Black Holes

By: Justin Magoon


This is my PowerPoint for science class.

Transcript of Black Holes

Page 1: Black Holes

By: Justin Magoon

Page 2: Black Holes

To be honest, no one really knows. Many theories exist about what black holes are, do, or where they lead to. The following couple slides will explain a few theories.

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Some scientists think that black holes suck all matter, even light, into oblivion.

They think that this is the one and only place that matter can be destroyed, even though, technically, matter cannot be destroyed, it can only change form.

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There have been many ideas that there are such things as worm-holes: galactic portals that can transfer matter and objects to other locations or even universes/dimensions.

With the reality of black holes, some believe that black holes are these worm-holes they have been searching for.

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When a star collapses, one of two things can happen.

White Dwarfs and Neutron stars are remnants of stars. When a star dies, it expands to a great size, called a red giant. It then begins to feed on it’s own matter and core, becoming smaller and smaller. Eventually, it becomes so small, it shrinks to a star about 12 miles in diameter. Next: KABOOM! It explodes, spreading it’s dust around. Usually, this dust is recollected into a small star, called a neutron star.

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The other way is where a red giant gets to a massive size called a supernova. When it shrinks, it does everything the same. Except, it’s core collapses in on itself. The gravitational force of the star becomes so great, it destroys itself from the inside. Once the remains of the star are consumed, it become a black hole, created from the very material of a star.

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StarRed Giant orSupernova


Becomes either white dwarf or black hole

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Since you can’t actually see a black hole against the vast black exterior of space, you have to look for certain things.

One way, is to look out through a telescope, and find a lot of stuff circling around one single point. That is the matter being sucked into the black hole.

Another way is only if you have the big fancy science equipment. You search for large amounts of circular gravity, amounts greater than a star, and that centralize one small point. Since nothing else can create such gravity, it must be a black hole.

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Scientists believe that at the center of a black hole lies a gravitational singularity, a point in the space-time curvature becomes infinite.

If one were to fall into a Schwarzschild black hole, one that does not rotate, cannot flee the singularity. It’s like quicksand. The harder you try to escape, the less time it will take to fall into the black hole.

Your mass will be condensed into an infinite density, which will be then added to the mass of the black hole.

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Spaghettification is a theory as to what happens when a person is sucked in. What happens is the gravity of the black hole stretches your molecules so far you become as thin as a piece of spaghetti, before completely disintegrating.

The other theory is you are simply pulled apart from a tidal force that you snap apart at your weakest point before being dismantled molecule by molecule.

Such a nice way to go, isn’t it?

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The Large Hadron Collider is, in simple terms, a machine possibly capable of creating a small black hole. This machine is currently operating on the border between Switzerland and France. It is believed to be able to solve many of the problems the universe presents us.

However, there is a reason some people are opposed to this machine. Like I said, it had the potential to create a small black hole. It may not end up being so small.

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Not in your lifetime, nor in your great-great-great 10000000x grandsons lifetime. Most likely, the Earth will never be sucked up. Only cooked then shattered when the Sun detonates.

Overall, black holes are merely a vicious animal we can but observe from a distance.

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Thanks for watching.