Blessed · ♦...

7001 12th Avenue South Tampa, FL 33619 PHONE: 813-626-2984 Fax: 813-626-2842 [email protected] Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Tampa Pඉඛගක Kazimierz Domek Pඉකඑඛඐ Oඎඎඑඋඍ Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wඍඍඓඍඖඌ Mඉඛඛඍඛ Saturday 5:00 p.m. (English) Sunday 7:45 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish) Wඍඍඓඌඉඡ Mඉඛඛඍඛ Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:30 a.m. Wednesday at 7 p.m. Cඖඎඍඛඛඑඖඛ Saturday 3 p.m. Eඝඋඐඉකඑඛගඑඋ Aඌකඉගඑඖ Friday 9 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Welcome to our Church B lessed S acrament C atholic C hurch March 11, 2018

Transcript of Blessed · ♦...

7001 12th Avenue South ▪ Tampa, FL 33619 PHONE: 813-626-2984 ▪ Fax: 813-626-2842

[email protected]

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church - Tampa

P Kazimierz Domek


Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.



5:00 p.m. (English)

Sunday 7:45 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 p.m. (Spanish)


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

8:30 a.m.

Wednesday at 7 p.m.

C Saturday 3 p.m.


Friday 9 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Welcome to our


Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

March 11, 2018

Sunday, March 11 Fourth Sunday of Lent Spanish † Irene Domek 7:45 a.m. by Un Feligres

English † Lito Rubio 10:00 a.m. by Nicia Rubio & Children

Spanish † Noel e Irene Rivera 12:00 p.m. by Maria Rivera

Monday, March 12 Spanish † Evangelina Jaimes 8:30 a.m. by Familia Jaimes Uribe

Tuesday, March 13 English † Evangelina Jaimes 8:30 a.m. by Familia Jaimes Uribe

Wednesday, March 14 Spanish † Aurelio Muniz 7:00 p.m. by Betzaida Matos

Thursday, March 15 English † Evangelina Jaimes 8:30 a.m. by Familia Jaimes Uribe

Friday, March 16 English † Emilio Rojas 8:30 a.m. by Luz Marina Diaz

Bilingual Chaplet - Divine Mercy 3:00 p.m. La Divina Misericordia

6:30 p.m. Via Crucis

7:00 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Saturday, March 17 Saint Patrick English † Evangelina Jaimes 8:30 a.m. by Familia Jaimes Uribe

3:00 p.m. Confessions

English † For the rapid recovery 5:00 p.m. Mattie Castro by Mr & Mrs Waldroff

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In the charity of your prayers, please pray for those who are ill, homebound; or con-fined to hospitals and nursing homes, es-pecially for the following: ▪ Marta Troncone ▪ Hilda Vega ▪ Jaime Caballero ▪ Angel Enrique Rodriquez ▪ Victor Rodrigues ▪ Imogene Rodrigues ▪ Natividad Nieves ▪ Bartolina Angeles ▪ Rudy Hernandez ▪ Carmen Stack ▪ José Ortiz ▪ Loris Murray ▪ Francisca Cardenas ▪ Romana de Guzman ▪ Winifred Lankford ▪ Consuelo Roman ▪ Dessiree Cuevas ▪ Marisol Velez ▪ Asley Perez ▪ Peter Alfonso ▪ Esperanza Miranda ▪ Carmen Rivera ▪ Norma Loubriel ▪ Daniel Soto ▪ Kuincy Taylor ▪ Isabella Transki ▪ Charles Hoffman ▪ Julio Calderon ▪ Aurora Cruz ▪ Jose Guerrero ▪ Carlos García ▪ Margarito Hernandez ▪ Ivonne Morgan

Anointing of the Sick and Visitation If you or a loved one are homebound, ill or will soon be undergoing a serious medical procedure, please contact the parish office.

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Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

♦ Dorothy Breene ♦ Willard Murray ♦ Samuel E. Melgar ♦ Lito Rubio ♦ Pabozi Ani ♦ Bob & Gracie Perricone ♦ Methujael A. Martinez ♦ Aileen Niggermeyer ♦ Esther Barnes ♦ Wiesia Kraus ♦ Edna Vanhorn ♦ Virginia Quaid ♦ Hiram Sanchez Sigler ♦ Leroy & Joyce Miller ♦ Zachary Graham ♦ Carmen Vasquez ♦ Adolfina Luis ♦ Ruben Max Viana ♦ José Rubio ♦ Nilo Cabrera ♦ Carmen Garret

And all our beloved members of Blessed Sacrament who have recently passed way.


▪ Eleazar Horta ▪ Remy Herrero ▪ Samantha Linkiewicz ▪ MarcAnthony Paz ▪ Mario Alemán ▪ Mario José Alemán II ▪ Rosana Iribar ▪ Manuel Roa ▪ Jacob Rodriguez ▪ María Martinez ▪ Donavon Gerber ▪ Jessica Sells ▪ Taylor Moody ▪ Julio Pinto Jr.


Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church extends a cordial welcome to all our visitors at Sunday and daily Masses.

The Parish invites you to become a member of our church. Registration is necessary to receive the Sacraments; Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, and Funeral.

Individual Masses for your loved ones, as well as Quinceañeras, can be scheduled also.

La Iglesia Catolica Blessed Sacrament extiende una cordial bien-venida a todos nuestros visitantes a las Misas dominicales y a las misas diarias.

La parroquia te invita a ser miembro de nuestra iglesia. La registracion es necesaria para recibir los Sacramen-tos; Bautismo, Confirmación, Matrimo-nio y funeral.

También se pueden programar misas individuales para sus seres queridos, así como quinceañeras.

La Cuaresma es una temporada que invita a los católi-cos de todo el mundo a arrodillarse ante la Cruz, a me-ditar sobre los pecados que hemos cometido y que cau-saron el sufrimiento a nuestro Salvador, y entrar en un período de profunda conversión y cambio. Por esta ra-zón, la Cuaresma es un tiempo de expiación y peniten-cia, un período en el cual reconocemos nuestra pecami-nosidad, nos alejamos de nuestra vida pasada hacia una vida con Cristo, y abrazamos el llama-do a la santidad. Para entrar plena-mente en tal llamado, es necesario un arrepentimiento ferviente. Pero ¿qué significa verdaderamente arrepentir-se? La palabra griega para “arrepentimiento” que se usa en el Evangelio es “metanoia”, que literal-mente significa "cambiar la propia mente". Este "cambio" de "mente" necesariamente implica una profunda conversión interior en la que nos apar-tamos firmemente de la oscuridad mundana y abrazamos una nueva for-ma de vida como discípulos de Cristo. Por lo tanto, el arrepentimiento no es meramente conocer a Cristo, ni es una cuestión de escoger y solo algunos aspectos de las enseñanzas de nuestro Señor mientras rechazamos al prójimo; más bien, es una unión de mente, corazón y alma con Cristo. Arrepentirse es morir a Cristo, descartando nuestra forma de vida anterior a favor del Camino, la Verdad y la Vida que es Cristo mismo. Cristo se dio en la Cruz para que podamos com-prender las profundidades del amor de Dios por noso-tros, regresar a él con todo nuestro corazón y aceptar la salvación que él ofrece. Nuestro Señor indiscutiblemen-te ha demostrado su amor. Sin embargo, hay una cues-tión de amor que permanece para cada uno de nosotros: "¿Amo a Cristo con todo mi ser?" ¿Amo completamen-te a Dios ya que él me ama completamente a mí? El amor debe demostrarse en acción. El llamado más profundo al arrepentimiento se ex-perimenta cuando vamos ante la Cruz en este tiempo de Cuaresma, mientras nos arrodillamos junto con nuestra Santísima Madre, mientras contemplamos a nuestro amoroso Salvador quien se entregó por amor a nosotros, aunque somos pecadores. Nuestro Señor tiene sed de nosotros El significado de la Cruz es la incomprensible sed de amor de Dios. Lleno de un amor inexplicable y radical por ti y por mí, Jesucristo está sediento de nuestro arrepentimiento, conversión y oración; él tiene sed de nuestra alma


Lent is a season which invites Catholics and other Chris-tians around the world to kneel before the base of the Cross, meditate upon the sins we have committed which caused our Savior´s suffering, and enter into a period of profound conversion and change. For this reason, Lent is a time of atonement and penance, a period in which we acknowledge our sinfulness, turn away from our past life toward a life with Christ, and embrace the call to

holiness. In order to fully enter into such a call, fervent repentance is neces-sary. But what does it mean to truly repent? The Greek word for repentance that is used in the Gospel is metanoia, which literally means "to change one´s mind." This "change" of "mind" neces-sarily entails a profound interior con-version in which we firmly turn from worldly darkness and embrace a new way of life as Christ´s disciples. Thus, repentance is not merely to know of Christ, nor is it a matter of picking and choosing—with an intellectual arro-gance—some aspects of our Lord´s teaching while coldly rejecting others; rather, it is a union of mind, heart and soul to the Person of Christ.

To repent is to die to Christ, discarding our former way of life in favor of the Way, Truth, and Life that is Christ himself. Christ gave of himself in an indescribably radical way upon the Cross in order that we might begin to un-derstand the depths of God´s love for us, turn back to him with our whole heart, and accept the salvation he offers. Our Lord has unquestionably demonstrated his love. Yet there is a question of love that remains for each of us: "Do I love Christ with my whole being?" Do I radically love God as he radically loves me? Love must be proven out in action. The most profound call to repentance is experi-enced as we go before the Cross this Lenten season, as we kneel there along with our Blessed Mother, as we gaze upon our loving Savior who gave entirely of him-self for love of us—even though we are sinners. Our Lord thirsts for us. The meaning of the Cross is God´s incomprehensible thirst for love. Filled with an unexplainable and radical love for you and me, Jesus Christ thirsts for our repentance, conversion and prayer; he thirsts for our soul.



Lunes: Juan 4: 43-54 Martes: Juan 5: 1-16 Miércoles: Juan 5: 17-30 Jueves: Juan 5: 31-47 Viernes: Juan 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30 Sábado: Juan 7: 40-53


Monday: John 4:43-54 Tuesday: John 5:1-16 Wednesday: John 5:17-30 Thursday: John 5:31-47 Friday: John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: John 7:40-53

Blessed Sacrament Tue, Mar 13 7:00 PM

St. Stephen's Wed, Mar 14 7:00 PM

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mon, Mar 19 7:00 PM

Resurrection Tue, Mar 20 7:00 PM

St. Anne Wed, Mar 21 7:00 PM


Todos los Viernes durante la Cuaresma

Every Friday during Lent

6:30 PM

Interesados comunicarse con la Legión de Maria o con la oficina Parroquial.

Jesus, teach us to recognize your presence in those who are in need. May we give of ourselves in service to them and so hasten the coming of the Kingdom you have promised, where you live with the Father

and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. AMEN

L 33


Desde Abril 4 y hasta Mayo 6 cuando participaremos en la Misa de Consagración de nuestra Diócesis al I C M .

Support the

Help Jesus in disguise March 11th, 2018



Alcohólicos Anónimos En casa de María Faustina - Jueves 7:00 p.m. En casa de María Faustina - Sábados 4:00 PM Altar Servers / Monaguillos Ninoshka Pinto 813-531-5905 Julio Pinto 813-650-5237 3rd Sunday after 12 o`clock Mass Movimiento de Juan XXIII Carmen Colón 813-475-1753 Martes 7:00 pm Legión de María Angel Rodríguez 787-225-3721 En casa de María Faustina Martes 5:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración (Carismáticos) Antonio Reyes 813-478-3825 Miércoles comenzando con la Santa Misa 7:00 pm . MDS—Matrimonio Dialogo y Seguimiento Juan y Joselyn Montas 813-356-8617 Salón Parroquial - Lunes 7:15 p.m. Pequeñas Comunidades & V Encuentro Maximino Meléndez – 860-796-7701 Jueves a las 7:00 p.m. English Choir Meeting Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus Meeting Active Councils are Successful Councils Third Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Multicultural Group Felicia Glover 813-843-4432 Parish Council Meeting / Reunión Consejo Parroquial First Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Primer Lunes de mes a las 7:00 p.m. Youth Group / Ministerio de Jóven Connected with Christ / Conectados con Cristo Friday / Viernes 6:30 p.m. (Bilingual) Rediscover Catholicism Martha Burgess 813-626-2984 Third Wednesday at 12:30 pm Divine Mercy Group Cesarina Campusano (813) 495-6895 Viernes a las 3 p.m. Primer Sábado las 9:30 a.m.

Join us for a special event! Volunteers are needed to reenact the events leading up to Christ’s Crucifixion.


Please contact to the Parish Office.

Únete a nosotros para un evento especial! Se necesitan voluntarios para recrear el

camino a la cruz


Favor contactar a: Jose e Iris Castro o

con la Oficina Parroquial.


Estamos apelando a que donen con

corazones generosos para hacer realidad

este proyecto.

We are appealing to your generous hearts for a donation to make this

vision a reality.


We welcome your gently used items to garage sale.

Donations can be dropped off at the

Sor Faustina House

VISIT & BUY Wednesday 7:30-11:00AM - @ Pastoral House 2nd Saturday 7:30-11:00AM - @ Sor Faustina House

5:00 PM 30 $824.00

7:45 PM 170 $1,344.00

10:00 AM 78 $673.00

12:00 PM 255 $1,257.00

MASS ATTENDANCE AND OFFERING March 3 and March 4, 2018

Total 533 $4,098.00

1st Sunday of March 2nd Collection for Homeless

1st Sunday of March Wedding Anniversary

2nd Sunday of March 2nd Collection for Catholic Relief Services

3rd Sunday of March 2nd Collection for APA

3rd Sunday of March Birthday Celebration

Palm Sunday Return the Rice Bowl

Schedule March 2018


Catechesis Phone: 813-252-5032 Email: [email protected]

♦ Office Hours - Tuesday -Thursday 9:00 am - 1:30 pm ♦ Office Hours - Monday -Wednesday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm ♦ Catechesis English Classes: Sunday 8:30 AM- 9:45 AM ♦ Clases de Catequesis en Español: Domingo 10:30 AM-11:45 AM ♦ Confirmation & RCIA: Wednesday 6:30PM-8:00PM

God Bless our Religious Education in our Parish for the best life!

MARCH ACTIVITIES . 11 Second Scrutiny 13 Lenten Penance Service 11-17 Spring Break 17 Saint Patrick's Day 18 Third Scrutiny 21 Confirm. Parents Meeting 24-25 Confirm. & RICA T. Retreat 25-30 Holy Week 31 Easter Vigil-RCIA Sacraments