Bite Tight - Angst Fluff Yaoi Exo Ot12 Therewillbe - Asianfanfics

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1 I Hope You Don't Mind

2 Let's Walk for a Minute

3 Do What We Do

4 Open Arms

5 Fall From Grace

6 Call You Mine

7 Bite Tight

8 Hope You're Ready

9 Underdressed

10 Silver Lining

11 With an Accidental Touch

12 Make Them Good Girls Go

13 Make My Body Say...

14 Anyone Else But You

15 Victoria (Your Secret's

16 Hold It Against Me

17 Three, Four, More

18 Picasso

19 Lost Boys

20 Maybe I Should Hate You

21 Just You

22 Love is Kind

23 Three Christmases

Page 3: Bite Tight - Angst Fluff Yaoi Exo Ot12 Therewillbe - Asianfanfics

24 Lovecats

25 Know About My Love

26 Fake It 'Til You Make It

27 All That Air

28 Lay Down, Roll Over, Goo

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Unlock the Devil Fourever

She's kind, He's evil. She's dumb, He's devious. She's loving, He's hateful. Her love leads to deaths, His love

leads to murders. She's the bridge, He's the predator. She's a human, he's the Devil. He wants to win, She needsto win. But who will?

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Bite Tight

by goopeculiar Tags angst fluff yaoi exo ot12 therewillbe | Report Content

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7 Bite Tight

pairing: krisyeol.

word count: 2700.

rating: pg.

genre: fluff.

summary: pupyeol has a biting problem.

Page 4: Bite Tight - Angst Fluff Yaoi Exo Ot12 Therewillbe - Asianfanfics

It has been a long day. Meetings dragged out, traffic was horrible and all Wufan really wants to do now is go

home, collapse on his bed and not move until it's absolutely required of him to do so. He takes the elevator up to

the floor that he lives on. While he waits he leans his forehead against the cool metal panels and tries to will

away the pounding in his head. A headache has been tormenting him ever since his boss had suddenly decided

that same afternoon that he didn't like the layout for the editorial Wufan had been working on for days and told

him to redo the whole thing. Wufan had wanted to punch someone. Fortunately he managed to contain himself.

He's sure that punching your boss in the face won't be good for anyone involved.

The dimly lit hallway seems longer and even more dreary than usual as Wufan drags his feet to the apartment. It

takes a few tries for him to fit his key into the lock of his front door (of course it does, what else would make

the day more perfect?) so he's feeling even more frustrated than he already was once he steps into his home

calling out an unenthusiastic: "I'm home." He has barely finished the sentence before a body nearly the size of his

own slams into him full force. Both of them almost topple over, but Wufan manages to extend a hand to grab on

to the doorframe before gravity wins and sends them tumbling to the floor.

"Master, master, welcome home, master, I missed you, master!" Chanyeol greets him excitedly (and too loud

for comfort considering he has his mouth literally right next to Wufan's ear), his whole being wriggling in glee as

he proceeds to practically squeeze the life out of Wufan.

"Can't. Breathe," Wufan pants through gritted teeth. Chanyeol's arms are wrapped tight around his torso and

cutting off his air supply.

Chanyeol releases him with an expression that is a bit sheepish. He keeps a hand curled into the bottom hem of

Wufan's shirt, however, as if he's reluctant to let go all the way (Wufan knows for a fact that he is) and he

hangs his head bashfully. "You were gone for so long, master," he mutters, glancing up at the other through his

lashes. "I thought you really left me this time."

Something tugs at Wufan's heartstrings. He has told Chanyeol time and time again that he's never going to leave

him, but that doesn't stop the other from standing in the hallway with big, wet eyes and a disapproving pout

every morning when Wufan is about to leave for work. "Well, I'm home now, aren't I?" he says instead,

reaching out to scratch Chanyeol behind his ears and further down where his collar digs slightly into the smooth

skin of his neck. Wufan smiles when Chanyeol's leg starts twitching. Chanyeol beams at him and kisses him

right on the mouth.

About an hour and a half later their stomachs are full of the takeout they ordered once Wufan actually managed

to convince Chanyeol to let go of him long enough for him to be able to get to his phone. Now Wufan has

plopped down on the couch, legs extended to their full length. There's a basketball match on the TV, but he only

watches halfheartedly. More than anything it serves to distract him from thinking about the huge amount of

documents piling up in his inbox, all of which he has to read before the end of the week. But not right now. He's

simply too tired.

A familiar weight settles in his lap and Wufan looks down to see Chanyeol beaming up at him. Just like he had

expected. He's stretched out on the couch, taking up the remainder of the available space, with his head resting

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on Wufan's leg and eyes wide in anticipation. His body is wriggling. Wufan shoots him a weary smile in return.

He quickly gives in and places a hand on Chanyeol's head, massaging his scalp and scratching behind his ears.

Chanyeol lets out a long sigh of content and Wufan directs his attention at the TV again. Chanyeol's short, black

hair feels nice running through his fingers. To Wufan it's calming and relaxing. Almost therapeutic, really. He

sighs and slumps a little in his seat. This is nice.

Soon there's another sensation that is, unfortunately, familiar. Wet heat slowly seeps through the fabric of the

shorts Wufan has changed into and he now notices that Chanyeol has rolled over to lie on his stomach instead of

his back. He seems to be looking at the TV still, but the bottom half of his face is pressed into Wufan's thigh as

he mouths slowly at the black polyester. Wufan is about to speak but jolts at the sudden feeling of teeth digging

into his flesh, gnawing on his leg. "Chanyeol," he groans in a strained voice. The other's attention is on him

immediately and his ears perk up. "You're doing it again."

At first Chanyeol looks like he has no idea what Wufan is talking about. It takes him a few seconds. Then his

eyes cross as if he's trying to look down at his own mouth (is that even possible?) and he says something that's

unintelligible because it's muffled by Wufan's shorts. Slowly he pulls away. "Oh." There's a bit of spittle on his

face and a string of saliva still connecting his lips to Wufan's leg. "Uh... oops?"

Wufan lets out a sigh. "I thought you'd be done with teething by now." He strokes Chanyeol's hair. "You're not

exactly a puppy anymore."

"I can't help it, chewing on things is still nice." His jaw is opening and closing seemingly of its own accord and

he's staring down at Wufan's leg as if he's contemplating sinking his teeth into the same spot again.

"Excuse me, but I'm not a thing," Wufan objects. "And you shouldn't be chewing on things anyway, you know

that." He uncurls his fingers from the short strands at the nape of Chanyeol's neck. Instead he tugs sharply on

Chanyeol's ear, causing the other to let out a startled yelp. "Bad dog."

Chanyeol whines. With his lower lip jutting out in a pout he stares up at his master, large eyes round and wet

and he looks so upset and wronged and miserable. "I'm sorry, master. I didn't mean to do it. I'll be good."

Wufan's heart clenches. A lump of emotion settles in his throat and he swallows it down. He tries really hard to

keep up his stern face, he really does, but Chanyeol's pout is an effective weapon. It's enough to disarm him.

The other's chin digs into his thigh as he props his head on it and his lower lip is pushed out even further.

And with that Wufan's facade crumbles. Sighing heavily, he reaches out to ruffle up Chanyeol's hair

affectionately and the latter's distraught expression is once more replaced by that goofy smile. "I can't stay mad

at you when you do that," Wufan mutters. "It's so not fair, you know." In a matter of seconds he has a lap full

of Chanyeol. He's wriggling happily again and he wraps his lanky arms around his master's shoulders and licks

at the corner of his mouth. Heaving another exhausted sigh Wufan cradles Chanyeol's jaw with large hands and

he kisses him, slow and sweet.

Wufan watches as Chanyeol walks in circles on his hands and knees on the bed. The first few times he had

done this Wufan had been kind of puzzled, but Chanyeol had calmly explained that he needed his sleeping spot to

be comfortable. Wufan doesn't understand how stomping around on the mattress for a while makes it nicer to

sleep on, but at this point he doesn't even question it anymore. Now he just looks on in amusement as Chanyeol

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scratches and scrapes at the covers to gather them into a neat pile, which he then proceeds to destroy by

flopping heavily on top of. Wufan cocks a brow and Chanyeol beams at him. "Much better," he says decisively.

"Good." Wufan is not the least bit surprised when Chanyeol shifts closer to burrow into his shoulder with a

snuffling sound. He just wraps his arm around him and waits for Chanyeol to settle against his side. When the

other is still he leans in and presses his lips to his forehead. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, master," Chanyeol whispers in return and Wufan smiles and pecks his lips. Then he lay back on the

pillow with a sigh, sliding his eyelids shut.

Only a few moments have gone by when Chanyeol whines low and needy in his throat. The flick of a wet

tongue against Wufan's neck has him shuddering. "Chanyeol," he says in a slightly warning tone. "Don't start

this, I have to get up early for work tomorrow." Chanyeol's only answer is another whine. This time around the

lick is more insistent. Wufan groans. "Chanyeol."

"It won't take long," the other says in an attempt at persuasion and he adds cheekily: "It usually doesn't,

anyway." With a snarl Wufan changes their positions so he has Chanyeol pinned under him and he stares down

at him with a hard expression. Chanyeol cowers and lets out a whimper. "I'm sorry." He looks so small now, so

bashful, and he licks the tip of Wufan's nose in apology. "I'm sorry, master, I didn't mean it, I'll be good."

Wufan inwardly curses his soft heart. He had tried so hard to take a stand against the other's approaches so

when he sighs and mutters a quick "it's okay" before leaning down to press his mouth against Chanyeol's it feels

a lot like defeat. Especially since he can feel Chanyeol's smile growing steadily on his lips.

It's a quarter to seven when Wufan is woken up by a particularly well-placed kick to his shin courtesy of a

vividly dreaming Chanyeol. Hissing in pain he rubs his leg with one hand while automatically reaching out to

scratch the younger's head with the other, that usually serves to pacify him. And sure enough Chanyeol soon

stops twitching and goes still with a sigh of content. Wufan lets out a sigh of his own.

It's still a little too early to get out of bed, but Wufan's alarm is set to go off in just another fifteen minutes so

there's not really much of a point in going back to sleep either. Instead he stays just where he is, letting the pads

of his fingers gently trace the fresh set of teeth marks that are still clear on the otherwise unblemished skin at the

nape of Chanyeol's neck. Wufan wonders if it hurts and feels a little bad about biting him so hard the night

before. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing. He couldn't help himself.

When Wufan's alarm eventually does go off Chanyeol immediately starts to stir. Like a Pavlovian response his

arms tighten around Wufan's waist even though he's still more than half asleep and he nuzzles into his master's

chest with a groan. "No."

Wufan strokes his hair. "I have to go to work, Chanyeol."

"Nooo," Chanyeol whines again. "Work is stupid. Staying here is better." Wufan struggles against his hold for a

while before finally managing to successfully liberate himself from it. He leans down to press a quick peck to the

younger's cheek where the pillow has created indentations in the form of lines in the skin. Chanyeol glowers

sleepily at him as he leaves the room to go to the bathroom.

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Wufan returns from his shower to find Chanyeol taking up the whole bed. He's not sleeping, though. He

watches quietly as his master dries off and gets dressed and ready to go to work and he doesn't look happy

about it at all. Turning his back on Chanyeol's accusing scowl once more, Wufan lets out an inaudible sigh.

Every day is like this. Chanyeol is always upset. When Wufan goes to the kitchen, however, it doesn't take long

before he hears the tingle of a dog tag and the sound of feet padding across the floor as Chanyeol gets out of

bed to follow him.

While Wufan is cooking breakfast (scrambled eggs and toast because that's all he can really make, but Chanyeol

seems happy with anything he gives him so it's fine) he feels a pair of arms snaking around his waist and

Chanyeol pressing against his back. He doesn't say anything, just buries the lower half of his face by Wufan's

shoulder and inhales deeply. Wufan doesn't say anything either. It's a little more difficult to cook with a clingy

Chanyeol attached to his back, but he has done this enough times to know how to work around it by now.

This time Wufan feels it a heartbeat before it happens. Chanyeol's nails dig into his upper arm and through the

fabric of his shirt Wufan can feel a warm mouth with sharp teeth ready to clamp down on his shoulder. He

flinches away and turns around halfway to shoot Chanyeol an incredulous glance. "What are you doing?

Chanyeol, we talked about this."

"I'm marking you," he says with the utmost conviction. "People need to know that they're not allowed to keep

you away. If I mark you you'll have to return to me. Always." Wufan doesn't know whether he should laugh or

cry. So he takes the frying pan off the heat to avoid burned breakfast and he turns around to wrap his arms

around Chanyeol and he just holds him. For a long time. Until Chanyeol starts to squirm. "Master?"

Wufan cradles Chanyeol's jaw with his large hands and he looks directly into his eyes. "I'm not abandoning you."

He shakes his head when Chanyeol opens his mouth to object so Chanyeol goes quiet. "I'm not abandoning you,"

Wufan repeats. "Besides, you belong to me." Once more he ghosts his fingers over the bitemarks that are visible

on Chanyeol's neck and shoulder because Chanyeol is still shirtless. "I marked you."

"You marked me?" Chanyeol twists his neck at an uncomfortable angle to get a look at what Wufan is referring

to. He ends up spinning around himself in circles in his attempt to see the marks and Wufan laughs and grabs a

hold of the younger before he falls over and hurts himself in his dizziness. Chanyeol beams. "You marked me!"

Chuckling, Wufan leans in and he bites down on a spot right next to the preexisting blemish. It's nowhere near

as hard as the night before and this mark will disappear before the end of the day, but it still makes Chanyeol

twitch and wriggle with glee. "Mine," Wufan growls possessively against the other's warm skin.

For the first time ever Chanyeol is actually smiling when kisses his master goodbye in the hallway as he leaves

for work.

When Wufan first got Chanyeol due to a friend's recommendation he thought of him as nothing but a mere dog.

Chanyeol would be a pet to him, a companion. He would stop him from getting lonely and maybe, possibly, keep

him warm during cold nights. Of course an added bonus (sometimes more of a downside in Chanyeol's case,

honestly) was his ability to actually voice his thoughts and worries and problems the way normal animals are

unable to, but other than that he was supposed to be just like any other regular canine. That was all Wufan

expected from him.

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Now he knows differently. He knows that Chanyeol is just as much a human as he is a dog. Almost, anyway.

He has traits from both sides, some pros and some cons. But so what if Chanyeol still hasn't quite outgrown

chewing on various things (including Wufan), so what if he growls at strangers or sometimes dreams about

chasing rabbits and kicks Wufan in his sleep. He's still funny and clever and passionate and he loves Wufan. And

Wufan loves him just as much in return, if not more. He wouldn't want to replace Chanyeol for anything in the



A/N: for karu. ♥

welp. this happened because chanyeol bit kris. simple as that. he didn't even only do it once, he did it on several

occasions as you can probably tell from the main picture. I would really, really like to know what went through

his mind when he did it. :b anyway. that whole biting thing sparked a conversation with karu, which then

resulted in me writing this story. pupyeol is a serious weakness of mine. ; ~ ; if I could I would totally make this

au go on forever. I mean, this is just one day in the life of pupyeol and master wufan. hmmm.

(the title is from their song "wolf". 8D)

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crystalwinx (May 11, 2014 21:08:33) says about chapter 26:

Kyaaaa!!! I've never shipped xiuho but this was just soooo adorable!!! Minseok being so far back in the closet

and not believing that suho would find him cute OTL I loved the part when suho made them pretend to be

boyfriends hehehe :)

crystalwinx (May 11, 2014 21:00:55) says about chapter 25:

Omg this was just too too too cute!!! My heart is exploding with feels >.< chanyeol is such a wonderful

boyfriend and insecure jongin who can't express himself asdfghhkl I loved this so much and the crying part was

just too much TT_TT all the feels OTL this was amazing!

Shalis_Darkhunter (May 8, 2014 15:08:36) says:

I think this needs a dose of Chenris ^^ don't you think?

eskulapka (May 8, 2014 02:30:29) says about chapter 28:

Mmmmmmm very hot. Though the tummy part was the best imo.

Page 9: Bite Tight - Angst Fluff Yaoi Exo Ot12 Therewillbe - Asianfanfics

ChiaToma (May 8, 2014 01:59:46) says about chapter 28:

wow that was frigging awesome lol ^^

Wonder who copped Luhan's need though, I'm sure he had something devilish in mind lol

looking forward to the next one

Jojokawaii (May 8, 2014 00:05:18) says about chapter 28:

Also, I just want to point out that I was quite surprised when I looked at the chapter index to the left and saw

that this oneshot was called "Lay down, roll over Goo" :b ;D

Jojokawaii (May 8, 2014 00:03:07) says about chapter 28:

I have tEars in my eyes that's how much this affected me. Oh god. The absolutely best part was kailu telling

Baek he has a cute tummy ;_; as much as I love , the thing I adore more than anything in the world is kindness ;_;

Like, real, actual kindness. Knowing someone doesn't like a part of him or herself, and making them feel better

about it. Comfort for all the things that hurt. That is the best thing I know. It makes my stomach clench and my

eyes tear up because there is nothing sweeter than that and it is just /amazing/. ;_;

So thank you for that

shun-kun (May 7, 2014 13:14:13) says about chapter 28:

Oh god, why so dirty? o_o it's perfect! I wonder where Luhan went after.... :D *Wild pervy imagination : on* it's

impossible he's not turned on by that! And all those dirty talks...x_x

That..kiss.. After..ya know.. So dirty it's hot! TT__TT

Even kind and polite Leader-ssi can't resist Baek's tummy :D

Once again, so good!! Thanks! :o

Bonnieyuki (May 7, 2014 11:43:18) says about chapter 28:

Hahah just half way in the beginning and I already remembered what this was. Wow. It was long ago. And yup, I

barely remember what I did cause I used to be at fault for a lot of things :p

Last part is my favorite :9

ZombieCheeze (May 7, 2014 10:17:40) says about chapter 28: fdasjkljgeafea nO

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