
Blood Group members: Charlene Pek, Yishan, Irwin ,Sean

Transcript of Biologyaccomplished

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Group members:Charlene Pek, Yishan, Irwin ,Sean

Page 2: Biologyaccomplished

What does blood consists of?

-Blood consists of…


White blood cell

Red blood cell


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What are the functions of Blood?

-Transport oxygen away from the lungs and around the body

-Transport nutrients such as glucose from the digestive system into the cells in our Bodies.

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Red blood cell

-The primary function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues around your body. They are also important in getting waste carbon dioxide from your tissues to your lungs, where it can be released.

What are the functions of the red blood cell?

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White blood cellWhat are the functions of the white blood cell?

-The white blood cell are part of the immune system. The body uses white blood cells to fight infection and foreign objects in the body .Several types of white blood cells used to fight different infections.

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PlasmaWhat are the functions of the plasma?

-Plasma is the liquid part of blood and carries dissolved substances such as glucose and other products of digestion, hormones, vitamins, urea and carbon dioxide and transports them to all parts of body .The plasma makes the blood liquid, the cells in the blood are suspended in the plasma. Thus ,when you cut yourself ,the blood comes out as a liquid.

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PlateletsWhat are the functions of platelets?

-Platelets are certain types of cell present uniformly in the bloodstream. Platelets are responsible for the healing of injuries and the provision of fibrin(wide elastic protein formed from fibrinogen when blood clots)threads to seal the wounds. Platelets are red in colour and oval in shape.

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What are the blood vessels and their uses?

-Blood vessels are part of the circulatory system that transport blood throughout the body. There are 3 major types of blood vessels: Arteries, veins and lastly the capillaries.

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ARTERIESWhat are the functions of arteries?

-The arteries carry blood away from the heart. This blood is oxygenated, exceptions made for the pulmonary and umbilical(supply deoxygenated blood from the fetus) arteries. The circulatory system is important for the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all cells and the removal of carbon dioxide and waste products, maintenance of optimum pH and the mobility of the elements.

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-Capillaries are the smallest of a body's blood vessels. Their endothelial linings are only one cell thick. They enable the exchange of water , oxygen ,carbon dioxide and many other nutrients and waste chemical substances between blood and surrounding tissues .New capillaries are formed by the process of blood vessels formation occurring by a production of endothelial(thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels)cells forming into vascular tubes.


What are the functions of capillaries?

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VEINSWhat are the functions of the veins?

-In the circulatory system, veins are blood vessels that carry blood back towards the heart. Veins are often closer to the skin and contain valves(a device to control the flow of liquid) to help keep blood flowing toward the heart.

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