Blood TRIAYELERS' OUTFITTER Dar's T Only Exclusive Trunk...

/ T'1E DAILY _ EWS-fIRALD, WEDGES DA MO.1NG, OC TOBER 2 r L the m to th otel and turned them looso issacred to g.andpa. anis a lounger;a t 'EDICAL. W T 1 UE in the halls and corridors. In about two foot rest goes with his chair. A steamer " weeks the hotel was swarming with them, chair now is about his size. The prize com- Ui 'o Ul 1. s s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsss 6s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and they got into the soups, preserves, jaus, bination for him is an easy arm chair and a IGH NOVELTIES IN DRESS FABRICS molases, in the milk-everywhere; and mantelpiece. "Give me where to hang my o FOR AUTUMN WEAR. worke.l hard all day and sat up at night to feet," says proud man, "and I care not where The Board of Health of help that drummer get even. They have you put the rest of my body." Half con lilled the hotel and gone to work on the pri. vinced that he was made a little lower than Duval County, on account english Tea Gowns Made to Simulate vate houses, and now Palestine is achrsed the angels, he has been trying ever since to th alne Yel w.e.l ak I mmeo th Bot G.rga e i C conference, ites frem the Flowing Costumes of India Prin- with them.-Chicago News. get his feet back to Edenic altitudes, and so Of the prevalence of Yellow M Rv.0. .ll' a rk$i qa members ofte Ba a hthe Confernc wries fran ceases-Charming~ FrnhTaGon 1atnall County, Ga.: 41One year ago I was taken with rheumatism, and heamare almost cesses-Charming French Tea Gowns he sails through life on the small of his back, Cver in Tampa, do hereby f~.,ple for over three monhs. l the remedies used seemed to fail ntil I commenced Embroidered in Turkish Designs with his feet hovering above him like guard- the use of Swift's Speciflc. I have taken five bottles, and am perfectly sound and well mbodrdiTukaDein.A Marked Change. wihn i fneet Rhernglabve, himlegarglsd- c~ d tlb s tit , =,,,,o~ ~ .s . •. a, ,,or , A Marked Change. Again. I would have written sooner, but waited to seeif the cure was permanent. And declare and establish a strict now hesitateingly recommend S. S. S. as a safe and reliable remedy for rheumatism. u2 they are, too, but nevertheless he likes to I Lave all confidence in its virtue." Tea gowns have gained an important place look at them. You never yet saw a man until no in the toilets of ladiesof fashion. The timely with feet so big and clumsy that he didn't quarantine until further no descriptions here given on the subject will, like tohold them where he could see them ice, against Tampa and allR H EU M A T IS M I therefore, prove welcome to lady readers. when he sat down.-Brooklyn Eagle. Forovertwo I sufera Intsely with muscular rheumatism. Became almost teeoepiM For over two yer ufr4iaey with mslarhuaim I became almost Both descriptions and illustrations are repro- points south and west ofe ,and W. obehelped out of bed. At times I was unable to turn myself in bed, Old Chocolate's Targit Practice an had to be handled as tenderly as an infant. My chest was involved, and the pain E ducedHit's a fool fish dat bites twice at de same D was intolerable at times. All the old and well-known remedies were exhausted, but no M d dpieesBoHit's a ' a folh d bish aat 'de same Duval Coun ty, permanent relief was obtained. About a yearago I was induced by a friend to try Swift's piece ob bait, an' a fool fishaman dat 'specs Specific. The effect has been magical. My friends scarcely recognize me. My rheuma him toe. Pese Board of He.t t is entirely gone, my general health, issuperb and I am weighing thirty pounds more An oPresident Board oe dealto.d thanwen W commenced-taking B. S. . I amiable to attend o allmy ministerial work. An ole dog at changes ownas changes A. W. KNIGHT, I am devoutly grateful for my restoration to health, which I owe, under the blessing of 1o-31cemper. Secretary y. God, to Swifs Specific. eev. J. M. Lowa. "Yo' can't grin' yo' ax 'less sumnu tu'ns de H ampton, ., April 20, 1886. 77 .- L stone. ,---,1roasise on Blood and Skin Diseases sailed free. A sailor wid a w'ite skin needs a lettah ob THE SWIFT PECIFO CO., Atlnta, a l, recommen'. TRIAYELERS' OUTFITTER Dar's a little mo' hope fo' a spilt chile dan SS9 SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss dar is fo' a bad oystah. T he Only Exclusive Trunk and Valise Store Ef yo' want toe git de market value-ob IN THE STATE. GROCERIES, ETC. good health,ask do man dat's ill. Trunks re aired, and Sample Cases made to ^ Many a man ull try toe convince yo' w'o order. The largest stock, finest assortment at nebbah ud be convinced hisse'f. manufacturers' prices. 8 W. Bay Sire et. De hiad man am nebbah disturbed by de Reed's Block. Jacksonville. lia. it hailstawm dat spiles his mastah's crops. A lucky man am allus twitted ob his faw- ---FOR-- ...... e ota my u tlsye o faa,- T0 KTUu1 N & COiMIPANY, v " ~ u -F R I.chime; an unlucky man allus twits hisse'f. De doctah may 'uv tole yo' toe fas', but ef .... - _ yo' is at a nabah's table yo' er bonn' toe NO. 47, West Bay St. IN ENGLISH TEA GOWNS. Young Mr. Waldo-Your friend, Miss Wa, stuff.-J. A. Waldron in Judge. - *n HE s T Luxurious English tea gowns made in emu. bash, looks somewhat stouter than she ap a uioun of he rich flowing costumes worn by peared on my last visit to Cticago, Miss They Had Got Used to Babies. \ B AR y Breezy. "Say," said a woman wearing a faded yel- aii Shoe BLEsR the India princesses at the Queen's jubilee, are Miss Breezy-Yes, I was saying to mama low dress, as she came out of a western Da of soft Thibet woolens and Bengaline silks, only last evening, at the Baconian class, that kota house which stood near the road, as we . 6O T es B ay__ Stree__ t with fromis of gold gauze and lace, trimmed Clara looked a trifle corn fed.-New Yorll drove up, "you didn'tsee noyoung 'unsdown O ' __OII_ with embroideres of silks and metal threads the road, I reckon?." "No." "Couple o' SOLE AGENTS FOR BURTS in intricate Eastern patterns. A white Thi- u SOLE AGETS FOR BUTS bet vool gown hagie full from shol.. mine missin' again, I guess;" and she sur- l t S S w eet H o m e u r ders opensover allowing frontho gold sill; .Z ,C. RET veyed a good sized flock who were playing P SF gauze, the long wide sleeves and border -- ~round the house. "Or, hold on, I guess al I i wrought in red, gold and black. Lalla'Rookh Mr. Nvergo Bore, reaching out for a butt there ain't, either." Shebegan singling them I the Perfection of Fine Flour, vests draped from each shoulder to cross on ton hole-What's going on, old man Mr. out with her finger, saying: "One, two, :Of all sizes andwi . Is the Perfection of Fine Flour, the bust with a scarf girdle below, are of Busy Man, dodging-I am. three-stand still, you brats, till I count you! crinkled white crape flecked with gold in NOR VISIT THE THEATRE. -four, five-come back here, Ophelia, till SOle Agents for Burt & Mears' THE LEADING RETAIL GROCERS ALL SELL IT ! gowns of tawny red Bengaline or of faded The nuns in the Via Merulana convent in yr counted-six, seven, eight, an' two at and J. S. Turner Fine alf And say they can find nothing to take its place. rose India cashmere. Artists design msthetic Rome, it is said, never "see a man." Euough; two oiat'n the field is thirteen. All right, and Patent Leather gowns fo their wives and sister with classic they do not knw th tast of cloves. stranger, they're all here; I 'lowed two or Shoes for Gentlemen. Their next grade, PILGRIM gives universal satisfaction. statuesque drapery, and after French models EAR. AR! three o' 'em had lit out, but the census is cor of the last century, with full Watteau fold, Mr. John Cass (the candidate)-Doctor, my rect 1" "You have a large family, madam." Largest selection of Ladies Opera Slippers -MANUFACTURED BY giving a sweeping train, and suggesting the ear aches all the time; what do you suppose "Lawks, family till you can't rest! An'say, and Ties, South of New York. rich brocades of that period, with festoons of is the matter with it? Doctor (after careful do you know what's a fact, gen'lmen, when Chldrens' Shoes a Specialty. O . F . M illi lg C o lace for their garniture. Paris modistes send examination)-Growing pains. the first one, Sheridan-he's out'n the field Special out trousseau gowns of moire or of shaded plush o- velvet, in stripes or watered, for the TOUCHED THE PLATE. shuckin' corn now-when he was a baby WE DEFY COMPETITION. ST L cO IS, M O . bodice and train, opening over straight flow- "Our dinner table," said Mr. Newboarder, what d'ye think me an' the old man used to ing fots of white China crape or of silk plesantly, as he studied the pattern of the do to him?" "Give it up." "Used to wake veiled wfroith lace. white Corded woolens in bars and cloth, "reminds me of a time table." "And him up to see him laugh! Yes, sir; regular GEORGE C. W ILSON in stripes of viex rose, sevres blue, and pale wherefore?" inquired the prompter. "More thing every time he went t0 sleep! Some- T O R- G -- EE.O-IS N& CO. green tints are fashioned into closer prince o figures than fodder," was th:v soft answer times one big fool of us an' sometimes the SUCCESSOR TO GEO. 0. WILSON & CO. robes that open over long gathered front which turned on the wrath. other would sneak up an' chuck him under -FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN breadths of white veiling, dotted along the THE FATE OF PGILLION. the chin an' say:o 'Wakeup, otootsy wotsy, dem with tiny points wrought in rose or blue "Pig pens close to the well, or close to the an' laugh no cumin' littlee laugh for oo pap' 1-TOC1ie- a. C Ov isiO l r]ks. The full sleeves are pleated to white house," says The Farmer's Friend, "mean Didn't never wake up any of the other wool undersleves, and a wide silk scarf or death." You bet; death to the pig. It's pretty e Well, hardly, tr ger e No. 4. t a St., J t- o ile, Fi.. half girdle crosses the loose front and disap- hard to locate the pen so as to change this fatal knew a powerful sight mor'n we did. Here, INSURANCE. pears under the sides of the robe. signification, o. Washington, quit hurtin' yer little sister or MEXICAN PULQUE, THE UNPARDONABLE SIN. I'll give you a switchin' you'll remember till ICE CREAM SODA,-All Flavors. Justice Lokm o--o n 820. As- yer 100 years old!"-Chica o Tribune. ROWNTREES CHOCOLATE SODA- T use oc up-o fine is 20 As_ __ ___With Cream. 7-N Astonished Lawbreaker-Twenty dollars! For Bill Nye's Favorite Literature. A GREAT DRINK ! J getting drunk? Justice-No, for getting In prose, I thinkye I derive more comfort r Juice, caught. Hundreds of people get drunk every I pros, I thik Io ntserrat, HLimr Fruit SeWith oda. -! '" " •. day and I don't fine 'emra a cent. Only fine from Herbert Spencer than any one else. As Mexican Pulque .- ...... days of our great civil w ar, turned to the e x a r u q e Fruit thosp who get caught. SA-LAn.c dak aid t our Flavors are rno pge RENtT -MAKING A SA-LAM light and joyous comments of Petroleum V. Juices. "Leave the door ajm, please," said the Nasby, so I flee from my own earnest and £OOL DRINKE OO DI t Smerchan courteously. And the visitor profound research to the dry, crisp humor of COO DRINKS! COOLDRIKSO from Arkansas, as he went out, fetched it to Spencer, and more especially to that passage with both hands, yanking off the knob, in which he characterizes evolution "a T 0c - springing both hinges, and leaving a jar that change from an indefinite, incoherent home- G]C);.G -J ITI GE S . rattled every window in the building. And geneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity if -. you'l eiv t toe pleras got mad. thog ontinuous differentiations and in Vou on' knw hw t plasesome men, be-, -eeiy lev ,h ra gdcause they never know What they wan' them- t never get tired of putting a damp towel _ ; If, No. I W est Bay Street, Jaksnll , H . on my head and reading this passage, for it i iTHE PARLOR FLOOR IS MORE "SWELL." enables me to forget everythihg else.-Bos- T ~ ~E AT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. "There's plenty of room at the top," is ton Globe. IA there, my boy? Oh, no; that's only some a THE GREAT REPRESENTATIVE MUSIC HOUSE OF FLORIDA. .more of the wiseman'sencouragingnonsense. Times of Affability. I ,Rem There's less room at the top than anywhere Female Suffrage Agent-I called to'see if I S else in the whole' pyramid. Unless society is could not induce you to join our suffrage. as- DEPOT OF SOUT1 Built upside down, there is the most room at sociation, Mrs. Politician. I p a V A P B the bottom. There's only room for one at Mrs. Politician-Indeed I will. I was op the top. Look at our own country: 50,000,- posed to the whole business until I happened O.03J C SONVTILL E, FLOI 000 of people at the bottom and middle, and to attend a mass meeting last evening, and C only one president at the top. That's the way now I want a vote just as quick as the law FRENCH TEA GOWN. the world over: millions of subjects and only will let me. The picturesque costume worn by the seated ne king. If you want lots of room and "Yes, I saw you there with your husband. The picturesque costume worn by the s plenty of company, you stay at the bottom He seems to be very popular. But nothing a 0 fiuei h luntair fEnglish tea anHs obeatypP i ~s gn figure is of illustr o tione -E nglis of a with the rest of us. Mighty lonely and nar- was said at that meeting about woman's suf gowns is of a soft Florenine brocade of dark row at the apex. frage. What changed you so suddenly?" vieux rose tiut, opening over a front of white "Itijust Qccurred to me that if I had a vote BEST MAKES I - LARGEST STOCK I - LOWEST PRICES I crepe de Chiue arraiuged in folds and curves "OUT OF THE CRADLE ENDLESSLY ROcKING." "It just occurred to me that if I had a vote 4 v that lend themselves to all the movements of Heaven's last, best gift to man was woman my husband would be polite to me during E m R e t o e ST guarantee W 1. P I will give you more for your money than any other house in the United States. I guarantee the supple figure. Slight puffings of crepe and man's best gift to woman was the rock- every campaign. "-Omaha World. Instruments to be as represented. I will ship a Piano or Organ to any honest man or woman on trim the neck, wrists, and foot of the front: ing chair. It is her comfort of comforts. It trial and if not satisfactory, I wllpay freight both ways. $5 cash and $0 a month O a Piano is and $10 cash and $5 a month on an Organ t'61 paid for-not much more than ordinary rent. On the graceful sleeves are of the same crepe. is a rest for the weary woman; she rocks her Egypt, Ills., vs. Egypt of O1t. . these very liberal terms any one can own an instrument. Send for free Catalogue containing The train is lined throughout with India silk. troubles away as the swinging bow casts off Mr. Hayseed (to wife who is returned rrom full information. Sheet Music, Strings, Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Accordions, and in fact every The other gown in the same illustration is the dust; it is a solace in hours of sorrow; church)-What was the sermon about? - noise-producing iniimment that is made and at very low prioe. I have 0,000 pieces of choiee .of moss green crepeline, made with a Wat. even a creaking rocker that driveth men mad Irs. Hayseed-Sutthin' about Joseph goin' music at 10 cents pr copy. 5,500 books c ce seconds an cen. en for ataogues teau train, with full loose front of cream as with the ceaseless words of a contentious aun to Egypt to buy corn. 9 CLOTHING. white wool. A white silk girdle encircles the woman, "speak comfortably to her;" her air Mr. Hayseed-Did the dominie say what waist and drops down one side. The India castles, builded in the restless rocker, must corn's wuth daun there?-The Epoch. needle work is in clusters of green leaves lean like multiplied towers of Pisa; the E-NE veined with pale pink. rocker fills up all social gaps; if thereis no A Question of Plurals. B NE T 1I JR 'The charming French tea gownl here iilus- one with whom she may talk, she rocks; if Said a little boy who was pursuing his mu- " N O a a .fl 8..larI OO 1118 treated is a princess robe of chaudron velvet she hasn't talkative company she rocks and sical education at the piano with his little Isbelievrng. Behold us as we are. Immense! embroidered in Turkish designs with red, talks. She rocks and sews; she rocks and sister: "Mamma, when there's two of us, so it is, and Il used in ou own Musio and * OPPOSITE ASTOR BLOCK, 79 WEST BAY ST., JACKSONVILLE, FLA. gold and copper threads. The long blouse knits; she rooks and sketches. She rocks oughtn't we to say 'do, ro, us' instead of 'do, yinhesaleof $ ANS front is of ivory surah veiled with white net and does things that a man can only accom- re, mi?'"--The Epoch. in which we lead ail, and SAVE buyers NOTICE !-Weare pleased to inform the citizens of Jacksonville and the public generally fnioi yuhee i en__from 825 to 550 on each Instrument sold. that we have just taken out our new license for the year, and shall spare no amount of time, wrought with gold figures; the white silk and plish under conditions of motionless, death- LIVE HOUSE! Right you ere. Dixie's bla- labor or money to make it one of the very nicest and complete establishments in the South. net reappear on! the sides of the skirts and as like stillness; she rocks and threads a needle What the Old Hen Said. ing s doa't even wilt us one bit. B See our Our Billiard Saloon is handsomely finished up with the finest kinds of billiard and pool tables, petfsan shed sdes te sr w and as l s thou h theaeof miracles had Into the house he came running, having all the latest attachments beloning tereto. As in the past we are:determined to keep grdlu ei othn slshed eeves; thue soft wide t ased a ouh th agre wo s i 0 he < hs curls. f d MM ER SALE up tho reputation already attained, making our plae the resort for the est element of our "gideis of Bomugalinme silk,, o asd a woman photographer would sit OvommeisingaJune hy cl0s9eredNpSopne Latest Novelties ins Dress Fabrics, ad otorahear in gad r All Kinds of W ines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, Laest oveliesiu Dess 'abrcs. placidly "htgahagop frcigw- 'Why wouhd 3 nn lore them mmy darlingg" gsmnm I Prices way dawn. Terms asmer thanaever In silk fabrics moie antique, mioir faille, in in rockers of various gaits. The rocker "Because our old he.," pouted he, PIANOS SS to SIlO Monthly, of the best qualities, sold either by the barrel, keg, ju , orontap. g Orders for jugs or kegs ire brocade falle ranise tae tle is to her a nervine, a narcotic, a stimulant. "Screams when we meet, -Get your hair cut! SCAN $8 to $5 MOthl* by express will receive prompt attention, and all goo warranted the same as represented by movie b-ocade am d fill Fancaise take the It is to her all that a cigar is to a man, and Get your hair cut'-I know she means met 0 -- 4 us. Respectfully, lead. Novelty silks desi aed to make up in a woman with a cigar and a man in a rock- -- George Cooper in Our Little Ones. B. . cov, No a wet y Street. combination with plain silk amid velvet, in ing chair seem equally misfited. The rocker =' B TT' E * "I:'A:'I:' 8 ai t i. .. m.1 usT N0l nay S]? nine cases out of ten, have moire stripes or is a certain means of grace; be she "mad as To Ladies moi backgrounds. otwihstading the i n- e e o vous n sufen nt o deran JACOB D. B CKY, < creased popularity of moire silks amid faille tranquilizes her perturbed spirit, and by the army of the painful disorders or weaknesses 8 L lFrancaisd velvets hold their own both in time she has rocked herself out of breath the incident to their sex, Dr. Pierce's treaties, -- 0 TIC E C L O T H ER the disposition is to a combination of several chair tells you that sunlighted calm has dis- plates (160 pages), suggests sure means of effects both of design amid weaves in the same possessed the storm, and peace reigns in her complete self-cure. Seint for 1 0 cents in ves bsmewit flra ateus mn pompaour it g Myrcs ayto e grs and ery Buffdraso, e. Y. e ents Furnishing Goods, flats Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. ~~~~piece, as alternate stripes of amoire and satiti, loving breast. Like the cradle of the miner, sms.Address World's Dispensary MoJ~d- ]SFrsm 0s asCprns ,Ec 1vrhi sith" la patterns in pompadou it gently,rocks away the gross and earthy, iclsoitoBfaoS.Y PO T CASH PRICE&8. with credit 5 West Bay Street, - -- - 'Jacksonville, Fla. coaorimgs, this to e Daie up with plain faille and leaves a residuum of fine gold only. She Ut/C 0 C. i. crdM i 5J. eOOK FOR THE ELEGANT BRASS SHOW cASE. aisrveh-es Desigms wroughtingol rocks all along the way of her pilgrimage, W Co .aLE NA and silver threads are seen in the new goods. up the hill of Difficulty, past the chained * 1 1.9 [\Tii-: ments. No Iforest. uyindune, COAL AND COKE. lions down into the Valley of Humiliation, e a * July, Augist, or Soptember,and Laces for Evening Diesses. across the narrow land of Ease, through the pay we crop cornek. Quite new are the drapery nets introduced troubles on every side, through the fightings The Popular AmericanPoet, the author Weite for OlreulrsV for the autumn and winter seasons. These without and the fears within, past all dan- of "Betsey and I Are Out," and REMEMBER come in white, black and all the leading even. gers, doubts and cares clear up to the borders other home lifealassicss est r s ~o . ing shades, and are designed to be made up of Beulah land she rocks, rocks, rocks. One Easest Terns polessble. O F A LA B A M A. over faille fr'ancaise or moire silk. These of the first Christmas presents you buy for 0il 0iiute a Si s of r igillal Artles Finest instruments No By drapery nets are exceedingly dainty in effect, your little girl is a rocking chair; and the Fine Stoole and Coverd Oi lae for Eastern Department, - No. 50 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla having flinue, web like grounds, overlaid with last time her grandchildren see her sitting -TO THE- , All Freight Paid. siLace flounces, for which there continues a softly swaying in a high backed rocker, T Full -arante. waysWle demand, are out in new patterns in duchessy dreaming again of the yeas when her day - Money Saved. ,inoya t V l an a and poitut lnet. dreams were woven in that little rocker, now k)IVWite to MnySvd and poitlcdhaswr o en n th neatgrlidleurhker.h 4OD # @ T Car'Load Lots promptly shipped direct from the mines Newest Styles in Handkerchiefs. In all those years your boy has changed his THE FIRST ONE APPEARED &@BA by Railroad to all pomts. Colored handkerchiefs are atain in style. toys and comforts and lounging chairs with SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAlANNAH, GA~bo every changing style, but your little girl BANKING. These come in plain colors edged with lace of has never been long out of a rocking Sunday, October 9, 1887. --- ~- same shade as the handkerchief , which is chair. A home without a rocker would be TeeltrsbWilCltoaercrdof D. G. AMBLER, Pres. , J. J. DANIEL, Vice-Pres. JNO. N. C. STOCKTON, Cashier ' " made of sheer fi e musiuu. Then there are like a farm without an orchard; it would the times in whichwe live, and graphic do- . colored, hqdkerchiefs with embroidered bor- still be a fazn-, but its crown jewel would be scriptions of places which are making the Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all ders edged with lace. Numbered with new missing. Only a woman could have written American continent famous. "hey are writ- other business in the U. S. Patent Office at thng n htehnderhef relne am "ok eto88 ote;"aa ih h ten by one whose name is already known as tended to for moderate fees. edigdi whit hmmr anechiefsae hiem-os man r~et enr to darpMter laim with~ the far as the English language is read uand in a 0-sr office is opposite the U. S. Patent office, brie ones with haid embroidered border m ataa e style which is a e departure andwecan obtain Patents in less time than C SONVILLE, - - - FLOID edged with narro Val ncien~es.face of una answerable internal evidence, and pondence. The millions of pep w o have those remote from Washington. shedin'tmdn "c-a.eCarleton's "yarnm Ballads,"" City Send model or drawing. WVe advise so Te rummner's evegeh man a "esdle trock:" ol, no, she B ds, etc.. witu so much inte-est ad do- patentability free of change; and we make t I)ESIGNATEID UNITED ST ATES DEPOSI T ORY. / Th rumme's Reenge°wane to be rocked asleep in arocking, chair. light, who still read t hem over and nome, can charge unless 'se obtain a Patent. A drumnuer had , spite at a hotel in Pales- If she says she means "cradle." then do I have hee their favorite author, week after We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt ca tino, To'., and ecosl1ved on a terrible revenge, fully believe her to be a man week, wTith all the grace of his poetic magi- of Money Order Div., and to officials of the U. l dDIRECTORS : So. whom: be, went to Galveston le "bog As for man, le is nt a natural ckr. e nation an the added freedom of a prose, but S Patfet Office. For circular, advice, terms lorin m ".i egt'arlo. forshic th rd Cme hbiumet, r not prsy, style, ookd references to actual clients in your own D.G. AMBLER, 1. . DANIEL, Le- P. T iAiIao- q lot i ec ' , ,L- . it'ug a o t i th largCt may acq ie aias a trothing horse htate or county, write to ALEX. WALLACE, -B]. M.L BAEn, in,. in'. \\um(.in~ , I ecimm:- -. -p elony called by native Gal- ma otuh oi me iai"Opposite Patent OceA %sngo n D. CO, .P. CQAA, T.Tl. STOCKTO-N, ( .veslonin--; ( ?.rloigers," the druimnser look te ~ N w -ead fie ahntmDC H .IAA ,) , in : :

Transcript of Blood TRIAYELERS' OUTFITTER Dar's T Only Exclusive Trunk...

Page 1: Blood TRIAYELERS' OUTFITTER Dar's T Only Exclusive Trunk · / T'1E DAILY _ EWS-fIRALD, WEDGES DA MO.1NG, OC TOBER 2 W r


r L the m to th otel and turned them looso issacred to g.andpa. anis a lounger;a t 'EDICAL. W T 1 UE in the halls and corridors. In about two foot rest goes with his chair. A steamer


weeks the hotel was swarming with them, chair now is about his size. The prize com- Ui 'o Ul 1. s s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsss 6s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and they got into the soups, preserves, jaus, bination for him is an easy arm chair and a

IGH NOVELTIES IN DRESS FABRICS molases, in the milk-everywhere; and mantelpiece. "Give me where to hang my o

FOR AUTUMN WEAR. worke.l hard all day and sat up at night to feet," says proud man, "and I care not where The Board of Health of help that drummer get even. They have you put the rest of my body." Half con

lilled the hotel and gone to work on the pri. vinced that he was made a little lower than Duval County, on account english Tea Gowns Made to Simulate vate houses, and now Palestine is achrsed the angels, he has been trying ever since to th alne Yel w.e.l ak I mmeo th Bot G.rga e i C conference, ites frem

the Flowing Costumes of India Prin- with them.-Chicago News. get his feet back to Edenic altitudes, and so Of the prevalence of Yellow M Rv.0. .ll' a rk$i qa members ofte Ba a hthe Confernc wries fran

ceases-Charming~ FrnhTaGon 1atnall County, Ga.: 41One year ago I was taken with rheumatism, and heamare almost cesses-Charming French Tea Gowns he sails through life on the small of his back, Cver in Tampa, do hereby f~.,ple for over three monhs. l the remedies used seemed to fail ntil I commenced

Embroidered in Turkish Designs with his feet hovering above him like guard- the use of Swift's Speciflc. I have taken five bottles, and am perfectly sound and well mbodrdiTukaDein.A Marked Change. wihn i fneet Rhernglabve, himlegarglsd- c~ d tlb s tit , =,,,,o~ ~ .s . •. a, ,,or ,

A Marked Change. Again. I would have written sooner, but waited to seeif the cure was permanent. And declare and establish a strict now hesitateingly recommend S. S. S. as a safe and reliable remedy for rheumatism. u2

they are, too, but nevertheless he likes to I Lave all confidence in its virtue."

Tea gowns have gained an important place look at them. You never yet saw a man until noin the toilets of ladiesof fashion. The timely with feet so big and clumsy that he didn't quarantine until further nodescriptions here given on the subject will, like tohold them where he could see them ice, against Tampa and allR H EU M A T IS M I

therefore, prove welcome to lady readers. when he sat down.-Brooklyn Eagle. Forovertwo I sufera Intsely with muscular rheumatism. Became almost teeoepiM For over two yer ufr4iaey with mslarhuaim I became almost

Both descriptions and illustrations are repro- points south and west ofe ,and W. obehelped out of bed. At times I was unable to turn myself in bed, Old Chocolate's Targit Practice an had to be handled as tenderly as an infant. My chest was involved, and the pain E

ducedHit's a fool fish dat bites twice at de same D was intolerable at times. All the old and well-known remedies were exhausted, but no M d dpieesBoHit's a ' a folh d bish aat 'de same Duval Coun ty, permanent relief was obtained. About a yearago I was induced by a friend to try Swift's

piece ob bait, an' a fool fishaman dat 'specs Specific. The effect has been magical. My friends scarcely recognize me. My rheumahim toe. Pese Board of He.t t is entirely gone, my general health, issuperb and I am weighing thirty pounds more

An oPresident Board oe dealto.d thanwen W commenced-taking B. S. . I amiable to attend o allmy ministerial work. An ole dog at changes ownas changes A. W. KNIGHT, I am devoutly grateful for my restoration to health, which I owe, under the blessing of

1o-31cemper. Secretary y. God, to Swifs Specific. eev. J. M. Lowa. "Yo' can't grin' yo' ax 'less sumnu tu'ns de H ampton, ., April 20, 1886.

77 .- L stone. ,---,1roasise on Blood and Skin Diseases sailed free.

A sailor wid a w'ite skin needs a lettah ob THE SWIFT PECIFO CO., Atlnta, a

l, recommen'. TRIAYELERS' OUTFITTER Dar's a little mo' hope fo' a spilt chile dan SS9 SS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSss

dar is fo' a bad oystah. The Only Exclusive Trunk and Valise Store

Ef yo' want toe git de market value-ob IN THE STATE. GROCERIES, ETC.

good health, ask do man dat's ill. Trunks re aired, and Sample Cases made to ^ Many a man ull try toe convince yo' w'o order. The largest stock, finest assortment at

nebbah ud be convinced hisse'f. manufacturers' prices. 8 W. Bay Sire et.

De hiad man am nebbah disturbed by de Reed's Block. Jacksonville. lia.

it hailstawm dat spiles his mastah's crops. A lucky man am allus twitted ob his faw- ---FOR--...... e ota my u tlsye o faa,- T0 KTUu1 N & COiMIPANY, v " ~ u -F R

I.chime; an unlucky man allus twits hisse'f. De doctah may 'uv tole yo' toe fas', but ef

.... - _ yo' is at a nabah's table yo' er bonn' toe NO. 47, West Bay St. IN ENGLISH TEA GOWNS. Young Mr. Waldo-Your friend, Miss Wa, stuff.-J. A. Waldron in Judge. - *n HE s T

Luxurious English tea gowns made in emu. bash, looks somewhat stouter than she apa uioun of he rich flowing costumes worn by peared on my last visit to Cticago, Miss They Had Got Used to Babies. \ B AR

y Breezy. "Say," said a woman wearing a faded yel- aii Shoe BLEsR the India princesses at the Queen's jubilee, are Miss Breezy-Yes, I was saying to mama low dress, as she came out of a western Daof soft Thibet woolens and Bengaline silks, only last evening, at the Baconian class, that kota house which stood near the road, as we . 6O T es B ay__ Stree__ t with fromis of gold gauze and lace, trimmed Clara looked a trifle corn fed.-New Yorll drove up, "you didn'tsee noyoung 'unsdown O ' __OII_

with embroideres of silks and metal threads the road, I reckon?." "No." "Couple o' SOLE AGENTS FOR BURTS

in intricate Eastern patterns. A white Thi- u SOLE AGETS FOR BUTS

bet vool gown hagie full from shol.. mine missin' again, I guess;" and she sur- l t S S w eet H o m e u r ders opensover allowing frontho gold sill; .Z ,C. RET veyed a good sized flock who were playing P SF gauze, the long wide sleeves and border -- ~round the house. "Or, hold on, I guess al I i wrought in red, gold and black. Lalla'Rookh Mr. Nvergo Bore, reaching out for a butt there ain't, either." Shebegan singling them I the Perfection of Fine Flour, vests draped from each shoulder to cross on ton hole-What's going on, old man Mr. out with her finger, saying: "One, two, :Of all sizes andwi . Is the Perfection of Fine Flour, the bust with a scarf girdle below, are of Busy Man, dodging-I am. three-stand still, you brats, till I count you!

crinkled white crape flecked with gold in NOR VISIT THE THEATRE. -four, five-come back here, Ophelia, till SOle Agents for Burt & Mears' THE LEADING RETAIL GROCERS ALL SELL IT ! gowns of tawny red Bengaline or of faded The nuns in the Via Merulana convent in yr counted-six, seven, eight, an' two at and J. S. Turner Fine alf And say they can find nothing to take its place. rose India cashmere. Artists design msthetic Rome, it is said, never "see a man." Euough; two oiat'n the field is thirteen. All right, and Patent Leather gowns fo their wives and sister with classic they do not knw th tast of cloves. stranger, they're all here; I 'lowed two or Shoes for Gentlemen. Their next grade, PILGRIM gives universal satisfaction. statuesque drapery, and after French models EAR. AR! three o' 'em had lit out, but the census is cor

of the last century, with full Watteau fold, Mr. John Cass (the candidate)-Doctor, my rect 1" "You have a large family, madam." Largest selection of Ladies Opera Slippers -MANUFACTURED BY

giving a sweeping train, and suggesting the ear aches all the time; what do you suppose "Lawks, family till you can't rest! An'say, and Ties, South of New York. rich brocades of that period, with festoons of is the matter with it? Doctor (after careful do you know what's a fact, gen'lmen, when Chldrens' Shoes a Specialty. O . F . M illi lg C o lace for their garniture. Paris modistes send examination)-Growing pains. the first one, Sheridan-he's out'n the field Special out trousseau gowns of moire or of shaded plush o- velvet, in stripes or watered, for the TOUCHED THE PLATE. shuckin' corn now-when he was a baby WE DEFY COMPETITION. ST L cO IS, M O .

bodice and train, opening over straight flow- "Our dinner table," said Mr. Newboarder, what d'ye think me an' the old man used to

ing fots of white China crape or of silk plesantly, as he studied the pattern of the do to him?" "Give it up." "Used to wake veiled wfroith lace. white Corded woolens in bars and cloth, "reminds me of a time table." "And him up to see him laugh! Yes, sir; regular GEORGE C. W ILSON in stripes of viex rose, sevres blue, and pale wherefore?" inquired the prompter. "More thing every time he went t0 sleep! Some- T O R- G --EE.O-IS N& CO.

green tints are fashioned into closer prince o figures than fodder," was th:v soft answer times one big fool of us an' sometimes the SUCCESSOR TO GEO. 0. WILSON & CO.

robes that open over long gathered front which turned on the wrath. other would sneak up an' chuck him under -FOR WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN

breadths of white veiling, dotted along the THE FATE OF PGILLION. the chin an' say:o 'Wakeup, otootsy wotsy,

dem with tiny points wrought in rose or blue "Pig pens close to the well, or close to the an' laugh no cumin' littlee laugh for oo pap' 1-TOC1ie- a. C Ov isiO l r]ks. The full sleeves are pleated to white house," says The Farmer's Friend, "mean Didn't never wake up any of the other

wool undersleves, and a wide silk scarf or death." You bet; death to the pig. It's pretty e Well, hardly, tr ger e No. 4. t a St., J t- o ile, Fi..

half girdle crosses the loose front and disap- hard to locate the pen so as to change this fatal knew a powerful sight mor'n we did. Here, INSURANCE.

pears under the sides of the robe. signification, o. Washington, quit hurtin' yer little sister or MEXICAN PULQUE,

THE UNPARDONABLE SIN. I'll give you a switchin' you'll remember till ICE CREAM SODA,-All Flavors. Justice Lokm o--o n 820. As- yer 100 years old!"-Chica o Tribune. ROWNTREES CHOCOLATE SODA- T

use oc up-o fine is 20 As_ __ ___With Cream. 7-N

Astonished Lawbreaker-Twenty dollars! For Bill Nye's Favorite Literature. A GREAT DRINK ! J getting drunk? Justice-No, for getting In prose, I thinkye I derive more comfort r Juice, caught. Hundreds of people get drunk every I pros, I thik Io ntserrat, HLimr Fruit SeWith oda.

-! '" " •. day and I don't fine 'emra a cent. Only fine from Herbert Spencer than any one else. As Mexican Pulque .- ...... days of our great civil w ar, turned to the e x a r u q e Fruit

thosp who get caught. SA-LAn.c dak aid t our Flavors are rno pge RENtT -MAKING A SA-LAM light and joyous comments of Petroleum V. Juices.

"Leave the door ajm, please," said the Nasby, so I flee from my own earnest and £OOL DRINKE OO DI t Smerchan courteously. And the visitor profound research to the dry, crisp humor of COO DRINKS! COOLDRIKSO

from Arkansas, as he went out, fetched it to Spencer, and more especially to that passage with both hands, yanking off the knob, in which he characterizes evolution "a T 0c

- springing both hinges, and leaving a jar that change from an indefinite, incoherent home- G]C);.G -J ITI GE S .

rattled every window in the building. And geneity to a definite, coherent heterogeneity

if -. you'l eiv t toe pleras got mad. thog ontinuous differentiations and inVou on' knw hw t plasesome men, be-,

-eeiy lev ,h ra gdcause they never know What they wan' them- t never get tired of putting a damp towel _ ; If, No. I W est Bay Street, Jaksnll , H . on my head and reading this passage, for it

i iTHE PARLOR FLOOR IS MORE "SWELL." enables me to forget everythihg else.-Bos- T ~ ~E AT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.

"There's plenty of room at the top," is ton Globe. IA there, my boy? Oh, no; that's only some a THE GREAT REPRESENTATIVE MUSIC HOUSE OF FLORIDA.

.more of the wiseman'sencouragingnonsense. Times of Affability. I ,Rem

There's less room at the top than anywhere Female Suffrage Agent-I called to'see if I S else in the whole' pyramid. Unless society is could not induce you to join our suffrage. as- DEPOT OF SOUT1

Built upside down, there is the most room at sociation, Mrs. Politician. I p a V A P B the bottom. There's only room for one at Mrs. Politician-Indeed I will. I was opthe top. Look at our own country: 50,000,- posed to the whole business until I happened O.03J C SONVTILL E, FLOI

000 of people at the bottom and middle, and to attend a mass meeting last evening, and C only one president at the top. That's the way now I want a vote just as quick as the law

FRENCH TEA GOWN. the world over: millions of subjects and only will let me.

The picturesque costume worn by the seated ne king. If you want lots of room and "Yes, I saw you there with your husband. The picturesque costume worn by the s plenty of company, you stay at the bottom He seems to be very popular. But nothing a 0

fiuei h luntair fEnglish tea anHs obeatypP i ~s gn figure is of illustr o tione -E nglis of a with the rest of us. Mighty lonely and nar- was said at that meeting about woman's sufgowns is of a soft Florenine brocade of dark row at the apex. frage. What changed you so suddenly?" vieux rose tiut, opening over a front of white "Itijust Qccurred to me that if I had a vote BEST MAKES I - LARGEST STOCK I - LOWEST PRICES I crepe de Chiue arraiuged in folds and curves "OUT OF THE CRADLE ENDLESSLY ROcKING." "It just occurred to me that if I had a vote 4 v that lend themselves to all the movements of Heaven's last, best gift to man was woman my husband would be polite to me during E m R e t o e ST guarantee

W 1. P I will give you more for your money than any other house in the United States. I guarantee

the supple figure. Slight puffings of crepe and man's best gift to woman was the rock- every campaign. "-Omaha World. Instruments to be as represented. I will ship a Piano or Organ to any honest man or woman on

trim the neck, wrists, and foot of the front: ing chair. It is her comfort of comforts. It trial and if not satisfactory, I wllpay freight both ways. $5 cash and $0 a month O a Piano

is and $10 cash and $5 a month on an Organ t'61 paid for-not much more than ordinary rent. On

the graceful sleeves are of the same crepe. is a rest for the weary woman; she rocks her Egypt, Ills., vs. Egypt of O1t. . these very liberal terms any one can own an instrument. Send for free Catalogue containing

The train is lined throughout with India silk. troubles away as the swinging bow casts off Mr. Hayseed (to wife who is returned rrom full information. Sheet Music, Strings, Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Accordions, and in fact every

The other gown in the same illustration is the dust; it is a solace in hours of sorrow; church)-What was the sermon about? - noise-producing iniimment that is made and at very low prioe. I have 0,000 pieces of choiee

.of moss green crepeline, made with a Wat. even a creaking rocker that driveth men mad Irs. Hayseed-Sutthin' about Joseph goin' music at 10 cents pr copy. 5,500 books c ce seconds an cen. en for ataogues

teau train, with full loose front of cream as with the ceaseless words of a contentious aun to Egypt to buy corn. 9 CLOTHING.

white wool. A white silk girdle encircles the woman, "speak comfortably to her;" her air Mr. Hayseed-Did the dominie say what

waist and drops down one side. The India castles, builded in the restless rocker, must corn's wuth daun there?-The Epoch.

needle work is in clusters of green leaves lean like multiplied towers of Pisa; the E-NE

veined with pale pink. rocker fills up all social gaps; if thereis no A Question of Plurals. B NE T 1I JR 'The charming French tea gownl here iilus- one with whom she may talk, she rocks; if Said a little boy who was pursuing his mu- " N O a a .fl 8..larI OO 1118

treated is a princess robe of chaudron velvet she hasn't talkative company she rocks and sical education at the piano with his little Isbelievrng. Behold us as we are. Immense!

embroidered in Turkish designs with red, talks. She rocks and sews; she rocks and sister: "Mamma, when there's two of us, so it is, and Il used in ou own Musio and * OPPOSITE ASTOR BLOCK, 79 WEST BAY ST., JACKSONVILLE, FLA. gold and copper threads. The long blouse knits; she rooks and sketches. She rocks oughtn't we to say 'do, ro, us' instead of 'do, yinhesaleof $ ANS front is of ivory surah veiled with white net and does things that a man can only accom- re, mi?'"--The Epoch. in which we lead ail, and SAVE buyers NOTICE !-Weare pleased to inform the citizens of Jacksonville and the public generally

fnioi yuhee i en__from 825 to 550 on each Instrument sold. that we have just taken out our new license for the year, and shall spare no amount of time,

wrought with gold figures; the white silk and plish under conditions of motionless, death- LIVE HOUSE! Right you ere. Dixie's bla- labor or money to make it one of the very nicest and complete establishments in the South.

net reappear on! the sides of the skirts and as like stillness; she rocks and threads a needle What the Old Hen Said. ing s doa't even wilt us one bit. B See our Our Billiard Saloon is handsomely finished up with the finest kinds of billiard and pool tables,

petfsan shed sdes te sr w and as l s thou h theaeof miracles had Into the house he came running, having all the latest attachments beloning tereto. As in the past we are:determined to keep

grdlu ei othn slshed eeves; thue soft wide t ased a ouh th agre wo s i 0 he < hs curls. f d MM ER SALE up tho reputation already attained, making our plae the resort for the est element of our "gideis of Bomugalinme silk,, o asd a woman photographer would sit OvommeisingaJune hy cl0s9eredNpSopne

Latest Novelties ins Dress Fabrics, ad otorahear in gad r All Kinds of W ines, Liquors, Beer and Cigars, Laest oveliesiu Dess 'abrcs. placidly "htgahagop frcigw- 'Why wouhd 3 nn lore them mmy darlingg" gsmnm I Prices way dawn. Terms asmer thanaever

In silk fabrics moie antique, mioir faille, in in rockers of various gaits. The rocker "Because our old he.," pouted he, PIANOS SS to SIlO Monthly, of the best qualities, sold either by the barrel, keg, ju , orontap. g Orders for jugs or kegs

ire brocade falle ranise tae tle is to her a nervine, a narcotic, a stimulant. "Screams when we meet, -Get your hair cut! SCAN $8 to $5 MOthl* by express will receive prompt attention, and all goo warranted the same as represented by

movie b-ocade am d fill Fancaise take the It is to her all that a cigar is to a man, and Get your hair cut'-I know she means met0 -- 4 us. Respectfully,

lead. Novelty silks desi aed to make up in a woman with a cigar and a man in a rock- --George Cooper in Our Little Ones. B. . cov, No a wet y Street. combination with plain silk amid velvet, in ing chair seem equally misfited. The rocker =' B TT' E * "I:'A:'I:' 8 ai t i. ..m.1 usT N0l nay S]?

nine cases out of ten, have moire stripes or is a certain means of grace; be she "mad as To Ladies

moi backgrounds. otwihstading the i n- e e o vous n sufen nt o deran JACOB D. B CKY, < creased popularity of moire silks amid faille tranquilizes her perturbed spirit, and by the army of the painful disorders or weaknesses 8 L

lFrancaisd velvets hold their own both in time she has rocked herself out of breath the incident to their sex, Dr. Pierce's treaties, -- 0 TIC E C L O T H ER the disposition is to a combination of several chair tells you that sunlighted calm has dis- plates (160 pages), suggests sure means of effects both of design amid weaves in the same possessed the storm, and peace reigns in her complete self-cure. Seint for 1 0 cents in

ves bsmewit flra ateus mn pompaour it g Myrcs ayto e grs and ery Buffdraso, e. Y. e ents Furnishing Goods, flats Caps, Trunks, Valises, Etc. ~~~~piece, as alternate stripes of amoire and satiti, loving breast. Like the cradle of the miner, sms.Address World's Dispensary MoJ~d- ]SFrsm 0s asCprns ,Ec 1vrhi sith" la patterns in pompadou it gently,rocks away the gross and earthy, iclsoitoBfaoS.Y PO T CASH PRICE&8. with credit 5 West Bay Street, - -- - 'Jacksonville, Fla.

coaorimgs, this to e Daie up with plain faille and leaves a residuum of fine gold only. She Ut/C 0 C. i. crdM i 5J. eOOK FOR THE ELEGANT BRASS SHOW cASE.

aisrveh-es Desigms wroughtingol rocks all along the way of her pilgrimage, W Co .aLE NA

and silver threads are seen in the new goods. up the hill of Difficulty, past the chained * 1 1.9 [\Tii-: ments. No Iforest. uyindune, COAL AND COKE.

lions down into the Valley of Humiliation, e a * July, Augist, or Soptember,and

Laces for Evening Diesses. across the narrow land of Ease, through the pay we crop cornek.

Quite new are the drapery nets introduced troubles on every side, through the fightings The Popular AmericanPoet, the author Weite for OlreulrsV

for the autumn and winter seasons. These without and the fears within, past all dan- of "Betsey and I Are Out," and REMEMBER come in white, black and all the leading even. gers, doubts and cares clear up to the borders other home lifealassicss est r s ~o . ing shades, and are designed to be made up of Beulah land she rocks, rocks, rocks. One Easest Terns polessble. O F A LA B A M A. over faille fr'ancaise or moire silk. These of the first Christmas presents you buy for 0il 0iiute a Si s of r igillal Artles Finest instruments No By drapery nets are exceedingly dainty in effect, your little girl is a rocking chair; and the Fine Stoole and Coverd Oi lae for Eastern Department, - No. 50 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla having flinue, web like grounds, overlaid with last time her grandchildren see her sitting -TO THE- , All Freight Paid.

siLace flounces, for which there continues a softly swaying in a high backed rocker, T Full -arante. waysWle demand, are out in new patterns in duchessy dreaming again of the yeas when her day - Money Saved. ,inoya t V l an a and poitut lnet. dreams were woven in that little rocker, now k)IVWite to MnySvd

and poitlcdhaswr o en n th neatgrlidleurhker.h 4OD # @ T Car'Load Lots promptly shipped direct from the mines

Newest Styles in Handkerchiefs. In all those years your boy has changed his THE FIRST ONE APPEARED &@BA by Railroad to all pomts. Colored handkerchiefs are atain in style. toys and comforts and lounging chairs with SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAlANNAH, GA~bo

every changing style, but your little girl BANKING.

These come in plain colors edged with lace of has never been long out of a rocking Sunday, October 9, 1887. --- ~-

same shade as the handkerchief , which is chair. A home without a rocker would be TeeltrsbWilCltoaercrdof D. G. AMBLER, Pres. , J. J. DANIEL, Vice-Pres. JNO. N. C. STOCKTON, Cashier

' " made of sheer fi e musiuu. Then there are like a farm without an orchard; it would the times in whichwe live, and graphic do- .

colored, hqdkerchiefs with embroidered bor- still be a fazn-, but its crown jewel would be scriptions of places which are making the Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all ders edged with lace. Numbered with new missing. Only a woman could have written American continent famous. "hey are writ- other business in the U. S. Patent Office atthng n htehnderhef relne am "ok eto88 ote;"aa ih h ten by one whose name is already known as tended to for moderate fees.

edigdi whit hmmr anechiefsae hiem-os man r~et enr to darpMter laim with~ the far as the English language is read uand in a 0-sr office is opposite the U. S. Patent office,

brie ones with haid embroidered border m ataa e style which is a e departure andwecan obtain Patents in less time than C SONVILLE, - - - FLOID edged with narro Val ncien~es.face of una answerable internal evidence, and pondence. The millions of pep w o have those remote from Washington.

shedin'tmdn "c-a.eCarleton's "yarnm Ballads,"" City Send model or drawing. WVe advise so

Te rummner's evegeh man a "esdle trock:" ol, no, she B ds, etc.. witu so much inte-est ad do- patentability free of change; and we make t I)ESIGNATEID UNITED ST ATES DEPOSI T ORY. / Th rumme's Reenge°wane to be rocked asleep in arocking, chair. light, who still read t hem over and nome, can charge unless 'se obtain a Patent.

A drumnuer had , spite at a hotel in Pales- If she says she means "cradle." then do I have hee their favorite author, week after We refer here, to the Postmaster, the Supt ca

tino, To'., and ecosl1ved on a terrible revenge, fully believe her to be a man week, wTith all the grace of his poetic magi- of Money Order Div., and to officials of the U. l dDIRECTORS :

So. whom: be, went to Galveston le "bog As for man, le is nt a natural ckr. e nation an the added freedom of a prose, but S Patfet Office. For circular, advice, terms

lorin m ".i egt'arlo. forshic th rd Cme hbiumet, r not prsy, style, ookd references to actual clients in your own D.G. AMBLER, 1. . DANIEL, Le- P. T iAiIao- q lot i ec '

,,L- . it'ug a o t i th largCt may acq ie aias a trothing horse htate or county, write to ALEX. WALLACE, -B]. M.L BAEn, in,. in'. \\um(.in~

,I ecimm:- -. -p elony called by native Gal- ma otuh oi me iai"Opposite Patent OceA %sngo n D. CO, .P. CQAA, T.Tl. STOCKTO-N,

( .veslonin--; ( ?.rloigers," the druimnser look te ~ N w -ead fie ahntmDC H .IAA

,) , in

: :