Blame Yourself

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Transcript of Blame Yourself

  • 8/17/2019 Blame Yourself


    Fusarium are flamentous non-pigmented septated ungi

    ubiquitous in the environment. Fusariosis is a not uncommon

    invasive mold in ection in patients with hematologic malignancies

    and hematopoietic cell transplants. In ection tends to spread

    rapidly in immunocompromised patients due to angioinvasiveness

    and ungemia but tends to remain localized in immunocompetent

    patients. Blood cultures are positive in almost hal o the

    immunocompromised patients with Fusarium in ection [ !. Fusariosis

    has high mortality rate once disseminated" and reversion o

    neutropenia is imperative along with anti ungal therapy withvoriconazole or amphotericin B.

    #ase report $

    % &' year-old-male was admitted to our institution with the

    chie complaint o productive cough or ( days" associated with

    ever up to ) .*+F" pleuritic chest pain" asthenia and emesis. ,he

    patient had history o acute myeloid leu emia" recently completed

    consolidation cycle $' with high-dose cytarabine or ) days prior

    to this admission" and was ta ing acyclovir" uconazole and

    levo o/acin or neutropenic prophyla/is. 0ast medical history was

    also remar able or diabetes and 12,. 3e is a retired truc driver"

    lives with his wi e and has no to/ic habits or amily history o


    4pon e/amination" the patient appeared ill" a ebrile 5, 6+.7+F8"

    tachycardic 539 ** bpm8" normotensive 5B0 *):&* mm3g8 and

    tachypneic 599 *6 breaths per minute8. 3is physical e/am revealed

    respiratory distress with clear lung auscultation" and le t arm 0I##

  • 8/17/2019 Blame Yourself


    line with no signs o in ection. ; in was intact.