Biomedical Informatics Some Observations on Clinical Data Representation in EHRs Christopher G....

Biomedical Informatics Some Observations on Clinical Data Representation in EHRs Christopher G. Chute, MD DrPH, Mayo Clinic Chair, ICD11 Revision, World Health Organization Chair, ISO Tech. Comm. TC215 Health Informatics
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Transcript of Biomedical Informatics Some Observations on Clinical Data Representation in EHRs Christopher G....

Biomedical Informatics

Some Observations on Clinical Data Representation in EHRs

Christopher G. Chute, MD DrPH, Mayo Clinic Chair, ICD11 Revision, World Health Organization Chair, ISO Tech. Comm. TC215 Health Informatics

International Conference on Biomedical OntologyBuffalo, 30 July 2011

Biomedical Informatics

© 2007 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 2

From Practice-based Evidenceto Evidence-based Practice


ClinicalDatabases Registries et al.


Medical Knowledge


Data Inference



OntologyShared Semantics

Vocabularies & Terminologies

Biomedical Informatics

© 2007 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 3

Blois, 1988Medicine and the nature of vertical reasoning •Molecular: receptors, enzymes, vitamins, drugs•Genes, SNPs, gene regulation•Physiologic pathways, regulatory changes•Cellular metabolism, interaction, meiosis,…•Tissue function, integrity•Organ function, pathology•Organism (Human), disease•Sociology, environment, nutrition, mental health…

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© 2007 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 4

The Continuum Of Biomedical InformaticsBioinformatics meets Medical Informatics












Biology Medicine

Chasm of Semantic Despair

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The Historical Center of theHealth Data Universe

Clinical Data

Billable Diagnoses

Billable Diagnoses

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© 2007 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 6

Copernican Healthcare

Billable Diagnoses

Clinical Data(Niklas Koppernigk)

Clinical Guidelines

Scientific Literature

Medical Literature

Clinical Data

Biomedical Informatics

World Health Organization; ICD-11 7

Biomedical Informatics

World Health Organization; ICD-11 8

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© 2007 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 9

Familiar Points Along Continuum Modern Health Vocabularies

• Nomenclature – Highly Detailed Descriptions (SNOMED)• Classification – Organized Aggregation of Descriptions into a Rubric

(ICDs)• Groupings – High Level Categories of Rubrics (DRGs)

Detailed GroupedNomenclature Classification Groups


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Aggregation Logics by domainrule-based aggregations

Decision Support and Error Detection

Public Health andSurveillance

Reimbursement and Management

Outcome Research and EpidemiologyFindings InterventionsEvents

Biomedical Informatics

© 2007 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 11

ICD11 Use Cases• Scientific consensus of clinical phenotype

• Public Health Surveillance• Mortality• Public Health Morbidity

• Clinical data aggregation• Metrics of clinical activity • Quality management

• Patient Safety• Financial administration

• Case mix• Resource allocation

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Traditional Hierarchical SystemICD-10 and family

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© 2007 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine 13

Addition of semantic arcs - Ontology

Relationships Logical Definitions Etiology Genomic Location

Laterality Histology Severity Acuity

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Linear views may serve multiple use-casesMorbidity, Mortality, Quality, …

Biomedical Informatics

ICD11 Content Model

Descriptive characteristics1. Type Disease, disorder, syndrome, injury,

sign/symptom, external cause, reason for encounter

2. Body System(s) (pathophysiology)

3. Body Part(s) (anatomical site)4. Manifestation Attributes

a. Signs & Symptomsb. Diagnostic Findings

5. Causal Properties (etiology) a. Causal Mechanisms /Agentsb. Genomic characteristics

6. Temporal Properties7. Severity and/or Extent 8. Functional Impact9. Treatment

TITLE : Name of disease, disorder, or syndrome…1. Textual definition 2. Synonyms - Inclusion – Exclusion - Index terms

Maintenance attributesA. Unique identifierB. Subset, adaptation, and

special view flag1. Primary Care

2. Clinical Care 3. Research4. Special indices (e.g. Public Health

Indices or Resource Groupings)

C. Hierarchical relationships parents and children in

ICD structure

D. Mapping relationships• Linkages to other systems like


A. Other rules

Biomedical Informatics

ICD11 and SNOMED16

Relationship with IHTSDOSNOMED content

• IHT (SNOMED) will require high-level nodes that aggregate more granular data•Use-cases include mutually exclusive, exhaustive,…•Sounds a lot like ICD

• ICD-11 will require lower level terminology for value sets which populate content model•Detailed terminological underpinning•Sounds a lot like SNOMED

•Memorandum of Agreement – July 2010!•WHO right to use for authoring and interpretation

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Potential Future States



Ghost ICD

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Alternate Future


