Blythe ortiz7120 5e handbooks 2 15-2012 final

NPR 7120.5 E PM and SRB Handbooks- The Bridge Between Policy and Implementation Michael Blythe NESC Deputy Director for Safety James N. Ortiz, PhD Director, Independent Program Assessment Office PM Challenge February 22-23, 2012



Transcript of Blythe ortiz7120 5e handbooks 2 15-2012 final

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NPR 7120.5 E PM and SRB Handbooks- The Bridge Between Policy and


Michael BlytheNESC Deputy Director for Safety

James N. Ortiz, PhDDirector, Independent Program Assessment Office

PM ChallengeFebruary 22-23, 2012

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• The current version of NPR 7120.5 has been streamlined to the core essential requirements with the implementation guidance now contained in a new NASA Program and Project Management Handbook and an updated version of the Standing Review Management (SRB) Handbook.

• This talk is intended to familiarize the project management community with the purpose, current status, and future plans for these handbooks


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NPR 7120.5 Space Flight Program and Project Management

Handbook Status and Future Plans

Michael Blythe

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Purpose of the PM Handbook

• The PM Handbook is a guidance document– Provides additional information and rationale to support the content of

NPR 7120.5E which has been streamlined to mainly capture requirements

– Provides guidelines and best practices for performing program/project management activities to satisfy the requirements in NPR 7120.5E.

– Provides practical examples of successful approaches currently in use (i.e., how to establish and maintain baselines)

• The intended audience ranges from experienced practitioners to individuals just starting in space flight program and project management

• The PM Handbook is applicable to all NASA space flight programs and projects


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Suite of 7120.5 Documents Overview

• The PM Handbook complements NPR 7120.5– An interim version of the PM Handbook is posted on the “Other Policy”

tab in NODIS under the OCE menu that provides additional detail to help with implementing the requirements of the NID to NPR 7120.5D, which is current Agency policy posted in NODIS.

– An updated version of the Interim PM Handbook will be posted to the OCE and the PM Communities of Practice shortly after the revised NPR 7120.5E goes into NODIS for Agency review. This draft of the handbook is updated to support NPR 7120.5E.

– This interim handbook will be replaced once the build out of the comprehensive PM Handbook has been completed.

• NPR 7120.5E is also supported by a suite of other handbooks, primarily the Standing Review Board Handbook, but including other handbooks posted on the OCE tab in NODIS.


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Current Status

• Managed by OCE. A team has been formed to oversee the development of the handbook– Team meets weekly to discuss progress and resolve issues

• Table of Contents has been generated and topics to develop have been prioritized– Initial writing assignments have been made and writing is in progress

• Team is identifying existing supporting materials that the handbook will point to (i.e. SRB Handbook)


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PM Handbook Contents (Draft)

• Special Topics– Baseline Policy

• Baseline• Rebaseline vs Replan and Triggers• UFE• JCL• Commitments (ABC, Management

Agreement)• Decision Memorandum

– SRB process– Other Reviews– Budget process– Commercial– More on program and project oversight and

approval– Reporting Requirements– SI Metrics Analysis– Center Reimbursable Space flight Work– Technology Develop to Space Flight– Threat Protection

• Preface• Introduction• High-level Overview

– Governance– Overview of Management processes– Budget Process and Timing

• Programs and Projects– Intro: types– Program and Project Life Cycles by Type– Life Cycle Phases

• Control plans• Implications of Different P/p types• Schedule• Life Cycle Cost• Overview Baselining• Launch/Flight Reviews

• Program and Project Governance and Authority– Governance– Technical Authority– Dissenting Opinion– Tailoring and Authority

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PM Handbook Flow

• The PM Handbook content flow follows NPR 7120.5E’s structure

• Particular emphasis is on– Background for why the process or system evolved to what it is, it’s

purpose.– Requirements rationale– Explanation of and products required for each phase– Successful examples of how to implement each phase

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Sample of Topics

• Formulation Agreement• Expected Maturity State and Product Maturity• Confidence Level (CL) and Joint Confidence Level (JCL)• Technical Authority and Dissenting Opinions in a Multi-Center environment• Tailoring• Preparing for a KDP• Baseline• Project Reporting• Commercial Providers• Others??

– Your suggestions for additional Special Topics are welcome• Send to [email protected]

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Future Plans

• Prioritize additional topics to be written• FAQs posted to NEN site (NEN Program/Project Management Community

of Practice (NEN PPM CoP) -– Your suggestions for additional FAQs are welcome

• Assign additional topics and produce standalone white papers to be posted on PM NEN site for use until Handbook is complete

• Target dates for PM Handbook:– First draft out with release of NPR 7120.5E– Red team review (includes current practitioners)– Release final draft 2 months after NPR 7120.5E release– Publish 4 months after NPR 7120.5E release

• Handbook will NOT go through NODIS process, but instead through the STI process where it will become a NASA Special Publication (SP) document

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7120.5E Schedule


(Initial Rev EDraft)




(NID 7120-97)

Draft SRB









Sep 11 Jun 12Aug 11 Nov 11 Jan 12

Red Team Review



Oct 11

NID Update and Draft Handbook

NID NODIS Released

Jun 11 Jul 11

NPR Revision E and Handbook

STI process -Special Publication (SP)

InitiateNODIS Cycle


PM Handbook

Handbooks and other 7120.5 related material available on the NEN PPM CoP



PM Handbook

NID = NASA Interim DirectiveNPR = NASA Procedural RequirementPM = Program and Project ManagementSRB = Standing Review Board

Dec 11

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• Currently the handbook is in an early phase of development• The first draft of the comprehensive PM Handbook will be

consistent and align with NPR 7120.5E as it emerges from the NODIS review– The current schedule estimate for the release of NPR 7120.5E is

summer of 2012

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Standing Review Board Handbook and Processes –

Status and Future Plans

James N. Ortiz, Ph.D.Director, Independent Program Assessment Office

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Function of the SRB Handbook

• The SRB Handbook is a guidance document– Provides guidelines and best practices for conducting reviews of Programs and projects to

satisfy the requirements in NID 7120-97 and guidance in the PM Handbook.– Provides the structure to ensure mandatory compliance to avoid Personal and

Organizational Conflict of Interest (PCI/OCI) in the establishment and operation of the SRB and to address the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)

• Contractor• Civil Servant

– Identifies the three board structures and how these are required to operate and report.

• The SRB Handbook guidance is applicable to all NASA Program and Project reviews

– Those led by the IPAO, Programs, CAT 1 and CAT2 (LCC > $250M).– Those led by the Centers, CAT 2 (LCC < $250M) and CAT 3– Used by Program/project Managers as a reference


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SRB Handbook

• Initial version published on December 2009 aligned with NPR 7120.5D

• Updated in draft form to align with recent NID 7120-97 and draft PM Handbook

• Provides expanded guidance to include changes discussed in this briefing

• Rev A will be reviewed and published along with NPR 7120.5E and PM Handbook

• Content regarding Conflict of Interest (COI) has not changed

• Posted on NODIS linked to the NPR 7120.5 D NID and at the IPAO Web site at:

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SRB Handbook Rev A Contents

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SRB Handbook Rev A Contents (cont)

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SRB Handbook Flow

• The SRB Handbook content flow follows the Life Cycle Review phases– Particular emphasis is on the preparing, conducting and

reporting phases.

• This flow follows the fundamental timeline for the conduct of Life Cycle Review activities

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Life Cycle Review Phases

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Changes in the SRB Handbook Rev A

• Guidance added on the use of the 1-step and 2-step review processes

• Defines the Standard Terms of Reference (ToR)– SRB Handbook contains the ToR template

• Reflects the updates to Convening Authority (CA) approvals in the PM Handbook

• Guidance added on SRB Composition and Balance for consistency with the PM Handbook

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Changes in the SRB Handbook Rev A (Cont)

• Readiness Assessment process reflects the current practice• “Discussion” of the status of the project relative to the entry

criteria and success criteria

• SRB assessment criteria use the expected maturity states specified in the NID and PM Handbook

• SRB structure options updated to reflect the guidance in the PM Handbook

• The PIR review criteria removed• The PIR review is conducted like any other Life Cycle Review

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Changes in the SRB Handbook Rev A (Cont)

• Other changes• Late Life Cycle Reviews section added• Special Reviews section added• Checkpoints section added• New nomenclature integrated

– Snapshot Report

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• Currently at an intermediate step in the revision process

• The SRB Handbook will be updated as needed for consistency and alignment with NPR 7120.5E and the final PM Handbook– The current schedule estimate for the release of NPR 7120.5E is early

summer of 2012

• The latest SRB Handbook is on the IPAO Website at: