Biosignatures: Alien’s View of Earth ASTR 1420 Lecture : 18 Section: Not from the textbook.

Biosignatures: Alien’s View of Earth ASTR 1420 Lecture : 18 Section: Not from the textbook

Transcript of Biosignatures: Alien’s View of Earth ASTR 1420 Lecture : 18 Section: Not from the textbook.

Page 1: Biosignatures: Alien’s View of Earth ASTR 1420 Lecture : 18 Section: Not from the textbook.

Biosignatures:Alien’s View of Earth

ASTR 1420

Lecture : 18

Section: Not from the textbook

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= feature whose presence or abundance can be attributed to life

Biomarkers (=biosignatures)

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Remote Detection of Life Sign

• We will not be able to “resolve” the extrasolar planet

• Everything we learn about the planet will be obtained from disk-averaged data.

The signs of life must be a global phenomenon!

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Galileo’s view of Earth

• Galileo spacecraft (launched in 1989), arrived at Jupiter in 1995. • 1st orbiter of Jupiter.

Earth & Moon seen from Galileo8 days after its “departure” from Earth!

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Earth seen from Voyager

“Pale Blue Dot” taken by Voyager 1 in 1990 from 4 billion miles away!

4 billion miles = 43 AU = 0.000680 lightyears

Can you find the Earth in this image?

Imagine that how difficult it will beto see (and resolve) planet far away!

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Remote Sensing the Sign of Life

• Astronomical Biosignatures are photometric, spectral, or temporal features indicative of life.

• These biosignatures must be global-scale to enable detection in a disk-averaged spectrum.

• Life can provide global-scale modification of:o A planet’s atmosphereo A planet’s surfaceo A planet’s appearance over time

• Biosignatures always be identified in the context of the planetary environmento e.g. Earth methane and Titan methane

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What a planet looks like from space depends on many things…..

disk-averaged spectrum of a planet can manifest in many different waysdue to weather, viewing angle, diurnal/seasonal changes, etc.

Let’s study how our Earth will be viewed from space…

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AIRS scans Earth…~3million spectra/day at 3.75-15.4 micron with /~1200

AIRS: Atmospheric IR Sounder (NOAA) mission. : instantaneous footprint is a square of ~40km side.

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AIRS’ view of Earth

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Effect of Landscape

• Sahara desert• Nile delta• Red sea• high cloud

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Effect of Clouds

Clear Sky

100% cloudy


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Phase and Seasonal V


Viewing Angle Differences

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α Centaurian’s view of our world

α Centauri is the closest star to Earth : 1.34 pc = 4.37 Ly.

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Vegetation signature

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Surface Biosignatures : Vegetation “Red-Edge”

Vegetation Red-Edge

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Atmospheric Biosignatures

• Oxygen, of course!• Effect of life in the Earth Atmosphere is prominent!

Tim Lenton, Centre forEcology and Hydrology

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Origin of the Terrestrial Atmospheres• Terrestrial planets did not capture their own atmosphereso Too small and warmo Our atmospheres are considered “secondary”

• enriched with impact delivered volatiles from beyond the snowline. o these volatiles (water, methane, carbon dioxide and other gases) were

trapped in the Earth’s interior rock

• Venus and Earth, forming relatively close together in the solar nebula, must have started with a similar inventory of volatiles.

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Spectra of Terrestrial Planet in Solar System

Terrestrial planets in our Solar System offer diverse spectra that will be a set of nice references to exoplanet!


Iron oxides









H2O ice



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Evolution of the Earth’s Atmospheric Composition

Prebiotic Atmosphere> 3.5Gya

Archean Atmosphere4.0-2.3Gya

Modern Atmosphere<2.3Gya

Surface PressureN2






1-10 bars10-80% ~030-90%10-100ppm100-1000ppm100-1000ppm

1-2 bars50-80%~010-20%1000-10000ppm

1 bar78%21%0.036%1.6ppm0.5ppm0.1-0.2ppm

The Earth

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The Archean Atmosphere

• Life arose by at least 3.5Gya o Evidence from microfossils and stromatolites.o Possible evidence for life at 3.8Gya from 13C depletion

• The Earth was inhabited - but the atmosphere was anoxic (no O2) prior to ~2.3 Gya

• Photosynthesis may have been started, but originally used H2S (or H2) to reduce CO2

o Not H2O based as today no O2 production in the early stage!

• Even oxygenic photosynthesis would not have immediately produced an O2-rich atmosphere. o O2 would have been consumed by atmospheric gases or surface materials.

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Earth at visible light at various time












In the visible, the O2 absorption is reduced, but potentially detectable, but CH4 is less detectable for the mid-Proterozoic case.

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Modern Earth

355ppm CO2

Earth’s changing appearance at IR

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0.1PAL O2

100ppm CH4

15% decrease in ozone

column depth

Changing Biosignatures with time

Mid-Proterozoic Earth-like atmospheres show strong signatures from both CH4 and O3

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N2 99.8%2000ppm CO2

1000ppm CH4

100ppm H2

Changing Biosignatures with time

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Understanding Earth-like Planets Around Other Stars

• An Earth-like planet around another star may have different spectral characteristics due to different incident Sun-light…o Synthetic spectra derived via a coupled climate-photochemical model for Earth-

like planets around stars of different spectral type (Segura et al., Astrobiology, 2003, 3, 689-708.).




F2 : 6900°K, G2: 5800°K, K2: 4900°K

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Earth-like Planets around M-type Stars…

• They are the most abundant type of stars in the Universe• low mass (10-20% of Solar mass)• surface temperature of 2500 – 3000K• About 100,000 times more abundant• More active than Sun

Segura et al., Astrobiology, 2005.

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Earth-like Planets Around M-type Stars


AD Leo planet









Segura et al., Astrobiology, 2005.

AD Leo : M4.5V (3100°K), active flaring star 4.7 pc away.

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AD Leo planet

Earth-like Planets Around M Stars

Segura et al., Astrobiology, 2005.

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Take home message!

• Even for the same planet (with abundant life on the surface), detectable biosignatures depend on o viewing angleo temporal variations (diurnal, seasonal, long-term)o host star

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Can we detect Biosignatures with TPF-C?

Simulated spectrum of Earth



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Can we detect Biosignatures with TPF-I?

Simulated spectrum of Earth

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In summary…

Important Concepts• Disk-averaged spectrum!• Viewing Earth from the space• Recognizing biosignatures• Biosignatures are changing…

Important Terms• Biomarkers = biosignatures• Vegetation red-edge

Chapter/sections covered in this lecture : Not in the textbook