Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains...

Studuino Software Block Programming Environment New Software Version Changes Created February 2nd, 2020

Transcript of Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains...

Page 1: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming

Studuino Software

Block Programming Environment

New Software Version Changes

Created February 2nd, 2020

Page 2: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming

Revision History

Date Revised Revised Contents 2020/02/02 Manual released

Page 3: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming


1. Getting Started ...................................................................................................... 1

2. Changes in the New Version ................................................................................ 1

2.1. The Menu Bar ........................................................................................................ 1 2.2. The Port Settings Screen ....................................................................................... 4 2.3. The Motor Calibration Screen ................................................................................ 4 2.4. The Arduino Tab .................................................................................................... 5 2.5. Servomotor Synchronization Blocks ...................................................................... 5 2.6. Function Blocks and Call Function Blocks ............................................................. 5

Page 4: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming


1. Getting Started

This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4-based version

of the Block Programming Environment and the new Scratch 3.0-based version. It is

intended for users with prior experience with the Block Programming Environment.

This text may be expanded or amended in the future to account for changes in the

product or other factors.

2. Changes in the New Version

From here on, the Scratch 1.4-based version of the Block Programming Environment will be referred to as the Scratch 1.4 version, and the Scratch 3.0-based version will be the Scratch 3.0 version.

2.1. The Menu Bar See the Scratch 1.4 version’s menu bar below, and where each of its functions can be found in the Scratch 3.0 version.

① The Globe Button

The globe symbol can be found on the far left end of the new menu bar.

② The Save Button

There is no corresponding button in the Scratch 3.0 version.

① ② ③ ④

Page 5: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming


③ Menus

The available menus are now File, Edit, and Help.

See the table below to learn where to find the menu functions you need in the new version.

Scratch 1.4 Version Menu Item Corresponding Scratch 3.0 Version Function

File New File > New

Open... File > Load from your computer

Save N/A

Save As... File > Save to your computer

Import Scripts... N/A

Calibration Setting Options (See section 2.3 The Motor Calibration Screen)

Quit File > Exit

Edit Undelete (See below.)

Start Single Stepping N/A

Set Single Stepping... N/A

Export Arduino Language... (See section 2.4 The Arduino Tab)

Motor Calibration... Edit > Motor Calibration

Port Settings... Edit > Port Settings

Show Extra Blocks N/A

Run Transfer Edit > Transfer

Test ON Edit > Connect

Help About Studuino Block Programming Environment…

Help > Software Version


Page 6: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming


The Undelete option from the Scratch 1.4 version’s Edit menu is available in a context menu that appears in the Script Area in the Scratch 3.0 version.

Right-clicking in the Script Area after deleting a block will open the menu shown above, with the Undo option enabled. Selecting this option will undelete the deleted block.

④ The Text Size Buttons

These buttons can be found at the bottom right of the Script Area. You can enlarge the blocks in the Script Area with the + button, shrink them with the - button, or set them to default size with the = button.

Page 7: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming


2.2. The Port Settings Screen The arrows in the diagram below show which parts of the new Port Settings screen correspond to the old screen. Solid lines indicate part selection menus, dashed lines indicate buttons.

2.3. The Motor Calibration Screen The arrows in the diagram below show which parts of the new Motor Calibration screen correspond to the old screen. Solid lines indicate calibration settings, dashed lines indicate buttons.

The Scratch 3.0 version does not have a Servomotor Reset button. The Calibration Setting Options (outlined in orange above) correspond to the Calibration Setting Options menu item from the File menu in the Scratch 1.4 version.

Scratch 1.4 Version Scratch 3.0 Version

Scratch 1.4 Version Scratch 3.0 Version

Page 8: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming


2.4. The Arduino Tab Switching to the Arduino Tab in the Scratch 3.0 version will show you what the program you’ve built with blocks looks like when converted into the Arduino programming language.

2.5. Servomotor Synchronization Blocks

In the Scratch 1.4 version, synchronizing the movement of multiple Servomotors required placing several Servomotor blocks inside a Servomotor syncro motion block (as shown above), but this can be done with a single block in the Scratch 3.0 version.

The fields in ① above set the angles for Servomotors connected to pins D2-D12 on the Studuino. Field ② sets the speed of those Servomotors from 0 to 20.

2.6. Function Blocks and Call Function Blocks

The function block from the Scratch 1.4 version is replaced by a user-defined block in the Scratch 3.0 version.

Scratch 1.4 Version Scratch 3.0 Version

① ②

Scratch 1.4 Version Scratch 3.0 Version

Page 9: Block Programming Environment New Software Version …...1. Getting Started This document explains the differences between the older Scratch 1.4 -based version of the Block Programming


Select Make a Block in the Functions category to open the Make a Block screen and create your own function block. This allows users to freely define the parameters of their functions as well as function names.

Once you’ve created a function block, that block and a block that can be used to call it will both be added to the menu automatically.

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