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  • 8/22/2019 bloodly moon or purple sun?


    Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013by OP Armstrong


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    44 Warnings to this Age?

    1. The 44 Generations

    2. Seven MillennialCovenant days

    3. Signs in the Heavens

    4. Prophets of the Scripture

    A ForeFore-Warning of Manifold Witness



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    ForeWarning of The 4 GenerationsWhen Jesus was asked about the end of the age, his reply was to consider the fig tree.

    Know when you see the fig tree start to put forth its branches, then know that this

    Generation shall not pass away until all these things be fulfilled. For the earth brings

    forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.

    After 2 days He shall revive us & on the 3rd day He shall raise us up to live in His presence

    For more details see


    Consider the fig tree




    LimitYear End Ref 1 Ref 2

    when you see the fig tree

    start to put forth

    Noah Limit of

    MansAgeTermination 120xJubilee

    1897 120 2017 Gen. 5, 7,6.3-4Matt24

    1st Zionist Return

    Conference earthbrings forth fruit of herself

    Balfour Generation

    BalfourCenturyJudgment & Redemption

    1917 100 2017 Gen15Gen5&6&7

    BalfourDecreeJewish homeland

    first the blade

    Psalms Age Limitthat which has been shall be

    1947 70/80 2017/3027

    Ps90.10 UN181 Israel

    created then the ear

    Final Jubileeteach us to number our

    days, that we may apply

    our hearts unto wisdom

    1967 50 2017 Lev25.10 6 Day war return ofJerusalem to Israelafter that the full corn in

    the ear

    3Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
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    Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days

    What if the Biblical Seven Days of Creation implies that God shall

    complete all his work of dealing with fallen mankind and make a

    new creation in seven days of one thousand years each? And I saw

    a Newheaven and a NewEarth spake John in his Revelation.

    If our ruler is seven units long, with a linear scale of determined

    time, then only one reference point maps all 7,000 years into

    Gregorian time. Jesus said that singular point was the work ofJohn

    and Jesus baptism by John at the river Jordon. This event is well

    documented by history and Luke to have happened about 27 AD.

    For the law and the prophets were untilJohn, since That Time the

    Kingdom of God is declared and every man presses into it. (or isjudged by the new covenant) Luke 16:16 also For if I drive out

    demons by the finger of God, then the Kingdom is come unto you.

    The 4000 years prior to and 3000 years after that time are

    numbered as follows:4Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
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    Warning ofSeven Millennial Covenant Days

    Day.1: Adamic(3974BC), Day.2: Rainbow (2974BC), Day.3 Abrahamic (1974BC), Day.4 Temple (974BC).

    Day.5 (27 & 1027AD) &6 Christ & Church Temple, Day.7 Rest unto 3027, Day 8 Begin Eternity

    5Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
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    Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days

    CDay.1: Adamic(3974BC) CDay.2: Rainbow (2974BC) CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC)

    1000 years - day 1 1000 years - day 2

    CDay.3 Abrahamic (1974BC) CDay.4 Temple (974BC) CDay.5 Christ (27AD)

    1000 years - day 3 1000 years - day 4

    CDay.8e New (3027AD

    )CDay.5 Christ (27AD

    ) CDay.7s Rest (2023.5 AD)

    2000 years - days 5 & 6 1000 years - day 7

    Chart of Millennial Covenant Days

    6Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
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    7/20Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 7

    A ENC AO


    C A

    Diagram for Dating of Exodus Year by Epochs of Determined Time

    using The Balfour Generation method with 27AD Jesus Baptism & Jacob




    Total Determined Time is Comprised of 1000 years of Rest and 6,000 years of Labor

    * Year of Completion for Solomons Temple, 1459 487 = 972 BC 1Kgs.6:1&:38

    A Adamic Covenant Gen. 3:15

    O Old Covenant Gen. 12:4

    CA Christ Anointing @30Yr, born 4BCLuke 16:16, 3:21-23 & Matt. 11:12-13

    N End of New Covenant 1Th.4:16-18

    E Eternity Future StartRev.20:1&7, &10; Rev.10:6

    Time Gap 1 is time From

    Old Covenant start whenAbraham was age 75 until

    Jacob Birth 85 years later

    Gen. 12:4, 21:5, & 25:26

    Time Gap 2 is 430 years

    From Law to CovenantConfirmation with Jacobs

    Birth Ex. 12:40-41, 19:1 &


    27 AD3027 AD

    1974 BC3974 BC

    1459 BC

    1974 BC




    1459 BC


    04 BC Jesus Birth alt




    Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant Days
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    Warning of Signs in the Heavens

    Nowhere in scripture are we told the signs in the heavens must be only over

    the nation of Israel. Oh contraire Pierre, the work of The Kingdom is for

    God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever

    believes in Him as Savior and is baptized shall be saved, whosoeverbelieves not is dammed already for he believes not, for without faith it is

    impossible to please God. Many signs in the heavens warn to be ready:

    Sign of Woman clothed with the sun giving birth

    8Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

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    Warning of Signs in the HeavensSign of the Morning Star Sept. 20 2017

    9Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

    W i f Si i th H

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    Warning of Signs in the Heavens Solar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -

    10Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days

    in 4 consecutive

    Years never before & never again go figure

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    Warning of Signs in the Heavens Lunar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -


    Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong 7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days in 4 consecutive

    Years never before & never again go figure

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    Warning of Signs in the HeavensLunar Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days some consider that since these eclipses are not at

    zenith over Israel, they are not substantial. Joel 2 simply state signs in the heavens and in the

    earth, the below table list the corresponding date and local of where in the earth and heaven

    they shall be visible for any camera to broadcast into Israel during the stated holy days. Should

    such a broadcast make the events more substantial in the earth and heaven.

    12Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

    7 Eclipses on 7 Jewish Holy Days in 4 consecutive Years never in prior 6000 years & never

    again in next 100 years go figure the chance of that event

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    Warning of Signs in the HeavensLunar Eclipses during Jewish Holy DaysJoel 2 simply states signs in the heavens and

    in the earth- not in Israel The following article is a misrepresentation because:

    1) for hardly anyone is Someone in the earth and heaven and they shall be visible

    for any camera to broadcast into Israel during the stated holy days, should such a

    broadcast make the events more substantial. Every single one (1) is important to

    the eye of God, review the implication from Jesus parable of the sparrow

    2) Wrong: no Pseudoscience involved the eclipses do correspond with listed holidays

    3) Wrong: 3/20/2015 will be about 10% visible over Jerusalem as detailed belowRoger C Young

    Bible & Spade26.2.2013.

    An Even greater


    representation is

    on youtuber as

    debunking blood

    red moons as he

    claims NO

    eclipses visible

    over Israel dead

    wrong some,

    but not all are

    visible toJerusalem

    13Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong
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    The Warning of the Signs in the Heavens

    14Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

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    The Warning of the Signs in the Heavens

    20mar 2015 and 09Mar 2016 correspond to Solar eclipses on 1Aviv Jewish Calendar, the

    21aug 2017 solar eclipse correspond to 1st day of Elul last civil month, time of repentance

    15Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

    P h t f th S i t h f h h d
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    Prophets of the Scripture - The Sign of Jonah or the 3rd Day Warning

    "This is an evil generation. It seeks a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah the

    prophet. For as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so also the Son of Man will be to this

    generation. The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and

    condemn them, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a

    greater than Solomon is here. The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and

    condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here.

    Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from You.But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign

    will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in

    the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the

    earth. The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because

    they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. The queen of the

    South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of

    the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is hereThen the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and testing Him asked that He would show them a sign from

    heaven. He answered and said to them, "When it is evening you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is

    red'; and in the morning, 'It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites!

    You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times. A wicked

    and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the

    prophet Jonah." And He left them and departed.

    Jesus warned that very day Lot left wicked Sodom; fire from heaven consumed those wicked cities &

    again the day Noah closed the ark door, the rains came & destroyed that wicked generation: as it

    was in the days of Noah; so shall it be upon His return

    And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day's walk. Then he cried out and said, "Yet forty days,

    and Nineveh shall be overthrown!

    16Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

    P h t f th S i t Th Si f J h h 3rd D W i
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    Prophets of the Scripture - The Sign of Jonah or the 3rd Day Warning

    If the 10 years is postponed off the 40 Jubilee of Robert, then 27AD plus 1990 brings us to 2017.

    The 10 postponed years are 7 years tribulation and 3.5 years for Gog-Magog (retool from peace

    to war) after the Grand Sabbath Millennial rest.

    Others such as Dewey Bruton have done much work with Daniels prophesy and consider 2017

    to be an august year for important events.

    17Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

    P h t f th S i t Th Si f J h th 3rd D W i
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    Prophets of the Scripture - The Sign of Jonah or the 3rd Day Warning


    You little children are not in darkness that that day should overtake you unawares.

    Otherwise Christ must repent for his words to His generation Hypocrites; you candiscern the signs of the sky and yet cannot see the signs of your visitation time and

    again He wept over Jerusalem lamenting the fact they did not grasp the time of their

    visitation but ye would not a choice was made.

    Indeed it is hypocrisy to chide the Hebrews of Jesus time for not seeing the signs of

    Christ first advent and then say we cannot expect indications of His second advent?

    Surely the Lord does nothing without first warning He told of the rich man in a

    parable, if his relatives could not believe the scripture; then why would they listen to

    someone resurrected? Daniel was told go your way for the words were sealed until

    the appointed time simply stated : all is revealed and there is no need since theapostles time for anything but to understand what was written. Again in Revelation :

    cursed is he that adds to or takes away : again telling us we have all things been told

    it is simply a matter of understanding not a matter of needing additional scriptures.

    18Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013 by OP Armstrong

    h W i f h Si i th H;CEB;CEB
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    The Warning of the Signs in the Heavens

    Eclipses during Jewish Holy Days -

    19Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013by OP Armstrong
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    Bloody Moons or Purple Sun? August2013by OP Armstrong


    Alternative Trib Start Trib End End Anno Mundi

    7 YR tribulation + 3.5Y postponement or

    (7Yr postponement + 3.5Yr great tribulation)

    2017 AD


    2024 AD


    3027 AD


    7 YR tribulation no postponement 2020 AD 2027 AD 3027 AD

    3.5 YR tribulation 3.5Y postponement 2020 AD 2024 AD 3027 AD

    Postponement means Daniels 70th week is completed after the millennial year

    reign. The end of the 70th

    week is to bring in everlasting righteousness and makean end of prophesy. The tribulation is notthe end of prophesy, sorry!

    At the end of the millennial reign Satan is loosed and entices many ofearths

    inhabitants against Jerusalem. All of which must consume some of the 7,000

    years of Covenant time. For just as God made the 1st creation in seven days, it is

    taken that seven millennial days from fall of Adam, there are determined 7,000years to make a new heaven and new earth. The last Adam is Jesus who

    redeemed the old Adam unto life. Days ofAdams redemption are numbered by

    Jesus baptism at river Jordan, Luke 16:16, about 27AD. The seven days of new

    creation run from 3974BC unto 3027AD.

    Warning of Seven Millennial Covenant DaysAlternative Considerations