Blog, school in our partners'countries

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Transcript of Blog, school in our partners'countries


Thanks to our pen-pals we have information about school in 4 other European countries: Italy, Spain, Poland and Scotland.

ItalyIn Italy ,its a class of girls ,there is no boy. There are more subjects than in our school. They study about 10 subjects :EnglishReligionP.EScience LawhistorypsychologylatinItalianmathScience Science

Their school

Their schools names Giovanni Bertacchi. There are 1200 pupils in this school. There , school starts at 8 am and finishes at 1 pm or earlier (sometimes at midday ) They go to school from Monday to Saturday included . Their school is very big and there are many labs .


In Scotland ,boys wear a uniform composed of long grey or black trousers or shorts ,a white shirt ,a school tie ,a jumper with the school logo on it and black shoes ,for girls its composed of a skirt a white shirt ,un jumper like the boys or they can wear a dress. They go to school from Monday to Friday included from 8:55 am to 3:15 pm. They have less holidays than in France!


Their schools names Sant Andreu . They go to school from Monday to Friday included like in France . They have school from 8 am to 2 pm ,there is no break . But sometimes they can start later or finish earlier.


In Poland ,they go to school from Monday to Friday included like my class . School starts from 8 am to 3 pm but they have less holidays than in France ,there is no the Toussaint holidays ;Christmas and Spring holidays are shorter than in our school.

The end

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