ala-Cart: Curly Fries, Pretzels, Salads, MaltsTHURSDAY: Hamburger, Cheese/Pickles, French Fries, Fruit, Milk Ala-Cart: Bosco Pizza, Pretzels, Salads, MaltsFRIDAY: Mac & Cheese/Rigatoni, Tossed Salad, Breadstick, Fruit, Milk Ala-Cart: Mozz. Cheese Sticks, Pretzels, Salads, Malts

BLUFFTON ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOLMONDAY: Cheeseburger, French Fries, Applesauce Cup, Milk MS: Ala-Cart: Chicken Caesar SaladTUESDAY: BBQ Pork Sandwich, Broccoli w/Cheese, Mixed Fruit, Milk MS: Ala-Cart: Funnel CakeWEDNESDAY: Popcorn Chicken, Tossed Salad w/Ranch Dressing, Sherbet Cup, Milk MS: Ala-Cart: Chicken Pot PieTHURSDAY: Chili Soup, Cheese Breadstick, Pears, Milk MS: Ala-Cart: Soft PretzelFRIDAY: Pizza, Carrots & Celery, Juice Bar, Milk MS: Ala-Cart: Soft Pretzel

BLUFFTON HIGH SCHOOLMONDAY: Spicy or Breaded Chicken Sandwich, French Fries, Fruit Cup, Milk Ala-Cart: Hot PocketTUESDAY: Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy, Fruit, Dinner Rolls, Milk Ala-Cart: Chicken Strips WEDNESDAY: Rotini w/Sauce, Caesar Salad, Motz Cheese Sticks, Peach Cup, Breadstick, Milk Ala Cart: Chef SaladTHURSDAY: Sausage-Egg & Cheese on Muffin, Tater Tots, Apple Juice, Milk Ala-Cart: Bacon Cheeseburger FRIDAY: Shredded Turkey Sandwich, Scalloped Potatoes, Fruit, Cookie, Milk Ala-Cart: Pizza

Bluffton Public Library invites you to warm up with great chili and enjoy live music at its second an-nual “Cook for Books” Chili Cook-Off. The event will be held Saturday, Feb. 25, from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at 145 South Main St., Bluffton.

Save $2 per person by getting advance tickets at the library for a minimum donation of $6 per person. Tickets will be $8 at the door unless the event sells out in advance. Ticket holders will enjoy a sample of each chili, dessert and beverage. Live entertainment will be pro-vided by local musicians. Jim Boedicker will perform from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and Matt Keeler from 12:30-1:30 p.m.

Three local “celebrities” will conduct a blind taste test

to determine the 2012 “Cook for Books Chili Champi-on.” Each ticket holder will also have an opportunity to vote for their favorite chili to determine the “People’s Choice” winner.

With the generosity of sponsors, cooks and vol-unteers, the library will be using 100 percent of the proceeds from this event to purchase additional youth and teen materials. These ad-ditional materials would not be possible otherwise, due to ongoing state funding cuts that now exceed 35 percent per year.

For more information, log on to, check out the li-brary’s Facebook page, visit the library or call 419-358-5016.

The Bluffton Area Cham-ber of Commerce and Bluff-ton Center for Entrepreneurs will co-host a free seminar focusing on “intellectual property.” The seminar is at 8:45 a.m., Friday, Feb. 10, in the third fl oor of the Bluffton town hall. The seminar fol-lows the chamber’s monthly member breakfast.

Jake Ward, attorney with the fi rm of Fraser Clemens Martin & Miller LLC, Per-rysburg, is the workshop speaker.

He will address topics including intellectual prop-erty and technology law, in-cluding patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, li-censing, technology transfer, intellectual property man-agement and infringement issues.

The attorneys in the fi rm

are technically trained as engineers or scientists. As a result, the fi rm has a broad range of experience and technical knowledge avail-able to assist clients with intellectual property require-ments.

The fi rm’s heritage dates back well over 50 years. The fi rm has 10 professionals and eight support staff in two states – Ohio and Michigan. Technical disciplines include mechanical, electrical and industrial engineering; elec-tronics; biochemistry and biotechnology; computer hardware and software; and business method patents.

Persons interested in ad-ditional information may contact Fred Steiner at the Bluffton chamber at 419-369-2985 or at [email protected]

Intellectual Property Seminar, February 10


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Richland Township Zoning Commission on February 16, 2012 at 7 p.m. at the Richland Township Building on Old Dixie High-way, Bluffton, Ohio. The purpose of the hearing is for an appli-cation for Petition for Zoning Amendment concerning the prop-erty located on North Dixie Hwy. Parcel No. 28150003026000 Bluffton, Ohio to change from Residential to B2. The owner of the property is Randall Miller. At the conclusion of the public meeting the matter will be referred to the Board of Township Trustees for further determination. If you have any questions please contact the Zoning Offi ce located at 8435 N. Dixie Hwy., Bluffton, Ohio. Phone: 419-358-4897.

Richland Township Zoning CommissionRichard Bixel, Secretary

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Th e Bluff ton News Th ursday, February 2, 2012




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Ezekiel Lee CoffmanJanuary 24, 2012

Parent: Michael & Megan Sex: Male

Length: 21 inchesWeight: 7 lbs.

Resides in Bluffton, Ohio

Bluff ton Hospital Birth Announcements