BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the...

BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow and this one should be everything you need to understand how this class will be run


BIT 142: Intermediate Programming3 142 & 143: Objective: Learn C# Programming! Introduction to C# You’ll learn by doing –Practice, practice, practice! –10-15 hours outside of class, per week, on average! Solve medium-sized problems Understanding is the key!!

Transcript of BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the...

Page 1: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures

It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class.

Between that slideshow and this one should be everything you need to understand how this class

will be run

Page 2: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 2

143: Why take this course?• For people who:

– Beginning programmers looking to improve.– People looking to get an A.S. & go to UWB– People looking to take higher level BIT courses

• PreReq:– BIT 142 or equiv. (I.e., 3 quarters of programming)– Math 141 (or 110)

• Both of the above w/ 2.0+, the higher the better– Comfortable using Windows– Comfortable writing small programs– Enjoy figuring out how things work

Page 3: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 3

142 & 143:Objective: Learn C# Programming!

• Introduction to C#• You’ll learn by doing

– Practice, practice, practice!– 10-15 hours outside of class, per week, on

average!• Solve medium-sized problems• Understanding is the key!!

Page 4: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.


143: Topics• Review: – OOP Programming– Big “Oh” notation– (And Basic Unit Testing)

• Abstract Data Types:– Stacks– Queues– Linked Lists– Binary (Search) Trees

• Recursion• Sorting – QuickSort, MergeSort• Dynamic memory (references)

BIT 142 and BIT 143

Page 5: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

"Flipped" classroom

• Watch videos (lectures) BEFORE class• Spend class time actually doing interesting,

active learning


BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 5

Page 6: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

Website: Orientation Page

• Clearly indicated on the front page / main page of the course

• Read this first

• Follow all the directions on this page

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Page 7: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

Website: Main Page

• Each Lesson looks like the image on the right

• Each is a 'table of contents' of stuff that is due

• Each of the Lesson 0x links go to the lesson 0x page, which describes everything in more detail

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 7

Page 8: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

Website: Lesson Page

• Each Lesson is about a week of time

• In-Class Exercises: we’ll work through these exercises in-class

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 8

Page 9: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

Website: Lesson Page• Slides

– are for public consumption, and generally contain announcements relevant to that week’s work

• Notes – are for the instructor’s use, and

not meant for public consumption• If they help you, that’s great• If not, too bad

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 9

Page 10: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

Website: Lesson Page: Preview Videos• GOAL: To get you up to speed

with the details of the topics PRIOR to class, so we can spend in-class time reviewing difficult/troublesome areas

• All videos (and quiz) are available on MS SkyDrive

• The quiz is also in the Word file at the top of the list

• Individual videos are also here

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 10

Page 11: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

• Done INDIVIDUALLY, although you’re welcome to get help from other people, if you need it.

• You are REQUIRED to know all the material, for all the exercises– (i.e., if any of these showed up on

an exam, or must be used in a HW assignment, then you need to know it)

– You’re only required to HAND IN those items labeled ‘Hand-In’

– It’s highly recommended, but not required, that you do all the exercises – do as many as your schedule allows, and as you need to, in order to learn this material! BIT 142: Intermediate

Programming 11

Website: Post Class Exercises (PCEs)

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BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 12


• If info isn’t on here, you should ask before it’s an issue.

• YOU are responsible for knowing the syllabus!

• Details will be malleable– Should plan on full class (no early departure)

• EXCEPT exams - they’ll occur on the specified dates.

Page 13: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.


Syllabus : Book, info

• Required Books– Get this now!! Best to do the reading before class

• Check the syllabus for exact reading• More work this week, but you’ll get more out of it.

• Class Meeting time, Office hours, Contact info– If you need help, ask!!– Better sooner than later!!– Bookmark the webpage – you can get lecture

notes, in class exercises, homework assignments, and late-breaking announcements there!BIT 142 and BIT 143

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BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 14

Behavior Rules• Quiet while I’m lecturing

– Whisper, if you talk at all– Minimize typing

• If you want to type, sit towards the back of the room– If you have trouble hearing me, sit towards the

front• Work during ICE time

– If you finish a section, try the next one– If you finish everything, chose a project on

your own

Page 15: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 15

Behavior Rules : Online• Read through the “Class Orientation”

– This will explain the overall structure– And will explain what’s required for the weekly

on-line work• Then start working on Lesson 01’s post-

class exercises, if you haven’t already.

Page 16: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 16

No Cheating!• a 20% penalty on the first offense• a grade of zero for the second offense, and • for a third (and final) offense, all parties will be

given the option of either withdrawing (if the drop deadline hasn't been passed) or taking a "0.0" for the term.– Second time includes offences from prior terms

• Examples of individual work:– Homework Assignments– Exams

Page 17: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 17

Save A Copy Of All Work!!

• In-class work, EXAMS, Quizzes, etc,etc– If you work with someone, make sure each of

you gets a copy– For in-class work, you don’t have to hand it in

• (I’ll be checking it as I walk around & watch you work)

• If you lose track of it, and I mis-record it, then whatever I’ve got will stand as a grade

Page 18: BIT 143: Programming – Data Structures It is assumed that you will also be present for the slideshow for the first day of class. Between that slideshow.

BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 18

Exam Make-Up Policy• If you notify the instructor at least one week prior

to an exam, it may be possible to take the exam at a different time than the scheduled date.

• No make-ups will be given for exams, presentations, or other such graded events, that were missed without prior notification to the instructor.

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Questions About Your Grade(s)

• Any disagreements about your grade should be brought to my attention immediately.

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Personal Data Sheet

• It’s located on the class website– So I know something about you– If you don’t want to fill in a part, leave it blank