Bmc GoGreen Newsletter Summer 2013

Glimpses of Earth Day 2013 Glimpses of Earth Day 2013 Caecilia Meier, Environmental Division, Bavaria Military Community The Bavaria Military Community celebrated Earthday with a series of events in the months of April and May 2013. It all started out with an environmental book display at the Rose Barracks Vil- seck and Tower Barracks Grafenwoehr libraries and got to a first highlight on April, 22nd, when the new Freecycle Center was opened. In the same week, Vilseck High School planted a hedgerow together with DPW Environmental Division and the Bundesforst, Grafenwoehr Elementary School had a science fair and MWR CYS celebrated its annual Kinderfest with several environmentally friendly activities. In mid-May, third graders from Vilseck Elementary School had a lot of fun during a nature walk in the forest near the Family Housing area with members of the Environmental Division. The big finale were two school-organized environmental days at Grafenwoehr Elementary School (May 17th) and Netza- berg Elementary School (May 24th). On both days, members of the 44th Expedi- tionary Support Battalion spent their free time to contribute to the events. BMC Newsletter “Go GreenIssue 3 June 2013 Page 1 Thanks to all who contributed to the 2013 Earth Day events and activities at Bavaria Military Community. More: USAGGEnvironmental Inside this issue: Glimpses of Earth Day 1 What about a king in a beehive? 2 White-tailed eagles 2 Household hazardous waste 3 New water-monitoring station 3 Protect yourself from ticks 4 Go Green vehicle maintenance 4 Interesting places to go 4 B a v a r i a M i l i t a r y C o m m u n i t y “Go Green” “Go Green” 44th ESB explaining beaver facts “Playing green” at the CYS Kinderfest DPW SORT coordinators at Graf Elem School Nature walk, Vilseck Elementary School Willow Dome, Rose Barracks Opening of the freecycle center



Transcript of Bmc GoGreen Newsletter Summer 2013

Glimpses of Earth Day 2013Glimpses of Earth Day 2013

Caecilia Meier, Environmental Division,

Bavaria Military Community

The Bavaria Military Community

celebrated Earthday with a series of

events in the months of April and

May 2013.

It all started out with an environmental

book display at the Rose Barracks Vil-

seck and Tower Barracks Grafenwoehr

libraries and got to a first highlight on

April, 22nd, when the new Freecycle

Center was opened.

In the same week, Vilseck High School

planted a hedgerow together with

DPW Environmental Division and the

Bundesforst, Grafenwoehr Elementary

School had a science fair and MWR CYS

celebrated its annual Kinderfest with

several environmentally friendly activities.

In mid-May, third graders from Vilseck

Elementary School had a lot of fun during

a nature walk in the forest near the

Family Housing area with members of the

Environmental Division.

The big finale were two school-organized

environmental days at Grafenwoehr

Elementary School (May 17th) and Netza-

berg Elementary School (May 24th). On

both days, members of the 44th Expedi-

tionary Support Battalion spent their free

time to contribute to the events.

BMC Newsletter

“Go Green”

Issue 3

June 2013

Page 1

Thanks to all who

contributed to the

2013 Earth Day events

and activities at Bavaria

Military Community.



Inside this issue:

Glimpses of Earth Day 1

What about a king in a beehive? 2

White-tailed eagles 2

Household hazardous waste 3

New water-monitoring station 3

Protect yourself from ticks 4

Go Green — vehicle maintenance 4

Interesting places to go 4

Bavaria Military Community “Go Green”“Go Green”

44th ESB explaining beaver facts

“Playing green” at the CYS Kinderfest

DPW SORT coordinators at Graf Elem School

Nature walk, Vilseck Elementary School Willow Dome, Rose Barracks

Opening of the freecycle center

Caecilia Meier, Environmental Division,

Bavaria Military Community

What about a king in the beehive? That’s one

of the most amazing questions the students

asked the hobby beekeeper Mr. Reinhold

Birner during the environmental day at Net-

zaberg Elementary School on May, 24th —

but of course, there is none.

Mr. Birner had set up a comprehensive ex-

hibit about bee keeping and harvesting honey

including a complete set of beekeeper’s

equipment as well as a living beehive behind a

glass panel. The students learned a lot about

the life cycle in a beehive, how to uncap the

combs, harvest the honey or how to process

the wax. Above all, they had a lot of fun

wearing the protective gear of a beekeeper,

turning the centrifuge and last but not least

tasting the honey.

What about a king in the beehive? What about a king in the beehive?

Page 2

Newsletter Bavaria Military Community “Go Green” June 2013

Stefan Haertl, Environmental Division, Bavaria Military


In May and early June, Mr. Daniel Schmidt,

Germany-wide expert for raptors, banded the

nestlings of the white-tailed eagle at Grafen-

woehr Training Area (GTA). He was accom-

panied by members of the Garrison Environ-

mental Division and the Federal Forest Of-


The bands provide information about the

birds’ birth place and date, thus supporting the

conservation efforts for this species.

In Germany, the white-tailed eagle is pro-

tected by law. Around 1900, it was almost

extinct in Europe. Now, Germany is home to

around 700 breeding pairs, but there are only

4-5 pairs in Bavaria. Outside of GTA, white-

tailed eagles are known to breed near the

Altmühlsee (since 2006) and the bird sanctu-

ary “Lower Inn River” (since 2009), a wetland

of international importance.

At GTA, the first successful brood of white-

tailed eagles in Bavaria was recorded in 2001,

when a young eagle was seen on one of the

ranges. Protected from human disturbances

like sports and other leisure time activities in

the surface danger zones, the eagles success-

fully increased their population. This year,

there are at least two breeding pairs at GTA

with four nestlings, which is very likely 50 % of

the total population in Bavaria.

Furthermore, several non-breeding eagles from

other parts of Germany, Poland, and Czecho-

slovakia have recently been observed at GTA

— identified through their individual color

bands around their legs.

The European white-tailed eagle is a close rela-

tive to the American bald eagle.

Netzaberg Elementary School students with hobby beekeeper Reinhold Birner

Offspring at the whiteOffspring at the white--tailed eagle’s nesttailed eagle’s nest

Two white-tailed eagle nestlings at Grafenwoehr Training Area

Photo: Daniel Schmidt

Household hazardous wasteHousehold hazardous waste

New water monitoring station in placeNew water monitoring station in place

ardous materials. Dispose of these materials

at the places shown in the table below.

Electronic equipment contains toxic sub-

stances like lead, mercury, cadmium, but

also re-usable substances, e.g. copper or


Since March 2006, electric and electronic

waste (e-waste) must also be collected and

disposed of separately from household


Elisabeth Prem, Environmental Division, Bavaria

Military Community

Hazardous materials (HM) are not used at

work places alone. A close look through

your household will reveal different kinds of

hazardous material: Adhesives, antifreeze,

corrosives, batteries, bleaches, brake fluids,

detergents, disinfectants, dyes, fertilizers,

motor oil, nail polish, pesticides , printer

cartridges, solvents, stain removers, strip-

pers, thinners, toners are examples of haz-

Page 3

Newsletter Bavaria Military Community “Go Green” June 2013

More Info:

Elisabeth Prem, Environmental

Engineer, DSN 476–2932



One ton of old mobile

phones contains

valuable resources:

- 1,7 kg silver

- 300 g gold

- 80 g palladium

- rare earth elements

Total Value

~ $ 20,000

New water monitoring station in the

Schaumbach creek

collect data about the quality and quantity

of surface water leaving the training area. The quality of the surface water is deter-

mined by measuring conductivity, tem-perature, pH-value, oxygen content and

other characteristics of the water. In addition, automatic water sampling can

be initiated over a given period of time for biological, hydrological and further water quality analysis. Furthermore, data are

used to - run erosion and runoff models

- ensure good water quality for fishing - optimize erosion and runoff control

- identify water pollution origin - defend the training area against wrongful

off post claims.

Albert Amberger, Environmental Division,

Bavaria Military Community

The Directorate of Public Works

Environmental Division just completed an environmental project to install a

water monitoring station in the Schaumbach Creek at the eastern boundary of Grafenwoehr Training

Area. The installation of the monitor-ing station is a requirement of the

host nation water rights permit for the Tower Barracks. It is the last of

eight stations placed in a major creek within the training area border.

The purpose of these stations is to

Newsletter Bavaria Military Community “Go Green” June 2013

Protect yourself from ticks Protect yourself from ticks Source: Public Health Command Fact Sheets

Most bugs are just an annoyance, but

some, like ticks, can transmit the bacte-

rium responsible for Lyme disease

(borreliosis) or spread other diseases like

the tick-born encephalitis.

Although most tick bites won’t transmit a

disease, some can.

Pre-cautions you can take

Avoid known tick areas since ticks are

picked up after direct contact only.

In risk areas for tick borne encephalitis:

vaccination (encephalitis only).

Protect yourself by adequate clothing

(long pants, trouser legs close to the skin,

light colored clothes and shoes).

Search for ticks on your clothes and

especially on the body after you’ve been


Apply repellents.

In case of a tick bite

Remove tick(s). Use narrow-tipped

tweezers to grasp it as close to your skin

as possible, and pull upward slowly and

steadily. Then wash your skin and hands

with soap and warm water. Never crush

or squeeze an attached tick.

Closely watch bite area for changes in

skin color, get medical treatment, if

necessary, send in tick for bacterial analy-


Protect your pets from ticks:

Ticks crawling on cats or dogs can cross

over to humans. Therefore, try to keep

your pets free of pests. The most effec-

tive tick control are products from your

veterinarian that kill all stages of ticks.

Consistency is the key for

success; one missed dose

will expose your pet to a

greater risk for tick

borne diseases.

Interesting places to go Interesting places to go Caecilia Meier, Environmental Division ,

Bavaria Military Community

Grafenwoehr Nature Trail

The trail is located in the immediate

vicinity of the new Outdoor Recreation

Center near Dickhäuter Lake that will be

opened this summer. Interesting facts

can be found along the trail, from topics

like trees, butterflies, and forestry to

wildlife management, soil, and wetlands.

At a leisurely pace, the trail can be com-

pleted in about one or one and a half

hours. To get there, exit Tower Barracks

Grafenwoehr thru gate 9 and turn right.

Landesgartenschau Tirschenreuth

This gardening exhibit offers a lot of fun

for children but also information about

nature and fish hatcheries in the local


Useful tools for removing

ticks (available in drugstores

or pharmacies)

Playground at the garden

exhibit in Tirschenreuth

Grafenwoehr nature trail




emission control systems will identify

damage to components that play a critical

role in reducing pollution.

Regular checks of hoses and seals will

prevent leaks of toxic fluids like glycol

containing antifreeze and brake fluid.

Regular checks of fluids will ensure that

they only get topped up or replaced

when necessary. Regular checks of tires

will identify damage and uneven wear and

ensure that the tires are inflated to the

level that optimizes fuel efficiency.

By Reinhold Froehlich, Environmental Division,

USAG Hohenfels.

Motor vehicles represent a major source

of air pollution. Routine vehicle mainte-

nance is essential to reduce the direct

emissions of pollutants to the air from

vehicle fuel combustion. Vehicle exhaust

contains carbon dioxide (a greenhouse

gas), particulate matter, carbon monoxide

(a component of smog), and volatile or-

ganic compounds (some are carcinogens).

Regular inspection of the exhaust and

Go green Go green -- vehicle maintenance vehicle maintenance

More Info:

Environmental Division,

USAG, Hohenfels,

DSN 466-2658

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