Birlaveda by SKC Lifesciences

Recent Credentials of SKC Lifesciences Developed Birla Veda Products for Ayurveda OTC market. 72 FDA approvals for Innovative natural ingredients drug delivery systems. 150 Ayurveda Generics FDA approvals for Ayurveda practitioners supply. 270 Standardized single ingredients manufacturing processes designed & developed with FDA Licenses for reviving compounding dispensary model in Natural medicine market. Innovated instant water soluble standardized Ayurveda formulations for Insta dip packages Designed formulations of mouth dissolving herbal extracts as proprietary Ayurveda Medicines in Lozenges form. Brought Ayurveda compound medicines in Effervescent diskettes & sachets. Ayurveda medicines with every herb standardized to Certified Active Ingredient Concentration. First mover in Natural medicine industry to have self imposed quality assurance program offering third party toxic material & allergen content assay for each product developed.

Transcript of Birlaveda by SKC Lifesciences

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Recent Credentials of SKC Lifesciences

• Developed Birla Veda Products for Ayurveda OTC market.

• 72 FDA approvals for Innovative natural ingredients drug delivery systems.

• 150 Ayurveda Generics FDA approvals for Ayurveda practitioners supply.

• 270 Standardized single ingredients manufacturing processes designed & developed with FDA Licenses for reviving

compounding dispensary model in Natural medicine market.

• Innovated instant water soluble standardized Ayurveda formulations for Insta dip packages

• Designed formulations of mouth dissolving herbal extracts as proprietary Ayurveda Medicines in Lozenges form.

• Brought Ayurveda compound medicines in Effervescent diskettes & sachets.

• Ayurveda medicines with every herb standardized to Certified Active Ingredient Concentration.

• First mover in Natural medicine industry to have self imposed quality assurance program offering third party toxic

material & allergen content assay for each product developed.

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Since the days of the British raj, India has been “A Nation of Shopkeepers.” The majority of retailproducts on Indian shop shelves are connected to “health care,” popularly known as Ayurveda, theIndian Medical Science.

Indian households spend an average of 11% of their income on health care, according to a study by aleading global consulting firm. Not only this, 25% of those polled believe that this figure is likely toincrease. Further, the same study indicates that close to 68% of the healthcare spending is on day-to-day healthcare needs alone.

The healthcare industry in India is expected to exceed Rs.1000 billion in the next three years.Consumers have often been disappointed with the quality of products and services found in a host ofchemist shops, Ayurveda bhandars and grocery stores. Today's consumer is sensitive to both care andcure, and is hungry for information. At the same time, he is willing to dig deeper into his pockets to getthat extra reliability, reassurance and convenience.

There is only one logical conclusion to draw from all this. The healthcare industry, which is rightlyperceived to be recession-proof, is set for unprecedented growth. And it offers some excitingopportunities in the area of primary and preventive healthcare. The Birla Group is uniquely positionedto seize this opportunity through its latest initiative, “Birla Veda.”

From Chairman’s desk,

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Birla Veda has developed a world-class range of Herbo - Mineral formulations in technical collaborationwith SKC Lifesciences, International Experts in the field of Natural medicine. This partnership hasbrought local standards of Ayurveda medicines to Global quality assurance and pioneer innovations inPharma industry. We look forward towards a very ambitious contribution to Health Sciences throughour association with SKC Lifesciences.

The primary objective of Birla Veda branded stores to ensure that quality traditional healthcare isavailable to more Indians and in more regions than has ever been attempted before. The Group hasembarked on a strategic initiative to establish a network of Ayurveda retail shops all over India.

Each Branded Ayurveda Retail Shop addressing the day-to-day healthcare needs of a typical Indianfamily by providing a range of superior quality healthcare services - under one roof and at affordableprices. By its very design, the Birla Veda shop creates an ideal experience for a customer.

Branded shops provide a unique consumer experience through:

A shop where health education to the customers is the primary focus.A wide range of choice in health care products for different needs, tastes and demands.Impeccable hygiene and exemplary customer care with a warm personal touch.World-class facilities available under one roof.Specialty health care counseling at no extra cost.Developing and expanding the family environment in natural health care business.

Through its solidarity with nature, Birla Veda is committed to a basic understanding of quality.All our products testify our personal attitude towards nature & people.

Yash BirlaChairman of the BoardBirla Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.

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BirlaVeda Standardized Mouth Dissolving Herbal Ingredients 15 formulations in Lozenges

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BirlaVeda Herbal Standardized Ingredients

15 formulations in Caplets

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BirlaVeda Herbal Standardized Ingredients

15 formulations in Tablets

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Bronkofizz (Instafizz Sachet)

Instant relief from Bronchial distress

Indications:Bronchial asthmaChronic bronchitis(Inflammation or irritation of lungs)As an adjuvant therapy in the cases of COPD(Chronic Obstructive lung disease).Common cough and coldUseful for the weakness in asthmatic condition


Supportive in the treatment of Asthma

Useful in treatment of common cough and


Strengthens respiratory organs of the body.

Relieve stomach bloating.

Dosage:1 sachet dissolved in glass of water TDS or as directed by the physician.

Fizzy Respiratory Drink

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Renalton (Instafizz Sachet)

Herbal formulation for improved kidney function.

Indications:Chronic kidney diseaseUrination DisordersRenal InsufficiencyRenal CalculiiDiabetic Nephropathies


Effective in urinary system disorders.

Acts as analgesic.

Useful in urine retention.

Helps in flatulence.

Useful in mild constipation.

Dosage:1 sachet dissolved in glass of water TDS or as directed by the physician.

Renal Tonic Drink

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Reducid (Instafizz Sachet)

Reduces acidity. Stops recurrence

Indications:AcidityHeart burnsFlatulenceImproper digestion


Effective in the treating acidity.

Helps in mild constipation.

Improves digestion

Easy relief in heart burns.

Helps in getting rid of rebound acidity.

Dosage:1 sachet dissolved in glass of water TDS or as directed by the physician.

Herbal Fruit Salt

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Stimulating intellect with memory booster

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Brahmatej (Chewable Tablet)

Natural memory enhancer

Indications:• Attention deficit disorder• Mental fatigue and loss of memory• Language & learning disability• Brain fatigue syndrome• Confused intellect• Loss of discrimination

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


• It has beneficial actions on brain, memory, mental deficiency, learning skills, anxiety, stress, depression, epilepsy and ADHD children.

• Decreases the rate of forgetting newly acquired information, verbal learning rate and memory consolidation.

• Improves higher order cognitive functions that depend on memory, learning and environmental factors.

• Acts as a nerve tonic and is an excellent nerve nourishing agent

• Promotes memory and intelligence• IQ enhancer

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Pregnancy Care Lozenges

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Garbiton (Chewable Tablet)

Holistic herbal care for pregnant mothers

Indications:• Morning sickness • Vomiting • Loss of Appetite & Cold• Flatulence

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


Provides relief from nausea and vomiting sensation.Enhances lactation in pregnant mothersHelps regain strength in general debility.Infuses energy into the system and helps provide relief from mood swings and mental irritation Its rejuvenating qualities infuse fresh energy into system worn out by pregnancy

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Melody in Voice

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Melodine (Chewable Tablet)

Soothing herbs for melodious vocals

Indications:• Throat irritation• Nasal congestion• Common cough• Hoarseness of voice

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


Effective for throat soothing

Useful in common cough and cold.

Helpful in breathing disorders.

Useful during voice culture.

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Relief from Headache

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Indications:Migraine syndromeTension & headache

• Sinusitis

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.

Migrad (Chewable Tablet)

Mother Nature’s gift for migraine-free life


Promotes decongestion action on nasal mucosa, thereby reducing

nasal discharge

Provides effective relief from nasal congestion and facilitates easy


Initiates an analgesic and anti-inflammatory action, thereby

alleviating headache and pain

Provides relief from nausea and reduces anxiety associated with


Reduces frequency and duration of migraine attacks

Prevents decongestion and blockage of nasal cavity

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Dead Tired

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Enerjet (Chewable Tablet)

Fountainhead of renewed power

Indications:• Relieves Stress• Energize body and mind• Improves attention quality• Helps in chronic fatigue syndrome• Improves hypotensive conditions

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


Provides strength to the body thus resulting in improvement of the energy level.Improves stress withstanding ability of the mind thus useful in stressful conditions.Helps in improvement of the focusing ability of mind thus resulting in improvement of the attention quality.Provides boost to the body to improve quality of life.Strengthens cardiac muscles so as to be helpful in improving the hypotensive conditions.

Jet of Energy

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Round the world

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Giddiril (Chewable Tablet)

Giddiness, Vertigo, no more

Indications:• Nausea & vomiting • Vertigo• Travel sickness• Drug induced emesis• Giddiness due to hyperacidity

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


Helps in treatment of weakness

Effective in relieving giddiness

Useful in the symptoms of low blood pressure

Clarity in Chaos

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Quit Tobacco ! NOW

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Quitobac (Chewable Tablet)

Quitting tobacco made easy

Indications:1. Addict personality disorders2. Tobacco dependency3. Tobacco withdrawal symptoms

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directed by the physician.


Effective in general debility

Effective in getting rid of smoking habit

Effective in getting rid of tobacco-chewing habit.

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Heart Burn with Acidity

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Reducid (Chewable Tablet)

Reduces acidity. Stops recurrence.

Indications:Chronic GastritisGastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and non-ulcer dyspepsiaRebound hyperacidityFlatulence

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


Instant relief from ulcer pain

Reduces hyper secretion of acid and neutralizes

excessive acid

Relieves nausea, vomiting and acid regurgitation

Accelerates the process of healing ulcers

Safe for long-term use

No known drug interactions

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Struggle for Breathing

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Respeaze (Chewable Tablet)

Breathe easy in respiratory distress

Indications:• Bronchial asthma• Chronic bronchitis (Inflammation or irritation of lungs)• Common cough and cold• weakness in asthmatic condition • An adjuvant therapy in the cases of COPD(Chronic

Obstructive lung disease).


Helpful in breathing disorders

Effective in common cough & cold

Useful in the treatment of debility

in asthmatic conditions

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.

Ease in Respiration

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Exhausted with work pressure

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Rewakke (Chewable Tablet)

Reawakens mind, body and soul

Indications:• Stress• Chronic fatigue syndrome• Improvement of brain function• Mental & physical weakness

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


It relieves stress due to presence of VATA suppressant properties,

which helps in nurturing nervous system

Helps in providing nourishment to the brain for its better function

and greater ability to work.

Effective in treatment of vertigo, incautiousness and depression as

it helps in curbing mental and physical weakness.

Revitalizes body and

decreases untimely

fatigue caused due

weak body strength

accumulation of

negative energies in

the body.

It simulates the power

of self expression and


Acts as a rejuvenative

for the brain and

nervous system.

Reawakening during workload

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No, Thanks! I am full!

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Appegest (Chewable Tablet)

Initiates hunger. Quickens digestion.

Indications:Agnimandya (Anorexia)

• Indigestion

Dosage:1-3 Tablets as per need or as directedby the physician.


It cures gastrointestinal ailments and acts as an anti

inflammatory agent

Improves the release of bile and pancreatic juices respectively

for pronto digestion.

It magnifies the production & potency of digestive juices.

Regulates the generation and content of gastric juices,

thereby initiating hunger and promoting digestion.

A general tonic for the digestive system.

Give Me More…..

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TabletPain of Angina

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Anjika (Tablet)

Sound of good health in every heartbeat

Indications:Angina pectoris Ischaemic heart diseaseCardiac arrhythmiaCardiac neurosisPost myocardial infarction cardiac tonic


Effective with the treatment of cardiac pain.

Increases the strength of cardiac muscles.

Strengthens chest muscles.

Herbal cardiac tonic.

Dosage:2 tablets BD with glass of hot milk and 2 teaspoon of ghee or as directed by the physician.

Power to Heart

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Inner Beauty Expression

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Dazzlin (Tablet)

Detoxifying tonic for bedazzling skin


Skin disorders

hyper pigmentation

Acne and pimples

bleeding disorders


• General skin tonic• Effective blood purifier.• Provides glow to the skin.• Improves skin quality• Helps in healing of the wound faster.

Dosage:1 Tablet TDS or as directed by the physician.

Dazzling Beauty Within

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Debility, Fatigue, Weakness

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Debilin (Tablet)

Enhances strength in general debility


General debility

Nutrition Disorder

Low Immunity

Dosage:2 tablets BD with glass of hot milk and 2 teaspoon of ghee or as directed by the physician.


• Effective general tonic.• Strengthens muscles and bones of the body.• Increase the strength of digestive fire.• Helps as geriatric tonic.• Improves quality of life.• Helps in rejuvenation

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Turning Back to Reality

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Deprend (Tablet)

No depression. Absolute delight


Depressive conditions

Chronic fatigue syndrome



• Effective in depressive conditions.• Improves mental and physical strength.• Improves quality of life.• Helps in combating with stressful conditions.


2 tablets BD with glass of hotmilk and 2 teaspoon of ghee or as directed by the physician.


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Balancing Glucose Levels

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Glucobal (Tablet)

Regularises glucose metabolism, naturally


Border line diabetes,

Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT)

Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG)

An adjunct therapy with existing

hypoglycemic agents in secondary

OHAs failure cases to prevent further



• No clinical hypoglycemia, unlike suphonylureas. • Lowers the lipid levels & protects against cardiovascular diseases .• Provides a sense of well-being and feeling of less tired and less

fatigue • No need to add antioxidants as it contains natural antioxidants and

rejuvenators • Delays the diabetic complications. e.g.: Impotency in male,

neuropathy and retinopathy • Cost effective for long-term use • Improves quality of life and restores libido .

Dosage:1-2 tablets QDS or as Directed by the physician.

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Herbal formulation for Natural Growth

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Leapup (Tablet)

Move up. Live up


Loss of appetite due to indigestion or any

other disease and intake of other


Delayed growth in children due to poor



• Improves appetite & assimilation of food.• Arouses the sense of taste & smell. • Ensures overall development .• Helps expel worms.


1-2 tablets QDS with milk or as directed by the physician.

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Muscular Power Enhanced

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Myobal (Tablet)

Enhances power of muscles


Polymyalgia rheumatic

Soft tissue rheumatism

Tonic to muscular system

Chronic inflammatory conditions

Fibrositis & Chronic backache


• Effective solution for muscular disorders.• Helps in treatment of inflammation. • Acts as mild analgesic.• Improves quality of life.

Dosage:2 tablets BD with glass of hot milk and 2teaspoon of ghee or as directed by thephysician.

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Remembering is forgotten

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Rement (Tablet)

Sharpens your memory, naturally.


Memory enhancement

Mild to moderate clinical anxiety.

Anxiety and psychosomatic illness.


• Effective in improving the memory and thus intellect.

• Improves mental and physical strength.

• Improves quality of life.• Helps in combating with stressful


Dosage:2 tablets BD with glass of hot milk and 2teaspoon of ghee or as directed by thephysician.

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Blood Pressure Fluctuates

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Subal consists of ingredients that

regulate low blood pressure levels.

Supports treatment of Hypertension

Strengthens cardiac muscles

Restores mental and physical health


• helps tone down the excess body fat. • Improve quality of blood.• Improves quality of life.

Dosage:1 tablet QDS or as directed by the physician.

Subal (Tablet)

Regulates BP. Keeps heart fit.

Natural BP Balance

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For the Best Mom

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Sumom (Tablet)

Holistic health formula for mothers.


Post natal neurasthenia.

Lower backache.

Low lactation.

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.

Anemia and Fatigue.


• Effective health tonic for mothers.• Act as galactogauge.• Help in regulating menstrual cycle. • Improves quality of blood.• Improves quality of life.

Dosage:1 - 2 tablets QDS or as directed by the physician.

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Anxious, Irritable, Panic

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Anti-stress, adaptogenic and mood stabilizer.

Neuroprotective action calms down the nervous system.

Dosage:1-2 Tablets QDS or as directed by the physician.

Calm, Peaceful, SportyCalmind (Caplet)

Anxiety free calm mind.

Indications:General WeaknessChronic fatigue syndromeInsomniaStressRestores Physical and mental health

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Dermarut (Caplet)

Cleanses from within for a healthy skin

Indications:Allergic dermatitisAtonic & seborrhoeic dermatitisAcne & Skin eruptionsUrticariaDetoxification for healthy skin


Improves skin conditions in various allergies.

Clears the spots on the skin

Acts as complete skin tonic.

Dosage:1-2 Tablets BD or as directed by the physician.

Back to roots in Dermatology

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Eczema is Devil

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Eczegon (Caplet)

Eczema gone. Life on.

Indications:Atopic eczemaContact dermatitisXerotic eczemaSeborrhoeic dermatitisVenous eczema


Herbal solution for skin eczema.

Improves skin conditions

Strengthens the skin

Improves quality of life.

Dosage:1-2 Tablets QDS or as directed by the physician.

Devil is Gone

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Her Total Natural Supplement

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Eveshor (Caplet)

Natural health support for women

Indications:DysmenorrheaDysfunctional Uterine BleedingMenstrual pain


Regulating Menstrual Cycle

Elevate the levels of woman’s health.

Provides strength to perform day to day


Improve quality of life.

Dosage:2 Tablets TDS daily or as directed by the physician.

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When Flexibility counts

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Controls pain inflammation and degenerative

process without any undesired side effects

Safe for long-term consumption, unlike NSAIDS

and cortico-steroids

No known drug interaction

Dosage:1-2 Tablets QDS or as directed by the physician.

Flexeaze (Caplet)

Experience the freedom of movement

Indications:Joint pain and Muscular pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis.Osteoarthritis.Cervical and Lumbar Spondylosis.Traumatic inflammatory conditions e.g. Fibrositis, Bursitis, Capsulitis, Tendinitis, Synovitis, Sciatica and Sports injuries.Gout & Frozen shoulder

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Psoriasis is Shameless

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Psorilin (Caplet)

Psoriasis ignites Psorilin strikes.

Indications:Psoriasis vulgarisInverse psoriasisGuttet psoriasisPustural psoriasisPsoriatic arthritis


Effective support in the

treatment of Psoriasis.

Improves skin condition.

Strengthens the skin

Clears the scaling and pigmentations.

Improves quality of life.

Dosage:1-2 Tablets QDS or as directed by the physician.

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Is that Your Horse ?

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Indications:Increases Sperm CountEnhances Sperm motilityEnhances the chances of pregnancyIncreases sexual desire.Drug and disease induced decline in libidoErectile dysfunction due to psychological & functional disorders

Dosage:1-2 Tablets QDS or as directed by the physician.


Maximizes performance

Maintains the spontaneity of sex

No adverse effects

No known drug interactions

Tonex (Caplet)

Tones up the ‘MAN’ within.

No Way…zzzzz