Birth Chart Asteroids Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta

Birth Chart Asteroids Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno & Vesta Chiron Ceres Pallas Athena Juno Vesta There are many asteroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter as well as other bodies traveling through our solar system. Some of them are large enough to make a difference as they pass through the signs of the zodiac. Many astrologers use them in their charts to add extra knowledge to the signs they are influencing. The primary asteroids that are used in a birth chart include Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena and Vesta. Another cometary body that is large enough to be used in birth charts is Chiron, which is found between Saturn and Uranus. The asteroids were all named after the female family of Jupiter. Ceres his sister, Juno his wife, Pallas Athena his daughter and Vesta another sister. Much of the feminine is left out of astrology aside from Venus and the Moon. The asteroids help add the feminine back into the astrological chart. Chiron was a centaur in Greek mythology who was known as a great healer and the most significant of the "centaur" asteroids. The Asteroid Signs Chiron

Transcript of Birth Chart Asteroids Chiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta

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Birth Chart AsteroidsChiron, Ceres, Pallas, Juno & Vesta

ChironCeresPallas AthenaJunoVesta

There are many asteroids in the belt between Mars and Jupiter as well as other bodies traveling through our solar system. Some of them are large enough to make a difference as they pass through the signs of the zodiac. Many astrologers use them in their charts to add extra knowledge to the signs they are influencing. The primary asteroids that are used in a birth chart include Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena and Vesta. Another cometary body that is large enough to be used in birth charts is Chiron, which is found between Saturn and Uranus. The asteroids were all named after the female family of Jupiter. Ceres his sister, Juno his wife, Pallas Athena his daughter and Vesta another sister. Much of the feminine is left out of astrology aside from Venus and the Moon. The asteroids help add the feminine back into the astrological chart.Chiron was a centaur in Greek mythology who was known as a great healer and the most significant of the "centaur" asteroids.

The Asteroid Signs


Chiron is located between Saturn and Uranus and is considered a "centaur" asteroid. In reality it is a comet nucleus. It was discovered in 1977. Also known as the Planet of Healing, Chiron deals with all aspects of health and disease and how they affect our spiritual path.Chiron was wounded himself, and despite his great skills, he never healed. He symbolizes everyone who finds their strength through their suffering. Everyone gets wounded in some manner. Whatever our wounds are, Chiron influences us to overcome our condition and go on. Like Chiron, we may find that in healing others we gain some insight and salvation even though we are unable to fully heal ourselves. Chiron has an unusual orbit, rather like Pluto. Many astrologers think of Chiron as a "mediator" between Uranus and Saturn. Chiron gives wisdom and patience as well as mastery over the darkness of our souls. Our wounds are gifts when looked at from a different angle. They give us character, lessons in life and perseverance. Chiron teaches us these things whether we are ready to learn them or not.

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Aries Chiron Sign

Chiron in Aries affects the sense of self. They may find themselves on a voyage of self-discovery or need to overcome feelings of worthlessness when Chiron is placed here. Chiron deals with healing, so they may need to discover ways of healing themselves. This sign is associated with headaches, head wounds and other injuries in this area. They may need to deal with an actual physical injury like these or it could be a psychological wound to their sense of self. If they look at themselves they will see their worth. They need to assert themselves and track their accomplishments… take charge in order to heal themselves. They will learn to value themselves and how to care for themselves. They'll find that once they value themselves, others will too.

Taurus Chiron Sign

Chiron in Taurus reflects a wound of neglect. At some point in life, they felt that they didn't get enough of something, whether it was material things, or emotional, mental or spiritual attention. They feel unfulfilled and undernourished in some way. It all boils down to their sense of worth. Many people shop to fill these kinds of voids… to heal they need to look beyond this quick fix to their inner need. They shouldn't deny themselves the simple pleasures of life… they need to learn to value themselves and treat themselves the way they want others to treat them. Love is all around. They were born to love and be loved. If they learn to value themselves, others will value them also. They should take time for introspection.

Gemini Chiron Sign

Chiron in Gemini deals with communication and the nervous system. They may need healing for the way they communicate. Maybe they are terribly shy or maybe they feel no one listens to them. Perhaps they feel unable to communicate clearly enough or feel they are not as smart as those around them. Whatever the problem, they need to take the time to learn how to overcome it. They should take some time and list the things they are very knowledgeable about. This will give them more confidence. They should spend time researching. They could practice speaking or writing in order to communicate their ideas. Chiron's gift should be used to broaden their horizons in ways they didn't think was possible.

Cancer Chiron Sign

Chiron in Cancer may feel like an outsider. They may feel unwanted, un-nurtured and unloved. On the good side, they are very nurturing themselves. It is difficult for them to let others care for them. They may give to everyone except themselves. They may end up taking in every stray that crosses their path. They need to learn to give to themselves and cherish their own needs. This helps balance them and make them whole. Opening themselves up to accept love and care from others is a big step towards healing that inner hurt. If they can learn to indulge themselves once in awhile, they will begin to realize what they have been missing all along.

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Leo Chiron Sign

Chiron in Leo feels that their talents have been overlooked. Perhaps they feel they never got the chance to shine, or maybe they feel awkward or untalented. They have the gift to help others bring out their own creativity. The difficulty they have expressing their own talents may stem from being stifled as a child or forced to perform by their families. In order to help overcome these feelings, Chiron in Leo needs to find a way to touch their inner child and reawaken their creativity. It may help to do some creative play with their own children or to find a class that they find interesting. The unrealized potential is there, right below the surface.

Virgo Chiron Sign

Chiron in Virgo will usually have some kind of health issues to contend with. They may feel there are things wrong that can never be healed. This combination can end up being overly critical or obsessed with tiny details. They may also just give up and live in chaos. They may become hypochondriacs or neglect their own health. They must learn to deal with imperfection. This can be very difficult for them. On the positive side, Chiron and Virgo understand each other. They may be able to heal not only others, but themselves. Volunteering or working in health care may help them to develop a realistic approach to healing and turn them to a holistic approach so they can treat the whole person.

Libra Chiron Sign

Chiron in Libra suggests a relationship that needs to be healed, or maybe they got hurt or rejected in a relationship. Learning to ground themselves may help them deal with their sensitivity. They may get caught up in a codependent relationship or be abused. They may feel that every relationship they have goes wrong. By learning that they are whole on their own can come as a great relief. They create more balance by learning this lesson. Chiron in Libra may also learn that a partner can help them heal in some way. One of the lessons that may be learned with this combination is that conflict may lead to a greater sense of intimacy.

Scorpio Chiron Sign

Chiron in Scorpio may find their gifts of empathy and psychic ability are improved through their experiences. They may find that they grow in wisdom through the transformative experiences of life like birth and death. They may suffer a great loss in some way early in life or feel that something inside has died. They may be afraid of their own power or feel powerless. This makes them want to cover up their feelings of inadequacy with false bravado. They may worry endlessly about losing their possessions or loved ones. They can learn a valuable lesson to appreciate life, and that by losing something or someone, you can still become richer by what you have. They may become rather preoccupied with loss if they are not cautious. They can help others through their grief or stress with their great understanding in this area.

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Sagittarius Chiron Sign

Chiron in Sagittarius is indicative of a break with traditions or spiritual teachings that may cause pain. Life may seem like one long continuous spiritual crisis. They may decide that atheism or fundamentalism is what is right for them. They may feel they have no deep understanding or wisdom. It is common for them to feel that they are meant for glory but that something went terribly wrong. Depending on how Chiron and Sagittarius are situated, those with this combination may not listen to advice in those areas, such as finances, for example, or relationships. When they are modest about their knowledge, they will be more trustworthy when giving advice. Chiron in Sagittarius may feel confined in a mundane existence. By realizing that there is wisdom in their own heart, they will begin to heal.

Capricorn Chiron Sign

Chiron in Capricorn may be a workaholic in order to prove their self-worth. They were often rejected in some manner during childhood. They may feel ignored or unrecognized. They may spend their time organizing and trying to control everything. They could also go the other way and resist organization in any way, shape or form. They often feel they are working harder than everyone else to no avail. They feel a need for respect and status so much that they lose sight and don't stop to enjoy any of their accomplishments. To learn this lesson, they need to know how to acknowledge their own value. If they stop and make note of their achievements, they will see that they already have status.

Aquarius Chiron Sign

Chiron in Aquarius may feel uncomfortable in large groups. This may stem from feeling different when they were young. Social rejection makes them want to withdraw from the public and stay only with those with the same interests. They may feel disconnected or isolated. They don't fit in. They have a real talent for helping others express themselves. They may find themselves only interested in new ideas or stuck resolutely to the old. To learn this lesson in healing, they need to learn to be themselves and cherish their differences. This can be a tough lesson, as it is difficult for some to be comfortable in their skin. Taking part in groups that encourage the expression of individuality can help them integrate this lesson.

Pisces Chiron Sign

Chiron in Pisces is always in crisis. This is a universal level crisis, nothing small ever hits this combination. They may be religious or spiritual crises that keep this combination in a tizzy. They may be at risk for depression or drug use. They may feel they have lost faith with the universe. They may feel guilty even though there is no reason to feel that way. They may play the victim. They have an innate ability to attract those down on their luck and they try their best to help. They need clarity. Disillusionment and betrayal can make life seem harsh. They must learn that

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sometimes things happen for a reason. By examining their problems, they may find deeper insight and connection.


Ceres was the first to be discovered in the asteroid belt. It has since been reclassified as a dwarf planet, which would make Ceres at least as important as Pluto in the astrological chart since they are both dwarf planets. Ceres was the sister of Zeus (Jupiter). She is the quintessential Earth Mother, and rules over food, cooking and nutrition. Wherever she appears in your chart, she shows how best you feel nurtured. This is also the area where you can easily provide love and comfort. Your Ceres Sign influences mothering, hard work, parenting, and gardening as well. It will show how well we go with the flow… the universal one, that is. This is the unification of both giving and receiving through ourselves as an exchange of energy. Ceres is associated with fertility, the uterus and stomach. On her negative side, she influences grief, work problems, eating disorders, custody issues and kidnapping. She may influence low self esteem, fear of abundance, feelings of abandonment or unworthiness, over-attachment, possessiveness, parent-child complexes and barrenness.

Aries Ceres Sign

Ceres in Aries nurtures independence; they show their love through physical activities rather than cuddling. They help others become self-sufficient through encouragement. Those with this combination may feel inadequate or incompetent at times if they had to compete with their own parent at some point. They are very protective of their family. They are assertive and like physical action. They may end up with a challenging partner in some kind of relationship. Ceres in Aries must be nurtured in an active, independent way by their family and partners in order to feel loved. If they feel dominated or pushed to take on responsibility before they are ready, they may develop issues. They value self-determination, and do their best to support that trait in those they care for.

Taurus Ceres Sign

Ceres in Taurus feels nurtured when they are fed and pampered. A good massage helps them feel grounded and cared for. They nurture others by giving them the necessities of life like food, shelter and financial stability. They may become overly dependent on their belongings or may equate self worth with what they own. Touching is an important part of nurturing for this combination. If they can relax, it is beneficial to them. They feel worthwhile if they can provide for themselves.

Gemini Ceres Sign

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Ceres in Gemini feels nurtured when someone takes the time to talk or write to them. They need to communicate with others. Traveling with them or even going along on errands will make them feel that you care. They like to nurture others through education, sitting down for a good talk, and the gift of travel. They share important information whenever they can. When things aren't going right, they may suffer from mental confusion or try to be intellectually superior. They love to learn and be listened to. They feel good about themselves when they feel smart or intellectually competent for the task at hand.

Cancer Ceres Sign

Ceres in Cancer creates a nurturing home environment. It is where they feel the most comfortable and nurtured themselves. They enjoy being mothered and mothering others. Hugs are popular. When they don't feel nurtured, they can feel like the whole world hates them. They provide both physical and emotional support. Food can play a large role in nurturing themselves and others. They are very sentimental. Those whose needs were met at a young age will in turn take excellent care of others. Those who were deprived or smothered with too much affection may end up being overly needy. Self-acceptance is important.

Leo Ceres Sign

Ceres in Leo takes pride in nurturing others. They are cheerful and optimistic, at least in public. They provide a living example of the self-assured personality. They have a way of infusing others with confidence as well. While they aren't the best at nurturing emotionally, they are dedicated. Nurturing others also helps Ceres in Leo feel good about themselves, especially when they receive accolades for it. They love attention, admiration and respect. They are creative and independent, and foster these traits in others. When they feel down, they may feel inadequate and unappreciated. They help others find their creative muse and make the most of it. Self-expression is all important to them.

Virgo Ceres Sign

Ceres in Virgo don't mean to be critical, but it may be the approach they take to nurturing others. They are really just trying to help. They feel good when they are busy, especially with detailed work. They can also take a nice detailed criticism in a constructive way… most of the time. They want to nurture others through service. At worst, they become perfectionists who never can be satisfied with their work or that of others. They are well organized and can help teach this talent to others. They feel nurtured by good quality clothing, food and health. They can teach others to be competent, proud of their work, and to be self-disciplined.

Libra Ceres Sign

Ceres in Libra is nurtured by beauty. They notice the small subtle things that others do to show they care. They do the same for others, nurturing in small ways and

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surrounding others with beauty. They like everyone to cooperate and share. Having a good relationship is very nurturing to Ceres in Libra. They may get caught up in need acceptance from others and forget to work on themselves. Good manners and sensitivity towards the feelings of others go far in nurturing this combination. They appreciate the effort. Luxury is not wasted on them either… they truly appreciate fine dining, fine fabrics and beauty all around them.

Scorpio Ceres Sign

Ceres in Scorpio feel nurtured through touch, especially intimacy. They enjoy anything mysterious or being part of something transforming. Healing others is fulfilling for them. They form deep bonds with their loved ones that make them feel whole. Emotional self control is important to them, and helping others through transformational experiences is very powerful for them. They may become jealous, possessive or resentful when they don't feel nurtured. Stable relationships are an important part of their nurturing. Isolation causes problems.

Sagittarius Ceres Sign

Ceres in Sagittarius hides their nurturing qualities. They tend to reflect the drive and passion of those around them. They want those around them to succeed. They are not good at taking the initiative when it comes to nurturing. They prefer to share wisdom, adventure and knowledge as a form of nurturing. They may be excellent at giving advice or teaching. They may feel their life is meaningless when stressed. Part of their nurturing nature is to encourage optimism in others. They show their concern by taking part in social issues. They feel nurtured when they have the freedom to explore and broaden their horizons.

Capricorn Ceres Sign

Ceres In Capricorn feels nurtured when they are organized and in control. They help others learn how to succeed. They take great comfort in every achievement they make. They have learned to take responsibility, now they will teach this to others. When stressed they can be overly dependent on their status in an effort to make themselves feel better. Surprises turn their world upside down. Goal setting and working hard is more their thing. They try their best to get others to realize how beneficial this path is to meeting your goals. It is hard for them to accept themselves sometimes. They equate feeling loved with how well they perform in life.

Aquarius Ceres Sign

Ceres in Aquarius finds their solace in the strange and offbeat. They also love being around friends. When they are down in the dumps, there is nothing better than when their friends show up. They may have felt abandoned as a child, and they taught themselves to distance themselves from that feeling. It is hard for them to admit that they need someone else. Intimacy may be difficult. When Ceres in Aquarius nurtures others, they help them develop a sense of social justice. They also want their loved

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ones to appreciate and accept their own uniqueness. They feel nurtured when they are accepted by a group or help out in a cause. When stressed they may feel disconnected or inept socially. They value personal freedom. They also love to serve their fellow man. This makes them feel they are doing well.

Pisces Ceres Sign

Ceres in Pisces reflects the emotions of those around them. They want to understand and help people through emotional crises. They are truly compassionate and they supply this through nurturing. They love anything imaginative. It fills them with good feelings and makes them feel nurtured. When feeling down, they may feel helpless or abandoned. They need time alone to de-stress and re-energize themselves. Water is calming. Self-acceptance may depend on their ability to be selfless.

Pallas Athena

Pallas Athena was the second asteroid discovered. Named after Jupiter's daughter, Pallas Athena is intelligent and cerebral. She is the weaver of patterns, linking ideas together. She is strategic command in both the warrior and the peaceful general. Cities are her domain. She has an interconnection with Libra because of her focus on ideas. Like Libra, she can see both sides. She is not blind justice… she is only just. She is creative and artistic. She is a survivor. She expects everyone to claim their personal power. Where her influence falls is where you will find talents in the following areas. Jupiter's daughter carries influence over many things, such as the immune system, the arts, the father/daughter relationship, intuition, justice, wisdom, defense, horses and the kidneys. With her spotlight on daddy's little girl, Pallas Athena will help determine how you interpret your relationship with your father, and in turn how you treat all males in general. On her negative side, Pallas Athena touches on conflict, legal battles, injustice and illnesses due to a weakened immune system.

Aries Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Aries charges in and tries to find the fastest solution. They get the action started for whatever purpose they need. They love competition and battle. They are innovative and inventive. They know how to mobilize the vital energy, whether it is for fighting, inspiration, artistically or for healing. They are pioneers. This is a good combination for artists, acupuncturists, homeopathy practitioners and athletes.

Taurus Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Taurus receives information through the physical senses. They can heal through the laying on of hands. They are skilled in color, form and texture so

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they can transform these things into beautiful works of music, art or landscape. They are concerned with the environment and they use common sense. They have the patience to stick with a cause over the long haul. Their ability to solve problems increases when they are fed.

Gemini Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Gemini sees the world through words. Words can be healing. They are able to analyze feelings and put their images into poetry or stories. They are also able to fight with words. They possess knowledge. It is possible for them to work on two or more problems simultaneously. If they aren't juggling many problems, they tend to get bored. Word puzzles are a breeze for them. Words are their medium for the majority of their activities. Healing methods they may be adept at include speech therapy, hypnosis and affirmations.

Cancer Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Cancer sees through emotions. They provide the basic needs for life and comfort. They may be adept at the domestic arts and playing the host. They defend the family and home to the death, as well as take up causes for children, the elderly and those in need. They are very empathic. They are able to address emotional concerns and many make excellent therapists or care givers. Hospitality is a key part of their personality. Emotional support is their strength.

Leo Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Leo sees the world as a canvas upon which to impress their own vision. They are very creative. In healing, they respond best to art therapy, play therapy, psychodrama, dance therapy and reducing stress through pleasurable activities. They create in many of the performing arts and they turn romance into an art form. They may have an interest in solar power. Charismatic, they are often in the public eye. Solutions are found that are dramatic and attention getting.

Virgo Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Virgo perceives analytically. They can separate the essence of things from all the surrounding complications. They may enjoy yoga, studying herbalism or nutrition as methods of healing. This combination is practical, and may express creativity through pottery, sewing, woodworking or computer programming. They are big on quality control, whether it is in government, manufacturing or services. They have the talent of discrimination… they can separate the good stuff from everything else. They have a talent for perceiving the tiniest patterns and they use this skill to solve problems.

Libra Pallas Sign

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Pallas Athena in Libra seeks balance in their composition of life. They work best with healing energies like polarity therapy, tai chi, macrobiotics, marital counseling, gestalt techniques and conflict management. They are skilled in creating interior design, graphics and fashion. They believe in justice through the use of diplomacy, meditation and legal channels. They have the ability to harmonize two different polar extremes. They can easily perceive the patterns in any social situation. They find solutions to social problems and enjoy artistic tastes.

Scorpio Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Scorpio can see through issues and beneath the surface. They are strong healers with a talent for getting to the root of the problem. They may use psychological methods like primal scream therapy, hypnosis and past life regressions. They may also dabble in sex therapy and cellular regeneration. They love artistic expressions in the form of mandalas, double meanings and tantric practices. They are fearless in the face of danger and ruthless in battle, using considerable skill at espionage and strategy. They love solving mysteries and problems… the more obscure the better. Their insight helps them gain advantages in many situations.

Sagittarius Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Sagittarius can see the big picture. They do well with mental healing, using imagery to make change happen. They also may heal with spiritual means. They want to create art that shows universal principles or emphasizes the unique qualities of different cultures. They are a knight in shining armor, ready to defend truth and righteousness. They may act as advisor to those in power or forge links of unification. Their skill at seeing the large patterns can help them teach others.

Capricorn Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Capricorn can see the underlying structure in any form. In healing, this is expressed in the skeleton, so modalities like posture therapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, deep tissue massage and dentistry may be most appealing. They want to create precise molds to form their creative energies. Architecture, sculpture and drafting may be some of the creative arts that work well for this combination. They have the ability to be in the right place at the right time. They defend law and order and have a strong need to be in authority. They are excellent organizers and planners.

Aquarius Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Aquarius sees all the future possibilities. They may find healing with the electrical energies in the body like vibration, color, crystals, sound and light work best for them. They want to create something new and exciting. They may focus their creativity on computer graphics, science fiction art or new wave music. These are the artists who teeter on the cutting edge. They are the revolutionaries defending humanitarian causes around the world and who organize protests from grass roots.

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This combination makes patterns that are sheer genius, or maybe a bit insane. They are gifted in solving the most difficult of problems with unusual solutions.

Pisces Pallas Sign

Pallas Athena in Pisces deals with the fantastic, the mystical and the interpretation of reality. They may be psychic healers, using techniques like guided imagery, fantasy and the interpretation of dreams. Meditation, spirit guides and other spiritual practices may serve them well. They are poetic and inspirational. They have a way with light and shadow and ethereal sounds that speak to the inner being. They are fans of non-violent resistance and pacifism. They are also willing to give themselves for the cause. They are compassionate and want to heal the universal suffering.


Juno was the third asteroid to be discovered. Juno is the wife of Jupiter. She has some similarities to Venus, but while Venus sparks that initial attraction, Juno makes the commitment. She sings of soul mates. As she moves through the sky, the face of relationships change, but she still stands for commitment of one kind or another. Where you find Juno in your chart is where you may meet someone that you will remain with for a long relationship. She covers marriage, fashion and beauty. She is the patron of relationships and true love. Diplomacy is part of her sphere. She has influence with the weather, flowers, fairness and female genitalia. She also dealt with many of Jupiter's infidelities, and thus has influence over the negative issues of spouse abuse, powerlessness, women's rights (both positive and negative), rage, inferiority complexes and unfairness. She may also affect issues of denial, betrayal, inequality and of course bitterness.

Aries Juno Sign

Juno in Aries needs their own autonomy. If they don't get that in a relationship they may end up with migraines or other physical displays of upset. They tend to be attracted to partners that are aggressive or dominant. While they want their own freedom, they also want a mate who will be an authority figure. They may see their partners as someone to compete with. They like to go adventuring together. They may need to learn how to develop balance in their relationships so both partners can pursue their own needs.

Taurus Juno Sign

Juno in Taurus wants a sturdy relationship built out of material security and loyalty. They want someone reliable and trustworthy who knows the value of a dollar. They want a harmonious relationship at home that will last a lifetime. They enjoy a sensual relationship and truly want to share their goals with their partner. They are dedicated and faithful forever, and they expect the same from their partner. They may be possessive or controlling or attract these same qualities in their partner. They are

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willing to stand up for their ideals as long as they have a steadfast partner at their side.

Gemini Juno Sign

Juno in Gemini needs a partner who can communicate with them. They want a partner who is expressive and mentally stimulating. They like to share activities together. Sometimes they prefer to have multiple relationships instead of just one; conversely they may prefer friendship to commitment. They like to play. Relationships may end up with one partner being more advanced in education or socially while the other is more dependent. They may also see their partner as capable of pursuing their own dreams. When they can't communicate clearly they may get nervous and high strung. They need to clear up all misunderstandings right away and be able to have clear communication at all times to be happy.

Cancer Juno Sign

Juno in Cancer needs emotional intimacy and a warm home environment. They nurture others by feeding them good food. They are attracted to partners who are nurturing and caring. They may appear to be dependent upon them or to be clingy or moody. They may use emotional blackmail to get what they feel they deserve. They can often manipulate others in very subtle ways. They feel strongly that justice must be served. They want a partner who is traditional and values the home and family. They like to care for their family and be cared for in . They feel a strong need to commit to their relationship with all their might. They may need a lot of attention and may feel unfulfilled if their needs are not met. They are highly committed and loyal.

Leo Juno Sign

Juno in Leo wants romance and excitement to be happy. They want a partner they can be proud of and who will admire them as well. They don't like to feel ignored or rejected. They can become rather selfish or use inappropriate means of getting attention. They like things to be equal. They are natural showmen and want to share the spotlight. They feel strongly towards their mates. They may be arrogant or immature and rather bossy. They can also be very generous and loving. They are decisive and seldom change their minds once they are made up.

Virgo Juno Sign

Juno in Virgo has high expectations in their partners, as they do in everything else. They will organize their relationships and expect them to remain efficient. They want perfection, and if their partner can't reach that pinnacle they may be overly critical. They are attracted to partners who are efficient and oriented to the tasks at hand. They have their own sense of justice. They appreciate a partner who is ultra clean and who is unassuming when in public. Health is very important to them, so they want a partner who is also interested in healthy habits. They want stability, and in will be loyal to the end.

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Libra Juno Sign

Juno in Libra wants balance and equality in their relationships. They want someone who will share the chores of making decisions and who will consult with them on everything. They are attracted to good manners and an attractive appearance. They want them to share their interests in social activities and artistic things. They love romance. They tend to become competitive when the relationship becomes unbalanced.

Scorpio Juno Sign

Juno in Scorpio needs an intense relationship with a lot of deep intimacy and sex. They may become manipulative and jealous, using sex as a way to control their partner. They want passion, loyalty and strength. They may be possessive, and must learn to trust over time. They like mystery and power. They may be demanding or high maintenance. Once they are won over, they are loyal and dedicated, though they may always be a bit suspicious.

Sagittarius Juno Sign

Juno in Sagittarius wants intellectual stimulation in a relationship. They also want to share their belief system. They want a travel buddy and love adventures. Liberal and philosophical, they may be outspoken or competitive. They like independence and personal freedom, so a relationship with someone who wants a partner night and day would not work well with them. They want a shared camaraderie that will support each other's freedom and yet strengthen their commitment. They prefer sports, law, philosophy and the outdoors.

Capricorn Juno Sign

Juno in Capricorn is committed and traditional. They may base their relationship more on social expectations than on sharing their emotions. They want someone who is practical and good at organizing. They are not overly emotional. They are conservative and responsible and expect the same from their partners. They want someone they can trust. They are very loyal once they commit to someone. They may marry later in life. They are very captivating to the right person, in an earthy way.

Aquarius Juno Sign

Juno in Aquarius wants a relationship that gives them their freedom. They are rather unconventional and may prefer open marriages or other alternatives. They may also remain single yet enjoy the whole "friend with benefits" concept. They aren't necessarily for equality in a relationship. They may either play the adoring mate or want their partner to be subservient to them. They appreciate eccentricity in their partner. They are progressive and friendly instead of passionate. They may be rather

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insecure at times. They are spontaneous and impulsive. They want someone who understands them and their needs and goals.

Pisces Juno Sign

Juno in Pisces wants a special, spiritual bond. They want to share their ideals with their partner. They are attracted to those who are intuitive or sensitive. They enjoy sharing music, spirituality and poetry. They tend to withdraw when they are frustrated or want to escape into a fantasy world. They can use their subtle charms to manipulate others to their way of thinking. They may play the victim in some cases. They may use their imagination to create the perfect partner. They are very emotional and may have a problem dealing the world's harsh realities.


Vesta is the second largest asteroid in our solar system and the fourth to be discovered. Vesta is a sister of Jupiter, the virgin goddess. Vesta is the keeper of the hearth. She is focus and dedication. She is mental clarity and self-respect. Vesta brings out your purest potential and Essence into being. Vesta is organized and perfect. She has a talent for breaking things down into its components. She rules the metabolism and the upper intestine. She carries influence over locks and keys, sisters, security, investments, insurance, and inheritance. She is the epitome of the home and family, ritual, chastity and sexuality, and devotion. Her negative aspects include insecurity, lack of focus, promiscuity, segregation, secret societies and family troubles. There may be a fear of sex or intimacy, as well as an invalidation of self. Denial can be a big aspect when she is negative.

Aries Vesta Sign

Vesta in Aries is self-motivated. They need their independence. Their path leads to many personal accomplishments but little involvement with others. They have the ability to focus intensively on their work. They are passionate and brave. They may feel alone. It is important for them to retain their independence and not shut out everyone else.

Taurus Vesta Sign

Vesta in Taurus is fixed in their routines. They follow their path steadily and are gifted artistically. They take the time to focus and then find it rather hard to stop. They are persistent. They are connected to fertility and the planet. This is a comfortable place. By settling in they produce amazing results. They are practical.

Gemini Vesta Sign

Vesta in Gemini works with communication. They are gifted with networking and coordination. They may inspire others to devotion but they may try to avoid all contact with emotion or intimacy. They are good at multitasking. They teach and find

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answers. They seek to acquire as much knowledge as possible and share it. They may need to learn to slow down and find themselves. They may have problems due to overintellectualizing their experiences instead of feeling the emotion.

Cancer Vesta Sign

Vesta in Cancer is devoted to serving others. They are a natural care giver and just want to be needed. When they don't feel appreciated they may withdraw. They have a strong feeling of responsibility to family and home. This may overpower any personal desires. They are willing to make this sacrifice, which may make them appear rather cold. They are intuitive. They are healers full of compassion. They may take the pain of others into themselves in an attempt to heal them. They need to learn to heal themselves.

Leo Vesta Sign

Vesta in Leo works best in creative original areas. They are artistic. They have a passion for self expression. They are full of enthusiasm and love. They can be egotistical if they are not loved. They are natural romantics. They may refuse to consider the opinions of others. They may become zealous. They have a talent for focusing on the creative or dramatic side of any circumstance. They are proud and are always willing to give from the heart.

Virgo Vesta Sign

Vesta in Virgo may become compulsive about serving others. They are serious and very driven to meet their goals. They have a wonderful sense of duty but they may not be able to accept that failure may result. They need to learn to relax and enjoy themselves. They may suppress their own wishes in the course of duty with no regrets. They are natural healers with attention to detail. They will work until there is nothing left to give.

Libra Vesta Sign

Vesta in Libra needs to work with others. Interaction is important to them. Balance helps bring out their willingness and ability to serve. They need equality in their relationships, but in order to be accepted they may give away too much of their own control. They may end up competing rather than working with someone. They are willing to suffer anything to bring advantage to their partners. They have talents in the arts and in social situations. They are good at compromise and diplomacy. They want to find a balance between themselves and others.

Scorpio Vesta Sign

Vesta in Scorpio is passionate. They seek absolutes and intimacy. They are vulnerable to guilt and shame, which could send them into a repressive state. They are very exacting. They are critical and judgmental. They have the ability for

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complete regeneration of their personality and may have psychic gifts. They are good at finding that which is hidden. They are intense and are constantly healing themselves. They need to learn moderation and when to trust.

Sagittarius Vesta Sign

Vesta in Sagittarius is devoted to a higher power or universal truth. This serves as inspiration for their greatest work. They may become fanatic about their beliefs. They believe in intellectual freedom. They are practical and determined to learn as much as possible. They are dedicated to their faith. They are able to see the big picture and are full of enthusiasm. They love adventure. They can be inspired teachers. They know that there is no end to the journey of learning.

Capricorn Vesta Sign

Vesta in Capricorn is devoted to history and duty. They believe in discipline and obligations. They are organized and capable of great accomplishment. They expect others to share their commitment. They feel responsible so they are willing to sacrifice themselves for duty and security. If they can't measure up they feel terribly guilty. They do not challenge authority as long as they feel the authorities are capable of handling their job. They are good at planning and persistence. They work from within. They can make excellent leaders, but they are very self critical.

Aquarius Vesta Sign

Vesta in Aquarius is devoted to the service of humanity. They are stimulated by their ideals and the freedom to be individuals. They work well with groups as long as they share the same ideals. They are friendly and open. Their emotional aloofness and intellect may be used to avoid intimacy. They are willing to contain their natural freedom to carry out their duties. They often must deny their own desires to complete their responsibilities. This is a very transformational combination.

Pisces Vesta Sign

Vesta in Pisces is dedicated to serving those in need. They may sacrifice themselves or show deep compassion in their service. They want to heal others. They hold their beliefs in high regard. They are spiritual and may be led into fantasy. They have an excellent imagination. They may not be sure of how they do what they do. They run the risk of not living in reality. They need to learn to awaken into themselves and connect the body with the mind and the spirit.