Bloque1 ingles4

General introduction This Book is designed based in the communicative approach, as a complement for the learning process in an active English class. It contains meaningful, lively, and contextualized suggestions for activities in and out the classroom, for giving the students a guide to use the language as much as they can according to their own interests and circumstances. Grammar and new vocabulary is always presented in a normal conversation or through short, authentic texts which are the basis for a wider oral practice and written exercises; so, gradually with the communicative activities, students become aware of the use of structures and vocabulary integrating them to their whole English baggage. The selected fragments of authentic texts have information about actual subjects and modern technology, giving the students the possibility to know more about the theme by looking for it in the web. Pairs and team-work is fundamental to provide both exposure and consistent language practice, as well as participate honestly in the different types of evaluation. This requires the student to organize, imagine, create, act, propose and be active, reflexive and critical. Following the dgb Syllabus, the book is formed by four sections with three lessons each one. The lesson is not thought to fulfill in the time of a single class. It can be used for teacher and students according to their lessons plans and projects of class. The four sections are: BLOCK 1 Describe a behavior in an hypothetic situation BLOCK 2 Describe life experiences BLOCK 3 Talk about likes and dislikes BLOCK 4 Describe people, activities and objects


Bloque 1 ingles 4 ♥Subido por Agente♥ (> " "

Transcript of Bloque1 ingles4

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This Book is designed based in the communicative approach, as a complement for the learning process in an active English class. It contains meaningful, lively, and contextualized suggestions for activities in and out the classroom, for giving the students a guide to use the language as much as they can according to their own interests and circumstances.

Grammar and new vocabulary is always presented in a normal conversation or through short, authentic texts which are the basis for a wider oral practice and written exercises; so, gradually with the communicative activities, students become aware of the use of structures and vocabulary integrating them to their whole English baggage. The selected fragments of authentic texts have information about actual subjects and modern technology, giving the students the possibility to know more about the theme by looking for it in the web.

Pairs and team-work is fundamental to provide both exposure and consistent language practice, as well as participate honestly in the different types of evaluation. This requires the student to organize, imagine, create, act, propose and be active, reflexive and critical.

Following the dgb Syllabus, the book is formed by four sections with three lessons each one. The lesson is not thought to fulfill in the time of a single class. It can be used for teacher and students according to their lessons plans and projects of class.

The four sections are:

BLOCK 1 Describe a behavior in an hypothetic situation

BLOCK 2 Describe life experiences

BLOCK 3 Talk about likes and dislikes

BLOCK 4 Describe people, activities and objects

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The authors know that didactic material is only a help for teachers and students, so, they wish this book be a useful item in the learning process. If you want to contact them, you just go to:

emaguilar_2000@yahoo. [email protected]

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Competencias a desarrollar�





















Tiempo asignado: 12 horas

Describes tu comportamiento en situaciones hipotéticas

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Competencias a desarrollar�





















• Localizalasideasprincipalesde un texto, oral o escrito, sobre tópicos relacionados con dilemas morales.

• Describe,demaneraoraly escrita, características personales y situaciones hipotéticas.

• Emplealasestructurasgramaticales del segundo condicional para describir situaciones hipotéticas.

• Adjetivosparadescribiractitudes y valores morales de las personas, como: honest, loyal, fair, responsible, trust worthy.

• Condicional2paraexpresarsituaciones hipotéticas utilizando if / even if / unless + simple past.

• Usodelmodalconelsegundocondicional: would, should, could, might.

• Conectores:but,and,because,so

• Identificaeinterpretalaideageneralyposibledesarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural.

• Expresaideasyconceptosencomposicionescoherentes y creativas, con introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras.

• Secomunicaenunalenguaextranjeramediante un discurso lógico oral o escrito congruente con la situación comunicativa.

• Producetextosconbaseenelusonormativodela lengua, considerando la intención y situación comunicativa.

• Evalúauntextomediantelacomparacióndesu contenido con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.

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Para recordar, afirmar y utilizar lo que has practicado en los semestres anteriores, iniciaremos las actividades de este curso con un ejercicio de comprensión de texto en el cual te basarás para responder los cuestionamientos e iniciar conversaciones orales con tu equipo de trabajo. Es importante señalar que aquello que no recuerdes lo puedes preguntar con la mayor franqueza, ya sea a tus compañeros o al maestro. Durante el transcurso del bloque practicarás también la manera de decir lo que harías si estuvieras en algunas situaciones hipotéticas; es decir, conocerás y usarás la estructura que en inglés se conoce como Condicional tipo 2 o Condicional Irreal.

Como un proyecto de trabajo para este bloque, realizarás en equipo una propuesta para el mejoramiento de tu localidad, la cual presentarán ante el grupo, explicando la razón por la que piensan que esos cambios serían positivos. Las formas de elaboración y presentación del proyecto se acordarán con el maestro.

Before reading, answer this question:

Do you know who Shakira is? If not, comment with your classmates and your teacher.

Fragment of an interview with Shakira

Shakira, the graceful one, is a prodigy who wrote her first song at age eight, a Colombian girl who speaks three languages and loves only in Spanish.

She’s a perfectionist who spends hours in the studio, she needs to be close the nature but her passion is the crackle of electric guitars. She is the blush ofyouth,but she is farolder thanherage.Asher countrymanNobelPrizewinning author Garcia Marquez wrote: “Shakira’s music has a personal stamp that doesn`t look like anyone else’s and no one can sing or dance like her at whatever age with such an innocent sensuality, one that seems to be of her own invention”.

But Shakira –born Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll– is not only the famous pop artist, she also has a very important interest. She is investing her own financial resources in the goal of educating impoverished children by building schools and community centers in some of the poorest neighborhoods in her native Colombia, and convincing other Latin American leaders in invest in earlychildhood education.


Reporter –WhatwerethedifficultaspectsmakingyouralbuminEnglish?Shakira –Whenmyrecordcompanyasked,“Doyouwanttomakeanalbumin

English?” I said yeah; right then. But then I realized I was in trouble.


Initial activity


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Reporter –Whattrouble?Shakira –I am a songwriter exactly. To write my own songs for an English

album I had to learn English. I accepted the challenge, but I didn’t know if I would be able to reach that goal.

Reporter –How does your culture influence your music?Shakira –I’m a blend of several cultures. Through my veins runs Spanish,

Lebanese and Italian blood. All of this heritage is a stronginfluence on the character of my music.

Reporter –HowdoyoufeelAmericadiffersfromColombia?Shakira –Eachcountryhasitsownpersonality.Wehavedifferentlifestyles,

different cultures, a different language, but we do share the most important characteristics which are values and principles.

I. Afterreadingcarefullythetextandtheinterview,dothisexercise.

1. WriteaphysicaldescriptionofShakirawiththeinformationinthetext.

2. WriteadescriptionofShakira’spersonalcharacteristicsmentionedinthetext.

3. Whatdoesshesayabouthermusic?

4. Accordingtotheinformation,whatotherimportantaspectsofherpersonalitycould you say she has?

5. Whydoesthetextmention“GarciaMarquez”?

6. WhatvaluesandprinciplesdoyouthinkShakirareferstointhelastline?

II. Let’sremembertheuseofsomemodalverbs.WriteinEnglishtheexpressionin Spanish, then, answer the question.

1. (Shakira canta) in Spanish?

2. In what language (acostumbraba escribir) her first songs?

3. Where (nació)?

4. (podrías bailar) the way she does?

5. (te gustaría) to see her in her show?

6. (conoces) any other singer who uses his/hermoneyfordoingsomethingsimilartowhatShakiradoes?Who?

7. She (va a grabar) many more songs in English.

III. Comment your work with your partner. Correct if is necessary.

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1. Listen, read and repeat.

Everybody would like to win the lottery

Albert –Areyoulookingforsomeinformation?John –Yes, I want to know if I won the lottery. I

bought a ticket. Albert –Howmuchwouldyouwin?John –Well…thetotalprizeistwentymillion;

so, my ticket would win one million!Albert –Whatwouldyoudowiththatmoney?John –Well…Iwouldtravelaroundtheworld.Whatwouldyoudo?Albert –Withamillion,Iwouldbuyabeautifulhouse.John –But, as my number is not in the list, I’ll buy another one, maybe next time

I would have better luck. Albert –You’reright!Itisgoodtoinsist.

2. Practice the dialogue with your partner.

3. WriteinSpanish:

a) Everybody would like to win the lottery

b) How much would you win?

c) My ticket would win one million.

d) Whatwouldyoudowiththatmoney?

4. Comment with your teamwork the things you would do with one million.


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6. Howmanyofthemwoulddothesamething?Writeareportasthisexample:



7. Coevaluate and coment with your teacher the most common answers in the whole

Student’s nameExample: Hellen

AnswerExample: “I would go to Paris”

5. Ask nine of your classmates the question “what would you do with a milliondollar?” Then write their answer in the chart.

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group.8. Listen, read and repeat.


Frank –Wouldyoupleasemovethiscar?It’sin front of my door and I must go.

Mike –I would do, but there is a problem.Frank –Whatproblem?Mike –I don’t have the keys.Frank –Don’tyouhavethekeys?Why?Mike –Because that’s not my car. Frank –Whosecarisit?Mike –It’s Captain Frey’s, the City Police Cheef. Look! He is already coming!Mr.Frey –Anyproblem?Frank –Wouldyoubesokindtomoveyourcar?Ican’tleaveandImustgo

to work.Mr. Frey –Ok. I’ll move it right now.Frank –Thanks a lot! Good bye!Mike –Take it easy! Relax!

9. Read and act out the dialogue in front of your teamwork.

10. Circle the option you think is the best one.

a)WhydoyouthinkMikesaidFrank”Takeiteasy”?• BecauseherealizedthatFrankwasveryupset.• Becausehewasgoingtowork.• Becausetheywerefriends.

b)WhatwouldyouadviseFrankforcalmingdown?• Hecouldtakeacupofcoffeeandadonut.• Hecouldsmokeacigaretteandphonehisgirlfriend.• Hecouldtakethreedeepbreathsandlistentosomequietmusic.

c)WhatkindofpersonwouldyousayMr.Freyis?• Areliableandgoodcitizen.• Aniceandefficientpublicemployee.• Anirresponsibleselfishperson,andabadofficer.

d)WhatshouldMr.FreydowhenFrankaskedhimtomovehiscar?• HeshouldapologizeFrank.• HeshouldsmileandhugFrank.


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• HeshouldofferFrankhisowncartogofaster.e)WhatkindofpersondoyouthinkFrankis?

• Anirresponsibleandrecklessworker.• Acowardandfearfulboy.• Apeacefulandeducatedperson.

11. Comment your answers with your teamwork.


13. Select five positive and five negative characteristics from the last exercise and copy them down.


Positive Negative


a) You find a 500 bill in front of your neighbor’s door.

b) It is your birthday and somebody gives you a very expensive watch, but you don’t like to wear watches.

c) You are in the department store; as you pass by the makeup aisle, you accidentally knock a bottle of perfume over.

15. Compare your answers with those of your classmates.

16.Before reading the following text, answer this question:

a) WhatisaBlackBerry?Ifyoudon’tknow,lookfortheinformation.

Bill: billete

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17. Read.

Lost BlackBerry found & returned – Imhonest Story #1

On 10/29, I accidentally left my Blackberry in the men’s roomoftheRenaissanceHotelinCharlotte,NC.Therewasno sign of it when I returned, and no one had handed it on tothefrontdesk.WhenIarrivedhome,3hourslater,Ihadan e-mail from “”, that someone found it and called them. In seven days I had my BlackBerry back. Two things should be noted from this situation. Firstly, I subscribed to the “ service“ and attached the label to my phone because I truly believe that most people are honest, and would turn it if I misplaced it. Secondly, the cost of this service is so low it is worth the risk of testing someone’s honesty. Fortunately for me, both cases proved to be true.

Sent in By G. Partington. November 20th, 2008. Taken from Honesty Blog: Sharing Honesty and Good Deed Stories.

18.Rememberthataparagraphisformedbyclauses.(Aclausebeginswithacapital letter and ends with a period). Identify the clauses of this paragraph.

19.Complete the information according to the text.

a) “I” in the first clause refers to b) “It” in the second clause refers to c) “Them” in the third clause refers to d) “This situation” refers to e) “Both cases” refers to

20. Answer:

a) WholostthatBlackBerry? b) Whofoundit? c) How did the person who found it knew the owner’s name? d) Whosentittoitsowner? e) WhatmustapersondoaftersubscribingtoImhonest.comservice? f) Doyouthinkitwouldbeagoodideatohavethatserviceinourcountry?Why?

21. Comment your answers with your teamwork and, if there are differences, talk about them and select the best option.

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22. Listen, read and repeat the vocabulary. Then use these words expressing sentences of your own.

NounsBlend......................... mezclaBlush.......................... ruborBreath........................ respiroCountryman............... paisanoCrackle....................... sonido intermitenteChallenge................... retoFront desk.................. recepciónGraceful..................... graciosaHeritage..................... herenciaLabel.......................... etiquetaLifestyle..................... estilo de vidaLuck........................... suerteNeighborhood............ vecindarioOwner........................ dueñoResource.................... RecursoRisk............................ riesgoYouth......................... juventud

AdjectivesCoward...................... cobardeDeep.......................... profundoLow............................ bajoOwn........................... propioPoor........................... pobreQuiet.......................... tranquiloReckless..................... descuidadoReliable...................... confiableSelfish........................ egoistaStrong........................ fuertePeaceful..................... pacíficoUpset......................... molesto

Regular VerbsApologize................... disculparseAttach........................ adherirHand on..................... entregarMisplace..................... extraviar

Irregular VerbsBase Simple past Past participleBuy...... comprar bought boughtLeave... dejar,salir left leftWin......ganar won won

OthersBetter......................... mejorWhatever................... cualquierWhose........................ ¿dequién?

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1. Listen, read and repeat.

I would help you

Albert –HeySasha,howareyou?Sasha –Nobad,I’mjustthinkingaboutallthethingsIhavetodotoday.Albert –Youarealwaysverybusy.Youtrytodomanythingseveryday.Sasha –Yes, but if I didn’t do them, I would be bored, I guess.Albert –Butsometimesyoudon’tdoyourschoolwork.Sasha –Well,sometimesIforgetit.Albert –Well,if you did your homework, you would get good grades at school.Sasha –I know that, but if I walked the dog today, I would enjoy it. Albert –If you wanted, I would help you do your home duties. Sasha –Well,Ihavetotakeoutthegarbage.Ifyouwanted…Albert –Sure!Iwoulddo!

2. Practice the dialogue with your partner.

3. Do you have many tasks to do? Tell a partner what you usually must do, by using some of the activities from the boxes.

4. Lookatthesentencesinboldtypeinthedialogue.Withthatmodel,completethe next sentences to get logical results for these conditions.



Tasks: tareas

Go to school Do homework

Make my bed Walk the dog

Do exercise

Take out the garbage

Go to school Do homework

Make my bed Walk the dog

Do exercise

Take out the garbage


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5. Listen, read and practice.

She is worried

Albert –HiSasha,howareyou?Sasha –I feel terrible, because I failed math, and I

really studied!Albert –Well, you shouldn’t feel worried, if you did

your best.Sasha –Even when I did it, I couldn’t get more than 5.Albert –Don’t worry, you didn’t pass at the very

beginning, but you could do it next time.Sasha –You’re right, if I studied every day, I wouldn’t

have problems with the final exam.Albert –That’sthepoint.Don’tforgetit!Sasha –No,Iwon’t!

6. Practice and act out the dialogue.

c) –If I had a million dollar, I wouldn’t ____________________________________________________________

a) –If I studied medicine, I would ________________________

b) –If I went to the law school, I would_________________

a) –If I studied medicine, I would ________________________

b) –If I went to the law school, I would_________________

d) –If I got 10 in my final exams my parents would________________


e) –If I had a red Ferrari, (car) I would____


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7. Comment with your teamwork next questions.


b) How could you help somebody to study for a subject he/she failed?

*Remember that could is used to express podía or podría, but would adds the ending ría to the basic form of the verb and should expresses debería or debía. Look at the examples:

She would go to the cinema with you. Ella iría al cine contigo.

She could go to the cinema with you. Ella podría ir al cine contigo.

She shouldn’t go to the cinema with you. Ella no debería ir al cine contigo.

8. Complete with “would” or “could”.

a) If Sasha studied every day, she get better notes.b) If she got better notes, she feel satisfied with herself.c) If she got a 10 in the next exam, she be the happiest person in the

world. d) If Sasha organized her time, she do everything she likes.

9. Listen, read and practice.


Timmy –Hi Paula!Paula –Hi TimmyTimmy –Hey!Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon?Paula –I have to read a book and do an essay for my Literature

class.Why?Timmy –Well. If I invited you to the cinema today, would you

accept?Paula –If I hadn`t that exam, I might go with you.Timmy –WouldyougotothecinemawithmenextSaturday, if

you had the time?Paula –If you called me tomorrow, I’d let you know. Timmy –If you didn’t have time next Saturday, we might go any

other day.Paula –Call me, please. Timmy –Ok. I’ll call you. Bye!

10. Askthenextquestionstoyourpartnerandanswerhisorhers.

a) Do you think Paula like Timmy? b)WillPaulagotothecinemawithTimmysomeday? c)Whydoyousayso?


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Second Type Conditional is used to describe imaginary situations. It is formed with two sentences, one of them (the condition) in simple past, and the other one (the result) using one of the modals: would, should or could. Both sentences are joined by the connector “if”.

If Paula had time, she would go with Tim. = Si Paula tuviera tiempo, iría con Tim.

If she didn’t do her homework, she could have problems. = Si ella no hiciera su tarea, podría tener problemas.

Whatshould Paula do, if she didn’t wanttogooutwithTimmy?=¿Quédebería hacer Paula si no quisiera salir con Timmy?

11. Answer:

a) If you had the chance to help poor people, what could you do?

b) If you got 5 in one of your exams, what should you do?

c) If you lived in China, what language would you speak?

d) If your parents thought about moving, where would it be?

e) If you crashed your parents’ car, what should you do?

f) If you saw a thief assaulting someone, what could you do?


a) If I (work)_______________ in a big company, I would look for promotion.

b) If my girlfriend (speak) __________________French, she could teach me that language.

c) If my parents (have) ________________enough money, I could study in Harvard.

d) If my brother (buy)___________________ a new computer, he would give me his old one.

e) Wherewouldyouliketogoifyou____________(win)atickettoflyrightnow?

f) My brother could play video games all day, if my mother _____________(let) him to do it.

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13. Translate.

a) Mrs. Carter says that if she had many wrinkles on her face, she would get a cosmetic surgery.

b) Many women and some men would get a cosmetic surgery if they had money.

c) If I had a lot of money; I wouldn’t spend it in surgery, I would travel around the world.

d) If I could travel wherever I wanted, I would visit China, Japan and Egypt.

14. Read the horoscopes and answer the questions.

You are Cancer

a) If you read this horoscope, would you pack your bags?Why?

b) Should you go to a trip, if you had that

invitation? c) Wouldyoubuyamagazineifyouwantedtoknow

what your horoscope says? d) Wouldyoudoeverythingyourhoroscopesays?

You are Aquarius

e) If you saw this horoscope, would it influence your day? How?

f) Wouldyouchangeyourweekendplans,ifyoureadthishoroscope?Why?

g) If you knew that you would win a prize, would you buy anyticketorparticipateinacontesttogetit?Why?

Taken from In Touch, August 1, 2011


June 22-July 22

Get ready to pack your bags! An invitation to a once-in-a lifetime trip or vacation may soon arrive in your inbox.


Jan 20-Feb 18

It‛s one of your luckiest phases of the year, and as the weekend nears, don‛t be surprised if you win a cool contest or are the recipient of a cash prize.

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15. Answerwithyourownideas.

a) Ifyouworkedforamagazine,wouldyouliketowritehoroscopes?Why?

b) If you knew that not all the information written down is true, should you keep on working for that company?

c) Wouldyouchangeyourmindreadingyourhoroscope,evenifyoudon’tbelievein them?

d) If you worked for a magazine, which would you prefer?

16. Read the text.

First idea of the atom

Some 2,400 years ago, the Greek philosophers Democritus and Leucippus first proposed the idea of the atom. They suggested that if you slice an item, such as a loaf of bread, in half, and then in half again and again until you could cut it no longer, then you would reach the ultimate building block. They called it an atom.

Today we know that an atom is even more infinitesimal than that. To grasp the scale of the atom, look at the dot in letter i. If you magnify this dot a million times through an electron microscope, you will see an array of a million ink molecules. If you could somehow blow up this image a million times, you would see the fuzzyimageofthelargestatoms.Andastinyasatomsare,theyare composed of still tinier subatomic particles.

Taken from The Complete Guide to the TOEFL TEST, iBT Edition.

17. Accordingtothetext,whataretheclosestmeaningsofthenextwords?

a) Ultimate

b) Infinitesimal

c) Fuzzy

d) Tiny

Grasp: Entender

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18.Copy down the hypothetical conditional that the text includes.

19.Complete the next box, imagining you are Democritus or Leucippus and you need to explain something about atoms.

20. Answer.Ifyoudon’tknow,investigate.

a) Do you think there is any relation between those philosophers’ idea and theactualnanotechnology?Whichone?

b) If you didn’t know about that science, where could you look for information?

c) If you could, would you like to work in that area?


21. Workwithyourteamwork.Chooseoneofthetopicsbelow,anddoabrainstormabout it. Then select one of those ideas to write a short text about it. Remember it must have a title, an introduction, the development and a conclusion.

* Note:includethevocabularyandstructurespracticedinthepreviouslessons.

Topic Suggestions: Pollution–Stress–Studentcheating–Asport

(Title)(Introduction) (Development) (Conclusion)

If I needed to explain something about atoms, I would ______________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ because,______________________________________________________________ so, I could__________________________ __________________________________

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NamesArray…......................surtidoCash…....................... dineroenefectivoDot………...................puntoDuty…........................deber,obligaciónGarbage…..................basuraInbox…...................... buzónInk….......................... tintaThief……....................ladrónWrinkles…................. arrugas


Regular verbsAssault…….................asaltarCrash……...................chocarMove……....................cambiarsedelugarNear…….....................acercarsePack…….....................empacarSlice…….....................rebanar

OthersEven…….................... aúnLucky……...................debuenasuerteDomybest……...........ponertodomiempeñoWalkthedog..….........pasearalperro

22. Listen, read and repeat the vocabulary. Then use these words expressing sentences of your own.

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1. Listen, read and repeat.


Paola –Look, Rene! Look at that sunset! Isn’t it beautiful?Rene –Yes it is. If I were a poet, I’d said the sky is happy

because it knows you love me.Paola –If you weren’t a poet, what would you say?Rene –If I were a photographer, I would say that

combination of colors are the perfect background for the snow on the mount.

Paola –But you are neither a poet nor a photographer.Rene –If I were a meteorologist, I would say that those gray clouds indicate

that it’s going to rain at night.Paola –Andyouwouldbewrong.Itisnotgoingtorain,itisalreadyraining.

Let’s go!Rene –Ohyes!Webetterhurryup.

2. Practice the dialogue with your partner.

3. Watchthesentencesinboldtype.Commentwithyourteamwork.Istheresomething that could be wrong in those sentences?

4. Following that pattern, complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets to form Second Conditional clauses.


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a) If I (be) an astronaut, I (go) to Mars.b) If you (go) to Mars, you (become) a famous

person.c) If I (be) a famous person, people (ask) me many

questions.d) Besides, if you (be) a famous people, you

(have not) a private life. e) Oh, no! If I (have not) a private life, I

(be not) happy.

5. Coevaluate your work with your teamwork.

6. Writefiveormorecompleteanswerstothefollowingquestion: Whatwouldyoudoifyouwerethepresidentofthecountry?Why?

7. Comment your answers with your classmates and teacher.

8. Listen, read and repeat.


Claire –Did you see Charles today?Bob –Yes, but he didn’t attend last class.Claire –If I were him, I wouldn’t miss more classes.Bob –You’re right. His grades are too low.Claire –What grade should he get in the next exam to pass

Literarure?Bob –I think that even if he got a 10 in the final exam, he

wouldn’t reach the necessary points to pass.Claire –Whatcouldhedo?Bob –I really don’t know. But I’m sure that if I were in that

problem, I’d look for help. Claire –Remember that “If there is a will there is a way”. Bob –You’re right. If he wanted, he could do it.Claire –That’s the point. I think that he is more interested in

making goals that in getting good grades. Bob –Well.Ithinkhewilldohisbesttoimprovehisgrades.

9. Practice the dialogue with your partner.


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a) Question: ?


b) Question: ?


c) Question: ?


d) Question: ?


e) Question: ?

Answer:No,even ifCharlesweremybrother, Iwouldn’tdohiswork forhim.

11. Coevaluate your work with your teamwork. If there are different answers, comment them with your teacher.

12. Match the columns.

(A) IfIeversawsomebodyhittingawoman

( B ) If you ever saw a child playing with fire

( C ) Our towns could look more beautiful

( D ) If I were a songwriter

( E ) If Lucy and Paul were lovers

( F ) I wouldn’t do that.

( ) They wouldn’t fight.

( ) I wouldn’t write Rap songs.

( ) If nobody threw rubbish in the streets.

( ) I would call the police.

( ) you should tell his parents how dangerous it could be.

( ) If I were you

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13. Complete this grammar information.

Second Type Conditional (Imaginary situations)

The Second Type Conditional is formed by sentences. One of those sentences uses the form of the verb, and the other sentence uses the modal with the of the verb. These sentences are joined with the connector .


Whentheverbtobeisinthe“if”sentence,allthesubjectsuse .


If I

If you

If he

If they

14. Numberthesesentencestoorganizeadialogue.Thenreadandactitout.

But if you worked during the week you couldn’t attend the school.

She works as a baby sitter on Friday and Saturday nights.

1 Is Lisa going to the party tomorrow night? Isee…IfIhadtowork,Iwouldn’tworkonFridayand

Saturday nights. No, she isn’t here. But even if shewere here, she

wouldn’t go to the party. Well,Iwouldlookforaparttimejob. Why?Howdoyouknowit?

15. Coevaluate your dialogue with your partner.


a) Ifyouhadtowork,wouldyouacceptaweekendjob?Why? b) Wouldyouliketobeababysitter?Why? c) Whatkindofworkcouldyoudonow,ifyouneededtoearnsomemoney? d) If you earned some money now, what would you do with that money?

17. Comment these questions and answers with your classmates.

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18. Read.

Teens’ dreamed vacations

TEENSV.I.T.turnedinalistoftheirdreamsvacations and Paris was the top pick! The question was:Where would you go if thesky were the limit?

“I would go to Australia to see all theamazing animals like the Koala. I would also be cool to see the Great Barrier Reef and visit the Sydney Opera”-Dawn, N. H.

“If I could go anywhere in the world, it would be Barcelona because I love the Spanishcultureandfood”-Nicole,N.Y.


“I would go to France because it has an intriguing history, a rich culture, amazing beaches and haute fashions”- Ore, N.Y.

“I would go to Tokyo because it is so fashion forward, and there are so many new things to experience”- Gigi, IL.

“Egypt! I would love to visit the pyramids. That place has such a rich history, and whowouldn’twanttoridecamelsinthesand?Quiteanadventure!”–Vicky,South Africa.

“IfIcouldgoanywhere,IwouldprobablygotoPariswithmyfriends.Wewouldhave so much fun, shopping and seeing the sites”- Kasey, Mi.


19. Answeraccordingtotheinformationinthatmagazine.

a)Whydomostoftheparagraphsareinquotationmarks? b)Whatdothecapitallettersinboldtypereferto? c) Ore and Kasey said they would go to France. Do you think it would be a goodideatheywenttogether?Why?

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d)Whichofthoseteenswoulddotheshortesttrip?Whydoyousayso? e) If it were possible, would you like to go on a trip with some of those girls? Whichone?Why?

20. Coevaluate your answers with your teamwork.

21. Based on the girls’ answers, complete the information using the conditional second type.

a) If Dawn toAustralia,she amazing animals and the Sydney Opera.

b) IfNicole to Barcelona, she Spanish food.c) Catherine theGreatWallifshe to China.d) What Vickydoifshe to Egypt?e) Kasey a lot of things if she to Paris.

22. Listen, read and repeat.


Rose –Whathappenedtoyou?Whyareyousoupset?Lucy –I’m really shocked! Rose –Why?Lucy –I was at the cafeteria and I saw a very romantic

couple.Rose –What’stheproblem?Lucy –The problem is that he is my sister’s husband

with one of my classmates.Rose –OhmyGod!Whatadishonestman!Whatare

you going to do?Lucy –I really don’t know. That’s why I am shocked!

WhatshouldIdo?Rose –I don’t know.23. Comment with your team work what Lucy should do.

24. Complete the following survey with the opinion of your teamwork.

Student Suggestion

Survey: encuesta/reporte


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25. Answerthefollowingquestionsorally.






26. Circle in the puzzle the following elements:

Three modal verbs used in the result of second type conditional.Two auxiliaries used for expressing future actions.Two auxiliaries used for expressing present actions.








27. Coevaluate.

28.These paragraphs are part of a text, but they are not in the correct sequence. Read them all. Put number 1 to the introduction, 2 and 3 to the development of the theme and number 4 to the conclusion.


( ) More than 3 million people get injured due to car accidents every year, with more than 2 million of these injuries being permanent. There are more than 40,000 deaths due to car accidents every year. The majority of car accident victims are the drivers, then the passengers of the car, followed by pedestrian, and lastly cyclists. In more than half of car accident fatalities, the deceased were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the crash.

( ) These car accident statistics are sad enough on their own, the saddest part being that they could be avoided if the drivers put more attention to driving and less to other activities. The majority of car accidents could be avoided if only the drivers drove more responsibly.

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()About40%ofcaraccidentfatalitiesoccurbecauseofadrunkdriver.About30%ofthecaraccidentfatalitiescanbeattributedtodrivingabovethespeedlimits,and33%becauseofrecklessdrivingthat causes the car to go off the road and result in an accident. Many accidents are caused by people talking to other passengers whiledriving.Alargepercentageisbecauseofeatingordrinkingwhiledriving.More than 25% are caused due to talking on themobilephone while at the wheel of the car.

( )Withthe increasingnumberofcarsontheroadsof theUSeachyear,caraccidents are more common every day. Many people die as a result of car accidents with many more receiving serious injuries. Such injuries and death often leave the victims and their families devastated. Here are some car accident statistics, which might be helpful in making people aware about trends in car accidents and thus hopefullyreducingthenumberofcaraccidentsintheUnitedStates.

Taken from Car Accident Statistics .

29. Comment the information with your teamwork, then, answer.

a) Whatisthemaininformationintheintroductionofthearticle? b) Whatinformationyoufindinthedevelopmentofthearticle? c) Whatistheconclusion?

30.Accordingtotheinformationinthetext,writethewordsintheboxundertheircorresponding title.

Drivers – fatalities – injuries –cyclists – deaths – pedestrians – passengers – die

Victims Results

31. The text mentions at least six actions which cause car accidents. Copy them down.




d) e)


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32. Coevaluate your work with your classmates.



NowI’mableto: Verywell Good Notatall

Understandtheexpressionsofhypotheticalsituationsinan oral talk.

Comment and write about what I, or any other subject, would do in some imaginary situations.

Identify, in a written text, the difference between real and not real conditions and results.

Ifyouanswered“Notatall”,itistimetostudyandpracticemore.Ifyouhaveanydoubt, talk to your teacher or, if it is necessary, look for other help.

34.To remember the different conditionals, think about the different meaning in these clauses, then use your imagination and write a similar example of each one.

a) If water freezes, it becomes ice. (Conditional cero).

b) If I go to the beach, I will swim in the sea. (First conditional).

c) If I went to the beach, I could swim in the sea. (Second conditional).

Your examplesa)



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35. Listen, read and repeat the vocabulary. Then use these words expressing sentences of your own.

NounsBackground........... fondoBaby sitter............. cuidadora de bebésInjury..................... heridaPedestrian............. peatónFashion................. modaFatality.................. muerteMars...................... marteSky........................ cielo

Regular VerbsHit......................... golpear

OthersAmazing................impresionanteAnywhere..............cualquierlugarEven...................... aunqueDue to................... debido aLucky.................... de buena suerteNeither–nor.........niunacosa–niotra

Writedowninyournotebookwhatyouthinkyoulearntfromthefirstblockandyourfuture goals from now on.

Self test

I. Circle the option which shows the correct complement of the sentences.

1. Lola failed last semester! I think that if she studied harder this time, she pass her final test.

a) Should b) Could c) Could not d) Shouldn’t

2. Charles caught a terrible flue, if he to get better, he see the doctor.


3. If I a lawyer, I think I be honest.


4. Luis is a responsible classmate, if he n’t, I choose him as a partner for the final project.

a)Were–wouldnot b)Was–wouldnotc)Were–shouldd)Was–should

II. Select the characteristic according to the actions of every person.

1. Paty found a wallet with money and some cards in, and she is going to call the owner. I think she is a person.

a)Friendlyb)Honest c)Nice d)Selfish

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2. I had a terrible problem with my parents and need someone to talk to. I’ll look for Annietohelpme,becausesheisa person.

a) Cultivated b) Coward c) Trustworthy d) Good

3. Lucy’s sister is very sad, because she knew that her husband was kissing another girl. She realized that he isn’t a person.

a)Peacefulb)Quiet c)Loyal d)Upset

4. Arnoldwonthelottery,heisavery boy.

a) Lucky b) Reckless c) Funny d) Bored

5. The employees are leaving the office, but Freddy will stay because he is going to finish a report. He is a very employee.

a) Lazy b) Responsible c) Dishonest d) Graceful

III. Express in English.

1. Si yo fuera médico, me gustaría trabajar en África.

2. Si él estudiara más, obtendría mejores calificaciones.

3. Si Lupita fuera amistosa, tendría más amigos.

4. Si David comiera más verduras, no tendría problemas estomacales.

5. Si manejas cuidadosamente, no tendrás accidentes.

IV. These words form interrogative sentences, but they are not in the correct position. Rewrite them forming the questions.

1. You – children – money – you – help – would – if – poor – had ?

2. would – to – Shakira’s – you – like – be – friend ?

3. dollar – you – what – do – with – a – would – you – million ?

4. be – were – if – not – you – what – like – a – would – student – to – you ?

Personal development test

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Elpropósitodeestaparteesquecontusrespuestassinceras,túmismotedescuentade lo que hiciste o dejaste de hacer en el transcurso de este periodo de clases de Inglés y que al mismo tiempo reconozcas y valores tus logros.

Utilizalaescalaqueapareceantesdelasiguientetablaparaquemarquesenelespaciocorrespondiente el nivel que honestamente expresa tus logros en este bloque.


Ahorapuedoutilizarelidiomaingléspara: LT LP NL¿Quédeberíahacerpara lograrlo?

Expresar condiciones y resultados derivados de situaciones hipotéticas.

Reconocer y utilizar “would”, “could” y “should” para expresar situaciones hipotéticas de manera oral y escrita.

Identificar características personales positivas y negativas en una conversación.

Reconocer la introducción, el desarrollo y la conclusión de un texto auténtico.


Indicadores Siempre Nosiempre Nunca

He asistido regularmente a todas mis clases.

He escuchado y respetado las participaciones de mis compañeros.

He participado honestamente en las coevaluaciones y tenido en cuenta sus resultados en mi propio trabajo.

Me he esmerado en la realización y presentación de mis ejercicios.

He trabajado armoniosamente con mi equipo y con los demás equipos.

Toma en cuenta estos resultados para continuar de la mejor manera y disfrutar el trabajo en este curso.

Personal development test