
Union Wages and Hours: Motortruck Drivers and Helpers July 1, 1966 and Trend 1936-66 Bulletin No. 1548 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Union Wages and Hours:

Motortruck Drivers and Helpers

July 1, 1966and

Trend 1 9 3 6 -6 6

Bulletin No. 1548



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Union Wages and Hours:

Motortruck Drivers and Helpers

July 1, 1966


Trend 1 9 3 6 -6 6

Bulletin No. 1548

May 1967


BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICSArthur M. Ross, Commissioner

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 30 cents

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The B ureau o f L a b or S ta tistics con d u cts annual su rv ey s o f w age ra tes and sch eduled h ou rs o f w ork fo r sp e c if ie d c ra ft s o r jo b s as p rov id ed in la b or-m a n a g em en t a greem en ts in f o u r in d u str ie s : B uilding co n stru ctio n ,prin ting , lo c a l tra n s it , and lo c a l tru ck in g . The studies p resen t the w age ra tes in e ffe c t as o f July 1 o f each y e a r , as rep orted to the B ureau by the a p p rop ria te lo c a l la b or o rga n iza tion s in each o f the c it ie s in cluded in the su rvey .

In form ation on the union s ca le s and h ours p r e ­va iling in the lo c a l tru ck in g in du stry in each c ity su rveyed is ava ilab le in O ctob er o f each y ea r on req u est to the B u rea u 's reg ion a l o f f ic e s shown on the in side back c o v e r . A re le a s e su m m a riz in g the ra tes fo r m o to rtru ck d r iv e r s and h e lp e rs on a nationw ide b a s is w as is su e d in A p r il 1967. T h is bu lletin p ro v id e s additional data and in d exes o f the trend o f w ages and h ou rs fo r the p e r io d 1936—66.

This study w as conducted in the B u rea u 's D iv is io n o f N ational W age and S a lary In com e by N orm an J. S am u els , C h ief. F ie ld w ork fo r the su rv ey w as d ire c te d by the A ss is ta n t R egion a l D ir e c to r s fo r W ages and In du stria l R e la tion s .


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S um m ary----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1Scope and method of study___________________________________________________________ 1


1. Indexes of union hourly wage rates and w eekly hours form otortru ck d riv ers and h elp ers , 1936—6 6 ________________________________ 3

2. P ercen t in crea ses in union hourly wage rates and percentof m otortru ck d riv ers and helpers a ffected , July 1, 1965—July 1, 1966---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

3. C en ts-p er-h ou r in crea ses in union hourly wage rates andpercent of m otortru ck d riv ers and helpers affected ,July 1, 1965-July 1, 1966__________________________________________________ 3

4. In creases in union hourly wage rates fo r m otortru ck d riv ersand h elpers by city , July 1, 1965—July 1, 1966---------------------------------------- 4

5. D istribution of union m otortru ck d rivers and helpers byhourly wage rates, July 1, 1966___________________________________________ 5

6. A verage union hourly wage rates for m otortru ck d riv ers andhelpers by c ity and population group, July 1, 1966______________________ 6

7. A verage union hourly wage rates fo r m otortru ck d rivers andhelpers by region , July 1, 1966___________________________________________ 7

8. D istribution of union m otortru ck d rivers and helpers bystra ight-tim e weekly hours, July 1, 1966________________________________ 7

9. Union sca les o f wages and hours and em ployer insurance andpension payments fo r m otortru ck d r iv e rs , h elpers, and a llied occupations in 68 c it ie s , July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966________________ 8


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Union Wages and Hours:

Motortruck Drivers and Helpers, July 1, 1966

S u m m ary

H ou rly w age s c a le s of u n ion ized lo c a l m oto rtru ck d r iv e rs a n d h e lp e rs av era g ed $ 3 .3 5 , on Ju ly 1, 1966, a cco rd in g to the B u ­r e a u 's annual su rvey o f such s c a le s in c it ie s of 100, 000 popu lation or m o r e . D r iv e r s of lo c a l m o to rtru ck s av era g ed $3 .39 an hour. S ca les of $2 .75 or m o re an hour w e re r e ­p o r te d fo r 95 p e rce n t of the lo c a l m o to rtru ck d r iv e r s ; 62 p ercen t had s c a le s o f $3 but le s s than $3 .50 an hour and 27 p e rce n t had s c a le s of $3 .50 or m o re an hour. D r iv e r s ' h e lp e rs r id in g on tru ck s had h ou rly w age s c a le s a v e r ­aging $3 ; 85 p e rce n t of the d r iv e r s ' h e lp e rs r e c e iv e d a s ca le o f $2 .50 but le s s than $3 .50 an hour.

B etw een July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966, n ine-tenths o f the su rvey ed w o rk e rs r e ce iv e d advances in th e ir h ou rly w age s ca le . T h ese in c r e a s e s advanced t h e av erag e sca le 11 cen ts , or 3.5 p e rce n t, during the y e a r . The av era g e s c a le r o s e 11 cen ts , or 3.5 p e rce n t an hour fo r lo c a l m o to rtru ck d r iv e r s . The in cr e a s e s v a r ie d fr o m 10 but le s s than 20 cents an hour fo r n e a r ly tw o -th ird s o f the d r iv e rs to in c r e a s e s of 20 cents or m o re an hour fo r o n e -tw e lfth of th ese su rvey ed w o r k ­e r s . F o r d r iv e r s ' h e lp e r s , the in c r e a s e in the a v era g e am ounted to 10 cen ts , or 3.6 p e r ­cent, betw een July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966. N egotia ted in c r e a s e s f o r d r iv e r s ' h e lp e rs ran ged fr o m 10 but under 20 cents an hour fo r m o re than o n e -h a lf of the w o rk e rs to le s s than 10 cents an hour fo r a lm ost th re e -te n th s .

S tra ig h t-tim e w ork w eek s fo r d r iv e rs and h e lp e rs av era g ed 40 h ou rs on Ju ly 1, 1966, the sam e as the p re v io u s y e a r . A ll but 4 p e r ­cent of the w o rk e rs had a standard w eek ly sch edu le of 40 h ou rs .

P r o v is io n s fo r health and in su ra n ce p r o ­g ra m s w e re conta in ed in la b or -m a n a g em en t ag reem en ts co v e r in g s ligh tly m o re than n in e - tenths of the d r iv e rs and h e lp e rs . P en sion plans w e re in co rp o ra te d in co n tra cts a p p li­cab le to sev en -e ig h th s o f the w o rk e r s .

S cope and M ethod of Study

Union s c a le s a re th ose a g re e d on through c o lle c t iv e bargain ing betw een trad e unions

and e m p lo y e r s , and defin ed as (1) the b a s ic (m in im um ) w age s c a le s (exclu d in g h olida y , v aca tion , or oth er b en efit paym ents re g u la r ly m ade or c re d ite d to the w o rk e r each pay p e r io d ), and (2) the m axim u m sch ed u les of h ours at s tra ig h t-tim e ra te s . R ates in e x ce s s o f the n egotia ted m in im um , w hich m ay be paid fo r sp e c ia l q u a lifica tion s or other r e a ­son s , are not in cluded .

The in form a tion p resen ted in this bu lletin w as ba sed on union s c a le s in e ffe c t on Ju ly 1, 1966, a n d c o v e r e d ap p rox im a te ly 310 ,00 0 d r iv e rs and 35, 000 h e lp e rs in 68 c it ie s w ith popu lations o f 100, 000 or m o r e . L o ca l c ity d r iv e rs paid on a m ile a g e or co m m iss io n b a s is and o v e r - th e -r o a d d r iv e rs operating betw een c it ie s o r v a r io u s parts of the United States w e re ex clu d ed fr o m the study. Data w ere obtained p r im a r i ly fr o m lo c a l union o f ­f ic ia ls by m a il qu estion n a ire . In som e in ­sta n ce s , B ureau e co n o m ists v is ite d lo c a l un­ion o ff ic ia ls to obtain the d e s ire d in form ation .

The cu rren t su rv e y w as design ed to r e ­f le c t union w age s c a le s of lo c a l m oto rtru ck d r iv e rs and h e lp e rs in a ll c it ie s of 100, 000 popu lation or m o r e , exclu d in g H onolulu. A ll c it ie s with 500, 000 popu lation or m o re w ere in cluded , as w e re m o s t c it ie s in the 250, 000 to 50 0 ,00 0 grou p . The c it ie s in the 100, 000 to 250, 000 grou p se le c te d fo r study w e re d is ­tribu ted w id e ly throughout the United States. Data fo r som e c it ie s w e re w eighted to c o m ­pensate fo r c it ie s w hich w e re not su rveyed . To p rov id e a p p rop ria te re p re se n ta tio n in the com bin ation of data, each g eogra p h ic re g io n w as co n s id e re d se p a ra te ly when c ity w eights w ere assign ed .

A v e ra g e h ou r ly s c a le s , d es ign ed to show cu rre n t rate le v e ls , w e re b a se d on a ll s c a le s r e p o rte d in e ffe c t on Ju ly 1, 1966. In d iv id ­ual s ca le s w e re w eigh ted by the num ber of union m e m b e rs at each ra te . T h ese av era g es a re not des ign ed fo r p r e c is e y e a r - t o -y e a r co m p a riso n s b e ca u se of flu ctuation s in m e m ­b e rsh ip and in c la s s if ica t io n s studied. H ow ­e v e r , av erag e c e n ts -p e r -h o u r a n d p ercen t changes fr o m July 1, 1965, to Ju ly 1, 1966, w e re b a sed on co m p a ra b le quotations fo r the v a r io u s occu p ation a l c la s s if ica t io n s in both


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p e r io d s , w eigh ted by the m e m b e rsh ip reported fo r the cu rren t (1966) su rvey . The index s e r ie s , d es ign ed f o r tren d p u rp o s e s , w as s im ila r ly co n stru cted .

The c ity and re g io n a l a v era g es p re se n te d in tab les 6 and 7 a re design ed to show cu rren t le v e ls of s c a le s fo r the tw o grou ps— d r iv e rs and h e lp e rs . T h ese a v era g es a re in flu en ced not on ly by the d iffe r e n c e s in s c a le s am ong

a re a s , but a lso by d iffe r e n c e s in the p r o ­p ortion of o rg a n ize d w o rk e rs in the v a r iou s c la s s if ic a t io n s . T h ese d iffe re n ce s are r e ­fle c te d in the w eighting of individual s c a le s by the num ber o f union m e m b e rs at the sc a le . T h e re fo r e , it m a y be p o s s ib le fo r the a v erag e h ou rly sca le fo r h e lp e rs in an a re a , p a r t ic ­u la r ly when such w o rk e r s are con cen tra ted in a few h ig h -ra te d c la s s if ic a t io n s , to e x ce e d the av era g e fo r d r iv e rs in the sam e area .

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3T a b le 1. In dex es o f Union H ou rly W age R ates and W eek ly H ours fo r M o to rtru ck D r iv e r s and H e lp e rs , 1936—66

YearD rivers and helpers Dri vers Helpers

Wage rates Hours Wage rates Hours Wage rates Hours

1936: May 1 5 ________________________________________ 29.4 116.8 ( l ) (') (*) C)1937 May 15________________________________________ 31.3 115.9 31.8 115.9 28.5 116.11938 June 1 ________ ____________________ - ___ 32.4 115.9 32.9 115.9 29.5 116.11939 June 1 ___________ ______________ _______ 33.1 114.8 33.6 115.0 30.2 114.7

1940: June 1 ________________________________________ 33.8 113.7 34.3 114.0 30.9 113.31941 June 1 __________________________ ____________ 35.2 113.1 35.6 113.3 32.4 112.51942 July 1__________________________ — ________ 37.7 113.4 38.0 113.4 35.2 114.71943 July 1_________________________________ _____ 39.7 113.2 40.1 113.2 37.2 114.5

1944 July 1_________________________________________ 40.6 113.1 41.0 113.0 38.3 114.51945 July 1_________________________________________ 41.5 112.9 41.9 112.7 39.2 114.31946 July 1_________________________________________ 46.2 110.5 46.6 110.5 44.0 111.81947:: July 1_________________________________________ 53.3 107.9 53.8 107.6 50.4 109.9

1948: July 1_________________________________________ 58.0 107.0 58.5 106.8 55.9 108.41949:: July 1_________________________________________ 62.7 106.6 63.3 106.4 60.2 107.81950:: July 1__________________________________________ 64.9 105.9 65.4 105.8 62.8 107.11951:: July 1_________________________________ ________ 68.6 105.8 69.0 105.7 66.4 106.7

1952 July 1_________________________________________ 72.4 105.4 72.6 105.2 70.9 106.21953 July 1_________________________________________ 78.1 103.3 78.3 103.2 76.5 103.91954 July 1_________________________________________ 81.4 102.5 81.5 102.5 80.5 102.41955 July 1_____________ ___________ ______ ________ 86.0 101.9 86.1 101.9 85.1 101.7

1956 July 1_________________________________________ 90.2 101.1 90.3 101.1 89.8 100.91957 July 1_________________________________________ 95.1 100.6 95.1 100.7 95.0 100.41958 July 1_________________________________________ 100.1 100.2 100.1 100.3 100.2 99.91959 July 1____________________ •____________________ 104.8 99.1 104.9 99.0 104.7 99.7

1960:: July 1_________________________________________ 109.3 98.9 109.3 98.8 109.3 99.51961:: July 1_________________________________________ 113.4 98.8 113.4 98.7 113.4 99.21962:: July 1____________________ _____________________ 117.8 98.5 117.8 98.4 117.9 99.11963:: July 1_________________________________________ 123.1 98.4 123.1 98.3 123.6 98.9

1964:: July 1----------------------------------------------------------------- 127.7 98.4 127.7 98.2 128.2 98.91965:: July 1_________________________________________ 132.2 98.4 132.2 98.2 133.1 98.91966:: July 1_________________________________________ 136.8 98.3 136.8 98.1 137.8 98.8

1 Information not computed separately in 1936,

Table 2. Percent Increases in Union Hourly Wage Rates and Percent of Motortruck D rivers and Helpers Affected,

July 1, 1965—July 1, 1966

Change in hourly rate

Percent of—

D riversand

helpersD rivers Helpers

No change_______________________ ______ 9.7 9.5 11.0In crea se______________________ _______ 90.3 90.5 89.0

Under 2 p ercent__________________ 3.2 3.2 3.52 and under 3 percent___________ 18.0 18.0 18.43 and under 4 percent------------------- 35.7 36.3 29.74 and under 5 percent____________ 15.2 15.4 13.65 and under 6 percent____________ 10.6 10.1 15.46 and under 7 p ercen t............ ........ 3.3 3.2 4.37 and under 8 percent________ . 2.6 2.7 1.88 and under 9 percent------------------ 1.1 1.1 1.59 and under 10 percent__________ .1 .1 -10 percent and over _____________ .4 .4 .8

NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual percentagesmay not equal totals.

Table 3. C ents-P er-H our Increases in Union Hourly Wage Rates and Percent of Motortruck D rivers and Helpers Affected,

July 1, 1 9 6 5 -July 1, 1966

Change in hourly rate

Percent of—

D riversand

helpersD rivers Helpers

No change _ 9.7 9.5 11.0In crease________________________ ____ ___ 90.3 90.5 89.0

Under 5 cents ___________________ .4 .4 .55 and under 7 l/z cents________ . . . 5.4 5.0 8.57V2 and under 10 c e n ts__________ 10.5 9.6 19.210 and under 12V2 cents_________ 34.5 34.9 30.4I2 V2 and under 15 cents_________ 11.1 11.8 4.615 and under 1 7 cents____ ___ 17.9 18.0 18.617V2 and under 20 cents_________ 1.8 2.0 .620 and under 25 cents______ ____ 5.2 5.2 5.125 cents and o v e r _________________ 3.5 3.7 1.4

NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual percentagesmay not equal totals.

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T a b le 4. In cre a se s in U nion H ou rly W age R ates fo r M o to rtru ck D r iv e r s and H e lp ers by C ity , Ju ly 1, 1965—Ju ly 1, 1966

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T able 5. D istribu tion of Union M otortru ck D r iv e rs and H e lp ers by H ou rly W age R a te s , July 1, 1966

P ercen t of—

H ou rly w age rate D r iv e rsHe lpe r sand D r iv e rs

h elp e rs

Under $2 00 — — — _____________________________ 0 .3


0 .3 0 .9

0 ).1

.6.1 .4.1 .1 .2.3 .3 .1.4 .2 1.7

.3 .1 1.6

.1 .1 .4

.3 .3 .3

.3 .2 .4

.4 .3 2.1

.5 .5 .7$ 2 .5 5 and under $ 2 .6 0 _________________________________ .3 .3 .7$ 2 .6 0 and under $ 2 . 6 5 ________ _____________________ - .8 .5 3 .0$ 2 .6 5 and under $ 2 .7 0 _____ ____________________ .9 .7 2 .8$ 2 .7 0 and under $ 2 .7 5 _________________________ 1.7 1.0 8 .3

$? 75 and imd(=>-r $ 2 ,8 0 1.5 1.4 2 .6$ 2 .8 0 and under $ 2 .8 5 ___ __ ____________ _______ 1.5 1.4 2 .5$ 2 .8 5 and under $ 2 .9 0 ______________________ _____ 1.8 1.1 9 .2$ 2 .9 0 and under $ 2 .9 5 _ ________ ____________________ 1.4 1.3 2 .0$? 05 and under $ 8 ,0 0 _ __ _______ 1.5 1.3 4 .2

$ 3 .0 0 and under $ 3 .0 5 ___________________________ 1.9 1.2 8 .3$3 05 and under $ 3 ,1 0 _ ________ __ 1.4 1.3 2 .1$ 8 10 a n d u n d p r $ 3 , 1 5 2 ,7 2 .4 5 .2$ 3 .1 5 and under $ 3 . 2 0 _______ _____________________ 3 .4 3 .3 4 .6$ 3 .2 0 and under $ 3 .2 5 . . ____________________________ 8 .5 7 .9 13.9

$ 3 .2 5 and under $ 3 .3 0 _ _ ____________________________ 2 .8 2 .9 1.8$ 3 ,3 0 a n d u n d e r $ 3 .3 5 _ _ _________ 2 0 .0 2 1 .3 7 .9$ 3 3 5 a n d u u d e r $ 3 . 4 - 0 5 .0 5 .2 3 .9

.1$ 3 ,4 0 and under $ 3 .4 5 _______ __________________ _______ 9 .8 10.8$ 3 4 5 a n d u n d e r $ 3 . 5 0 . . . 5 .0 5 .3 1.4

$ 3 5 0 a n d n u d e r $ 3 , 8 0 . . . 7.1 7 .6 2 .6$ 3 .6 0 and under $ 3 .7 0 _______ ______________________ 3.9 4 .1 1.5$ 3 7 0 a n d u n d e r $ 3 , 8 0 3.5 3 .8 .6$ 3 .8 0 and under $ 3 .9 0 _ ____ __________ ______________ 1.3 1.4 .1$ 3 .9 0 and under $ 4 .0 0 __ ____________________ ______ 1.4 1.5 .7

$ 4 .0 0 and o v e r __________________________________________ 7 .5 8 .3 .7

T otal_______________________________________________ 100 .0 100.0 100 .0

A v e r a g e h o u r l y rate _______ __ _ _______ _ _ $ 3 .3 5 $ 3 .3 9 $ 3 .0 0

1 L e s s than 0 .05 p ercen t.

NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual percentages may not equal 100.

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6Table 6. Average Union Hourly Wage Rates for Motortruck Drivers and Helpers by City and Population Group, July 1, 1966

City and population groupAverage hourly rate 1

City and population groupAverage hourly rate *

Drivers D rivers— Continued

Population group 1 (1 ,0 0 0 , 000 and over):


Population group IV (100, 000 to 250, 000)— Continued

Detroit, Mich 3.44 Little Rock, A r k -------------------------------------------------------- --------------- $2.96Srrantnn, Pa ..... _ ________ ___ 2.96

o f T 3.40 Tokepa, K an s__________________________________________________ 2.96— c ---------S------ E— RirVnnnmij Va ... . 2.95

3.40New York, N .Y ____________ ______ _______ ______________ ____ — 3.33 Helpers


Population group II (500, 000 to 1, 000, 000):Population group I (1 ,0 0 0 , 000 and over):

J ,np Angeles, Calif ............ 3.163.893.813.77

Chicago, 111____________________________________________________ 3.08Detroit, M ich __________________________________________________ 3.06

3.48 Average for group I __________________________________________ 2.90

3.45 Philadelphia, P a . .____________________________________________ 2.85----------- ------------ £------ E— New Y^rV, N Y ......... - 2.76

3.403.40 Population group II (500, 000 to 1, 000, 000):3.393.36 San F rancisco—Oakland, C a lif____________________________ 3.663.30 Seattle, W ash ________________________ ____ ____ ________________ 3.513.28 San Diego, C a li f______________________________________________ 3.363 28 Pittsburgh, P a ____ __________________________________________ 3.203.25 Milwaukee, W is _______________________________________________ 3.163.16 St. Louis, M o __________________________________________________ Average for group II__________________________________________ 3.03

New O rleans, L a ___ ______ ___________________ ________________ 2.72rinrinnah* t Ohin ..... . _ __ 3.02

Population group III (250, 000 to 500, 000): RalHmnrp, Md . ................... _ 2.95Boston, M ass __ __ _ ___ ____ ____ 2.90

3 51 Buffalo, N .Y ______________ ___________________________________ 2.733.453.39

Cleveland, O hio____________________________________________ 2.68C.rvl vimVm ft} Ohin ..... ... Washington, D .C ____________________________________________ 2.62

rlr TvJ T ......... 3.35 New O rleans, L a _____________________________________________ 2.053.31 Houston, T e x _________________________________________________ - 2.04

T oIpHoj O h io ................ _ _ _______ _ ____ ________ 3.30

Average for group III_______________________________________

T3 T\T V



Population group III (250, 000 to 500, 000);

Minneapolis—St. Paul, M in n ________________________________Portland, O reg______________________________________________


BTa-nc;a<s C'Aty} Mo ... . ..... . _ _ 3.23L ouisville, K y _________________________________________________

3.173.20 3.15

T . =v/ llp 3.19 Rochester, N .Y ________________________________________________ 3.11p OTi<jor r ‘n 3.18 Kansas City, M o ______________________________________________ 3.09M^TTphi*1 T^nn 3.17 Toledo, O hio_________________________________________________ 3.08Otty IMphr 3.17DatrtnnJ Ohio ... _ . . . 3.13 Average for group III_________________________________________ 3.07Birmingham, A la _____________________________________________Tiilca Olf 1 a

3.123.11 Newark, N.J_____ ____________________________________________ 2.79

OityJ Okla . . . 3.10 Phoenix, A riz ______________________________________________ 2.75T* a vr-i p o TT 1 a 3.06 Denver, Colo_________________________________________________ 2.69Plinpniv, A ri7 . . 3.00 Oklahoma City, O k la _______________________________________ 2.43T\T o t* o 1 Ir "V a 2.98 Dayton, Ohio . . __ . .... 2.39

Tulsa. Okla ._ _ _ _____ 2.30Population group IV (100, 000 to 250, 000); Memphis f Tp.rm ............... . _ _____ 1.52

RirmingViam, Ala ...... . . . . . . 1.51Sarrampritn, Calif . . . . . . . . 4.10F rpflnn, O a 1 i f ... . . . 3.76 Population group IV (100 ,0 00 to 2 50 ,0 00 );Trpnfnn, 7ST..T .. . . _ _ 3.64^ipolr^p^j AAT a fih . . . 3.58 Evansville, Ind_____________________________________________ _ 3.35Ppnria, T11 . . . 3.47 Sacramento, C a lif___________________________________________ 3.33

Ftp snn, Calif _ . .... _ .. 3.32Average for group IV _. ....... 3.40 New Haven, Conn____________________________________________ 3.21

A lhnqnerqne, N. Mev . . . . . . . . 3.20Syracuse, N .Y ______________________________________________ -I .nhhnrW, T pv ... ._ . . . .


Spokane, W a s h ________________________________________________Erie , P a _______________________________________________________


.SpringfiRld T M ass . . . . . . 3.31 3.14hJ p»w T-Ta v<=;n, Oorm . . _ 3.30PrnviHprir.p r R. T .... ....... ... ______ ____ 3.28 Average for group IV _______________________________________ 3.10F.van svi 11 e ; TnH . . _ ....... .. . ___ ___ __ ___ __ 3.26Jacksonville, F la _________ ________________________________O-ranH Rapirls, Mi r*h . . .


Providence, R .I_______________________________________________Peoria, 111________________________ _________________________


Rnnt*h RprtHj TnA 3,22 Madison, W is ____________ ____ ________ __ _____________ __ 3.05Dpq MninPQj To\x/a 3.20 Des M oines, Io w a __________________________________________ 3.04

3.19 Trenton, N..T __ ____ __ ________ _______________ _ 3.03’ Ky|..ce" ” 3.18 Springfield, M ass . .... .._ __ . . . 2.99

TCr>OYxri 1 j Thnri 3.16 Scranton, P a _____ _______ _____ ______________ ____ __________ 2.903.15 South Bend, In d ______________ _____________________________ 2.83

r.Vi^rlnf^Pj M r, 3.14 Grand Rapids, M ic h ________________________________________ 2.71J < 1/0 r*.ifir TTf 3,14 Salt T ,altp Cityj Utah _ _ __ . . . . 2.63

3.03 Little Rock, A r k __ ________________________________________ 2.56RV| "**P^ppnrt j T ,a 2.98 Knoxville, Tenn__________ _______________________________ 1.99

1 The averages shown for drivers and helpers are based on all scales reported for these w orkers. Helpers were not reported for all truck classifications;, and these averages do not reflect or indicate the scale differential between drivers and helpers in a particular city. Negotiated scales for such workers are presented in table 9.

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T able 7 . A v e ra g e Union H ourly W age R ates for M o to rtru ck D r iv e rs and H e lp ers by R egion , 1 July 1, 1966

A v e ra g e rate per hour

R egion D riv e rsand D r iv e rs H elp ers

h elp e rs

U nited S ta t e s ---------------------------------------- ------------- $ 3 . 35 $ 3 . 39 $ 3 . 00

New E n gland_____________________________________________ $ 3 . 25 $ 3 . 28 $ 3 . 05M iddle A t la n tic _________________________________________ 3. 27 3. 34 2 . 86RnrHp.r States ___ _ __ _ ...... ............ 3 . 02 3. 05 2. 90S o u th ea st------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 3 . 17 3. 18 1 .6 2G rea t L ak es _ _______ - 3. 34 3. 37 3 . 07M iddle W est _ _ ____ . _ 3. 26 3. 28 3. 08Sm ithw est .................. ...................... _ 3. 04 3. 06 2. 17Mountain . . . .... ... . _ _ 3. 12 3. 13 2 . 92

3. 77 3. 80 3. 37

1 The reg io n s u sed in this su rv e y in clude: New England— C on necticut, M a ine, M a ssa c h u se tts , New H a m p sh ire , Rhode Island , and V e rm o n t; M iddle A tla n tic— New J e r se y , New Y o rk , and P en nsylvan ia ; B o rd er S ta tes— D e la w a re , D is tr ic t of C o lu m bia , K entucky, M aryland , V irg in ia , and W e st V irg in ia ; Southeast— A la b a m a , F lo r id a , G e o rg ia , M is s is s ip p i , N orth C a ro lin a , South C a ro lin a , and T e n n e ssee ; G reat L a k e s— Illin o is , Indiana, M ichigan , M in n eso ta , O hio, and W isco n sin ; M iddle W e s t— Iow a, K a n sa s, M is s o u r i, N eb ra sk a , N orth Dakota, and South Dakota; Southw est— A r k a n sa s , L o u isia n a , O k lahom a, and T e x a s ; M ountain— A r iz o n a , C o lo ra d o , Idaho, M ontana, New M ex ico , Utah, and W yom in g; and P a c ific — A la sk a , C a lifo rn ia , N evada, O regon , and W ashington .

Haw aii w as excluded fro m the su rv e y .

T able 8 . D istribu tio n of Union M o to rtru ck D r iv e rs and H elp ers by S tr a ig h t-T im e W eek ly H o u rs, July 1, 1966

P ercen t of union m em b e rs with c la s s if ie d h ours per w eek

W e e k ly hours D r iv e rsand

h elp e rsD r iv e rs H elp ers

35 h o u r s ____ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. 7 0 . 7 1 . 2O ver 35 and under 40 h o u rs____ _ _ 1 .6 1 .7 . 740 h ours _ _ 9 6 . 1

. 4

. 5

9 6 . 0 . 4 . 5

9 6 .9 . 3 . 3

O ver 4 0 and under 45 h o u rs_________________________45 h o u r s __ .O ver 45 h o u rs_________ _ _ _ _ . 6 . 6 . 6H ours not sp e c ifie d in union a g r e e m e n t .________ . 1 . 1

T o ta l_______________________________________________ 1 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0

A v e ra g e w eek ly h ours _ _ _ _ _ _ 40. 0 40. 0 40. 0

N O T E : B e ca u se of rounding, su m s of individual p ercen ta g es m a y not equal 100 .

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8Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, and

Allied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966

(Hours are 40 per week unless otherwise indicated)

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July l, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





r contri- .0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


ALBUQUERQUE, N. M E X . AT L A N T A , G A .— Continued

Building: Linen: $ $Construction: F irst 3 months-------------------------------------- 8 2 .02 3 8 2 . 068 . -

Dump: $ $ 4—6 months------------------------------------------------ 8 2 . 159 8 2. 205 -3. 030 3. 205 10* 7—9 months _ .. . .. 8 2 .29 5 8 2 .341

8 and under 16 cubic yards--------- 3. 105 3. 270 10* - 10—12 months-------------------------------------------- 8 2. 455 8 2 .52 3 _ _16 and under 20 cubic y a r d s ------ 3. 235 3 .41 0 10* - After 1 y e a r _____________________________ 8 2 .63 6 8 2. 705 . -

Flatbed, l7z ton----------------------------------- 3. 005 3. 180 10* - Helpers:Lowboy (heavy equipment)---------------- 3. 615 3. 790 10* - F irst 3 m onths-------------------------------- 8 1. 705 8 1 .75 0 -

2. 905 3. 080 10* 4-—A months. . . . . 8 1 . 841 8 1.9093. 155 3 330 10* Atf^T A rryrmfhs .......... 8 2 . 000 8 2 .0 6 8

W arehousem en-------------------------------------- 3. 005 3. 180 10* - Meat— Packinghouse:Material: Agreem ent A ------- -------------- -------------- 2. 770 2 .9 1 0 (3) (3)

2. 330 2. 400 (3) Agrppmpnt "R .. 2. 790 2 .91 0 (3i f3 \2. 155 2. 225 3 Agrcprripnt P. ........... 2 .71 5 2. 855 3 3

Over 8 cubic y a r d s ------------------------ 2 . 180 2. 250 - Agreem ent D -------------------------------------------- 2. 765 2. 905 (3 )Euclid type------------------------------------------ 2. 330 2 .40 0 (?) - Railway express:

2. 330 2. 400 ( 1 'Pic Imp Pnrl d <=> 1 -i \rt=* rtr 2. 764 2 . 860 144/ 5*3. 200 3. 300 207/ 10* 20 * Mnnpy pickup .. .. ... . . . . . . 2 . 898 2 . 920 144/ 5*

Heavy duty--------------------------------------------------- 3. 250 3. 350 20 7/10* 20 *H e lp ers-------------------------------------------------------- 3. 100 3. 200 207/10* 20 * BALTIM OR E, MD.

Railway exp ress---------------------------------------------- 2 . 802 3. Oil 144/ s*A T L A N T A , GA. Acetylene-------------------------------------------------------- 2. 950 3. 000 5* -

Helpers —--------------------------------------------------- 2 . 800 2. 850 5* -A ir product: Arm ored c a r ------------------------------------------------- 2. 580 2. 580 13* 15*

2. 940 3 .01 0 PriiarHs *_ .. ... . . . . . . 2 .48 0 2 .48 0 13* 15*After 30 days---------------------------------------------- 3. 040 3. n o - - Bakery— B iscuit:M aintenance------------------------------------------------ 3. 090 3. 160 - - Agreem ent A -------------------------------------------- 4 2 .6 1 0 4 2 .73 0 42/ 5* (3 )

2. 510 2. 570 (3) 17Vz* Agrppmpnf' "p. 4 2 .61 0 4 2 .73 0 (3) 31 .750 1. 750 15* Agrppmcnt C. ... . .......... 4 2 .61 0 4 2. 730 (3) 12*

B ak ery--------------------------------------------------------------- 4 2. 695 4 2. 765 (?) Building:F o rk lift-------------------------------------------------------- 2. 675 2. 745 (3) (3) Construction:

Film : Concrete m ixer--------------------------------- 2. 850 3. 000 15* 10*F irst 90 days---------------------------------------------- 2. 850 2. 950 0 20* Pickup--------------------------------------------- 2. 370 2. 520 15* 10*

9ft r)ayc ................ .. . 3. 000 3. 100 (3) 20* Crmtra rtnr ... ... 2. 720 2. 850 10* 10*Checkers: H e lp ers ------------------------------------------ 2 .42 0 2. 550 10* 10*

F irst 90 days----------------------------------------- 2. 850 2. 950 0 20 * Dump and excavating--------------------- 2 . 820 3. 020 15* 10*After 90 days----------------------------- ---------- 3. 000 3. 100 (3) 2 0 * Euclid and d um pster--------------- 3. 095 3. 295 15* 10*

Dockmen: D ropfram e tr a ile r ______________ 2 .99 5 3. 195 15* 10*F irst 90 days----------------------------------------- 2 .75 0 2. 850 (?) 20* H e lp ers------------------------------------------ 2. 695 2. 895 15* 10*After 90 days----------------------------------------- 2 . 900 3. 000 (3) 20* Pickup--------------------------------------------- 2. 645 2. 845 15* 10*

General— Freight 5 ---------------------------------------- 3. 210 3. 310 2 174* 20* M aterial (other than m ixer)---------------- 1. 750 1 .750 15* 10*G rocery: M ixer_________________________________ 1. 800 1 .800 15* 10*

Retail chainstore: H e lp ers ------------------------------------------------ 1. 650 1 .65 0 15* 10*Agreem ent A: Fuel o i l ----------------------------------------------------------- - 2 . 000 2. 050 10* 5*

Fi^st 3f> r|ey.« 6 2. 850 6 2 .9 5 0 (?) 1 .860 1. 910 10* 5*. . .After 30 days____________________ - 6 2 .9 0 0 6 3 .00 0 (3) Furniture----Retail. _ 1. 980 2. 030 12* 12*Forklift: Helpers ----------------------------- --------------- 1. 880 1. 930 12* 12*

F irst 30 days------------------------- - 2. 500 2 .60 0 0 - General— Freight: 5After 30 days----------------------------- 2. 550 2. 650 (3) - Agreem ent A -------------------------------------- 3. 110 3. 230 18V4* 17 Vz*

Loaders and unloaders: H e lp ers --------------------------------------------- 2. 905 3. 025 18V4* 177z*F irst 30 days----------------------------- 2. 330 2 .43 0 (?) - Agreem ent B:After 30 days--------------------- 2. 380 2 .48 0 ( i - Heavy hauling----------------------------- — 3. 000 3. 150 10* 10*

Agreem ent B — --------------------------------- 4 2 .9 2 0 4 3 .02 0 lsVto* 1572* G ooseneck -trailer,C heckers, h o stlers------------------------ 4 2 .9 2 0 4 3 .0 2 0 157to* 1572* heavy duty--------- ---------------------- 3. 200 3. 350 10* 10*W arehou sem en ---------------------------- 2. 390 2 .4 9 0 17* i ?72* Grocery:

Agreem ent C: Retail------------------------------------------------------- 3. 025 3. 100 13* 15*First- 30 tlay« 4 2. 750 4 2 .85 0 (3) (3) T4cilp< rs .............. . . 2. 712 2. 788 13* 15*31—6 1 dayR _ _ _ ______ 4 2. 850 4 2 .95 0 3 (3) Wholesa Ip ... _ 2. 550 2 . 600 11* 15*Al—9 ft r^ys _ _ 4 2 .95 0 4 3. 000 3 (3 ) Welpe r« 2. 325 2. 375 l i i 15*After 90 days-------------------------------- 4 3 .00 0 4 3 .10 0 (3) H Meat— Packinghouse----------------------------------- 3. 040 3. 100 (3) (?)■Forklift: H e lp ers --------------------------------------------------- 2 . 800 2 . 860 (3) ( 1F irst 30 days------------------------- - 2. 300 2 .40 0 (?) (?) Newspaper (c ity )--------------------------------------- 9 2 .99 2 9 3 .08 0 8 * 1174*

3 1-60 d a y s ---------------------------------- 2 .40 0 2. 500 (3) (3) Oil:6 1-9 0 d a y s ---------------------------------- 2. 500 2 . 600 (?) (?) Agreem ent A ------------------------------- — __ 10 3. 000 10 3. 100 975* 79/i0*After 90 days--------------------------- 2. 550 2. 650 (3) (3) Agreem ent B:

Warehousemen: F irst 6 m onths-------------------------------- 2 . 600 2 .75 0 (3) (3)First 30 days - 2 . 060 2 . 160 (3) (3 ) 7—1 7. months -- ..... 2. 790 2. 790 (3< 3) 1 —Aft rl?»y« . . 2 . 160 2 . 260 U M 1—7. yparR . _ 2 .85 0 2 .89 0 3 H

—90 days ... . 2 . 260 2. 360 (3) (3) 2—"3 ypars . . . . . . . . . 3. 000 3. 150 f3 l f3 lAfter 90 days--------------------------- 2. 310 2 .4 1 0 H H After 3 y e a rs-------------------------------------- 3 ! 050 3 ! 200 M H

Wholesale: Agreem ent C:Agreem ent A ----------------------------------------- 2 .89 0 3 .00 0 (3) - Stake:

Car unloaders and F irst year-------------------------------------- 2 .42 0 2 .6 0 0 (3) (3)py|11fiT»c _ ___ 2. 190 2. 240 (?) 2. 535 2 .8 1 5 0 (3)C h eck ers___________________________ 2 .85 0 2 . 960 (3) - 2—3 y ea rs------------------------- - ------- 2 .65 0 2. 970 (3) (3)Forklift and tractor After 3 y e a rs----------------------------- 3. 010 3. 250 n

operators--------------------------------------- 2 .79 0 2 . 900 n , - Tank:Agreem ent B ------------------------------------ - 7 2. 420 7 2 .6 2 0 87s* - First 6 m onths----------------------------- 2 .41 0 2 . 600 (3) (3)^plpprs _ _ 7 2 .0 6 0 7 2 . 210 875* 7—i 7 m/mth® 2. 615 2 .81 5 (3\ i3Forklift - - - ..............- - 2. 310 2. 450 972* 1—2 ypars 2. 760 2. 970 3

W arehousemen-------------------------------- 2 .06 0 2 . 210 97z* - After 2 y e a rs-------------------------------- 3. 080 3 .2 5 0V„ ' (3) I3!

See footnotes at end of table.

NOTE: When m ore than one union scale was in effect for the samej classification in a particular city, letters of the alphabet were used to designate the vario u s. agreem ents. The sequence of the letters does not indicate the relative importance of the agreem ents or Ithe sca les.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

BALTIM OR E, M D ,— Continued

Oil— Continued Agreem ent D:

F irst 6 months_______________________7—12 m onths----------------------------------------1— 2 y ears___________________________2— 3 y ea rs-----------------------------------------After 3 years---------------------------------------Yardmen:

F irst 6 months____________________7—12 m onths______________________1— 2 y ears------------------------------------2— 3 years_______________________After 3 y ea rs---------------------------------

Agreem ent E:F irst year_____________________________1— 2 y ea rs__________________________2— 3 years------------------------------------------3— 3% years-------------------------------------After 3% years______________________

Railway exp ress_____________________________United parcel service:

Local d e livery___________________________Tractor tr a ile r __________________________


Bakery:F irst 25 days_____________________________After 25 days_____________________________

General— Freight 5 ---------------------------------------C h eck ers----------------------------------------------------Dockmen-----------------------------------------------------

Grain:Agreem ent A ---------------------------------------------

H elp ers-------------------------------------------------Agreem ent B _____________________________

H elp ers-------------------------------------------------Hardware:

Agreem ent A ---------------------------------------------H elp ers-------------------------------------------------

Agreem ent B ---------------------------------------------Helpers and unloaders______________Pickup and lo a d ers----------------------------

Linen:F irst 3 months------------------------------------------4—6 months_______________________________7—9 months_______________________________10—12 months_____________________________After 1 y e a r ----------------------------------------------

Meat— Pac kinghous e:Agreem ent A ---------------------------------------------Agreem ent B _____________________________Agreem ent C _____________________________Agreem ent D _____________________________Agreem ent E ---------------------------------------------

Produce_______________________________________Railway express:

Money pickup---------------------------------------------Pickup and d elivery____________________


Arm ored c a r ---------------------------------------------------Bakery:

Cooky and cracker______________________Transport:

Up to 3 tons___________________________3—5 tons_______________________________5 tons and o v e r______________________

Special d e livery---------------------------------------

H elp ers-------------------------------------------------------Beer and liquor----------------------------------------------

Helpers and w arehousem en------------------Assistant shippers and

checkers___________ .____________________Building:

Construction:12Specialized earth moving

equipment___________________________2- axle equipment__________________3 - axle equipment__________________4 - and 5 -axle equipm ent___________Lowbed trailer_______________________

H elp ers-------------------------------------------Concrete m ixer______________________

July 1, 1965 July 1. 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate


ance 2 Pension

BOSTON, M ASS.— Continued

Building— ContinuedM aterial:

$2 .6 0 0 $2.6 0 0 (3 ) (3) Concrete— ----------------------------------------- $2 .6302. 725 2. 725 (3) (3 ) H elp ers------------------------------------------ 2. 5802. 865 2. 865 (3) (3) L u m b er— ----------------------------------------- 2 .49 03. 040 3. 040 (3) (3) H elp ers------------------------------------------ 2. 4403. 105 3. 105 (3 ) (3 ) C oal_________ _________________________________ 2. 780

H e lp ers--------- --------------------- ----------------- 2 . 6802. 335 2. 335 (3) ( !) Department store:2. 450 2. 450 (!) ( !) Agreem ent A:2. 590 2. 590 (3 ) (3 ) T ra iler----- ----------------------------------------- 2. 7802. 715 2. 715 (3) (3) P arcel____ __________________________ 2. 7302. 775 2. 775 (3) (3) Transfer— ----------------------------------------- 2. 780

Dump-------- ----------------------------------------- 2. 7102 . 639 2 . 639 ( !) (!) H elp ers------------------------------------------ 2. 5802. 760 2. 760 (3) (3) Agreem ent B ------------------------------------------- 2. 4432 . 881 2 . 881 (3) (3) H elp ers_______________________________ 2. 2843. 002 3. 002 (3 ) (3 ) Food service— M ilk ------------------------------------ 2 . 6003. 123 3. 123 (3 ) (3) F urnitur e— Retail:2 . 820 3. 000 14% £ Agreem ent A ____________________________ 2. 725

H e lp ers— ----------------------------------------- 2. 5052. 750 2 . 900 (3) ( !) Agreem ent B ---------------------------------------- 2 .41 22. 850 3. 000 (3) (3) H elp ers_______________________________ 2. 275

General— F reig h t5 ________________________ 3. 150Checkers, lum pers, power unit

operators, sw itchers, yardmen,team sters, second class riggers,

11 2. 375 4 2. 47 5 9 n/2o* - dray line operators___________________ 3. 15011 2. 430 4 2 .5 3 0 9n/2o* - H elpers, platform men,

3. 210 3. 310 21 V4 £ 20 * stablemen, warehousem en--------------- 3. 0503. 210 3. 310 21 % * 2 0 * D ouble-bottom ----------------------------------------- 3. 2003. 110 3. 210 21% * 20* F irst class r iggers, lead

men, winchmen, lowbed1. 280 1. 280 8 * - trailer operators, working1. 250 1 .25 0 8 * _ forem en, dispatchers------------------------- 3. 2501. 630 1 .63 0 8 * - G rocery:1. 550 1. 550 8 * - C hainstore---- ----------------------------------------- 3. 345

H elp ers---- ----------------------------------------- 3. 1931. 590 1. 590 8 * . W h olesale___ __________________________ 2. 5631. 290 1. 290 8 * - Shippers, receivers, and1. 620 1 .650 - - checkers __________________________ 2 . 6081. 530 1. 560 - . F o rk lift....................................................... 2. 5581. 580 1. 610 - - Selectors— warehousemen-------------- 2. 508

F reezer m en -------------------------------------- 2. 633*2 .0 2 3 8 2 .06 8 - - Forklift operators— freezer8 2 . 159 8 2 .20 5 - - m en _________________________________ 2. 5788 2. 295 8 2 .341 - - Working forem en— warehouse------ 2. 6858 2 .4 5 5 8 2 .52 3 - - Linen supply____ ________________________ 2 . 6208 2. 636 82. 705 - - H elp ers______ __________________________ 2. 330

M agazine________ __________________________ 3. 3662. 740 2 . 880 (3) (3) Meatpacking____ __________________________ 2 .9 0 02. 665 2 . 800 ( ) - Moving and storage________________________ 2. 3252 . 890 3. 030 (3) (3) T ra iler_______ __________________________ 2. 3752. 790 2. 930 ( ) (3) Helpers and w arehousem en__________ 2. 2252 . 660 2 . 800 (3) Packers_____________________ ____________ 2. 2751. 330 1. 350 . Lot men______ __________________________ 2. 625

Newspaper:2. 867 2 . 882 14% * - Day_____ ____ __________________________ 9 3. 3792. 784 2 . 801 14% * - Night_________ __________________________ 14 3. 620

Oil:Agreem ent A (asphalt and

o il) ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 . 920H elp ers__ __________________________ 2. 720

2. 870 2 .99 0 17* 17% * Agreem ent B:Oil chauffeurs, truck loaders,

4 2 .6 6 0 4 2. 760 (3) (3) truck gas men, and utilitym en _____ __________________________ 2 . 980

7 2 .53 5 8 2. 765 11% * 2 3% 0 * Agreem ent C ____________________________ 2. 6707 2. 585 8 2 . 820 11% * 2 3% 0 * Parcel delivery. ----------------------------------------- 3. 1507 2 .6 8 5 8 2 .9 3 0 11% * 2 3% 0 * L ead ----------------------------------------------------------- 3. 2757 2. 485 8 2. 710 11% * 23% o* Package, feeder, positioners,7 2. 465 8 2. 765 n % * 239/ 10 * sorters, m a rk e r s -ro u te r s_________ 3. 150

3. 110 3. 210 (3) 1474 * Loaders and unloaders------------------------- 3. 0503. 035 3. 135 (3) 141/4 * Railway exp ress____________________________ 2. 8773. 130 3. 280 18% * 20* M oney____________________________________ 2. 9053. 030 3. 180 18% * 2 0 * H elpers, perishab les__________________ 2 . 686

Refuse disposal- ---------------------------------------- 2. 8303. 230 3. 380 18% * 20* H elp ers--------- ----------------------------------------- 2. 830

Waste paper--------------------------------------------------- 2 . 390T ra cto r______ __________________________ 2 .4 4 0H elp ers______ __________________________ 2 . 290

3. 550 3. 700 13* 15*3. 300 3. 450 13* 15* BU FFALO , N. Y.3. 350 3. 500 13* 15*3 .4 5 0 3. 600 13* 15* B eer:3. 550 3. 700 13* 15* B rew ery_______ . . . . . . 2. 9253. 300 3. 450 13* 15* H elp ers_______________________________ 2 .90 03. 340 3. 460 (3) 20* D istributor— __________________________ 2. 675

July 1, 1%6




sr contri- to fund1



$ 2 .6 8 0 (3) 5*2. 630 (3) 5*2. 540 5*2. 490 . 5*2. 900 15% * 17% *2. 800 15 % * 17% *

13 2. 780 (3)13 2. 730 . (3)13 2. 780 - 013 2. 710 _ (3)13 2. 580 - (3)

2. 530 -2. 371 - -2. 725 20* 22% *

13 2. 725 . (3)13 2. 505 - (3)

2. 412 13* 15*2. 275 13* 15*3. 310 21% * 20*

3. 310 21% * 20*

3. 210 21% * 20*3. 360 2 1 % * 20*

3. 410 21% * 20*

3. 445 (3) 20*3. 293 (3) 20*2. 613 13* 15*

2. 658 13* 15*2. 608 13* 15*2. 558 13* 15*2. 683 13* 15*

2. 628 13* 15*2. 735 13* 15*2 .98 0 7 % * 20*2. 690 7% * 20*3. 366 21% * 25% *2. 940 (3) 17% *2 .32 5 13* 15*2. 375 13* 15*2. 225 13* 15*2. 275 13* 15*2. 625 13* 15*

9 3 .4 3 4 22% * 149/10*14 3. 679 24% * 16*

3. 060 1 5% * 17% *2. 860 1 5% * 17% *

3. 100 15% * 17% *2. 790 17* 17% *3. 310 21% * 20*3 .43 5 21 % * 20*

3. 310 21% * 20*3. 210 21% * 20*3. 067 14% * _3. 095 14% * -2. 876 14% * _2. 980 13* 15*2. 980 13* 15*2. 390 13* -2 .44 0 13* -2. 290 13*

2. 975 13% * 10*2 .95 0 13% * 10*2. 775 13% * 10*

See footnotes at end of table.

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10Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Em ploye:

Allied Occupations in 68 CitieInsurance

s, July 1,and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, and

1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


CHICAGO, IL L .— Continued

Building— ConstructionConstruction— Continued

$4,050 $4,250 7 V2< - Excavating, grading, paving,3.665 3.815 (3) 20* plastering, sew er, etc. 5—3.630 3.830 22 y2* 20* Continued3.930 4.130 - 4 - and 6 -w heel, dinky,3.975 4.175 15<* - service, truck crane__________ $3,600 $3,800 10* 15*3.115 3.200 (3) - 4 - and 6 -wheel hauling2.965 3.050 (3) - over 20 to n s____________________ 4.050 4.250 10* 15*3.115 3.200 (3) - " A " fram e, winch________________ 3.700 3.900 10* 15*2.965 3.050 - C arryall, lowboy_________________ 3.900 4.100 10* 15*3.115 3.200 (3) - D istributor:2.965 3.050 n - 1 -m an . _ 4.200 4.400 10* 15*2.600 2.750 17V2* - 2 -m an. 3.850 4.050 10* 15*3.003 3.003 n 4/ 5 <5 10* G r e a s e _____________________________ 3.600 3.800 10* 15*

Liquid asphalt,2.720 2.720 o 10* slu r r y ____________________________ 3.850 4.050 10* 15*2.570 2.570 (3) 10* Sem itrailer dum p.................. .. 4 .050 4.250 10* 15*

M aterial:2 .770 2.870 8* 5* Agreem ent A: 52.655 2.755 8* 5* 4 -w h e e l____________________________ 3.160 3.360 12* I2 V2 *2.890 2.930 17V4 * 17 / 2 * 6 -w h eel____________________________ 3.260 3.460 12* I2 V2*2.840 2.880 17V4 < 17*2* Quarry:2.740 2.780 17 V4 * 17*2* Less than 45 tons .......... 3.160 3.360 12* 12V2*3.160 3.240 17 y4 < 17*2* 45—65 tons_____________________ 3.360 3.560 12* 12l/z*3.060 3.140 17 y4 * 17*2* Over 65 tons___________________ 3.460 3.660 12* 12 V2 *3.160 3.240 17V4 * 17*2* Ready-m ix:3.060 3.140 17>/4 * 17*2* 9 yards or less 3.410 3.610 12* 12Vz*

Over 9 y a rd s__________________ 3.490 3.690 12* I2 V2 *3.290 3.360 (3) 17*2* S em itra iler___________________ 3.540 3.740 12* 12V2*3.110 3.180 (3) 17*2* Sem itrailer:3.200 3.270 (3) - Less than 24 ton s____________ 3.460 3.660 12* I2 V2*3.000 3.070 (3) - Over 24 tons___________________ 3.540 3.740 12* I2 V2*2.645 2.725 (3) (3) H elpers, face brick or2.560 2.635 (3) (3) cement block . ............ _ . 3.100 3.300 12* I2 V2*

Agreem ent B— Lumber and2.910 3.170 - - m illw ork 12__________________________ 3.230 3.360 (3) 5*2.910 3.170 - - Agreem ent C:2.500 2.500 <3\ 15* Excavating, grading, paving,3.160 3.240 17 V4 * 17*2 <J plastering, sew er, etc.:3.060 3.140 17V4< 17*2* D um pster, track, Euclid,2.630 2.670 14* 20* hug-bottom dump,2.585 2.670 14* 20* tournatrailer, tournapull

7 2 .520 7 2.580 8* 4*5* pulling other than7 2.350 7 2.410 8* 4*5* self-loading equipment9 3.425 9 3.540 17V2< (3) under 20 tons . 4.040 4.140 12* 12V2*

3.060 3.140 (3) ( ) Over 20 tons_______________ 4 .190 4.290 12* 12V2*2.840 2.920 (3) (3) 4 - and 6 -w heel, dinky,2.950 3.000 17 V2 £ service, truck crane_______ 3.640 3.740 12* 12V2*2.730 2.920 144/ 5* - 4 - and 6 -w heel hauling

over 20 tons 4.090 4.190 12* I2 V2 *" A " fram e, winch____________ 3.740 3.840 12* 12 V2 *

3.120 3.200 20* 17*2* C arryall, lowboy_____________ 3.940 4.040 12* 12V2*D istributor:

8 2.023 8 2.068 - - 1 -m a n ______________________ 4.240 4.340 12* 12V2*8 2.159 8 2.205 - - 2-m an 3.890 3.990 12* 12V2*8 2.295 8 2.341 - - G rease .. . . . . . . 3.640 3.740 12* 12V2*8 2.455 8 2.523 - - Liquid asphalt,8 2.636 8 2.705 - - slu r r y ________________________ 3.890 3.990 12* 12V2*

2.640 2.730 14 4/ 5* - R eady-m ix:2.747 2.837 144/ 5* - 3 yards or l e s s ___________ 3.640 3.740 12* I2 Y2*

Over 3 y a rd s______________ 3.815 3.915 12* 12/2*S e m i................... 4 .240 4.340 12* I2 V2*

2.930 3.180 2lV4* 20* Sem itrailer dump . 4 .090 4.190 12* I 2Y2 *Agreem ent D— Roofing:

2.810 2.860 10* - F irst 60 days_____________________ 3.000 3.000 12* I2 V2*2.860 2.910 10* - After 60 days_____________________ 4 .140 4.280 12* I 2 V2*2.960 3.010 10* - Agreem ent E— Roofing:3.010 3.060 10* - 4 -w h e e l____________________________ 3.260 3.460 12* I 2 V2*2.730 2.780 10* - 6 -w heel . . 3 .360 3.560 12* 12V2*

Sem itrailer:3.260 3.360 15* 17*2* L ess than 24 tons _ ............ . 3.560 3.760 12* I 2 V2*3.425 3.500 15* 17*2* Over 24 tons___________________ 3.640 3.840 12* I2 V2 *3.175 3.250 15* 17*2* H e lp ers____________________________ 3.160 3.360 12* I 2 V2*3.015 3.090 15* 10* Coal: 5

1 *2 to n s... _______________________________ 3.120 3.220 9* 10*3.067 3.067 11*3* 12*2* 2 tons______________________________________ 3.150 3.250 9* 10*2.933 2.933 11*3* 12*2* Over 2 tons and tractor

with sam e trailer . 3.180 3.280 9* 10*Tractor with different

trailer___________________________________ 3.320 3.420 9* 10*4 - or 6 -w heel. 12—16 tons 3.250 3.350 9* 10*

Over 16 tons__________________________ 3.430 3.530 9* 10*Yardmen and h ikers___ 2.970 3.070 9* 10*

Department store:Bulk and parcel:

4 .000 4.200 10* 15* F irst 90 days 3.085 3.185 (3) 17 V2*4.150 4.350 10* 15* After 90 days . . . . . . . . _ 3.235 3.335 (3) 17V2*

BU FFALO , N .Y .— Continued


Ready-m ix 12_______Carryall or winch..Cement haulers____Dump 11General contractors..

M a teria l__________________H elp ers________________

L um ber___________________H e lp ers________________F o rk lift________________Warehousemen and yardm en..

Coal___________ ___ ______________________Egg and dairy products_______________Fruit and vegetable:

W h olesale___________________________H elp ers_____________________________

Furniture:Agreem ent A _______________________

H e lp ers__________________________Agreem ent B _______________________

Package__________________________H e lp ers__________________________

General— F reight_____________________H e lp ers_____________________________Yardmen_____________________________Dockmen_____________________________

Grocery— Chainstore and wholesale:Agreem ent A _________________________

H elp ers.Agreem ent B ___

W arehousem en..

H elp ers_________________________________Laundry— Linen supply and w holesale:

Agreem ent A-------------------------------------------U tility_______________________________

Agreem ent Ei___________________________Liquor_______________________________________

H e lp ers_________________________________Meat— Packinghouse_____________________

Sausage_________________________________Moving and storage_______________________

H e lp ers_________________________________New spaper_________________________________Oxygen and acetylene____________________

H elp ers_________________________________Oil________________________________________

Railway exp ress__________________

C H A RLO TTE, N .C.General— F reight_________________Linen:

F irst 3 months_________________4—6 months_____________________7—9 months---------------------------------10—12 months__________________After 1 y e a r ___________________

Railway express__________________Air express____________________


Arm ored car 12________________________Automobile supply and accessory:

Less than 2 tons___________________2— 3 tons__________________________3— 7 tons__________________________7—10 to n s________________________________H e lp ers__________________________________

Bakery:C racker__________________________________Y e a st_____________________________________

Special d e liv ery____________________Warehousemen______________________

Beer— Keg:Extra and transfer_____________________

H e lp ers______________________________Building:

Construction:Excavating, grading, paving,

plastering, sew er, etc.: 5 Dumpster, track, Euclid,

hug-bottom dump, turna- tra ile rs , tournapull pulling other than self-loadingequipment under 20 to n s____

Over 20 tons---------------------------

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July I, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





?r contri- to fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


CHICAGO, IL L .----Continued CHICAGO, IL L .— Continued

Department store— Continued Newspaper and m agazine:5T ractor: Afternoon paper_________________________ $ 3 ,254 $3,350 117/s * 15*

$3,185 $3,295 (3) 177z* Morning paper 9 3.591 9 3.700 122/3 * 16*3.335 3.435 (3) 1 7V2* Ma.ga7.ine 3.254 3.350 i i 7/8* 15*2.750 2.850 (3 ) 17 y2 * N ursery— Landscaping, shrub

F ilm ___________________________________________ 3.000 3.000 izV2< and tree:F lorist— Retail: T r a c to r -tr a ile r _________________________ 7 2 .800 7 2 .900 _ _

L ess than 2 tons__________________________ 11 2.210 11 2.320 _ _ Winch_____________________________________ 7 2 .390 7 2 .490 _ _11 2.243 Oil 3nH gp snl ir»e ® 3.410 3.540 15* 17 7z *

3—5 tons____________________________________ 11 2.276 11 2.380 _ . Produce:53.235 3.335 1 0* 1 ton or less ..... .... ........ 3.000 3.100 93/4* 12 7z *3.065 3.165 10* 15* 3.020 3.120 93/4* 127z*

General— F reight: 3 ton s_____________________________________ 3.040 3.140 93/4* 127z*Local cartage: 4 ton s------------------------------------------------ ------- 3.060 3.160 93/4* 12 7z *

Agreem ent A :5 5 ton s---------------------------------------------------------- 3 .080 3.180 93/4* 12 7z *3.100 3.230 25* Tra ctor-tra i ler .......... 3.210 3.310 93/4* 127z*3.150 3.280 25* 121/2* Helper s . . . . . . .... . . . . 2.890 2.990 93/4* 123/z*3.250 3.380 25* Railway evpress 12 3.030 3.190 144/ s *3.300 3.430 25* Helpers 2.890 3.050 14% *3.350 3.480 25* 1272* Refuse----Private scavenger12 3.550 3.650 10* 15*3.400 3.530 25* 127z* T ractor. . . . . . . . ....... .. _ 3.906 4.006 10* 15*

Outriggers, over 40 feet: H elpers________________________ ___ 3.363 3.462 10* 15*10—20 tons______________________ 3.450 3.580 25* 12V2 * Loading equipment---------------------------------- 4 .075 4.175 10* 15*20 tons and over_______________ 3.500 3.630 25* 12 V2 * Rendering— Bone and tallow:

3.020 3.150 25* 12V* * Rntcber and packinghouse . . . . 3.280 3.380 10* 15*Agreem ent B :5 Routem en____________________ _____ 3.593 3.693 10* 15*

3.100 3.230 15* Helpers 3.217 3.317 10* 15*3.150 3.280 15* 227z * Hotel and restaurant _ 3.369 3.469 10* 15*

3—7 tons; tra cto r-tra ile r_________ 3.250 3.380 15* 227z* 3.383 3.483 10* 15*3.300 3.430 15* 227z * 3.246 3.346 10* 15*3.350 3.480 15* Scrap iron and metal . .......... 2.645 2.880 55/8*

20 tons and over___________________ 3.400 3.530 15* 227z* Soft drink and m ineral water:Outriggers, over 40 feet: Less than 7 tons -------------------------------- 3 .250 3.380 14Vs* 8 7/xo*

3.450 3.580 15* 227z* 7—If) tons ... . 3 .300 3.430 14V5* 8 7/xo *20 tons and over, 10—20 tons - ________ !__________ _______ 3.350 3.480 1475* 8 7/xo *

pole tra ile rs__________________ 3.500 3.630 15* 227z* 20 tons and over ___________ __ 3.400 3.530 1475* 8 7/xo*H e lp ers--------------------------------- 3 .020 3.150 15* 227z* H elpers. - __________________ - _______ 2.186 2.316 147s* 8 7/xo *

Hay and g rain - ---------------------------------------------- 2 .420 2.470 - _ Street railway maintenance:Helpers _ ___ 2.200 2.250 Construction line . . 3 .210 3.425 (3 ) (3)

Ice: Em ergency line, tractor, trailer,Agreem ent A : service and track ______________ ___ 3.250 3.465 (3) (3)

Railroad car 2.290 2.415 (?)(3)

7 7z * Helpers . .. 3 .250 3.465 (3 )!2.210 2.335 ?7z* Heavy duty equipment - ------------------------ 3 .350 3.565 0Routemen. ____________________________ 2.290 2.415 (3) 77z* S erv ice_______— ___________ ______ _____ _ 3.160 3.425 (3) (3)

-Agreem ent B: Helpers________________________________ 3.110 3.325 0Relay ____ ______ 2.360 2.460 5* Wreck 3.350 3.565 ( ) (3)2 .440 2.540 5* Tire . . . . . . 2.770 2.870 10*

Helpers _ 2.270 2.370 5* Tohacco, candy and cigarette 2.530 2.600 10*Ice cream : Helpers _____________ __ _____ _ ____ 2.130 2.200 10* _

Special d e liv ery - ---------------------------------- 3.190 3.190 18V4* 20* Vending:T railer and cabinet 3.290 3.290 18 74 * 20* First. 3 months . _ 2.700 2.800 127xo* 5*Truckloaders and sp o tters . __________ 2.860 2.860 18 x/4 * 20* 2.750 2.850 127io* 5*

Meat: 7—9 months _____________ _______ 2.800 2.900 127io* 5*Jobbers— W holesale_____________________ 3.260 3.340 16 V4 * 20* 10—12 months _________ __ . _____ 2 .850 2.950 127io* 5*Packinghouse: After 1 y ear. _________ ____ ___ 2.900 3.000 127io* 5*

Agreem ent A :12Under 3 tons _____________________ 3.185 3.265 16V4* 20* CINCINNATI, OHIOOver 3 tons _ ------------------------------- 3.260 3.340 16 V4 * 20*T ra cto r -tra iler______ -____________ 3.330 3.410 16V4* 20* Air reduction________________________________ 3.280 3.360 (3) 127z*H e lp ers_____________________________ 2.930 3.010 16 V4 * 20* Helpers ________________ „ ___________ 3.130 3.210 (3) 127z*

Agreem ent B: Bakery— Biscuit and cracker:1—3 tons- __________________________ 3.185 3.265 (3) (3) F irst 30 d a y s____________________________ 4 2 .710 4 2.820 11 7lO* 133/io*Q| c 3.260 3.340 (3)

(3)(3 ) 4 2 .760 4 2.870 1 1 7x0 * 133/io*

T ra cto r -tra iler— —— 3.330 3.410 3 61—90 days________________________________ *2 .810 4 2.920 llVxo* 137l0*H elpers... __ _ ...... .... 2.930 3 .010 (3 ) (3 ) After 90 days _ _ . . . 4 2.860 4 2 .970 llVxo* 137xo*Hydraulic lift Beer:

units ____________ ___________ _ 3.060 3.140 (3) (3 ) Draft:M ilk :12 Agreem ent A:

Special and extra Routem en- ___ - _ ______ 9 3.264 ’ 3.354 6* 13*routemen _ __ _____ _____ - __ 3.330 3.390 20* 29* Other, including tr a ile r ________ 9 3 .237 ’ 3 .327 6* 13*

Steady vacation men 3.530 3.590 20* 29* Helpers * ... .......... 9 3.183 ’ 3.273 6* 13*Van and tank: Agreem ent B;

Day__________________________.___________ 3.530 3.590 20* 29* Helpers _____ ____________ __ ’ 3 .209 ’ 3 .299 (3 ) 13*Night- ----------- - — — -------------- — 3.550 3.620 20* 29* Distributor:

W h olesale_________________________________ 3.880 3.940 20* 29* Helpers (bottle)_____________________ ’ 2.752 ’ 2 .752 (3) 20*M oving:5 Helpers (d raft). — „ _ ’ 2 .823 ’ 2 .823 (3) 20*

Furniture __ _ _____ __ _____________ _ 3.060 3.260 10* 15* Building m aterial, coal andHelpers — _______________ - 2 .980 3.180 10* 15* excavating:5

3.180 3.380 10* 15* 3.050 3.120 173/5* 177z*Helpers ___ — — _ — ___ 3.130 3.330 10* 15* Single-axle sem itrailer,

Machinery: tandem -axle____________________________ 3.100 3.220 173/ 5* 177z*L ess than 2 tons_____ — ______________ 3.330 3.430 12V2* 15* Tandem -axle sem i and pole tra ile r,2—3 tons — - __ - _____ - 3.380 3.480 12l/z* 15* Crane, Insley, Euclid, Koehring — 3.150 3.270 173/5* 177z*3—5 tons __ „ — — __ __ — 3.430 3.530 12Vz* 15* Winch, heavy m achinery hauler______ 3 .250 3.370 173/5* 177z*5—7 tons . . . . . . . 3 .480 3.580 I 2V2* 15* Helpers _ ........... .. 3.050 3.170 173/ 5* 1772*7—10 tons - ----- ----- — — 3.530 3.630 I 2V2* 15* 2.710 2.780 137s*1 (V-?.(l tons: tractor 3.580 3.680 I 2V2* 15* C heckers. _ . 2.490 2.560 13 7/g *2 0 tons and over. ___________ 3.630 3.730 I Z V z* 15* 2 .330 2.400 13 7s * -

See footnotes at end of table.

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12Table 9- Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, and

Allied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate


Rate Employebution

r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension

per Insur­ance2


CINCINNATI, OHIO— Continued C LEV ELAN D , OHIO— Continued

Com m ission house: C o a l__________________________________________ $ 2 .3 5 0 $2,4 3 0 7 Vz$ _$2. 530 $2.5 8 0 8% $ Tractor 2. 400 2. 480 7 V2$

After 30 days______ ______________________ 2. 630 2. 680 8% $ . Helpers:Department store: F irst 6 m onths_______________________ 2. 250 2. 330 7 Vz$ -

Furniture, package, and After 6 m onths_______________________ 2. 300 2. 380 7 V2$ -3. 210 3. 360 17 $ 15$ Fippartmpnt stnrp . 3. 075 3. 170 7$ 20$3. 310 3. 460 17 £ 15$ Helpers _ ........... 3. 025 3. 120 7$ 20$3. 070 3. 220 17$ 15$ FnrTiitnrp . . . 3. 025 3. 120 7$ 15$2. 600 2. 600 17$ 17 72$ 2. 975 3. 070 7$ 15$

Fish: General— F reigh t5__________________________ 3. 310 3 .410 z iy 4$ 20$F irst 30 days_____________________________ 2. 390 2. 440 9% $ - Grocery— W holesale:

2. 490 2. 540 9% $ ’First ^0 Hays _ ... 3. 133 3. 253 10$Frozen food: After 30 days_____________________________ 3. 258 3. 378 10$ -

2. 380 2. 430 9% $ Checkers ___ ____ . . . _______ 2. 950 3. 070 10$2. 480 2. 530 9% $ Warphnnspmeri .. . 2. 850 2. 970 10$ _

After 60 days_____________________________ 2. 580 2. 630 9% $ . Ice:2. 720 2. 770 6Y4$ 15$ Route 2. 380 2. 450 7 V2$2. 620 2. 670 674$ 15$ Helpers ________________ ______ 2. 245 2. 315 7V2$ _

General— Freight: 5 Laundry— Linen supply-------------------------------- 1. 960 2. 136 83/4$ -3. 310 3. 410 2 1 V4 $ 20$ Magazine .... . .. 3 .045 3. 498 12$ 5$

H e lp ers_______________________________ 3. 260 3. 360 21 V4$ 20$ Milk:M iscellaneous____________________________ 3. 100 3. 240 103/4$ 10$ Agreem ent A:

3. 050 3. 190 10%$ 10$ 2-avTe . .. __ 72 . 350 72 . 400 14 V2$Grocery— Retail: 2 -a x le , 1 -axle tr a ile r ------------------- 72. 550 72 . 600 14V2$ _

3. 370 3. 470 (3) (3) 3-avle (tanHcm) __ 72 . 400 72. 450 14V2$Semi and straight jo b ___________________ 3. 250 3. 350 0 2 -a x le , 1 se m itrailer_______________ 72. 430 72 . 480 14V2$ -

H elp ers------------------------------------------------- 3. 110 3. 210 (3) (3) 2 -axle tractor, tandemIce-------- -------------------------------------------------------- 2. 380 2. 420 (3) 20$ se m itra iler_________________________ 72 . 500 72 . 550 14 V2$ -

“3. 000 43. 070 9 72$ 1373$ - avle , 2-a-srle trailer . .. _ . 72 . 550 72. 600 14 y2$ _Milk: 3 -a x le , 2 -axle tr a ile r ______________ 72. 620 72. 670 14Y2$ -

Special d e liv ery _________________________ 3. 030 3. 175 15$ 18$ 3-axle tractor with tandem-axle3. 145 3. 290 15$ 18$ sem itrailer ....... . 72. 620 72 . 670 14V2$

(3)2. 680 2. 830 23/io$ Agreement R . _ 3. 260 3. 300 12 y2$2. 570 2. 720 2%o $ _ .Swing . __ 3. 360 3 .40 0 H


12 V2$Newspaper: Regular sem i ----------------------------------- 3. 310 3. 350 12V2$

1 ton nr under 93. 080 93. 240 8$ 10 3/s $ Swing semi 3. 410 3 .450 ( ) 12 V 2 $1 Vj tons * . _ _ 93 . 107 93 . 267 8$ 10%$ Tee rream . . . . 3. 310 3. 350 (3)

( )12 y2$

93. 133 9 3. 293 8$ 10%$ Transport 3. 100 3. 140 12 V2$3 tons________________ ____________________ 93. 160 93. 320 8$ io 3/5$ Agreem ent C:4 and 5 tons _ _ ________ ___ ______ 93. 220 93 . 380 8$ io 3/5$ E irst 3 months . . .. 2. 825 2. 975 73/ io$ 15$Helpers: 4—6 m onths------------------------------------------- 2. 880 3. 035 7 3/ 10 $ 15$

Under 3 tons - _ ___ 92 . 997 93 . 157 8$ 103/5$ After 6 m on th s . _ __ 2. 935 3. 085 73/io$ 15$3 tons and o v e r ______________________ 93. 024 93 . 184 8$ 103/5$ Special delivery:

Oil and gasoline— Local: F irst 15 days--------------------------------- 2. 660 2. 810 73/io$ 15$F irst 6 months _ _________ ___________ 2. 915 3. 040 After 15 days____________ _______ 2. 770 2 .92 0 7 3/ 10 $ 15$7—12 months ________ _ _ _______ 3. 000 3. 130 _ M o v in g . . .. _____ 3. 100 3. 190 7$ 10$After 1 year _ __ 3. 090 3. 220 H e lp e r s ................ . _ 3. 050 3. 140 7$ 10$

Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2 .96 0 3. 120 144/5$ - Newspaper:Soft drink---- 6 -w h e e l________________________ 2 .72 5 2. 815 (3) 11$ Day:

R ela y__________________________________ 153. 39 3 153. 503 129/to$ 17%$D istrict m en__________________________ 3 .49 6 3. 602 12 V2$ 167/8$

C LE V E L A N D , OHIO Relaymen______________________________ 93 . 373 93. 483 13V3$ 18$Night:

R e la y __________________________________ 163. 655 163. 772 134/5$ 18%$Appliances— Retail: D istrict m en__________________________ 93. 756 93. 870 13V3$ 18$

M ajor appliance_________________________ 3. 270 3. 350 7 $ 5$ Re laymen______________________________ 143. 643 143. 764 143/ io$ 19%o$H elp ers------------------ ------------------------------------- 3. 220 3. 300 7$ 5$ O il transport— City and county:

Bakery: F irst 6 m onths___________________________ 2 .99 0 3. 190 (?) -RrpaH anrl nalrp 3. 330 3. 410 183/4$ 1272$ 7—1 7. m o n th s _ 3. 069 3. 269 (3)T ra n s p o r t 43. 100 43 . 200 16%$ 117,$ After 1 year . . . . . . . _ 3. 148 3. 348 (3)r.rarlrpr . . 42 . 810 42 . 960 153/5$ 1373$ Produce______________ _________________________ 2. 930 3. 040 13%$ 1874$

B eer: S em itra iler_______________________________ 2 .98 0 3. 090 13%$ 18V4$Helpers: Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2. 960 3. 120 14%$ -

C a s e ___________ _____________________ 2. 750 2. 875 3% 10$ Soft drink:Warehousemen-------- ---------------------- 3. 000 3. 125 3% 10$ Special d e liv ery _________________________ 2. 850 2 .97 5 3% 10$

Building: H elpers:Construction: 12 F irst 30 days_______________________ 2. 025 2. 025 3% 10$

Bulk con crete___________ __________ 3 .730 3. 880 20$ 30$ 31—60 d a y s____________________________ 2. 125 2. 125 3 % 10$TTyp avating . . 3. 350 3. 500 20$ 30$ 61—90 Hays . . . . ______ 2. 225 2. 225 3% 10$C arryall, sem ifuel, and After 90 days. ______________________ 2. 375 2 .45 0 3% 10$

c pm iw afpr 3. 500 3. 650 20$ 30$ Wine . . _ ___ _ __ _ _____ 2 .90 0 3. 050 3% 10$RpaHy-miy _ __ 3. 730 3. 880 20$ 30$ H e lp ers________________ ______________ - 2 .90 0 3 .05 0 3% 10$Special equipment------------------------------- 3. 850 4. 000 20$ 30$Tank fuel and w a te r_________________ 3. 350 3 .50 0 20$ 30$

M aterial: 12 COLUM BUS, OHIOAgram eter operator_________________ 3 .63 0 3 .780 20$ 30$

3. 150 3. 300 20$ 30$ Rakery----Risrnit _ _ __ ________ *2 .7 7 0 *2. 930 13 V3$ 15%$S em i__ _ __________ ______________ 3. 380 3 .53 0 20$ 30$ Building:Semitractor or tandem --------------------- 3 .480 3. 630 20$ 30$ Construction:

G lass: Straight and dump ______ ______ 3. 220 3 .440 - -3. 160 3. 310 20$ 30$ Tandem and s e m i__________________ 3. 300 3. 5203. 310 3. 460 20$ 30$ Lowboy____ . . . . _____________ _ __ 3 .40 0 3 .62 0 _ .

Lumber: Heavy and highway:Sem itrailer, p refab ---- ----- - ~ - 3 .435 3 .555 20$ 30$ Asphalt distributor, batch,Single unit, cam el, lift------------------ 3 .095 3. 215 20$ 30$ oil distributor, 4-w heel6-w heel unit, tractor, dump__________ — — ------------------- 3. 270 3 .42 0 10$ -

sem itractor, truck and Tandem ______________________ _______ 3. 320 3 .47 0 10$ -1 f u* . . . 3. 265 3. 385 20$ 30$ T ra c to r -tra iler______________________ 3. 370 3. 520 10$

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





:r contri- :o fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur- Pension

COLUMBUS, OHIO— Continued D AYTON, OHIO— Continued

Building— Continued General----F reig h t12 ___________________ $ 3 .3 1 0 $3.4 1 0 2174$ 20 $Heavy and highway— Continued G rocery--------------- -------------------------------------- 17 2. 865 17 2. 985 0 (3)

$3. 470 $ 3 .620 10$ 2 . 680 2 . 800 ( ) ( )Euclid, Euclid end dump, Meat:

lowboy and heavy duty Agreem ent A:equipment over 12 cubic F irst 30 days-------------------------------------- 7 2. 930 7 2 .9 6 0 (3) 12 7z $

3. 720 3. 870 10$ _ A -f t <=» r ^0 days 7 3. 030 7 3 .06 0 (3) 127z $3. 310 3. 410 21V4 £ 20 $ AjiroPTrtPnt R 6 2 .88 0 2 . 880 3 10$

(20)Grocery— W h olesale------------------------------------ 2 .79 0 2. 910 103/4 $ Moving and storage________________________ 18 2. 450 18 2. 500 ( ’ )Liquid and com pressed gas: Paper-------- -------- ----------------------------------------- 17 2 . 880 17 2 . 880 16$ 972 $

2 . 900 3. 000 (3) (3) 2. 640 2. 740 14% $Agreem ent B _____________________________ 11 3. 000 11 3. 100 i s 72 $ 20$

y P

Meat— Packinghouse------------------------------------ 63 . 100 3. 240 i s 72 $ 20 $New spaper------------------------------------------------------- 3. 100 3. 175 3 78 $ 572 $ DENVER, COLO.Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2. 629 2 . 816 144/ 5$ -

Building:DALLAS, TEX . Construction: 5

Pi r knp 3. 000 3. 200 -B ak ery________________________________________ 4 2. 595 4 2. 665 0 (3) Dump:F o o d - -------------------------------------------------------------- 2. 400 2. 480 ( ) L ess than 6 cubic yards________ 3. 100 3. 300 -

2. 400 2. 480 ( ) ( ) f\— rviVnf' yards 3. 200 3. 400Warehousemen: 13—20 cubic yards----------------------- 3. 350 3. 550 _

F irst 30 days--------------- --------------------- 2. 250 2. 330 ( !) ( !) 20—30 cubic yards_______________ 3. 550 3. 750 -After 30 days--------------------------------------- 2. 350 2. 430 (3) , (3) 30 cubic yards and over________ 3 .70 0 3. 900 - -

2. 640 2 . 860 21V4 $ 20 $ FI atrarlf .... . . 3. 100 3. 300General— Freight 5 --------------------------------------- 3. 230 3. 330 2i7 *$ 20 $ Semi (s in g le -a x le )---------------------- 3. 200 3. 400 . -

Checkers, forklift Dumpster and sim ilaroperators, h o stlers___________________ 3. 230 3. 330 2 i7 4 $ 2 0 $ equipment . .. 3. 400 3. 650 - -

3. 070 3. 170 2 l7 4 $ 20$ T nmVtor r 3 rri 0v 3. 250 3. 450G rocery: Cement m ixer:

Chainstore: Under 5 cubic yards------------------- 3. 250 3. 450 - -D rivers: 5 cubic yards and o v e r _________ 3. 350 3. 550 - -

F irst 6 months------------------------------ 2 . 680 2. 780 - 12Vz$ Highboy, lowboy, floats,2 . 860 2 .96 0 12l/2 $ tanrlpm-aylp .. .... 3. 400 3. 600

After 1 y e a r ----------------------------------- 2. 940 3. 040 - 12 72 $ Winchpole or " A " fr a m e ---------------- 3 .40 0 3. 600 _ _Checker—forklift Water truck, s in g le -a x le --------------- 3. 100 3. 300 - -

operators____________________________ 2. 830 2. 930 - 12 72 $ Semi or tandem -axle------------------ 3. 250 3. 450 - -Forklift operators 2. 775 2. 875 12Vz$ Fiir-li/^ nr* cim ilar 3. 350 3. 650Warehousemen: Helpers — ----------------------------------------- 3. 050 3. 250 _ _

F irst 6 months____________________ 2. 570 2. 670 - 1272 $ M aterial:7—12 m onths----------------------------------- 2. 630 2. 730 - 1272 $ Agreem ent A:After 1 y e a r -------- ----------------------- 2 . 690 2. 790 - 1272 $ Heavy moving:

W holesale________________________________ 2. 685 2. 765 10$ ? t a trin c 2. 850 2. 930 117S $ 15$Checkers 2. 745 2. 825 10$ tens anH 3. 100 3. 180 117s $ 15$Warehousemen------------------------------------ 2. 430 2. 510 10$ - Lowbed, 2 0 ,0 0 0 pounds

Railway express--------------------------------------------- 2 . 680 2. 740 144/5 $ - or over______________________ 3. 100 3. 180 117s $ 15$Money pickup--------------------------------------------- 2. 708 2. 768 14% $ - Winchpole or " A " fr a m e ___ 3. 100 3. 180 h 75$ 15$

H e lp ers_______________________ 2. 780 2 . 860 117s $ 15$Agreem ent B:

DAYTON, OHIO Brick:F irst 30 days-------------------------- 2 . 280 2. 370 (3) -After 30 days_________________ 2. 380 2 .47 0 (3) -

Building: Single-axle super ligh t-------- 2. 590 2 . 680 (3) -Construction: Tandem super light--------------- 2 . 690 2. 780 (3) _

Dump tandem; straight tandem____ 3. 100 3. 150 10$ 1272$ Diesel tandem -axle--------------- 2 . 890 2 . 980 (3) _Dump; straight; w inch---------------------- 2 .99 0 3. 040 10$ 1272 $ Agreem ent C:Dump trailer; tractor; M ix er .. __________________________ (21) 3. 060 l i 72 $ _

se m itra iler_________________________ 3. 050 3. 100 10$ 127z$ 4 - a x le _________________________ (2i) 3. 210 117z $ .Dumpcrete: 5-a x le _________________________ (21) 3. 310 1172 $ _

2 and 3 yards_____________________ 3. 050 3. 100 10$ 1272 $ A avln (Z 1 \ 3. 410 n 7 z $4 yards 3. 100 3. 150 10$ 127z$ Sand, gravel, and m ortar: l )

Euclid: Under 1 5 tons:Up to and including 12 yards----- 3. 160 3. 210 10$ 127z$ F irst 30 days_____________ 2. 530 2 . 610 n 7 z $ -Over 12 yards-------------------------------- 3. 520 3. 570 10$ 127z$ After 30 days--------------------- 2. 630 2. 710 n 7 z $ -

Ready-m ix: Over 15 tons__________________ 2. 730 2 . 810 1172 $ -2 and 3 yards--------------------------------- 3. 050 3. 100 10$ 127z $ Agreem ent D:4 yards________ _____-_-____ -___ -_ 3. 100 3. 150 10$ 127z$ Structural steel and iron:

M aterial: F irst 3 months_______________ 2. 300 2 .42 0 (3) -Concrete: 4—6 months------------------------------- 2. 360 2. 480 (3) -

Rparly-miv . . 3. 010 3. 070 (3) 8 $ After h mrmths 2. 500 2 . 620 (3)Dijrrip . . . . 2 . 860 2 . 920 (3) 8 $ Spmitrailpr 2. 640 2. 760 H

Lumber: Agreem ent E:F irst 30 days_____________________ 2. 430 2. 470 (3) Lumber dealer----------------------------- 2. 310 2. 360 1172 $ -After 30 days_____________________ 2. 530 2. 570 (3) (3) S em i___________________________ 2. 410 2. 460 1172 $ -Helpers: Agreem ent F:

F irst 30 days---------------------------- 2. 250 2. 290 (3) ( !) Plumbing supply:After 30 days__________________ 2. 350 2. 390 (3) (3) F irst 3 months_______________ 2. 400 2. 500 n 7 z $ 10$

Plumbing: After 3 months_______________ 2. 550 2. 650 1172 $ 10$F irst 30 days_____________________ 2. 400 2. 440 0 12$ Fish:

—AO days 2. 480 2. 520 ( ) 12$ F irst 90 Hays _ 2 . 000 2 . 080 (3)After 60 Hays . ... . . . 2. 550 2. 590 (3) 12$ 91—180 days _ _ 2. 250 2. 330 (3

(3)Semi: After 180 d a y s__________________________ 2 . 600 2 . 680 _F irst 30 days__________________ 2. 380 2. 420 (!) 12$ Furniture— Retail:31—60 d a y s-------------------------------- 2. 550 2. 590 (3) 12$ F irst 3 months----------------------------------------- 2. 500 2 . 600 12$ _After 60 Hays 2. 650 2 . 690 ( ) 12$

( !)After 3 months 2. 550 2. 650 12$

Straight . .. . _ 2. 530 2. 570 (!) Helpers:2. 580 2 . 620 ( ) ( First months 2 . 320 2. 420 12$

H elp ers-------------------------------------- 2. 580 2 . 620 (3) <■> After 3 months----------------------------- 2. 370 2. 470 12$ -

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966 Julv 1,

1965 July 1, 1966



Rate Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Trade or occupation Rate


Rate Employ ei bution i

r contri- 0 fund1per

hour Insur­ance 2 Pension

perhour Insur­


DENVER, COLO.— Continued DES MOINES, IOWA— Continued

General— F reight; Building— ContinuedLocal: Construction— Continued

Agreem ent A _________________________ $3,200 $3,330 19* 20* Concrete mixer-, over 3 yards___ $3,440 $3,480 17* 17‘ /2 *Winch ___________ ____________ 3.295 3.425 19* 20* Koehring and sim ilar dump­

Agreem ent B _________________________ 3.200 3.330 19* 20* sters , Euclids, tournapulls:3.200 3.330 19* 20* 10 yards and under 3.440 3.480 17* 17Vz*

Grocery and coffee— W holesale; Over 10 y a rd s___________________ 3.490 3.530 17* 17V2 *F irst 4 months___________________________ 2.610 2.710 (3 ) 15* Helpers_______________________________ 3.290 3.330 17* 17*/2*5—12 m onths________________________ ___ 2.670 2.770 (3 ) 15* M aterial:After 1 y e a r____________________________ 2.840 2.940 (3 ) 15* Concrete m ix e r_____________________ 3.010 3.130 103/4 * I 2V2 *

Ice----Car icing 2.640 2.740 13 Vio * (3) Sand h aulers________________________ 2.960 3.080 io 3/4 * I 2V2 *Meat— Wholesale;; Plumbing— Whole s a le :

F irst m onth ______________________________ 2.825 3.005 (3 ) - F irst 6 m onths__________________ 2.490 2.590 (!) 15*2.895 3.075 (3 ) 7—1 2 months _ 2.560 2.660 (3 15*2.950 3.130 3 After 1 year _ 2.740 2.840 (3 ) 15*

After 3 months___ _____________________ 3.020 3.200 (3 ) _ S e m i______________________________ 3.160 3.260 (3) 15*D ockm en______________________________ 2.885 3.065 (3 ) - Receiving c lerk ____________________ 2.790 2.890 ( ) 15*

Milk: Shipping c lerk ______________________ 2.820 2.920 (3 ) 15*Light and special delivery; F ilm — Pickup and d elivery______________ 3.150 3.250 18 /4 * 20*

2.450 2.610 15* 15* General----Freight 3.210 3.310 211 /4 * 20*2.600 2.760 15* 15* Parcel d eliv ery________________________ 4 2.470 4 2.470 9 3/5 * 4 2/5 *

Heavy special delivery: Grocery— W holesale:F irst 90 days_______________________ 2.590 2.750 15* 15* Agreem ent A :

2.680 2.840 15* 15* F irst 30 days 2.730 2.830 (3 )3.030 3.200 15* 15* 31—60 days . _ 2.820 2.920 (3 )

(3 )_

Moving and storage: After 60 d a y s------------------------------------ 2 .910 3.010 -Household goods: Agreem ent B:

Van: F irst 30 d a y s--------------------------------- 2 .630 2.730 io3/4 * 15*F irst 30 days_____________________ 2.680 2.760 l lV s * 15* 31—60 days___________________________ 2.720 2.820 io 3/4 * 15*

2.830 2.910 l lV s * 15* After 60 days 2.810 2.910 io 3/4 * 15*H elpers: Ice:

2.580 2.660 11V5 * 15* F irst 60 days . . . (21) 2.300 83/4 *2.730 2.810 l lV s * 15* After 60 days .. 2 .200 2.700 83/4 * _

Piano m overs: Helpers________________________________ 2.100 2.200 83/4 * -F irst 30 days_____________________ 2.730 2.810 l lV s * 15* Laundry— Towel service:After 30 days 2.880 2.960 11V5 * 15* F irst 4 weeks 2.280 2.380 131 /4 * (3 )Helpers; 5—8 weeks____________________________________ 2.350 2. 450 131 /4 * (3 )

First: 30 days _ _ 2.630 2.710 11 Vs* 15* After 8 weeks _ 2.430 2.530 131 /4 * (3 )After 30 days__________________ 2.780 2.860 11V5 * 15* Moving— F urniture:

Local cartage: F irst 6 m onths____________________________ 2.325 2.425 - -F'irst. ^0 H?iys 2.630 2.710 11V5 * 15* After 6 months 2.425 ^0 H^ys 2.780 2.860 11V5 * 15* Newspaper . . ....... .. ... 3 .150 3.250 2 lV 4 * 20*Helpers: Oil— Tank:

F'irst ^0 Hays 2.530 2.610 11V5 * 15* F irst 6 months 2.723 2.856 (3 ) (3)After 30 days _ 2.680 2.760 11V5 * 15* 7—12 months 2.816 2.945 (3 ) 3

Semi: After 1 year--------------------------------------------- 2.926 3.055 K HF irst 30 days_____________________ 2.680 2.760 11V5 * 15* Warehousemen:Aftf»r SO Hays 2.830 2.910 11V5 * 15* F irst 6 mnnths 2.816 2.935 (3 ) (3 )

Paper— W holesale: 7—12 months_________________________ 2.915 3.035 (3 ) ( !)Thirst- ^0 rtays 2.290 2.400

pAfter 1 year_________________________ 3.015 3.135 ( ) (3 )

1—(SO Hays 2.390 2.500 Railway e x p re ss______________ -____________ 2.648 2.853 144/5 *Affpir AO Hays 2.540 2.650 (3 ) Airport . 2.672 2.877 144/5 * _

Parcel delivery;Furniture and pickup: DETROIT, MICH.F irst 30 days_____ ________________ 2.440 2.510 142/5 * -

31-120 days___ _____________________ 2.540 2.610 142/5 * -After 120 d a y s_______________________ 2.680 2.750 142/5 * - A ir reduction__________________________________ 3.390 3.470 12Vz* n V z *

H elpers: Bakery:F irst 10 Hays 2.310 2.380 142/5 * Rakers1 supply _ . ... . . 2.850 2.940 12* 17V2*31-120 davs__________________ _________ 2.410 2.480 142/s* . H elpers____________ __________________ 2.600 2.690 12* 17V2*After 120 days__________________________ 2.550 2.620 142/5 * - Biscuit:

Panel; F irst 30 days__________________________ 4 2.700 4 2.850 122/5 * llV io *P irst ^0 Hays 2.440 2.510 142/5 * After 30 days . ... 4 2.810 4 2.960 122/5 * llV jo *3 1 -120 days.................................................... 2.540 2.610 142/s* _ Warehousemen:After 120 d ays__________________________ 2.680 2.750 142/5 * - F irst 30 d ays______________________ o 4 2.660 122/5 * l lV io *

Produce: After 3 0 d a y s ................ .................... (2!) 4 2.780 122/5 * llV io *F irst 3 months_________________________ 1.830 13 1.830 (3 ) - Beer— Distributor:4—6 m onth s 1.930 13 1.930 ( ) Freight ... . 9 3 .330 9 3.420 (“ ) 18*After 6 months_______ __________________ 2.050 13 2.050 (31

_ Helpers_____________________________ 9 3.200 9 3.320 M 18*Railway express_____ ____________________ 2.692 2.889 144/s* - L o a d ers______________________________ 9 3.300 9 3.420 (13) 18*Wine and liquor; Building:

F irst 4 months___ _____________________ 2.410 2.490 10* - Construction:5—8 mnnths 2.470 2.550 10* _ Concrete m ixer 12__________________ 3.500 3.620 13 3 /4 * 17V2*After 8 months___________________________ 2.530 2.610 10* - Excavating, e t c .:5Country: Dump, pickup, sem i,

F irst 4 months_______________________ 2.510 2.590 10* - and stake_______________________ 3.550 3.780 n V z * 17V2 *5—8 months__________________________ 2.570 2.650 10* - Lowboy and dou ble-bottom ___ 3.750 3.980 17'/2* 17V2*A ft e r 8 m onth s 2.630 2.710 10* 8 cubic yards and over ... 3.650 3.880 17V2 * 17V2 *

Warehousemen . . . ____________________ 2.460 2.540 10* _ Underground:12Dump, up to 8 cubic

DES MOINES, IOWA yards_____________________ _ 3.330 3.430 133/4 * 15*Over 8 cubic yards_______ 3.430 3.530 133/4 * 15*

Building: Lowboy and Euclid _ . 3.530 3.630 133/4 * 15*Construction: Road construction: 5

S ta t io n anH p ir k n p 3.290 3.330 17* 17V2 * Euclid type 3.650 3.800 131 /4 * 171 / 2 *Dump, not otherwise Up to 8 cubic y a rd s________________ 3.450 3.600 13V4 * 17V2 *

sp e c ifie d ____ ____________________ 3.340 3.380 17* 17V2 * 8 cubic yardsSemi, tandem or pole trailer___ 3.440 3.480 17* 17V2 * and over --------------------------------------------- 3.550 3.700 131 /4 * 17V2 *

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued


Trade or occupation

DETROIT, M IC H .— Continued

Building— Continued M aterial:12

Dump and stake----------------------------Semi and double-bottom:

Up to 4 0 ,0 0 0 pounds-------------Over 4 0 ,0 0 0 pounds--------------

Straddle------------------------------------------Glas s ----------------------------------------------Lumber 5 ---------------------------------------

Hardwood---------------------------------S e m itra iler------------------------------H e lp ers-------------------------------------

Plumbing supply---------------------------Carbonic and com pressed gas:

Agreem ents A and B ------------------------Dockmen-----------------------------------------

Cleaner and dyer— Rug-------------------------Coal-------------------------------------------------------------

Semi and tra iler--------------------------------H e lp ers------------------------------------------

Department store:Freight and relay:

Up to 6 months------------------------------7—12 m onths______________________1—2 y ea rs----------------------------------------After 2 y ea rs--------------------------------Helpers:

Up to 6 months------------------------7—12 m onths----------------------------1—2 y ea rs----------------------------------After 2 years---------------------------

D ru g-----------------------------------------------------------E lectrical supply-------------------------------------Food sp ecialty -----------------------------------------

H e lp ers------------------------------------------------Dockmen-----------------------------------------------W arehousemen------------------------------------

General— Freight:572 ton and single-bottom -----------------D ouble-bottom ------------------------------------H e lp ers------------------------------------------------

Grocery:Candy, tobacco, e tc .:

W h olesale ---------------------------------------H e lp ers-------------------------------------

C hain store-------------------------------------Ice:

Agreem ent A ---------------------------------------Agreem ent B ---------------------------------------

M agazine---------------------------------------------------Meat:

Jobbers— B e e f------------------------------------H e lp ers-------------------------------------------

Jobbers— Lamb and veal-----------------H e lp ers-------------------------------------------

Poultry---------------------------------------------- :—Milk:

Branch tractor------------------------------------Cream , ice cream , manufactured

products---------------------------------------------Supply run, factory, school,

m iscellaneous-----------------------------------Moving— L o c a l12--------------------------------------

H e lp ers-------------------------------------------------Newspaper:

Agreem ent A:Regular and r e lie f ------------------------Jumpers:

F irst 6 months-------------------------7—12 m onths-----------------------------13—18 m onths----------------------------19—24 months----------------------------After 2 y ea rs----------------------------

Agreem ent B:Day----------------------------------------------------

Ju m p ers-------------------------------------Night-------------------------------------------------

Ju m p ers------------------------------------Oil:

Agreem ent A:F irst 6 months-------------------------------7—12 m onths-----------------------------------After 12 m onths----------------------------Double -bottom:

F irst 6 months-------------------------7—12 m onths-----------------------------After 1 y e a r -----------------------------

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate

perhour™ce'» Pension

DETROIT, M IC H .— Continued

O il—-Continued$ 2 . 980 $ 3 . 130 133/4* 1772* Agreem ent B:

First 6 months------------------------------- $ 2 . 8103. 030 3. 180 133/4* 1772* 7—12 months — ---------------------------- 2. 9653. 080 3. 230 133/4* 1772* After 1 y e a r ________________________ 3. 1333. 080 3. 230 133/4* 1772* Double -bottom:3 .41 0 3. 510 2 l7 4* 15* F irst 6 months---------------------------- 2. 9102. 935 3. 095 12* 15* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 0653. 035 3. 195 12* 15* After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 2332. 985 3. 145 12* 15* Tandem -axle:2. 695 2. 855 12* 15* First 6 m onths---------------------------- 2. 8803. 250 3. 350 133/4* 17 72* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 015

After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 1833. 390 3 .47 0 1272* 17Vz* Agreem ent C:3. 190 3. 270 1272* 1772* F irst 6 months---------------------------------- 2. 8501. 850 1 .900 4% - 7—12 m onths--------------------------------- - 2. 980

6 2 .91 0 2 .99 0 133/4* 15* After 1 y e a r -------------------------------------- 3. 0706 3 .16 0 3. 240 133/4 * 15* Double-bottom :6 2. 7 50 2. 830 133/4* 15* F irst 6 m onths---------------------------- 2. 950

7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 080After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 170

2. 960 3. 065 1374* 1772* Tandem -axle:3. 060 3. 165 1 3 /4* 1772* First 6 months---------------------------- 2. 9003. 160 3. 265 1374* 1772* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 0303. 260 3. 365 1374* 1772* After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 120

Agreem ent D:2. 810 2. 890 1374* 1772* F irst 6 months---------------------------------- 2. 8372 .91 0 2 .99 0 1374* 1772* 7—12 m onths______________________ 2 .99 23. 010 3. 090 1374* 1772* After 1 y e a r ______________________ 3. 2473. I l l 3. 190 1374* 1772* Agreem ent E:3 .41 0 3. 510 133/4* 5* F irst 6 m onths---------------------------------- 2 .83 63. 180 3. 250 133/4* 1772* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------------- 2. 9883. 340 3 .44 0 1674* - After 1 y e a r ________________________ 3. 1413 .41 0 3. 510 2 l7 4* 20* Double -bottom:3. 280 3. 380 2 l7 4* 20* F irst 6 months---------------------------- 2. 9363. 210 3. 310 2 l7 4* 20* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 0883. 310 3 .41 0 2 l7 4* 20* After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 241

Agreem ent F:3 .41 0 3. 510 2 l7 4* 20* First 6 m onths---------------------------------- 2. 7303 .47 0 3. 570 2 l7 4* 20* 7—9 m onths----------------------------------------- 2. 9403. 210 3. 310 2 l7 4* 20* 10—12 months_____________________ 3. 030

After 1 year — -------------------------------- 3. 145Double -bottom:

3. 220 3. 300 1674* 15* F irst 6 months---------------------------- 2. 8302. 860 2. 940 1674* 15* 7—9 months----------------------------------- 3. 0403 .42 0 3. 520 2174* 20* 10—12 m onths------------------------------- 3. 130

After 1 year — --------------------------- 3. 2452. 210 2. 260 103/4* 15* Tandem -axle:2. 210 2. 260 12* 15* F irst 6 m onths---------------------------- 2 .78 03. 160 3. 230 20* 1772* 7—9 m onths----- --------------------------- 2 .99 0

10—12 months------------------------------- 3. 0803. 150 3. 280 12* 15* After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 1952. 850 2. 980 12* 15* Agreem ent G:3. 050 3. 180 12* 15* F irst 6 months------------------------------- 2. 9132. 750 2. 880 12* 15* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------------- 2. 9652. 870 3. 120 163/4* 5* After 1 y e a r ------------------------- ------- 3. 127

Double -bottom:3. 010 3. 220 15* 173/io* First 6 months--------------------- — 3. 013

7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 0652. 880 3 .09 0 15* 173/i0* After 1 y e a r ----------------------------- 3. 227

Tandem -axle:2. 960 3. 170 15* 173/10* F irst 6 months------------------------- 2. 9602. 980 3. 090 io3/4* 15* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 0152. 880 2 .99 0 io3/4* 15* After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 177

Agreem ent H:Double unit or

3. 560 3. 653 it 72* 13* tandem:First 3 m onths---------------------------- 3. 330

2. 335 2 .42 8 772* 13* 4—6 months----------------------------------- 3. 3802 .4 9 8 2. 591 772* 13* After 6 months---------------------------- 3 .43 02 .66 0 2 .75 3 7J/2* 13* Single unit:2 .82 3 2. 916 772* 13* F irst 3 months---------------------------- 3. 1302. 985 3. 078 7V2* 13* 4—6 m onths------ ------------------------- 3. 230

After 6 m onths------------------------- 3. 3303 .49 9 13 3 .49 9 15* 15% * Paper supply------------------------------------------------ 2. 6803. 924 13 3. 924 15* 1 5 /4* H e lp ers---------------------------------------------------- 2. 5303 .63 6 13 3. 636 15* 153/4* Produce:3. 061 13 3 .061 15* 153/4* Agreem ent A:

F irst 30 days------------------------------------ 2. 23031—60 d a y s ---------------------------------------- 2. 330

2. 870 3. 000 (3) (?) After 60 days------------ -------- — 2 .43 03. 010 3. 150 (?) ? H e lp ers------------------------- --------------- 2. 0803. 130 3. 270 (3) (3) Agreem ent B:

F irst 30 days- -------------------------------- 2 .65 02. 980 3. 110 (?) (?) After 30 days— ------------ ------- 2. 9003. 120 3. 260 (?) Railway exp ress------------------------------------------ 2 .99 93. 240 3. 390 (3) (3) Scrap iron- - -------------------------------------- 2. 330

July I, 1966

Rate Employebution

>r contri- to fund1per

hour Insur­ance2


$ 2 ,9 3 7 (?) (3)3. 098 0 (3 )3. 272 8 (?)

(3)3. 037 (3 ) (3)3. 198 (?) ( !)

(3)3. 372 (3)

2. 987 (?) (3)3. 148 (3) (3 )3. 322 (3 ) (3)

2 .98 0 (?)(3)

(3)3. 115 0

(3)3. 210 (3)

3. 080 (3) (3)3. 215 (3 ) (3 )3. 310 (3) (3)

3. 030 (3) (3 )3. 165 (?) (3)3. 260 (3) (3)

2. 967 (?)(3)

(3 )3. 127 (! )

(3)3. 392 (3 )

2. 963 (3) (3)3. 124 O (3)3. 283 (3) (3)

3. 063 (?) 0(3)3. 224 (3 )

3. 383 (3) (3 )

2. 855 (3) _3. 075 (3)3. 170 (!)3. 290 (3) -

2. 955 ( !)_

3. 175 (3)3. 270 (3 ) _3. 390 (3) -

2. 905 (!)_

3. 125 (3)3. 220 (•3) -3. 340 (3) -

3. 040 (3 ) _3. 090

p i

-3. 260 -

3. 140 (3) _3. 190 3 -3. 360 (3) -

3. 090 ( !)_

3. 140 (3 ) -3. 310 (3) ■

3 .43 0 22VZ* 20 *3 .48 0 2 2 /2* 20 *3. 530 22V2* 20 *

3. 230 227Z* 20*3. 330 22l/2* 20 *3 .43 0 227z* 20 *2. 760 127>* 15*2. 610 1272* 15*

2. 280 33/4*2 .4 3 0 3 /4* -2. 580 33A* -2. 230 33/4* -

2 . 800 153/4* 177z*3. 050 1534 * 1772*3. 189 144/ 5* -2 .41 0 772* 10*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­



Building: B e e r ________ _____ _________________________$

9 3.847$

9 3.948 15* 20*Construction: $ $ Building:

Concrete m ixer______________________ 2.960 3.060 83/4 * - Construction:Dum p_________________________________ 3.078 3.228 7V2d - Dump:

Department store: Under 4 cubic yards_____________ 4.055 4.205 37 V2 * 25*6 2.415 2.490 4 to 6 cubic, yard s 4.150 4.300 37 y2* 25*6 2.265 2.340 _ . 6 to 8 cuhic. yard s 4 .350 4.500 37 y2* 2 5*

Package___________________________________ 6 2.365 2.440 . - 8 and including 12 cubic22 3.220 3.320 11V4 * 20(5 yard s 4.590 4.740 37 V2* 25*

Helpers __________________________________ 22 3. 120 3.220 n V 4 * 20* Over 12 and including 1822 3.9 2 0 4.020 n V 4 * 20* cuhic yards 4.630 4.780 37 V2* 25*

Tandem __________________________________ 22 3.220 3.320 i i y4 <i 20* Over 18 and including 2422 3.220 3.320 11 y4 * 20c1 cubic yards 4.735 4.885 37 y2* 25*

Loaders___________________________________ 22 3. 120 3.220 l i f t * 20* Over 24 and including 35cubic y a rd s_____________________ 4.790 4.940 3 7 V2 * 25*

EVAN SVILLE, IND. Over 35 and including 50cubic yards ____________________ 4.940 5.090 37 V2* 25*

Brew ery _ 3.300 3.450 (?) 15* Over 50 and including 65Helpers ......... . _ 3.225 3.375 (3) 15* cuhic yards 5.090 5.240 37 y2* 25*

Building: Over 65 and including 80Construction: cubic y a rd s_____________________ 5.240 5.390 37 V2* 25*

Batch, wet or dry: Over 80 and including 953 (34E) or le s s ___________________ 3.270 3.370 7V2 7 y2* cubic yards 5.390 5.540 3 7 V2 * 25*Over 3 ( 34E )... ____ ________ . 3.370 3.470 ?V2* 7 V2 * Heavy duty transport:

Bituminous distributor: Lowbed_____________________________ 4.500 4.650 37 V2 * 25*3.430 3.530 7*/2* 7 y2* Highhed 4.370 4.520 3 7 V2 * 25*3.320 3.420 7 x/ 2* 7 3/ 2* Pi ckup 4.055 4.205 37 V2* 25*

Equipment not self-loaded H e lp ers______ ________________ 4.055 4.205 37 V2* 25*or pusher-loaded: T ransit-m ix :

3.470 3.570 7V2* 7 X/ 2* Under 6 cubic yards 4.205 4.355 37 V2* 25*3.570 3.670 7 y2* 7 1/ 2 * 6 to 8 cubic yards 4.305 4.455 37 V2* 25*

M ixers, all types _ 3.570 3.670 7 x/ 2* 7 X/ 2 * 8 and including 10Lowboy: cubic y a rd s________ „ __ . . . 4 .405 4.555 37 Vz* 25*

Single-axle________________________ 3.370 3.470 7Vz* 7 X/ 2* Over 10 and including 12Tandem -axle 3.470 3.570 7V2* ?y2* cubic yards 4.505 4.655 37 Vz* 25*Tandem-tandem axle____________ 3.530 3.630 7 V2 * 7 V2 * Over 12 and including 14

Pavement breakers 3.470 3.570 7V2* 7 y2 * cubic yards 4.605 4.755 37Vz* 25*Pickup_________________________________ 3.120 3.220 ?y2* 7 V2 * Over 14 and including 16Single - axle 3.270 3.370 7Vz* ?y2* cubic yards 4.735 4.885 37 Vz* 25*

S e m i_______________________________ 3.370 3.470 7V2* 7 y2 * W ater:Tandem nr dngleg 3.370 3.470 7 1/ 2* 7 y2 * Under 2 .5 0 0 pallons 4.165 4.315 37 Vz* 25*Tandem, semi 3.470 3.570 ?y2* 7 y2* 2, 500 to 4. 000 gallons 4.265 4.415 37 V2* 25*Tandem-tandem sem i_______________ 3.530 3.630 7Vz* 7 v2 * 4. 000 to 5. 000 gallons 4.365 4.515 3 7 V2 * 25*Payload over 15 tons_______________ 3.370 3.470 7 1/ . * 7 y2 * 5. 000 to 7. 000 gallons 4.465 4.615 37 V2* 25*Winch nr " A " frame 3.370 3.470 7 v2* 7 y2* W ar ebon semen 4.055 4.205 37 y2* 25*

M aterial: M aterial:Concrete: Rock products:

1 tnn 2.975 2.975 10* 15* Automotive oiler 3.755 13 3.755 11 Vs* 10*1 y2 - 2 tons_________________________ 3.075 3.075 10* 15* Dump:?.V-, tons and over 3.175 3.175 10* 15* ft yards arid under 3.755 13 3.755 11 Vs * 10*T ,nwhoy or carryall 3.275 3.275 10* 15* 6 to 8 ya rd s 3.965 13 3.965 11 Vs * 10*M ixers, all types 3.275 3.275 10* 15* 8 yards and over 4.215 13 4.215 11V5* 10*Sem itrailer 3.175 3.175 10* 15* FI atrack 3.615 13 3 6 15 11V5* 10*Tandem . ............... 3.175 3.175 10* 15* Pickup 3.615 13 3.615 11V5* 10*

General----Freight------------------------------ ---------- 3.310 3.410 18V4 * 20* T ran si t -m i x 3.830 13 3.830 11V5* 10*Double -bottom 3.360 3.460 i 8 y4 * 20* Winch and " A " fram e 3.815 13 3.815 u y 5* 10*

Helpers 3.210 3.310 is y4 * 20* Drug 3.230 3.330 14x/ 2* 10*G rocery— W holesale: Food specialty:

Agreem ent A: Frozen fo o d ______________________________ 3.375 3.475 14x/ 2* 10*F irst 5 months 1.800 1.880 83/4 * Warehousemen and loaders 3.200 3.300 14 V2 * 10*6—10 months 1.850 1.930 83/4 * Potato chip 3.500 3.575 14 V2* 10*After 10 months . _ __ 1.900 1.980 83/ 4 * _ Checkers and loaders 3.037 3.128 4 4 V2 * 10*

Agreem ent B: General— Freight:F irst 6 months_______________________ 1.750 1.900 - - Local cartage:After 6 months 1.900 2.050 _ _ 3 -axle or less 3.365 3.465 19* 20*

Highway and street construction: 4 -a x le or m o r e ______________________ 3.490 3.590 19* 20*Asphalt 3.100 3.200 83/4 * Heavy duty and lowbed 3.615 3.715 19* 20*

Liquor— W holesale: H e lp ers________________________________ 3.265 3.365 19* 20*F irst 30 days 2.000 2.000 (3) 5* G rocery, wholesale 3.400 3.490 14 V2* 15*After 30 days 2.800 2.850 (3) 5* Loader ........ 3.400 3.490 14Vz* 15*Warehousemen___________________________ 2.800 2.850 (3) 5* Ice cream and m ilk:Lead men .................. .. ... 2.950 3.000 (3) 5* Route______________________________________ 3.525 3.625 19 Vs* 20*

Mo ving— F u r nitu r e : H e lp ers ...... . 3.405 3.505 19Vs* 20*Agreem ent A: T ransp ort________________________________ 3.525 3.625 19/5* 20*

30—60 days . . . ... 2.050 2.050 10V10 * Special d e liv ery_________________________ 3.405 3.505 I9 V5* 20*6 1—90 days ............... 2.150 2.150 107/i0* _ Wholesale and relief . 3.625 3.725 19 Vs* 20*9 1—1 20 days 2.350 2.350 107/xo * _ Laundry .. . .. 3.000 3.100 llV s* 10*After 120 d a y s_______________________ 2.400 2.500 107xo* . Meat:

Agreem ent B: Packinghouse_____________________________ 3.350 3.450 14 y2* 10*F irst 30 days . _ . . ■2.000 2.000 83/4 * 15* T allow 3.260 3.360 14 V2 * 10*31—60 days 2.050 2.100 83/4 * 15* Helpers 3.130 3.230 14 V2* 10*6 1—90 days 2.150 2.200 83/4 * 15* Moving and storage 3.150 3.230 14 V2* 10*9 1-120 days 2 .300 2.300 83/4 * 15* Helpers 3.025 3.105 14 V2 * 10*After 1 20 days 2.400 2.440 83/4 * 15* Parcel delivery 3.505 3.635 184/ 5 * 20*

Produce: T r a c to r___________________________________ 3.630 3.760 184/ 5* 20*First. 60 days 1.650 1.690 i 8 y4 * Produce and fruit 3.100 3.100 14Vz *After 60 days 1.700 1.740 i 8 y4* W arehousemen (21) 3.000 I4 V2*

Railway express 2.559 2.719 144/ 5* _ Railway express 2.565 2.794 144/ s*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9- Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966----Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July I, 1965 J uly 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate




Employer contri­bution to fund*

Pension Insur­ance2



Building: M ail-order house— ContinuedConstruction----------------------------------------------- $3,360 $3,600 1 7 V2 £ 15* Helpers:

2 .440 2.440 133/4* 10* F irst 6 months_____________________ $2,095 $2,175 _H e lp ers------------- --------------------------------- 2 .340 2.340 1 33/4 * 10* 7—12 m onths_________________________ 2.310 2.390 . -Gravel: After 1 y e a r_____ __________________ 2.525 2.605 - -

Double -bottom -------------------------------- 3 .100 3.170 1 2 V2 £ 15* Railway express:2 .900 2.970 12 72 * 15* Money pickup ... 2 .590 2.780 144/5*3.000 3.070 1272 £ 15* Pickup and d elivery____________________ 2.650 2.840 144/5 *

Department s to r e ____________________________ 3.320 3.420 2 0 f 20*H e lp ers____________________________________ 3.150 3.250 20* 2 0*Checker-------------------------------------------------------- 3.210 3.310 20* 2 0* INDIANAPOLIS, IND.

3.150 3.250 20* 20*General— F reight: Arm ored car:

Local cartage, straight, sem i, F irst 30 d a y s------------------------------------------- 2 .680 2.800 (3) 15*3.320 3.420 2 l7 4* 20* A f T* daw« 2.730 2.850 (3) 15*

Double -bottom ________________________ 3.380 3.480 2174* 20* Bakery— -Biscuit and cracker:Dockm en. --------------------------------------------- 3 .150 3.250 2174* 20* Agreem ent A:

3.220 3.320 2 l7 4* 20* TP i -r c f daws 4 2.530 42.610 (3) (3 )G rocery— Chainstore: After 30 days _ _____________________ 4 2.630 4 2.710 (3 ) (3)

3.520 3.620 2 i7 4* 177z* TP] nnrrnen . 2 .430 2.510 (3 ) (3)Single. -------------------------------------------------------- 3.420 3.520 2 i7 4* l?7z* Agreem ent B:H e lp ers . ------------------------------------------------- 3.140 3.240 2174* 177z* F irst 30 d a y s-------------------------------------- 4 2 .530 4 2.610 1179 * 8 % *

4 2.600 4 2.760 13 73 £ 15% * Affpr tn dairs 42.630 4 2.710 1179 * 8 8/9 £4 2.450 42.610 137s * 153/5* 2.430 2.510 127z* 10*

Produce— C ity _______________________________ 2.960 3.080 12 72* 15* Building:Railway ex p ress. _______ _____ __________ 2.551 2.741 144/5* - Construction:

2.120 2.170 10* 5* fnnc tavtd 3.275 3.450 772 *Over 3 tons------------------------------------------ 3.425 3.600 7 72* .

H elp ers. ------------------------- ----------- 3.275 3.450 7 Vz £ -HOUSTON, TEX. Machinery rigging, etc.:

Heavy hauling- _____________________ 3.500 3.620 772* 83/5 *H elpers____________________________ 3.500 3.620 77z* 83/5 *

3.000 3.070 103/4* 15* T mnKntf 3.600 3.720 77z * 83/ 5*2.440 2.510 n

(3)15* Ivl at e r ia l:

B akery___________________________________ ___ 4 2.645 4 2.715 (3 ) Concrete:Building: Dump------------------------------------------------ 3.050 3.120 ?7z* 53/4*

Construction: M ix e r______________________________ 3.200 3.270 7lh * 53/4 *Under IV2 tons- _____________________ 2.875 3.050 - - E lectrical supply:1 7^—?}j-> tons _ _ ________ 3.125 3.310 3.320 3.500 7llz * 8 3/ 5 *Over ?.*/■, tons __ 3.250 3.450 _ _ 3.470 3.650 77zf 83/5 *Dump (less than Sem i, tandem, double-

7 yards) _ ___________ 3.125 3.310 H nffnm and TTrinnVy 3.470 3.650 77z* 83/s *E u clid __________________________________ 3.350 3.550 - - Stone, sand, gravel, and rock:Pickup (warehouse). ------------------------- 3 .700 3.920 - - Dogleg, double-bottom ,F o rk lift______________________________ 3.250 3.450 - - lowboy, semidump,Warphnnspmpn 3.050 3.230 2.710 2.790 7 72* 53/4*

Furniture----------------------------------------------------------- 10 1.660 10 1.710 (f) - Single-axle _______________________ 2.660 2.740 77z* 53/4*Hplpprs . _ ______ 10 1.480 10 1.530 ( ) TTpnari-mPnt cf nrp— 1Tin*niti'rp 3.190 3.290 1174 * 20*W^rpjinnspmpn....... 1.410 1.460 (3 ) H e lp e r * 3.140 3.240 1174 "r 20*

General— F reig h t12-------------------------------------------- 3.230 3.330 2 174 ^ 20* General— F reight----------------------------------------------- 3.310 3.410 2 i7 4* 20*CVier-kers . . _ 3.230 3.330 2 l7 4* 20* Rl m 11 Va 1 KAftrim 3.360 3.460 21 74 * 20*HnrVrriPn.. .......... . . 3.070 3.170 2 i7 4* 20* H e lp e r * 3.210 3.310 2 1 74 * 20*Local cartage -------------------------------------------------- 23 2.670 24 2.740 103/s ^ 99/io £ Grocery:T ransfer_________ __________ ______________— 10 1.835 10 1.875 6* Ajrrppmpnt A 3.190 3.310 (3 )

10 1.630 10 1.670 6* _ Spott#*r s 3.190 3.310 (3 )T ransprvrt . 3.230 3.330 2 l7 4* 20 * AjrTPPmpnt R 3.190 3.310 10V4 15*Dn clcmen, hplpprs 3.070 3.170 2 i7 4* 20* 3.190 3.310 103/4 ^ 15*F ork lift................. ............................................... 3 .230 3.330 2174 * 20* Highway construction:

Grocery: Batch, wet or dry:Retail: 3 (34E) or l e s s ______________________ 3.120 3.240 10* .

B obtail____________________________ ___ 2.510 2.670 1 o3/4 * Dwer 5 (i4F.) 3.220 3.340 10*T ra iler__ _____________________________ 2.610 2.770 io3/4* . Bituminous distributor:Fnrldift . . . . . . 2 .4 6 0 2 .5 9 0 1 o3/4 * 1 man 3.270 3.390 10*

2.530 2.740 10% { - 2 -m an---------------------------------------------------- 3.170 3.290 1o* _Loaders, unloaders, Equipment not self-loaded

w arehousem en----------------------------------- 2 .310 2.450 1 0 % t or pusher-loaded:W holesale: 12 cubic yards and under__________ 3.320 3.440 10* -

Agreem ent A: Over 12 cubic y a rd s________________ 3.420 3.540 10< -B obtail---------------------------------------------- 6 2.535 6 2.665 8Vst (3 ) Low -boy:Trailer 6 2.585 6 2.715 8% * (3) .Si ngl e - a vl p ..................... 3.320 3.440 1 o*Loader trainees----------------------------- 2 .470 2.600 83/4* (3) T andem -axle--------------------------------------- 3.420 3.540 10*CVierkers . _ 2.550 2.650 8% $ (3) Mivprfij pi 11 types . . 3.320 3.440 10*F o rk lift_____________________________ 2.445 2.540 83/4* (3) Pavp.mftnt hreakers .... ............. 3 .320 3.440 10*Loaders, unloaders, Pickup-------------------------------------------------------- 2.970 3.090 10* _

w arehousem en___________________ 2.295 2.400 8% $ (3) S in g le -a v le __ 3.120 3.240 10*A g | * p p R ... . __ ... _ 25 2.610 2.770 io 3/4* 15* S p m i . . 3 .320 3.440 1 0*

T.naHpr trainpps 25 2.460 2.590 103/4 ^ 15* T^mipm or Hnolag . . . 3 .220 3.340 1 0*Checkers: Tandem, sem i------------------------------------------ 3 .420 3.540 10* _

Car—_____________________________ 2.560 2.700 103/4 * 15* TanHpm-tanHp.m spmi . 3 .470 3.590 1 0*Shipping and Payload over 15 to n s___________________ 3.320 3.440 10* .

rprp.iving 2.700 2.820 103/4* 15* WinrVi nr ” AM framp 3.220 3.340 10*Forklift ........................................... ........ 2.460 2.590 103/4 ^ 15* Meat— Packinghouse:Loaders, unloaders, Agreement A _____________________________ 2.980 3.100 (3) (3)

w/a rphnn semen 2.310 2.450 io 3/4* 15* Aprppmpnt R 2.990 3.1 00 (3)M ail-ord er house: Moving— Furniture--------------------------------------- 2.680 2.760 1174* _

"First h months _ __________ _ 2.395 2.475 Helpers 2.530 2.610 I i7 4*7—1 7. months . .. . . .. .. .. . 2.545 2.625 P ro d u c e . ............... 1.750 1.750A fter 1 ypar ............................ 2.695 2.775 R ai 1 way evpre ss . . . . . 2 .592 2.805 144/5*

See footnotes at end of table.

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18Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, and

Allied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966—-Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1. 1965 July 1. 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur- Pension


Bakery: $ Milk: $ $26 2.375 4 2.475 (3) _ Tank _ . 3.250 3.350 103/ 5* 12*26 2 .4 3 0 4 2.530 (3) _ Special delivery 2.830 2.930 io3/ 5* 12*

Floorm en: T ransport_____ _______________________ 3.250 3.350 io 3/ 5* 12*F irst 25 d a y s _____________ _ ____ _ 2.165 2.235 ( 3) - Moving:

2.220 2.290 (3) T ractor 2.620 2.770 10* 10*2.280 2.380 ( 3) . He lpe r s 2.570 2.6 70 10* 2 0*3.210 3.310 2 iv4 * 20* Paper— Wholesale 2.430 2.490 (3)3.210 3.310 2 lV4 * 20* Produce 2.350 2.450 103/4 *3.110 3.210 2 1 y4 * 20* Railway express 2.830 3.020 14^5*

Railway exp ress______ _ _ _ ___ ____ __ 2.577 2.739 14 4/ 5* Rug 2.645 2.705 8 3/4 * 10*Helpers:

JACKSONVILLE, FLA. F irst month ____ _ _______ ____ 2.345 2.405 83/4 * 10*1—2 m o n th s____ _ . __ _ __ __ 2.395 2.455 83/4 * 10*

3.210 3.310 21 V4 * 20* 2—3 months 2.445 2.505 83/4 * 10*Checkers _ ____ ______ _________ _____ 3.210 3.310 2174 * 20* 3—4 months...................... ................ . 2.495 2.555 8 3/4 * 10*

3.110 3.210 2 lV4 * 20* Aft^r 4 months 2.545 2.605 83/4 * 10*G rocery— R etail.. . . . . __ _. ______ 2.125 2.175 (3)Linen:

F irst 3 months_______ . . ____ _ _ 8 2.023 8 2.068 - - KN O XVILLE, TENN.4—6 months _________ _____ _ _ _. 8 2.159 8 2.205 - -7—9 m onths.. _ . ____ . . . . . . . . ___ 8 2.295 8 2. 341 - - Bakery:10—12 m onths... ____________ _____ 8 2.455 8 2.523 - - Agreement A:After 1 year . . . . . . ______ . . 8 2.636 8 2.705 - - F irst year 26 2.260 26 2.380 (3) _

Meat: After 1 year _ . . . ___ 26 2.340 26 2.430 (3) .Agreem ent A . . _ . . . . . ______ . 2.620 2.760 (3) 0 Agreement B:Agreem ent B_ ... ______________ 2.610 2.760 (3) (3) F irst 25 days 11 2.375 4 2.475 ( 3) _

Railway exp ress. .. . . . . _____ . _. 2.623 2.844 144/ 5 * - After 25 days 11 2.430 4 2.530 (3) _Air e x p re ss ... __________ ______ ___ 2.680 2.969 144/ 5* - Building:

Construction: 12KANSAS C IT Y , MO. Less than 3 tons and including

4 cubic yards, dump 2.650 2.820Bakery— Biscuit: 3—5 tons and 6 cubic

Agreem ent A . _________ _ 4 2.640 4 2.730 ( 3) (3) yards, dump 2.850 3.020Agreem ent B ____________________________ 4 2.510 4 2.730

P 5 tons and over, includingSemi ________ _________ _______ 4 2.590 4 2.810 ( ) - dump, over 6 cubic yards,

Agreem ent C _ _ „ . 4 2.650 4 2.740 ( ) (3) c one.rfit.Pi and sem itrailer 3.000 3.170Agreem ent D ____________________________ 4 2 .650 4 2.740 (3) 13V3 * Checkers 2.700 2.870Agreem ent E _____________________________ 3.175 3.275 Ware.hon spmpin 2.575 2.745Agreem ent F : Flour 27 2.0 6 0 27 2. 130 (3) (3)Special delivery __________________ 2.633 2.750 io3/4 * 15* Sem itrailer 27 2. 1 10 27 2.180

[ !}b )

Transport 7 2.820 7 2.950 9* 12 Vz* Forklift operators and r/heekers 27 2.0 6 0 27 2. 130 3Building— M aterial: 5 Helpers . . ....................... 27 L990 27 2.060 H (3)

Heavy excavating___________________. . . 3.405 3.615 General— Freight 12 3.210 3.310 2 1 V4 * 20*Heavy hauling " A " fram e; Checkers _ 3.210 3.310 21 v4 * 20*

winch; fork______________________________ 3.405 3.615 Dock-men 3.110 3.210 21V4 * 20*Transit -m ix: Linen service:

Under 5 yards________________________ 3.255 3.465 F irst 3 months 8 2.023 8 2.0685 yards and over ___________ . . . . 3.355 3.565 . . 4—6 months 8 2 .159 8 2.205

D istributor_______________________________ 3.305 3.515 _ _ 7—9 months 8 2.295 8 2.341Dump: 10—12 months 8 2.455 8 2.523 _ I

Under 10 y a rd s______________________ 3.205 3.415 _ After 1 year 8 2.636 8 2.70510 yards and over___________________ 3.280 3.490 _ _ Railway express 2.537 2.727 144/ 5 *

Flatbed and pickup______________________ 3.205 3.415 _ . Air express 2.644 2^834 147s*Semi and steel __________ ____ _____ 3.280 3.490 . _L u m b er ... ______________ . ____ ____ 2.785 2.985 - .

Yardmen, warehousemen, and LITTLE ROCK, ARK.stockm en____________________________ (21) 2.930 - -

Department s to r e ___________________________ 2.650 2.710 (3) 7Vz* Bakery 11 2.430 4 2.530 (3)H e lp ers________________________________ . 2.600 2.660 (3) 7Vz* F irst 25 days 11 2.375 4 3.475 (3)Positioner, loaders . . 2.750 2.810 M 7 Vz * Building:

Furniture 12_________________________________ 2.645 2.705 11 y4 * 10* Construction: 12H elpers: Concrete m ixer 2.720 2.820 _

F irst month___________________________ 2.345 2.405 n y 4 * 10* Dump (5 cubic yards and1—2 months____________________________ 2.395 2.455 n V 4 * 10* over), dum pster, Euclid,2—3 m onths____________________________ 2.445 2.505 n v 4 * 10* forklift, lowboy, derrick,3—4 months___________________________ 2.495 2.555 11 y4 < 10* winch 2.830 2.930After 4 months_______________ ________ 2.545 2.605 11 v4 10* Dump (under 5 cubic yards),

General— Freight 5 _________________________ 3.210 3.300 2lV4 * 20* flatbed, pickup __ 2.560 2.660 _ _G rocery: H elp ers______________________ _____ 2.460 2.560 _ _

Chainstore: Warehousemen 2.560 2.660 _ _Agreem ent A _________________________ 3.175 3.275 - - M aterial:Agreem ent B _________________________ 3.175 3.275 103/4 * 15* Dump 2.120 2.220

Loaders____________________________ 2.945 3.045 io 3/4 < 15* F irst 30 days 2.070 2.170W holesale: O u a rry .............. .. 2.210 2.310 I

F irst 30 days_________________________ 2.720 2.845 103/4 * 15* F irst 30 days 2.160 2.260After 30 d a y s _______________________ 2.920 3.045 103/4 15* R eady-m ix:

W arehousemen____________________ 2.810 2.935 103/4 * 15* Under 5 cubic yards 2.260 2.360Ic e : F irst 30 days..... 2.210 2.310 I

Special delivery, cube, and 5 and under 6 cubicsupply___________________________________ 1.770 1.770 yard s 2.320 2.420

T .iqimr 2.680 2.750 _ F irst 30 days 2.270 2.370W arehou sem en________ _____________ _ 2.670 2.740 - - 6 cubic, yards and over 2.350 2.450 I I

Meat: F irst 30 days__________________ 2.300 2.400 _ _Packinghouse_____________________________ 2.930 3.020 103/4 (3) General— F reight 3.230 3.330 21 y4 * 20*W h olesale__________ __________ __________ 2.715 2.815 (3) 15* Checkers, forklift,

H elp ers____________________ ________ 2.555 2.655 (3)(3)

15* hostlers 3.230 3.330 2 1 V4 * pnAC h eck ers_____ ______________________ (Z1) 2.865 15* Dockmen. helpers 3!o70 3.170 2lV4 * 20*

See footnotes at end of table.

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19Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, and

Allied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Rate Rateper


Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rale





ir contri- 0 fund1

insur­ance 2 Pension



LIT T L E ROCK, ARK.— Continued LOS ANGELES, C A L IF .— Continued

Grocery— Chain store: Dairy— W holesale: 5 $ $Agreem ent A: $ $ Special delivery _ . 3.233 3.333 17V2* 20*

2.680 2.780 I2 V2? Highway. . . ... 3.308 3.408 17V2 * 20*7—12 m onths__________________________ 2.860 2.960 . 12 y2 < Semi less than 25 fe e t__________________ 3.443 3.543 17 y2 * 20*

2.940 3.040 12 y 2 Semi 25 feet or lo n g e r _________________ 3.493 3.593 17 y2 * 20*2.830 2.930 _ 12V2? Route 3.687 3.787 17 V2 * 20*2.775 2.875 _ 12l/ 2* Extra 3.787 3.887 17 Vz* 20*

Warehousemen: Furniture— Retail___________________________ 2.845 3.050 94/s* 5*2.570 2.670 _ 12 V2 d Checkers (21) 3.050 94/s* 5*

7—12 m onths______________________ 2.630 2.730 . 12 V 2 * W arehousemen___________________________ M 2.900 9 4/ 5* 5*After 1 y e a r . _ _________________ 2.690 2.790 - 12V2* Helpers _________________________________ 2.745 2.900 94/ 5* 5*

Agreem ent B ____________________________ 2.935 3.035 n - General— Freight: 5F irst 30 days_________________________ 2.785 2.885 ( ) - Local hauling:F o rk lift________ ____________________ 2.495 2,615 ( ) - 3 -axle or le s s , or combinationH o stle r s__________ _________________ 2.935 3.035 0 - with sem i having bed of less

2.445 2.565 (3) than 20 feet 3.365 3.495 177/i0 * 17V2*Railway exp ress--------------- ------------------------- 2.575 2.765 144/s d - Extra _ . ....... 3.485 3.615 177/i0 * 17V2*

Air exp ress______________________________ 2.685 2.875 144/ 5 * - 3 -axle combination with sem ihaving bed of 20 feetor m ore______________________________ 3.365 3.495 19* 20*

4 -a x le _________________________ ______ 3.410 3.620 19* 20*LOS ANGELES, C ALIF. E x tra ______________________________ 3.610 3.740 19* 20*

5-axle or m o re ______________________ 3.490 3.620 19* 20*Extra _____________________________ 3.610 3.740 19* 20*

Bakery— C racker: Helpers ______________________________ 3.265 3.395 19* 20*3.050 3.150 17 7/ io * 15* Checkers 3.515 3.645 19* 20*3.100 3.200 177/i0 < 15* T .nader s 3.365 3.495 19* 20*

Beer 5 ________ ! _______________________________ 14 4.257 14 4.418 15* 20* G rocery— W holesale: 1214 4.171 14 4.332 15<* 20* Under 7V2 tons, bobtail 3.270 3.370 18 V2 * 15*

Building: 7 V2 to 16 tons. 3 -axle .. .. . 3.350 3.450 I8 V2* 15*Construction: 5 16 to 22 tons, 25 to 35

Dump: feet bed ________________________________ 3.420 3.520 I8 V2* 15*Less than 4 cubic yards________ 4.100 4.350 29 V2* 20* Over 22 tons, 35 feet bed

4.130 4.380 29 V2* 20* or m ore 3.520 3.620 I 8 V2* 15*4.180 4.430 29 V2* 20* 3.170 3.270 18 V2* 15*

12 tn 16 cubic yards 4.260 4.510 29 V2 * 20* Home appliance 3.190 3.400 94/s* 10*16 to 25 cubic yards_____________ 4 .480 4.730 29 y2* 20* S em i_______________________________________ 3.290 3.500 94/ 5* 10*7.5 cnhic yards and over 4.940 5.190 29 V2* 20* Helpers 3.000 3.210 94/ 5* 10*

Legal payload capacity: Warehousemen .... ._ . 3.100 3.200 94/ s* 10*L ess than 6 tons__________________ 4.100 4.350 29 V2* 20* Meat and delicatessen:6 to 10 to n s_______________________ 4.130 4.380 29 Vz* 20* Branch house:10 to 15 tons 4.180 4.430 29 V2* 20<* Student sales 3.132 3.212 164/ 5* 15*15 to ?.0 tons 4.260 4.510 29 Vz * 20* Sales 3.320 3.400 164/ 5* 15*70 tons and over 4.480 4.730 29 V2* 20* T ,ocal 3.320 3.400 164/ 5* 15*

Dumpster 4.480 4.730 29 V2 * 20* Extra 3.420 3.500 164/ 5* 15*T ransit-m ix : Packinghouse:

Under 3 yards____________________ 4.340 4.590 29 V2* 20* Agreem ent A: 123 yards and o v e r _________________ 4 .480 4.730 29 V2* 20* Student s a le s _____________________ 3.132 3.212 16 4/ 5 * 15*

W ater: Sales_______________________________ 3.320 3.400 164/ 5 * 15*Under 2, 500 gallons_____________ 4.160 4.410 29 y2* 20* Local 3.320 3.400 164/ 5* 15*?., 500 to 4, 000 gallons 4 .280 4.530 29 V2 * 20* Extra 3.420 3.500 164/ 5* 15*4 ,0 0 0 gallons and over ... ... 4.400 4.650 29 Va 20* Agreement R 3.320 3.400 164/ 5* 15*

Gas and oil pipeline including Provision and jobbing house:winch, road oil spreader 4.280 4.530 29 y2* 20* 1 Vp tons or less 3.288 3.388 184/ 5 * 15*

Ross carrier-highw ay, "A " Over lV2 to n s________________________ 3.350 3.450 184/ 5* 15*fram e, Swedish crane 4.785 5.035 29 V2 * 20* Sales 3.350 3.450 184/ 5* 15*

Euclid-type sp read er_______________ 4.670 5.315 29 y2* 20* Extra:M aterial: Under lV2 tons____________________ 3.616 3.726 184/s* 15*

Rock products: 5 l 1/? tons and over 3.685 3.795 184/ 5 * 15*Warehousemen___ ____ 3.280 3.380 i4V2* 10* Moving and storage 5 3.150 3.270 22* 15*Loaders____________________________ 3.330 3.430 14V2* 10* H e lp ers .... 2 .900 3.020 22* 15*2 -axle dum p______________________ 3.330 3.430 10* Oil:3-avle dump 3.380 3.480 3 10* Agreement A----Transport 3.240 3.340 22* 2-0*Semi under 14 tons _ 3.430 3.530 (3) 10* Agreem ent B----Clipper 3.210 3.370T railer and sem i_________________ 3.480 3.580 10* Agreem ent C:Flat: City delivery:

Under 5 tons___________________ 3.330 3.430 (!) 10* F irst 6 months .... .......... 2 .892 3.024 _ _Over 5 tons... 3.430 3.530 (3) 10* 7—12 months 2.967 3.105 _ _Trailer and sem i_____________ 3.530 3.630 h 10* 13—18 m onths_____________________ 3.036 3.174 _ _

M ixer: 19—24 months _. 3.105 3.249 _ -3 yards and under ...... 3.480 3.580 ( ! )


10* After 2 years 3.180 3.324Over 3 y a rd s__________________ 3.580 3.680 10* Agreem ent D:

Mobile service___________________ 3.580 3.680 ( 3 ) 10* Truck and package:Lumber: F irst 12 m onths__________________ (21) 3.030 _ _

Agreem ent A— Softwood: 12 13—24 months ...... ( 21) 3.175 _ _2 6 ,0 0 0 pounds and under____ 3.330 3.480 n ? . t 20* After 2 y e a r s ......................... ( 21) 3.345 _ _26 ,0 0 1 to 5 2 ,0 0 0 pounds____ 3.390 3.540 n y 2* 20* Transport 3.249 3.430Over 5 2 ,0 0 0 pounds_________ 3.640 3.800 u y 2* 20* Agreem ent E :Ross c a r r ie r __________________ 3.520 3.680 n y 2* 20* Product delivery:

Agreem ent B— Hardwood: F irst 12 months __ ( 21) 3.190 _ .2 6 ,0 0 0 pounds and under____ 3.310 3.450 n v 2 * 1 0* 13—24 m onths.. _ ( 21) 3.290 . _2 6 ,0 0 1 to 5 2 ,0 0 0 pounds____ 3.380 3.520 n ? 2 * 1 0* After 2 years_____________________ 3.160 3.400 _ _Over 5 2 ,0 0 0 pounds_________ 3.620 3.770 n y 2 * 1 0* Paper:Ross c a r r ie r __________________ 3.490 3.640 n y 2 * 1 0* Agreem ent A:

Agreem ent C— Plywood: Under 108-inch bedlength . . .. 2.990 3.140 i 6 y 2 * 1 0*2 6 ,0 0 0 pounds and under____ 3.120 3.280 liYz* 15* Over 108-inch bedlength 3.040 3.190 l6 Vz* 1 0*2 6 ,0 0 1 to 5 2 ,0 0 0 pounds____ 3.220 3.380 n y j 15* Mechanical lift-gateOver 5 2 ,0 0 0 pounds_________ 3.395 3.555 n y 2 * 15* equipment___________________________ 3.090 3.240 1 6 V2 * 1 0*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9- Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966----Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Rate Rateper


Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate




r contri- 0 fund1

Pension Insur­ance2


LOS ANGELES, C A L IF .— Continued LOUISVILLE, K Y .— Continued

Paper— Continued: C h em ical_____________________________________ $ 3 . 3 4 0 $ 3 . 4 4 0 1 8 V 17 VAgreem ent B: Dockmen__________________________________ 3 . 2 9 0 3 . 3 9 0 1 8 V 17 V

B obtail________________________________ $ 3 . 2 4 0 $ 3 . 4 0 0 1 6 V 1 5 * Coal:Sem i, heavy__________________________________ 3 . 3 0 0 3 . 4 6 0 16 V 1 5 * Single-axle_________________________________________ 2 . 5 5 0 2 . 6 5 0 103/ 4 * 12 V 2 *

3 . 5 0 0 3 . 6 2 5 16 v 2 0 * T a tiH p m - a-yl e . 2 . 6 5 0 2 . 7 5 0 io 3/4* 12VTractor— trailer: Furniture________________________________________________ 2 . 5 6 0 2 . 6 6 0 io 3/4* 12 V

Round trip: H e lp ers___________________________________ 2 . 4 8 0 2 . 5 8 0 io 3/4* 12VL ess than 1 0 0 m ile s_____________ 3 . 6 0 0 3 . 7 2 5 16 V 2 0 * General— Freight:5

3 . 6 7 5 3 . 8 0 0 16 v 2 0 * T ,n r a l r a r t a g p 3 . 2 8 0 3 . 3 8 0 21 V4 * 20 *1 2 6 - 2 5 0 m ile s .......... ............................. 3 . 9 2 5 4 . 0 5 0 16 V2 £ 2 0 * T-Telper s 3 . 2 1 0 3 . 3 1 0 2 l V

( 3 )

20 *

( 3 )2 5 1 - 3 0 0 m ile s____________________ 4 . 0 2 5 4 . 1 5 0 16 V2 £ 2 0 * Grocery— Retail_____________________________ 63 . 2 8 0 63 . 3 7 03 0 1 m iles and o v e r ______________ 4 . 0 7 5 4 . 2 0 0 1 6 V 2 0 * T ransp ort________________________________ 83 . 1 9 0 8 3 . 3 1 0 1 5 V 1 5 9/i o *

Produce and fruit— Wholesale 12_________ 2 . 6 0 0 2 . 7 0 0 1 7 7 io * 1 5 * Meat.----P a r Vi ngV»r>n s e _ ... 3 . 2 8 0 3 . 3 8 0 2 l V 20 *Potato_____________________________________ 2 . 7 0 0 2 . 8 0 0 17 7 10 £ 1 5 * Country___________________________________ 3 . 3 3 0 3 . 4 3 0 2 l V 2 0 *

Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2 . 8 7 0 3 . 0 6 0 1 4 V - Milk:Rendering and reduction: Special delivery and ice c r e a m _______ 2 . 5 5 0 2 . 7 0 0 7 7/i o * 1 5 *

Plant and packinghouse pickup________ 3 . 3 2 3 3 . 4 1 3 16 V 1 5 * Tank and se m itra iler___________________ 2 . 6 2 0 2 . 7 7 0 7 7 io * 1 5 *Buying_____________________________________ 3 . 4 7 3 3 . 5 6 3 1 6 4V 1 5 * M o v i n g anH q t o r a o p 2 . 100 2 . 1 8 0 7 V2*Helpers: Newspaper:

F irst 3 months_______________________ 3 . 0 5 3 3 . 1 4 3 16 V 1 5 * Da v 3 . 1 9 0 3 . 2 7 04 —6 m onths____________________________ 3 . 1 5 7 3 . 2 4 8 16 V 1 5 * Night_______________________________________ 3 . 2 9 0 3 . 3 7 0 . _After 6 months_______________________ 3 . 2 2 8 3 . 3 1 8 16 V 1 5 * S p lit-sh ift________________________________ 3 . 2 4 0 3 . 3 2 0 _ _

Soft drink— Branch and special Produce_______________________________________ 1 . 5 7 0 1. 6 2 0 6 7 4 * _delivery: Railway express 2 . 6 3 4 2 . 8 2 4 1 4 V -

L ess than 7 V 2 to n s______________________ 3 . 1 1 3 3 . 1 9 8 V 10 * Tire recap:Over 7 V2 and less than 16 to n s________ 3 . 1 8 8 3 . 2 7 3 12* 1 0 * F irst 3 0 days_____________________________ 1 . 9 9 0 2 . 0 9 0 1 0 3/ 4 * 5 *Over 16 and less than 2 2 to n s_________ 3 . 2 3 8 3 . 3 2 3 1 2 * 1 0 * After 3 0 days_____________________________ 2 . 090 2 . 1 9 0 io 3/4* 5 *Over 2 2 tons______________________________ 3 . 3 6 3 3 . 4 4 8 1 2 * 1 0 * U n it e d parrel * 3 . 2 8 0 3 . 3 8 0 21 V 2 0 *New d e liv ery _____________________________ 3 . 2 6 3 3 . 3 4 3 1 2 * 1 0 * H elp ers___________________________________ 3 . 2 1 0 3 . 3 1 0 2 l V 2 0 *Experienced d e liv ery___________________ 3 . 3 6 3 3 . 4 4 8 1 2 * 1 0 *

Studio and location5 ____________________ 3 . 4 1 5 133 . 4 1 5 1 7 V 2 0 3/ lo* LUBBOCK, T E X .Wine and liquor:

3 . 2 9 0 3 . 3 9 5 1 9 * 1 5 * fiPripra 1__ TTr *=» i g Vt t 3 . 2 3 0 3 . 3 3 0 2 l V 2 0 *Over 7 V2 tons_____________________________ 3 . 3 4 5 3 . 4 5 0 1 9 * 1 5 *H e lp ers___________________________________ 3 . 1 2 5 3 . 2 3 0 1 9 * 1 5 * MADISON, WIS.Warehousemen___________________________ (21) 3 . 4 7 0 1 9 * 1 5 *


LO U ISVILLE, KY. Black top, excavating,construction:

Air reduction .. .. .. . 3 . 3 4 0 3 . 4 4 0 17 y 2* Qinrrlr rtr fartrlpm avle 3 . 1 0 0 3 . 2 5 0 10 vHelpers 3 . 2 7 0 3 . 3 7 0 17 y 2* tJPTritraikr 3 . 2 5 0 3 . 4 0 0 10VDockmen__________________________________ 3 . 3 4 0 3 . 4 4 0 - 17 V2 * M aterial:

Bakery— Biscuit: Quarry and pit:Agreem ent A: Single- or tandem -axle,

F irst 30 days_________________________ 4 2 . 7 5 0 42 . 8 1 0 - ( 3 ) straigh t__________________________ 2 . 9 1 0 3 . 1 0 0 1 0 3/ 5 * -After 3 0 days_________________________ 42 . 8 5 0 42 . 9 1 0 ( 3 ) 3 . 0 1 0 3 . 2 0 0 1 0 3/s *

Agreem ent B: Ready m ix:F irst 3 0 d a y s.. _____________________ 42 . 7 5 0 42 . 8 1 0 9 3V 1 3 V Fircit ftO davs 3 . 0 9 0 3 . 2 4 0 12 V 5 *After 30 days_________________________ 42 . 8 5 0 42 . 9 1 0 9 3/ 5 * 13 V3 * ft 1—AO Hays 3 . 1 9 0 3 . 3 4 0 12 V 5 *

B eer: After 6 0 days____________________________ 3 . 2 9 0 3 . 4 4 0 1 2 V 5 *Agreem ent A: General—F reig h t______________________________ 3 . 2 1 0 3 . 3 1 0 2 l V 2 0 *

Special d e liv ery________________________ 3 . 0 0 5 3 . 0 9 5 0 1 5 * G rocery:H elp ers____________________________________ 3 . 0 0 5 3 . 0 9 5 (3) 1 5 * Agreem ent A:

Agreem ent B: F irst 30 days____________________________ 3 . 0 7 0 3 . 1 9 0 (3) -Special d e liv ery________________________ 2 . 8 9 0 2 . 9 5 0 (3) 1 5 * After ftf) Hays 3 . 1 7 0 3 . 2 9 0 r )T railer 2 . 9 6 0 3 . 0 2 0 (3) 1 5 * 3 . 0 6 0 3 . 1 5 0 (3 'iH e lp ers.... 2 . 8 9 0 2 . 9 5 0 (3) 1 5 * T Hays) ^ 2 .9 1 0 3 . 0 0 0 (3)

Building: Order runner (after 3 0 d a y s)_______ 2 . 9 1 0 3 . 0 0 0 (3) .Construction: 5 Stockmen (after 3 0 days)_____________ 2 . 9 1 0 3 . 0 0 0 (3) -

Euclid, winch, lowboy________________ 3 . 5 8 0 3 . 6 3 0 . 1 0 3/ 4 * 7 V 2* B agger, packer, and stamperSem itrailer, tandem, pole (after 3 0 d a y s)________________________ 2 . 3 1 0 2 . 4 0 0 (3)

tra iler, farm tractor, Agreem ent B:dump, over 3 ton s___________________ 3 . 4 1 0 3 . 4 6 0 10V 7 V2* Thirst ftO days 42 . 6 8 0 4 2 . 8 2 0 (3)

3 tons and under________________________ 3 . 3 0 0 3 . 3 5 0 10V 7 V 3 1-90 d a y s_______________________________ 42 . 7 8 0 42 . 920 (3) .M aterial: 12 After 9 0 days____________________________ 42 . 880 4 3 . 0 2 0 ( !) -

Concrete m ixer: Warehousemen (after 90 d a y s)_____ 2 . 7 3 0 2 . 8 7 0 (3) _3 cubic yards-and under__________ 2 . 7 5 0 2 . 8 5 0 i o 7 i o * 1 5 * Laundry— Industrial service:Over 3 cubic y a r d s________________ 2. 850 2 .95 0 i o 7 i o * 1 5 * F irst 4 weeks 2 . 2 8 0 2 . 4 6 0 12V _Over 7 V2 cubic yards______________ 2 . 9 5 0 3 . 0 5 0 i o 7 i o * 1 5 * 5—8 w e ek s_____________________________________ 2 . 3 3 0 2 . 5 1 0 12V _Over 9 cubic y a r d s________________ 3 . 0 5 0 3 . 1 5 0 i o 7 10* 15* After ft wpp.Ics 2. 380 2. 560 12 V

Dump: Lumber and fuel:6 cubic yards and under-------------- 2. 680 2 .78 0 io7io* 15* Dump, straight, and sem itrailer:Over 6 and including F irst 30 days_________________________ 2. 680 2. 680 10* 5*

1 0 cubic y a rd s__________________ 2. 830 2 .93 0 io7io* 15* ft 1 —Q 0 days 2. 730 2. 730 10* 5*Over 10 cubic yards___ ________ 2 .93 0 3. 030 IOV10 * 1 5 * Q 1 — 1 ftO days 2. 780 2. 780 10 * 5*

S em itra iler___________________________ 2. 780 2. 880 io7io* 1 5 * 1R 1_?1n Hays 2. 830 2. 830 10* 5*A ll other_______________________________ 2. 680 2. 780 10V 15* Affpr 7 1 0 days 2. 880 2. 880 10* 5*H elp ers________________________________ 2. 550 2 .65 0 i o 3/ 4 * 15* M ilk:Crushed stone: Special d e liv ery_________________________ 2. 940 3. 040 (3) (3)

F6 to F 8 _______ __________________ 2. 360 2. 560 10V4* 5 * T ran s p o r t ____________________________________ 3. 250 3. 320 (3) ( )Eu clid__________________________________ 2 .41 0 2. 510 10V 5 * W holesale_____________________________________ 3. 950 4. 050 (3) (3)Large—F8 or larger______________ 2 .46 0 2. 560 i o 3/ 4 * 5 * Moving:

Lumber: Furniture______________________________________ 3. 000 3. 150 (3) -Agreem ent A ________________________ 2. 500 2. 600 io7io* 12 V Helpers (m overs and p a ck ers)_____ 2 . 9 0 0 3. 050 (3) -Agreem ent B ________________________ 2 .40 5 2. 500 83/4* 7 V2* Heavy equipment:

H elp ers___________________________ 2. 295 2. 390 83/4* ? y 2* A g r e e m e n t A 3. 150 3. 300 (3)Plumbing and m ill supply__________ 2 .51 0 2. 620 10V 5 * Agreem ent B ____________________________ 3. 100 3. 200 9 /5* -

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966 July 1,

1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Trade or occupation Rate





•X conlri- 0 fund 1

Insur- PensionInsur­ance2



Newspaper and m ail;$2,300 $2,400 12 7 2 * 121 /2 £ Air anH r yl in der $3,330 $3,430 18V4 * 20*

Oil and gasoline; Arm ored car___ __________________________ 2.990 3.090 1374* 177z*Agreem ent A : Bakery— Cracker;

7 3.280 7 3.360 l lV z * 1 27 z * Agreement A . 4 3.150 4 3.230 l l 4/5 * 1 37 b *Agreem ent B; Agreem ent B ___________________________ 23 3.15 5 23 3.2 3 4 12V2 *

2.927 3.060 (3 ) (3)(?)

Agrppmput f, . ... 4 3 .150 4 3.230 (3 )W arehousem en_______________________ (“ ) 2.980 (3) Building;Yardm en______________________________ (2!) 2.890 (3) (3 ) Construction;

Agreem ent C; 2 -axle paving, excavating,Stake and tank; grading_____________________________ 3.400 3.550 1874* 177z*

2.876 3.005 (3 ) (3 ) "Public works 3.540 3.690 1874 * 15*2.926 3.055 (3) (3) spm ifrailpr 3.510 3.660 1874* 1 77 2*

Warehousemen, loaders Public works____________________ 3.650 3.800 1874* 15*(after 3 months)_____________________ (21) 2.885 (3 ) (3) M aterial; 12

2.563 2.657 144/5 * _ ?.-avl f* . 3.350 3.500 1874* 1 7 7 2*MEMPHIS, TENN. 3 -a x le , sem itrailer________________ 3.400 3.550 1874* 1 77 z *

Helpers, all types______________ 3.240 3.390 1874 * 1 77 Z*Bakery; M illw ork_____________________________ 3.305 3.555 2 1 7 4 * 20*

F irst 25 d a y s. _ ________ __ 11 2.375 4 2.475 (3 ) - T ,nmh<= r 3.385 3.540 17* 20*11 2.430 4 2.530 (3 ) _ 3.310 3.410 1874* 20*

Building; Ready-m ix con crete_____________ 3.650 3.800 1874* 177z*Construction; Sand and gravel:

2.370 2.470 ? _ovln 3.300 3.450 1874 * 1 77 2 *5 tons and over and 3 -a x le , sem itrailer_________ _ 3.350 3.500 1874* 1 77 z *

special equipment------------------------- 2.770 2.870 - - Coal, coke, and oil:2.420 2.520 2-»v1e .. ... . 3.030 3.110 17* 20*1.850 2.000 _ _ 3.090 3.170 17* 20*1.750 1.900 _ _ I-Te 1 pj=» t* g 2.9 10 2.990 17* 20*

General— F reight; Gasoline and fuel o i l __________________ 3.150 3.240 17* 20*Local cartage_____________________________ 3.210 3.310 2174 * 20* 3 -axles or m o re ____________________ 3.210 3.300 17* 20*

Checkers______________________________ 3.210 3.310 2 7 /4 * 20* Department store:3.110 3.210 2 i 7 4 * 20* P nrm’hi re 3.250 3.410 1972 * 15*3.230 3.330 2 11 /4 <r 20* R 3.150 3.310 1972 * 15*

Dockmen and helpers________________ 3.070 3.170 2 11 /4 £ 20* Major ^ppliprirpifi 3 .300 3.460 1972* 15*Forklift __ ____ 3.230 3.330 z\xU$ 20* T-Tel ppr <5 3.200 3.360 1972* 15*H ostlers_______________________________ 3.230 3.330 2 l 7 4 * 20* Package:

G rocery— R etail_________________________ 2.925 3.015 (3 ) F irst ^0 Hays .... 3.070 3.230 1 9 7 2 * 15*F o r k lift_________________________________ 2.510 2.590 (3 ) _ 1—Af) rlays 3.130 3.290 1972 * 15*L oad ers___________________________________ 2.460 2.540 (3 ) _ A 1—QO Hays 3.190 3.350 1972 * 15*

Hardware; After 90 d a y s------------------------------------ 3.250 3.410 1972* 15*Agreem ent A; Pickup and transfer____________________ 3.250 3.410 1972* 15*

F irst 6 m onths_______________________ 1.375 1.415 3.060 3.160 1374* 15*7—12 months_________________________ 1.405 1.445 _ _ Pelpers 2.880 2.980 1374 * 15*1—5 years . . . . . . . . . 1.465 1.505 _ _ F rnit Qnrl wegetahl e——Wh nl e g zi 1 e 2.910 2.970 1874 * 1 77 2 *After 5 y e a rs______________________ 1.515 1.555 _ _ FTelperG 2.710 2.770 1874* 1 77 2 *Freight runners, handlers, Furniture___________________________________ 3.050 3.130 1874*

and receivers; Helpers________________________________ 2.940 3.020 1874* -F irst 6 m onths____________________ 1.375 1.415 Cenerzil— Prei ght * 3.310 3.410 1874 * 20*7—12 months_______________________ 1.405 1.445 _ _ 3.210 3.310 1874* 20*1—5 y e a rs_________________________ _ 1.465 1.505 _ _ Cpmpirit blocks 3.450 3.550 1874* 20*After 5 y e a rs ____________________ 1.515 1.555 - - Dump:

Helpers and unloaders; 2 -axle_________ _____________________ 3.350 3.450 1874* 20*F irst 6 m onths_______ __________ 1.345 1.385 3-axle _ 3.400 3.500 1874* 20*After 6 m onths___________________ 1.405 1.445 - - Winch and machinery

Agreem ent B; moving____ ___________________________ 3.700 3.800 1874* 20*F irst 6 m onths_______________________ 1.495 1.545 (’ ) (3 ) G rocery:7—12 months___________________________ 1.580 1.630 ( ) ( ) Agreem ent A:After 1 year___________________________ 1.630 1.680 (3) (3 ) F irst 30 days_______________________ 3.110 3.210 1874* 20*Checkers; After 30 d a y s_____________________ 3.310 3.410 1 874 * 20*

Grade III ,.........................................— 1.675 1.725 (3 ) (3 ) Helpers 3.180 3.280 1874* 20*Grade IV ___________________________ 1.725 1.775 ?) (3 ) Meat;Grade V __ _________________________ 1.825 1.875 ( ) (3 ) Pi rst Sf) Hays 3.210 3.310 187* * 20*

Freight runners, handlers, After 30 d a y s................................ . 3 .410 3.510 1874* 20*and receivers; Helpers_____________________ 3.280 3.380 1874* 20*

F irst 6 m onths____________________ 1.495 1.545 (3 ) (3 ) Agreement R 3.310 3.410 1874* 20*7—12 months_______________________ 1.580 1.630 (?) (?) Ice cream :After 12 months ........ 1.630 1.680 (3 ) (3 ) Rnntp riHprs 4.270 4.310 1272 * 2 37 s*

H elpers, loaders, and Special delivery________________________ , 2 .960 3.030 127z* 2 37 s*unloaders; Wholesale ro u tes______________________ 4.120 4.160 127z* 2 37 s*

F irst 6 m onths_________________ _ 1.470 1.520 (J) (3 ) Laundry— Industrial service;After 6 m onths____ ___________ 1.580 1.630 ( ( ) Pi ret AO Hays 2.150 2.320 13 7 4 * 10*

Manufacturing_______________________________ 2.370 2.440 87* * Al Hays tn 1 year 2.550 2.720 1 374 * 10*Checkers and fo r k lift___________________ 2.370 2.440 83/4 * _ 1—2 years 2.630 2.800 1374 * 10*W arehousem en___________________________ 1.940 2.010 83/4 * - After 2 y e a rs_________________________ 2.800 2.970 1374* 10*

M e a t___________________________________________ 2.370 2.870 (3 ) (3) Ma gamine, regular 3.070 3.170 1374* 1272*Newspaper; Milk:

D ay_________________________________________ 1.850 1.920 3.280 3.350 1 z 1Jz * 231 Is *N ight_______________________________________ 1.880 1.960 _ _ Route riders 4.270 4.310 1272 * 2 37 s*Forklift; Special delivery______________________ 2.960 3.030 127z* 2 37 s*

D ay_________ ___ _________________ _ 1.700 1.780 Wholesale routes 4.120 4.160 1272 * 2 3 7 8 *Night........................ .................................... 1.710 1.790 - - Moving— F urniture________________________ 8 2 .760 8 2 .840 163/S* 159/i0 *

Produce; Helpers_____ ___________________________ 8 2.660 8 2.740 163/s * 159/i0 *T ra iler____________________________________ 10 1.740 ]° 1.810 7* Oil and ga s 7 3 .270 7 3.340 147s* 1 27z *B o b ta il___________________________ _________ 4 1.570 4 1.640 7V5 * - Petroleum— Stake and tank:W arehousem en_________________________ 1.540 1.610 83/4 * - Agreem ent A :

Railway e x p re ss_____________________________ 2.620 2.810 144/5 * - F irst 30 d a y s________________ _____ 3.095 3.165 (3 ) (3 )Money pickup_____________________________ 2.746 2.936 144/5 * After ^0 days 3.126 3.196 (3 ) (3 )

See footnotes at end of table.

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2 2

Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, HelperAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966 July 1,





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Trade or occupation Rate


ance 2 Pension

M IN N EAPO LIS-ST. P A U L , M IN N .—Continued

Minneapolis— Continued$ 3 ,0 9 4 $ 3 . 165 17* 177z*

3. 126 3. 196 17f 17Vz*2. 918 3. 143 144/ 5* - F ish__________________________________________ $ 3 ,0 5 0 :3. 041 3 .261 147s* - Fruit and produce--------------------------------------- 2. 930

H e lp ers---------------------------------------------------- 2. 8202. 670 2. 780 1374* 127z* Furniture— Retail:2 .77 0 2. 880 137t* 127z* F irst 30 days----------- ---------------------------- 2. 7402. 820 2. 930 1374* 127z* 31—60 d a y s ---------------------------------------------- 2. 840

61—90 d a y s---------------------------------------------- 2 .9 4 02. 520 2. 630 1374* 127z* After 90 days------------------------------------------ 3 .0 4 02. 570 2. 680 1374* 127z* H e lp ers---------------------------------------------------- 2. 9802. 620 2. 730 1374* 127z* Loaders and u nloaders------------------------ 2. 920

General— Freight: 52 .62 0 2. 730 1374* 1272* L ocal cartage:

Car hauling andhelpers ------------------------------------------ 3 .2 1 0

C o m m ercia l--------------------- ------- — 3. 210Helpers — ----------------------------------- 3. 160

Heavy hauling-------------------------------- 3. 720H e lp ers ------------------------------------ - 3. 670

4 2 .79 0 4 2 .94 0 (3) n Show hauling----------------------------------- 3. 8202. 590 2. 710 127z* 12/2* H e lp ers_________ __ _____________ 3. 5702. 950 3. 070 12Vz* 127z* Pickup------------------------------------------------------- 3. 2103. 060 3. 180 1272* 127z* H e lp ers__ _____________________ _ 3. 160

G la s s --------------- ----------------------------------------- 2 .99 09 3 .63 5 9 3 .63 5 297z* 16* Greenhouse— R e ta il----------------------------------- 2. 5909 3 .6 3 5 9 3 .6 3 5 29Vz* 16* Grocery— Wholesale 12----------- --------------- 3. 170

Helpers and w arehousem en--------------- 3. 0709 3. 453 9 3. 453 29Vz* 16* Hardware-------------- -------------------------------------- 3. 1409 3 .50 3 9 3. 503 29Vz* 16* W arehousemen--------------------------------------- 2 .9 6 09 3 .60 3 9 3 .60 3 29Vz* 16* Ice— D rivers and helpers:

3. 350 3 .40 0 134/ 5* 10* F irst 30 days------------------ --------------------- 2 .8 1 03. 300 3. 350 137s* 10* After 30 days------------------------------------------ 3. 060

Railroad, car icing------------------------ 3. 060Ice cream :

F irst 18 weeks------------------------------------ 3. 3443. 550 3. 800 - - After 18 weeks------------------------------------ 3 .40 03. 700 3 .90 0 - - Laundry:3. 800 4 . 000 - - Diaper service , fam ily, and3. 900 4 . 100 - - lin en ---------------------------------------------------- 2. 8003. 600 3. 800 - - Rural — ---------------------------------------------- . 2 .8 6 03. 800 4 . 000 - - Tow el, industrial---------------------------------- 2. 8003. 700 3. 900 - - Milk— Depot:

F irst 18 weeks--------------- --------------------- 9 3 .3 4 93. 550 3. 800 After 18 w eeks--------------------------------------- 9 3 .50 9

Moving— Household goods:3. 700 3. 900 F irst 60 days------------------------------------------ 3. 010

After 60 days- ----------------------------------- 3. 1103 .80 0 4. 000 Helpers and warehousemen:

F irst 60 days------------------------------------ 2. 9603. 900 4 . 100 - - After 60 days------------------------------------ 3 .0 6 04 . 000 4 . 250 - - O il and gasoline:3. 550 3. 750 - - Agreem ent A :123. 800 4 . 000 - - Under 2, 100 gallons:3. 850 4 . 050 - - F irst 6 months---------------------------- 3. 010

7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 0803. 550 3. 800 - - After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 1553. 700 3. 900 - - 2, 100 gallons and3. 800 4 . 050 - - over:3. 800 4. 000 - - F irst 6 months--------- --------------- 3. 0303 .45 0 3. 650 - - 7—12 months — --------------------------- 3. 1003. 060 3. 160 77z* 5* After 1 y e a r ---------------- ------------ 3. 1803. 210 3. 310 7Vz* 5* Agreem ent B:3. 060 3. 160 7 /z* 5* F irst 6 months---------------------------------- 2. 9953. 060 3. 160 7Vz* 5* 7—12 m onths------------------- ------------ 3. 065

After 1 y e a r -------------------------------------- 3. 1303. 060 3. 160 77z* 5* Sem itrailer:3. 240 3. 340 7 /z* 5* F irst 6 months---------------------------- 3. 0203. 210 3. 310 7Vz* 5* 7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 3. 0853 .03 0 3. 130 ( ) After 1 y e a r ..................................... 3. 1552. 930 3. 030 (3) - Agreem ent C— Transport------------------- 7 3 .2 6 0

Paper— W h olesale-------------------------------------- 2 .99 03. 250 3. 350 - 15* H e lp ers------------------------------------------------- 2. 5103. 030 3. 130 (3) - Order fillers , packers, and

checkers_______________________________ 2. 9152. 930 3. 030 n - P arcel delivery------------------------------------------- 3. 1803. 210 3. 310 7 /2* 5* T ra c to r-tra iler-------------------------------------- 3. 2803. 360 3 .46 0 7Vz* 5* Printing---------------------------------------------------------- 3. 120

Helpers and w arehousem en--------------- 2. 9003. 210 3. 310 l lM 5t Produce_______________ ____________________ 3. 0803. 140 3. 240 ( ) ( ) Railway express------------------------------------------ 2. 8403. 080 3. 180 (3 ) (3 ) Scrap iron_____ _________________________ 3. 140

H e lp ers---------------------------------------------------- 2 .93 02. 830 2. 930 0 ( !) War ehous emen--------------------------------------- 2 .84 02. 840 2. 940 (3) (3) Tobacco and candy-------------------------------------- 2. 535

Trade or occupation

Ju ly 1, 1966

Employer contri- bution o fu n d 1

MILW AUKEE, W IS .— Continued

Petroleum — Stake and tank— Continued

Agreem ent B:First 30 days----------------------------------After 30 days----------------------------------

Railway exp ress----------------------------------------Com bination-----------------------------------------

Soft drink:F irst 60 days----------------------------------------61—90 d a y s--------------------------------------------After 90 days----------------------------------------

Helpers:F irst 60 days —61—90 d a y s------After 90 days-.

Warehousemen and loaders---------------------



Bakery:Cracker and cooky-----------------------------------W holesale, special d e liv ery ----------------

City transport and flour hauler-----Special transport--------------------------------


Y a rd ------------------------------------------------------------Brew ery helpers:

F irst 30 days---------------------------------------31—120 days------------------------------------------A fter 120 d a y s------------------------------------

D istributor-------------------------------------------------H e lp ers_______________________________


Axle units:1 - or 2 -a x le ______________________3 - or tan d em -axle -----------------------4 - axle --------------------------5 - a x le -------------------------

Bituminous distribu tor---------------------1 -m a n ----------------------------------------------

Boom and " A " fram e-------------------------Box water level dump:

6 cubic yards and under-------------Over 6 and including

8 cubic yards-------------------------------Over 8 and including

12 cubic y a r d s ----------------------------Over 12 and including

16 cubic y a r d s ----------------------------Over 16 cubic yards---------------------

Dumpman----------------------------------------------Dum pster----------------------------------------------Machinery---------------------------------------------Ready-m ix:

4 cubic yards and under--------------4 -6 cubic yards-----------------------------Over 6 cubic y a rd s----------------------

S lu rry ----------------------------------------------------Tank helper------------------------------------------

H e lp ers-------------------------------------------Warehousemen-------------------------------

Concrete block, sand, andg ra v el-------------------------------------------------

E u clid ----------------------------------------------S em itra iler ------------------------------------

L u m ber-------------------------------------------------Yard labor (reg u la r)-------------------

Plumbing supply:Retail---------------------- --------------------------W h olesale ---------------------------------------Warehousemen and yard

labor----------------------------------------------Ready-m ix — ----------------------------------------

S em itra iler ------------------------------------Warehouse and other

labor----------------------------------------------Department s to r e ------------------------------------------

H elpers— F urniture--------------------------------Helpers— Package delivery:

Agreem ent A ---------------------------------------Agreem ent B ---------------------------------------

$ 3 . 150 3. 070 2 .96 0

2. 8402. 940 3 .04 03. 140 3. 080 3. 020

3. 350 3. 350 3. 300 3. 860 3 .81 0 3. 960 3. 710 3. 350 3. 300 3 .09 0 2. 820 3. 310 3. 210 3. 240 3 .06 0

2. 8753. 125 3. 125

3 .47 4 3. 530

2 . 8902. 9502 . 890

9 3 .3 9 0 9 3 .55 0

3. 150 3. 250

3. 100 3. 200

3. 095 3. 165 3. 240

3. 115 3. 185 3. 265

3. 065 3. 135 3. 200

3. 090 3. 155 3. 225

7 3 .36 0 3 .09 0 2 .61 0

3. 015 3. 300 3 .40 0 3. 240 3. 020 3. 180 3. 030 3. 240 3. 030 2. 940 2. 620


87* * 874* 83/4 * 83/4* 874* 83/4*



157z*1572*<’ )




167s*163/ 5*


207s* 2 0 75*

Z820*2820*2s 20*

2820 *2820*2820 *



83/4*83/4*83/4*83/4 *83/4 *



1 0 *10*





n7z* 1 i7z*





( " )(Z8)(Z8

(Z8 ) (Z8 )(Z8)




See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

2 3

Trade or occupation


St. Paul

Bakery— W holesale:City transport and flour

hauler____________________________Special d e liv ery __________________Special transport_________________

B eer:Brewery:

Agreem ent A:Y a rd ________________________H e lp ers_____________________

Agreem ent B:Y a rd ________________________H e lp ers____________________

City distributor___________________H elp ers________________________

Coal____________________________________H elp ers____________________________

Construction:G eneral____________________________Heavy hauling— Machinery:

Winch___________________________H e lp ers_____________________

Highway and heavy:Axle units:

1 - or 2 -a x le _______________3 - or tan d em -axle________4 - a x le ____________________5 - a x le ____________________

Bituminous distributor______1 -m a n _______________________

Boom and " A " fr a m e ________Box water level dump:

6 cubic yards andunder______________________

Over 6 and including8 cubic yards_____________

Over 8 and including12 cubic y a rd s___________

Over 12 and including16 cubic y a rd s___________

Over 16 cubic yards_______Dumpman_______________________Dumpster_______________________Machinery______________________Ready-m ix:

4 cubic yards and under...5—6 cubic yards____________Over 6 cubic y a rd s________

S lu rry___________________________Tank h elp e rs___________________

M aterial:Concrete block_________________

H e lp ers_____________________Lumbe r _________________________

H e lp ers_____________________Concrete m ixer:

3 yards______________________4 V2 yards____________________Over 4V2 y a rd s____________Tractor -tra ile r____________

Sand and gravel________________3 7 ,0 0 0 pounds and o v e r__

F lorist _________________________________Furniture_______________________________

H elp ers_____________________________General— Freight 12___________________

H elp ers_____________ _______________G la s s ___________________________________

H elp ers_____________________________G rocery— W h olesale_________________

H e lp ers_____________________________Hardware— W h olesale_______________

H elp ers_____________________________Laundry— Linen supply______________

C om m ercial, relay, rug, andspecial d e liv ery_________________

O verall and diaper service______Market and produce__________________

H e lp ers__________ ___________________Platform and sidewalk m en _____

Meat— Wholesale and packinghouse.Newspaper— City and roll print_____

Country_____________________________S p lit-sh ift__________________________H e lp ers_____________________________

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966 July 1,

1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Trade or occupation Rate





er contri- to fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur- Pension


St. Paul— Continued

Oil and gasoline: $$ $ Agreem ent A .. _ 7 3.260 7 3.360 H V2* 12 y2*2.950 3.070 1o* 12 V2 £ Agreem ent B:2.590 2.710 10* U Y 2* Under 2, 100 gallons:3.060 3.180 10«* 12Vz* F irst 6 months .. 3.010 3.095 28 2 0* (28)

7—12 m onths___ . 3 .080 3.165 28 2 0* ( “ )After 1 y e a r ______________________ 3.155 3.240 28 2 0* (Z8)

2, 100 gallons and over:9 3.720 9 3.820 (3) 17VZ* F irst 6 months 3.030 3.115 28 20* (28)9 3.640 9 3.740 (3) n U 7—12 m onths______________________ 3.100 3.185 28 2 0* (28)

After 1 year 3.180 3.265 28 2 0* (28J9 3.760 9 3.867 (3) (3) Agreem ent C:9 3.531 9 3.637 (3) (3) F irst 6 months _ ........ 2.995 3.065 (3) (3)

3.350 3.420 5? 7—12 m onths____ 3.065 3.135 (3) (3)3.225 3.295 15 V 5 £ 5* After 1 year 3.130 3.200 (3) (3)3.040 4.140 - Sem itrailer:2.940 3.040 - - F irst 6 months 3.020 3.090 (3) (3)

7—12 months . 3.085 3.155 (3) (33.600 3.800 - - After 1 year _ 3.155 3.225 (3) M

Agreem ent D:3.720 3.820 21x/4 * 20* Under 2, 100 gallons:3.670 3.770 2lV4 < 20* F irst 6 months 2.995 3.060 (3) (3)

7—12 m onths______________ 3.065 3.130 (3) (3)After 1 year ____ 3.130 3.200 (3) (3)

3.550 3.800 - - 2, 100 gallons and over:3.700 3.900 - - F irst 6 months . 3.015 3.085 (3) (3)3.800 4.000 _ _ 7—12 months _ 3.085 3.155 (3) (3)3.900 4.100 - - After 1 year 3.155 3.225 (3) (3)3.600 3.800 - - Pape r----Whole s ale 2.980 3.070 103/4 * ?y 2*3.800 4.000 - - Helpers . _ _ . . 2.925 3.015 io3/4 * 7y2*3.700 3.900 - Railway express. 2.840 3.030 144/ s*

3.550 3.800 - NEW ARK, N .J.

3.700 3.900 _Arm ored car 3.000 3.100 (3) 29*

3.800 4.000 - Guards 2.695 2.795 (3) 29*B eer:

3.900 4.100 _ _ T ra iler :4 .000 4.250 - _ Hook and unhook _ 3.324 3.374 227s* 25*3.550 3.750 - - Load and unload_____________________ 3 .374 3.424 222/ 5* 25*3.800 4.000 _ _ Building:3.700 4.050 . _ Construction:

Heavy:3.550 3.800 - - Agreem ent A 3.750 3.910 243/i0 * 13*3.700 3.900 - - Dump 3.750 3.910 243/io * 13*3.800 4.050 - - Trailer _ .... 3 .900 4.060 243/io * 13*3.800 4.000 - - 3 -axle . __ 3.800 3.960 243/io * 13*3.450 3.650 - - E u clid -trailer dump 3.900 4.060 243/i0 * 13*

Winch _ . 3 .900 4.060 243/ jo * 13*3.180 3.180 - I2 V2* Winch trailer .... 4.000 4.160 243/i0 * 13*3.180 3.180 - I2 V2* Agreem ent B _____________________ 3.750 3.910 243/ 10 * 13*3.030 3.130 - T ra iler_________________________ 3.870 4.060 243/ w * 13*2.975 3.075 7Y2* - S te e l........... .. 3.400 3.500 2 2 Y2* 10*

T ra iler . . . . ___ 3.550 3.650 22 y2* 10*3.230 3.230 _ I 2 V2 £ M aterial:3.340 3.340 - I2 V2 £ Lumber . 2 .730 2.880 243/i0 * _3.450 3.450 - n U T railer ... _ 2 .800 2.950 243/i0 * _3.500 3.500 - 12 V2 ^ C arrier and lift . . (21) 2.880 243/ w * _3.230 3.230 - 12V2 * Warehousemen, yardmen,3.330 3.330 - 12VZ< helpers .............. . (“ ) 2.600 243/i0 * _2.540 7 2.640 4V«* 4Y6* Checkers ( ? ) 2.600 243/ 10 * _3.210 3.310 2lY4 * 20* D rivers (starting rate) .............. (Zt) 2.750 243/ 10 * _3.160 3.260 2lV4 < 20 * W arehousemen, yardmen3.210 3.310 2lY4* 20* (starting rate) _ _ (Z.) 2.500 243/ 10 * -3 .160 3.260 21V4 £ 20* R ead y-m ix . . 3.700 3.860 243/i0 * 13*2.980 3.080 103/4* _ Butter and egg 3.185 3.250 22*2.925 3.025 io3/4* - Trailer and 6 -wheel. 3.315 3.380 22* _3.160 3.270 13V4< 15* Helpers __ 2.840 2.905 22* _3.110 3.220 13 V4 £ 15* F u el.... 2.950 2.950 25 y2* 16*3.100 3.220 io3/4 * 7 V2* Trailer 3.050 3.050 25 V2* 16*3.045 3.165 io 3/4 * 7Vz* Furniture _______ 3.000 3.100 (3) _2.950 3.050 103/ s* 5* H elpers. 2 .750 2.850 (3) _

Loaders___________________________________ 3.000 3.100 (3) _2.820 2.920 103/ s* 5* Warehousemen. __ 2.750 2.850 W .2.820 2.820 103/s* 5* General— Freight 5 3.200 3.200 25 y2* 16*2.890 2.990 7 /z< 7 V2* T ra cto r-tra iler___________ _ 3.300 3.300 2syz* 16*2.835 2.935 7 V2 £ 7V2* Helpers . . 2.863 2.863 25 y2* 16*2.785 2.885 7YZ* Warehousemen 3.001 3.001 25 y2* 16*3.280 3.350 <3l (3) C h eckers_________________________________ 3.001 3.001 25 y2* 16*3.140 3.240 10% * 17Y2* 3 -axle _ . 3 .300 3.300 25 y2* 16*3.190 73.290 9* 143/ 5* Linen supply . 2.875 3.025 15* _3.330 3.460 lof/4< 1772 * H elp ers_____ . 2.650 2.800 15* _3.140 3.240 io3/4 * 17Y2* Trailer _ _ _ _ 3.027 3.177 15* ■

See footnotes at end of table.

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2 4

Table 9- Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966----Continued

Trade or occupation

NEW ARK, N .J.---- Continued

Market:3 tons or le s s ________4 to n s_________________5 to n s_________________l llz to n s______________Tractor and trailer c Helpers_______________

Newspaper:Agreem ent A :12


Newspaper and magazine: DayNight

Agreem ent B— Publishers:

Night_______________________________Parcel delivery:

Agreem ent A __________________________H elpers_____________________________

Agreem ent B:V4—1 ton ____________________________17z —3 to n s_________________________T racto r-tra iler ..

Railway e x p re ss_______Soft drink_______________

H elpers__________Auto m echanics., L o a d ers__________H i-L o o p e ra to rs .


Brew ery___________________________________Helpers________________________________F irst platform m en __________________Platform men_________________________

Building----Construction:Specialized earth moving

equipment including Eu clid_______R eady-m ix concrete:

2 - axle_________________3 - axle_________________

Dump:2 - axle_________________3- axle_________________

Heavy duty trailer:Up to 40 tons_____40 tons and o v e r .

H elpers..General— Freight 5______________________

Checkers, lum pers, power unit operators, sw itchers, yardmen, second class r iggers, team sters,dragline o p erators_________________

H elpers, platform m en, stable­men, warehousemen------------------------

Double-bottom m e n .F irst class rig g ers, lead men,

winchmen, lowbed trailer operators, working forem en,dispatchers_________________________

P arcel delivery:

Package feeder, positioners,so rters, m a rk ers-ro u ters_______

Loaders and unloaders_____________Railway express:

27z tons and under__________________Over 2V2 tons________________________Money transport____________________


Air product:

Dockm en__________________________Agreem ent B— Special

equipment..Bakery— R elay____________________Brew ery:

Agreem ent A:Keg beer, local delivery —

Agreem ent B:Keg beer, local d e liv ery .. Extra_________________________

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1

Insur­ance 2 Pension

$ 2 , 6 6 2 $ 2 , 6 6 2 15*2 .7 1 2 2 .7 1 2 1 5 * -2 .7 3 2 2 .7 3 2 1 5 * _2 .7 8 2 2 .7 8 2 1 5 * .2 .8 4 2 2 .8 4 2 1 5 * -

2 .4 8 7 2 .4 8 7 1 5 *

3 .3 1 6 3 .4 5 4 1 3 7 a * 1 13/b*29 3 .8 0 5 29 3 .9 6 2 1 4 7 5 * 1 2 7 s *

3 .4 4 1 3 .5 8 5 1 3 7 a * 1 l 3/s*29 3 .9 4 0 2 9 4 . 1 1 3 1 4 7 s * 12% *

3 .2 3 4 3 .3 7 2 1 3 7 a * 11% *29 3 .6 0 8 29 3 .7 6 6 1 4 7 s * 12% *

3 .1 7 5 3 .2 5 0 (3 ) 2 3 *2 .8 2 5 2.900 (3 ) 2 3 *3 .4 2 5 3 .5 0 0 (3) 2 3 *

2 .7 0 5 2 .7 8 0 (3) 1 4 *2 .8 2 5 2.900 (3) 1 4 *3 .1 2 5 3 .2 0 0 (3 ) 1 4 *3 .0 2 0 3 .1 5 0 1 4 % * .2 .9 5 8 3 .0 3 4 (3) 20*2 .5 8 8 2 .6 6 3 (3 ) 20*3 .2 1 9 3 .2 9 4 (3) 20*2 .8 0 5 2 .8 8 0 (3 ) 20*2 .9 3 3 3 .0 0 8 (3 ) 20*

2 .6 0 0 2 .7 0 0 (3) (3 )2 .5 2 5 2 .6 2 5 (3) (3 )(“ > 2 .9 3 1 (3) (3)(Zl) 2 .6 2 5 (3) (3)

3 .5 0 0 3 .6 5 0 1 8 7 4 * 20*

3 .3 5 0 3 .5 0 0 18 74 * 20*3 .4 0 0 3 .5 5 0 18 7 4 * 20*

3 .2 5 0 3 .4 0 0 1 8 7 4 * 20*3 .3 5 0 3 .5 0 0 1 8 7 4 * 20*

3 .4 0 0 3 .5 5 0 18 7 4 * 20*3 .4 5 0 3 .6 0 0 1 8 7 4 * 20*3 .2 5 0 3 .4 0 0 1 8 7 4 * 20*3 .1 5 0 3 .3 1 0 2 i 7 4 * 20*

3 .1 5 0 3 .3 1 0 2 1 7 4 * 20*

3 .0 5 0 3 .2 1 0 2 1 7 4 * 20*3 .2 0 0 3 .3 6 0 2 i 7 4 * 20*

3 .2 5 0 3 .4 1 0 2 i 7 4 * 20*

3 .2 7 5 3 .4 3 5 2 l 7 4 * 20*

3 .1 5 0 3 .3 1 0 2 i 7 4 * 20*3 .0 5 0 3 .2 1 0 2 i 7 4 * 20*

2 .5 8 8 2 .7 8 8 1 4 % *2 .6 1 7 2 .8 0 7 1 4 % * _

2 .6 1 7 2 .8 0 7 1 4 % * "

3 .0 0 0 3 .0 5 0 (3) 5*3 .1 0 0 3 .1 5 0 (3) 5*

2 .9 0 0 2 .9 7 0 83/4* 1 5 *2 . 0 3 0 2 .0 8 0 83/4* 1 5 *

2 .4 2 0 2 .4 2 0 1 7 % * (3)2 .1 8 4 2 .1 8 4 1 7 7 z * (3)

2 .9 1 5 3 .0 2 5 1 7 7 z * (3)2 .6 7 8 2 .7 8 9 1 7 7 z * (3)

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July I, 1966






r contri- 0 fund1



NEW ORLEANS, L A .— Continued


Under 17z tons. ____________________ $2,300 $2,450 . -172 —3 tons____________________________ 2.730 2.900 . .3—5 tons __ __ ____ 2.780 2.950 _ _5 tons and over, special

equipment_________ ______________ 2.980 3.150 - -M aterial:

Dump, stake body, and pickup----- 2.000 2.100 77z* 10*Concrete m ixer:

Under 4 yards _____ __ ______ 2.050 2.150 77z* 10*Over 4 y a rd s____________________ 2.100 2.200 77z* 10*

T ra iler . _____________________________ 2.050 2.150 77z* 10*H elpers; warehousemen________ 1.950 2.050 77z * 10*

Roofing and sheet m etal:Under 1 7z tons______________________ 2.250 2.450 _ _17z —3 tons. --------------------------------------- 2 .680 2.900 _ _3—5 tons______________________________ 2.730 2.950 - -5 tons and over, special

equipm ent. __________ ___________ 2.930 3.150 - -Department s to r e . _______________________ 2.325 2.325 io 74* 10*

T ra iler . _________ _____________________ 2.300 2.300 io 74* 10*Helpers _ __ _____________________ 1.825 1.825 io 3/4* 10*

Factory— Machine shop:Under 172 tons__________________________ 2.680 2.680 _ 10*172-5 tons. _____________________________ 2.810 2.810 _ 10*5 tons and o v e r_________________________ 2.960 2.960 _ 10*W arehousemen, yardm en. __________ 2.490 2.490 - 10*

General— F reig h t12 _____________________ 3.230 3.330 2 i7 4* 20*C heckers, forklift, h ostlers . ______ 3.230 3.330 21V4* 20*Dockm en. _______________________________ 3.070 3.170 2 i7 4* 20*Drayage__________________________________ 2.150 2.230 io 74* -

Special equipment. __ _ 2.400 2.480 io 3/4* -T ra iler_______________________________ 2.200 2.280 io 74* _Loaders; unloaders;

helpers______________________________ 1.970 2.050 io 7 4* -Green hides. _____ ____________ (21) 2.150 ioV4* .

F o r k lift .. ___________________________ 2.200 2.280 10% * _Linen:

F irst 3 months__________________________ 8 2.023 8 2.068 _ _4—6 m onths- __________________________ 8 2 .159 8 2.205 _ _7—9 months ____________________________ 8 2.295 8 2.341 . .10—12 m onths. _________ . ____________ 8 2 .455 82 .523 _ .After 1 year _ __________________________ 8 2.636 8 2.705 . _

H elp ers_______________________________ (21) s 2.068 - -Newspaper:

D rivers:Day________________ __________________ 9 2.420 9 2.520 (3) (3)N ight.. ------------------------------------------------ 9 2 .520 9 2 .620 (3) (3)

Helpers:Day ----------------------------------------------------- 9 2 .020 92.120 (3) (3 )Night. ____ __ ______ ___ _____ 9 2.120 9 2.220 n (3)

Parcel se rv ice . ___ __ ___ _____ __ 1.938 1.938 77z * 10*H e lp e r s . ________________________________ 1.562 1.562 77z* 10*

Railway e x p re ss . _ 2.582 2.772 14% * _Money pickup- --------------------------------------- 2.606 2.796 14% * _

T ransfer and m oving:12Stake body. -------- ._ __ ______________ 2.100 2.200 83/4* 77z *T ra iler ; fo rk lift . _____________________ 2.150 2.250 83/4* 77z *Special equipment. 2.350 2.450 83/4* 7Vz*

H elpers; warehousemen____________ 1.920 2.020 83/4* 7Vz*Heavy hauler _ _________________________ 2.390 2.490 83/4* 77z*

Special equipment___________________ 2.590 2.690 83/4* 7X/z*Helpers . . . . . _ __ 2.160 2.260 83/4* 77z*


Arm ored c a r . --------------------- _ _________ 3.000 3.100 (3) 29*G u ards___________________________________ 2.695 2.795 (3) 29*Custodians___ — ___ _______ ___ 3.000 3.100 (3 ) 29*

Bakery:Agreem ent A ___ 2.913 3.063 15* 25*

Swingmen_________ ___ ___________ 2.625 2.750 15* 25*Trailerm en 3.038 3.188 15* 25*

Agreem ent B— Rye bread. __ _____ 3.250 3.375 13% * 25*Swingmen:

F irst 25 days __ _ _________ 2.500 2.600 13% * 25*After 25 days. ._ ____________ 2.850 2.950 13% * 25*

Agreem ent C— Baking supply___ ___ 2.880 2.980 5 % * 127z*H e lp ers___ — ___ ____________ 2.705 2.805 5 % * 127z*T ra iler - -------- . . _______ 3.006 3.106 5 % * 12 7z *

H e lp ers___________________________ 2.835 2.935 5 % * 127z*Agreem ent D— R elaym en . _________ 3.025 3.100 123/5* 25*

Swingmen----------------- ----------- ----------- 2 .725 2.850 123/s * 25*Agreem ent E— Bagel _______ _____ 4 .000 4.000 187to* 25*

See footnotes at end of table.

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2 5

Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate




sr contri- Lo fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


NEW YORK, N .Y .— Continued NEW YORK, N .Y .— Continued

Bakery— Continued Fruit and produce:Agreem ent F— Pie_______________________ $3 ,275 $3,375 134/5 ? 25? Market: 5

2.850 2.950 134/5 ? 25? 3 tons and under $2,665 $2,715 i s Vz ? 1 6 7 2 ?3.225 3.375 134/5 ? 25? 4 tons 2.715 2.765 i 8V2 ? 1 6 7 2 ?2.850 2.950 134/5 ? 25? 5 tons_________________________________ 2.740 2.790 18Vz? 1 672 ?

Reer 5 § 3.637 3.737 23? 25? 71 /•> tons . .. 2.803 2.853 I8V2 ? 1 67 2 ?3.725 3.825 23? 25? 6 -wheel and tractor-trai 1 er _ 2.928 2.978 I8V2 ? 1 67 z ?3.775 3.875 23? 25? 2.440 2.490 18Vz? 1 67 2 ?3.512 3.612 23? 25? Purveyor 3.000 3.000 I8V2 ? 1 67 2?

Jockeys: 10-w heel trailer__________________ _ 3.250 3.250 i s 7 z ? 1672?T railer, platform w ork _____________ 3.774 3.874 23? 25? H elp ers_______________________________ 2.633 2.633 187z? 1672?

3.724 3.824 23? 25? Fur ................... . . . . . . . . . ... ....... 14 3.400 14 3.400Regular, platform w o r k --------------- _ 3.662 3.762 23? 25? 14 3.228 14 3.228 - -Regular________________________________ 3.637 3.737 23? 25? Furniture:

3.512 3.612 23? 25? Agreement A 2.650 2.750 43/5 ? 127z?Building: H elp ers_______________________________ 2.425 2.525 43/s? 127z?

Construction: Agreem ent B— Heavy householdExcavator: 5 appliances 12_________________________ 2.755 2.915 16? 19?

Dump___ _______________________ _ 4.215 4.215 29 Vz? 43? T racto r-tra iler and6 -w heel, 3 -axle tractor 3 -a x le ________________________ ____ 2.875 3.035 16? 19?

4.340 4.340 29 7 Z? 43? Helpers ........ .............. 2.585 2.745 16? 19?Euclid and tournapull_________ _ 4.615 4.615 29Vz? 43? General— F reight:

M aterial: 12 Agreem ent A 5 __________________________ 3.200 3.200 19Vz? 2 6 7 z ?4 -w h e e l_____________________________ _ 4.155 4.155 29 7 z ? 43? T ra cto r-tra iler ;6 -w h eel________________________________ 4.280 4.280 29 7 Z? 43? 3 -a x le , 6 -w heel reachH elp ers________________________________ 3.905 3.905 29VZ? 43? or p o le_______________________ _ 3.300 3.300 197z? 2 6 7 2 ?

3.890 4.060 163/5 ? 14^2? Helpe r s _ __ 2.865 2.865 19V 2? 2 6 7 z ?T ra cto r-tra iler____________________ _ 4.140 4.310 163/b ? 14V2 ? Agreem ent B 5 _______________________ . 3.200 3.200 24*/4 ? 183/4 ?Lumber 12______________________________ 3.260 3.260 29? 22? T railer, tandem equipment,

3.510 3.510 29? 22? and switchers 3.300 3.300 241 /4 ? 183 /4 ?H elp ers_______________ __________ 3.010 3.010 29? 22 ? H elp ers____________________________ _ 2.860 2.860 24V4 ? 183/4 ?

Plumbing and heating: 12 Agreem ent C 5 __________________________ 3.200 3.200 I8V 2 ? 25?Contractors______________ _____ _ 4.215 4.215 297z? 43? T railer, tandem equipment,

6 -w heel, 3 -a x le , and sw itchers_____________________ 3.300 3.300 I8V 2 ? 25?tra cto r-tra iler_____________ 4.335 4.335 29Vz? 43? H elp ers____________________________ 2.863 2.863 I 8V2 ? 25?

W holesalers _ 3.140 3.140 28V 2 ? 22? Checkers 2.863 2.863 I8V 2 ? 25?6 -w heel tra c to r -tra ile r______ 3.410 3.410 28V2 ? 22 ? W arehousem en____ ____________ . 2.863 2.863 I 8V 2 ? 25?

Sand, gravel, and T ,ift ._ _ _ . ................... 2.990 2.990 I 8V 2 ? 25?concrete -m i v 3 4.560 4.560 29V2? 43? Agreement D ........ _ _. 3.200 3.200 21? 221 lz ?

Butter and egg: T ra cto r-tra iler________ ___________ 3.300 3.300 21? 221 lz ?Agreem ent A— Purveyor; H elp ers_______________________________ 2.863 2.863 21? 2 27z?

3 tons and under______________________ 2.934 3.034 73/4 ? 5? L i f t _________________________________ 2.990 2.990 21? 2 2 7 Z?4 tons__________________ -- _________ 2.959 3.059 73/4 ? 5? W arehousem en_____________________ 2.863 2.863 21? 2 2 7 Z?5 tons_____________ _________ ______ 2.984 3.084 73/4 ? 5? G rocery— W holesale:71 /•> tons _ . .. 3.034 3.134 73/4 ? 5? Agreement A 12 2.643 2.793 16? 1 27 z ?Helpers ...... 2 .584 2.684 73/4 ? 5? Helpers 2.553 2.703 16? 127z?10 -w heel trailer________________ __ 3.300 3.400 73/4 ? 5? Agreem ent B;

Agreem ent B ___________________________ 2.925 3.025 73/4 ? 5? T ra cto r-tra iler :H elp ers________ __ ___________________ 2.650 2.750 73/4 ? 5? 3 -a x le , 6 -w heel reach orPlatform m en _________________________ 2.925 3.025 73/4 ? 5? pole:

Agreem ent 0 — Market: Load or unload______________ 3.320 3.395 I8V 2 ? 33?3 tons_________________________ — 3.014 3.114 73/4 ? 5? Do not load or4 tons _ _____ _______ 3.041 3.141 73/4 ? 5? nnloa d 3.195 3.270 I 8V2 ? 33?

3.069 3.169 73/4 ? 5? 1 ton 3.007 3.082 I 8V 2 ? 33?7X/2 tons _ ___ 3.110 3.210 73/4 ? 5? 3.032 3.107 I 8V 2 ? 33?10 -w heeler and tr a ile r . _____ 3.300 3.400 73/4 ? 5? 3 tons . . . 3.057 3.132 181 /2 ? 33?Helpers _ _ ____ 2.750 2.850 73/4 ? 5? 4 tons 3.080 3.155 I 8V 2 ? 33?

nfhingr ...... . .. 2.437 2.500 I 2V2 ? 2V 2 ? 5 tons 3.107 3.182 I 8V 2? 33?H^lpprs . . 2.187 2.250 I 2V 2 ? 2x/z? 71 /2 t o n s _ _____ ___ 3.170 3.245 I 8V2 ? 33?

Coal and fuel oil: H elp ers__________________ 2.882 2.957 I 8V 2 ? 33?Coal— Manhattan, Bronx, W arehousem en__________ 2.885 2.960 I 8V2 ? 33?

Rrooklyn, and Queens 3 ____ 3.375 3.575 (3 ) 33V2? Checkers .... 2.935 3.135 1872? 33?Fuel oil— Agreem ent A 5________________ 3.525 3.575 (3 ) 33V2 ? L i f t .... ..................... ...... . . . 2.935 3.135 1 87 e? 33?

Agreem ent B; Ice cream :F irst year 2.805 13 2.805 (3 )

(3 )(3 ) F irst 3 months 14 3.490 14 3.490 28x/z ? 3 5 7 2 ?

1 —?. ye a r s . 3 .010 13 3 .010 3 4—6 months 14 3.540 14 3.540 2 8 7 2 ? 3 5 7 2 ?2—23/j years 3.215 13 3.215 H 3 After 6 months . . . . . . ... 14 3.590 14 3.590 2 8 7 2 ? 3 5 7 2 ?After 23/4 y e a rs ___________________ 3.375 13 3 .375 i3 H Laundry; 12

Com m is sary_______________________________ __ 2.950 3.125 34V 5 ? 22V2 ? Linen supply___________________________ 2.625 2.625 47z% 47z%Ice c.ream ___ _ _ . 3 .075 3.250 343/5 ? 22V 2 ? Helpers __ 2.163 2.163 4x/ 2% 4 7 2%Helpers _______ _______ _________ ___ 2.700 2.875 343/5 ?

(3 )22V 2 ? Office towel 30 2 .634 30 2 .634 41 lz % 4 7 2%

Flour __ _ _____ _____ _____ 2.800 2.900 10? Helpers 30 2 .232 30 2.232 41 lz % 4 7 2%Helpers __ ... . _ 2.695 2.795 (3) 10? W holesale, hand . .. . 2.468 2.468 4 7 2% 472%6 -wheel . . ........ 2.925 3.025 3 ) 10? Helpers . ............. . ............... 1.930 1.930 41 lz % 4 7 z%

H elp ers___________ _________ _____ 2.650 2.750 H 10? 2.330 2.330 4 7 2% 4 7 2 %Food— Wholesale m arket: Cleaning and dyeing— R etail_________ 2.282 2.382 3% i 7 4%

Agreem ent A : Liquor : 12IlnHpr ?.*/-, tons .... . __ 2.419 2.469 i 8v 2 ? 16V 2 ? With helpers 3.000 3.000 193/5 ? 221 lz ??.X /•> tons . .. . 2.481 2.531 18V2 ? 16V 2 ? Helpers _ _ 2.750 2.750 193/5 ? 2 2 7 2 ?Over 2Xlz tons_________________________ 2.594 2.644 18V2 ? 16V 2 ? Routemen 3.125 3.125 193/5 ? 2 2 7 Z?10 -w h e e l____________________________ 2.975 3.025 isV z? 16V 2 ? Meat:Helpers . ... . 1.981 2.031 i 8v 2 ? 1 67 Z* D ressed ..... 3 .200 3.300 (3) (3 )

Agreem ent B; H elp ers____________________________ 2.875 2.975 H (3Tinder 3 tons. . . . . . . . 2.400 2.450 18V 2? 16‘ /2? Hotel supply 3.105 3.280 34S/5 ? 22xlz ?3 to 5 tons_____ „ __ _____________ 2.475 2.525 i 8v 2 ? 16V2 ? T railer and 6 -w h e e l_______________ 3.230 3.405 343/5 ? 2 2 7 Z?5 tons and over 2.600 2.650 18V2 ? 1 6 7 z ? Helper s ___ __ _ 2.858 3.032 343/5 ? 2 2 7 Z?10 -w h e e l_________________ _____ ______ 2.975 3.025 isV z? I6V 2? Hotel and restaurant

Agreem ent C ---------------------------------------------- 2.438 2.513 i 8v 2 ? I 8V 2 ? supply12_____________________________ 9 3 .200 9 3 .300 222/5 ? 77a?

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1

Insur­ance 2 Pension

NEW YORK, N. Y . — Continued

Meat— Continued $ $M ark et-------------------------------------------------------- 3. 203 3. 203 187z# 25#

T ra iler-------------------------------------------------- 3 .41 5 3 .41 5 187z* 25#3 -a x le ______________ — ------------------- 3 .41 5 3 .41 5 187z* 25*

H elp ers------------------------------- --------- 2. 978 2. 978 i s 7z# 25#Platform m en -------- - ---------------- 2. 978 2. 978 187z* 25#

Slaught e rhous e------------------------------------ 9 3 .20 0 9 3 .30 0 222/ 5# 77s#M ilk :5

Retail:Route rid ers-------------------------------- ----- 3. 200 3. 375 24* 357S#

W holesale:Routemen (can route)----------- --------- 3. 525 3. 600 24* 353/ 5*Vacation relie f— ----------- ------------ 3. 525 3. 700 24* 3 57s*Route rid ers____________________ ___ 3. 500 3. 675 24* 3 53/ 5#Routemen---------------------------------------- — 3 .40 0 3. 575 24* 357s*

Moving and storage 5------------------------------------ 2. 850 2. 930 16* 19#H e lp ers---------------------------------------------------- 2. 650 2 .73 0 16* 19#Warehousemen------------------------------------------ 2. 825 2. 905 16* 19#C h eck ers-------- -------------------------------------- 2. 670 2. 750 16* 19#

Newspaper:Agreem ent A :5

Day----------- ------------------------------------ — 3. 234 3. 371 137a* i i 3/ 5#Night— --------------------- ------------------------ 29 3. 608 29 3. 757 1475* 127s#

Agreem ent B :5Day------------------------------------------------------- 3. 316 3 .45 4 137a* 97a*Night----- — ----------------------------------- 29 3 . 8 0 5 29 3. 963 147s* 94/ 5#

Newspaper and magazine—W holesale:

Day ------------- -------- ------------------------- - 3 .441 3. 585 137a* 97a*Night— --------- -------- ------- . --------------- 29 3 . 940 29 4. 1 13 147s* 97s*

Paper and paper products:5Light— unladen weight:

7, 500 pounds and tinder------------------- 2. 900 3. 100 22Va* 187*#H elp ers----------------------------- ---------------- 2 .47 5 2. 675 227z* 187*#

Medium— unladen weight:7, 501—10, 500 pounds------------------------- 2. 850 3. 050 227z# 1874*H e lp ers------------------------------------------------- 2 .47 5 2. 675 227z* 187**

Heavy— unladen weight:10,501 pounds and o v e r ------------------- 3. 000 3. 200 2 272* 1874*Helpers — — -------------------------------------- 2. 575 2. 775 227a* 1874#

T ra c to r -tra iler ----------------------------------------- 3. 150 3. 350 227a* 1874#Parcel delivery :5

Central and furniturecen tral— -------------------- ------------------------ 3. 225 3. 300 167a* 234/ 5#

T ra iler____________________________________ 3 .42 5 3. 500 I67z* 234/ s#H e lp ers---------------- ----------------------------------- 2. 825 2. 900 1672* 234/ 5*

Poultry-------------------------------------------------------------- 2. 550 2. 550 15* 137**Private sanitation:5

Closed body with self-containedloading unit--------------------------------------------- 2. 925 2 .97 5 177z* 127a*

H e lp ers----------------------------- ---------------- 2 .75 0 2. 800 177a* 127a#Open or with no self-contained

mechanical loading device------------------ 3. 175 3. 225 177a* 127a#H e lp ers---------------------- — -------------- 2. 875 2 .92 5 177a* 127,*

1 container tr a c to r -h o ist------------------- 3. 175 3. 225 177a* IZ 'itProvision— Kosher and pork

d elivery:12Meat, pork, and poultry------------------------ 3. 250 3. 500 177a# 177a*

Railway express 5------------------------------------------ 3. 070 3. 230 144/ 5* -Helpers — __ _ ----------------------------- 2. 870 3. 025 144/ 5* -Money d elivery----- ------------ ------- 3. 125 3. 285 144/ 5# -

Rendering - ___ ___________________ 2. 895 2 .99 5 21# 69/10#H e lp ers------------------- ------------ ----- 2. 775 2. 875 21# 69/i0*

Rigging-------------------------------------------------------------- 3. 950 4 . 000 197a* 24#T r a c to r -tra iler , 6-w heel reach

or pole, 3 -axle and riggin g--------------- 4 . 170 4. 220 197a# 24#H e lp ers------ ---------------------- -------------- 3. 820 3. 870 197z* 24#

Soft drink:Agreem ent A— Route------------ -------- - 2 .62 5 2 .95 0 (3 ) 20#

H e lp ers------ -------- ---------------------------- 2. 350 2. 675 (3) 20#Agreem ent B— Utility--------- ----- 2 .62 5 2. 950 13* 20#

Helpers:First 6 m onths------------------------------- 2. 050 2. 387 13# 20#After 6 months— --------------- - - 2 .27 5 2. 612 13# 20#

Agreem ent C:2 tons— — ----------- ------------------------ 3. 131 3. 131 (3) 33*3 tons— — — ----- ---------------- - 3. 156 3. 156 0 33#4 tons— — -----,— ------------- - — 3. 181 3. 181 (3) 33#5 tons------- -------- — ------- — ------- 3. 206 3. 206 (3 ) 33#7l/2 tons--------------------- - — --------------- 3. 269 3. 269 (3) 33#Helpers — -------------------------- ----------- 2. 981 2. 981 (3) 33#T ra cto r-tra iler :

Load or unload------------------------------- 3 .41 9 3 .41 9 (*) 33*Do not load or unload------------------ 3. 269 3. 269 0 33#

Agreem ent D— Utility----- ------------------ 2 .83 4 3. 034 ( ) 20#H e lp ers____________ __ __________ 2 .41 0 2. 609 (3) 20#

Textile refinishing----------------------------------------- 14 3. 086 14 3. 142 5% 147io*Helpers ----- ----- ----- --------------------------- 14 2. 740 14 2. 800 5% 14 /io#

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 Ju ly 1, 1966






r contri- 0 fund1



NEW YORK, N. Y . — Continued$ $

Theatrical and te lev isio n ------------------------- 14 4 . 070 ... 14 4 . 500 n 7 z % 6%H elp ers---------------------------------------------------- 14 3. 780 14 4 . 070 llV z% 6%F ilm d e liv ery ----------------------------------------- 3. 325 3 .47 5 llV z% 6%

Waste m aterial:6 -w h e e l------------------------------------------------ - 2. 505 2. 580 227z# 183/4#T ra cto r-tra iler and 10-w h eel----------- 2. 655 2. 730 227z# 1874*

NORFOLK, VA .Arm ored c a r ------------------------------------------------ 2 .40 0 2 .47 0 (3 ) 77z*General— F reig h t--------------------------------------- 3. 120 3. 210 20# 177z*

C h eck ers--------- ------------------------------- — 3. 120 3. 210 20* 177z*Dockmen, helpers — ----- — ______ 3. 020 3. 110 20# 177z*

Linen:F irst 3 m onths-------- ------------------------- 26 1 .8 94 26 1 .936 - -4—6 months---------------------------------------------- 26 2. 021 26 2 . 0 64 - -7—9 months---------------------------------- -------— 26 2. 149 26 2. 191 - -10—12 months------------------------------------------ 26 2. 298 26 2 . 3 6 2 - _After 1 y e a r ------------------------------------------- 26 2. 489 26 2 . 5 5 3 - -Helpers:

F irst 3 m onths------------------------- ----- 26 1. 574 26 1. 638 - -4—6 months----------------------------------------- 26 1 .70 2 26 1 .766 - -After 6 m onths__ _________ ______ 26 1 .83 0 26 1 .89 4 - -

Meat:— Packinghous e:Agreem ent A ------------------------------------------ 2. 295 2. 355 0Agreem ent B ------------------ ------------------ 2. 075 2. 195 (3 ) (3 )

Railway exp ress-------- ------ ------- --------- 2. 620 2. 744 144/ 5#


(Scales listed underSan Francisco—Oakland, C a lif.)


B ak ery----- ---------------- -------- -------- -------- 4 2 .5 4 0 4 2 .6 2 0 (3 )Building:

Construction:Agreem ent A:

Dump, flatbed, stakebody, and 74 and 7zton pickup_____________________ 2 .9 0 0 3. 000

Float, heavy winch,and lowboy - ---------------------------- 3. 000 3. 100

Euclid and 10-yard taildump------------------------------------------- 3 .20 0 3. 300

Agreem ent B:R eady-m ix concrete:

Less than 4 J/z cubicyards _ _____ _ _________ 2 .4 7 0 2. 550 (3 ) (3 )

47z cubic yards andover--------------------------------------- 2. 620 2. 700 (3 ) (3 )

Dry concrete:L ess than 10 to n s---------------- 2. 370 2 .4 5 0 (3 ) (3 )10 tons and over------------------- 2 .4 7 0 2. 550 ( 3 (3 )T ra iler ---------------------- --------------- 2 .4 7 0 2. 550 (3 ) (3 )

Warehousemen— ----- ------ — 2. 570 2. 650 (3 ) (3 )Helpers — ------------------------- 2. 270 2. 350 (3 ) (3 )

General— Freight:Local cartage 12_______________________ 3. 230 3. 330 217*# 2 0 #C h eck ers--------------------------------------------- _ 3. 230 3. 330 217*# 2 0#Dockmen------------ ------- ----- ---------------- 3. 070 3. 170 2 l7 4# 2 0 #Local transfer ------------ — ----------- 2. 300 2. 300 (3 )

Checkers, forklift,w inch----------------------------------------- ---- 2. 300 2. 300 (3 )

Warehousemen:Household goods------------------------- 2. 300 2. 300 (3 ) -M erchandise------------------------- - 2. 200 2. 200 ( 3 -

H e lp ers------------------ ----- -------------- 2. 200 2. 200 M -G rocery:

Retail:Agreem ent A:

F irst 6 m onths---------------------------- 2 .6 8 0 2 .78 0 - 127z#7—12 m onths— -------------------------- 2 .8 6 0 2 .96 0 - 127z#After 1 y e a r ----------------------------- 2 .94 0 3. 040 - 127z#Checkers — -------------------------- 2 .8 3 0 2 .93 0 - 127z*Forklift, tow

m otor-------------- ------------------------- 2 .7 7 5 2. 875 - 127a#W arehousemen---------------- ------------ 2. 570 2 .67 0 _ 12*/z#

Agreem ent B:F irst 6 months--------------------- - 2 .6 9 0 2 .69 0 (3 ) -7—12 m onths-------------------------------- 2. 880 2. 880 (3 ) -A fter 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 2. 980 2. 980 (3 ) -Checkers - — -------------------------- 2. 980 2 .98 0 (3 ) -F o rk lift----------------------------------------- 2. 870 2 .87 0 (3 ) _Warehousemen:

F irst 6 months— . --------- 2. 590 2. 590 (3 ) -7—12 m onths-------------------------- 2 .6 5 0 2 .65 0 (3 ) _After 1 y e a r -------------------------- 2. 710 2 .71 0 (3 ) -

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1

Trade or occupation Rateper


Rate Employebution

r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension

perhour Insur­


OKLAHOMA C ITY, O KLA.— OMAHA, NEBR.— ContinuedContinued

G rocery— ContinuedG rocery— Continued Agreem ent B: $ $

W holesale: F irst 6 months--------- -------- ------------------ 2.790 2.890 - (?)Agreem ent A: $ $ After 6 months_______________________ 2.990 3.090 - b

F irst 3 months____________________ 2.890 3.010 - - Warehousemen (after 62.915 3.035 _ _ months) _____________________________ 2.830 2.930 _ (3)2.940 3.060 _ Forklift o p erators___________________ 2.880 2.980 (3)

C heckers, forklift: Oil— T ank____________________________________ 312 .680 312.760 94/ 5* 10W2.780 2.880 _ _ Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2.670 2.860 144/ 5 $

4—9 months_____________________ 2.805 2.905 . -After 9 months_________________ 2.830 2.930 -

Loaders: PEORIA, IL L .F irst 3 months_________________ 2.890 3.010 - -4—9 months_____________________ 2.915 3.035 - -

2.940 3.060 Arm ored c a r ________________________________ 2.540 2.740 io 3/4 $ 10*Agreem ent B: Bakery— Cracker and cooky______________ 4 2.600 4 2.660 93/s* -

F irst 5 w eek s_____________________ 2.390 2.690 - - B eer:2.440 2.740 _ Agreem ent A _____________________________ 3.150 3.270 io 3/4 $ 10*2.490 2.790 _ Helpers . .. ...... _ ........ 3.040 3.160 10% $ 10*

Checkers: Agreem ent B . 3.310 3.435 (3) (3)F irst 5 w eek s---------------------------- 2.390 2.690 - - Building and road construction:6—10 weeks_____________________ 2.440 2.740 - - Concrete m ixer:

2.490 2.790 3 cubic yards and under____________ 3.800 3.975Forklift, loaders, Over 3 cubic y a r d s_________________ 4.000 4.175 - -

warehousemen: 4-w heel:F irst 5 w eek s__________________ 2.340 2.640 - - 5 cubic yards and

2.390 2.690 under________________________________ 3.800 3.9752.440 2.740 _ _ Over 5 cubic y a r d s__________________ 4.000 4.175 _ _2.245 2.295 _ _ Service________________________________ 3.800 3.975 _ _

Warehousemen: 6-w heel:1.675 1.675 _ 9 cubic yards and1.755 1.755 _ under________________________________ 4.000 4.175 _ _2.160 2.210 _ Over 9 cubic y a rd s__________________ 4.050 4.225 _ _

Railway and air e x p re ss___________________ 2.660 2.768 144/ 5 $ - Dump:(2t) 2.429 144/ 5* 9—16 cubic y a rd s____________________ 4.050 4.225.......... ..

Steel and iron: Over 16 cubic yards‘P*‘i "r af rla c « 2.250 2.320 (3) or 24 to n s___________________________ 4.150 4.325Second c la ss----------------------------------------------- 2.100 2.170 M - Koehring and sim ilar dumpster

(9 cubic yards and under),lowboy, winch, oil d is ­

OMAHA, NEBR. tributor (2 man), tandem andsem itrailer, transport " A "fram e____________________________________ 4.000 4.175 -

Bakery: Batch:Ri sriii t .. . . ........ 4 2.670 4 2.720 (3) 2—34E batches or l e s s ______________ 3.800 3.975

W arehousemen: Over 2—34E batches_________________ 4.000 4.175 - -Thirst month 2.340 2.410 (3) Pole trailer_______________________________ 4.000 4.1752—3 months_________________________ 2.390 2.460 M - M aterial:A ^ month.*? 2.440 2.510 (3) _ Block and g ra v el____________________ 3.160 3.310 103/4 $ 10*Fl-vt-ra 2.340 2.410 H _ Concrete (read y-m ix)_______________ 3.360 3.510 io 3U$ 10*

W holesale: Lumbe r _______________________________ 2.870 2.970 io 3U$ $$^trvro delivery 2.620 2.740 121/z$ 17% $ Yard and warehousemen 2.770 2.870 io 3/4 * 5*Mainfonancp 2.430 2.550 I 2 V2 £ 17% $ Department s to re __________ ________________ 2.810 2.910 io3/4 $ 5$cipiar'-i a 1 A f* 1 i v#*ry 2.350 2.470 12% $ 17% $ Helpers ............ . _ 2.648 2.748 io 3U$ 5$Stockroom pickup____________________ 2.570 2.690 12% $ 17 % $ Electrical supply and hardware:

Beer— Keg and bottle: Light_______________________________________ 2.890 2.940 io 3U$ 15$Agreem ent A: Heavy______________________________________ 2.990 3.040 10% $ 15$

Firat months 2.670 2.670 (3) 13£ General— F reigh t___________________________ 3.210 3.310 2 1 V4 £ 20$A A months 2.720 2.800 3 13$ H elp ers___________________________________ 3.110 3.210 21% $ 20$7—12 m onths___________________________ 2.770 2.850 H 13* G rocery:After 1 y e a r ------------------------------------------ 3.170 3.250 (3) 13* Chainstore:

Agreem ent B: F irst 30 days_________________________ 2.990 3.090 (?) b2.080 2.180 (3)(3)

(3) After 30 days_________________________ 3.090 3.190 ( i ( )4-—A months 2.500 2.600 3 W h olesale________________________________ 2.810 2.910

2.550 2.650 H 3 H elp ers_______________________________ 2.680 2.780 io3/4 * _After 1 y e a r ------------------------------------------ 2.950 3.050 (3) b Meat:

Building: Agreem ent A _____________________________ 3.085 3.185 (3) (3)Construction: Agreem ent B _____________________________ 3.070 3.185 (3) (3)

Lowboy_________________________________ 3.275 3.425 12% $ - Milk:T ,1-jmh^r 3.450 3.600 12% $ Agreem ent A _____________________________ 3.105 3.205 15*

- flfYlfl 3.025 3.175 I2 V2 $ _ Agreem ent B _____________________________ 3.125 3.205 (3) 12% $T an d em -axle----------------------------------------- 3.150 3.300 12% $ - Newspaper:

Heavy and highway Day_________________________________________ 3.021 3.191 (3) (?)construction: Night_______________________________________ 3.191 3.273 (3) b

C ab-control powerlift________________ 3.100 3.200 12% $ - Oil:T .o^/hoy ... .............. 3.225 3.325 12 Vz $ Agreem ent A _____________________________ 3.065 3.295 (3) ( 3)pi'ngl** -a vie ... ... 2.975 3.075 12 V2 ^ _ Warehousemen (after 1 year) (21) 3.040 3 3T r| Am «ay1 P 3.100 3.200 12%$ _ Agreem ent R ... ..... 3.065 3.195 (3) b

General— Freight: Agreem ent C _____________________________ 3.065 3.195 H KHpayy \ /orlc 3.210 3.310 183/4 $ 20* Agreem ent D _____________________________ 3.270 3.360 9^5* 122$Taoosl (aftpr 90 Hays) 3.210 3.310 183/4 $ 20* Agreem ent E ........... 2 .860 3.010 io 3U$

( 3)17% $

"Fn rnitn vp>. 2.470 2.470 183/4 $ 20$ Agreem ent F _____________________________ 3.145 3.280 ( 3)G rocery: Private sanitation___________________________ 2.900 3.025 io 3/4 *

Agreem ent A : Com m ercial 2.950 3.075 io 3/4* -First. 6 months ______ 2.790 2.890 _ Helpers _ _ _ . _ 2.800 2.925 io 3/4 *Aftor A months 2.990 3.090 _ _ P ro d u ce 2 .650 2 .750 1074 *W a re h o u se m e n (a fte r 6 R a ilw a y e x p r e s s _____________________________ 2 .559 2.749 144/ 5* -

month s) 2 .830 2 .855 7% $ C o u n try ___________________________________ 2.739 2.929 147s?

See footnotes at end of table,

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Table 9- Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employe bution l

;r contri- to fund 1 Rate





r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­



Bakery: Building— ContinuedSpecial delivery__________________________ $3,045 $3,225 15* 15* Construction— Continued5 ton and tr a c to r -tr a ile r . ------------------- 3 .180 3.360 15* 15* Dump flatrack or pickup

B eer: on highway:3.180 3.180 o 15* P. — a vl f3 unit (2i) $ 2,995 17 72 * 10*3.105 3.105 ) 15* - a vl p unit ....... (21 ) 3.115 1 i l/z * 10*2.980 2.980 (3) 15* (21) 3.280 1772* 10*2.800 2.800 1272* 15* S-avlf*. unit ... _ (2i) 3.505 1 7 !/2 * 10*2.725 2.725 12VZ* 15* A-aylpQ nr m ore ....... (21 ) 3.620 17Vz* 10*

Building: 3, 4 , or 5 -axle sem i dump___ w 3.280 17Vz* 10*Construction: T ransit-m ix :

3.330 3.450 12 V2 * 15* ft mhi r yarHfi or lecc (2!) 3.340 177z* 10*Euclid and lowbed trailer . ____ 3.530 3.650 12V2* 15* Over 8 and less than

3.230 3.350 1272* 15* 1 m hir yarHs (21 ) 3.520 1 7 Vz * 10*M aterial_______________________________ 3.100 3.230 1272* 15* 1072 and less than 14

2.730 2.795 12V2 * 15* r-viKi n yarHc (2l) 3.685 I 7V2* 10*Y ardm en___________________________ 2.730 2.795 1272* 15* 14 cubic yards----------------------------- (21) 3.845 177z* 10*Forklift operators------------------------- 3.150 3.280 12 72* 15* Asphalt tank truck:

3.100 3.230 1272* 15* 1 ftOn jrallonc or Ipgc $3,045 3.210 177z* 10*C arrier---------------------------- ---- „ . 3 .200 3.330 1272* 15* 1, 500 and under 5, 500

2.730 2.795 127z* 15* aa 11 on s 3.130 3.305 177z* 10*Checkers___________________________ 2.545 2.610 12 72* 15* 5, 500 and under 7, 000

2.400 2.465 12 72* 15* gall onr 3.320 3.505 17V2* 10*3.100 3.230 1272* 15* 7, 000 gallons anH over 3.425 3.620 1772* 10*

C a rrier . ____________ ___________ 3.200 3.330 1272* 15* Bulk cement_________________________ 3.425 3.620 17Vz* 10*H elpers_____________________________ 2.730 2.795 1272* 15* Water:

Concrete m ixer _ ____________________ 3.330 3.430 17* 3772* 1 ,50 0 gallons or le s s __________ 2.845 2.995 177z* 10*3.100 3.230 1272* 15* Over 1 j S00 gallons 3.105 3.280 17 72 * 10*3.200 3.330 1272* 15* Wa r e h on s e m en (21) 2.880 177z* 10*

H elpers______________________ ___ __________ 2.730 2.795 1272* 15t , M aterial:Food and chainstore 12 _ ----------------------------- 3.130 3.210 17* 17 72* Lumber:

2.810 2.890 17* 1772* L ess than 5 to n s______ ________ 2.500 13 2.500 (3)2.910 2.990 17* 1772* 8 tons and over 2.680 13 2.680 M

Fuel: End lift and Ross c a r r ie r -------- 2.680 13 2.680 (3) _Gasoline: Semi or truck and

F irst year 3.000 3.130 (?) ( )

(3) 2.880 13 2.880 (3)After 1 year. __ _____ __ 3.370 3.500 3 Furniture----R e ta il. 2 .180 13 2.480

Fuel oil _____ __________ _______________ 3.370 3.500 17* 20* 2.045 2.045 I _Fuel oil and gasoline: General— F reight. — __ _______ ______ 3.200 3.300 207s* 17 Vz *

F irst ye a r _ _ _____________ __ 3.000 3.130 (3 ) (3) flea vy duty _. . ............ _ . 3.250 3.350 207s* 17Vz*After 1 year___________________________ 3.370 3.500 (3) (3) Grocery:

General— F reight: 2-axle equipm ent. __ _______________ 2.850 3.000 129/ io * 15*Agreement A®__ . . . . . . . . . .... 3.230 3.310 143/2* 17 V2 * All others e-veept double ............... . 2.935 3.085 129/ io* 15*

Helpers _____ ______________ _ 2.810 2.890 143/2* 1772* Double-bottom trailer. . . . 3.035 3.185 129/ xo * 15*Platform men--------------------------------------- 2 .910 2.990 1472* 17V2* Meat:Checkers------------------------------------------------ 3 .230 3.310 1472 * 17 V2 * F irst 90 d a y s------------------------------------------ 2 .600 2.600 129/jo * 10*Forklift________________________________ 3.230 3.310 147Z* 177z * After 90 d a y s . _ -------- ----- -------- 3 .050 3.150 129/io * 10*

Agreement R 5 ............ . 3.230 3.310 20* 17*/2* Helpers ........................ ...... 2 .250 13 2.250 129/ 10* 10*H elpers_______ _______________________ 2.810 2.890 20* 177a* Paper:

Ic e___ ___________________________________ ______ 2.350 13 2.350 10* 15* F irst 6 m on th s. _________ ___________ 2.605 2.705 - _Hp.1pf»r s . . . .. 2.165 13 2.165 10* 15* 7—12 months .............. . .. 2.680 2.780

Meat— Special delivery 3.310 3.310 17* 17Vz* 2.755 2.8551-Tel per s 2.920 2.920 17*

(3 )1772* Parcel delivery 3.130 3.260 129/io* 12*

Milk— Including tr a rtnr _tra i 1 er 3.130 3.335 (3) T racto r-tra iler 3.740 3.870 129/io * 127z*T railer -hovm an ... 3.280 3.485 (3 ) (3) Produce _ _ 2.100 2.200 102/s *

Moving and storage _ ______________________ 3.230 3.310 17* 177z* Transfer and storage. ____ __________ _ 2.960 3.035 129/i0 * 127z*Helpers____________________________________ 2.810 2.890 17* 17 72* Sem itrailer:W arehousem en___________ _____________ _ 2.810 2.890 17* 1772* Not m ore than 4 -a x le s ____________ 3.010 3.035 129/io * 127z*

Newspaper and m agazine: 5 -a x les or m ore __ __ _________ 3.210 3.285 129/io* 12Vz*Agreement A----Rnutemen 9 3.101 9 3.248 19 2/ 5* 2 l7 3* Helpers 2.810 2.885 129/ io * 127z*

H elpers. ---------------------------------------------- 9 3.101 9 3.248 197 5* 2173*Agreem ent B— Routemen_______________ 3.170 3.250 1874* 20*Agreem ent C 12___________________________ 9 3.168 9 3.315 197s* 2 l7s* PITTSBURGH, PA.Agreem ent D:

D ay_____________________________________ 2.857 2.957 18 74* 19V2*Might . . _ . 9 3 .080 9 3 .154 20*

(3)217s* Armored car ... . 3.070 3.190 (3) 20*

A ar r-n TT 9 3.101 9 3.248 2 0 74* Guards _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3.020 3.140 (3) 20*Railway e x p re ss --------------------------------------------- 3.020 3.180 144/5* Bakery:

2.870 3.030 14 4/ 5* Risen it. ...... .......... 4 2.805 4 2 .910 (3) ( )

1 3 3/xo *Rendering . _ .... . . . 2 .800 2.900 147Z* 15* Helpers 4 2.625 4 2.730 1 33/xo *

2.580 2.680 1472* 15* 8 2.545 8 2.645 15%o* 159/io*Replacement auto parts— W h olesale_____ 2.550 2.650 1472 * 15* Transport - _ _____ 8 2.822 8 2.922 159/io * 159/xo*Scrap iron and ste e l________________________ 2.700 13 2.800 10* 15* T ra cto r-tra iler . . . . __ 8 2.933 8 3.033 159/io* 157xo*

Helpers 2.330 13 2.430 10* 15* .Service delivery ....... ........ . 8 2.940 8 3.040 159/io* 159/io*Supply_________________ ______ __ _________ 3.190 3.230 149/ 10* 17 V2 *

Helpers ______ ____ _ 3.090 3.130 149/ 10* 177z*PHOENIX, AR IZ. Beer:

Agreem ent A . . . . . 3 .252 3.302 (3) (3)Helpers 3.182 3.232 (3) (3)

Rakery Cracker ___ 4 2.845 4 2.845 129/io * 15* Yardmen and helpers 3.102 3.152 (3) (3)B eer, wine, and liqu or_____________________ 2.730 2.820 12* Agreem ent B ___ — ___ 2.750 2.800 8 7/io* 1772*Building: Helpers:

Construction:12 F irst y e a r . . __ ___ _. 2 .650 2.700 8 7/xo* 177z*Dump— Off highway: After 1 year_____________________ 2.750 2.800 8 7/ 10* 17Vz*

L ess than 7 cubic y a rd s_________ 2.955 3.115 17V2* 10* Agreement C 2.750 2.800 8 7/xo* 17V2 *7—17 cubic yards ______________ _ 3.130 3.305 177z* 10* H elpers:17—25 cubic y a rd s________________ 3.320 3.505 17Vz* 10* F irst y e a r . ___ __ __ ____ 2.650 2.700 8 7/io * 177z*25 cubic yards or m ore _______ 3.425 3.620 177z* 10* After 1 year . . . ____ ___ _ 2 .750 2.800 87/xo* 1772*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





;r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


PITTSBURGH, PA.---- Continued PITTSBURGH, PA.— Continued

Building: General— F reight— ContinuedConstruction: Heavy hauling— Continued

C om m ercial: $ $ Winch:S erv ice .. __ _____________________ 3.385 3.535 15* 10* Loading, unloading and $ $

3.435 3.585 15* 10* hauling 7 3.530 7 3.630 13V2 * l6 3/5 *T ran sit-m ix , single- Not on winch jobs___________ 7 3.220 7 3.320 13V2 * l6 3/5 *

a x le___ __ ________________ ._ 3.460 3.610 15* 10* He lpers:3 .560 3.710 15* 10* .Shovel trailer 7 3.220 7 3.320 13V2 * 163/5 *

Distributor (2 men)______________ 3.435 3.585 15* 10* W inch_____________________________ 7 3.320 7 3.420 13V 2 * 163/5 *Distributor (1 man)____________ 3.585 3.735 15* 10* G rocery:Trailer with highbed, Chainstore 12____________________________ 3.610 3.610 (3 ) 17V2 *

4 w h eels_________________________ 3.485 3.635 15* 10* T ractor, s in g le -a x le ______________ 3.665 3.665 ( ) I 7V2 *T railer with lowbed, Helpers_________________________ 3.535 3.535 (3 ) 17V2 *

6 to 16 wheels___________________ 3.785 3.935 15* 10* T ractor, tan d em ___________________ 3.765 3.765 (3 ) 17V2*Dolly 3.585 3.735 15* 10* Helpers 3.635 3.635 (3 ) 17V2 *Dump trailer or tandem, Platform ;

including fuel and J ockeys------------------------------------ 3.930 3.930 H 17V2*3.585 3.735 15* 10* Helpers 3.800 3.800 ( ) I 7V2 *3.585 3.735 15* 10* Checkers 3.780 3.780 (3 ) 17V2 *

W in ch ______________________________ 3.760 3.910 15* 10* Loaders;Towing equipm ent_____________ 3.585 3.735 15* 10* M anual____________________ 3.700 3.700 (3 ) 17V2*W arehousem en___________________ 3.385 3.535 15* 10* M echanical_______________ 3.930 3.930 (3 ) 17V2 *

Heavy: 12 Wholesale________________________________ 3.255 3.490 (3 ) 17V2*3.670 3.930 T railer 3.305 3.540 (3 ) 17V2*3.850 4.110 Helpers 3.180 3.415 H I7 V2 *

Excavating________________________ 3.670 3.930 - - Ic e ___________________________________________ 7 2.831 7 2.877 16V5 * 162/3 *Euclid______________________________ 3.770 4.030 - - Meat and provision:

Light: 12 Agreem ent A ___________________________ 3.665 3.665 (3 ) 17V2 *Dump tr a ile r_____ ____________ 3.585 3.735 15* 10* Helpers_____________________ _____ ___ 3.435 3.435 (3) 17V2*

3.435 3.585 15* 10* Agreement R 3.640 3.640 149/io* I 7V2 *3.585 3.735 15* 10* Helpers _ _ 3.390 3.390 149/io * 17V2 *

M ixer, tra n sit___ ____________ 3.460 3.610 15* 10* Milk:M aterial and supply: Bottle and supply----------------------------------- 2.988 3.079 (?) (3)

Concrete m ixer: Special delivery -------------------------------- 2 .954 3.054 ( ) ( )3—31 lz cubic y a rd s___________ 2.900 3.000 10* 10* Tank and c a n ___________________________ 7 2.845 7 2 .945 (3 ) (3)4 1/ 2—5 cubic y a rd s___________ 3.000 3.100 10* 10* Sem itrailer________________________ 2.960 3.060 (3) (3 )S1/?—6 cubic, yards .... _ . 3 .050 3.150 10* 10* M nvi n g 4 3.150 4 3 .150 13V4 * 1575*6V2 cubic yards or T ra iler_____ ______________ __________ 4 3 .150 4 3.150 13V4 * 15 3/5 *

b rg p r 3.150 3.250 10* 10* Helpers 4 3 .010 4 3.010 13V4 * 153/5 *Ready-m ix single- Oil and gas:

a x le _____________________ __ 2.870 2.970 10* 10* Agreem ent A :Trailer.. . . . ... ..................... 3.000 3.100 10* 10* F irst year 2.905 3.010 (3 ) (3 )

Dump .... _ 2.970 3.070 10* 10* 1—2 years 3.005 3.125 (3 )(3 )

0(3 )Tandem front end axle 2—3 y e a rs__________________________ 3.115 3.245

m ivprs .. .. 3 .200 3.300 10* 10* After 3 years 3.215 3.360 (3 ) (3)L u m ber__________________________ 2.915 2.950 15* 15* Auto m echanics:

T railer 3.015 3.050 15* 15* F irst year (21) 3.085 (3 ) (3 )Helpers 2.815 2.850 15* 15* 1—2 years (21) 3.175 3 (3 )

(3 )Plumbing _ . .......... 2 .970 3.070 11 Vs* 17V2* 2—3 years (21) 3.255 3Helpers _. ............. 2.895 2.995 l lV s * 17V2* After 3 years (21) 3.430 (3 ) r )

Chem icals: Warehousemen:Agreement A----Snap. ... . 2.970 3.090 H 2/s * I 7 V2 * First, year (21) 2.880 (3 ) (3 )

Helpers 2.890 2.990 l lV s * 17V2 * 1—2 ye a r s (21 ) 3 .030 (3) HAgreement R----Gas cylinder 3.430 3.530 (3) (3 ) 2—3 yp.ars ... . .. (21) 3.205 (3 ) ( )Agreem ent C— Cylinder______________ 3.430 3.480 14Vio* 17V2 * After 3 y e a rs ____________________ (21) 3.315 (3) (3 )

Com m ission house________________________ 2.815 2.865 - - Yardmen:Helpers 2.725 2.775 _ T'irst (21) 2.705 (3) (3 )

Department, store .. .. 3 .060 3.160 l 2Is * I 2V 2 * 1—2 y e a r s ....... 21 2.820? !

3H elp ers_________________________________ 2.790 2.890 7 2/5 * I 2V 2 * 2—3 y e a rs________________________ 2.930 HFurniture and bulk night After 3 y e a rs ____________________ (21) 3 .155 (3) (3 )

loaders_______ _____ __________________ 3.160 3.260 72/s* I 2V2 * Agreem ent B:Helpers 2.890 2.990 72/5 * I 2V 2* F irst yea r 2.845 2.970

(3 )(3 )

Package night loaders 3.160 3.260 72/5 * I 2V2 * 1—2 years 2.945 3.070 (3 )Drug and tobacco— W h olesale____________ 3.100 3.180 149/io* 17l /2 * 2—3 y e a rs ____________________________ 3.055 3.180 3 3F is h ___________ . . . __ _____ ___________________ 4 3.000 3.000 19V5* 20* After 3 y e a rs_______________________ 3.215 3.340 (3 ) (3 )F Lour________________________________________ 3.285 3.365 19V5 * 20 * Agreem ent C:

Helpers 3.195 3.275 I9 V5 * 20* F irst year 2.945 2.945 (3 ) (3 )Warehousemen . . 3 .195 3.275 19Vs*

(3 )20* 1—2 ye a r s 3.045 3.045 3 b

(3 )Frozen foods _ ........ . ........ . 2.920 3.020 1 7 / 2 * 2—3 years 3.125 3.200 h2.970 3.070 n 17V2 * After 3 y e a rs_______________________ 3.215 3.350 (3 n

Furniture— R e ta il__________________________ 3.060 3.160 8V 10* 15* Paint and glass___________________________ 3.490 3.590 1 6 /5 * 20*H elp ers___________________________________ 2.860 2.960 87/io * 15* Helpers______________ ____ _______________ 3.390 3.490 16V5 * 20*

General— Freight: 5 Paper, wholesale__________________________ 3.135 3.235 I6V5 * 20*Douhle-bottom .. . ...... 3 .920 4.020 19Vio* 20* Helpers 3.035 3.135 I6V5 * 20*General tra n sfer_ ___ 3.220 3.320 19Vio* 20* P rod u c e 4 3.330 4 3.430 142/5 * 173/4 *Tandem or 10-w heeler and Helpers__________________________________ 4 3 .230 4 3.330 142/5 * 173/4 *

tra cto r__________________________________ 3.220 3.320 19Vio * 20* Railway e x p re ss___________________________ 2.940 3.130 144/5 * -Helpers 3.120 3.220 19Vio * 20 * Refuse 7 2.600 2.730 10*Heavy hauling: 7 2.550 2.680 _ 10*

D ouble-bottom ________ ________ __ 7 3 .970 7 4 .070 13 V2* 163/s*Heavy-duty tractor and PORTLAND, OREG.

trailer________________________________ 7 3 .585 7 3.685 13V2 * 16 3/5 *Straight jo b _____ ____________________ 7 3 .220 7 3.320 13V2 * 163/5 * Arm ored car________________________ ____ __ 3.000 3.100 9* 15*Tandem or 10-w h eeler_____________ 7 3.270 7 3.370 13V2* 163 /5 * B ak e r y 3.838 3.963 15* 15*T ra cto r________________________________ 7 3.270 7 3 .370 13VZ* 163 /5 * T ranspnrt 3.758 3.858 15*


With dolly or r a c k .._________________ 7 3.330 7 3.430 13 V 2 * 163/5 * Retail delivery 3.613 3.713 15*Gumball__ ____ ________________ — 7 3.320 7 3 .420 13 V 2 * 163/S* Rppr— Di Rfrihntnr 3.650 3.880 13 V 5 * 20*Loaders________________________________ 7 3 .120 7 3.220 13V 2* 163/S* T-Tplpprs 3.573 3.803 13 4/5 * 20*

See footnotes at end of table.

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3 0

Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, HelpeAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1. 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





sr contri- to fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


PO R TLAN D , O R E G .— Continued

Ice cream :Routemen __ _. $ 3 ,4 3 0 $ 3. 580 16* 20*Reliefmen 3 .49 0 3. 640 16* 20*

$ 4 . 030 $ 4 . 330 15* 20* Special________________________ 3. 330 3 .48 0 16* 20*S em i_______________________________________ 3. 490 3. 640 16* 20*

4. 130 4. 430 15* 20* Solo________________________________________ 3. 380 3. 530 16* 20*H elp ers___________________________________ 3. 330 3 .480 16* 20*

4. 330 4. 630 15* 20* Loaders and checkers ... 3. 330 3 .480 16* 20*Lum ber, retail:

4 .4 3 0 4. 730 15* 20* S em i_______________________________________ 3. 160 3. 280 1375* 15*4. 230 4. 530 15* 20* S olo________________________________________ 3. 060 3. 180 1375* 15*4. 180 4. 480 15* 20* Meat— Wholesale and retail:4. 180 4 .4 8 0 15* 20* Under 2 tons______________________________ 2. 913 3. 063 14* 15*4. 180 4 .4 8 0 15* 20* 2 tons and over 3. 038 3. 188 14* 15*4. 180 4. 480 15* 20* Wholesale only:

27z tons and under___________________ 3. 170 3. 320 15* 15*4. 030 4. 330 15* 20* 3 tons and o v e r ______________________ 3. 201 3. 351 15* 15*

Semi and trailer __ .. . . 3. 233 3. 383 15* 15*4. 080 4. 380 15* 20* Multiple u n it_________________________ 3. 285 3 .435 15* 15*

Milk:4. 130 4. 430 15* 20* Route and s p e c ia l_______________________ 3. 410 _• ■ c0 16* 20*

R e lie f____________ __ _ 3. 485 3. 0 35 16* 20*4. 230 4. 530 15* 20* Semi 3. 600 3. 750 16* 20*4. 330 4. 630 15* 20* P arcel service___________________ 3. 060 3. 180 15* 20*

Helpers .. ................... . 3. 008 3. 128 15* 20*4. 030 4. 330 15* 20* Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2 .90 9 3. 039 1475* -4. 130 4 .4 3 0 15* 20* Soft drink_____________________________________ 3. 325 3. 445 HVz* 15*4. 180 4. 480 15* 20* Transfer and storage: 54. 030 4. 330 15* 20* 2 ,00 0 pounds and under________________ 3. 120 3. 270 16 V10* 20*

2 ,0 0 1 —4 .0 0 0 pounds __ 3. 150 3. 300 16V10* 20*4 ,0 0 1 —14,000 pounds................................... 3. 180 3. 330 167,0* 20*Over 14 ,000 pounds_____________________ 3. 210 3. 360 167io* 20*

3. 340 3. 560 13% * 20* Tractor-com bination trailer__________ 3. 240 3. 390 16 7 ,o * 20*D errick or " A " frame .. 3. 270 3. 420 l6 7,o* 20*

3. 410 3. 630 13% * 20* H elp ers___________________________________ 3. 120 3. 270 167,o* 20*3. 510 3. 730 134/5* 20* C h eck ers_________________________________ 3. 180 3. 330 167,o* 20*3. 330 3. 440 134/5* 20*


3. 510 3. 610 13% * 20* Arm ored car . . . _____ . _ 2. 320 2 .44 0 (3) 177z*Beer distributor_____________________________ 3. 050 3. 200 17* 17 7z£

3. 560 3. 660 134/5* 20* Helpers _________ ___ . ....... 2 .92 0 3. 070 17* 17 7z*Building:

3. 610 3. 710 134/5* 20* Construction:Dump and 2 - axle equipment „ . 3. 170 3. 320 1874* 20*

3. 660 3. 760 13% * 20* T railer and 3-axle equipment_____ 3. 250 3. 400 18 74* 20*Lowbed tra ile r, 24 tons

3. 710 3. 810 134/5* 20* and over; I Beam trailer;specialized earth moving

3. 760 3. 860 13 4/5* 20* equipm ent___________________________ 3. 500 3 .65 0 18 74* 20*3 .44 0 3. 540 137s * 20* Highway:

Lowbed trailer; specialized3. 130 3 .250 134/5* 15* earth moving equipment 3. 500 3. 650 13* 15*3. 080 3. 200 134/ 5* 15* R eady-m ix. 3-axle ...... ............... 3. 300 3. 450 13* 15*3. 205 3. 325 137s* 15* 2 -a x le _________________________________ 3. 250 3 .400 13* 15*3. 275 3. 395 137s* 15* 4 - and 5 -axle dump 3. 400 3. 550 13* 15*

Furniture— Retail___________________________ 2. 700 2. 780 18 74 * 20*3. 260 3. 410 16* 20* H elp ers___________________________________ 2. 550 2. 630 18 74* 20*3. 380 3. 530 16* 20* General— F reig h t5 . _ 3. 150 3. 310 2174* 20*3 .475 3. 625 16* 20* Checkers, lum pers, power unit3. 200 3. 300 22* 20* operators, sw itchers, yardmen,

team sters, second class r ig g ers ,3. 500 3. 625 15* 15* dragline operators____________________ 3. 150 3. 310 2174* 20*

H elpers, platform m en, stable­3. 081 3. 125 15* 15* m en, warehousemen __ 3. 050 3 .21 0 2 1 74* 20*3. 206 3. 300 15* 15* Double-bottom men_____________________ 3. 200 3. 360 2 174 * 20*3 .419 3. 550 15* 15* F irst class rig g ers , lead m en,3. 000 3. 100 1375 * 20* winchmen, lowbed trailer

operators, working forem en,3. 060 3. 180 15* 20* and dispatchers________________________ 3. 250 3 .410 2174* 20*3. 090 3. 210 15* 20* G rocery— W h olesale___________ ___________ 3. 410 3. 570 18 74* 20*3. 000 3. 120 15* 20* Laundry:

F irst F> weeks _ 2. 010 2. 110 15* 15*3. 200 3. 300 22* 20* After 5 w e ek s________ .. . 2. 330 2 .43 0 15* 15*3. 100 3. 200 22* 20* Helpers .. . . . . _. 2. 010 2. 110 15* 15*3. 250 3. 350 22* 20* Oil:

Agreem ent A _____________________________ 2. 720 2. 790 1874* 20*Agreem ent R (asphalt.) _ _. 2. 880 2. 980 2 1 74* 20*

3. 255 3. 510 149/io* 20* Parcel delivery . . . . 3. 150 3. 310 2 l7 4* 20*3. 330 3. 580 149/io* 20* Railway exp ress__________________ ______ 2. 646 2. 836 147s* _3. 143 3. 390 149/io* 20*3. 280 3. 530 147,0* 20* RICHMOND, VA .

Arm ored c a r ______ ____ 2 .49 0 2. 590 (3) .2. 950 3. 050 17 V4* 20* General— Freight 3. 120 3. 210 20* 17 7z*

Checkers . switchers . . 3. 120 3. 210 20* 17 7z*3. 000 3. 100 17V4 * 20* Dockmen ______ ___________________________ 3. 020 3. 110 20* 17 7z*3. 050 3. 150 17 V4* 20* G rocery— Chains to r e ______________________ 42 . 100 42. 150 874* 15*

Trade or occupation

PO RTLAN D , O R E G .— Coi

Building:Construction: 12

Side and end dump:6 yards and under____Over 6 and including

10 yards _Over 10 and i

20 y a rd s___Over 20 and i

30 y a rd s___Dum pster..



Flaherty sp read er_________Lowbed equipment trailer .Lumber c a r r ie r ____________Oil distribu tor______________Solo flatbed and m iscellaneous

body (1 to 10 ton s)___ ____ ______Semi and trailer over 10

to n s_______________________________T ransit-m ix wet or dry:

5 yards and under____________ _Over 5 and including

7 yards______________________Over 7 y a rd s___________________

Water:Up to 1 ,600 gallons___________1 ,600 to 3 ,00 0 gallons________3 ,00 0 gallons and o v e r_______W arehousemen_________________

M aterial:Agreem ent A:

Dump and batch:5 cubic yards and under__Over 5 and including 7

cubic y a rd s_______________Over 7 cubic y a r d s________W arehousemen_____________

Agreem ent B:Concrete:

4 yards and under__________Over 4 and including

5 yards..Over 5 and including

6 yards..Over 6 and including

7 yards_______________Over 7 and including

8 yards_______________Over 8 and including

9 yards..Warehousemen

Agreem ent C:M e ta l______________H elp ers__________________Semi or tr a ile r ________Boom and " A " fram e__

Cream ery:R oute____________________________Relief____________________________S e m i_____________________________

F ilm .... ......................................................Food specialty:

C o ffe e _______________Mayonnaise:

F irst 3 m onths..4—6 m onths_____After 6 m onths..

F u e l____________________Furniture:

Under 3 tons___3 tons and over .H elp ers_________

General— F reig h t:1City pickup_____

Helpers .Heavy-duty equipment..

G rocery— W holesale:1 ton and including 5

ton s_____________________T railer and sem i____________H e lp ers_______________________E x tra __________________________

Ice— W holesale— Freight and transport:

1V2 tons and over..Tractor and 6-w heeler (13-foot

body)_______________________________Sem itrailer (over 1 3 -foot body)..

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 J uly 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





:r contri- 0 fund1

insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


RICHMOND, V A .— Continued SACRAM ENTO, C A L IF .— Continued

Linen: $ $ Building:F irst 3 months___________________________ 8 2.023 8 2.068 . - Construction: 54—6 months_______________________________ 8 2.159 8 2.205 . - Dump: $ $7—9 months__________________________ 8 2.295 8 2.341 _ - Under 4 cubic yards_____________ 4.055 4.205 36 V2* 25*10—12 months_____________________________ 8 2.456 8 2.523 _ _ 4 and under 6 cubicAfter 1 y e a r __________________ _________ 8 2.636 8 2.705 . _ y a rd s____ ________________________ 4.150 4.300 36 y2* 25*

Me at— Packinghou s e : 6 and under 8 cubicAgreem ent A: y a rd s_____________________________ 4.350 4.500 36 y2* 25*

F irst 90 days_________________________ 2.385 2.445 (3) (3) 8 and including 12 cubic2.540 2.600 (3) (3) yards __ 4.590 4.740 36 y2* 25*

Agreem ent B _____________________________ 2.145 2.195 (3) Over 12 and including 18Railway express: cubic y a rd s_____________________ 4.630 4.780 36 y2* 25*

Money d e liv ery__________________________ 2.765 2.955 147s * - Over 18 and including 242.610 2.800 147s* cubic yards .... .. 4.735 4.885 36 y2* 25*

Over 24 and including 35ROCHESTER, N .Y. cubic y a rd s_____________________ 4.790 4.940 36 y2* 25*

Over 35 and including 503.124 3.248 io3/ 5<* 15* cubic y a r d s_____________________ 4.940 5.090 36 y2* 25*

H elp ers______________ _____ ________ ____ 3.043 3.167 I0 % t 15* Over 50 and under 65 cubicBuilding: yards . . . . .. 5.090 5.240 36 y2* 25*

Construction: 65 and including 80 cubicAgreem ent A (general y a rd s_____________________________ 5.240 5.390 36 y2* 25*

contractor)__________________________ 3.695 3.945 (3) 17 y2* Over 80 and including 95Agreem ent B: cubic y a rd s_____________________ 5.390 5.540 36 y2* 25*

Tractor and attached unit(s); Heavy duty transport:10 tons or over; Lowbed_____________________________ 4.500 4.650 36 y2* 25*

3.527 3.777 9Y2* 12 y2* Highbed____________________________ 4.370 4.520 3&y2* 25*Less than 10 to n s_______________ 3.377 3.627 9*/2* 12V2* Pickup_________________________________ 4.055 4.205 36 y2* 25*

3.377 3.627 9y2* 12 V2 * Helpers ._ 4.055 4.205 36 y2* 25*Agreem ent C: T ransit-m ix :

Dump and flatrack _______________ 3.510 3.510 15* - Under 6 cubic yards_____________ 4.205 4.355 36 y2* 25*Euclid and other off-highway 6 and under 8 cubic y a rd s______ 4.305 4.455 36 y2* 25*

hauling units____________________ 3.910 3.910 15* - 8 and including 10 cubicSem itrailer, lowboy, yards .... 4.405 4.555 36 y2* 25*

tran sit-m ix and asphalt Over 10 and including 12distributor 3.610 3.610 15* cubic yards ........ _ . 4.505 4.655 36 y2* 25*

Tandem and batch ................ . 3.560 3.560 15* _ Over 12 and including 14Agreem ent D: cubic y a rd s_____________________ 4.605 4.755 36 y2* 25*

Tractor and attached unit(s); Over 14 and including 16lowboy 3 -axles or m ore; cubic yards 4.735 4.885 36y2* 25*ready-m ix_______________________ 3.335 3.445 9V2* 12V2* W ater:

2 -axle s 3.185 3.295 9 V2 * 12 V2 * Under 2. 500 gallons 4.165 4.315 36 y2* 25*M aterial: 2, 500 and under 4, 000

Cement block_________________________ 2.520 2.770 (3) 12V2* gallon s___________________________ 4.265 4.415 36 y2* 25*L um ber_______________________________ 2.620 2.690 (3) 4* 4, 000 and under 5, 000T.nmhpr asspm hlprs 2.575 2.640 (3) 4<* gallon s___________________________ 4.365 4.515 36 y2* 25*Specialty______________________________ 2.680 2.730 3 5, 000 and under 7, 000

Coal 2.980 3.080 (3) - g allon s___________________________ 4.465 4.615 36 y2* 25*Department, furniture, and meat: M aterial:

Department s to r e _______________________ 2.980 3.050 (!) 17 Vz* Agreem ent A : 5H elp ers_______________________________ 2.880 2.950 (3) 17 y2 * Dump, 6 yards and

C ontract__________________________________ 2.960 3.030 (3) 17 V2 * under_____________________________ 3.880 4.160 207/i0 * 15*H e lp ers_______________________________ 2.910 2.980 (!) 17?2* Concrete, read y-m ix ... .. _ 3.990 4 .270 207/io * 15*

Furniture________________________________ 2.980 3.050 0 17V2* Flatrack and pickup_____________ 3.880 4.160 207/io * 15*H elp ers_______________________________ 2.910 2.980 (3) 17 y2* Agreem ent B:

M eat__________________________________ ____ 2.980 3.050 (3) 17 y 2 * Bottom and transferT-Tf lpp:r fi 2 .910 2.980 (3) 17 y2 * dump ... . . 3.950 13 3.950 187/i0* 15*

General— F reight___________________________ 3.120 3.200 17 V4 * 17 V2 * Agreem ent C:Y ardmpn 3.120 3.200 17V4 * 17 y2 * Lumber . . . . . 3.025 3.175 13^5* 10*Checkers, receivers___________________ 3.070 3.150 17V4 * 17 y2* Furniture— Retail ... . .. 3.375 3.455 i4y2* 10*Helpers 3.020 3.100 17V4 * 17 y2* H e lp ers___________________________________ 3.240 3.320 14 V2 * 10*Dorkmen day 3.020 3.100 17 V4 * 17 y2 * Checkers and warehousemen . 3.240 3.320 i4y2* 10*

G rocery— W h olesale___________ ________ 2.980 3.055 (3) 12V2* General----F reight:Sem itrailer __ __ _________ ________ 3.060 3.135 (3) 12 V2 * Local cartage: 5

Helpers 2.900 2.975 (3) 12 V2 * 3-axle or less 3.365 3.465 22 y2* 20* . . . .. . . . . 2.900 2.975 3 12Y2* 4-axle or m ore 3.490 3.590 221/ , * 20*Forklift o p erators__________________ 2.990 3.065 H 12 V2 * H e lp ers_______________________________ 3.265 3.365 22yz * 20*

T ,i qiior----Wholesale 3.000 3.100 (3 12 x/ 2 * G rocery— Wholesale . .... 3.650 3.750 i6 y 5* 15*H e lp ers___________________________________ 3.000 3.100 3 12Y2* Ice cream and m ilk:W arehou semen 3.000 3.100 (3) 12 y2 * Route and tra n sp o rt...... 3 .525 3.625 187/io* 20*

Meat— Packinghouse_______________________ 2.795 2.875 (!) Special delivery . 3 .405 3.505 187/io* 20*Country— Senior 7 2.875 7 2.955 ( ) H e lp ers . . .............. 3.405 3.505 187/io* 20*Country— Junior_________________________ 7 2.855 7 2.935

( ! ). W holesale . .. . .... . 3.625 3.725 187/io* 20*

s pa r 2.985 3.085 (3) ( )

i 7 y2* Relief_____________ 3.625 3.725 187/io* 20*P arcel and special delivery_______________ 2.750 2.840 17Y2* Meat— Packinghouse .................... . 3.450 3.450 i6 y 5* 10*

Furniture 2.850 2.950 (3) 17 y 2 * Moving and storage_________________________ 3.230 3.330 16V5* 15*T-T#alpp»rs 2.800 2.900 (3 17 V2 * Helpers _ 3.105 3.205 i6 y s* 15*

Prndnr e----Whole sale 2.850 2.900 H 10* P arcel delivery 3.505 3.635 17* 20*Helpers 2.780 2.830 (3) 10* Tractor ._ 3.630 3.760 17* 20*

Railway express 2.618 2.808 147s* Double header ... .... _ _ . 3 .755 3.885 17* 20*Feeder:

Single-shift ending afterSACRAM ENTO, C ALIF. 6 p .m --------------------------------------------------- 3 .930 4 .060 17* 20*

Double-shift ending afterBakery: 6 p .m ________________________________ 4.055 4.185 17* 20*

Cracker and cook ies___________________ 3.130 3.220 16Vs* 10* Produce and fruit:T /T)aH p r 3 .000 3.090 I 6 V 5 * 10* W holesale . . . . 2.900 3.000 14Y2* 10*T ransport________________________________ 3.950 4.038 143/s* 15* Railway express. . 2.582 2.850 144/ 5 *

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





r contri- o fund1

Insur- Pension Insur­ance2


ST. LOUIS, MO. ST. LOUIS, M O .— Continued

A rm ored c a r --------------- — ----- --------------- $ 2 ,9 4 0 $ 3 ,0 3 0 io3/4$ 17 72$ M e at— C ont inue dBakery— C ra c k er ------------------------------------------ 4 2 .73 0 4 2 .91 0 (3 ) (3) Retail market:B e e r ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. 725 3. 975 (?) 20$ Under 1 ton:

3. 725 3. 875 ( ) 20$ "piTfifr rrtnntVi $ 2 .05 0 $ 2 . 175 1 27/ iq$ 5$Building: 2—6 m onths------------------------------- _ 2. 288 2 .41 3 127/ io$ 5*

Construction: 7—12 m onths-------- --------------------- 2. 375 2. 500 1 27/iq $ 5*Agreem ent A :12 After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 2. 500 2. 625 127/io$ 5$

A ll trucks; flatbed; tractor; 1 ton or o v e r ------------------------------------ 2 .72 5 2. 850 12 7/10$ 5$se m itr a ile r --------------------------------- 3 .60 0 3. 900 n 7 4$ 20$ Milk:

Dump: Agreem ent A:L ess than 12 cubic Wholesale store and bulk

y a r d s --------------------------------------- 3. 600 3. 900 20$ routes, station and12—22 cubic yard s------------------- 3. 800 4. 100 n 7 4$ 20$ special d e liv ery ---------------------------- 4 . 185 4 . 235 127z$22 cubic yards and over-------- 3. 900 4 . 200 n v4* 20$ W holesale route rid ers------------------ 4 . 593 4 . 641 n y 4$ 12x/2$

Pickup-------------------------- ------------ - 3. 600 3. 900 u 7 4f 20$ Agreem ent B:Agreem ent B: Wholesale route r id ers------------------ 3. 752 3. 802 n y 4$ 127z$

3. 200 3. 320 n V 4$ i 7V2$ 'Didfa-i'lj /''.nf 0 t* i 0 v c 3. 068 3 .11 8 i ii/4$ 1272$O th er------------------------------------------------ 3 .40 0 3. 520 h 74* 177z$ Special d e liv ery ------------------------------- 2. 948 2 .99 8 i iy4* 127z$

3 .40 0 3. 520 h 74$ n V 2$ 2. 991 3. 041 n y 4*(3)

1272$M aterial: M oving----------------------------------------------------------- 2. 860 2 .95 0 177z$

Bituminous— Asphalt, oil, e tc ------ 3. 250 3. 370 n V 4* 1772$ H e lp ers---------------------------------------------------- 2. 760 2 .85 0 (3) 177z$3. 170 3. 320 n V 4$ 17V2$ 2. 860 2 .95 0 (3) 177z$

H e lp ers----- -------------------------- 3. 020 3. 170 n V 4$ 1772$ Newspaper:Concrete:12 Day------------------ — -------------------------------- 9 3 .4 5 2 9 3. 562 1478* 182/3$

9 cubic yards or l e s s ------------------ 3. 350 3 .45 0 n y 4* 20$ Night---------------------------------------------------------- 9 3. 572 9 3. 682 147s* 182/3$Dry batch, Zl/2 cubic yards Produce and fru it--------------------------------------- 2. 720 2. 860 7$ 20$

3. 220 3. 320n 'itt

20$ R a 11 wa y *=» rpf (=>« « 2. 960 3. 120 144/5*Over 3V2 cubic y a r d s------------ 3. 350 3 .45 0 n V 4* 20$ Sheet m etal and heating:

Flatbed or open: 7z ton and less than 372 tons-------------- 3. 250 3. 350 n V 4$ 177z$8 tons or l e s s -------------------------- 3. 220 3. 320 n V 4$ 20$ 372 tons and over; tractor------------------ 3. 350 3 .45 0 n y 4* 177z$Over 8 and less than Boom tru ck --------------------------------------------- 3. 500 3. 600 n y 4* l?7z$

15 tons — - ------------------------- 3. 350 3 .45 0 n V 4* 20$Over 15 and less than

26 tons _ ----- -------- --------- 3 .44 0 3. 540 iiV4* 20$ ST. P A U L, MINN.Over 26 and less than

31 to n s------------------------------------ 3. 590 3. 690 u V 4* 20$ (Scales listed underG la s s ----------------------------------------------------- 3. 520 3. 640 u 73* Minneapolis—St. Paul, Minn.)

W inc h_______________________________ 3. 670 3 .79 0 n Vs* 1772$L u m b er------------------------------------------------- 3. 035 3. 135 h 74* 20$Paint and varnish — ------------------------ 3. 080 3. 145 (3 ) SALT LAKE C ITY, UTAHPlaning m il l ----- - — ------------------- 3. 035 3. 135 n y 4* 20$Plumbing supply: General— Freight:

V2 ton and under 372 tons----------- 3. 180 3. 380 127z* 1772$ Local cartage:372 tons and over; 2 -a x le — --------- ----- ---------------------- 7 2 .8 6 0 7 2 .86 0 9$ 10$

tr -fr iT ........ . . . . 3. 280 3 .48 0 1272* 17 V2$ 7 2 .91 0 7 2. 910 9$ 10$Q u arry— -------- -------- --------------------- 3. 080 3. 180 lllM 15$ Lowbed (trailer 10 feet wide

Pit 3. 180 3. 280 1 1 /4$ 15$ 7 3 .01 0 7 3 .01 0 9$ 10$Cheese: 4 -a x le or m ore — -------------------------- 7 2 .9 6 0 7 2. 960 9# 10$

F irst 30 days--------------------------------------------- 2. 840 2. 940 (?) g ) Pickup and delivery:Aft^-r Af) day s - - - - - 2. 940 3. 040 r ) (3) - a■v] o r\r* Ipcc 3. 200 3. 330 19$ 20$

P.nql 7 2 .64 0 7 2 .74 0 97s* 12V2$ 3. 200 3. 330 19$ 20$H e lp ers------------------------------------------------------- 7 2 .5 3 0 7 2 .63 0 93/s* 1 2 7 ^ 5-axle or m ore, underYardmen and scoopmobile 68, 000 pounds— ------------------------- 3. 200 3. 330 19$ 20$

operators------------------- -------------------------- 7 2 .64 0 7 2 .74 0 93/5* 127z$ Heavy duty, 68, 000 poundsDepartment store: or over--------------------------------------------- 3. 250 3. 380 19$ 20$

Agreem ent A: Short line------------------------------------------- 7 3 .2 9 0 7 3 .42 0 19$ 20$P arcel delivery (with helper)--------- 2 .92 0 3. 000 7* 15$ H e lp ers------------------------------------------- 3. 100 3. 230 19$ 20$P arcel delivery (without Dockmen and lo a d ers --------------------- 3. 100 3. 230 19$ 20$

h elp er)------------------------------------------------ 3. 070 3. 150 7* 15$ Warehouse:Pplay a-pr mail 3. 020 3. 100 7 £ 15$ "First f\0 Hays 2. 230 2. 250T rartnr-trailp r 3. 070 3. 150 7$ 15$ A 1 —1 ?f> Hays 2. 270 2. 290

2. 295 2. 375 7$ 15$ A -ft/=»~r 1 70 rlayQ ■ 2. 310 2. 330Agreem ent B --------------------------------------------- 3. 390 3. 510 (?) 20$ Grocery— W holesale:

Helpers - - ----- --------------- 3. 230 3. 350 (3 ) 20$ Chainstore:9 3 .45 2 9 3. 562 F irst 6 w^eks . . 2. 290 2. 290 ioV2$ 10$

F ish -....................................... ........ ............. 3. 080 3. 230 142/ 5£ 1272$ 7—12 w eeks----------------------------------------- 2. 370 2. 370 ioy2$ 10$3. 270 3 .43 0 142/ 5$ 5$ 1A wpplts—7. yppq-rs 2. 585 2. 675 ioV2$ 10$

F'n‘rnit’vnro— Retail .. 3. 120 3. 220 10$ 1272$ A-ft -r ?. yp»a rs . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 645 2. 735 ioV2$ 10$3. 040 3. 140 10$ 127*$ Mpat _ _ ..._ _ _ 2. 870 2. 870 102/ 5$

Gasoline and o i l— — - --------- 3. 310 3. 540 15$ Moving and storage:ora]----"p-roT ght . . . 3. 210 3. 310 2iy4* 20$ 7 - av1p . _ 7 2 .73 0 7 2 .73 0 9$ 10$

P[ 1 po 7- c .......... 3. 110 3. 210 2iy4$ 20$ ^ -3 y 1p 7 2 .78 0 7 2 .78 0 9* 10$Grocery— Retail: 4 -a x le or m o r e -------------------------------------- 7 2 .83 0 7 2 .83 0 9$ 10$

Agreem ent A --------------------------------------------- 3. 385 3. 515 2 ° ;/4$ 20$ Local van:1 p/a T* G 3. 170 3. 300 2p%$ 20$ "pi-rcf nnfjic 7 2 .6 9 0 7 2 .69 0 9* 10$

A, grppmppt "p __ 3. 385 3. 515 0 m on th s - _____ 7 2 .84 0 7 2 .84 0 9$ 10$3. 212 3. 343 ( ) Rig lnwb<=rl 7 2 .8 8 0 7 2 .88 0 9$ 10$3. 385 3. 515 20V2$ 20$ pplpors . . . . 7 2 .63 0 7 2 .63 0 9$ 10$2. 790 2. 890 n y 4* n y 2$ Railway pvprocs 2. 675 3. 009 14/5$

H e lp ers------------------------------------------------------- 2. 665 2 .76 5 u y 4* 171/2$Ice cream — Route riders - _ ----- 3 .677 3 .70 2 1174* 127z«

T r a c to r — — _ — -------- 2 .941 2 .96 6 u y 4$ 1272$ SAN ANTONIO, T E X .Laundry— Industrial-------------------------------------- 2. 520 2. 590 77z* 15$

pfmifo runners .......... . . . 2. 620 2. 690 7V2$ 15$ — Freight ^ 3. 230 3. 330 2iy4$ 20$Liquor--------------------------------------------------------------- 3. 270 3. 330 ziy4* 20$ Meat:Meat: Agreem ent A ------------------------------------------ 2. 760 2 .90 0 (3) (3 )"Pa nlr in nn c c* 3. 540 3. 700 142/ 5$ 127z« 2 .76 0 2. 900 874$

Prvnlt-ry . ..... . .. 2. 100 2. 150 83/4$ Railway PYprpQfi . .. .. _ 2. 520 2 .72 0 144/ 5$

See footnotes at end of table.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1%5 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1%6

Rate Rateper


Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





x contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension




Bakery— C racker: San FranciscoF irst 30 days_________________________ $3 ,050 $3,150 12* 10*After 30 days_________________________ ___ 3.100 3.200 12* 10* Arm ored car____________________________ ___ $3,020 $3,170 9 V2 * 10*

2.890 2.990 12* 10* B e e r 12 ___________________________________ 14 4.257 14 4.418 15* 20*144.257 14 4.418 15* 20* Helners ___ 14 4.17 1 144.332 15* 20*

H elp ers_______________________________ 14 4.171 14 4.332 15* 20* Building:Building: Construction: 12

Construction: 5 Dump:Dump: Under 4 cubic y a rd s________ 4.055 4.205 36*/z * 25*

L ess than 8 cubic 4 and under 6 cubic4.240 4.390 15* 15* yards ..................... 4.150 4.300 36V2 * 25*

8 to 12 cubic y a rd s___________ 4.290 4.440 15* 15* 6 and under 8 cubic4.370 4.520 15* 15* yards . _ ....... 4.350 4.500 36VZ* 25*

16 cubic yards and 8 and including 12 cubic4.590 4.740 15* 15* yards________________________ 4.590 4.740 3 61 /2 * 25*

W ater: Over 12 and including 184.270 4.420 15* 15* rnhie yards 4.630 3.780 36Vz* 25*

2, 500 to 4, 000 gallons_______ 4.390 4.540 15* 15* Over 18 and including 244 ,0 0 0 gallons and o v e r_______ __ 4.510 4.660 15* 15* cubic yards_________________ 4.735 4.885 36*/z * 25*

M aterial: Over 24 and including 3 5Plumbing and hardware: cubic yards_________________ 4.790 4.940 36V2 * 25*

F irst 3 months_________________ 2.730 2.830 10* - Over 35 and including 50After 3 months_________________ 2.850 2.950 10* - cubic yards_________________ 4.940 5.090 36Vz* 25*Line .... __________ 3.030 3.130 10* _ Over 50 and under 65 cubic

2.930 3.030 10* ya rds ... . 5.090 5.240 36V2 * 25*W arehousem en________________ 2.760 2.860 10* . 65 and including 80 cubic

Rock products: 12 yards_________ ______________ _.. 5.240 5.390 36Vz* 25*2 -a x le , under 4 cubic Over 80 and including 9 5

y?i rri G 3.570 3.800 10V3 * cubic yards 5.390 5.540 3 61 /2 * 25*2 - or 3 -a x le , 4 cubic Pickup____________________________ 4.055 4.205 36Vz* 25*

3.610 3.840 10V3 * Winch and " A " fram e___________ 4.365 4.515 36VZ* 25*Semi, under 12 cubic Helpers___________________________ 4 .055 4.205 36>/z* 25*

y a rd s__________________________ 3.650 3.880 10V3 * - T ransit-m ix :Semi, 12—16 cubic yards_____ 3.730 3.960 10V3 * - Under 6 cubic y a rd s________ 4.205 4.355 36Vz* 25*T ransit-m ix : 6—8 cubic y a rd s______ _____ 4.305 4.455 36x/z* 25*

3 cubic yards and 8—10 cubic yards_____________ 4.405 4.555 36V2 * 25*3.670 3.900 10V3 * 10—12 cubic yards 4.505 4.655 3 61 /2 * 25*

Over 3 and under 6 cubic 12—14 cubic y a rd s— ......... ..... 4.605 4 .755 3 61 /2 * 25*yaTrla 3.800 4.030 10V3 * 14—16 cubic y a rd s___________ 4.735 4.885 3 61 /2 * 25*

6 and including 9 cubic Water:yards . . 3.850 4.080 10V3 * Under 2, 500 gallon s________ 4.165 4.315 3 6 7 2 * 25*

Over 9 cubic y a rd s________ 3.900 4.180 10V3 * - 2, 500—4, 000 gallon s________ __ 4.265 4.415 36x/2 * 25*Supply house: 4 ,0 0 1 —5 ,00 0 gallon s________ ___ 4.365 4.515 36V2 * 25*

15,000 pounds and under_______ 3.290 13 3.290 11V2 * 10* 5, 0 01 -7 , 000 gallons ...............___ 4.465 4.615 3 61 /2 * 25*15,001—26,0 0 0 pounds________ 3.350 13 3.350 11V 2* 10* M aterial:26 ,0 0 1 —52,0 0 0 pounds__________ 3.450 13 3.450 11V2 * 10* Agreem ent A :Over 52 ,000 pounds---------------- 3 .500 13 3.500 11V 2* 10* Concrete m ixer;

3.490 13 3.490 1 1 / 2 * 10* 3 cubic vards or less 4.063 4.173 3 61 /2 * 16*WarpVinnspmpn . _ 3.350 13 3.350 11V2 * 10* 4 cubic vards __ ___ 4.173 4.283 3 61 / 2 * 16*

Lumber: 5 cubic y a rd s_____________ 4.223 4.333 36x/2 * 16*26, 000 pounds and under_______ 3.280 3.410 11V2 * 10* 6 cubic y a rd s_____________ 4.273 4.383 36x/ 2* 16*2 6 ,0 0 0 to 52, 000 pounds_____ 3.340 3.470 11V2 * 10* 7 cubic yards ___________ __ 4.318 4.428 36x/ 2 * 16*52, 000 pounds and o v e r________ 3.540 3.670 11V2 * 10* 8 cubic y a rd s_____________ 4.388 4.498 36x/ 2* 16*C a r rie r _________________________ 3.470 3.600 11V2 * 10* Dump;W arehousem en________________ 3.260 3.390 11V 2 * 10* L ess than 4 cubic

Dairv----W holesale. rrmtp 3.687 3.787 17* 199/io* vard s.. _ ___ 3.998 4.108 3 61 /2 * 16*Extra 3.787 3.887 17* 1 9 9/ i o * 4—6 cubic v a rd s___________ 4.053 4.163 36Vz* 16*

General— F reight: 12 6—8 cubic y a rd s__________ ___ 4.173 4.283 36Vz* 16*Local hauling: 8 cubic yards and over... 4 .580 4.690 36x/2 * 16*

3 -axle or le s s_____________________ 3.365 3.465 207/io* 17V2 * Flatrack, 4 tons or le ss____ __ 3.998 4.108 36x/z* 16*5 -a x le _______________________________ __ 3.490 3.590 207/ 10 * 17V2* Over 4 tons________________ _ 4.173 4.283 3 61 /2 * 16*H elp ers____ ______________________ 3.265 3.365 207/io * 17V2* Ross or other type

G rocery— W holesale: c a r r ie r ---------------------------------- 4 .323 4.433 36x/2* 16*2 -axle bobtail_________________________ 3.270 3.370 19* 15* Agreem ent B;3 -a x le , 25 feet or less b e d ___________ 3.350 3.450 19* 15* Lumber________________________ 3.600 3.700 26 x/z* 25*Semi, 25 to 35 feet b e d _____________ __ 3.420 3.520 19* 15* Straddle___________________ 3.725 3.825 2 6 x/ 2 * 25*Siemi, feet anrl nvpr bed 3.520 3.620 19* 15* Fond specialty, frozen fond 3.410 3.510 141 / 2 * 10*H elp ers................................................. ......... 3.170 3.270 19* 15* Furniture:Loaders 3.200 3.300 19* 15* Agreem ent A ________________________ 3.660 3.790 19* 2 0 *

Laundry: Tractor, sin gle_________________ 3.785 3.915 19* 2 0 *l in e n snnnlv __ 3.250 3.400 94/5 * 10* Tractor, double___ ________ 3.910 4.040 19* 2 0 *Kfilpprs 2.760 2.9 10 94/5 * 10* Helpers.. . . 3 .598 3.728 19* 2 0 *

Ma era zinc 3.150 3.250 134/5 * 2 0 * Agreem ent B ___________________________ 3.690 3.820 2 9 7 / i o * i v V z *Meat: T ra ile r ____________________________ 3.940 4.070 2 9 7 / io * 1 7 x/ 2 *

Pa r*lri -ncrVi rm <a 3.320 3.400 19 3 / i 0 * 15* Semi 3.815 3.945 2 9 7 / io * 171 / 2 *Extra . __ .. 3.420 3.500 193/i0 * 15* Helpers____________________________ 3.565 3.695 2 9 7 / io * 171 / 2 *

Provision and iobbing house: General— F reig h t:5Tjpfis than l 1/** tons 3.288 3.388 19V3 * 15* Less than 10 .500 nounds_ 3.415 3.515 19 7 / 1 0 * 171 /z *1 * /•> tons and over 3.350 3.450 19V3 * 15* 10.500 nounds and over_____ ____ 3.540 3.640 197/io £ 17V2*

Moving and storage______________________ 3.150 3.270 1 2 7 / i o * 15* Tractor with specialHelpers ____ 2 . 9 0 0 3.120 1 2 7 / i 0 * 15* equipment _ ___ „ . 3 .665 3.765 1 9 7 / io * 1 71 / 2 *

Parcel delivery___________________________ 3.500 3.625 I 6V 2 * 19Vio* Double header or any com bina­Loaders___________ ____ __________ _ 3.275 3.400 I 6V2 * 199/io * tion of 2 freight vehicles . . . 3 .665 3.765 197/io $ 1 71 / 2 *

PrnH nee and food ______ 2.700 2.800 154/5 * 10* Helners______ ___ 3.415 3.515 1 97 / 1 0 * 17 V 2 *Railwav pvnrpfis __ 2.829 2.950 144/& * Ice cream _ 3.706 3.806 2 9 7 / i o * 171 / 2 *Wine and liquor: T ran sp ort____________________________ 3.856 3.956 2 9 7 / i o * 17x/2 *

L ess than to n s___________________ 3.365 3.470 19V2* 15* Laundry— Dry cleaning,7* /•> tons and over 3.420 3.525 1 9 V 2 * 15* w holesale_______ 3.400 3.500 12* 15*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1<V>6

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1. 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





r contri- ,0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


S A N F R A N C I S C O -O A K L A N D , S A N F R A N C I S C O -O A K L A N D ,C A L I F .— C o n t in u e d C A L I F .— C o n t in u e d

S an F r a n c i s c o — C o n t in u e d O a k la n d — C o n t in u e d

M e a t : B u ild in g — C o n t in u e dW h o l e s a l e : $ $ C o n s t r u c t i o n — C o n t in u e d

S m a l l ____________ ____________________ 3 .2 3 8 3 .3 2 5 2 2 V 5 £ 13* W a t e r : $ $L a r g e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 3 .3 9 2 3 .4 8 4 2 2 V 5 * 13* U n d e r 2 ,5 0 0 g a l l o n s ______________ 4 .1 6 5 4 .3 1 5 36 Vz* 25*

B u t c h e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 .7 5 0 3 .8 7 5 2 7 8/io * 15* 2 , 5 0 0 —4 , 0 0 0 g a l l o n s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 4 .2 6 5 4 .4 1 5 36 Vz* 25*R e l i e f _ _ _ _ _ — _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 .8 4 4 3 .9 6 9 2 7 8/ i0 * 15* 4 , 0 0 1 —5 , 0 0 0 g a l l o n s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 .3 6 5 4 .5 1 5 36 Vz* 25*

M ilk 12 3 .6 2 5 3 .7 7 5 19 Vz* 20* 5. 0 0 1 —7 .000 g a l l o n s 4 .4 6 5 4 .6 15 36 Vz* 25 *R e l i e f 3 .7 6 8 3 .9 1 8 19 Vz* 20* C o m b in a t i o n b o o t m a n and

3 .8 4 5 3 .9 9 5 19 Vz* 20* r o a d o i l e r 4 .4 9 5 4 .6 4 5 36 Vz* 25 *3 .9 6 4 4 .1 1 4 1 9 y2 < 20* R o o tm a n 4 .1 4 5 4 .2 9 5 36 Vz* 2 5 *

S e m i t r a i l e r __________________________________ 3 .8 4 5 3 .9 9 5 19 Vz* 20* M a t e r ia l :M o v in g : A g r e e m e n t A :

M o t o r v a n o r a u to 3 .6 6 5 3 .7 9 5 29* 17 V z * B u g g y m o b i l e --------- ------------------------- 3 .6 6 8 4 .0 2 0 2 2 l/z * 15*T r a i l e r __________ ______ __________ ________ 3 .7 9 0 3 .9 2 0 29* 17V z* C o n c r e t e m i x e r :

3 .9 6 5 4 .0 9 5 29 * n V z * S c n h ir y a r d s o r l e s s 3 .9 6 8 4 .3 2 0 22 l/z * 15*H e lp e r s 3 .5 4 0 3 .6 7 0 29 * 17 Vz* 6 c u b i c y a r d s ____________________ 4 .0 0 8 4 .3 6 0 2 2 Vz* 15*W a r e h o u s e m e n 3 .5 4 0 3 .6 4 0 29* 17 Vz * 7 c u b i c y a r d s ____________________ 4 .0 5 0 4 .4 0 0 2 2 Vz* 15*

N e w s p a p e r : 12 8 c u b i c y a r d s ____________________ 4 .0 9 0 4 .4 4 0 22 Vz* 15*D a y : D u m p :

3 .2 9 6 3 .2 9 6 184/ 5 * 15* TTndpr 4 c u b i c y a r d s 3 .6 6 8 4 .0 2 0 2 2 Vz* 15*A f t e r 6 m o n t h s _______ ____ _________ 3 .4 2 1 3 .4 2 1 184/s < 15* 4—6 c u b i c y a r d s _________________ 3 .8 0 8 4 .1 6 0 2 2 Vz* 15*

3 .2 9 6 3 .2 9 6 184/ 5* 15* 6—8 c u b i c y a r d s 3 .9 1 8 4 .2 7 0 22 Vz * 15*N ig h t : 8 c u b i c y a r d s and

F i r s t 6 m o n th s 9 3 .6 4 9 9 3 .6 4 9 184/ 5* 15* o v e r 4 .1 1 8 4 .4 7 0 2 2 Vz* 15*A f t e r 6 m o n t h s __________________ _ _ 9 3 .7 8 3 9 3 .7 8 3 184/ 5 * 15* F la t r a c k :H e lp e r s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 3 .6 4 9 9 3 .6 4 9 18 V s i 15* L e s s th a n 10 , 5 0 0

H e a v y : p o u n d s ___________________________ 3 .7 4 8 4 .1 0 0 22 Vz* 15*D a y : 1 0 ,5 0 0 p o u n d s an d

3 .2 9 6 3 .2 9 6 184/ 5* 15* o v e r 3 .8 0 8 4 .1 6 0 22 Vz* 15*A f t e r 6 m o n t h s . 3 .4 2 1 3 .4 2 1 i s 4/ 5 * 15* T a n k :

N ig h t : 4 0 0 g a l l o n s o r l e s s . . . . . . . . . . 3 .6 6 8 4 .0 2 0 2 2 V z* 15*9 3 .6 4 9 9 3 .6 4 9 184/ s * 15* O v e r 4 0 0 g a l lo n s 3 .8 0 8 4 .1 6 0 22 Vz* 15*

A f t e r 6 m o n t h s ______________________ 9 3 .7 8 3 9 3 .7 8 3 184/s * 15* A g r e e m e n t B :P a r c e l d e l i v e r y _________________________________ 3 .5 0 5 3 .6 3 5 17<* 20* T ,n m h e r 3 .6 0 0 3 .7 0 0 2 2 * 17 7 5 *

T r a c t o r _ _ _ ____ 3 .6 3 0 3 .8 0 0 17* 20* R o s s c a r r i e r 3 .7 2 5 3 .8 2 5 2 2 * 17 7 5 *T r a c t o r , d o u b le s ___________________________ 3 .7 5 5 3 .8 8 5 17* 20* S t a c k e r , p i l e r , o rF e e d e r ........................ .... 3 .9 3 0 4 .0 6 0 17* 20* si m i 1 a r prjni p m e n t 3 .7 2 5 3 .8 2 5 22* 1 7V 5*F e e d e r , d o u b l e s ____________________________ 4 .0 5 5 4 .1 8 5 17* 20* A g r e e m e n t C :H e lp e r s ______________________________________ 2 .9 0 5 3 .0 3 5 17* 20* P lu m b in g and h e a t in g —

R a i lw a y e x p r e s s : W h o l e s a l e :C o in _______ ___________________________________ 2 .9 7 0 3 .2 3 0 14^ 5* - L e s s th a n 10 , 5 0 02 t o n s ___________________________________________ 2 .9 2 0 3 .1 8 0 142/ 5* p o u n d s 3 .4 1 5 3 .5 4 5 2 lV z * 15*3 - t o n t r a c t o r ________________________________ 2 .9 7 0 3 .2 3 0 14^ 5* _ 1 0 , 5 0 0 p o u n d s and5 - t o n t r a c t o r ________________________________ 3 .0 3 0 3 .2 9 0 14 2/ 5* o v e r 3 .5 4 0 3 .6 7 0 2 lV z * 15*

S o ft d r in k __ 3 .4 7 5 3 .6 0 0 214/s * 10* A g r e e m e n t D :T a l l o w r e n d e r in g _______________________________ 3 .5 9 6 3 .7 5 3 2 7 8/ i 0 * 15* S t e e l 3 .5 4 7 3 .6 9 8 18* 20*

D r u g :F i r s t 60 d a y s .......... 2 .9 2 5 2 .9 7 5 15* 10*

O a k la n d 6 1 - 1 5 0 d a y s 3 .0 0 5 3 .0 5 5 15* 10*151 d a y s —2 y e a r s 3 .1 1 5 3 .1 6 5 15* 10*

B a k e r y — T r a n s p o r t . _ .......... 3 .9 5 0 4 .0 3 8 17V S* 15* A f t e r 2 y e a r s . 3 .2 9 0 3 .3 9 0 15* 10*C h a in s t c r r e ___________________________________ 4 .2 0 0 4 .2 8 7 17 V s * 15* F o o d s p e c i a l t y :

B e v e r a g e 3 .4 7 5 3 .6 0 0 17* 15* F i r s t 9 w e e k s 3 .3 5 0 3 .5 2 5 23 Vz* 20*B u i ld in g : 10—20 w e e k s _______ _ _ _ ______________ 3 .4 6 3 3 .6 1 3 2 3 V z* 2 0 *

C o n s t r u c t i o n : 12 21—26 w e e k s _________________________________ 3 .5 8 8 3 .7 3 8 2 3 V z* 20*D u m p : A f t e r 26 w e e k s ______________________________ 3 .7 8 8 3 .9 3 8 2 3 V z* 20*

U n d e r 4 c u b i c y a r d s . .............. 4 .0 5 5 4 .2 0 5 36 V2 * 25* C o ld m e a t :4 and u n d e r 6 c u b i c y a r d s ______ 4 .1 5 0 4 .3 0 0 36 V z * 25* F i r s t 6 0 d a y s ____________________________ 3 .1 2 5 3 .2 0 5 15* 10*6 and u n d e r 8 c u b i c y a r d s _______ 4 .3 5 0 4 .5 0 0 36 V 2 * 25* A f t e r 6 0 d a y s 3 .2 5 0 3 .3 3 0 15* 10*8 and in c lu d in g 12 c u b i c F r o z e n f o o d __________________________________ 3 .2 8 5 3 .3 8 5 15* 10*

y a r d s ________________________________ 4 .5 9 0 4 .7 4 0 36 Vz* 25* C h e c k e r s a n d l o a d e r s 3 .0 2 0 3 .1 2 0 15* 10*O v e r 12 an d in c lu d in g 18 M i s c e l l a n e o u s _______________________________ 3 .3 3 5 3 .4 1 5 i5 * 15*

cu b ic , y a r d s 4 .6 3 0 4 .7 8 0 36 Vz* 25* F r u i t and p r o d u c e -----W h o l e s a l e 3 .2 4 5 3 .3 4 5 16 V xo * 15*O v e r 18 an d in c lu d in g 24 E x t r a ___________________________________________ 3 .2 4 5 3 .3 4 5 16 V i o * 15*

c u b i c y a r d s ___________________ _ . 4 .7 3 5 4 .8 8 5 36 V 2 * 25* F u r n it u r e and a p p l ia n c e 3 .6 6 0 3 .7 9 0 ( 3 ) 20*O v e r 2 4 an d in c lu d in g 35 H e l p e r s ___ ___________________________ _____ 3 .5 9 8 3 .7 2 8 ( 3 ) 20*

c u b i c y a r d s ____ __ __ _ _ 4 .7 9 0 4 .9 4 0 36 Vz * 252 G e n e r a l — F r e ig h t : 5O v e r 35 and in c lu d in g 50 L e s s th a n 1 0 ,5 0 0 p o u n d s _________________ 3 .4 1 5 3 .5 1 5 19V s* 20*

c u b i c y a r d s ________________________ 4 .9 4 0 5 .0 9 0 36 Vz* 25* 1 0 . 5 0 0 p o u n d r and n v p r 3 .5 4 0 3 .6 4 0 19V s* 20 *O v e r 50 and u n d e r 65 c u b i c H ig h b e d s e m i t r a i l e r , 33 f e e t

y a r d s ................. 5 .0 9 0 5 .2 4 0 36 Vz* 25* o r n v p r 3 .6 0 3 3 .7 0 3 1 9 7 s * 20 *65 and in c lu d in g 80 c u b i c L o w b e d d u a l o r m o r e a x le

y a r d s ____________ _____________ . . 5 .2 4 0 5 .3 9 0 36 V z * 25* t r a i l e r ________________________________________ 3 .6 6 5 3 .7 6 5 19 7 5 * 20*O v e r 8 0 an d in c lu d in g 95 N e w f u r n i t u r e ............... 3 .5 4 0 3 .6 4 0 19 7 5 * 20 *

c u b i c y a r d s ______________________ 5 .3 9 0 5 .5 4 0 36 Vz* 25* A p p li a n c p s p y r In s i v p ly 3 .5 4 0 3 .6 4 0 19 V5* 20*P ic k u p 4 .0 5 5 4 .2 0 5 36 Vz * 25* H e lp e r s 3 .4 1 5 3 .5 1 5 1 9 7 s* 20 *W in c h an d " A " f r a m e 4 .3 6 5 4 .5 1 5 36 Vz* 25* G r o c e r y :H e l p e r s _________________________ ______ 4 .0 5 5 4 .2 0 5 36 Vz* 25* R e t a i l 3 .9 1 0 3 .9 10 2 0 3/io * 156T r a n s i t - m i x : H e lp e r s . . .......... 3 .7 8 5 3 .7 8 5 2 0 3/io * 15*

U n d e r 6 c u b i c y a r d s ................. 4 .2 0 5 4 .3 5 5 36 Vz* 25* I c e c r e a m ____________ __________________________ 3 .7 8 1 3 .9 3 1 2 3 V z* 20*6—8 c u b i c y a r d s 4 .3 0 5 4 .4 5 5 36 Vz* 25* T r a n s p o r t , s e m i a n d t r a i l e r . 3 .9 0 6 4 .0 5 6 2 3 V z* 20 *8—10 c u b i c y a r d s ___________________ 4 .4 0 5 4 .5 5 5 36 Vz* 25* L a u n d r y , d e l i v e r y , w h o l e s a l e ______________ 3 .4 6 3 3 .6 5 3 163/ s * 10*10—12 c u b i c y a r d s __________________ 4 .5 0 5 4 .6 5 5 36 Vz* 25* M a g a z in e :12—14 c u b i c y a r d s __________________ 4 .6 0 5 4 .7 5 5 36 Vz* 25* F i r s t y e a r 3 .3 2 1 3 .4 2 0 184/ s * 17 Vz *14—16 c u b i c y a r d s . . 4 .7 3 5 4 .8 8 5 36 Vz* 25* A f t e r 1 y e a r _________________________________ 3 .4 4 6 3 .5 4 0 184/ 5 * 17 Vz*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate Rate


Employer contri­bution to fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


SAN FRAN CISCO -OAKLAN D , S E A T T L E , W A SH .— ContinuedC AL IF . — Continued

Building— ContinuedO akl and— C o ntinu e d M aterial:

Sand and gravel:M ilk: 12 Up to and including 5 cubic

$ 3. 625 $ 3. 775 23% * 20* r-H q $ 3 .455 $ 3. 805 159/io* 15*R elief__________________________________ 3. 768 ’ 3 .91 8 23% * 20* Over 5 and less than 12

Hauler: cubic y a rd s_____________________ 3. 605 3. 955 159/io* 15*Single----------------------------------------------------- 3. 756 3. 906 23% * 20* Over 12 and less than 20Relief 3. 880 4. 030 23 % * 20* mhi r yprH s 3. 755 4. 105 159/io* 15*

3. 845 3. 995 23% * 20* 20 cubic yards and over 3. 905 4. 255 159/io* 15*3. 963 4. 114 23% * 20* Riill -lift 3. 305 3. 655 159/ io* 15*

Moving: Flat or w arehouse_______________ 3. 305 3. 655 159/ io* 15*Furniture_________________________________ 3. 585 3. 705 (3) 15* Combination sand and

3. 523 3. 643 ( ) 15* gravel 3. 455 3. 805 15 9/ 10 * 15*P iano______________________________________ 3. 647 3 .767 (3) 15* Concrete:

Newspaper and periodical: Up to and including 4 V23. 321 3. 409 18% * 15* cubic yards 3. 605 3 .955 159/io* 15*

After 1 y e a r ______________________________ 3 .446 3. 534 18% * 15* Over 4V2 and including 63. 505 3. 635 ( )

(3)20* cubic, yards 3. 755 4. 105 159/io* 15*

New furniture____________________________ 3. 660 3. 790 20* Over 6 cubic y a rd s______________ 3. 905 4. 255 159/io* 15*H e lp ers___________________________________ 3. 598 3 .728 (3) 20* Food distribution:

Railway express: Agreem ent A: 122 tons___________________________________ _ 3. 022 3. 084 14% * - W h olesale_____________________________ 3. 625 3. 725 179/io* 15*3 tons----------------------------------------------------------- 3. 082 3. 142 14% * - Agreem ent B:Clerks (2 tons)___________________________ 3. 037 3. 097 14% * - Other dairy products________________ 3. 625 3. 725 23* 15*

Tobacco_______________________________________ 2. 970 3. 170 17 e 15* General— Freight:Wine and liquor______________________________ 3. 542 3. 778 24 £ 20* Under 125 m iles :

Pickup and d eliv ery _________________ 3. 270 3. 370 207/ lo* 17 % *Road power equipment or

SCRANTON, PA . 40 foot s e m i________________________ 3. 360 3 .460 207/ 10* 17 % *Local pickup and delivery 12___________ 3. 270 3. 370 21* 17 % *

2. 355 2. 355 (3) 5* Heavy duty ................. 3. 360 3. 460 21* 17 Vz*2. 205 2. 205 H 5* Helpers 3. 210 3. 310 21* 17% *

Building: Private carrier : 5Construction: Under 20 ,0 0 0 pounds________________ 3. 440 3. 590 159/io* 15*

Service V4 to % ton __________________ 2. 625 2. 775 2 0 ,0 0 0 pounds and o v e r ____________ 3 .49 0 3. 640 159/ 10 * 15*Dump and flat top: Semi and trailer_____________________ 3. 540 3. 690 159/io* 15*

U to Z license____________________ 2. 825 2 .97 5 - - P a rt-tim e , under 2 0 ,0 0 0Over 7. license . ....... 2. 875 3. 025 _ _ pounds 3. 440 3. 590 159/ 10* 15*

Eu clid__________________________________ 3. 200 3. 350 _ . P a rt-tim e , 20 ,0 0 0 poundsHeavy-duty trailer and winch______ 2. 975 3. 125 - - and o v e r _____________________________ 3. 540 3. 690 159/ 10 * 15*

M aterial: H e lp ers_______________________________ 3. 365 3. 515 159/ 10 * 15*Liquid distributor____________________ 2. 875 3. 025 - - Fuel:Ready-m ix _. 2. 975 3. 125 _ Agreement A----Oil 3. 570 3. 670 159/ 10 * 15*

Department s to r e ___________________________ 2. 318 2. 378 - Agreem ent B— Solid:Fn rni til re ................................... . 2. 278 2. 373 0

(3)1—5 tons . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3. 323 3. 449 159/ 10* 15*

H e lp ers___________________________________ 2. 215 2. 220 . Over 5 tons (under 125 m ile s)_____ 3 .445 3. 574 159/ 10 * 15*General----Freight 12 .. . .. . __ 3. 140 3. 220 169/ 10* 169/ io* P art-tim e 3. 465 3. 590 159/i0* 15*

Peddle run _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. 240 3. 320 169/ 10* 169/ 10* Gar age— Pickup 2. 775 2. 875 io9Ao* 15*H e lp ers____________________ ____________ 3. 050 3. 130 169/ io£ l6 9/i0* Drayage for hire:

G rocery— C hainstore______________________ 2. 745 2 .9 0 0 lb9/to* 142/5* Up to and including 2% tons___________ 3. 390 3. 540 14V2* 20*H e lp ers___________________________________ 2 .47 5 2. 630 lb9/io* 14% * Over 2% and including 4 tons__________ 3 .421 3. 571 14% * 20*

Parrel delivery . . . _ . 3. 140 3. 220 l6 9/i0* 169/i0 * Over 4 to 5 tons 3. 453 3. 602 14 % * 20*Railv/ay express 2. 616 2. 806 14% *

(3)Over 5 tons and semi . 3. 484 3. 634 14% * 20*

Soft drink 2. 155 2. 155 5* Helpers ............. .................. 3. 328 3. 477 14% * 20*1 .925 1 .925 (3) 5* Furniture_________________________________ 3 .45 3 3. 603 14Vz* 20*

H e lp ers_______________________________ 3. 390 3 .54 0 14 Vz* 20*W arehous emen________________________ 3. 390 3. 540 14Vz* 20*

S E A T T L E , WASH. Ice c r e a m ____________ _____________________ 3. 720 3. 785 20% * 20*H elp ers___________________________________ 3. 657 3. 723 20% * 20*

Armored ear . . . 3. 225 3. 500 159/io£ 15* Tank . . . . . . 3. 845 3 .910 20% * 20*Baggage--------------------------------------- --------------------- 3 .45 3 3. 603 14% * 20* Meat— Packinghouse:Bakery: 20 ,0 0 0 pounds and under_______________ 3 .44 0 3. 590 159/io* 15*

Special delivery 3 .46 2 3. 588 219/ io£ 20* Over 20 ,0 0 0 pounds _ ......................... 3. 490 3. 640 159/i0* 15*C racker: M i lk ___________________________________________ 3. 638 3. 713 18* 20*

2% tons or le s s______________________ 3 .43 0 3. 680 159/ io * 15* Relief______________________________________ 3 .79 4 3. 869 18* 20*Over 2 V2 tons_________________________ 3 .48 0 3. 730 159/io* 15* S em i_______________________________________ 3 .76 3 3. 838 18* 20*H e lp ers____________________________ . . 3. 355 3 .60 5 159/io* 15* Loaders___________________________________ 3. 731 3. 806 18* 20*

Reer ...... . . ...................... 3. 703 3. 953 159/io£ 15* Checkers 3. 669 3. 744 18* 20*H e lp ers___________________________________ 3 .70 3 3 .95 3 159/io£ 15* Newspaper:E x tra_________________________________ .____ 3. 805 4. 053 15%o* 15* Day_________________________________________ 3. 385 3. 635 159/ 10* 15*

Building: E x tra __________________________________ 3 .435 3. 685 159/io* 15*Construction: 12 Night_______________________________________ 3. 478 3. 7 39 159/io* 15*

Dump: E x tra__________________________________ 3. 528 3. 789 159/i„* 15*5 cubic yards or l e s s ___________ 4. 320 4. 670 28? 20* P arcel delivery______________________________ 3. 515 3. 615 14% * 20*Over 5 and including 12 Furniture delivery__________________________ 3. 563 3. 665 14% * 20*

cubic y a r d s_____________________ 4. 520 4. 870 28* 20* H elp ers______________________ __________ 3. 515 3. 615 14% * 20*Over 12 and including Petroleum , bulk, intracity________________ 73. 240 73. 370 207/ 10* 17% *

?.fl rnhir yards . .. 4 .6 2 0 4 .9 7 0 28* 20* Railway express _ . ... . .. 2. 751 2. 941 14% *Over 20 and including Soft drink— Retail___________________________ 3 .57 5 3. 675 179/io* 15*

30 rnhir yards ... __ 4 . 770 5. 120 28* 20* . . . 3. 625 3. 675 209/ 10* 20*O v e r 30 and in clu din g

40 cu b ic y a r d s __________________ 4 .9 2 0 5 .2 7 0 28? 20* S H R E V E P O R T , L A .O v e r 40 cu b ic y a r d s _____________ 5. 070 5 .4 2 0 28* 20*

D u m p ste r , E u clid : B a k ery :Up to and in clu din g 12 A g r e e m e n t A _____________________________ 2 .4 3 0 2 .4 8 0 (?) -

cu b ic y a r d s _____________________ 4. 520 4. 870 28* 20* A g re e m e n t B _____________________________ 42. 595 42 . 665 0 (?)O v er 12 cu b ic y a r d s _____________ 4. 620 4 .9 7 0 28* 20* A g re e m e n t C _____________________________ u 2. 470 42. 570 (3) (3)

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cit ie s, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1%6





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate





r contri- 0 fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


SHREVEPORT, L A .— Continued SOUTH BEND, IN D .— Continued

Building— Construction: Grocery— Warehouse:Agreem ent A: F irst 30 days------------------------------------------ $ 2. 710 $ 2 ,7 9 0 10% * 15*

$ 2 .10 0 $ 2 .20 0 _ Aftp»r ^0 H^yft. ._ 2 .8 1 0 2 .8 9 0 10% * 15*1% to 3 tons-------------------------------- ----- 2. 180 2. 280 - - Highway construction:3 tons and o v e r ----------------------------------- 2. 500 2. 600 - - Batch, wet or dry:Dump: 3 (34E) or le s s ------------------------- — 3. 070 3. 140 10* 10*

1% to 3 tons Over 3 (34E )------------------- --------------- 3. 170 3. 240 10* 10*(sin g le-a x le )-------------------------------- 2. 350 2 .4 5 0 Bituminous distributor:

3 tons and over 1 -m ^r .. 3. 220 3. 290 10* 10*2. 500 2. 600 3. 120 3. 190 10* 10*

Euclid and lowboy------------------------------- 2. 670 2. 870 - - Equipment not self-loaded orTrans it-m ix : pusher-loaded:

3 cubic yards and under-------------- 2. 170 2. 270 - - 12 cubic yards and under-------------- 3. 270 3. 340 10* 10*Over 3 cubic y a r d s---------------------- 2. 370 2 .47 0 - - Over 12 cubic yards------------------------ 3. 370 3 .44 0 10* 10*

2. 100 2. 200 3. 270 3. 340 10* 10*Warehousemen— ___________________ 2. 100 2. 200 _ - Lowboys:

Agreem ent B: Single-axle----------------------------------------- 3. 270 3. 340 10* 10*Highway: T an d em -a x le ------------------------------- - 3. 370 3 .4 4 0 10* 10*

Under 1% tons------------------------------- 2. 100 2. 100 - - Pavement break ers— ------------------------- 3. 270 3. 340 10* 10*2. 200 2. 200 Pi rknp 2. 920 2 .99 0 10* 10*

Dump (single-axle) — ---------------- 2. 250 2. 350 - - S ingle-axle------ ,------------------------ ------------ 3. 070 3. 140 10* 10*Heavy equipm ent-------------------------- 2 .40 0 2. 500 - - S e m i-------- ----------------------------------------- 3. 270 3. 340 10* 10*Special equipment--------------------- - 2. 570 2. 770 - - Tandem or d o g -le g ------------------------------- 3. 170 3. 240 10* 10*

Heavy: Tandem, sem i; tr i-a x le ---------------------- 3. 370 3 .44 0 10* 10*1 to n ------------------------------------------------- 2. 280 2. 280 - - Tandem -tandem se m i-------------------------- 3 .4 2 0 3 .49 0 10* 10*lV2 to 2 tons______________________ 2. 370 2. 370 - - Payload over 15 tons --------------------- - 3. 270 3. 340 10* 10*

2. 370 2. 450 Winr*Vi nr 11 A*1 ~ 3. 170 3. 240 10* 10*2. 500 2. 600 3. 010 3. 110 17* 12% *

Special equipment------------ --------- 2. 670 2. 870 - - Moving— Household g ood s------------------------ 2. 720 2. 840 8% * -3. 230 3. 330 21% * 20* 2. 620 2. 740 8% *

Checkers, forklift, O il and gasoline:h ostlers--------------------------------------- --------- 3. 230 3. 330 21'M

20* Agreem ent A:3. 070 3 170 21% * 20* 'Pir'Qt’ (y 2. 917 3. 045 (31 (3\2. 578 2. 694 144/ 5* 2. 954 3. 085 3 32. 638 2. 740 14% * 1 ^—1 ft r.rif-}1c 3. 026 3. 155 3 3

After 18 months —---------------------------- 3. 098 3 ! 230 (3) MSOUTH BEND, IND. Agreem ent B:

First 6 m onths----------------------------- _ 2. 915 3. 050 (3 ) (3 )Ra]fory---- . ................................................. 4 2 .60 0 4 2 .68 0 13 V3 * 7—1 7 TY r*nt-)-ic 2. 950 3. 080 (?)r )

(3\Vfsrptimispmpn 2. 390 2. 470 83/4* 15* 1 ^—1ft ... . 3. 030 3. 160 H

Building: After 18 m onths------------------------------- 3. 090 3. 220 (3) (3)Construction: Agreem ent C:

Up to 2 tons------------------------------------ — 3. 120 3. 290 7% * 17% * Regular units:2—3 tons-------- -------- ------- ----------- — 3. 230 3 .4 0 0 7% * 17V2* F irst 6 months---------------------------- 2 .83 3 2 .961 (3) (3)3 and including 5 tons----------------------- 3. 340 3. 510 7% * 17V2* 7_ 12 months — — ------------ — 2. 896 3. 024 (3) (3 )E u clid _________________________________ 3. 390 3. 560 7% * n % * 13—18 months------------------------------- 2. 960 3. 088 3 (3)Tranciit -ry| iy 3. 340 3. 510 7% * 17 7Z* IQ— f-p c 3 .01 7 3. 145 f3i 3)Sem itrailer; 6 -w heel tandem --------- 3. 340 3. 510 7% * 17V2* 25—30 months------------------------------- 3. 081 3. 209 (3) (3)

M aterial: After 30 m onths------------------------- 3. 138 3. 266 (3 ) (3 )F irst 30 days --------------- ----- -------- 2 . 210 2. 270 10% * 17%* Large units:31—60 d a y s------ -------------- — ----- 2. 310 2. 370 10% * 17% * F irst 6 months---------------------------- 2 .89 6 3 .02 4 (3) (3)After 60 days--------------------------------------- 2. 720 2. 780 10% * 17% * 7—12 months — — ---------------------- 2 . 960 3. 088 (3) (3)

2 . 620 2 . 680 10% * 17% * 1 ' —'-1 ft . ... ............... 3 .01 7 3. 145 (?)0

o0Plumbing, heating, and m ill 19—24 m onths---------------------------- 3. 081 3! 209supply: 25—30 m onths------------------------------- 3. 138 3. 266 (3) (3pir«f- rr)Cir)t-}7» 2. 590 2. 740 10% * 17 % * Aff^p ^0 yp «s . . . . . . . 3. 202 3. 329 M (3>

4—6 months-------------------------------------- 2 . 690 2 .84 0 10% * 17% * Agreem ent D:A mnnthfi _ 1 2 .79 0 2 .94 0 10% * 17% * ■pir»cf A V) g ........ 2 . 918 3. 050 13% *

T ransit-m ix : 7—12 m onths----------------------------------— 2. 950 3. 080 13% * _lV4—2 tons: 13—18 m onths---------------- -------------- 3. 024 3. 150 13% * -

■p-i ret ilaye 2. 670 2. 760 10% * 17% * A 1ft _ . .. . . 3. 098 3. 230 13%*—60 Hays_ 2. 770 2 . 860 10% * 17% * A g t _ 3. 100 3. 230 (3 ) (3 )

After 60 days— ----- ------------ 2. 870 2 . 960 10% * 17%* Jobbers:2—3 tons: F irst 4 m onths---------------------------- 2. 930 3. 030 13% * 7% *

F irst 30 days--------------------------------- 2 .77 0 2 . 860 10% * 17% * 5—8 months----------------------------------- 2 . 960 3 .06 0 13% * 7% *31—60 d a y s -------------------------------------- 2. 870 2 . 960 10% * 17% * 9_ 12 m onths---------------------------- - 3 .0 4 0 3. 140 13% * 7% *After 60 days---------------------------------- 2 .97 0 3. 060 10% * 17% * After 1 y e a r -------------------------------- 3. 110 3. 210 13% * 7% *

3—5 tons; sem itrailer; and Railway exp ress___________ __________ - 2. 672 2 .7 9 2 14% * -6 -w heel tandem:

F irst 30 days------------------------- 2 .87 0 2 .9 6 0 10% * 17%*31—60 d a y s-------------------------------------- 2 .97 0 3 .06 0 10% * 17% * SPOKANE, WASH.After 60 days— ------------------ - - 3 .07 0 3. 160 10% * 17% *

Euclid:F irst 30 days— _ — -------------- 2 .92 0 3. 010 10% * 17%* Building:31—60 days — ---------------- ---------------- 3 .02 0 3. 110 10% * 17% * Construction:After 60 days------- — — — - 3. 120 3. 210 10% * 17% * Dump:

Frozen food: 6 cubic yards and under----------- 4 .0 5 0 4 .3 2 0 23* 20*F irst 30 days- — — - -------- - 2 .63 0 2 .78 0 17* 15* Over 6 and includingAfter 30 days— ----- --------- _ _ _ _ _ 2. 730 2 .88 0 17* 15* 12 cubic y a r d s------------------------- 4 . 150 4 .4 2 0 23* 20*

Furniture— Retail: Over 12 and includingFirst 60 days— — -------- 2 .8 1 0 2 .88 0 13% * 17% * 20 cubic y a r d s ------------------------- 4 . 300 4 . 570 23* 20*After 60 days------- __ -_ ----- 2 .96 0 3 .03 0 13V4* 17% * T ransit-m ix :

Helpers: 3 cubic yards and under----------- 4 . 050 4 .3 2 0 23* 20*2. 710 2. 780 13% * 17% * HypT* ya-y/^ 4 . 150 4 .4 2 0 23* 20*

After 60 days. ----- - — 2 .86 0 2. 930 13V4* 17% * M aterial:General— Freight: 12 Flatbed, 2 -a x le — Solo ---------------- 4 .0 0 0 4 .2 7 0 23* 20*

T r\iiK1<a . . . . . . . 3. 360 3 .46 0 2 1*/4* 20* Sprvirp anr| supply _ __ . 3. 950 4 . 220 23* 20*3. 310 3 .41 0 21V4* 20* T.yfp^pr r^rripr 4 .0 5 0 4 . 320 23* 20*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1. 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1






r contri- o fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension



SPOKANE, WASH.— Continued T AM PA, F L A .

General— F reight: Bakery: 4$ $35-m ile radius: $ $ F irst 30 days ____________________________ 4 2.475 4 2.545 (3) 0

3.200 3.300 207/ lo * 20* After 30 days_____________________________ 4 2.595 4 2.665 ( 3) (3)Heavy duty_____________________________ 3.250 3.350 207/ lo* 20* W arehousemen:

3.100 3.200 207/ i0 * 20* F irst 30 days_________________________ 2.400 2.470 (3) (3)3.100 3.200 207/ i0 * 20* After 30 days_________________________ 2.450 2.520 (3) ( 3)

C h eck ers______________________________ 3.200 3.300 207/ 10* 20* General— Freight:T ransfer: Pickup and d elivery____________________ 3.210 3.310 2 1V4 * 20*

3.130 3.210 10V4 * 17 y2 * C h eck ers______________________________ 3.210 3.310 21V4 * 20*3.205 3.285 ioV4 * 17 y2 * D ock m en ______________________________ 3.110 3.210 21 V4 * 20*2.980 3.060 io V4 * 17 y2 * Local carta g e___________ ________________ 3.120 3.280 21V4 * 20*3.080 3.160 ioV4 * 17 y2 e Dockmen______________________________ 3.020 3.180 21 y4 * 20*

Ra w y p 2.670 3.010 14 4/sd G rocery— C hain store______________________ 2.480 2.580 (3)W arehousemen___________________________ 2.155 2.255 (3) -

SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Linen:F irst 3 months___________________________ 8 2.023 8 2.068 - -

Bakery: 4—6 months_______________________________ 8 2.159 8 2.205 - -| Qj tr*n Q 7 2.535 8 2.765 114/ 5<* 234/ 5* 7—9 months_______________________________ 8 2.295 8 2.341X-C, rnns 7 2.585 8 2.820 l l 4/ 5* 234/ 5* 10—12 months_____________________________ 8 2.455 8 2.523 _ _

7 2.685 8 2.930 n 4/ 5* 234/ s* After 1 y e a r ______________________________ 8 2.636 8 2.705 _ _H e lp ers____________________________________ 7 2.485 8 2.710 1 i7s«? 2 34/ 5* Helpers:

7 2.455 8 2.678 1 l4/s<* 234/ 5* F irst 3 months_______________________ 8 1.705 8 1.7052.665 2.715 13* 26 y4 * -P-6 months___________________________ 8 1.841 8 1.909 _ _

Bui lding— C ons t r uc tion: After 6 months_______________________ 8 2.000 8 2.068 - -T ra n sit-m ix e r____________________________ 3.225 3.350 (3) 20* Meat:Lowbed tra iler, specialized Agreem ent A .... . .. .... 1.785 1.845 39/io * -

3.550 3.700 13* 15* Semitruck.. __ _ ... . 1.855 1.915 39/ 10 *3.300 3.450 13* 15* Helpers 1.785 1.845 39/ i0 *3.300 3.450 13* 15* Loaders and u nloaders________ . . . 1.725 1.785 39/io * _3.350 3.500 13* 15* Agreem ent B _____________________________ 2.095 2.155 (3) (3)3.450 3.600 13* 15* Dockmen ......................... (Zl) 1.970 (3) (3)2.580 2.670 W arehousem en______________________ w 2.095 (3) (3)

Helpers and yardm en------------------------------- 2.480 2.570 - - Milk:General— Freight 12---------------------------------------- 3.150 3.310 21V4 * 20* T ransport:

C heckers, lum pers, power unit F irst 3 months_______________________ 2.010 2.160 - -operators, sw itchers, yardmen, After 3 months_______________________ 2.160 2.280 - -team sters, second c lass r iggers, W holesale:rli-agl-ino npprafnrs 3.150 3.310 21V4 * 20* F irst 3 months_______________________ 1.950 2.100

H elpers, platform men, stab le- After 3 months_______________________ 2.050 2.220 - -T-rion iifa f p},nii Qpmpri 3.050 3.210 21V4 * 20* Railway express _____________________ _____ 2.675 2.858 144/g *

Double-bottom men______________________ 3.200 3.360 21V4 * 206 1

F irst class r iggers, lead men,winchmen, lowbed trailer TOLEDO, OHIOoperators, working forem en,and dispatchers_________________________ 3.250 3.410 21V4 * 20*

r.|«nrp -ry----C*. airiQtnrp 3.200 3.360 21V4 * 20* Arm ored c a r ________________________________ 2.480 2.600 (3) 15*3.050 3.210 21V4 * 20* G u ards____________________________ ______ 2.450 2.570 (3) 15*

T narlpru . 3.100 3.260 21 1/4 * 20* B e e r __________________________________________ 2.665 2.815 (3) 10*^Tn-pWing fnrpmpn 3.300 3.460 21V4 * 20* H e lp ers___________________________________ 2.495 2.645 (3) 10*

Parcel delivery_______________________________ 3.275 3.435 2 1 y4 * 20* Building: 12Package, feeder, positioners, Construction— Heavy and

so rters, m a rk e rs -ro u te rs___________ 3.150 3.310 2 1 y4 * 20* highway:Loaders and unloaders__________________ 3.050 3.210 21V4 * 20* Asphalt; batch; oil; water

Railway pyprpfifl 2.646 2.836 144/s* wagon; 4 -w heel dum p____________ 3.270 3.420 10* _CJrtff rl-pinVj hppr} win#* 2.570 2.680 18 V4 * 15* Tandem _______________________________ 3.320 3.470 10* _

TTotIc tTiir'lr npprAtnrs 2.570 2.680 18 V4 * 15* Tractor -tra ile r______________________ 3.370 3.520 10* _f-To 1 r* g anrl marphniiRPiriPTl 2.470 2.580 18V4 * 15* 5 -axle and over ........... 3.470 3.620 10* _Shippers___________________________________ 2.670 2.780 18V4 * 15* Euclid; Euclid end-dump;

lowboy and heavy dutySYRACUSE, N .Y . equipment, over 12 cubic

y a rd s________________________________ 3.720 3.870 10*Building: M aterial:

Construction: Building supply straight dumpEuclid and other off-highway and stak e_______ ___________________ 3.080 3.160 94/s* 20*

hauling units--------------------------------------- 3.760 3.760 15* - Concrete m ixer; double-Dump nr •flatra.n/k 3.560 3.560 15* bottom_______________________________ 3.195 3.275 94/s* 20*S em itrailer, lowboy, tra n s- Semidump and straight

3.610 3.610 15* fipmi 3.140 3.220 9^5* 20*Tanripm anri Via+rh 3.560 3.560 15* _ Lumber ... _ . . 2.835 2.885 94/s* 20*

3.610 3.610 15* _ H e lp ers____________________________ 2.735 2.785 9 4/ 5* 20*Flump 3.610 3.610 15* _ Coal___________________________________________ 2.470 2.470 94/ s * 10*

-r a 1----TT-r' igVit ^ 3.160 3.240 17 72* 17Vz* H elp ers___________________________________ 2.370 2.370 94/ 5* 10*H e lp ers-------------------------------------------------------- 3.060 3.140 17V2* 17V2* D airy:Dockmen___________________________________ 3.060 3.140 17 V2* 1 7 /z* Special delivery:Yarrlmpn 3.160 3.240 17 y2 * 17Vz* F irst 30 days___ ____________________ 2.495 2.595 163/4 * 15*

G rocery: 31—60 d a y s____________________________ 2.595 2.695 l6 3/4 * 15*Chainstore: 61—90 d a y s___________ ____ ___________ 2.745 2.845 l6 3/4 * 15*

jX V* & 4 3.220 4 3.350 (3) 17V2* After 90 days_________________________ 2.900 3.000 l6 3/4* 15*Agreem ent B __________________________ 3.355 3.355 17 V4 * 17 y2 d Department store:

"Wlinlpfialp .......... 3.200 3.300 13 V2* 15* Furniture_________________________________ 2.960 3.030 ( 3) (3)J .4 qi T n r 2.955 3.005 10* 15* H elp ers_______________________________ 2.900 2.970 (3) (3)

T-Tplp^rs 2.855 2.905 10* 15* Parcel_____________________________________ 2.925 2.995 (3) (3)Soft drink: General— Freight: 5

R*i r«f 1 A \f/ppks 2.375 2.425 (3) Local cartage____________________________ 3.310 3.410 2 1 y4 * 20*Affp^r \x/p»p»1cq 2.475 2.525 _ M H elp ers_______________________________ 3.260 3.360 21V4 * 20*Transport: G rocery:

Thirst 1A urppkfi 2.505 2.555 (3) Chainstore ............... ........ . ........ 3.330 3.430 94/s* 15*Aftp>r 1 A u/ppks 2.605 2.655 M Wholesale 3.200 3.200 94/ 5* 5*

See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

July 1, 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1. 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation Rateper


Rate Employer contri­bution to fund 1



Rate Employ ei bution

■ conlri- 0 fund1

hour i z . Pensionper

hour Insur­ance2


TO LED O , OHIO— Continued TU LSA, OKLA.

Ice: Building:F irst 30 days------------- ------------------------------- $ 1. 850 $ 1. 850 94V 15* Construction:31 60 d a y s------------ -------- ---------------------------- 1. 900 1. 900 9 % * 15* Dump:61—120 days----------------------------------------------- 1. 950 1 .950 9 V 15* 2f/ z to 4 cubic yards or

2. 170 2. 170 9% * 15* IV2 to 3 ton s____________________ $ 3. 100 $ 3. 200Ice cream — Short order and 4 to 6 cubic yards or

3 to 4 tons_______________________ 3. 150 3. 250F irst 30 days-------------------------------------------- 2. 445 2. 700 1 6 V 15* 6 cubic yards and31—60 d a y s------------------------------------------------- 2. 545 2. 900 1 6 V 15* over or 5 tons and6 1—90 d a y s_______________________________ 2. 695 3. 100 1 6 V V over_______________________________ 3. 250 3. 350 - -

2. 850 3. 300 1 6 V 15* Pickup_________________________________ 3. 100 3. 200Moving— V an --------------------------------------------------- 2. 790 2. 890 9 V 17 v T ransit-m ix

2. 640 2. 740 94V 17 V co n crete_____________________________ 3. 250 3. 3502. 500 2. 560 9 V 17 V2^ T ra cto r -tra iler______________________ 3. 250 3. 350 _ .

Newspaper: H e lp ers____________________________ 3. 050 3. 150 - -ID 93 . 267 93. 347 (3) (3) M a teria l__________________________________ 2. 700 2. 750Night_______________________________________ 93 . 387 93. 467 H (3) General— D elivery:

Oil and gasoline: F irst 3 m onths___________________________ 2. 230 2. 270 - -■p i-yt 3. 000 3. 130 1 4 V 1 7 V After 3 months___________________________ 2. 430 2 .47 0T ank: H elpers:

Agreem ent A: F irst 3 months_______________________ 2. 090 2. 130 - -fr TU (A c 2. 310 2. 410 (3) (3) After 3 m onths_______________________ 2. 290 2. 330

7—12 m onths______________________ 2. 600 2. 720 3 (3) General— Freight:1 p n 2 .930 3. 060 ( ) ( ) Heavy hauling____________________________ 2. 350 2. 650 5*

Agreem ent B: H elp ers_______________________________ (21) 2. 250 - 5*2. 890 (3) (3) Local cartage 12__________________________ 3. 230 3. 330 2 l V 20*

2. 870 3. 000 (3) (3) Checker s ______________________________ 3. 230 3. 330 21 V 20*2. 960 3. 090 (3) (3) Dockmen_______________________________ 3. 070 3. 170 2 l V 20*

Agreem ent C: T ransfer__________________________________ 2. 250 2 .40 0 5*2. 675 2. 803 (3) (3) M erchandise__________________________ 2. 300 2. 400 5*2. 722 2. 853 r ) 3 F o rk lift_________ _____ ________________ 2. 350 2. 450 _ 5*2. 796 2. 928 (3) H H elpers, dockm en___________________ 2. 150 2. 300 _ 5*2. 856 3. 026 (3) (3) Warehousemen (head)_______________ 2. 350 2. 500 _ 5*

Agreem ent D _________________________ 2 .969 3. 090 (3) (3! G rocery— Chains tore:P o o 2. 550 2. 580 9 v 17 V F irst 6 m onths___________________________ 2. 680 2. 780 12Vz*

2. 668 2. 795 14 V 7—12 m onths______________________________ 2. 860 2. 960 _ 12l/ 2 *a e ria l 2. 080 2. 080 9 V 10* After 1 y e a r ______________________________ 2. 940 3. 040 _ 12 Vm

C h eck ers--------- ------------------------------------------ 2. 830 2. 930 - 1 2 VF o rk lift_____________________ _____________ 2. 775 2. 875 - 12 V

TO PE KA, KANS. W arehousemen:F irst 6 m onths------------------------------------ 2. 570 2. 670 - 12 V7—12 m onths__________________________ 2. 630 2. 730 - 1 2 V

p c* y ' r__ B 42 . 510 42. 590 (3) _ After 1 y e a r __________________________ 2. 690 2. 790 - 1 2 V(21) 42. 400 (3) Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2. 618 2. 735 14 V

Building:M aterial:

Lum ber:F irst 6 months------------------------------ 2. 545 2. 765 - - WASHINGTON, D. C.After 6 months------------------------------ 2. 645 2. 865 - -Semitruck:

F irst 6 months________________ 2. 595 2. 815 - - Building:After 6 months________________ 2. 695 2 .91 5 - - Construction: 12

2. 840 2. 940 (3) Dum p__________________________________ 2. 675 2. 800 12* 5*2. 740 2. 840 (3) Over 8 w h eels____________________ 2. 775 2. 900 12*

R ea d y -m ix________________________ 2 .94 0 3. 040 (3) - Euclid, dum pster,Drugs----W h olesale__________________________ 2. 240 2. 560 - - ca rry a ll, and tunnelf~* (=> ti <=» r* gl__ p IT ll 3. 200 3. 300 18 V 20 * w o rk _________________________________ 3. 075 3. 200 12*M0,„c „ ,n o r ^ 92 . 577 92 . 607 v 13 V F la t____________________________________ 2. 775 2. 900 12* _Raihva >PYprp‘5c 2. 59 1 2 .781 14 V Pickup_________________________________ 2. 775 2. 900 12* _Transfer and sto ra g e----------------------------------- 2. 440 2. 510 - T railer and tractor

pull------------------------------------------------------- 2. 775 2. 900 12*W ater sprin klers, grease

TRENTON, N .J . and oil________________________________ 2. 675 2. 800 12* -H e lp ers_______________________________ 2. 525 2. 650 12* -B o o m ----------------------------------------------------- 2 .92 5 3. 050 12* -

2. 975 3. 100 12 V 10* M a ter ia l__________________________________ 2. 065 132. 065 10* 5*Beer distrlbutor ---------------- — — ------------(21) 3 . 0 9 3 12 V 1 0 * H e lp ers_______________________________ 1 . 9 5 0 131 . 9 5 0 1 0 * 5 *( 2M 3. 0 6 9 1 2 ‘V 1 0 * L u m b er________________________________ 1. 8 5 0 1 . 9 0 0 1 0 *H 3 . 12 5 1 2 V Z* 1 0 * H e lp ers____________________________ 1. 7 5 0 1. 8 0 0 1 0 * _2 . 7 0 0 2 . 8 0 0 12 V 1 0 * Plum bing______________________________ 2 . 0 2 0 2 . 0 7 0 1 2 * 5 *

^ U (21) 3. 10 0 12 V 1 0 * H elp ers____________________________ 1. 9 2 0 1. 9 7 0 1 2 * 5 *W ar ehousem en..---------- —----- — ---------------Building: T ra iler________________________________ 2 . 0 7 0 2 . 1 2 0 1 2 * 5 *

3 . 7 5 0 3 . 9 1 0 2 5 * 1 6 * Tandem ________________________________ 2 . 0 7 0 2 . 12 0 1 2 * 5 *T tra; i Pr 3 . 9 0 0 4 . 0 6 0 2 5 * 1 6 * R eady-m ix 12__________________________ 2 . 8 7 5 2 . 9 5 0 1 0 * 1 0 *ttwo;!} an 3 . 9 0 0 4 . 0 6 0 2 5 * 1 6 * T r a c to r____________________________ 2 . 1 1 5 132 . 11 5 1 0 * 5 *■7UC 1 . ...................... ' 3 . 7 5 0 4 . 0 6 0 2 5 * 1 6 * C racker_______________________________________ 2 . 7 3 0 2 . 7 8 0 ( 3 )Any m i x e r s — --------— — ----------------— ------------3 axle m t 3 . 8 0 0 3 . 9 6 0 2 5 * 1 6 * General— F r e ig h t12_________________________ 3 . 11 0 3 . 2 3 0 18 V 17 V

3 . 7 5 0 3 . 9 0 0 25 * 1 6 * H elp ers___________________________________ 2 . 9 0 5 3 . 0 2 5 1 8 V 17 VM aterial and rea d y -m ix 5 ______________ 3 . 7 0 0 3. 8 6 0 2 5 * 1 6 * G rocery— Retail:

A /[ ’ v o nttP t A C 3 . 7 0 0 3. 8 6 0 2 5 * 1 6 * Agreem ent A _____________________________ 2 . 2 7 0 2 . 3 2 0 1 0 *1TvPirrV,t5 3 . 2 0 0 3 . 3 5 0 2 3 * 2 5 * H e lp ers________________________________ 2 . 0 8 0 2 . 13 0 1 0 * _Oenera r ig —

3 . 3 0 0 3 . 4 5 0 2 3 * 2 5 * Agreem ent B _____________________________________ 3 . 16 0 3 . 4 0 0 _2 . 8 6 0 3 . 0 1 0 2 3 * 2 5 * H e lp ers------------------------------------------------- 2 . 8 8 0 3 . 10 0 _ _

■ \z 2 . 7 7 5 2 . 9 0 0 1 5 * 1 0 * M e a t______________ _____ _______________ 3 . 2 5 0 3 . 4 5 0 _

H elp ers___________________________________ 2 . 6 5 0 2 . 7 7 5 15 * 1 0 * > G roceries and frozen food:(21) 2 . 9 0 0 1 5 * 1 0 * W h olesale________________________________ 2 . 5 7 5 2 . 7 2 5 1 0 * _

L a a X s ""lnarlpro (21) 2 . 9 0 0 1 5 * 1 0 * H elp ers___________________________________ 2 . 4 2 5 2 . 5 7 5 1 0 * _n ,;i , ° o ,r 2 . 6 0 0 2 . 7 0 0 14 4/ 5 * T ra c to r -tra iler__________________________ 2 . 6 6 5 2 . 8 1 5 1 0 * _


See footnotes at end of table.

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Table 9. Union Scales of Wages and Hours and Employer Insurance and Pension Payments for Motortruck Drivers, Helpers, andAllied Occupations in 68 Cities, July 1, 1965, and July 1, 1966— Continued

Trade or occupation

July 1. 1965 July 1, 1966

Trade or occupation

July 1. 1965 July 1, 1966





Employer contri­bution to fund 1 Rate



Employe bution I

;r contri- o fund1

Insur­ance 2 Pension Insur­


WASHINGTON, D .C .— Continued WASHINGTON, D .C .— Continued

Ice and fuel: Me at— C ontinue dCoal________________________________________ $1 .9 2 0 $2.020 12* 15* Agreem ent B --------------------------------------------- $2 .8 8 5 $3.0 1 0 (3) ( 3 )Helpers, oil, coal, and Agreem ent C --------------------------------------------- 2. 500 13 2. 500 10*

ice------------------- ------------------------------------ 1 .9 2 0 2. 020 12* 15* Milk:Oil and ic e — -------- — — — — --------- 2. 030 2. 130 12? 15* Route— Wholesale:Transfer and i c e . . . ......................... 2. 030 2. 130 12* 15* H e lp e r s 2. 598 2. 722 15* 6 *Oil: Special d e livery_________________________ 2. 598 2. 722 15* 6*

F irst year— __________ — — ----- 2. 395 2. 505 (3 ) (3) Newspaper:1—1 7» years. ... .. . ............... 2. 500 2. 615 ( ) ( ) H ir st 6 m on th s . . 9 2 .33 3 9 2 .33 3 7 7z *

2. 635 2. 755 (3 ) ( 3 ) 7—12 m onths---------------------------------------------- 9 2. 393 9 2 .39 3 7 7 z * _7.—7.7» y e a r s _ . . 2. 765 2. 890 ( ) ) A fter 1 y e a r .................................. 9 2 .45 3 9 2 .45 3 7 7 z *27’ —3 y e a r s .. . 2. 830 2. 955 r ) 3 P a rr e l d e liv e r y _........................... ............. . 2. 750 2. 900 0

(3 )(3 )(3 )After 3 y ea rs--------- -------- --------------- 2 .8 9 5 3. 025 (3 ) M T ra cto r-tra iler__________________________ 2. 850 3. 000

Ice c r e a m _ . _ _ _ 2. 630 2. 730 P o u ltry . ... . . .... ......... 1 .810 13 1. 810 10*Meat: Railway exp ress_____________________________ 2. 810 3. 004 144/s * _

A g re e m e n t A .. . 2. 620 2. 700 10* 9* S torage and m o v in g 2. 500 2. 600 12* 10*Hel p er s . . . 2. 580 2. 660 10* 9* H e lp e r s 2. 350 2. 450 12* 10*

1 Shown in term s of cents per hour or as percent of rate; in actual practice, however, some employer payments are calculated on the basis of total hours or gross payroll. These variations in method of computation are not indicated in this table.

2 Includes life insurance, hospitalization, and other types of health and welfare benefits; excludes payments into holiday, vacation, and unemployment funds when such program s have been negotiated.

3 Agreem ent provides for employer financed plan— amount of employer payment not available.4 45-hour workweek.5 Denotes agreement affecting 1, 000 or m ore truckdrivers, helpers, and allied occupations.6 42-hour workweek.7 4 8 -hour workweek.8 44-hour workweek.9 37Vz-hour workweek.10 50-hour workweek.11 4 6 -hour workweek.12 Denotes agreem ent affecting between 500 and 1 ,00 0 truckdrivers, helpers, and allied occupations.13 This rate in effect prior to July 1, 1966; new scale in negotiation at time of survey.14 35-hour workweek.15 383/4 -hour workweek.16 3674-hour workweek.17 4 2 7 z - h o u r w o r k w e e k .18 Weekly hours were not reported.19 Em ployer contribution $ 6 .8 0 per week.20 Em ployer contribution $7 per week.21 Information not available for rate and hours on July 1, 1965.22 4174 -hour workweek.23 4 l 7 z - h o u r w o r k w e e k .24 407z -hour workweek.25 4 1 -hour workweek.26 47-hour workweek.27 4 3 -hour workweek.28 Includes contribution for insurance and pension; separate data not available.29 37-hour workweek.30 38-hour workweek.31 56-hour workweek.

☆ U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING O FFICE ; 1967 O - 265-822

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