Biomech Applications

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  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    Modelling Biomechanics:applications of the FE method on

    nonlinear problems

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    Modelling BiomechanicsLinear problems

    The finite element method is very commonly used in structural problems, and theoriesof solid mechanics can be used to predict deformation or stresses

    Most materials have a linear relationship between stress and strain , for smallenough strains. For hard objects (metals, bone, etc), the theory of linear elasticitysuffices.

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    Modelling biomechanics:onlinear stress!strain relationships

    "n general the relationship bet#een stress and strain is much more comple$.

    %tress is a nonlinear function of strain, but can also depend on the history of theloading & unloading ( hysteresis ). The stress!strain relationship may differ in differentdirections in the material ( isotropic vs anisotropic ) The general theory of nonlinear elasticity has to be used when predictingsoft-tissue deformation

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    Modelling biomechanics:stages

    Generate mesh ! usually generated using a set of M' images ! images need to segmented before mesh generation

    Set up equations to be solved ! time!dependent & static & uasi!static ! stress!strain relationship* nonlinear + #hich form anisotropic ! forces + gravity

    Apply appropriate boundary conditions ! usually need to apply a fi$ed displacement boundary condition some#here ! fi$ed or ero e$ternal stress boundary conditions else#here ! can be very difficult to determine appropriate boundary conditions..

    umerically compute solution ! develop or use a finite element solver, #hich #ill have to include a nonlinear solver

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    Modelling biomechanics:-redicting tumour location in the breast

    reast cancer diagnosis is hindered by

    the fact that the breast shape variesdramatically bet#een mammographyultrasound and M'".

    Mammography: breast is compressed(several directions are possible)MRI: -atient lies on bac/Ultrasound: -atient sits upSurgery (biopsy): -atient lies on bac/

    Goal: develop a !" computational modelof the breast from M# images$ whichcan be deformed to simulate otherscenarios and aid diagnosis%

    00 ML1

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    &redicting tumour location in the breast:mesh generation

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    &redicting tumour location in the breast:00 to ML1 mammogram simulation

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    &redicting tumour location in the breast:00 to ML1 mammogram simulation

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    'ardiac electro-mechanical modelling

    Electrical activation of cardiac myocytes induces tension generation + electro!mechanics.

    2eformation of cardiac tissue has an influence on electrical activity3hilst a great deal of insight can be gained into cardiac activity & pathology & effect ofdrugs using an electro!physiological tissue model, electro!mechanical models are also ofgreat use

    Difficulties in simulating cardiac electro-mechanics:! highly nonlinear (computationally intensive)

    ! highly anisotropic tissue ! active tension ! residual stress ! suitable boundary conditions

    Le4rice et. al., Laminar structure of the heart*

    5entricular myocyte arrangement andconnective tissue architecture in the dog, 6778

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    'ardiac electro-mechanical modelling

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    'ardiac electro-mechanical modelling

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    'ardiac electro-mechanical modelling

    Model developed at " '"9,%ophia 9ntipolis, France Model developed at Lausanne,%#it erland and Milan, "taly

  • 8/12/2019 Biomech Applications


    'ardiac electro-mechanical modelling

    Modelling study + iederer et al., Length-dependent tension in the failing heart and

    the efficacy of cardiac resynchroni ation therapy , :;66.0ardiac 'esynchroni ation Therapy (0'T) is a method of treating heart failure thatinvolves implantation of a pacema/er #hich resynchroni es activation!contraction

    This study investigated the efficacy of 0'T and suggested a lin/ bet#een 0'T!efficacy and Fran/!%tarling mechanism