BitCoin Protocol

1 Bitcoin A Digital Currency


General view of BitCoin Protocol

Transcript of BitCoin Protocol

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BitcoinA Digital Currency

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Functions of Money

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Bank’s role● A financial institution

● Accepts deposits and lends money

● Centralized system

● Offers financial services

● Processes payments from two or more commercial


● Today deals with a lot of Electronic Payments

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What is Bitcoin? ● A digital currency (or aka cryptocurrency)

● Software-based payment system

● The payment process acts between (potentially)

anonymous users

● Based on peer-to-peer network

● A lot of cryptography but nothing is encrypted :-)

● Without………..

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Satoshi Nakamoto

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Let’s make a payment

• Alice:

• retrieves the Bob’s address

• generates own Public/Private key

• builds a message with:

• Transaction of 1 BTC to Bob’s address

• Transaction’s signature

• Announces her public key for signature verification

• broadcasts the message to the Bitcoin network

Alice wants to

give 1 BTC to


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Why Public/Private key?

● Bob has the Alice’s public key

● Only Alice knows the private key

● Bob verifies the transaction signature using the

Alice’s public key

● Only Bob is authorized

because has the private


● Double-Spending


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Solve Double-Spending Problem

● Transaction details are sent and forwarded to all

Bitcoin nodes

● A Block-Chain contains all transaction done

● Each blocks into chains must be valid and must

include a proof-of-work


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Bitcoin Address● A Bitcoin-balance is associated to the Bitcoin address

● A Bitcoin Address is derived by a ECDSA Public Key by using hash


512 bit



Key with



of Public

Key with



60 of









Bitcoin Address

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Bitcoin transaction● Composed by one/more Input and Output

● Input(s) is a reference to an output(s) in a different


● Uses Scripting system (Forth-like - stack based) to

verify signatures and addresses

● Transaction can include fees

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Bitcoin transaction

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Bitcoin transaction is

Signed● The Transaction from B to C is signed with B’s

private key

● The B’s public key is included in the transaction

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Block Chain● A transaction databases shared by all

nodes (like a ledger)

● Each block must contain a Proof-of-Work

● Contains a reference (hash) to the

previous block

● Block chain avoids the double spending

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Transactions into block

Merkle Tree

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● To add a block to a Block Chain

● Corresponds at time of computation

● The time is spent computing hash function

● The Proof-of-Work is builded when the hash’s output

has a specific property

● A block with a Proof-of-Work each 10 minutes about

● The difficulty is established by a target

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● The miners spends time to find a Proof-of-Work in

order to receive a Bitcoin fee (now is 25 BTC)

● The reward reduces 50% every 4 years

● The mining process will end when 21 million bitcoins

will be reached

● After that time the miners will earns imposing a

transaction fee

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Wallet software● Wallet software is used to generate address and

make transaction

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ATM in the world