Bittersweet Golgotha

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Transcript of Bittersweet Golgotha

  • 8/8/2019 Bittersweet Golgotha


    Bittersweet Golgotha

    The pen is mightear than the sword

    Only when it cuts with imageries

    Imagineries, that can sunderise mass conventional cancerous un-improvements.

    Cancers, like capitalism, with its sickening vision

    That promotes a scope of stepping on throats

    To money grab, money get

    A set that begets respect of any sect, any nation

    Any identity

    All it wants to do is own the world so we

    Can be used as kindling

    Ash-turned in the fires of their growth;

    We appease

    The gods of mass-consumerkillin

    Starbux, McDonalds, Nike

    Programmable symbolisms that cause swimming visions of what I need

    What Ill get

    While Palestine turns into a pock marked crater of un-represented casualties as the world loses its


    And the kids in the street cannot eat

    And the child in the dust cannot cry

    While every day cholera causes thirty-thousand dehydrated innocents to expire.

    I wish I had that fuzzy warm feeling inside

    Not a shattered exterior, centre protected by pride.

  • 8/8/2019 Bittersweet Golgotha


    I wish I had that funny feeling in my tummy

    Not a broken trust in a fucked-up society.

    For the grass is greener on the otherside!

    Tell thatto the young ones

    Tell that to the humdrums

    Societies lost bums

    Tell thatto the child soldier

    AK-47 at the shoulder

    Mother being defiled and murdered for a reason much older

    Than the use of weapons

    As long as theres been missed-conceptions

    Shortsighted, One coloured, Bloodsmothered, Powerhungry, Human Specks.

    These people who arent people

    To call upon generasism has them clothed, robed, praying to a steeple.

    These-a mass convert-as

    Mass control-as

    Child trafficking, soul selling, saints of sullied sinful sacrifice shotting soldiers.

    Soldiers, in a bad sense

    Not vehicles of recompense

    Not soldiers for right, not soldiers for good

    Notsoldiers of freedom;

    Soldiers of rape, soldiers of conquest

    Soldiers of the promotion of apathy

    These-sa soldiers of the violation of truth

    By products

  • 8/8/2019 Bittersweet Golgotha


    Of the Hitler youth

    Youth in the then

    Youth in the now

    With blood stained hands and bags on their heads.

    And the hypocrites lie in the grasses like snakes

    Ready to strike with back facing objectives

    Sideling up with a slither to you side to hand you aid with the left hand and pillage your country with the


    But we are all hypocrites

    Me and you

    You and I

    Us and them

    At least to some degree;

    Doesnt make them right

    Doesnt make us always wrong

    To write these verse filled, verb fuelled, pacified protest musings that will cause no change

    For if ever an action comes from a reactionist thought is caused by this catalyst intending benign banned

    black and white alliteration spanned


    The seed was in you. You brought it forth. You are the change. You are great. You are noble. You are.

    You are. You. You. you

  • 8/8/2019 Bittersweet Golgotha
