
A Presentation by… Pravallika Sriram Umamaheswarao Gouse Meeravali Nagulmeera Suresh

Transcript of Biometrics

A Presentation by…Pravallika SriramUmamaheswaraoGouse MeeravaliNagulmeeraSuresh


What is biometric ?How biometric works ?Operating modesTypes of biometricsApplications of biometricsAdvantages & Disadvantagesconclusion

Biometrics refers to the automatic identification of a person based on his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics .



A biometric system can operate in two modes

• Identification• verification

Types of Biometrics Physiological

Face Fingerprint Retina Iris recognition

Behavioral Signature Voice

Facial Recognition

1. Capture image

2. Find face in image

3. Extract features (store template)

4. Compare templates

5. Declare matches

Finger print recognitionA fingerprint scanner

has two basic jobs.It needs to get an image

of your finger.

It needs to determine whether the pattern of ridges and valleys in this image matches pattern of ridges and valleys in pre-scanned images.

Retina recognition

Images back of the eye and compares blood vessels with existing data

Iris recognition

Iris scanning measures the iris pattern in the colored part of the eye.

Signature Verification An automated method of measuring an individual’s signature.

This technology examines speed, direction, and pressure of writing; the time that the stylus is in and out of contact with the “paper’’.

Speaker / Voice Recognition

Voice or speaker recognition uses vocal characteristics to identify individuals using a pass-phrase.

A telephone or microphone can serve as a sensor.


Criminal identificationPrison securityATM and other Financial TransactionsPC/LAN LoginAttendanceBorder crossing controls

Border crossing controls

Advantages of Biometrics

Biometrics are generally used for authentication. It provides higher security .e.g. Iris recognition .Voice Recognition works well over the telephoneUser friendly

e.g. Hand geometry recognization,

finger print recognition.

Disadvantages of Biometrics

Retina recognization requires close physical contact of the scanning device, may not be generally accepted by public

CostlyVoice recognization requires large amount of computer

storage, people's voices can change, background noises can interfere.

Biometrics features may change over time.Signature recognization has poor long-term reliability,

accuracy difficult to ensure.


Technology is growing rapidly, but at the same time security breaches and transactions frauds are also in the increase world over.

All agencies including libraries who are in need of security and safety have to adopt biometrics

Let us hope for safe and secure future.

That’s all for biometrics…..