BLUE POINT NEWS ITEMS Mrs. WUliam Waj-hrauch . 111. rt. 4-wis* Saturday night , Miss Mary Grosser of 145 Blue I' oint avenue •was pleasantly surprised at a bri- dal shower Riven in her honor by her selected attendants , Miss Rob- erta Strum and Misses Violet and Lea Grosser , at her home on "Blue Point avenue. The guests included , Mesdames .lack Tookmnnian , Al- fred Jack , and Misses Sara h Pa- gano and Minnie Macuso. of Pat- chogue, Mrs. Robert DeSant of East Patchogue , Mrs. George Mot- tle of Holtsville, Mrs. George Ga- maldi of Canaan Lake , Mrs. Rich- ard Gardischcr of Lake Ronkon- koma, Mrs. Harvey Jordan of Port Jefferson , Mesdames Harvey Buin - istead, John Wood and Norman Grosser of Blue Point; Mrs. Cath- erine Morman of Bayport , Mrs. Joseph Patkalitsky and Miss Rob- erta iStrum of Oukdale , Mrs. Wil- liam Lune of East lslip, Mrs. Gregory Maresca and daughter , Regina , of Amityville , Mrs. Jo- sephine Ambrose , Mrs . John Krenn and Sara Maresca of the Bronx , Mesdames John Grosser , Victo r Grosser and Robert Gros- ser of Freeport , Mrs. William Mc- Connell and daughte r, Mildred , of Ozone Park , Mrs. Kenneth Am- brecht of Merrick, Mrs . Herbert Grosser of Seaford, Mrs. Harold Grosser of Long Island city, Mes- dames Robert O'Hara , Paul Pe- tersen and Kate McCormack ol Brooklyn , Mrs. Richard lazo of Hewlett , Mesdames Paul Grosser , John Grosser, Robert Grosser, Jr . Eric Lenhardt and Miss Emily Steinhilber of Babylon , Mrs. Jo- seph Belowski of Brightwaters and Miss Joann O'Hara of Wood- ha ' ven. Refreshments were served from a table decorated with hearts and iiowers . Miss Grosser will be married to -Prank Ambrose of the Uronx June <> at the Church of Our'Lady of the Snow, Blue Point avenue. The- commissioners of the Blue Point Fire district will hold their annual Inspection and dinner Feb- ruary 27 at the Club 51. Chaa. H- J. Bogel haa purchased Uic Eutelle Noble Real Estate and Insurance Business and will con- tinue at the same location.—Adv. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William Weyhrauch and sons, Richard and Alan, and Mrs. Frieda Boyd of A rthur avenue attended the en- gagement dinner party of Mr. WeyorauchVs niece, Miss Anne Marie Westenberger of New Hyde Park, to John Kenneth Baer of New Hyde Park. The happy cou- ple received lovely gifts from the 30 guests present. The calendar for the week at the Blue Point Baptist church will be as follows: Today, 8 p. m. the motion pietue "The Ten Miracle Years , " will be shown by the lieu. Rb> Watson. Sunday, 10 a. nv. Bible school hour with DeVern e Swezey, sunerintendent , in charge; the Rev. I. A. Faik teaching: the adult Bible clas s starting at 10:16 a. m.; Morning worship 11 a. in.; Evening wor- ship 7:30 p. m. sermon and song. Tuesday, 8 p. m. regular weekly choir rehearsal. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coccia of Noble street entertained over the weekend of-February 6 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maida and son , Bob- by , and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jiaida, all of Brooklyn. , Mrs. Edward McDevitt and Mr. and Mrs. John McDevitt of Hollis were the weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Paumanake road. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Strickland of Paumanake road attended a recent open house at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stang of Say- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kellers of Corey avenue have returned from a week' s vacation spent in Mi- ami Beach , Fla. At release time school last Wednesday afternoon at the Blue Point Baptist church a Valentine party was held. Awards were given to Sharo n Tuttle, Kay Con- nelly and Nina Lauritsen for steady attendance. Saturday afternoon Bonnie Lundy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lundy of Davis avenue , entertained at a Valentine parjy. The guests included Jill and Shir- ley Madalone , Norma Lauritsen , Mickey Aug, Karen Swenson, Joyce Elbert and Elena Ferri. The girls enjoyed games, singing and lefreshments. For choice meats and groceries shop at Shand' s Bayport Store. Plenty of parking space. —Adv. Mrs. G. Howard Hatfield of Woodland street is recuperating from a major operation at her home after spending two weeks in Mather Memorial hospital , Port Jeffe rson. Mr. and Mrs . Donald Kirouac of Pheasant way spent the weekend visiting friends and relatives at West Hartford, Conn., and Long Meadow , Mass. B. T. 2 Vincent J. Roslak , who is stationed at Norfolk , Va., spent the weekend with his wife , Rose- ann, at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rocding of Oak drive. On Lincoln' s birthday Mrs . Frieda Boyd and Mrs. William Weyhrauch and sons, Richard and Alan of Arthur avenue , spent the day with Mrs. Frieda Reincke and Mrs. Charles Atz at their home in Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Faron of Arthur avenue have returned home from a two-week business and pleasure trip. They spent three days visiting their son-in- law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Van Nostrand and sons, ; Herbert , Jr., and Arthur, in Bris- 1 tol , Tenn. The rest of the trip was spent in Gadsden and Rag- land, Ala. Mrs. Sheila Allen of Danes street was - the guest of Mrs. George Schurmann of New York city February 8. Elliott Burchell of Paumanake road left Monday for Augusta, Me., where he will manage a Mc Lellan store. U ntil then he "was the manage* of the Patchogue •tore ' on West Main street. Mrs. Burchell j»nd family will follow as soon as living quarters can be found. Marvin Gordon , son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gordon of Maple street, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ted J ackson of Hempstead. Last Thursday Mrs. Alfred Werner of Division avenue was honored at a stork shower given by Mrs. Thomas Liguori of Pat- chogue. The very many beautiful gifts were arranged in a prettily decorated ba thine tte. The color scheme was baby blue, pink and white. The guests included Mrs. William Rogers, Mrs. Louis Rose, Mrs. Rupert Werner, Mrs. Tim- othy Maxaei , Mrs. John Behan , Mrs. Thomas Morri&scy, Mrs. George Werner, and Mrs. Richard HamMey nil of Blue Point, Mrs. George Sticker, " Mrs. George Kur- ras, Miss Theresa Gardner , Mrs. Marvin Roeckletn , all of Patch- ogue, and Mrs. James McKinney of Sayville. The Ladies' auxiliary of the Blue Point Fire department held its annual dinner Saturday night at Kelly ' s in Sayville. Sixty-ei ght members and their escorts attend- ed and enjoyed dancing to the mu- sic of Bill King and his orchestra . The table decorations were in the Valentine theme with red roses as cente rpieces. Tonight the ladies will hold their regular meeting in the school , Mrs. Joseph Jurgens , president , presiding. Mrs. Sadie Slater of Nelson court fell and broke her , ankl e last week and is confined to ' her home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montieth of Blue Point avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Stegemann of Hum- phrey lane were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris , Jr., of Lake Ronkonkoma Sunday. Susan and Doyle McCarthy, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Josep h McCarthy of Glades road, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Anderson of New York city. While there they at- tended the ballet at the New York City Center. Volunteers are badl y needed for the Ground Observer Corps. Anyone interested from Blue Point may call Patchogue 3-4046. Last Wednesday night Mrs. Al- fred Swezey of Park avenue en- tertained the Sit and Sew club. The Home bureau will meet next Thursday at the home of Mrs. Arno Biedermahn on Smith street. The day will be set aside to finish up basic sewing, alumi- num trays and Rochester bags. Saturday night Nini Lauritsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mads Lauritsen of Maple street , enter- tained at a Valentine party for her young friends. The decora- tions were multi-colpred balloons and red hearts. A big iced cake heart was the centerpiece of the buffet table. The guests included Diane Shene, Margaret Sosinski , Jill Madalone, Karen Swenson, Patty Leadbeater, Beatrice Link , Wayne Miller , RicKard Weyh- rauch , Bobby Geary, Clyde Gulp, III , Terry McCarthy, Thomas Betjemann, Douglas McKinney and Gary Sheffield. Games and dancing were enjoyed by the sub- teeners. Friday night a dance was held at the Blue Point school for all seventh and eighth grade and high school students of the Bay- port-Blue Point district. The chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland and Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis Miles. At the February meeting of the Parent-Teacher association . which will be held Tuesday, Founders day will be celebrated. Mrs. Meredith Springe r, editor of . the New York State Bulletin and past president of Long Is- land District Parent Teacher as- sociation, will speak. Tw° life memberships will be Awardfed. Mrs. Leonard Pf ister; class mother, and her committee nf fifth grade mothers will -serve. Monday morning, at the home of Mrs. Howard Shone, the Para- keet patrol of Girl Scout Troop 28 held i t s Investiture with a candle ceremony. The girls also entertained with a play about Cinderella, which is part of their work toward becoming second class Scouts. The girl s who took part in the ceremonies were Mar- tha Gregory, Nina Lauritsen, Bea- trice Link, Jill Madalone , Mary- ann Mazzei, Margaret Sosinski , Diane Shene , Karen Swenson, Ei- leen Train, Lynn Wedegis and Linda Weeks. The mothers who attended were Mrs. Frank Link, Mrs. Kenneth Sosinski. Mrs. Her- bert Gregory, Mrs. Martin Wede- gis, Mrs. Mads Lauritsen, Mrs . John Rowland, senior leader, and Mrs. Donald Kirouac and Mrs. Howard Shene, leaders of the Parakeets. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Colleton of Brooklyn spent Sunday ' with Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Neal of Atlantic avenue. Henry F. Ostermann of Glades read attended the American As- sociation of Schools Administra- tors convention at Atlantic City, N. •)., last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Need Salcsbooks ? You 'll find them at the Patchogue Advance. James Barry Jr., of Mew York city and Mrs . Helen O'Brien of Brooklyn spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Ostermann of Glades road. Mrs. Henry F. Ostermann . re- turned home February 6 after spending three weeks in Fort Lauderdale and Miami , Fla. Mrs. Ostermann accompanied County Republican Chairman and Mrs. R. . Ford Hughes of Patchogue, who returned home last week. I VENEZ NOUS VOIR j NOS AMIS | i THREE WAY ALL-EXTRUDED ALUMINUM I ; < Combination Storm and Screen < I$1ft75 WINDOW ! ¦ t| Installation 13 [ ¦ *RW Up to Sizes 32x55 P Finest Quality Extruded Interlocking Glass Insert s l - Aluminum m No Kust _ No p ai mi Dg— J i >o storage >o Putting v . ... ._ o- _j: < E I p or Taking Down S " Warping or Binding , P i \ 1 00% All-Extruded Aluminum Combination j [ STORM & HOOD | SCREEN L>UUK j Two-Panel Door ^^ « J O Complete Aluminum Frame & Am mr^ ^\^\ ' l-t.ll > Kauippcd Door ( heck ^h MM II I II 1 t Pneumatic Door ( hec k T A ^M— ^mWM ^* T ^* T J I All ^^m ^ mmW In.rd f Door Lock ^^^ { Flexible S«e t .p at Bottom of INSTALLATION i f Doo r for Perfect CloKUre OPTIONAL $10 i t Regular Price $85 \ I CUS T OM BUNDS made to order i j j t No Charge or Obligation < I For a Free Estimate at Your Home ! J WE ARE FM.A. APPROVED j { No Down Payment 3 Years to Pay ! | ATLANTIC INSULATION | \ COMPANY, LNC . < % 96 West Main Street PAtchogue 3-0089 LOANS Our Persona! Loan Service fa designed exactly to meet jrotir needs; convenient and easy repayment terms make our service especially attractive. WE MAKE LOANS UP TO $300 Quickly and Confidentially Suffolk County Finance Co.. Inc. 120 E. Main 81. P.Uhogua, L. L Phone PAtchacae 3-1IM I 155 Park Ave. AtnltyrilU, L.I. Pawn* AMUrvflle 4-IS3* Bayport-Blue Point School News Bayport Elementary < All the grades enjoyed the ex- change of valentines last week. Florence Rugile of the morn- ing- first grade brought heart cookies for the class. Peter Poster furnished home made cookies for the afternoon class. Glen Hollins is now a member of the afternoon first grade , having moved here from Patchogue. Morning fifth grade pupils held a Valentine party in their room last Thursday. Cup cakes baked by the girls and ice cream were served. Valentines were ex- changed. Abraham Lincoln' s life and ac- complishments have been the sub- ject of discussion during the week and work in social studies, Eng- lish and art classes. High School The Honor roll for the second quarter, grades 7 through 12 at Bayport high, contains the follow- ing names : Grade 12: Claire Ly- decker, Martha Matthias , Dwight Maud , Ronald Piatt , Evelyn Roec- klein , Henrietta Wilshire. Grade ill: John Fickling, Robert Jones , Austin McGeary, Harriette Mose- ley, Kurt Nielsen , David Van Burcn. Grade 10: Gail Calder , Richard H iam, Timothy Shackel- ford. Grade 9: Joan Barthelme, Janice Becker, Lueile Livoti. Grade 8: Harriet Brown. Grade 7: Penelope BlQhni, Gerard Bour- guignon, Claire Hester , Mary Lou Meyer , Joan Sack. The following students were successful in obtaining the aver- age necessary to be placed on the Credit list: Grade 12: Lorraine i DuBois , Sue Frieman, Gary Rem- | me, Eleanor Tingen. Grade 11: Marnos Barsamian, Ann Husing, Garry Lewis , Judy Newdell , Hen- ry Schwab , Patricia Vi gnato. Grade 10: Gary Miller, Nancy Tobin , Caroline Tripp. Grade 9: Jason Anderson , Rriscilla Greene, Marsha Lloyd , Kenneth Nielsen , Sandra Scott , Martin Sonkin, Hugh Wedegis , Margaret West. Grade 8: Carol Castro , Victor Cushing, Elsie Keller. Phyllis Lipson , Donald Lloyd. Grade 7: Fred Balling, Robert Hibbard, David Iverson, Richard Wester- velt. GORDON HEIGHTS NEWS aire. Alberta Beach. BEldea LITIS <. Youth day waa well attended Saturday at the Ebenezer Sabbath Bay church, Pinegrove avenue. Miss Phyllis Phillips w a s in charge , assisted by Patricia Scoop. Alberta Seymore was sec - retary. The Youth class was taught by Miss Phyllis Seymore , after Marcus Allen had conducted the review lesson. Miss Harriet Richardson taught the adult class. Music was by Mrs. Davis. The Junior choir members marched in singing "When II e Cometh T o Make Up His Jewels " and wear- , ing their new white robes. The Scripture lesson w a s read h y i Alberta Seymore, the invocation ' by Miss Josephine Henry. The choir of the Gordon Heights Mis- sion, the Gospel gropp of the ' Church of God in Christ assisted. I Others taking , part were : Thel-i ma Robinson, Brenda Russell <>fi St. M ichael' s . Episcopa l church. ' Ernest Mabry, Doris Harewood Warren Hart, Melvin Solomon, Barbara and Patricia Henry Breda Crawford , Alberta Mac Dorsett , Pauline and Betty Ruth W' oodard, the Rev. Elliott Trava- lee , Deanna Nisbott , Alfred Hen- ry, Mrs. Julia Monroe , Niibi:. Riddoch, Barbara Allen , Barbara Phillips , William Allen , Madeline Seymore, Deacon and Mrs. Davs of Medford , Mrs. T. Mills . Mrs. Alberta Bench. Next Saturday at 1 p. m. Missionary day will be observed. Deacon Samuel Fred- ericks is in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lopez of New York city are spending a week of their honeymoon at the home ,of Mrs. Elicabeth Clare of HawKins avenue. Then they will motor to Buffalo. They will j-eside in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Frederick* and daughter, Lauren , and Miss Hazel Clark , all of New York city, were weekend guests nf Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fredericks of Hawk ins avenue. Mrs. G. Davis of Brooklyn and da ughter , Gladys, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Crawfo rd of Dunbar ave- nue . Holy communion was observed Sunday nt noon nt the Gordon Heights mission. Music was by the choir. Sunday school is held at 10 a. m. with Sister Amanda Adams in charge. This Thursday a program is being given alon g with the prayer meeting. The Rev. E. Travalee is pastor-in-chargc. i JI > Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennis of Cedar lane and daughter, Eliza- bet h, * motored to New York city over the weekend. Over 75 people attended the annual raccoon party Friday night at the Gordon Heights Rest on Granny road given by Mr. and Mrs. John McNeese. A recent house guest of Mr. snd Mrs. Tracy Haynes of Haw- kins avenue was Allen Stockolm of Darien , Conn. Birthday greetings to Miss Madeline Seymore , whose birth- ! day is February 22. j Missionary day was observed 1 Sunday at the Church of God in Christ en Baldwin lane. Evange - list. G. Davis of Brooklyn was the speaker. Sunday school is * held at I0:.10 a. m.. Divine worship at 11:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting is held Friday at 8 p. m. Kliler G. Harrison is pastor-in- charge . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bray of Centra l Parkwa y motored to New Ycrk city Sunday to attend a funeral. A quilting party and games for the children will be held Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Bray of Central parkway. The proceeds are f or the building fund of the Gordon Heights mis- sion. WinaMMMKmnMH -^^ INSURE TOUR CAR WITH P&R Potter & Robiiuont , Inc. mmxmMmwmWmmmmmmmmm DODGE CONTEST To draw attention to its fortieth anniver- sary as a manufacturer of auto- mobiles , Dodge has begun a na- tionwide contest which will offer grand-prise winners ' two-week va- cations with double their pay and other major awards. Terry Bros., 429-439 West Main -street, said the contest will close midnight March 29. A. grand-price winner every day for Uie 40 days of the contest will have a new 1954 Dodge placed At his or her disposal , in- cluding gas and oil, for the "two- weeks away with double pay " period. In addition to double-pay, grand-prize winners will have all ineir transportation, meals and hotel accommodations paid by Dodge and be given an extra $500 in cash to save or spend as they please. The two-week vacation is for two people, with the double-pay being based on the one whose sal- ary or wage is the higher. Addi- tional paires totaling 910 , 000 will be awarded to other than grand-prize winners. Contestants will be eligible for the contest, Terry Bros, said, by visiting their nearest Dodge oealer. The dealer will furnish them with an entry blank upon wrhch they will be asked to com- plete in 25 words or less this sentence: "I would like to take my vacation in a 1954 Dodge be- cause . . . •• The entry blank may he com- p leted and left at the dealership, or taken home by the contestant for completion and then mailed to the contest's headquarters. * * * LILCO GETS CREDIT Long Island Lighting company has an- nounced that 17 banks on Long Island together with four in New York city have established a cred- it for the company of $40, 000 , 000, available until December 31. This credit will be used to finance tem- porarily the construction program lor 1954 necessary to meet the continuing demands for electric and gas service. Nassau County Trust company, the Franklin National bank of Franjklin Square, the Meadow Brook National bank of Freeport, , Bank of Hicksville, Hempstead bank, Glen Cove Nassau Union Trust company, South Side bank , : the Bank of Northern Brookhav- en, Bank of Huntington and Trust company, Bank of Matverne , Bank of Rockville Centre Trust com- pany, Bank of Smithtown, Hunt- ington Station bank , Long Island Trust company, the Freeport UankAif Freeport , the Lawrence- Ccdarnurst bank and the Second National Bank and Trust com- pany of Hempstead. * * * ENLARGED QUARTERS will soon be enjoyed by Felice' s Ser- vice station on Academy street , owned and operated by Dominick Felice. A former restaurant now being remodeled will extend the station' s facilities to the corner of Academy street and South Ocean avenue. The service department will op- erate the rebuilt 25 by 35-foot structure , which will cost about $12, 000 to $13 , 000, while the old building will house a body aad fender repair shop. * * CMC TRUCKS HERE A shipment of 1954 GMC trucks, combining functional styling and a 125-horsepower engine in the light line , has arrived at Strong GMC Truck Salea , 188 Medford avenue, Patchogue and is on dis- play, it was announced by M. P. Strong. Truck Hydra-Matic has been ex- tended through the medium duty classifications which range up to 45, 000 pounds gross combination weight. The Hydra-Matte trans- mission for these medium-duty trucks and highway tractors has eight speeds forward and two in reverse and is patterned after those used in the famed GMC 6x6 military trucks that went through the most rugged conditions on the battlefields of Korea. At 125-horsepowe r , the 248 cu- bic inch gasoline engine makes GMC light trucks the most power- ful of any in the half-ton through one-ton field. For truck operations needing more economy than power, there is a apedal carbure- tor for the 248 engine that gives extra mileage while having" a maximum of U S-horsepower. The 1 954 CMC's have entirely new styling with such features as two-tone paints and two-tone up- holstery, and a de luxe model that goes all-out for sleek beauty- to accompany its brute strength. Power steering is available on the series 350-27 and on through the heavier classifications and will help solve, one of the big problems of over-thc-road opera - tors—driver fatigue. In most models GMC has re- placed the two-piece, slanting "V* type windshield with a single curved expanse of glare-proof glass. By curving the windshield back to tHe corner posts, CMC has greatly widened the driver ' s art- of vision and even enlarged his view of vehides coming out of side streets. Venti-panes on the aide windows prevent the sleep- inducing stuffiness of closed ven- tilation by assuring a constant circulation of fresh air , even in a downpour , without any draft. All pickup, platform, -and stake bodies have been completely ra- designed to increase the loading capacity and reduce the platform ' loading, height The content of the Sickup bodies has been enlarged y 8 to 11 cubic feet and the load- ing height lowered two inches. » . » WATER BONDS The Suffolk County Water authority has told 8600, 000 of three year 2-^4 per cent bond anticipation notes tu 12 banks in Suffolk county, it was announced last week by Franklin S. Koons, chairman. The authority ' s fiscal agent , the United States Trust company of New York, offered to take all or any unsubscribed portion of the issue, Mr. Koons added, but the members of the authority felt Suffolk county banks should have fi rst opportunity to purchase the notes. They were highly gratified when the issue was oversubscribed w ithin the county. Proceeds of the notes, together with other funds of the authority, will be used in a construction and rehabilitation program estimated to cost $1 , 300, - 000 during the current year. This financing, according to a spokesman for the authority, is the initial step in a five year de- velopment program. During this period it is estimated that the number of customers will increase fro m 38 , 000 to 52,000 within the territory now served by the au- thority, requiring a construction program in excess of $5, 000 , 000. * NAMED AS DEALER for 'Gen- eral Electric packaged air con- ditioning throughout Suffolk coun- ty is the Sed-Lak Heating com- pany, on Medford avenue , Thomas Dixon , treasurer of the firm, an- nounced this week. The air conditioning unit is suitable for stores, offices and factories , Mr. Dixon said. It is carried in addition to Sed-Lak's regular line of warm air and hot air heating equipment. INSURANCE STUDENT—John E. Schneider , of Gillette avenue , Bayport , an assistant district manager of the John Han- cock Mutual Life Insurance company, recentl y completed an intensive two-week course in ad- vanced underwriting and agency management at the John Hancock home office in Boston. Mr. Schnei- der is with the company' s distric t office in Suffolk. » * * Cartileatea af PsrtaarsM * William Frederick Walker and John C. Walker, d/b/a W. F. Walker * Son, Yaphank. Vincent R. O'Donnell and Joaeph Cor- tea*, d/a/a AUaa Construction company, Shirley. Stonier SehwarU and Robert Chapman Holme*, d/b/a. Long- bland School of Radio Art*, Patchocue. Theodora C. Marti and Louil K. Steramler , d/b /a L. E. Sternraler com- PM> . Manorrttle. Thomaa W. and Joseph A. Hog- art*- . 4/b/a Hilltop rum Lake Grove. Tloletto and Henry Munro. d/b/a Vloteti/et , Miller Flaee. Jamra A. and James %. Brownie d/b ' a James A. Brownie & Son. Patch- ogue. Olga and Willy Gluer. d. 'b a River- aide hotel, Patchogue. Peter and Stephanie Marcinowaki. d/b/a (lay Hour restaurant. Patrhoirue. Bernard and Carrie M. Rogers n.I Bernard RoBers. Jr. , d/b/a Rogers Flor- ist. Patchogue. John and Tillie Urso, d/b/a Selden bakery, Selden. Fred von Kaenlip] and Frank Holz, d.b a K ft H Manufacturing company, Patchogue. N. J. PiftcuNi , Arthur Scdlak and Grady Payne, d/b/a Medford Metal Specialties. Patchogue. Everett S-, Kenneth E.. Richard and Robert * Brown , d; b, a Brown ' s garage , Bellport. Frank J. and Rose K. Sandora, d.D/a C. & S. delicatessen . Mastic Acres. Frank Juswink. Jerome Uotwinick and Richard Keator , d.b a Skateway, Patch- ogue . Assumed Business Names Jane E. Krapf . d/b' a Waverly inn. Holtsville. Eugene Luerssen , d b'a Electric Rad- iant Glass Heat company , Centereach. Cha rles L. Frank, d. 'b a Refrigeration SpecialUea, Stony Brook . Serge D. Maeder, d b/a Setauket Body shop, Setauket Michael R. Verrilli . d b a Island Fire Detection aerviecs , Patchogue. Joseph Daniel De Halt , d ba Point Lumber company. Rocky Point. Wlllism J. Friedel . dba William J. Friodei A Son, East Moriches. Lucille V. Wallace , d ba Sunflower Coffee shop. Mastic. Frank J. Gerbe. d b, a Lake Auto Driv- ing school. Lake Ronknnkomu. Karl Mlkulu , d/b/a Karl' s restaurant. Rocky Point. Charles M. Wilkins , d,b , u Royal Red- wood restaurant , Patchogue. SalvnUjre Engrassia , d.b .a Emily ' s diner, Selden. Howard Chambers , d, b a Reliable Sales company. Bellport . Edwin G. Usher, d/b/a Edwin F. Usher and Son, Pa tchogue. Robert Llebert , Jr. . d/b/a Liebert Bros. Service station . Wading River. Richard Schmitt , d/b/a Old School- house market, Centereach. Patsy Sciallo. d/b/a Sunrise Commer- cial Warehouse company. Patchogue. Same d/b/a Sunrise Storage company. Patchogue.. Same d/b/a Sunrise Moving & Storage company. Patchogue. * Certificates of Incorporstion Dupont Realty corporation , Centereach; 109 shares withou t par value ; dlreelors until the first annual meeting are Ralph J. Bapparerqua. John J. Casarino ami William J Greenfield, alt of Centereach. Waverly I'nrk Inc.. l.ske Ronkonkoma: common stock 100 shnres nt JUKI each ; directors until the lirst annual meeting are Edith M. Underwood of Ml. Sinai ; William R. Milhr and Marie Erny. both of Lake Ronkonkoma. Yale Investing corporation . Lake Ron- konkoma : common stock 100 shares at »>00 each ; directors until the first an- nual meeting are Edith M. Underwoo<l of Ml. Sinai . William K. Miller ami Marie Erny. both of Lake Ronkonkoma. McKae Bros., Inc.. Patchogue; com- mon stock SOU shares at 1100 each ; di- rictors until the first annuo) meeting are Alfred J. McKae and Alfred J Mc- Rae. Jr., bot h of Patchogue, and Ar- thur A. Norton of Sayville. Bellaire Heating corporation . Mastic : 209 shares without par value : director* until the first annual meeting are Paulino S. Niderhoffer. Paul Rutheiser and Louis Chernov, al) uf New York city. D. T. Bayles A Son . Inc.. Stony Brook: 1 .000 shares without par value : directors until the first annual meeting are Felicia J. Chrsanowslci of Holbrook. Muriel C. HoUman and Helen K. Homan. both of Patchogue. Emit Hervey Designs, Inc., Brookhaven town ; 100 sharui without par value : directors until the first annua) meeting are Stanley Kanarek. Robert J. Rosen- feld and Zelma Shapiro, all of New York city. Speaking of BUSINESS Mrs. Edmund Brown , BAyport 8-1570 Mrs. Edwin Maiwald was pleasantly surprised at her home on Academy street Tuesday night of last week when the members of her sewing club and other friends gave her a baby shower. Those present were Mesdames William Durland, Benjamin Rut- kowski , Ivan Wesche, James Reb- man, Harry White , Richard Sul- livan and James March of Bay- port; Mrs. Anton Fiala of Bay Shore, Mrs. Bruce Terry of Pat- chogue, Mrs. William Anderson, Mrs. Jack Maasch and Mrs. Rich- ard Stradtner of Sayville. Expecting' the stork? Order your birth announcements at The Patchogue Advance. The Bayport auxiliary of the Southside hospital met at the Milestone Tuesday afternoon of last week , with Mrs. Kenneth Jos* and Mrs. Frank W. Antos as co-hostesses. Others present were Mesdames Alfred Merdes, Joseph Shanley, Powers Amrine, Charles M. Zust, Frank Hibbard, Paul Gierasch, George Jacob, Samuel Miller , Charles Bogel , Frederick Merdes, Bennett Trib- ken, Roger Lafferrandre, Walter Flocken , W. F. Graessle and A. Flowers. The auxiliary will hold a dessert bridge at St. Lawrence' s R. C. church auditorium in Say- ville , March 24. Mrs. Shanley is the chairman and the members of her committee are Mrs. Flock- en, Mrs. Hibbard, Mrs. Lafferran- dre, Mrs. Samuel Miller , Mrs . Frank W. Antos , M rs. Tribken , Mrs. Amrine. The affair wi ll be for the benefit of the Southside hospital building fund. The annual Bayport Lions club ladies night will be held at the Fore-N-Aft in the form of a din- ner dance March 6. The commit- tee in charge includes Harding Isaacson, Paige Moore and John Windels , Jr. The Couples club met at the Bayport Methodist church Sat- urday night when they enjoyed a covered dish supper. Those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barrett, Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Beitel , Mrs. P. A. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dcbson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hegge , Mr. and Mrs. William Norton , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lechner, Mr. and Mrs. Charles •» McLean , Mr. and Mrs. Jeromus Meissner , Mr. ' and Mr. R. Stuart Piatt and Mr. and Mrs . Everett Trochelman. Films of Florida and West Virginia were shown. The Bayport Republica n club met in the Bayport fireball Thurs- day night. The following officers for the coming year were elected : Lavern Wittlock , president; Jo- seph Downer , first vice president; Mrs. Howard Gillette , second vice president ; Mrs. George Mclner- r.ey, secretary; Edward J. Frie- man, treasurer and financial sec- retary, and Mrs. Emil Stoll , Mrs. Howard Gillette and James W. Young, members of the advisory committee. The next meeting will be held March 11. David Brewer returned to Dart- mouth college in Hanover , N. H., Monday of last week after spend- ing a week' s mid-term vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brewer of Bay avenue. BAYPORT N EWS BRIEFS .___ COMPLETE MOTO R OVERHAUL TERRY BROS. U9-U9 W«* Maia Street Patchogue, N. Y. TELEPHONE PATCHOGUE 34)109 SNEDEC0R Coal & Fuel Co. , he COAL «° ,SS" FUELO.L PHONES E£r.& H III V. KNT AVa. rATCBOGUI p/\T\r\ CpAI TTC met . Washington as Rep. Stuyvesant VlwU %J\*\J U i »J Wainwright received an honorary Boy Scoot badge from Larry Armbruster, a Cub Scout of Pack fO, in the capital. The presentation was an event in the celebration of Boy Scout week. Suffolk towns and incorporated viliuges are sharing in $258 ,504 in lor capita aid being distributed by the utate , it was announced last week by State Comptroller J. Raymond McUnvem. See the beautiful wedding in- vitations which can be purchased at The Patchogue Advance. The total payment hy the state is *U'2 ,7t« ,i;28.0i; and is the fourth quarterly installment to be paid in the 1 853-54 fiscal year. Kach city receives annually the sum of $<" >.75 times the amount of its in palatum; towns , $3.55, and vil- iuges , $3. Suffolk' s Munici palities Share in Per Cap ita Aid KINGS PARK -- All female employees at Kings Park State hospital here are eligible to en- ter a contest to choose the queen of the Kings Park chapter of (he Civil Service Employees as- sociation. She will be chosen at the chapter ' s annual St. Patrick's day dance at York hall here March 19. The winner will re- ceive a watch valued at $71.60 and will represent Kings Par' t in possible conference and state- wide contests through March 15, 1955. ISLAND NEWS BRIEF •aaanMaaHaaaaaaiaaaaasiaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaHaasaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaBaaaBMaisaaaaaaaiaaaaaa aaas oooooooooooooooqopocx>ooQOooooooo o oooooooootX)ooooo SWEZEY FUEL CO. COAL and FUEL OIL Rider Aven ue and Long Island Rail Road PATCHOGUE , S. Y. TELEPHONE S-0270

Transcript of BLUE POINT NEWS ITEMS Speaking of BAYPORT NEWS...

Page 1: BLUE POINT NEWS ITEMS Speaking of BAYPORT NEWS … · BLUE POINT NEWS ITEMS Mrs. WUliam Waj-hrauch. 111. rt. 4-wis*

BLUE POINT NEWS ITEMSMrs. WUliam Waj-hrauch. 111. rt. 4-wis*

Saturday night , Miss MaryGrosser of 145 Blue I'oint avenue•was pleasantly surprised at a bri-dal shower Riven in her honor byher selected attendants, Miss Rob-erta Strum and Misses Violet andLea Grosser, at her home on "BluePoint avenue. The guests included,Mesdames .lack Tookmnnian, Al-fred Jack , and Misses Sarah Pa-gano and Minnie Macuso. of Pat-chogue, Mrs. Robert DeSant ofEast Patchogue, Mrs. George Mot-tle of Holtsville, Mrs. George Ga-maldi of Canaan Lake, Mrs. Rich-ard Gardischcr of Lake Ronkon-koma, Mrs. Harvey Jordan of PortJefferson , Mesdames Harvey Buin-istead, John Wood and NormanGrosser of Blue Point; Mrs. Cath-erine Morman of Bayport , Mrs.Joseph Patkalitsky and Miss Rob-erta iStrum of Oukdale, Mrs. Wil-liam L u n e of East lslip, Mrs.Gregory Maresca and daughter ,Regina, of Amityville, Mrs. Jo-sephine Ambrose, Mrs . JohnKrenn and Sara Maresca of theBronx, Mesdames John Grosser,Victor Grosser and Robert Gros-ser of Freeport, Mrs. William Mc-Connell and daughter, Mildred , ofOzone Park , Mrs. Kenneth Am-brecht of Merrick, Mrs. HerbertGrosser of Seaford, Mrs. HaroldGrosser of Long Island city, Mes-dames Robert O'Hara, Paul Pe-tersen and Kate McCormack olBrooklyn, Mrs. Richard lazo ofHewlett , Mesdames Paul Grosser,John Grosser, Robert Grosser, Jr .Eric Lenhardt and Miss EmilySteinhilber of Babylon, Mrs. Jo-seph Belowski of Brightwatersand Miss Joann O'Hara of Wood-ha'ven. Refreshments were servedfrom a table decorated with heartsand iiowers. Miss Grosser will bemarried to -Prank Ambrose of theUronx June <> at the Church ofOur'Lady of the Snow, Blue Pointavenue.

The- commissioners of the BluePoint Fire district will hold theirannual Inspection and dinner Feb-ruary 27 at the Club 51.

Chaa. H- J. Bogel haa purchasedUic Eutelle Noble Real Estate andInsurance Business and will con-tinue at the same location.—Adv.

Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamWeyhrauch and sons, Richard andAlan, and Mrs. Frieda Boyd ofA rthur avenue attended the en-gagement dinner party of Mr.WeyorauchVs niece, Miss AnneMarie Westenberger of New HydePark, to John Kenneth Baer ofNew Hyde Park. The happy cou-ple received lovely gifts from the30 guests present.

The calendar for the week atthe Blue Point Baptist church willbe as follows: Today, 8 p. m.the motion pietue "The TenMiracle Years," will be shown bythe lieu. Rb> Watson. Sunday,10 a. nv. Bible school hour withDeVerne Swezey, sunerintendent ,in charge; the Rev. I. A. Faikteaching: the adult Bible classstarting at 10:16 a. m.; Morningworship 11 a. in.; Evening wor-ship 7:30 p. m. sermon and song.Tuesday, 8 p. m. regular weeklychoir rehearsal.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coccia ofNoble street entertained over theweekend of-February 6 Mr. andMrs. Robert Maida and son, Bob-by , and Mr. and Mrs. RaymondJiaida, all of Brooklyn.

, Mrs. Edward McDevitt andMr. and Mrs. John McDevitt ofHollis were the weekend guestsat the home of Mr. and Mrs. CarlPeterson of Paumanake road.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stricklandof Paumanake road attended arecent open house at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Louis Stang of Say-ville.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kellers ofCorey avenue have returned froma week's vacation spent in Mi-ami Beach, Fla.

At release time school lastWednesday afternoon at the BluePoint Baptist church a Valentineparty w a s held. Awards weregiven to Sharon Tuttle, Kay Con-nelly a n d Nina Lauritsen forsteady attendance.

Saturday afternoon B o n n i eLundy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Frank Lundy of Davis avenue ,entertained at a Valentine parjy.The guests included Jill and Shir-ley Madalone, Norma Lauritsen,Mickey Aug, Karen Swenson,Joyce Elbert and Elena Ferri. Thegirls enjoyed games, singing andlefreshments.

For choice meats and groceriesshop at Shand's Bayport Store.Plenty of parking space.—Adv.

Mrs. G. Howard Hatfield ofWoodland street is recuperatingfrom a major operation at herhome after spending two weeksin Mather Memorial hospital , PortJeffe rson.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kirouac ofPheasant way spent the weekendvisiting friends and relatives atWest Hartford, Conn., and LongMeadow, Mass.

B. T. 2 Vincent J. Roslak , whois stationed at Norfolk , Va., spentthe weekend with his wife, Rose-ann, at the home of her parents;Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rocding ofOak drive.

On Lincoln's birthday Mrs.Frieda Boyd and Mrs. WilliamWeyhrauch and sons, Richard andAlan of Arthur avenue, spent theday with Mrs. Frieda Reincke andMrs. Charles Atz at their homein Baldwin.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Faron ofArthur avenue have returnedhome from a two-week businessa n d pleasure trip. They spentthree days visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Herbert Van Nostrand and sons,;Herbert, Jr., and Arthur, in Bris- 1

tol, Tenn. The rest of the tripwas spent in Gadsden and Rag-land, Ala.

Mrs. Sheila Allen of Danesstreet was - the guest of M r s .George Schurmann of New Yorkcity February 8.

Elliott Burchell of Paumanakeroad left Monday for Augusta,Me., where he will manage a McLellan store. Until then he "wasthe manage* of the Patchogue•tore' on West Main street. Mrs.Burchell j»nd family will follow assoon as living quarters can befound.

Marvin Gordon, son of Mr. andMrs. Nathan Gordon of Maplestreet, spent Sunday visitingMr. and Mrs. Ted Jackson ofHempstead.

Last Thursday Mrs. AlfredWerner of Division avenue washonored at a stork shower givenby Mrs. Thomas Liguori of Pat-chogue. The very many beautifulgifts were arranged in a prettilydecorated ba thine tte. The colorscheme was baby blue, pink andwhite. The guests included Mrs.William Rogers, Mrs. Louis Rose,Mrs. Rupert Werner, Mrs. Tim-othy Maxaei, Mrs. John Behan,Mrs. Thomas Morri&scy, Mrs.George Werner, and Mrs. RichardHamMey nil of Blue Point, Mrs.George Sticker," Mrs. George Kur-ras, Miss Theresa Gardner, Mrs.Marvin Roeckletn, all of Patch-ogue, and Mrs. James McKinneyof Sayville.

The Ladies' auxiliary of theBlue Point Fire department heldits annual dinner Saturday nightat Kelly's in Sayville. Sixty-eightmembers and their escorts attend-ed and enjoyed dancing to the mu-sic of Bill King and his orchestra .The table decorations were in theValentine theme with red rosesas centerpieces. Tonight the ladieswill hold their regular meeting inthe school, Mrs. Joseph Jurgens,president, presiding.

Mrs. Sadie Slater of Nelsoncourt fell and broke her, ankle lastweek and is confined to'her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montiethof Blue Point avenue and Mr. andMrs. Rudolph Stegemann of Hum-phrey lane were the dinner guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Morris ,Jr., of Lake Ronkonkoma Sunday.

Susan and Doyle McCarthy,daughters of Mr. and Mrs. JosephMcCarthy of Glades road, spentSunday at the home of Mr. andMrs. Harold Anderson of NewYork city. While there they at-tended the ballet at the NewYork City Center.

Volunteers are badly neededfor the Ground Observer Corps.Anyone interested from BluePoint may call Patchogue 3-4046.

Last Wednesday night Mrs. Al-fred Swezey of Park avenue en-tertained the Sit and Sew club.

The Home bureau will meetnext Thursday at the home ofMrs. Arno Biedermahn on Smithstreet. The day will be set asideto finish up basic sewing, alumi-num trays and Rochester bags.

Saturday night Nini Lauritsen,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MadsLauritsen of Maple street, enter-tained at a Valentine party forher young friends. The decora-tions were multi-colpred balloonsand red hearts. A big iced cakeheart was the centerpiece of thebuffet table. The guests includedDiane Shene, Margaret Sosinski,Jill Madalone, Karen Swenson,Patty Leadbeater, Beatrice Link,Wayne Miller, RicKard Weyh-rauch, Bobby Geary, Clyde Gulp,III , Terry McCarthy, ThomasBetjemann, Douglas McKinneyand Gary Sheffield. Games anddancing were enjoyed by the sub-teeners.

Friday night a dance was heldat the Blue Point school for allseventh and eighth grade andhigh school students of the Bay-port-Blue Point district. T h echaperones were Mr. and Mrs. JohnRowland and Mr. and Mrs. Fran-cis Miles.

At the February meeting ofthe Parent-Teacher association.which will be held Tuesday,Founders day will be celebrated.Mrs. Meredith Springer, editorof . the New York State Bulletinand past president of Long Is-land District Parent Teacher as-sociation, will speak. Tw° lifememberships will be Awardfed.M r s . Leonard Pf ister; classmother, and her committee nffifth grade mothers will -serve.

Monday morning, at the homeof Mrs. Howard Shone, the Para-keet patrol of Girl Scout Troop28 held i t s Investiture with acandle ceremony. The girls alsoentertained with a play aboutCinderella, which is part of theirwork toward becoming secondclass Scouts. The girls who tookpart in the ceremonies were Mar-tha Gregory, Nina Lauritsen, Bea-trice Link, Jill Madalone, Mary-ann Mazzei, Margaret Sosinski,Diane Shene, Karen Swenson, Ei-leen Train, Lynn Wedegis andLinda Weeks. The mothers whoattended were Mrs. Frank Link,Mrs. Kenneth Sosinski. Mrs. Her-bert Gregory, Mrs. Martin Wede-gis, Mrs. Mads Lauritsen, Mrs.John Rowland, senior leader, andMrs. Donald Kirouac and Mrs.Howard Shene, leaders of theParakeets. Refreshments w e r eserved.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Colletonof Brooklyn spent Sunday' withMr. and Mrs. Charles Neal ofAtlantic avenue.

Henry F. Ostermann of Gladesread attended the American As-sociation of Schools Administra-tors convention at Atlantic City,N. •) ., last Wednesday, Thursdayand Friday.

Need Salcsbooks ? You'll findthem at the Patchogue Advance.

James Barry Jr., of Mew Yorkcity and Mrs . Helen O'Brien ofBrooklyn spent the weekend atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. HenryF. Ostermann of Glades road.

Mrs. Henry F. Ostermann . re-turned home February 6 afterspending three weeks in FortLauderdale and Miami , Fla. Mrs.Ostermann accompanied CountyRepublican Chairman and Mrs.R. . Ford Hughes of Patchogue,who returned home last week.


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Bayport-Blue Point School NewsBayport Elementary <

All the grades enjoyed the ex-change of valentines last week.

Florence Rugile of the morn-ing- first grade brought heartcookies for the class. Peter Posterfurnished home made cookies forthe afternoon class. Glen Hollinsis now a member of the afternoonfirst grade, having moved herefrom Patchogue.

Morning fifth grade pupils helda Valentine party in their roomlast Thursday. Cup cakes bakedby the girls and ice cream wereserved. Valentines w e r e ex-changed.

Abraham Lincoln's life and ac-complishments have been the sub-ject of discussion during the weekand work in social studies, Eng-lish and art classes.

High SchoolThe Honor roll for the second

quarter, grades 7 through 12 atBayport high, contains the follow-ing names: Grade 12: Claire Ly-decker, Martha Matthias , DwightMaud, Ronald Piatt , Evelyn Roec-klein, Henrietta Wilshire. Grade

ill: John Fickling, Robert Jones,Austin McGeary, Harriette Mose-ley, Kurt Nielsen, David VanBurcn. Grade 10: Gail Calder,Richard Hiam, Timothy Shackel-ford. Grade 9: Joan Barthelme,Janice Becker, Lueile Livoti.Grade 8: Harriet Brown. Grade 7:Penelope BlQhni, Gerard Bour-guignon, Claire Hester, Mary LouMeyer, Joan Sack.

The following students weresuccessful in obtaining the aver-age necessary to be placed on theCredit list: Grade 12: Lorraine

i DuBois, Sue Frieman, Gary Rem-| me, Eleanor Tingen. Grade 11:Marnos Barsamian, Ann Husing,Garry Lewis, Judy Newdell, Hen-ry Schwab, Patricia Vignato.Grade 10: G a r y Miller, NancyTobin, Caroline Tripp. Grade 9:Jason Anderson, Rriscilla Greene,Marsha Lloyd, Kenneth Nielsen,Sandra Scott, Martin Sonkin,Hugh Wedegis, Margaret West.Grade 8: Carol Castro, VictorCushing, Elsie Keller. PhyllisLipson, Donald Lloyd. Grade 7:Fred Balling, Robert Hibbard,David Iverson, Richard Wester-velt.

GORDON HEIGHTS NEWS• aire. Alberta Beach. BEldea LITIS <.

Youth day waa well attendedSaturday at the Ebenezer SabbathBay church, Pinegrove avenue.M i s s Phyllis Phillips w a s inc h a r g e , assisted by PatriciaScoop. Alberta Seymore was sec-retary. The Youth class wastaught by Miss Phyllis Seymore,after Marcus Allen had conductedthe review lesson. Miss HarrietRichardson taught the adult class.Music was by Mrs. Davis. TheJunior choir members marched insinging "When II e Cometh T oMake Up His Jewels" and wear- ,ing their new white robes. TheScripture lesson w a s read h y iAlberta Seymore, the invocation 'by Miss Josephine Henry. Thechoir of the Gordon Heights Mis-sion, t h e Gospel gropp of the 'Church of God in Christ assisted. IOthers taking , part were : Thel-ima Robinson, Brenda Russell <>f iSt. Michael's . Episcopal church. 'Ernest Mabry, Doris HarewoodWarren Hart, Melvin Solomon,Barbara and Patricia HenryBreda Crawford , Alberta MacDorsett , Pauline and Betty RuthW'oodard, the Rev. Elliott Trava-lee, Deanna Nisbott , Alfred Hen-ry, Mrs. Julia Monroe , Niibi:.Riddoch, Barbara Allen , BarbaraPhillips , William Allen , MadelineSeymore, Deacon and Mrs. Davsof Medford , Mrs. T. Mills . Mrs.Alberta Bench. Next Saturday at1 p. m. Missionary day will beobserved. Deacon Samuel Fred-ericks is in charge.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lopez ofNew York city are spending aweek of their honeymoon at thehome ,of Mrs. Elicabeth Clare ofHawKins avenue. Then they willmotor to Buffalo. They will j-esidein New York city.

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Frederick*and daughter, Lauren, and MissHazel Clark, all of New Yorkcity, were weekend guests nf Mr.and Mrs. Samuel Fredericks ofHawkins avenue.

Mrs. G. Davis of Brooklyn anddaughter, Gladys, were Sundaydinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.George Crawfo rd of Dunbar ave-nue.

Holy communion was observedSunday nt noon nt the GordonHeights mission. Music was bythe choir. Sunday school is heldat 10 a. m. with Sister AmandaAdams in charge. This Thursdaya program is being given alongwith the prayer meeting. The Rev.E. Travalee is pastor-in-chargc.

i JI>

:» Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dennis ofCedar lane and daughter, Eliza-beth,* motored to New York cityover the weekend.

Over 75 people attended theannual raccoon p a r t y Fridaynight at the Gordon Heights Reston Granny road given by Mr. andMrs. John McNeese.

A recent house guest of Mr.snd Mrs. Tracy Haynes of Haw-kins avenue was Allen Stockolmof Darien, Conn.

Birthday greetings to MissMadeline Seymore, whose birth-

! day is February 22.j Missionary day was observed1 Sunday at the Church of God inChrist en Baldwin lane. Evange-list. G. Davis of Brooklyn was thespeaker. Sunday school is * heldat I0:.10 a. m.. Divine worship at11:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Prayermeeting is held Friday at 8 p. m.Kliler G. Harrison is pastor-in-charge.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bray ofCentra l Parkway motored to NewYcrk city Sunday to attend afuneral.

A quilting party and games forthe children will be held Saturdayat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward Bray of Central parkway.The proceeds are f or the buildingfund of the Gordon Heights mis-sion.



Potter & Robiiuont, Inc.mmxmMmwmWmmmmmmmmm

DODGE CONTEST — To drawattention to its fortieth anniver-sary as a manufacturer of auto-mobiles, Dodge has begun a na-tionwide contest which will offergrand-prise winners' two-week va-cations with double their pay andother major awards.

Terry Bros., 429-439 WestMain -street, said the contestwill close midnight March 29.

A. grand-price winner every dayfor Uie 40 days of the contestwill have a new 1954 Dodgeplaced At his or her disposal, in-cluding gas and oil, for the "two-weeks away w i t h double pay"period.

In addition to double-pay,grand-prize winners will have allineir transportation, meals andhotel accommodations paid byDodge and be given an extra $500in cash to save or spend as theyplease.

The two-week vacation is fortwo people, with the double-paybeing based on the one whose sal-ary or wage is the higher. Addi-tional p a i r e s totaling 910,000will be awarded to other thangrand-prize winners.

Contestants will be eligible forthe contest, Terry Bros, said,by visiting their nearest Dodgeoealer. The dealer will furnishthem with an entry blank uponwrhch they will be asked to com-plete in 25 words or less thissentence: "I would like to takemy vacation in a 1954 Dodge be-cause . . . ••

The entry blank may he com-pleted and left at the dealership,or taken home by the contestantfor completion and then mailed tothe contest's headquarters.


Island Lighting company has an-nounced that 17 banks on LongIsland together with four in NewYork city have established a cred-it for the company of $40,000,000,available until December 31. Thiscredit will be used to finance tem-porarily the construction programlor 1954 necessary to meet thecontinuing demands f o r electricand gas service.

Nassau County Trust company,the Franklin National bank ofFranjklin Square, the MeadowBrook National bank of Freeport,,Bank of Hicksville, Hempsteadbank, Glen Cove Nassau UnionTrust company, South Side bank,:the Bank of Northern Brookhav-en, Bank of Huntington and Trustcompany, Bank of Matverne, Bankof Rockville Centre Trust com-pany, Bank of Smithtown, Hunt-ington Station bank, Long IslandTrust company, the FreeportUankAif Freeport, the Lawrence-Ccdarnurst bank and the SecondNational Bank and Trust com-pany of Hempstead.


soon be enjoyed by Felice's Ser-vice station on Academy street,owned and operated by DominickFelice. A former restaurant nowbeing remodeled will extend thestation's facilities to the corner ofAcademy street and South Oceanavenue.

The service department will op-erate the rebuilt 25 by 35-foots t r u c t u r e , which will costabout $12,000 to $13,000, while theold building will house a body aadfender repair shop.


shipment of 1954 GMC trucks,combining functional styling and a125-horsepower engine in thelight line, has arrived at StrongGMC Truck Salea, 188 Medfordavenue, Patchogue and is on dis-play, it was announced by M. P.Strong.

Truck Hydra-Matic has been ex-tended through the medium dutyclassifications which range up to45,000 pounds gross combinationweight. The Hydra-Matte trans-mission for these medium-dutytrucks and highway tractors haseight speeds forward and two inreverse and is patterned afterthose used in the famed GMC 6x6military trucks that went throughthe most rugged conditions on thebattlefields of Korea.

At 125-horsepower, the 248 cu-bic inch gasoline engine makesGMC light trucks the most power-ful of any in the half-ton throughone-ton field. For truck operationsneeding m o r e economy thanpower, there is a apedal carbure-tor for the 248 engine that givesextra mileage while having" amaximum of U S-horsepower.

The 1954 CMC's have entirelynew styling with such features astwo-tone paints and two-tone up-holstery, and a de luxe model thatgoes all-out for sleek beauty- toaccompany its brute strength.

Power steering is available onthe series 350-27 and on throughthe heavier classifications andwill help solve, one of the bigproblems of over-thc-road opera-tors—driver fatigue.

In most models GMC has re-placed the two-piece, slanting "V*type windshield with a singlecurved expanse of glare-proofglass. By curving the windshieldback to tHe corner posts, CMChas greatly widened the driver'sart- of vision and even enlargedhis view of vehides coming outof side streets. Venti-panes on theaide windows prevent the sleep-inducing stuffiness of closed ven-tilation by assuring a constantcirculation of fresh air, even ina downpour, without any draft.

All pickup, platform,-and stakebodies have been completely ra-designed to increase the loadingcapacity and reduce the platform'loading, height The content of theSickup bodies has been enlarged

y 8 to 11 cubic feet and the load-ing height lowered two inches.» . »

WATER BONDS — The SuffolkCounty Water authority has told8600,000 of three year 2- 4 percent bond anticipation notes tu 12

banks in Suffolk county, it wasannounced last week by FranklinS. Koons, chairman.

The authority's fiscal agent, theUnited States Trust company ofNew York, offered to take all orany unsubscribed portion of theissue, Mr. Koons added, but themembers of the authority f e l tSuffolk county banks should havefirst opportunity to purchase thenotes. They were highly gratifiedwhen the issue was oversubscribedwithin the county. Proceeds of thenotes, together with other fundsof the authority, will be used ina construction and rehabilitationprogram estimated to cost $1,300,-000 during the current year.

This financing, according to aspokesman for the authority, isthe initial step in a five year de-velopment program. During thisperiod it is estimated that thenumber of customers will increasefrom 38,000 to 52,000 within theterritory now served by the au-thority, requiring a constructionprogram in excess of $5,000,000.

* • •NAMED AS DEALER for'Gen-

eral Electric packaged air con-ditioning throughout Suffolk coun-ty is the Sed-Lak Heating com-pany, on Medford avenue, ThomasDixon, treasurer of the firm, an-nounced this week.

The air conditioning unit issuitable f o r stores, offices andfactories, Mr. Dixon said. It iscarried in addition to Sed-Lak'sregular line of warm air and hotair heating equipment.

INSURANCE STUDENT—JohnE. Schneider , of Gillette avenue ,Bayport, an assistant d i s t r i c tmanager of the John Han-cock M u t u a l L i f e Insurancecompany, recently completed anintensive two-week course in ad-vanced underwriting and agencymanagement at the John Hancockhome office in Boston. Mr. Schnei-der is with the company's districtoffice in Suffolk.

» * *Cartileatea af PsrtaarsM *

William Frederick Walker and John C.Walker, d/b/a W. F. Walker * Son,Yaphank.

Vincent R. O'Donnell and Joaeph Cor-tea*, d/a/a AUaa Construction company,Shirley.

Stonier SehwarU and Robert ChapmanHolme*, d/b/a. Long- bland School ofRadio Art*, Patchocue.

Theodora C. Marti and Louil K.Steramler, d/b/a L. E. Sternraler com-PM>. Manorrttle.

Thomaa W. and Joseph A. Hog-art*-.4/b/a Hilltop rum Lake Grove.

Tloletto and Henry Munro. d/b/aVloteti/et, Miller Flaee.

Jamra A. and James %. Brownied/b 'a James A. Brownie & Son. Patch-ogue.

Olga and Willy Gluer. d.'b a River-aide hotel, Patchogue.

Peter and Stephanie Marcinowaki.d/b/a (lay Hour restaurant. Patrhoirue.

Bernard and Carrie M. Rogers n.IBernard RoBers. Jr. , d/b/a Rogers Flor-ist. Patchogue.

John and Tillie Urso, d/b/a Seldenbakery, Selden.

Fred von Kaenlip] and Frank Holz,d .b a K ft H Manufacturing company,Patchogue.

N. J. PiftcuNi , Arthur Scdlak and GradyPayne, d/b/a Medford Metal Specialties.Patchogue.

Everett S-, Kenneth E.. Richard andRobert * Brown, d; b, a Brown's garage,Bellport.

Frank J. and Rose K. Sandora, d .D/aC. & S. delicatessen. Mastic Acres.

Frank Juswink. Jerome Uotwinick andRichard Keator, d.b a Skateway, Patch-ogue.

Assumed Business NamesJane E. Krapf . d /b 'a Waverly inn.

Holtsville.Eugene Luerssen , d b'a Electric Rad-

iant Glass Heat company, Centereach.Charles L. Frank, d. 'b a Refrigeration

SpecialUea, Stony Brook .Serge D. Maeder, d b/a Setauket Body

shop, SetauketMichael R. Verrilli . d b a Island Fire

Detection aerviecs, Patchogue.Joseph Daniel De Halt , d b a Point

Lumber company. Rocky Point.Wlllism J. Friedel. d b a William J.

Friodei A Son, East Moriches.Lucille V. Wallace, d b a Sunflower

Coffee shop. Mastic.Frank J. Gerbe. d b, a Lake Auto Driv-

ing school. Lake Ronknnkomu.Karl Mlkulu , d/b/a Karl's restaurant.

Rocky Point.Charles M. Wilkins , d,b , u Royal Red-

wood restaurant , Patchogue.SalvnUjre Engrassia , d.b .a Emily's

diner, Selden.Howard Chambers, d, b a Reliable Sales

company. Bellport.Edwin G. Usher, d/b/a Edwin F.

Usher and Son, Patchogue.Robert Llebert, Jr. . d/b/a Liebert

Bros. Service station. Wading River.Richard Schmitt , d/b/a Old School-

house market, Centereach.Patsy Sciallo. d/b/a Sunrise Commer-

cial Warehouse company. Patchogue.Same d/b/a Sunrise Storage company.

Patchogue..Same d/b/a Sunrise Moving & Storage

company. Patchogue. *Certificates of Incorporstion

Dupont Realty corporation , Centereach;109 shares withou t par value ; dlreelorsuntil the first annual meeting are RalphJ. Bapparerqua. John J. Casarino amiWilliam J Greenfield, alt of Centereach.

Waverly I'nrk Inc.. l.ske Ronkonkoma:common stock 100 shnres nt JUKI each ;directors until the lirst annual meetingare Edith M. Underwood of Ml. Sinai ;William R. Milhr and Marie Erny. bothof Lake Ronkonkoma.

Yale Investing corporation . Lake Ron-konkoma : common stock 100 shares at»>00 each ; directors until the first an-nual meeting are Edith M. Underwoo<lof Ml. Sinai . William K. Miller amiMarie Erny. both of Lake Ronkonkoma.

McKae Bros., Inc.. Patchogue; com-mon stock SOU shares at 1100 each ; di-rictors until the first annuo) meetingare Alfred J. McKae and Alfred J Mc-Rae. Jr., both of Patchogue, and Ar-thur A. Norton of Sayville.

Bellaire Heating corporation. Mastic :209 shares without par value: director*until the first annual meeting are PaulinoS. Niderhoffer. Paul Rutheiser and LouisChernov, al) uf New York city.

D. T. Bayles A Son. Inc.. Stony Brook:1.000 shares without par value : directorsuntil the first annual meeting are FeliciaJ. Chrsanowslci of Holbrook. Muriel C.HoUman and Helen K. Homan. both ofPatchogue.

Emit Hervey Designs, Inc., Brookhaventown ; 100 sharui without par value :directors until the first annua) meetingare Stanley Kanarek. Robert J. Rosen-feld and Zelma Shapiro, all of New Yorkcity.

Speaking ofBUSINESS Mrs. Edmund Brown, BAyport 8-1570

Mrs. Edwin Maiwald waspleasantly surprised at her homeon Academy street Tuesday nightof last week when the membersof her sewing c l u b and otherfriends gave her a baby shower.Those present were MesdamesWilliam Durland, Benjamin Rut-kowski, Ivan Wesche, James Reb-man, Harry White, Richard Sul-livan and James March of Bay-port; Mrs. Anton Fiala of BayShore, Mrs. Bruce Terry of Pat-chogue, Mrs. William Anderson,Mrs. Jack Maasch and Mrs. Rich-ard Stradtner of Sayville.

Expecting' the stork? Orderyour birth announcements at ThePatchogue Advance.

The Bayport auxiliary of theSouthside hospital m e t at theMilestone Tuesday afternoon oflast week, with Mrs. KennethJos* and Mrs. Frank W. Antosas co-hostesses. Others presentwere Mesdames Alfred Merdes,Joseph Shanley, Powers Amrine,Charles M. Zust, Frank Hibbard,Paul Gierasch, George Jacob,Samuel Miller, Charles Bogel,Frederick Merdes, Bennett Trib-ken, Roger Lafferrandre, WalterFlocken, W. F. Graessle and A.Flowers. The auxiliary will holda dessert bridge at St. Lawrence'sR. C. church auditorium in Say-ville, March 24. Mrs. Shanley isthe chairman and the membersof her committee are Mrs. Flock-en, Mrs. Hibbard, Mrs. Lafferran-dre, Mrs. Samuel Miller, Mrs.Frank W. Antos, Mrs. Tribken,Mrs. Amrine. The affair will befor the benefit of the Southsidehospital building fund.

The annual Bayport Lions clubladies night will be held at theFore-N-Aft in the form of a din-ner dance March 6. The commit-tee in charge includes HardingIsaacson, Paige Moore and JohnWindels, Jr.

The Couples club met at theBayport Methodist church Sat-urday night when they enjoyed acovered dish supper. Those pres-ent were Mr. and Mrs. RichardBarrett, Mr. and Mrs. QuentinBeitel, Mrs. P. A. Dixon, Mr. andMrs. Norman Dcbson, Mr. andMrs. Herman Hegge, Mr. andMrs. William Norton, Mr. andMrs. Richard Jones, Mr. and Mrs.Edward Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.Russell Lechner, Mr. and Mrs.Charles •» McLean, Mr. and Mrs.Jeromus Meissner, Mr. ' and Mr.R. Stuart Piatt and Mr. and Mrs.Everett Trochelman. Films ofFlorida and West Virginia wereshown.

The Bayport Republican clubmet in the Bayport fireball Thurs-day night. The following officersfor the coming year were elected :Lavern Wittlock, president; Jo-seph Downer, first vice president;Mrs. Howard Gillette, second vicepresident; Mrs. George Mclner-r.ey, secretary; Edward J. Frie-man, treasurer and financial sec-retary, and Mrs. Emil Stoll, Mrs.Howard Gillette and James W.Young, members of the advisorycommittee. The next meetingwill be held March 11.

David Brewer returned to Dart-mouth college in Hanover, N. H.,Monday of last week after spend-ing a week's mid-term vacationwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs.George Brewer of Bay avenue.





TERRY BROS.U9-U9 W«* Maia Street Patchogue, N. Y.


SNEDEC0RCoal & Fuel Co., he



p/\T\r\ CpAI TTC met h». Washington as Rep. StuyvesantVlwU %J\*\JU i »J Wainwright received an honorary BoyScoot badge from Larry Armbruster, a Cub Scout of Pack fO,in the capital. The presentation was an event in the celebrationof Boy Scout week.

Suffolk towns and incorporatedviliuges are sharing in $258,504 inlor capita aid being distributedby the utate , it was announcedlast week by State Comptroller J.Raymond McUnvem.

See the beautiful wedding in-vitations which can be purchasedat The Patchogue Advance.

The total payment hy the stateis *U'2,7t« ,i;28.0i; and is the fourthquarterly installment to be paidin the 1853-54 fiscal year. Kachcity receives annually the sum of$<">.75 times the amount of itsin palatum; towns, $3.55, and vil-iuges, $3.

Suffolk's MunicipalitiesShare in Per Capita Aid

KINGS PARK -- All femaleemployees at Kings Park Statehospital here are eligible to en-ter a contest to choose the queenof the Kings Park chapter of(he Civil Service Employees as-sociation. She will be chosen atthe chapter's annual St. Patrick'sday dance at York hall hereMarch 19. The winner will re-ceive a watch valued at $71.60and will represent Kings Par't inpossible conference and state-wide contests through March 15,1955.


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Rider Avenue and Long Island Rail Road PATCHOGUE, S. Y.TELEPHONE S-0270