Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh...

Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016

Transcript of Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh...

Page 1: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis

Zoe Wyatt

Edinburgh University, PG ColloquiumDecember 2016

Page 2: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer



Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

Page 3: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer



Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

LIGO detected gravitational waves caused by two black holes 1.3billion light years away merging on 14 September 2015

First direct experimental proof of gravitational waves!

Page 4: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer


1 What is a black hole

2 What are gravitational waves

3 What is LIGO and what did it detect

4 Where is PDE analysis used in studying general relativity

Page 5: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Laws of Physics

Newton’s lawd2x





inertial motion of particles

Page 6: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Laws of Physics

Maxwell’s equations:

∇ · ~E = ρ/ε0 ∇ · ~B = 0

∂ ~B

∂t= −∇× ~E




µ0ε0∇× ~B − 1



propagation of electromagnetic field

Page 7: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Laws of General Relativity

Einstein equations:

Rµν [g ] =8πG


2nd order, non-linear PDEs, with unknown matrix gµν

gµν =

g00 g01 · · · g03g01 g11 · · · g13


. . ....

g03 g13 · · · g33

The matrix gives us a metric: g = gµνdx


Eg (Riemannian): g = dx2 + dy2 + dz2, or g = dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2

Page 8: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Laws of General Relativity

Einstein equations:

Rµν [g ] =8πG


2nd order, non-linear PDEs, with unknown matrix gµν

gµν =

g00 g01 · · · g03g01 g11 · · · g13


. . ....

g03 g13 · · · g33

The matrix gives us a metric: g = gµνdx


Eg (Riemannian): g = dx2 + dy2 + dz2, or g = dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2

Page 9: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Laws of General Relativity

(Vacuum) Einstein equations

Rµν [g ] = 0



4gρτgσλ (−2∂νgρσ∂µgτλ + ∂µgσλ∂νgρτ )

+ gρτgσλ∂ρgσµ∂τgλν − gρτgσλ (∂ρgσµ∂λgτν − ∂λgσµ∂ρgτν)

+ gρτgσλ (∂µgτλ∂ρgσν − ∂ρgτλ∂µgσν)

+ gρτgσλ (∂νgτλ∂ρgσµ − ∂ρgτλ∂νgσµ)


2gρτgσλ (∂λgτρ∂µgσν − ∂µgρτ∂λgσν)


2gρτgσλ (∂λgρτ∂νgσµ − ∂νgρτ∂λgσµ)

Page 10: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Laws of General Relativity

(Vacuum) Einstein equations

Rµν [g ] = 0

Einstein summation convention:

XµYµ = X 0Y0 + X 1Y1 + X 2Y2 + X 3Y3

For each component of the metric matrix:(g00∂2tt + 2g01∂2tx + g11∂2xx + 2g12∂2xy + · · ·


= −1

2(g00)2(∂tg00)2 − g01g00∂tg00∂tg01 − g11g00(∂tg10)2 + · · ·

Page 11: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Laws of General Relativity

(Vacuum) Einstein equations

Rµν [g ] = 0


black holes

gravitational waves

Page 12: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Solutions of the Einstein equations

Geometry around a spherical object of mass M and radius Rdescribed by

g = −(

1− 2M



dt2 +

(1− 2M


)dr2 + dΩ2

for r > R, c ≡ 1.

R > 2M

Eg: the sun and earthEg: indirect proof of GR via gravitational lensing and binary pulsar(1974)

Page 13: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Solutions of the Einstein equations

Geometry around a spherical object of mass M and radius Rdescribed by

g = −(

1− 2M



dt2 +

(1− 2M


)dr2 + dΩ2

for r > R, c ≡ 1.R > 2M

Eg: the sun and earthEg: indirect proof of GR via gravitational lensing and binary pulsar(1974)

Page 14: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Solutions of the Einstein equations

Geometry around a spherical object of mass M and radius Rdescribed by

g = −(

1− 2M



dt2 +

(1− 2M


)dr2 + dΩ2

R < 2M⇒ Black hole

Schwarzschild radius

Rs = 2MG


Eg: the sun Rs ' 3kmEg: the earth Rs ' 8.7mm

Page 15: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Solutions of the Einstein equations

Geometry around a spherical object of mass M and radius Rdescribed by

g = −(

1− 2M



dt2 +

(1− 2M


)dr2 + dΩ2

R < 2M⇒ Black hole

Schwarzschild radius

Rs = 2MG


Eg: the sun Rs ' 3kmEg: the earth Rs ' 8.7mm

Page 16: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Solutions of the Einstein equations

Why is this a black hole?

Particle travelling along geodesic xµ(s) parametrised by s.

Claim: if r(s0) < 2M then r(s) < 2M for all s ≥ s0 and r(s) ismonotonically decreasing for s ≥ s0.

Proof comes from ODE:If V µ = dxµ

ds is the tangent vector, then




ds= −V 2 +


r− 1




+ r2(dΩ



≥ 0 for r ≤ 2M

Also dvds > 0 since − ∂

∂r and V µ are future-directed causal vectors.

Page 17: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Solutions of the Einstein equations

Why is this a black hole?

Particle travelling along geodesic xµ(s) parametrised by s.

Claim: if r(s0) < 2M then r(s) < 2M for all s ≥ s0 and r(s) ismonotonically decreasing for s ≥ s0.

Proof comes from ODE:If V µ = dxµ

ds is the tangent vector, then




ds= −V 2 +


r− 1




+ r2(dΩ



≥ 0 for r ≤ 2M

Also dvds > 0 since − ∂

∂r and V µ are future-directed causal vectors.

Page 18: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Black hole mergers

Rotating black hole: Kerr

g =−(

1− 2Mr


)dt2 − 4Mra sin2 θ

ρ2dϕdt +



+ ρ2dθ2 +

(r2 + a2 +

2Mra2 sin2 θ


)sin2 θdϕ2


a =J

Mρ2 = r2 + a2 cos2 θ

∆ = r2 − 2Mr + a2

Page 19: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Black hole mergers

Rotating black hole: Kerr

Merging of two rotating black holes

Page 20: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

What are gravitational waves

Sources of GWs: stars orbiting each other, stars dying in explosionsor collapsing to create black holes

Massive merging black holes: 36M + 29M = 62M

accelerating massive objects → fast changing large curvature inspacetime → 3M into grav radiation → gravitational waves

Page 21: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

What are gravitational waves

Sources of GWs: stars orbiting each other, stars dying in explosionsor collapsing to create black holes

Massive merging black holes: 36M + 29M = 62Maccelerating massive objects → fast changing large curvature inspacetime → 3M into grav radiation → gravitational waves

Page 22: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

What are gravitational waves

Linearised gravity gives transverse waves(−∂2t + ∆

)hij = 0

Two polarizations of GWs: h+, h−

GW speed = c

GWs do not get blocked

Page 23: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How does LIGO work

Observatories in Livingston, Louisiana, and Richland, Washington.

Sites separated by 3,000 km ' 10 milliseconds by GWs

Page 24: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How does LIGO work

Page 25: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How sensitive does LIGO have to be

Rough order-of-magnitude argument:

h =∆`

`∼ Rs


r∼ 30 · Rs [Sun]

1.3× 109ly · c∼ 10−23

ie, perturbations in spacetime are very small

⇒ ∆` = h · ` ∼ 4× 10−20m

Reality: ∆` ∼ 10−18m

How do we measure such tiny scales?

Interferometry with high laser power!

Eg: c = const by Michaelson and Morley

Page 26: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How sensitive does LIGO have to be

Rough order-of-magnitude argument:

h =∆`

`∼ Rs


r∼ 30 · Rs [Sun]

1.3× 109ly · c∼ 10−23

ie, perturbations in spacetime are very small

⇒ ∆` = h · ` ∼ 4× 10−20m

Reality: ∆` ∼ 10−18m

How do we measure such tiny scales?

Interferometry with high laser power!

Eg: c = const by Michaelson and Morley

Page 27: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How sensitive does LIGO have to be

Rough order-of-magnitude argument:

h =∆`

`∼ Rs


r∼ 30 · Rs [Sun]

1.3× 109ly · c∼ 10−23

ie, perturbations in spacetime are very small

⇒ ∆` = h · ` ∼ 4× 10−20m

Reality: ∆` ∼ 10−18m

How do we measure such tiny scales?

Interferometry with high laser power!

Eg: c = const by Michaelson and Morley

Page 28: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How is LIGO that sensitive

Fabry Perot cavities → bounce the light signals ∼ 280 times⇒ 4km long arms → 1120km long

Power recycling mirror boosts laser power ×3750 times ⇒P ∼ 750kWPhotodetector measures change in power ∆P ∼ ∆`

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LIGO results – hearable frequency

Page 30: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How does LIGO remove experimental errors?

Eg: earthquakes, trucks driving nearby, sneezing

⇒ isolate LIGO

distance ↔ 10 milliseconds

vacuum, air pressure 10−12 of sea level

mirrors, absorb 1 in 3 million photons

active damping, vibration senses 2x10−13m

Page 31: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How does LIGO remove experimental errors?

4 stage pendulum

360 kg weight

glass fibers 0.4 mm(400 microns) thick

masses held in placeby EM forces →keeps arm lengthconstant

Page 32: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

How does LIGO remove experimental errors?

Page 33: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Where’s all the analysis?

Recall the vacuum Einstein equations

Rµν [g ] = 0

We could write these as:



4gρτgσλ (−2∂νgρσ∂µgτλ + ∂µgσλ∂νgρτ )

+ gρτgσλ∂ρgσµ∂τgλν − gρτgσλ (∂ρgσµ∂λgτν − ∂λgσµ∂ρgτν)

+ gρτgσλ (∂µgτλ∂ρgσν − ∂ρgτλ∂µgσν)

+ gρτgσλ (∂νgτλ∂ρgσµ − ∂ρgτλ∂νgσµ)


2gρτgσλ (∂λgτρ∂µgσν − ∂µgρτ∂λgσν)


2gρτgσλ (∂λgρτ∂νgσµ − ∂νgρτ∂λgσµ)

Page 34: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Where’s all the analysis?

Recall the vacuum Einstein equations

Rµν [g ] = 0

Or in compact notation:

ggµν = B(∂g , ∂g) + N(∂g , ∂g)

Page 35: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Where’s all the analysis?

Idea: are solutions to this equation stable to perturbations?

ggµν = B(∂g , ∂g) + N(∂g , ∂g)

If g = g0 + h where ‘h << 1’, does h→ 0 as t →∞?

ghµν = B(∂h, ∂h) + N(∂h, ∂h) + Q(h)(∂h, ∂h)

properties of the non-linearityproperties of wave equations along the light cone

|φ(x , t)| . (1 + t + |x |)−n−12 (1 + |t − |x ||)

peeling estimates

|L(∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n−12 (1 + |t − r |)−3/2

|L(∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n+12 (1 + |t − r |)−1/2

|ei (∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n+12 (1 + |t − r |)−1/2

Page 36: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Where’s all the analysis?

Idea: are solutions to this equation stable to perturbations?

ggµν = B(∂g , ∂g) + N(∂g , ∂g)

If g = g0 + h where ‘h << 1’, does h→ 0 as t →∞?

ghµν = B(∂h, ∂h) + N(∂h, ∂h) + Q(h)(∂h, ∂h)

properties of the non-linearityproperties of wave equations along the light cone

|φ(x , t)| . (1 + t + |x |)−n−12 (1 + |t − |x ||)

peeling estimates

|L(∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n−12 (1 + |t − r |)−3/2

|L(∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n+12 (1 + |t − r |)−1/2

|ei (∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n+12 (1 + |t − r |)−1/2

Page 37: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Where’s all the analysis?

Idea: are solutions to this equation stable to perturbations?

ggµν = B(∂g , ∂g) + N(∂g , ∂g)

If g = g0 + h where ‘h << 1’, does h→ 0 as t →∞?

ghµν = B(∂h, ∂h) + N(∂h, ∂h) + Q(h)(∂h, ∂h)

properties of the non-linearityproperties of wave equations along the light cone

|φ(x , t)| . (1 + t + |x |)−n−12 (1 + |t − |x ||)

peeling estimates

|L(∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n−12 (1 + |t − r |)−3/2

|L(∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n+12 (1 + |t − r |)−1/2

|ei (∂φ)| . (1 + t + r)−n+12 (1 + |t − r |)−1/2

Page 38: Black Holes, LIGO and Geometric AnalysisBlack Holes, LIGO and Geometric Analysis Zoe Wyatt Edinburgh University, PG Colloquium December 2016. Motivation LIGO = Laser Interferometer

Thanks for listening!