Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering 2011

Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering 2011 New and Forthcoming Titles by Pan Stanford Publishing


This catalog features new and forthcoming titles on Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering by Pan Stanford Publishing. About Us: Pan Stanford Publishing is an independent international publisher dedicated to publishing the best in micro- and nano-scale science, technology and medicine. The company was founded by a group of publishing professionals and academics with a strong focus in interdisciplinary and applied areas such as Nanotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Energy, Green Technology, Sustainable Engineering, Materials Science, Semiconductors, Electronic Engineering and other related areas. We publish a wide variety of books ranging from cutting-edge monographs, review volumes, handbooks, to undergraduate textbooks and books designed for the general audience.

Transcript of Biotechnology & Biomedical Engineering 2011

Biotechnology &Biomedical Engineering 2011

New and Forthcoming Titles

by Pan Stanford Publishing

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Dear Colleague,

We are delighted to present our new and forthcoming titles in the field of micro- and nanoscale science, technology and medicine. As an independent international publisher, we publish a range of quality books in various topical areas ranging from monographs to review volumes and textbooks with a single aim in mind: inspiring innovation.

We believe that our titles would be a valuable addition to your pro-fessional library and enhance your research and educational needs.

Key New Titles• HandbookofMaterialsforNanomedicine, by V. Torchilin & M.

Amiji• HandbookofNanoindentation, by M. L. Oyen• MolecularDiagnostics, by J. T. Jørgensen & H. Winther

Popular Titles• WhoClonedMyCat?, by R. Renneberg• Dendrimer-BasedNanomedicine, by J. R. Baker & I. Majoros• Nanotherapeutics, by A. Lamprecht

Book Series• Pan Stanford Series on Biomedical Nanotechnology • Pan Stanford Series on Nanoscale Raman Spectroscopy• Pan Stanford Series on Nanobiotechnology

If you have any queries about sales, marketing, editorial or any other issues, please let me know by sending an email at [email protected]. You can also visit our website at


Jenny RompasDirector and PublisherPan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.

About Pan StanfordPan Stanford Publishing is an independent international publisher of science, technology and medicine. The com-pany was founded by a group of publishing professionals who are devoted to meet the needs of the scholarly and professional communities worldwide.

Driven by passion and a clear mission, we strive to serve the needs of academics and of professional communities worldwide in three ways: by collaborating closely with researchers and professionals of outstanding achievement, by fostering long-term partnerships with our readers and distributors and by developing the most accurate publications that can inspire and further promote innovation and discovery.

With decades of publishing experience, we understand and antici-pate the needs of authors, librarians and book distribution partners, and we continuously challenge ourselves to provide the highest-quality products and services possible.

How to OrderOur titles are available in print and electronic formats. Please contact your regular book supplier or any of the sales offices whose details are given at the back of this catalogue. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] for more information.

Textbook Inspection CopyIf you want to request for an inspection copy of any of our text-books, please inform us about your university, department and course name via email at [email protected].

“Whatanelegantlibrarycoveringanexception-allybroadrangeofnanosciencetopics!Ishallbemosthappytoshowittocolleaguesinthefieldandsharewiththem.Congratulationsonyourenterprise.” Prof. John Polanyi (Nobel Laureate) University of Toronto, Canada

“Iamverypleasedwiththeperformanceofthepublisherandstaffinthewritingofmybookandwouldnothesitatetorecommendthemtomyfriendsandcolleagues.” Prof. Howard Green Harvard Medical School, USA

“Thiswasmyfirstexperienceineditingabookanditturnedouttobeaveryfruitfulone.Iwasgreatlyassistedinallthesteps,fromtheinitialplanningtothefinalpublicationofthebook.Allthestaffinvolvedintheproductionofthebookweresoniceandhelpful,thattheworkwasmucheasierevenforabeginnerlikeme.Iamverymuchsatisfiedwiththefinalresult,whichsummarizestheworkofseveralfantasticcollaboratorsandcolleaguesinthefieldofgenomics.”Dr. Piero Carninci RIKEN, Japan

“Theeditorialprocessisverysmoothandthecoverdesignisgreat!Themanuscriptstylefilesareveryhelpfulandtheinstructionsareeasytofollowforthecontributors.ItwasagreatpleasuretoworkwithPanStanfordPublishing.”Prof. Alf Lamprecht University of Franche-Comté, France

“MyexperiencewithPanStanfordwasverygoodandthereisnowayforthepublishertoimprovetheirprocessthatIcanthinkofnow.Iamverypleasedwiththeendproductofthislongbook-writingprocess.PanStanfordhasbeenveryhelpfultomeandpublishedafinebook.”Prof. Istvan Majoros University of Michigan, USA

What Our Readers and Authors Say

3Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2011

Handbook of Nanoindentation with Biological Applicationsedited by Michelle L. Oyen(UniversityofCambridge,UK)


Prof. Lisa PruittUniversity of California, Berkeley, USA

“Thecontributingauthorssummarizethelatestdevelopmentsinaveryusefulandreadableway.” Prof. Alfonso H. W. Ngan

University of Hong Kong, HK


Prof. David TaylorTrinity College Dublin, Ireland

Nanoindentation is ideal for the characterization of inhomogeneous biological materials. However, the use of nanoindentation techniques in biological systems is associated with some distinctively different techniques and challenges. For example, engineering materials used in the microelectronics industry (e.g. ceramics and metals) for which the technique was developed, are relatively stiff and exhibit time-independent mechanical responses. Biological materials, on the other hand, exhibit time-dependent behavior, and can span a range of stiffness regimes from moduli of Pa to GPa — eight to nine orders of magnitude. As such, there are differences in the selection of instrumentation, tip geometry, and data analysis in comparison with the “black box” nanoindentation techniques as sold by commercial manufacturers. The use of scanning probe equipment (atomic force miscroscopy) is also common for small-scale indentation of soft materials in biology. Readership: Graduates, postgraduates and researchers.

Hardback • 400pp • Sep 2010 978-981-4241-89-2 • US$149.00

Handbook of Intelligent Scaffold for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicineedited by Gilson Khang (ChonbukNationalUniversity,Korea)

• Discusses the great potential of scaffold applications ranging from novel biomaterials to novel fabrication methods and the targeted organ.

• Comprises chapters written with the student and industry professionals in mind.

• Maintains a good balance of clinical, commercial and experimental chapters.

It has been recognized that tissue engineering and regenerative medicine offers an alternative technique to whole-organ and tissue transplantation for diseased, failed or malfunctioned organs. To reconstruct a new tissue by tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, triad components, such as (1) cells that are harvested and dissociated from the donor tissue, (2) scaffold substrates as biomaterials in which cells are attached and cultured so as to result in the implantation at the desired site of the functioning tissue and (3) growth factors that promote or prevent cell adhesion, proliferation, migration and differentiation by up-regulating or down-regulating the synthesis of protein, growth factors and receptors, are needed. This book concentrates on intelligent scaffolds, associated biomaterials and manufacturing in terms of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, from basic principles to the most recent discoveries. The areas of focus include ceramic and metal scaffold, intelligent hydrogel, electrospinning nanofiber, novel biomaterials for scaffold, novel fabrication methods for scaffold and scaffolds for the target organ. The book comprises theoretical, experimental, preclinical and clinical analyses of various properties of biomaterials, research methods, preparation techniques and some promising applications.

Readership: Researchers in medicine, stem cell, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, drug delivery system and biomaterials science.

Hardback • 500pp (approx.) • Nov 2010978-981-4267-85-4 • US$249.00

Handbook of Materials for Nanomedicineedited by Vladimir Torchilin & Mansoor Amiji (NortheasternUniversity,USA)

“Averycomprehensivecollectionofwell-writtenchaptersonnanoparticletechnologiesusedformedicalapplicationsofallkinds.Itissubdividedintoorganicandinorganicmaterialsnanostructureswhichisveryintelligentwaytoorganizethehandbook.Itincludesthelatestinformationonscaffoldsforregenerativemedicinethatinvolvenanostructuresofmanydifferentdesigns.Allinall,itwillbeaveryvaluablereferencebookforthebiomaterialsscientistandmedicalresearcherinvolvedinmanydifferentfacetsoftherapeutics,diagnosticsandimagingformedicalapplications.” Prof. Allan S. Hoffman University of Washington, USA The fast-developing field of nanomedicine uses a broad variety of materials to serve as delivery systems for drugs, genes, and diagnostic agents. This book is the first attempt to put under one cover all major available information about these materials, including both those that are still on experimental levels and those already applied in patients.

Contents: Organic Nanostructures: Polymeric Nanostructures: Synthetic Polymer-Drug Conjugates for Human Therapy (K. Ulbrich & V. Zubr); Dendrimer-Based Nanomaterials (K. Nam et al.); Combinatorial Polymer and Lipidoid Libraries for Nanomedicine (J.J. Green et al.); Lipid-Based and Other Organic Structures: Liposomal Nanomedicines (V. Torchilin); Nanomedicines from Polymeric Amphiphiles (I.F. Uchegbu et al.); Materials for Nanoemulsions and Their Influence on the Biofate (E. Rozentur et al.); Inorganic Nanostructures: Metal Structures: Biomedical Applications of Multifunctional Silica-Based Gold Nanoshells (L.R. Bickford et al.); Metal Oxide Nanoarchitectures for Biotemplating Application (K.C. Popat & T.A. Desai); and many other papers. This book is Volume 1 of the PanStanfordSeriesonBiomedicalNanotechnology.

Readership: Scientist of all levels from both academia and industry working in the areas of nanomedicine.

Hardback • 840pp (approx.) • Sep 2010 978-981-4267-55-7 • US$399.00

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Therapy with Cultured Cellsby Howard Green(HarvardMedicalSchool,USA)


Prof. Tung-Tien Sun New York University Medical School, USA

In this book the author describes the discoveries in his laboratory that led to therapy with cultured cells. The first cultured cell type used for therapy was the keratinocyte of the epidermis, for the treatment of burns. Subsequent developments led to the use of cultured cells for the treatment of diseases of the eye, of the joints and of other diseases. Cultured cells for therapy are now being prepared by industries in the US, Japan and Korea and are used in the aforesaid countries, as well as in France, Sweden and Greece, for the treatment of disease. In addition to keratinocytes, therapeutic use has been made of many cultured cell types, such as ocular limbal cells, chondrocytes and melanocytes. In addition to these cell types, which must be autologous, use has also been made of allogeneic keratinocytes to promote healing.

The Early History of Cell Culture; The Beginnings of Keratinocyte Cultivation; The Treatment of Burns; Defining the Stem Cell Character of Keratinocytes; Treatment with Allogeneic Cultured Keratinocytes; Treatment of Ocular Disease; Gene Therapy; Therapy with Cultured Chondrocytes; The Promise of Therapy with Embryonic Stem Cells.

Readership: Academics, physicians, scientists, surgeons and biologists.

Paperback • 88pp • Mar 2010 978-981-4267-70-0 • US$79.00

Molecular DiagnosticsThe Key Driver in Personalized Cancer Medicineedited by Jan T. Jørgensen & Henrik Winther (DakoDenmarkA/S,Denmark)


Prof. Jeffrey S. Ross Albany Medical College, USA


Prof. Jae K. Lee University of Virginia, USA

This unique book provides a thorough overview of developing molecular cancer diagnostic assays, which are the prerequisites for optimal solutions within personalized cancer medicine. The book takes the reader through definitions of the pharmacodiagnostic concept, historical perspectives of the early steps into molecular cancer diagnostics linked to therapy, the basis of different diagnostic molecular techniques, ongoing research, drug-diagnostic co-development, assay validation, clinical trial methodology, regulatory issues around pharmacodiagnostics and future aspects within personalized cancer medicine. The book is the first of its kind to cover relevant subjects around molecular cancer diagnostics when used as important drivers in personalized cancer medicine. The different chapters are authored by key opinion leaders, each representing their specialized areas, so that the reader can gain expertise in the field. Readership: Oncologists, pathologists, academic cancer researchers and scientists and others working in the drug and diagnostics industries.

Hardback • 364pp • Apr 2010978-981-4241-44-1 • US$159.00

Cap-Analysis Gene Expression (CAGE) The Science of Decoding Genes Transcription edited by Piero Carninci (RIKEN,Japan)

“Thisisacomprehensiveintroductiontoapower-fulandimportantnewtechniquethatistransform-ingourunderstandingofgeneregulation.ThisvolumecontainseverythingyouneedtoknowtobecomeanexpertinCAGE,fromlibraryconstruc-tiontobioinformaticanalysisofthevoluminousdatasets.”Prof. Gene E. Robinson

University of Illinois, USA

Novel technologies have recently appeared that allow the deciphering of transcriptional network, based on the identification of the starting site of gene transcription, with the simultaneous meas-urement of expression level and identification of the promoter elements. These tagging tech-nologies (including cap-analysis gene expression [CAGE] and others) are further boosted from the development of the novel generation of sequenc-ing instruments, which allow transcriptional profiling by sequencing at the cost of microarray experiments. This book is a guide for users of new technologies, as it includes accurately proven protocols, allowing readers to prepare their samples for experiments. Additionally, it is a guide for the bioinformatics tools that are available for the analysis of the obtained tags, including the design of the soft-ware, the sources and the Web. Finally, the book provides examples of the application of these technologies to identify promoters, annotate genomes, identify new RNAs and reconstruct mod-els of transcriptional control. Although examples mainly concern mammalians, the discussion expands to other groups of eukaryotes, where these approaches are complementing genome sequencing.

Readership: Biologists from both academia and industry interested in new approaches to address their biological problems.

Hardback • 266pp • Oct 2009978-981-4241-34-2 • US$155.00

5Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2011

MicroRNA Profiling in CancerA Bioinformatics Perspective edited by Yuriy Gusev (UniversityofOklahomaHealthSciencesCenter,USA)


Prof. George A. Calin MD Anderson Cancer Center

University of Illinois, USA

The recent discovery of microRNAs — a new class of non-coding RNAs — has revolutionized modern biomedical sciences. This book presents current advances in the emerging interdisciplinary field of microRNA research of human cancers from a unique perspective of quantitative sciences: bioin-formatics, computational and systems biology and mathematical modeling. This volume contains adaptations and critical reviews of the recent state-of-the-art studies, ranging from technological advances in micro-RNA detection and profiling, clinically oriented microRNA profiling in several human cancers, to a systems biology analysis of global patterns of microRNA regulation of signaling and metabolic pathways. Interactions with transcription factor regulatory networks and mathematical modeling of microRNA regulation are also discussed.

Readership: A broad audience of academic, biotech and pharmaceutical industry biomedical scientists, physicians involved in cancer research, oncologists, computational biologists and bioinfor-maticians.

Hardback • 272pp • Oct 2009 978-981-4267-01-4 • US$129.00

Functional Proteomics and Nanotechnology-Based Microarraysedited by Joshua LaBaer (HarvardMedicalSchool,USA)&Claudio Nicolini(UniversityofGenoa,Italy)

“FunctionalProteomicsandNanotechnologyprovidesvaluableinsightintoanewdimensionofconceptsandapproachesthatwillenhancecapa-bilitiestoestablishsignaturesofgeneexpressionforbiologicalcontrolandpathologies.”Prof. Gary Stein University of Massachussetts, USA

This volume introduces in a coherent and compre-hensive fashion the Stanford Series on Nanobio-technology by defining and reviewing the major sectors of Nanobiotechnology and Nanobiosciences with respect to the most recent developments. Nanobiotechnology indeed appears capable of yielding a scientific and industrial revolution along the routes correctly foreseen by the numerous programs on nanotechnology launched over the last decade by numerous councils and govern-ments worldwide, beginning in the late 1995 by the Science and Technology Council in Italy and by President Clinton in the USA and ending this year with President Putin in the Russian Federation. The aims and scope of the series and of this volume are to cover the basic principles and main applica-tions of nanobiotechnology as an emerging field at the frontiers of biotechnology and nanotechnol-ogy. A scientific committee formed by Wolfgang Knoll (Max Planck Institute Mainz), Joshua LaBaer (Harvard University, Boston), Michael Kirpichnikov (Moscow University) and Christian Riekel (ESRF, Grenoble) has been established by the publisher to act as an editorial board to discuss with Claudio Nicolini as series editor for the purpose of sourcing and peer-reviewing manuscripts and providing advice on the series of future high-quality volumes.

This book is Volume 2 of the PanStanfordSeriesonNanobiotechnology.

Readership: Researchers and students in nanobiotechnology and nanobiosciences fields.

Hardback • 350pp • Jun 2010 978-981-4267-76-2 • US$159.00

Nanomaterials for Chemical Sensors and Biotechnologyby Pelagia-Irene Gouma (StateUniversityofNewYorkatStonyBrook,USA)


Prof. Makoto Egashira Nagasaki University, Japan


Prof. Sheikh A. Akbar Ohio State University, USA

This textbook is intended to serve as a reference guide to the interdisciplinary fields of nanomateri-als, sensors and biotechnology. It demonstrates functional applications of nanotechnology in diverse areas such as environmental sensing and space habitation, medical diagnostics and tissue regeneration. With a focus on novel materials synthesis, such as using the nanomanufacturing technique of electrospinning to get the longest nanowires possible, a correlation is made of the effect of chemical, structural and morphological features to achieve extreme materials functional-ity. This publication will serve as a manual to na-notechnology for both novices and experts alike, from the materials scientist to the biophysicist and bioengineer and the medical scientist.

Readership: Researchers and students dealing with nanomaterials and biotechnology.

Hardback • 180pp • Oct 2009 978-981-4267-11-3 • US$129.00

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Nanocomposite Particles for Bio-ApplicationsSynthesis, Properties and Applications edited by Tito Trindade &Ana Luisa da Silva(UniversidadedeAveiro,Portugal)

• One of the few examples of a book approaching the bio-applications of nanocomposite particles.

• Includes contributions from specialists with international published research in their field of expertise.

• Illustrated with excellent figures and containing a very good survey of references to accompany each chapter.

This book provides a concise state of the art of the synthesis and properties of nanocomposite particles with a focus on their diverse bio-appli-cations. Contributions are mainly related to the chemical design of nanocomposite particles, their properties as well as their constituent materials and to the tailoring of bio-interfaces that might be relevant for the fields of clinical diagnosis and drug delivery procedures, among others bio-applications. Examples of materials described in the book include particles composed of a polymer matrix containing dispersed inorganic nanophases and other bio-functionalized nanomaterials, along with comments about their practical applications and limitations.

Readership: Researchers, postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students of chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, biotechnology, nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Oct 2010 978-981-4267-78-6 • US$149.00

Biomaterials for MEMSedited by Mu Chiao (UniversityofBritishColumbia,Canada)&Jung-Chih Chiao(UniversityofTexas,USA)

This book serves as a guide for practicing engi-neers, researchers and students interested in MEMS devices that use biomaterials and biomedi-cal applications. It is also suitable for engineers and researchers interested in MEMS and its applications but who do not have the necessary background in biomaterials. This book highlights important features and issues of biomaterials that have been used in MEMS and biomedical areas. Hence this book is an essential guide for MEMS engineers or researchers who are trained in engineering institutes that do not provide the background or knowledge in bioma-terials. The topics include fabrication of devices using biomaterials; biocompatible coatings and issues; thin-film biomaterials and MEMS for tissue engineering; and applications involving MEMS and biomaterials.

Contents: Introduction on Biomaterials for MEMS (M. Chiao & J-C. Chiao); Fabrication/Materials: Micromachining of Polymeric Materials (M. Chiao); Polymers and Surface Coatings (J. Kizhakkedathu); Laser Deposition of Biomaterials (D. Chrisey et al.); Devices and Applications: Biomaterials of MEMS Devices for Use in the Human Body (Y. Haga & M. Esashi); Biodegradable Elastomers for Tissue Regeneration (J. Yang et al.); Neuroregeneration (R. Bellamkonda & Y-T Kim); Biocompatible Flexible Microelectrodes (K. Cheung); Micelles and Polymer MEMS Microvalves (B. Stoeber); Biocompatibility: Vibration Based Anti-Biofouling of Implants (J. Yeh et al.); Biomaterials for MEMS Drug Delivery (G. Voskerician et al.); Characterization of Biomaterials (H. Zeng)

Readership: For engineers and researchers interested in MEMS and its applications but who do not have a background in biomaterials. Relevant societies include ASME, IEEE and SPIE.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Sep 2010 978-981-4241-46-5 • US$149.00

The Microflow Cytometer edited by Frances Ligler &Jason S. Kim(NavalResearchLab,USA)

“Anexcellentcompilation.Fromhistoryoftheveryearlydaysofflowcytometerstothelatestuniqueunconventionalmicroflowcytometers.Fromcommercializationphilosophytocutting-edgeengineeringdesigns.Fromfluidmechanicstoopticstoelectroniccircuitconsiderations.Wellbalancedandcomprehensive.” Prof. Shuichi Takayama University of Michigan, USA “Thefieldofmicrofluidicflowcytometryisdevelopingatafastrate.Newmicrodevicesarebeingdevelopedthatarecheap,easytouseandtailoredtospecificapplications.Thisbookbringstogetheracompilationofthestateoftheartinthefield.Theauthorsofferanin-depthinsightintotechnologyissuesandfutureperspectives.Anexcellentreferenceforscientistsandtechnologistsdevelopingthesemicrosystemsandforallinterestedinthefutureofmicroflowcytometry.” Prof. Hywel Morgan University of Southampton, UK

This book will describe the continuing development of inexpensive, portable flow cytometers through incorporation of microfluidic technologies and small optical components. The underlying microfluidic theories essential for microflow cytometry will be discussed in detail, as well as advances that are representative of the current state-of-the-art. Design and fabrication strategies for these innovative component technologies will be subsequently presented by numerous research groups leading the field. Integration of the components into functional prototype devices for analysis and manipulation of particles and cells will be reviewed. Multiple currently available commercial systems will be examined to highlight both strengths and areas for improvement.

Readership: Scientists, engineers, and corporate strategists interested in developing portable flow cytometers.

Hardback • 396pp • May 2010 978-981-4267-41-0 • US$169.00

eBooks are available for all titles. For more information, please contact your regular eBooks vendor or email us at [email protected]



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7Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2011

Who Cloned My Cat?Fun Adventures in Biotechnologyby Reinhard Renneberg (HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,HongKong)

“Renneberg’snewestbook“WhoClonedMyCat?”isapersonaljourneythroughthescienceandpoliticsofbiotechnology.Thereaderispresentedwithsixty-eighttwo-pagechapters,rangingfromcurrentattemptstolimitthecyanidepoisoningoffishtotheeffectofthecoldwaronsugarprices.FollowinginthetraditionofLewisThomasandStephenJ.Gould,Renneberghascreatedabookperfectlysuitedforrecreationalreading,fullofscientificwonderandsocialcontext.” Dr. David Goodsell The Scripps Research Institute, USA


Günter Kröber

“Science is fun!” is the motto of this fun-filled book by Prof. Reinhard Renneberg. Do you know that in Japan, washing machines have no “cooking program” thanks to enzyme detergents? How to make German-style beer from rice? How do you make real snow with dead frost-bacteria? Is using bio-ethanol as a car fuel going against our environment? How can you clone your neighbor’s beautiful cat? How to eliminate breast cancer genes before a baby girl is born? Can the financial crisis be solved by breeding better stock market traders? How to measure the fitness of students? The questions are endless.

Readership: Interested laypersons wanting to know more about the front-edge subject of biotechnology and to be entertained and amused at the same time, students, lecturers and experts in the sciences, and school teachers and pupils looking for entertaining reading.

Hardback • 250pp (approx.) • Sep 2010978-981-4267-65-6 • US$24.95

Carbon NanotubesFrom Bench Chemistry to Promising Biomedical Applications edited by Giorgia Pastorin (NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore)

• Includes a simplified description of different topics related to carbon nanotubes and a detailed index for readers, so that young scientists and researchers outside their field of expertise can familiarize themselves with the subject easily.

• Discusses how carbon nanotubes can be physically and chemically manipulated to become suitable tools for cancer therapy, drug delivery, gene expression, etc. To that purpose, many synthetic procedures and images have been included in each chapter.

• Features a special session devoted to the cautious evaluation of potential hazards attributed to carbon nanotubes, in terms of their use as delivery systems and their effects associated with prolonged environmental exposure.

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the terms nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Nanotechnology involves applying science through the use of nanomaterials, among which carbon nanotubes represent a fascinating example. In particular, carbon naotubes have garnered growing attention because of their promising applications in several biomedical fields, including cancer and gene therapy, vaccines and tissue engineering. This book represents a critical evaluation of the most recent discoveries about carbon nanotubes and includes a cautious description of their impact on personal health and environmental pollution. It also offers an overview of the main research groups around the world which have been focusing their efforts on the exploitation of this intriguing material, with the purpose of inspiring young scientists to follow their pathway.

Readership: Students and researchers in science, especially chemistry, biology, pharmacy and medicine.

Hardback • 350pp (approx.) • Oct 2010 978-981-4241-68-7 • US$129.00

Dendrimer-Based Nanomedicineedited by Istvan Majoros &James R. Baker Jr.(UniversityofMichigan,USA)

“Theauthors’approachtofillinalittlehistorywithfuturisticperspectivewillbeadelighttoallreadersinterestedinthefield.Amustread.” Prof. George R. Newkome The University of Akron, USA

In recent decades, dendrimers — free-shaped synthetic macromolecules — have garnered a great deal of scientific interest because of their unique molecular nanostructure. Used in a variety of scientific applications, dendrimers are now widely regarded as a safer, more precise and more effective way to practice medicine. This book compiles and details cutting-edge research in science and medicine from the interdisciplinary team of the Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences, which is currently revolutionizing drug delivery techniques through the development of engineered nanodevices. Edited by Istvan J. Majoros and James R. Baker Jr, two prominent nanotechnology researchers, this book will appeal to anyone involved in nanotechnology, macromolecular science, cancer therapy or drug delivery research.

Contents: Targeted Drug Delivery in General, New Technology in Medicine (B.B. Ward & J.R. Baker, Jr.); General Carriers for Drug Delivery (T. H. Dunham etal.); Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Synthesis and Characterization (I.J. Majoros & D.E. Carter); Optical and Biophotonic Applications of Dendrimer Conjugate (J.Y. Ye & T.B. Norris); Dendrimer Conjugates for Cancer Treatment (I.J. Majoros etal.); Biological Application of PAMAM Dendrimer Nanodevices in vitro and in vivo (T.P. Thomas & J.F. Kukowska-Latallo); and many more.

Readership: Advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students in nanotechnology as well as researchers in macromolecular science, nanotechnology, chemistry, biology and medicine, especially those with an interest in drug delivery or cancer therapy.

Hardback • 440pp • May 2008 978-981-4241-04-5 • US$215.00

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Viral NanoparticlesTools for Materials Science and Biomedicine edited by Nicole Steinmetz &Marianne Manchester(ScrippsResearchInstitute,USA)

• Is a comprehensive overview of the manifold applications of VNPs in nanotechnology. The book covers research from scientists from all over the world.

• Explains the technical terminology of nanotechnology, a highly interdisciplinary field that brings together virologists, chemists and materials scientists.

• For young and established researchers working on or interested in viral nanotechnology.

The utilization of viral nanoparticles (VNPs) in nanosciences and nanotechnology has become a popular field of research. From a materials science point of view, VNPs are attractive building blocks for several reasons: the particles are on the nanometer scale, they are monodisperse with a high degree of symmetry and polyvalency, they can be produced with ease and on a large scale, and they are exceptionally stable, robust, biocompatible and bioavailable. VNPs are “programmable” units which can be modified by either genetic modification or chemical bioconjugation methods. Readership: Undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and established researchers in viral nanotechnology, virology, nanotechnology, materials science and biomedicine.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Oct 2010 978-981-4267-45-8 • US$149.00

Nanoimagingedited by Beth Goins &Wiliam Phillips(UniversityofTexasHealthScienceCenteratSanAntonio,USA)

• Is the first book dedicated to imaging nanoparticles invivo.

• Covers research on a wide variety of nanoparticles for monitoring disease detection and treatment by non-invasive medical imaging.

• Provides examples of the application of nanoparticles for numerous medical imaging modalities, including optical imaging, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging.

Progress in nanotechnology has resulted in the design and synthesis of many new types of nanoparticles. Concurrently, there has been a rapid explosion in new medical imaging technologies that can non-invasively detect and monitor the targeting of nanoparticles invivo. As leading experts in the related fields, the editors and individual authors of this book describe up-to-date reviews on the application of these new nanoparticles forinvivo medical imaging and drug delivery. This book covers cutting-edge research on the use of nanoparticles for in vivo diagnostic medical imaging and therapy. A variety of nanoparticles are discussed, including quantum dots, carbon nanotubes, dendrimers, gold nanoshells, metal nanorods, micelles, liposomes, polymers, MRI iron oxide particles and microbubbles. Examples include multifunctional nanoparticles that are designed for multi-modality imaging and simultaneous diagnostic and therapy (theranostic) applications. This book is Volume 3 of the PanStanfordSeriesonBiomedicalNanotechnology.

Readership: Students and researchers in nanosensor development, medical imaging, radiology, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance imaging, nanotechnology, chemistry, biology and medicine, especially those with an interest in molecular imaging, drug delivery and nanomedicine.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Nov 2010 978-981-4267-09-0 • US$149.00

Life at the NanoscaleAtomic Force Microscopy of Live Cells by Yves Dufrêne (UniversitéCatholiquedeLouvain,Belgium)

• Provides a comprehensive overview of the use of atomic force microscopy and related scanning probe techniques for analyzing cells and membranes, going from the basics to the applications side.

• Features chapters authored by cutting-edge experts.

• Written a bibliography for further reading.

At the crossroads of nanoscience and life sciences, the nanoscale analysis of living cells using atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based techniques is an exciting, rapidly evolving research field. During the past years, there has been tremendous progress in using AFM to observe cells and membranes at high resolution. Remarkable advances have also been made in applying force spectroscopy techniques to study cellular mechanics, to localize single receptors on live cells and to measure cellular interactions. These AFM-based measurements contribute to improving our understanding of the structure-function relationships of cell walls and membranes and have a strong potential in biomedicine, for example, for elucidating the mechanisms of cell–drug and pathogen–host interactions. This timely book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of AFM and related scanning probe microscopies for cell surface analysis, going from the basics to the applications side. It will appeal to anyone involved in cell biology, microbiology, biophysics, biochemistry or nanosciences. It is the first of its kind to cover all cell types, from viruses and protoplasts to bacteria and animal cells, and to discuss a range of advanced AFM modalities, including high-resolution imaging, nanoindentation measurements, recognition imaging, single-molecule and single-cell force spectroscopy.

Readership: Students and researchers in the fields of nanotechnology, biophysics, cell biology, microbiology and biomedicine

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Nov 2010 978-981-4267-96-0 • US$149.00

9Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2011

Biomedical Nanosensorsedited by Joseph Irudayaraj (PurdueUniversity,USA)

• Discusses a range of nanomaterials as sensors from the first principles to applications.

• Features contributions from leading authors from different disciplines, thereby providing a multidisciplinary perspective to the compilation.

• Includes an extensive bibliography for further reading.

Biomedical nanosensors play a central role in the development of diagnostics and therapeutics for early detection and treatment of diseases. Bringing a nanoscale perspective to sensing is expected to allow investigation of biological systems; detection of ultra-small concentration of biomolecules, ions, and molecular interactions; exploration of cellular mechanisms and integration of nanosensors into many other devices, including implantable devices. The book specifically addresses nanomaterials, constituting nanoparticles, nanowires and nanotubes of inorganic as well as polymeric composition of nano- and micro-scale dimensions, as sensing and therapeutic agents since these constitute a major direction in nanomedicine. Selected technologies involving single-molecule and single-particle methods for tracking are also addressed.

This book is Volume 2 of the PanStanfordSeriesonBiomedicalNanotechnology.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Dec 2010 978-981-4303-03-3 • US$149.00

The Functional FoldAmyloid Structures in Nature edited by Susi Jarvis & Anika Mostaert(TrinityCollegeDublin,Ireland)

• Highlights the bredth of functional amyloid found in nature by bringing together the many recent discoveries into a single volume.

• Contains contributions by leading authors across the range of functional amyloid discovered to date.

• Includes an extensive bibliography and indicates anticpated future developments.

Amyloid fibrils are notorious for their association with a group of debilitating and often incurable diseases called the Amyloidoses, which include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and glaucoma amongst others. They have come under increasingly intense scrutiny in recent years due to the devastating effect these particular diseases can reap on aging populations. It is therefore surprising that amyloid fibrils have recently been found to have specific functions in a range of organisms from bacteria to humans. This has forced the scientific community to change the way we consider amyloid, from being a ‘mistake’ caused by the aggregation of ‘misfolded’ proteins, to a structure that can be either physiological or pathogenic in a manner not yet fully understood. This is the first book to bring together a wide variety of examples of functional amyloid in a single volume. Ten chapters provide coprehensive information on the importance of amyloid fibrils in fungi, bacteria, algae, invertebrate and vertebrate animals, for providing environmental protection, structural integrity and regulating biochemical processes. Due to their functional manifestation amyloid fibrils have huge potential to form the basis of a new generation of proteinaceous biomaterials for a broad range of applications. Readership: Highly multidisciplinary, including students and researchers in biology, biochemistry, biophysics, botany, zoology, cell biology, molecular biology and materials science. The book can ideally be a textbook for the study of protein structure and function.

Hardback • 250pp (approx.) • May 2011 978-981-4267-40-3 • US$149.00

Artificial Human SensorsScience and Applications by Peter Wide (ÖrebroUniversity,Sweden)

“Thisbookrepresentsathought-provokingoverviewoftheintriguingfieldofthemachinesensingandperceptionbasedonaneverevolvinghuman-instrumentpartnership.Itdiscussesnewintelligenttechnologiesthatenhancethenaturalsensing,perception,andmobilityabilitiesofhumansallowingthemtohaveahealthier,moreproductive,saferandoverallbetterlife.”Prof. Emil Petriu Ottawa University, Canada

The importance of creating sophisticated information support to humans is increasing with the society need for supporting elderly population with limited sensing performance. This can be seen as a paradigm for increasing the support to different groups in the population as well as a service concept to the citizens. This can also be extended from a personal level into a global view, where a group of people can increase their information level e.g. earthquake or tsunami warning systems. The book aims to involve the human related (based) and artificial sensing in coherence with the human perception capabilities (auditory, taste, smell, vision and touch). Also the fusion of these sensing information could be discussed, i.e how do we increase our human “fuzzy” decision capability (perception) e.g. the field of culinary art, the atmosphere in the dining room is also affecting the perception of tasting the food.

Readership: Readerships and students in sensors, electrical and electronics engineering.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Aug 2010 978-981-4241-58-8 • US$149.00

eBooks are available for all titles. For more information, please contact your regular eBooks vendor or email us at [email protected]



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Synchrotron Radiation and Structural Proteomicsedited by Eugenia Pechkova (UniversityofGenoa,Italy)&Christian Riedel(EuropeanSynchrotronRadiationFacility,France)

This book gives an overview of the current state of research in both synchrotron radiation and structural proteomics from different laboratories all over the world, while touching upon all possible aspects of frontier research in this area. The contribution from the advanced research group from different synchrotrons (ESRF, BNL, Spring 8, CHESS) and structural proteomics groups all over the world gives a unique international flavor to the book. Every chapter represents a review article; however, new research results, never published so far, are also presented. The reader can get an insight into the recent progress made in the leading research laboratories of different countries. The most advanced methods of synchrotron radiation analysis, protein micro- and nanocrystallography, X-ray scattering and X-ray optics, and coherent X-ray diffraction, including laser cutting and contactless sample manipulation, are described in detail. Emphasis is placed on biological applications, and such important aspects as radiation damage and molecular modeling are also highlighted. This book is Volume 3 of the PanStanfordSeriesonNanobiotechnology.

Readership: Students and researchers in biophysics and bionanotechnology; researchers in macromolecular science, nanotechnology, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine, especially those with an interest in the advanced methods of synchrotron radiation and structural proteomics.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Dec 2010 978-981-4267-38-0 • US$149.00

Molecular Motors in Bionanotechnologyby Keith Firman & James Youell(UniversityofPortsmouth,UK)

• Features illustrated examples of major groupings of motors.

• Provides a coherent review of groupings and families of molecular motors.

• Includes a discussion of future uses in synthetic biology and bionanotechnology.

Biological molecular motors provide most cells with the dynamic systems required for their day-to-day existence. The examples that exist occur in even the simplest organism (e.g., a bacterium, a virus), and the range of tasks that they carry out is vast. Over the last few years, there has been a large increase in the study of these motors, and it is becoming apparent that many motors will find uses in either bionanotechnology or synthetic biology. This book describes a wide range of molecular motors, ranging from chemical motors to biological motors, in a manner that updates, or reviews, both classification of the type of motor and grouping into families. Many techniques have evolved to study and characterise molecular motors at the single-molecule level (e.g., using molecular tweezer devices), and the reader is introduced to the concepts and benefits of each technique. In addition, the book looks at structural information and how this helps understand function and finally at how some of these motors may be used in the future as part of a synthetic biology approach to building devices and sensors.

Readership: Researchers in biology and molecular biology.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Dec 2010 978-981-4267-02-1 • US$149.00

WaterThe Forgotten Biological Moleculeedited by Denis Le Bihan (CEASaclay,France)&Hidenao Fukuyama(KyotoUniversity,Japan)

• Discusses current knowledge and outstanding questions on the importance of water in living systems.

• Features contributions by leading experts in the field from USA, Europe and Asia.

• Has a good balance of theoretical and experimental chapters.

• Includes an extensive bibliography for further reading.

The book addresses a number of highly topical aspects of a fast-emerging field and emphasizes some important, but yet unclear, roles of water in biological processes, up to brain function. The main objective of this book is to bring together multidisciplinary contributions from leading authorities on the properties and roles of water in cell systems which are otherwise dispersed in the literature and difficult to gather. The authors are drawn from areas of physics, chemistry, biology and physiology, where water plays a central role. The book focuses on current research and developments in the theoretical and experimental studies of water in biological systems and compounds, such as interaction with hydrophobic or hydrophilic structures, protein and membrane surfaces. It provides insights into the importance of water in cellular processes and physiology and, ultimately, in life, brain function and health. Readership: Scientists in academia or industry (water, health), ecologists and medical doctors. Can be used as a basis for new research and as a textbook for graduate students of different subjects (medicine, biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, etc.).

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Dec 2010 978-981-4267-52-6 • US$99.00

11Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2011

Handbook of Metal Biotechnology Applications for Environmental Conservation and Sustainability edited by Satoshi Soda, Michihiko Ike(OsakaUniversity,Japan)&Mitsuo Yamashita(ShibauraInstituteofTechnology,Japan)

• Covers a new discipline, “metal biotechnology”, emphasizing applications for the fields of environment conservation and resource recycling.

• Introduces various fields of metal biotechnology, including (i) wastewater treatment and bioremediation for hazardous metals, (ii) recovery and recycling of metals, (iii) biological synthesis and processing of new metallic materials and (iv) bio-informatics in metal biotechnology.

• Features contributions from various members of Metal-biotechnology Research Division in The Society for Biotechnology, Japan.

Metal elements refined from underground resources remain finite and might suffer depletion, presenting society with a serious problem. This book introduces various fields of metal biotechnology, emphasizing applications for the fields of environment conservation and resource recycling. The book proposes the development of “metal biotechnology” to cope appropriately with the above difficulties. Metal biotechnology is defined as biological technology that utilizes the reactions of various metals in metabolism and also chemical binding by living organisms and biomolecules. Here, the “metal” in metal biotechnology encompasses –– in addition to typical metals like iron –– all mineral elements, including metalloids such as arsenic and antimony, and nonmetals such as selenium and tellurium, which has properties similar to those of typical metal elements. Biological reactions are intrinsically material-saving and energy-saving. Consequently, the metal biotechnology that the authors propose is a key technology that is useful for settling a problem which no physicochemical process can resolve or which no such process can resolve easily. Readership: Researchers in biotechnology, chemistry and materials science

Hardback •300pp (approx.) • Dec 2010 978-981-4267-98-4 • US$149.00

From Bioimaging to BiosensorsNoble Metal Nanoparticles in Biodetection edited by Lai-Kwan Chau (NationalChungChengUniversity,Taiwan)&Huan-Tsung Chang(NationalTaiwanUniversity,Taiwan)

• Reviews research on the use of noble metal nanoparticles for bioimaging, biosensing and mass spectrometric bioanalysis, including aspects from analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, materials science, biochemistry, microfluidics and engineering.

• Offers numerous well-illustrated biodetection examples from the authors’ research work.

• Combined authorship from the interdisciplinary team provides a unique multidisciplinary viewpoint for the teaching and research of biodetection.

The development of biodetection techniques for the diagnosis of diseases and environmental analysis of biological agents is an extremely significant problem. Recently, research has begun to explore new imaging and sensing strategies based on nanotechnology. One promising approach is to utilize the extraordinary optical properties of noble metal nanoparticles. The absorption and scattering cross-sections of noble metal nanoparticles are orders of magnitude stronger than those of organic dyes. Thus, these nanoparticles act as excellent sensors and novel contrast agents for optical detection because of their enhanced absorption and scattering, respectively. Moreover, the localized plasmon resonance property of these nanoparticles makes label-free and real-time biodetection possible. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of noble metal nanoparticles for bioimaging and biosensing. Readership: Advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students in analytical chemistry, biomedical engineering and clinical biochemistry; researchers in nanotechnology, chemistry, biology, biomedical engineering and medicine, especially those with an interest in bioimaging, biosensor or mass spectrometric bioanalysis.

Hardback • 400pp (approx.) • Jan 2011 978-981-4267-24-3 • US$149.00

Handbook of Dyneinedited by Keiko Hirose(NationalInstituteofAdvancedIndustrialScienceandTechnology,Japan)&Linda Amos(MRCLaboratoryofMolecularBiology,UK)

• Draws together current information on dynein’s structure, mechanism and functional roles, to build up an integrated picture.

• Covers information from a wide range of techniques, with each chapter written by an internationally-renowned expert.

• Reveals where new avenues have been opened up, with the potential for a deeper investigation.

• Emphasizes new structural information.

Dyneins are biological molecular motors that move along microtubules and drive a surprisingly wide range of essential cellular processes such as beating of cilia and flagella, vesicular transport and mitosis. Although the protein was discovered nearly half a century ago, research into its complex array of interactions began quite slowly but has progressed with steadily increasing success. The current knowledge about dynein’s mechanisms and functional roles has reached a high level, and new avenues have opened up that are ready for a deeper investigation in this very active field. This book draws together the impressive amount of information now available on both cytoplasmic and flagellar dyneins and the proteins they directly interact with, combining data obtained with a range of biophysical, biochemical and cell biological methods.

Readership: Researchers and students in life sciences

Hardback • 350pp (approx.) • Feb 2011 978-981-4303-33-0 • US$149.00

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Handbook of Active Materials for Medical DevicesAdvances and Applications edited by Andrés Díaz Lantada (UniversidadPolitécnicadeMadrid,Spain)

• Discusses the great potential of active or intelligent materials for the development of sensors, actuators and multifunctional systems linked to applications in the field of biodevices and medical appliances.

• Analyses the main biological and medical applications of different families of intelligent materials and includes case studies showing complete development processes.

• Features development methodology so as to help future research and development of medical appliances and biodevices.

This book treats all kinds of biodevices that benefit from the use of active materials as sensors or actuators, mainly implantable or quirurgical, for the diagnosis or treatment of different pathologies. Such active or “intelligent” materials are capable of responding in a controlled way to different external physical or chemical stimuli by changing some of their properties. These materials can be used to design and develop sensors, actuators and multifunctional systems with a large number of applications for developing biodevices and medical appliances. Current work on these fields entails problems related to synthesis, characterization, modelling, simulation, processing and prototyping technologies, as well as device testing and validation, all of which are treated in depth in this book.

Readership: Students and researchers in physics, materials science and bioengineering, especially those working in the field of active or “intelligent” materials for biological or medical applications

Hardback • 500pp (approx.) • Feb 2011 978-981-4303-35-4 • US$179.00

Nanostructures in Biological SystemsTheory and Applications by Ales Iglic & Veronika Kralj-Iglič (UniversityofLjubljana,Slovenia)

• Presents the theoretical approach which is useful in describing electrical and elastic phenomena in nanostructures in biological systems.

• Is a new work, in that biophysical methods are used to describe and indicate manipulation of clinically relevant problems, which have hitherto been largely ascribed to biochemical phenomena.

• Includes detailed derivations, which enable the readers to understand to basis of different theoretical approaches.

The book surveys recent theoretical as well as experimental results about nanostructures in biological systems and provides some possible applications. In the theoretical part, a unifying approach starting from the single-particle energy, deriving free energy of a system and determining equilibrium by minimizing the free energy, is applied to describing electrical and elastic phenomena. This approach is basic, transparent and simple, so that new and additional systems and interactions can be included by the readers. As theory and experiment have been developed in the same process, they support each other in broadening the knowledge about the system. The potential use of this knowledge in clinically relevant phenomena, such as hemostasis, inflammation and the spreading of cancer, is presented, and some applications in nanotoxicology, such as the interactions between biological membranes and inorganic nanostructures, are described.

Readership: Students and researchers in biophysics, physical chemistry, nanoscience, biology and toxicology.

Hardback • 300pp (approx.) • Feb 2011 978-981-4267-20-5 • US$149.00

Inside the Photon A Journey to Healthby Tony Fleming &Elizabeth Bauer (BiophotonicsResearchInstitute,Australia)

• Discusses recent advances in the theory of photonics applied to biophotonics.

• Provides a clear elucidation of resonance as a mechanism for applying electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies and shows that resonant frequencies can be applied both to promote and to inhibit growth.

• Gives new insights into how traditional therapies and medicines might work and how proactive therapy, instead of retroactive repair, can be more feasible.

Over the past decade, biophotonics has appeared as a new department within academic circles across the globe. With experimental work going on for more than a century, application of scientific methods has shown the importance of biophotonics in biological and medical practice. The book describes the newly discovered layer of biophotonics underlying all atomic chemistry and biochemistry. As with the variety of snowflakes, the range in biological species within flora, for instance, is dependent on this biophotonic layer of interaction within atomic and biomolecular structures. A new range of energies that can be balanced only within biophotonic states is responsible for these innumerable varieties of biological species. The book gives a fresh impetus to therapies such as homeopathy, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine by providing a putative understanding of these therapies. It makes mitosis understood via the cell cycle and explains how electric, acoustic and magnetic fields can induce changes at the biophotonic level. This work thereby shows the possibility of medical therapy without invasive surgery and without the side effects of drug-based therapies.

Readership: Advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level students and researchers in biophotonics, bioelectromagnetics, biophysics, biomathematics, biochemistry, photonics, acoustics and biomedical engineering

Hardback • 300pp (approx.) • Feb 2011 978-981-4241-40-3 • US$149.00

13Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2011

Biomechatronics in Medicine and Health Careedited by Raymond Tong (TheHongKongPolytechnicUniversity,HongKong)

• Focuses on biomechatronics, an exciting field for research and development by both the engineering and the medical profession.

• Discusses a variety of clinical challenges in medicine and healthcare and demonstrates how to apply biomechatronics in providing better care and service.

• Includes lucid chapters, each of which provides substantial background material to help students and researchers learn the state of the art in this area.

This book is targeted at both engineering and medical professionals interested in biomechatronics. There is a growing need for biomechatronic devices in the medical field, and many research groups are developing different systems in this area. This development can support the provision of better healthcare. The book presents experts’ insights into the emerging technologies and developments that are or will be applied in medical professions to overcome a variety of clinical challenges and then demonstrates how to apply biomechatronics in providing better care and service. It also incorporates new and exciting multidisciplinary areas of research across the medical and engineering fields, such as the robotic therapeutic training system for stroke rehabilitation, exoskeletons for persons with disability to help them perform daily activities, functional electrical stimulation and wireless active capsule endoscopy. Each chapter provides substantial background material relevant to a particular subject. Therefore the work is an indispensable primary reference for students and researchers in the stimulating field of biomechatronics.

Readership: Students, researchers and industry professionals in biomedical engineering and medical physics.

Hardback • 300pp (approx.) • Mar 2011 978-981-4241-61-8 • US$149.00

Transport of Nanoparticles in Tissuesby Petr Kloucek (UniversitédeNeuchâtel,Switzerland)

• Provides a unified approach to the understanding of nanotransport in biological tissues, including its limitations and applicability.

• Contains all the background material necessary to understand structure and functionality of novel nano drug carriers and their delivery pathways.

• Includes a thorough outline of all theoretical, modelling and computational aspects to help readers use the text in the further development or application of the presented body of research.

The book addresses the question of mobility of sub-micron particles in tissues, complex bio-environments and, specifically, in tumours. This area is profoundly connected with application of novel drug carriers in nanomedicine. The understanding of limitations pertaining to nanotransport of both biological and bio-MEM-based carriers plays a fundamental role in targeted drug delivery, imaging and plant nutrition delivery, to mention just a few fields that benefit from theoretical insights into the particles’ nanotransport in biological tissues. The book provides both mesoscopic and macroscopic descriptions of the interstitial tissue matrix that plays a fundamental role in the nanotransport. A detailed description of the governing equations provides a framework for relating the underlying tissue structure with basic flow parameters. One of the novel aspects the book provides is the modelling of turtuosity and its relation to the apparent diffusion. It contains a number of applications of the presented theory relating to specific tumour structures and a variety of drug nano-carriers with respect to their potential to deliver various drugs to cancerous cells.

Readership: Practitioners in the field of nanomedicine in combination with drug delivery or imaging; PhD as well as postgraduate students of medicine, physics, chemistry and mathematics.

Hardback •350pp (approx.) • Mar 2011 978-981-4267-06-9 • US$149.00

NanotherapeuticsDrug Delivery Concepts in Nanoscience edited by Alf Lamprecht (UniversitédeFranche-Comté,France)

“Thisbookprovidesstate-of-the-artresearchmaterialintheareaofnanotherapeutics.Itscontentisclearanddidacticandreflectsmodernknowledgeandthinkinginpharmaceutics.Itisapreciousbookforalltypesofreaders,includingstudents,researchscientists,pharmacistsfromtheindustryandpractitionersfromhospitalswhowanttoexpandtheirknowledgeaboutnanomedicine.” Prof. Jean-Pierre Benoit University of Angers, France

An important and exciting aspect in the newly developing field of nanomedicine is the use of nanoparticle drug delivery systems that allows for innovative therapeutic approaches. Because of their small size, these drug delivery systems are promising tools in therapeutic approaches such as selective or targeted drug delivery towards a specific tissue or organ, enhanced drug transport across biological barriers and intracellular drug delivery. This timely book provides an overview of possible therapeutic applications. The first part of the book highlights general properties of and phenomena observed with nanoparticles, and the subsequent consequences for applications in drug delivery. The second part focuses on the therapeutic approaches that are possible through the use of nanoparticles, with each chapter discussing a specific disease (e.g., diabetes, cancer, inflammation) and the relevant therapeutic approaches based on the design of nanoparticulate drug delivery systems. From this concise book, readers will gain an insight into the basics of nanoparticle preparation and find a more detailed account of what is therapeutically feasible by using nanoparticle approaches.

Readership: Academia and research laboratories in the biomedical and pharmacological fields. Useful for postgraduate students and researchers in the pharmaceutical industry.

Hardback • 292pp • Jul 2008 978-981-4241-02-1 • US$155.00

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Nanobiotechnology and Nanobiosciencesby Claudio Nicolini (UniversityofGenoa,Italy)

“ThisisanimpressivecompendiumoftheworkofProfessorNicoliniandothersinthecriticalareaofnanotechnology.Wide-ranginginitsscope,itaddressesthecrucialjunctionbetweennanotechnologyandbiology.Thelabel-freedetectionmethodscoveredherewillprovidepowerfulnewtoolsforunderstandingmolecularinteractions,andthenanoscalematerialswillfindfar-reachingapplicationsinbothbiologyandengineering.”Prof. Joshua LaBaer Harvard University, USA

Nanobiotechnology is capable of yielding a scientific and industrial revolution, as envisioned by the numerous programs on nanotechnology launched over the last decade by councils and governments worldwide, beginning in late 1995 by the Science and Technology Council in Italy, by President Clinton of the USA and recently by Russian Prime Minister Putin of the Russian Federation. This volume introduces, in a coherent and comprehensive fashion, the PanStanfordSeriesonNanobiotechnology by defining and reviewing the major sectors of nanobiotechnology and nanobiosciences with respect to the most recent developments. It covers the basic principles and main applications of nanobiotechnology as an emerging field at the frontiers of biotechnology and nanotechnology, with contributions from leading scientists active in their respective specialties. This book is Volume 1 of the PanStanfordSeriesonNanobiotechnology.

Readership: Researchers and students in nanobiotechnology and nanobiosciences.

Hardback • 380pp • Nov2008 978-981-4241-38-0 • US$119.00

NanopathologyThe Health Impact of Nanoparticles by Antonietta Gatti (UniversityofModena&ReggioEmilia,Italy)&Stefano Montanari(Nanodiagnosticssrl,Italy)

Enormous funds are currently being invested in nanotechnology, yet very little is known about how its products and by-products can interfere with both end users and people involved in their manufacture. Similar scenarios are already widely known in the history of science, such as the exploitation of radioactivity or the controversial issue of genetically modified organisms. As nanoparticles are more or less voluntarily produced, they are almost uncontrollably disseminated in the environment and in organisms and thus constitute a growing concern. By describing the impact of nanoparticles (and microparticles) on human and animal health, this book offers the first criteria for preventing potential problems deriving from these particles.

Contents: How the Whole Thing Began or the Logic Path Towards a Discovery; In-Vitro and In-Vivo Biological Behavior of Micro and Nanoparticles; Clinical Cases: Lung, Blood, Liver, Kidney, Digestive System, Vessels, Sperm; Six ”Detective Stories”; War and Nanoparticles; Nanoparticles in the Environment and Working Places; Nanoparticles in Food, Cosmetics and Other Products; New York 9/11; The Future and Prevention Criteria.

Readership: Scientists in academia and industry, ecologists, military personnel, and medical doctors. Can be used as a basis for new research and as a textbook for graduate students of different subjects (medicine, biology, engineering, etc.).

Hardback • 312pp • Mar 2008 978-981-4241-00-7 • US$135.00

NanomedicineA Systems Engineering Approachedited by Mingjun Zhang (UniversityofTennesseeatKnoxville,USA)&Ning Xi (MichiganStateUniversity,USA)

“Takingaunique,systemsperspective,thisbooknotonlycoversfundamentalinformationonnanomedicine,butalsoprovidesanaccountofmodeling,simulation,andexperimentaltoolsfordealingwithchallengesattheinterfacebetweennanotechnologyandmedicine.Itisanexcellentreferenceforresearchersandstudentsinthisburgeoningfield.” Prof. Xiaobo Tan Michigan State University, USA

This book offers a fundamental and comprehensive overview of nanomedicine from a systems engineering perspective, making it the first book in the field of quantitative nanomedicine based on systems theory. It will advance the knowledge of nanoscale science and engineering by efficiently employing quantitative tools for fundamental biomedical engineering and biological science research. The book starts by introducing the concept of nanomedicine and provides basic mathematical modeling techniques that can be used to model nanoscale biomedical and biological systems. It then demonstrates how this idea can be used to model and analyze the central dogma of molecular biology, tumor growth and the immune system. Broad applications of the idea are further illustrated by Bayesian networks, multiscale and multiparadigm modeling and AFM engineering. The book demonstrates how systems engineering, which has been very successful in conventional engineering, may help with nanomedicine.

Readership: Bioengineers, systems engineers and mathematicians.

Hardback • 360pp • Mar 2009 978-981-4241-36-6 • US$149.00

eBooks are available for all titles. For more information, please contact your regular eBooks vendor or email us at [email protected]



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15Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering 2011

Nano Meets MacroSocial Perspectives on Nanoscience and Nanotechnologyedited by Kamilla Kjølberg &Fern Wickson(UniversityofBergen,Norway)

“Theeditorshavecompiledabeautifullydiverseandtimelycollectiononthesocialandculturalaspectsofnano-scalescienceandengineering.Withinformedacademicanalysis,fresh-from-the-fieldNGOexperience,andprovocativeimages,fictionandpoetry,theircontributionisasmultifacetedasnanoitself.” Prof. David Guston Arizona State University, USA

This book explores the enormous diversity in social perspectives on the emergence of nanoscale sciences and technologies. The diversity is presented by pointing to four nodes of interest, the nodes where Nano meets Macro: In the Making, In the Public Eye, In the Big Questions and In the Tough Decisions. Each node draws attention to important research lines and pertinent issues. Nano meets Macro is designed especially for use in interdisciplinary teaching and discussions with natural science students, but the richness of issues and perspectives makes it of interest to all researchers, practitioners and non-academics wanting an introduction to social perspectives on nanoscale sciences and technologies. To stimulate discussion the book includes pieces of science fiction and visual arts, as well as questions for reflection after each chapter.

Contents: “Historical Context of the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (H. Fogelberg); Questioning Interdisciplinarity: What roles for laboratory based social science? (R. Doubleday & A. Viseu); The Science and Politics of Nano Images (R. Strand & T. Birkeland); Poetry from the Laboratory (Hildegard Lee); Eigler’s Eyes 2(Chris Robinson); Triangular Masterpiece no. 5 (K. B. Kjølberg); NanoFireball (C. Orfescu); The Slippery Nature of Nano-Enthusiasm (R. Sparrow); and many more.

Readership: General interest.

Hardback • 596pp • Apr 2010 978-981-4267-05-2 • US$99.00

Science at the NanoscaleAn Introductory Textbook by Chin Wee Shong, Sow Chorng Haur&Andrew T. S. Wee (NationalUniversityofSingapore,Singapore)

“Thisbookprovidesaverydetailedandinterestingoverviewofthefundamentalprinciplesofnanoscience,discussesthebackgroundofseveralnanoscienceexperimentaltechniques,andshedslightonsomeofthevisionaryandimportantapplicationsinthetrulyinterdisciplinaryareaofnanotechnology.”Profs. Wael Mamdouh & Flemming Besenbacher University of Aarhus, Denmark

Nanotechnology is one of the most important growth areas of this century. Nanoscience, the science underpinning nanotechnology, is a multidisciplinary subject covering atomic, molecular and solid state physics, as well as much of chemistry. Nanostructures are known to exhibit novel and improved material properties, fundamentally because the physical and chemical properties are very different when dimensions are reduced to the nanometer range. This book aims to introduce the various basic principles and knowledge needed for students to understand science at the nanoscale. Many ideas proposed in nanotechnology are futuristic, although some have immediate technological applications. The core scientific principles of all nanotechnology applications, however, are grounded in physics and chemistry. There are currently numerous specialized nanoscience and nanotechnology-related texts or monographs at the graduate and senior undergraduate level. This textbook is targeted at the junior undergraduate level and is also expected to serve as a reference text for advanced learners at pre-university and senior high school. It has evolved from the authors’ own teaching experience at tertiary institutions.

Readership: This book is suitable for science undergraduates and can be used as a reference for pre-university science students.

Hardback • 228pp • Aug 2009 978-981-4241-03-8 • US$88.00

Carbon NanotubesAngels or Demons? edited by SIlvana Fiorito (UniversitàdeglistudidiRomalaSapienza,Italy)

“Thisbookisamustforeverymaterialsscientistandallthosewhoappreciaterationalanswerstoquestionstheymightnotdaretoask.”Prof. Marie-Louise Saboungi Centre de Recherche sur la Matière Divisée, France“CarbonNanotubes:AngelsorDemons?representsasofttouchofthemostupdatedtopicsconcerningnanotechnology...Everyaspectispresentedinanalmostholisticandverypromisingeffort.”Prof. Giorgia Pastorin National University of Singapore, Singapore “Finally,abookthatgatheredthelatestandmostcontrastedinformationontoxicityofcarbonnanotubes.”Dr. Isabel Obieta INASMET-Tecnalia, Spain

The field of carbon nanoparticles toxicity is, at present, fragmented and contradictory, oscillating between enthusiastic raptures and bitter disappointments. This important book presents an overall, unitary view of the carbon nanoparticle world, in which both the positive and negative aspects of these recently discovered nanomaterials are critically described and elucidated. The book provides an exhaustive account of carbon nanotubes toxicity, mechanisms of toxicity and biocompatibility towards human and animal organisms as well as the entire biological environment. The detailed description of the physicochemical properties of these nano-objects will help facilitate discussion on their future applications in the biomedical field. Readership: Academics, postgraduate students, researchers and scientists in nanomaterials and nanostructures.

Hardback • 164pp • May 2008 978-981-4241-01-4 • US$109.00

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