Biographical sketch/C - Oregon Health & Science … · Web viewBiographical Sketch - Christopher...

Christopher V.E. Wright, D. Phil. Curriculum Vitae January 2012 Nationality: British, PERMANENT U.S. RESIDENT (since June, 1992) PRESENT POSITION: July 1999 - present Director, Vanderbilt University Program in Developmental Biology July 1997 – present Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology Vanderbilt University July 2011 – July 2012 Vice-Chair, Faculty Affairs, Cell & Developmental Biology Jan 2011 – present Louise B. McGavock Endowed Chair, Cell & Developmental Biology Member, Vanderbilt Cancer Center Member, Vanderbilt Center for Stem Cell Biology Member, Vanderbilt Diabetes Research Center Member, Vanderbilt Reproductive Biology Center Member, Vanderbilt School of Medicine Faculty Awards Committee Member, Steering Committee, Beta Cell Biology Consortium Chair, DEV-1 Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, NIH PREVIOUS POSITIONS: July 2009 - July 2010 Vice-Chair for Faculty Affairs, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University July 2001 - 2010 Molecular Diabetes Research (Endowed) Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology. Vanderbilt University.

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Christopher V.E. Wright, D. Phil. Curriculum Vitae January 2012

Nationality: British, PERMANENT U.S. RESIDENT (since June, 1992)


July 1999 - present Director, Vanderbilt University Program in Developmental Biology

July 1997 – present Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental BiologyVanderbilt University

July 2011 – July 2012 Vice-Chair, Faculty Affairs, Cell & Developmental Biology

Jan 2011 – present Louise B. McGavock Endowed Chair, Cell & Developmental Biology

Member, Vanderbilt Cancer CenterMember, Vanderbilt Center for Stem Cell BiologyMember, Vanderbilt Diabetes Research CenterMember, Vanderbilt Reproductive Biology CenterMember, Vanderbilt School of Medicine Faculty Awards CommitteeMember, Steering Committee, Beta Cell Biology ConsortiumChair, DEV-1 Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, NIH


July 2009 - July 2010 Vice-Chair for Faculty Affairs, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University

July 2001 - 2010 Molecular Diabetes Research (Endowed) Professor of Cell & Developmental Biology. Vanderbilt University.

Jan 1994 - June 1997 Associate Professor, Cell Biology, Vanderbilt UniversityJan 1990 - Dec 1993 Assistant Professor, Cell Biology, Vanderbilt UniversityJan 1988 - Dec 1989 American Cancer Society (California Division)

Senior Fellow (Mentor/Supervisor: E.M. De Robertis) Jan 1987 - Dec 1987 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UCLA Biological Chemistry

Department (mentor/supervisor: E.M. De Robertis)Jan 1986 - Dec 1986 EMBO Long Term Postdoctoral Fellowship (Renewal)Jan 1985 - Dec 1985 EMBO Long Term Postdoctoral Fellowship

(ALTF-192-1984) Supervisor – E.M. De RobertisOct 1983 - Dec 1984 Cancer Research Campaign Postdoctoral Fellowship

Supervisor – J.S. Knowland


2003 Sidney P. Colowick Award, For Research that Serves as a Platform for Discovery in Diverse Areas.

1989 - 1994 Five year Royal Society Independent University Research

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Biographical Sketch - Christopher V.E. Wright D.Phil.

Lectureship (U.K.) [DECLINED, to take present position]2011 – present Louise B. McGavock Endowed Chair

SOCIETIES: Member, Society for Developmental BiologyMember, International Society for Stem Cell Research

UNIVERSITY CAREER:D. Phil. Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Oxford

(Linacre College), U.K., 1980-1984Mentored by John S. Knowland, D. Phil.

B. Sc. (Hons., First class) University of WarwickCoventry CV4 7AL, U.K., 1977-1980(including supervision by Alan Colman, and teaching fromHugh Woodland, Liz Jones, and Bob Old.)


2008 – present Geron (CA)2002 – 2010 ES Cell International (ESI) (Australia) 2004 - 2006 Berrie Cell Therapies of Diabetes, Naomi Berrie Diabetes

Center, Columbia University Medical Center (NY)

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Biographical Sketch - Christopher V.E. Wright D.Phil.

PUBLICATIONS ( total 147 published to date ):

1. Wright CV, Wright SC, Knowland J. (1983) Partial purification of estradiol receptor from Xenopus laevis liver and levels of receptor in relation to estradiol concentration. EMBO J. 2, 973-977 D. Phil. Graduate Research Project

2. Knowland J, Theulaz I, Wright CV, Wahli W. (1984) Injection of partially purified estrogen receptor preparation from Xenopus liver nuclei into oocytes activates the silent vitellogenin locus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 81, 5777-5781D. Phil. Graduate Research Project

3. De Robertis EM, Fritz A, Goetz J, Martin G, Mattaj IW, Salo E, Smith GD, Wright CV, Zeller R. (1985) The Xenopus homeo boxes. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. L, 271-275Postdoctoral Fellow Research

4. Wright CV, Cho KW, Fritz A, Buerglin TR, De Robertis EM (1987) A Xenopus laevis gene encodes both homeobox-containing and homeobox-less transcripts. EMBO J. 6, 4083-4094 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

5. Burglin TR, Wright, CV, De Robertis EM (1987) Translational control in homeobox mRNAs? Nature 330, 701-702 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

6. De Robertis EM, Buerglin TR, Fritz A, Wright CV, Jegalian B, Schnegelsberg P, Bittner D, Morita E, Oliver G, Cho KW. (1988) Families of vertebrate homeodomain proteins. UCLA Symp. 95 "DNA-Protein Interactions in Transcription" Ed. J.Gralla, 107-116Postdoctoral Fellow Research

7. Cho KW, Goetz J, Wright CV, Fritz A, Hardwicke J, De Robertis EM. (1988) Differential utilization of the same reading frame in a Xenopus homeobox gene encodes two related proteins sharing the same DNA-binding specificity. EMBO J. 7, 2139-2149Postdoctoral Fellow Research

8. Oliver G, Wright CV, Hardwicke J, De Robertis EM. (1988) Differential antero-posterior expression of two proteins encoded by a homeobox gene in Xenopus and mouse embryos. EMBO J. 7, 3199-3209 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

9. Fritz AF, Martin G, Wright CV, De Robertis EM. (1988) Site-specific inversions in repeated Xenopus laevis homeobox gene 2 sequences. Nucl. Acids Res. 16, 9058Postdoctoral Fellow Research

10. De Robertis EM, Buerglin TR, Fritz A, Oliver G, Cho K, Wright, CV. (1988) Sequence conservations in vertebrate homeobox mRNAs. Arch. Biol. Med. Exp. 21, 443-447Postdoctoral Fellow Research

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11. Oliver G, Wright CV, Hardwicke J, De Robertis EM. (1988) A gradient of homeodomain protein in developing forelimbs of Xenopus and mouse embryos. Cell 55, 1017-1024.Postdoctoral Fellow Research

12. Fritz AF, Cho KWY, Wright CV, Jegalian B, De Robertis EM. (1989).Duplicated homeobox genes in Xenopus. Dev. Biol. 131, 584-588 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

13. Oliver G, Wright CV, Cho KW, De Robertis EM. (1988) Characterization and distributional analysis of a homeobox-containing gene in Xenopus and mouse embryos. In: Cell to Cell Signals in Mammalian Development, NATO ASI SeriesPostdoctoral Fellow Research

14. Wright CV, Cho KW, Oliver G, De Robertis EM. (1989) Vertebrate homeodomain proteins: Families of region-specific transcription factors. Trends Biochem. Sci. 14, 52-56Postdoctoral Fellow Research

15. Wright CV, Schnegelsberg P, De Robertis E.M. (1989) XlHbox 8: a novel Xenopus homeo protein restricted to a narrow band of the endoderm. Development 105, 787-794Postdoctoral Fellow Research

16. De Robertis EM, Oliver G, Wright CV. (1989) Determination of axial polarity in the vertebrate embryo: homeodomain proteins and homeogenetic induction. Cell 57, 189-191 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

17. Wright CV, Cho KW, Hardwicke J, Collins RH, De Robertis, EM. (1989) Interference with function of a homeobox gene in Xenopus embryos causes transformation of the cervical spinal cord. Cell 59, 81-93 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

18. Wright CV, Morita E, De Robertis EM. (1990) The Xenopus XlHbox 6 homeo protein, a marker of posterior neural induction, is expressed in proliferating neurons. Development 109, 225-234 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

19. Molven A, Wright CV, Bremiller R, De Robertis EM, Kimmel CB. (1990) Expression of a homeobox gene product in normal and mutant zebrafish embryos: evolution of the tetrapod body plan. Development 109, 279-288 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

20. De Robertis EM, Oliver G, Wright, CV. (1990) Homeobox genes and the analysis of vertebrate development. Scientific American, July 1990, 46-52Postdoctoral Fellow Research

21. Cridland NA, Wright CV, McKenzie EA, Knowland J. (1990) Selective photochemical treatment of estrogen receptor in a Xenopus liver extract destroys hormone binding and transcriptional activation but not DNA binding. EMBO J. 9, 1859-1866D. Phil. Graduate Research Project

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22. Cho KW, Morita EA, Wright CV, De Robertis EM. (1991) Overexpression of a homeodomain protein confers organizer activity to uncommitted Xenopus embryonic cells. Cell 65, 55-64 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

23. Blumberg B, Wright CV, De Robertis EM, Cho, KW. (1991) Organizer-specific homeobox genes in Xenopus laevis embryos. Science 253, 194-196 Postdoctoral Fellow Research

24. Wright CV, Hogan B. (1991) Another hit for gene targeting. Nature 350, 458-459

25. Wright CV. (1991) Vertebrate homeobox genes. Current Opinion in Cell Biology 3, 976-982

26. Hogan B, Wright CV. (1992) The making of the ear. Nature 355, 494-495

27. Jones CM, Lyons KM, Lapan P, Wright CV, Hogan, BL. (1992) DVR-4 (Bone morphogenetic protein-4) as a postero-ventralizing factor in Xenopus mesoderm induction. Development 115, 639-647

28. Wall NA, Jones CM, Hogan BL, Wright, CV. (1992) Characterization and modification of Hox-2.1 protein in mouse embryos. Mech. Dev. 37, 111-120

29. Candia AF, Hu J, Crosby J, Lalley PA, Noden D, Nadeau J, Wright CV (1992) Mox-1 and Mox-2 define a novel homeobox gene subfamily, and are differentially expressed during early mesodermal patterning in mouse embryos. Development 116, 1123-1136

30. Jegalian B, Miller R, Wright CV, Blum M, De Robertis EM. (1992) A Hox-3.3-lacZ transgene expressed in developing limbs. Mech. Dev. 39, 171-180Postdoctoral Fellow Research

31. Wall NA, Blessing M, Wright CV, Hogan, BL. (1993) Biosynthesis and in vivo localization of the Decapentaplegic-Vg related protein DVR-6 (Bone Morphogenetic Protein-6). J. Cell. Biol. 120, 493-502

32. Gamer L, Wright CV. (1993) Murine Cdx-4 bears striking similarities to the Drosophila caudal gene in its homeodomain sequence and early expression pattern. Mech. Dev. 43, 71-81

33. Candia AF, Kovalik J-P, Wright CV. (1993) Sequence of Mox-2 and comparison to its Xenopus and rat homologs. Nucl. Acids Res. 21, 4982

34. Wright CV. (1993) Hox genes and the hindbrain. Current Biology 3, 618-621

35. Lawler S, Candia AF, Ebner R, Lopez AR, Moses HL, Wright CV, Derynck, R. (1994) The murine type II TGF- receptor has a coincident embryonic expression and binding preference for TGF-1. Development 120, 165-175

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36. Pierceall WE, Reale MA, Candia AF, Wright CV, Cho KR, Fearon ER. (1994) Expression of Xenopus DCC (deleted in colon carcinoma) gene in the embryonic nervous system. Dev. Biol. 166, 654-665

37. Barnes JD, Crosby J, Wright CV, Hogan BL. (1994) Embryonic expression of Lim-1, the mouse homolog of Xenopus Xlim-1, suggests a role in lateral mesoderm differentiation and neurogenesis. Dev. Biol. 161, 168-178

38. Peshavaria M, Gamer LW, Henderson E, Teitelman G, Wright CV, Stein RW. (1994) XlHbox8, an endocrine-specific Xenopus homeobox protein, is related to an insulin gene transcription factor. Mol. Endocrinol. 8, 806-816

39. Guz Y, Montminy M, Stein R, Leonard J, Gamer LW, Wright CV, Teitelman G. (1994) Expression of Stf-1, a putative insulin gene transcription factor, in duodenal epithelium and islet cell ontogeny. Development 121, 11-18

40. Toyama R, O’Connell ML, Wright CV, Kuehn MR, Dawid IB. (1995) nodal induces ectopic goosecoid and lim-1 expression and axis duplication in zebrafish. Development 121, 383-391

41. Conlon FL, Wright CV, Robertson EJ. (1995) Effects of the T-Wis mutation on notochord formation and mesodermal patterning. Mech. Develop. 49, 201-209

42. Gamer L, Wright, CV. (1995) Autonomous endodermal determination in Xenopus: regulation of expression of the pancreatic gene XlHbox 8. Dev. Biol. 171, 240-251

43. Candia AF, Wright CV. (1995) The expression pattern of Xenopus Mox-2 implies a role in initial mesodermal differentiation. Mech. Develop. 52, 27-36

44. Zhang X, Wright CV, Hanks SK. (1995) Cloning of Xenopus cDNA for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and expression during early development. Gene 160, 219-222

45. Jones CM, Kuehn MR, Hogan BL, Smith JC, Wright CV. (1995) Nodal-related signals induce axial mesoderm and dorsalize mesoderm during gastrulation. Development 121, 3651-3662

46. Stoffel M, Stein R, Wright CV, Espinosa R, Le Beau MM, Bell GI. (1995) Localization of human homeodomain transcription factor insulin promoter factor 1 (IPF1) to chromosome band 13q12.1. Genomics 28, 125-126

47. Olson LK, Sharma A, Wright CV, Towle HC, Robertson RP, Stein R. (1995) Reduction of Insulin Gene Transcription in HIT-T15 cells Chronically Exposed to a Supra-physiological Glucose Concentration is Associated with Loss of STF-1 Transcription Factor Expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 9127-9131

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48. Offield M, Labosky P, Ray M, Jetton T, Magnuson M, Hogan BL, Wright, CV. (1996) Pdx-1 is required for pancreatic outgrowth and differentiation of the rostral duodenum. Development 122, 983-995

49. Lowe LA, Su DM, Sampath K, Yokoyama T, Wright CV, Potter SS, Overbeek P, Kuehn M. (1996) Conserved left-right asymmetry of nodal expression and alterations in murine situs inversus. Nature 381, 158-161

50. Jones CM, Dale L, Hogan BL, Wright CV, Smith JC. (1996) Bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) acts during gastrula stages to cause ventralization of Xenopus embryos. Development 122, 1545-1554

51. Candia AF, Wright CV. (1996) Expression of Mox-1 and Mox-2 homeoproteins in vertebrate embryos. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 40, 1179-1184

52. Fernandez A, King LC, Guz Y, Stein R, Wright CV, Teitelman G. (1997) Differentiation of new insulin-producing cells is induced by injury in adult pancreatic islets. Endocrinology 138, 1750-1762

53. Peshavaria ML, Henderson E, Sharma A, Wright CV, Stein R. (1997) Functional Characterization of the Transactivation Properties of the PDX-1 Homeodomain Protein. Mol. Cell. Biol. 17, 3987-3996

54. Woychik R, Hogan B, Bryant S, Eichele G, Kimelman D, Noden D, Schoenwolf G, Wright, CV. (1997) Pattern formation. Rep. Tox. 11, 339-344

55. Sampath K, Cheng A, Frisch A, Wright CV. (1997) Functional differences among Xenopus nodal-related genes in left-right axis determination. Development 124, 3293-3302

56. Frisch A, Wright CV. (1998) XBMPRII: a novel Xenopus type II receptor mediating BMP signaling in embryonic tissues. Development 125, 431-442

57. Wu K-L, Gannon M, Peshavaria M, Offield MF, Henderson E, Ray M, Marks A, Gamer LW, Wright CV, Stein R. (1997). HNF3 is involved in pancreatic -cell-specific transcription of the pdx-1 gene. Mol. Cell. Biol. 17, 6002-6013

58. Jetton TL, Moates JM, Lindner J, Wright CV, Magnuson MA. (1998) Targeted oncogenesis of hormone-negative pancreatic islet progenitor cells. PNAS 95, 8654-8659

59. Sampath K, Rubinstein AL, Cheng AM, Liang JO, Fekany K, Solnica-Krezel, L, Korzh V, Halpern ME, Wright CV. (1998) Induction of the zebrafish ventral floor plate requires cyclops/nodal signaling. Nature 395, 185-189

60. Swift GH, Liu Y, Rose S, Bischof L, Steelman S, Buchberg A, Wright CV, MacDonald R. (1998) An endocrine-exocrine switch in the activity of the pancreatic homeodomain protein PDX1 through formation of a trimeric complex with PBX1b and MRG1 (MEIS2). Mol. Cell. Biol. 18, 5109-5120

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61. Gannon M, Wright CV. (1998) Endodermal patterning and organogenesis. In “Cell Lineage and fate determination” (S. Moody Ed.), San Diego: Academic Press, 583-615

62. Wright CV. (1998) Lateral asymmetry in multicellular organisms. Sem. Cell Dev. Biol. 9, 31-3

63. Dutta S, Bonner-Weir S, Montminy M, Wright CV. (1998) Regulatory factor linked to late-onset diabetes? Nature 392, 560

64. Erter CE, Solnica-Krezel L, Wright CV. (1998) Zebrafish nodal-related 2 encodes an early mesendodermal inducer signaling from the extraembryonic YSL. Dev. Biol. 204, 361-372

65. Osada S, Wright CV. (1999) Xenopus nodal-related signaling is essential for mesendodermal patterning during early embryogenesis. Development 126, 3229-3240

66. Mankoo BS, Candia AF, Wright CV, Rigby P, Pachnis V. (1999) Germline disruption of the murine Mox-2 gene results in defects in mesodermal differentiation. Nature 400, 69-73

67. Lawson KA, Dunn NR, Roelin BA, Zeinstra LM, Davis AM, Wright CV, Korving JP, Hogan BL. (1999) Bmp4 is required for the generation of primordial germ cells in the mouse embryo. Genes and Development 13, 424-436

68. Gannon M, Gerrish K, Stein R, Wright CV. (1999) pdx-1 in pancreas development and glucose homeostasis. American Diabetes Association, Proceedings of the Scottsdale meeting on MODY genes. Pub. Karger Press. Eds. F. Matschinsky and M. Magnuson.

69. Kritzik MR, Jones E, Chen Z, Krakowski M, Krahl T, Good A, Wright CV, Fox H, Sarvetnick N. (1999) Endocrine progenitor cells in the regenerating pancreas of the IFN transgenic mouse. J. Endocrinology 163, 523-530

70. Song SY, Gannon M, Washington MK, Scoggins CR, Meszoely IM, Goldenring JR, Marino CR, Sandgren EP, Coffey RJ, Wright CV, Leach SD. (1999) Expansion of Pdx1-expressing pancreatic epithelium and islet neogenesis in transgenic mice overexpressing TGFa. Gastrenterology 117, 1416-1426

71. Kofron M, Demel T, Xanthos J, Lohr J, Sive H, Osada S-I, Wright CV, Wylie C, Heasman J. (1999) Mesoderm induction in Xenopus is a zygotic event regulated by maternal VegT via TGF growth factors. Development 126, 5759-5770

72. Ishimaru Y, Yoshioka H, Tao H, Thisse B, Thisse C, Wright CV, Hamada H, Ohuchi H, Noji S. (2000) Asymmetric expression of antivin/lefty-1 in the early chick embryo. Mech. Dev. 90, 115-118

73. Gerrish K, Gannon M, Shi D, Henderson E, Stoffel M, Wright CV, Stein R. (2000) Pancreatic cell-specific transcription of the pdx-1 gene: The role of conserved upstream control regions and their HNF3 sites. J. Bio. Chem. 275, 3485-3492

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74. Gannon M, Ray MK, Van Zee K, Rausa F, Costa RH, Wright CV. (2000) Maintained expression of HNF6 in islet endocrine cells leads to disrupted islet architecture and loss of beta cell function. Development 127, 2883-2895

75. Cheng AM, Thisse B, Thisse C, Wright CV. (2000) The lefty-related factor Xatv acts as a feedback inhibitor of nodal signaling in mesoderm induction and L-R axis development in Xenopus. Development 127, 1049-1061

76. Thisse B, Wright CV, Thisse C. (2000) Activin-and Nodal-related factors control antero-posterior patterning of the zebrafish embryo. Nature 403, 425-427

77. Gannon M, Shiota C, Postic C, Wright, CV, Magnuson MA. (2000) Analysis of the Cre-mediated recombination driven by rat insulin promoter in embryonic and adult mouse pancreas. genesis 26, 139-141

78. Gannon M, Herrera PL, Wright CV. (2000) Mosaic Cre-mediated recombination in pancreas using the pdx-1 enhancer/promoter. genesis 26, 143-144

79. Osada S-I, Saijoh Y, Frisch A, Yeo C-Y, Adachi H, Watanabe M, Whitman M, Hamada H, Wright CV. (2000) Activin/Nodal responsiveness and asymmetric expression of a Xenopus nodal-related gene converge on a FAST-regulated module in intron 1. Development 127, 2503-2514

80. Gonzalez EM, Fekany-Lee K, Carmany-Rampey A, Erter CE, Topczewski J, Wright CV, Solnica-Krezel L. (2000) Head and trunk development in zebrafish arise via coinhibition of BMP signaling bozozok and chordino. Genes and Development 14, 3087-3092

81. Dutta S, Gannon MA, Peers B, Wright CV, Bonner-Weir S, Montminy M. (2001) PDX:PBX complexes are required for normal proliferation of pancreatic cells during development. PNAS 98, 1065-1070

82. Hui H, Wright CV, Perfetti R. (2001) GLP-1 induces differentiation of IDX-1 positive pancreatic ductal cells into insulin secreting cells. Diabetes 50, 785-796

83. Wright CV, Cheng AM, Osada S-I, Hamada H. (2001) “Negative feedback inhibiting Nodal signaling during asymmetrical morphogenesis. HFSP Workshop 10 Report.

84. Wright CV. (2001) Mechanisms of Left-Right Asymmetry: What's Right and What's Left? Developmental Cell 1 (August), 1-20

85. Gannon M, Gamer LW, Wright CV. (2001) Regulatory regions driving developmental and tissue-specific expression of the essential pancreatic gene pdx1. Developmental Biology 238, 185-201

86. Erter CE, Wilm TP, Basler N, Wright CV, Solnica-Krezel L. (2001) Wnt8 is required in lateral mesendodermal precursors for neural posteriorization in vivo. Development 128, 3571-3583

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87. Chytil A, Magnuson MA, Wright CV, Moses HL. (2002) Conditional inactivation of the TGF-beta type II receptor using Cre:Lox. genesis 32, 73-75

88. Brissova M, Shiota M, Nicholson WE, Gannon M, Knobel SM, Piston DW, Wright CV, Powers AC. (2002) Reduction in pancreatic transcription factor PDX-1 impairs glucose stimulated insulin secretion. J Biol. Chem. 277, 11225-11232

89. Shih DQ, Heimesaat M, Kuwajima S, Stein R, Wright CV, Stoffel M. (2002) Profound defects in pancreatic b cell function in mice with combined heterozygous mutations in pdx1, hnf1, and hnf3. PNAS 99, 3818-1823

90. Schumpert B, Keefer A, Wright CV, Swalla BJ. (2000) Evolution of Left-Right Asymmetry: Expression of Ascidian Nodal. Amer. Zool. 39:77A #456

91. Kushner JA, Ye J, Schubert M, Burks DJ, Dow MA, Flint CL, Dutta S, Wright CV, Montminy MR, White MF. (2002) Pdx1 restores ß cell function in Irs2 knockout mice. J. Clin. Invest. 109, 1193-1201

92. Samaras SE, Cissell MA, Gerrish K, Wright CV, Gannon M, Stein R. (2002) Conserved sequences in a tissue-specific regulatory region of the pdx-1 gene mediate transcription in pancreatic beta cells: role for hepatocyte nuclear factor 3 beta and Pax6. Mol Cell Biol. 22, 4702-4713

93. Kawaguchi Y, Cooper B, Gannon M, Ray M, MacDonald R, Wright CV. (2002) The role of the transcriptional regulator PTF1a in converting intestinal to pancreatic progenitors. Nature Genetics 32, 128-134

94. Wright CV, Halpern ME. (2002) Specification of left-right asymmetry. [in “Pattern Formation in Zebrafish”, ed. L. Solnica-Krezel. Pub. Springer.] Results Probl Cell Differ. 40, 96-116

95. Nakae J, Biggs WH, Kitamura T, Cavanee WK, Wright CV, Arden KC, Accili D. (2002) Regulation of insulin action and pancreatic -cell function by mutated alleles of the gene encoding forkhead transcription factor Foxo1. Nature Genetics 32, 245-253

96. Kitamura T, Nakae J, Kitamura Y, Kido Y, Biggs WH, Wright CV, White MF, Arden KC, Accili D. (2002) The forkhead transcription factor Foxo1 links insulin signaling to Pdx1 regulation of pancreatic beta cell growth. J Clin Invest. 110,1839-1847

97. Means AL, Ray KC, Singh AB, Washington MK, Whitehead RH, Harris RC, Wright CV, Coffey RJ, Leach SD. (2003) Overexpression of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor in mouse pancreas results in fibrosis and epithelial metaplasia. Gastroenterology 124, 1020-1036

98. Suzuki R, Tobe K, Terauchi Y, Komeda K, Kubota N, Eto K, Yamauchi T, Azuma K, Kaneto H, Taguchi T, Koga T, German MS, Watada H, Kawamori R, Wright CV, Kajimoto Y, Kimura S, Nagai R, Kadowaki T. (2003) Pdx1 expression in Irs2-deficient mouse beta-cells is regulated in a strain-dependent manner. J Biol Chem 278, 43691-43698

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99. Mankoo BS, Skuntz S, Harrigan I, Grigorieva E, Candia A, Wright CV, Arnheiter H, Pachnis V. (2003) The concerted action of Meox homeobox genes is required upstream of genetic pathways essential for the formation, patterning and differentiation of somites. Development 130, 4655-4664

100. Hingorani SR, Petricoin EF, Maitra A, Rajapakse V, King C, Jacobetz MA, Ross S, Conrads TP, Veenstra TD, Hitt BA, Kawaguchi Y, Johann D, Liotta LA, Crawford HC, Putt ME, Jacks T, Wright CV, Hruban RH, Lowy AM, Tuveson DA. (2004) Preinvasive and invasive ductal pancreatic cancer and its early detection in the mouse. Cancer Cell 4, 437-450

101. Mead PE, Parganas E, Ohtsuka S, Morishita K, Gamer L, Kuliyev E, Wright CV, Ihle JN. (2005) Evi-1 expression in Xenopus. Gene Expression Patterns 5, 601-608

102. Nomura S, Settle SH, Leys CM, Means AL, Peek RM, Leach SD, Wright CV, Coffey RJ, Goldenring JR. (2005) Evidence for repatterning of the gastric fundic epithelium associated with Ménétrier’s Disease and TGF overexpression. Gastroenterology 128, 1292-1305

103. Jepeal LI, Fujitani Y, Boylan MO, Wilson CN, Wright CV, Wolfe MM. (2005) Cell-specific expression of glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is regulated by the transcription factor pdx-1. Endocrinology 146, 383-391

104. Means AM, Chytil A, Moses HL, Coffey RJ, Wright CV, Taketo MM, Grady WM. (2005) Keratin 19 gene drives Cre recombinase expression throughout the early postimplantation mouse embryo. genesis 42, 23-27

105. Zhang H, Fujitani Y, Wright CV, Gannon M. (2005) Efficient recombination in pancreatic islets by a tamoxifen-inducible Cre-recombinase. genesis 42, 210-217.

106. Brissova M, Blaha M, Spear C, Nicholson W, Radhika A, Shiota M, Charron MJ, Wright CV, Powers AC. (2005) Reduced pdx-1 expression impairs islet response to insulin resistance and worsens glucose homeostasis. Am. J. Physiology – Endocrinology and Metabolism 288, E707-E714

107. Means AL, Meszoely IM, Suzuki K, Miyamoto Y, Rustgi AK, Coffey RJ, Wright CV, Stoffers DA, Leach SD. (2005) Pancreatic epithelial plasticity mediated by acinar cell transdifferentiation and generation of nestin-positive intermediates. Development 132: 3767-3776

108. Hoshino M, Nakamura S, Mori K, Kawauchi T, Terao M, Nishimura YV, Fukuda A, Fuse T, Matsuo N, Sone M, Watanabe M, Bito H, Terashima T, Wright CV, Kawaguchi Y, Nakao K, Nabeshima Y-I. (2005) Ptf1a, a bHLH Transcriptional Gene, Defines GABAergic Neuronal Fates in Cerebellum. Neuron 47: 201-213

109. Chea HK, Wright CV, Swalla BJ. (2005) Nodal signaling and the evolution of deuterostome gastrulation. Developmental Dynamics 234: 269-278

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110. Pedersen JK, Nelson SB, Jorgensen MC, Henseleit KD, Fujitani Y, Wright CV, Sander M, Serup P; Beta Cell Biology Consortium. (2005) Endodermal expression of Nkx6 genes depends differentially on Pdx1. Dev Biol. 288:487-501

111. Glasgow SM, Henke RM, Macdonald RJ, Wright CV, Johnson JE. (2005) Ptf1a determines GABAergic over glutamatergic neuronal cell fate in the spinal cord dorsal horn. Development 132:5461-5469.

112. Takahashi S, Onuma Y, Yokota C, Westmoreland JJ, Asashima M, Wright CV. (2006) Nodal-related gene Xnr5 is amplified in the Xenopus genome. genesis 44: 309-321

113. Miyatsuka T, Kaneto H, Shiraiwa T, Matsuoka TA, Yamamoto K, Kato K, Nakamura Y, Akira S, Takeda K, Kajimoto Y, Yamasaki Y, Sandgren EP, Kawaguchi Y, Wright CV, Fujitani Y. (2006) Persistent expression of PDX-1 in the pancreas causes acinar-to-ductal metaplasia through Stat3 activation. Genes Dev. 20:1435-1440

114. Fukuda A, Kawaguchi Y, Furuyama K, Kodama S, Horiguchi M, Kuhara T, Koizumi M, Boyer DF, Fujimoto K, Doi R, Kageyama R, Wright CV, Chiba T. (2006) Ectopic pancreas formation in Hes1 -knockout mice reveals plasticity of endodermal progenitors of the gut, bile duct, and pancreas. J Clin Invest. 116:1484-1493

115. Fukuda A, Kawaguchi Y, Furuyama K, Kodama S, Kuhara T, Horiguchi M, Koizumi M, Fujimoto K, Doi R, Wright CV, Chiba T. (2006) Loss of the major duodenal papilla results in brown pigment biliary stone formation in pdx1 null mice. Gastroenterology 130:855-867

116. Fujitani Y, Fujitani S, Boyer DF, Gannon M, Kawaguchi Y, Ray M, Shiota M, Stein RW, Magnuson MA, Wright CV. (2006) Targeted deletion of a cis-regulatory region reveals differential gene dosage requirements for Pdx1 in foregut organ differentiation and pancreas formation. Genes Dev. 20:253-266

117. Ripley AN, Osler ME, Wright CV, Bader D. (2006) Xbves is a regulator of epithelial movement during early Xenopus laevis development. PNAS 103:614-619

118. Cha YR, Takahashi S, Wright CV. (2006) Cooperative non-cell and cell autonomous regulation of Nodal gene expression and signaling by Lefty/Antivin and Brachyury in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 290:246-264

119. Hruban RH, Rustgi AK, Brentnall TA, Tempero MA, Wright CV, Tuveson DA. (2006) Pancreatic cancer in mice and man: the Penn Workshop 2004. Cancer Res. 66:14-17

120. Fujitani Y, Fujitani S, Luo H, Qiu F, Burlison J, Long Q, Kawaguchi Y, Edlund H, Macdonald RJ, Furukawa T, Fujikado T, Magnuson MA, Wright CV. (2006) Ptf1a determines horizontal and amacrine cell fates during mouse retinal development. Development 133: 4439-4450

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121. Boyer DF, Fujitani Y, Gannon M, Powers AC, Stein RW, Wright CV. (2006) Complementation rescue of Pdx1 null phenotype demonstrates distinct roles of proximal and distal cis-regulatory sequences in pancreatic and duodenal expression. Dev. Biol . 298 : 616-631

122. Ohi Y, Wright CV. (2006) Anteriorward shifting of asymmetric Xnr1 expression and contralateral communication left-right specification in Xenopus. Dev. Biol . 301: 447-463

123. Ijichi H, Chytil A, Gorska AE, Aakre ME, Fujitani Y, Fujitani S, Wright CV, Moses HL. (2006) Aggressive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in mice caused by pancreas-specific blockade of transforming growth factor-beta signaling in cooperation with active Kras expression. Genes & Dev . 20 :3147-3160

124. Westmoreland JJ, Takahashi S, Wright CV. (2007) Xenopus Lefty requires proprotein cleavage but not N-linked glycosylation to inhibit nodal signaling. Dev. Dynamics 236 : 2050-2061

125. Wiebe PO, Kormish JD, Roper VT, Fujitani Y, Alston NI, Zaret KS, Wright CV, Stein RW, Gannon M. (2007) Ptf1a binds to and activates area III, a highly conserved region of the Pdx1 promoter that mediates early pancreas-wide Pdx1 expression. Mol Cell Biol 27 ; 4093-4104

126. Morton JP, Mongeau ME, Klimstra DS, Morris JP, Lee YC, Kawaguchi Y, Wright CV, Hebrok M, Lewis BC. (2007) Sonic hedgehog acts at multiple stages during pancreatic tumorigenesis. PNAS 104 : 5103-5109

127. Pascual M, Abasalo I, Mingorance-Le Meur A, Martinez A, Del Rio JA, Wright CV, Real FX, Soriano E. (2007) Cerebellar GABAergic progenitors adopt an external granule cell-like phenotype in the absence of Ptf1a transcription factor expression. PNAS 104 ; 5193-5198

128. Jarikji ZH, Vanamala S, Beck CW, Wright CV, Leach SD, Horb ME. (2007) Differential ability of Ptf1a and Ptf1a-VP16 to convert stomach, duodenum and liver to pancreas. Dev Biol. 304 : 786-799

129. Keller DM, McWheeney S, Arsenilis A, Drouin J, Wright CV, Wang H, Wollheim CB, White P, Kaestner KH. (2007) Characterization of pancreatic transcription factor Pdx-1 binding sites using promoter microarray and serial analysis of chromatin occupancy. J . Biol. Chem 282 : 32084-32092

130. Gannon M, Ables ET, Crawford L, Lowe D, Offield MF, Magnuson MA, Wright CV. (2008) pdx-1 function is specifically required in embryonic cells to generate appropriate numbers of endocrine cell types and maintain glucose homeostasis. Dev Biol 314 : 406- 417

131. Burlison JS, Long Q, Fujitani Y, Wright CV, Magnuson, MA. (2008) Pdx-1 and Ptf1a concurrently determine fate specification of pancreatic multipotent progenitor cells. Dev Biol 316 : 74-86

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132. Dokmanovic-Chouinard M, Chung WK, Chevre JC, Watson E, Yonan J, Wiegand B, Bromberg Y, Wakae N, Wright CV, Overton J, Ghosh S, Sathe GM, Ammala CE, Brown KK, Ito R, LeDuc C, Solomon K, Fischer SG, Leibel RL. (2008) Positional cloning of “Lisch-Like”, a candidate modifier of susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in mice. PLoS Genetics 4(7): e 1000137

133. Fukuda A, Kawaguchi Y, Furuyama K, Kodama S, Horiguchi M, Kuhara T, Kawaguchi M, Terao M, Doi R, Wright CV, Hoshino M, Chiba T, Uemoto S. (2008) Reduction of Ptf1a gene dosage causes pancreatic hypoplasia and diabetes in mice. Diabetes 57 : 2421-2431

134. Yang YP, Wright CV. (2009) Chemicals turn human embryonic stem cells towards beta cells. Nature Chemical Biology 5 : 195-196

135. Skuntz S, Mankoo B, Nguyen M-T T, Hustert E, Nakayama A, Tournier-Lasserve E, Wright CV, Pachnis V., Bharti K, Arnheiter H. (2009) Lack of the mesodermal homeodomain protein MEOX1 disrupts sclerotome polarity and leads to a remodeling of the cranio-cervical joints of the axial skeleton. Developmental Biology 332 : 383-395 PMC2898144

136. Anderson KR, Tores CA, Solomon K, Becker TC, Newgard CB, Wright CV, Hagman J, Sussel L. (2009) Cooperative transcriptional regulation of the essential pancreatic islet gene NeuroD1 (beta2) by Nkx2.2 and neurogenin 3. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284: 21236-31248 PMC2781522

137. Betley JN, Wright CV, Kawaguchi Y, Erdélyi F, Szabó G, Jessell TM, Kaltschmidt JA. (2009) Stringent specificity in the construction of a GABAergic presynaptic inhibitory circuit. Cell 139 : 161-174 PMC2812434

138. Wang S, Yan J, Anderson DA, Xu Y, Kanal MC, Cao Z, Wright CV, Gu G. (2010) Neurog3 gene dosage regulates allocation of endocrine and exocrine cell fates in the developing mouse pancreas. Developmental Biology 338 : 28-37 PMC2824035

139. Marjoram LT, Wright CV. (2010) Rapid differential transport of Nodal and Lefty on sulfated proteoglycan-rich extracellular matrix regulates left-right asymmetry in Xenopus. Development 138 : 475-485 PMID: 21205792

140. Pan FC, Wright C. (2011) Pancreas organogenesis: from bud to plexus to gland. Developmental Dynamics 240 : 530-565 PMID: 21337462

141. Willet S, Wright CV. (2011) Pancreatic plasticity and reprogramming – novel directions towards disease therapy. Nuclear Reprogramming and Stem Cells. Pub: Springer. Eds: J Ainscough, S Yamanaka, T Tada.

142. Dorrell C, Grompe MT, Pan FC, Zhong Y, Canaday PS, Shultz LD, Greiner DL, Wright CV, Streeter PR, Grompe M. (2011) Isolation of mouse pancreatic alpha, beta, duct and acinar populations with cell surface markers. Mol Cell Endocrinol . 339 :144-150 PMID:21539888

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143. Yang, YP, Thorel F, Boyer DF, Herrera PL, Wright CV. (2011) Context-specific -to- cell reprogramming by forced Pdx1 expression. Genes Dev. 25 :1680-1685 PMID: 21852533

144. Ijichi H, Chytil A, Gorska AE, Aakre ME, Bierie B, Tada M, Mohri D, Miyabayashi K, Asaoka Y, Maeda S, Ikenoue T, Tateishi K, Wright CV, Koike K, Omata M, Moses HL. (2011)Inhibiting Cxcr2 disrupts tumor-stromal interactions and improves survival in a mouse model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. J. Clin. Invest. 121:4106-4117 PMC: 3195452

145. Potter LA, Choi E, Hipkens SB, Wright CV, Magnuson MA. (2011) An RMCE-derived cyan fluorescent protein reporter allele for Pdx1. genesis (in press) PMID: 21913313

146. Kopinke D, Brailsford M, Pan FC, Magnuson MA, Wright CV, Murtaugh LC. (2012) Ongoing Notch signaling maintains phenotypic fidelity in the adult exocrine pancreas. Developmental Biology 362 : 57-64 PMC3254730

147. Ahnfelt-RØnne J, JØrgensen MC, Klinck R, Jensen JR, Füchtbauer EM, Deering T, MacDonald RJ, Wright CV, Madsen OD, Serup P. (2012) Ptf1a-mediated control of Dll1 reveals an alternative to the lateral inhibition mechanism. Development 139 : 33-45 PMC3231770

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Pre-doctoral Trainees earning Ph.D.

1. Albert F. Candia (1990-1994) Research Focus: Mesoderm specifications in Vertebrates. Postdoctoral fellow at University of California-Irvine, then research scientist at Arbor Vita Corp., now with Angiogenix Inc.

2. Laura W. Gamer (1990-1994) Research Focus: Homeobox Genes in Vertebrates Embryonic Endoderm. Currently a tenured research scientist at The Forsyth Institute and faculty member at Harvard (Boston, MA).

3. Martin Offield (1991-1996) Research Focus: Homeobox Genes in Pancreatic Development. Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Virginia (VA); now faculty member at Liberty University, Texas.

4. Amanda Frisch (1994-1998) Research Focus: Homeobox Genes, Growth Factors and Endodermal Determination. Currently a Resident at Seattle after finishing M.D. at Vanderbilt University Medical School (Nashville, TN).

5. Caroline Erter Burns (1996-2000) Research Focus: Mesendodermal and Neural patterning by Nodal-related Signalling in Zebrafish. Currently an Assistant Professor and Co-Principal Investigator, Cardiovascular Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School (Charlestown, MA)

6. Abby Cheng (1996-2001) Research Focus: Anatagonism of Nodal Signals in Mesendodermal Formation and Left-Right Axis Specification. Previously a Postdoctoral Fellow, Sean Coughlin Labo, UCSF (2002-2008). Currently the Newton Site Coordinator, Science Club for Girls (Cambridge, MA)

7. Young-Ryun Cha (2000-2006) Research Focus: Regulation of Nodal Intercellular Signaling. Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow, Brant Weinstein Lab, Molecular Genetics, NICHD

8. Daniel Boyer (2001-2006) Research Focus: Pancreas Transcription Factors and Endocrine Differentiation. Currently a Clinical and Anatomical Pathology Resident, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School (Charlestown, MA)

9. Yuki Ohi (2001 -2006) Research Focus: Long-range Nodal Signaling in Vertebrate L-R Specification. Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow, Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab, Stanford University

10. JJ Westmoreland (2001-2007) Research Focus: Long-range Nodal Signaling in Vertebrate L-R Specification. Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Beatriz Sosa-Pineda lab. Genetics & Tumor Cell Biology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.

11. Lindsay Bramson (2005-2010) Research Focus: Long-range Nodal Signaling in Vertebrate L-R Specification. Currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Michel Bagnat Lab, Duke University.

Current Pre-doctoral Trainees

Angela Halstead (2007-present)Spencer Willet (2007-present)Eric Bankaitis (2010-present)Jessica Sweatt (2010-present)

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Postdoctoral Trainees

1. Karuna Sampath (1995-1996) Growth Factors in Endodermal Determination. Currently: Senior Principal Investigator at Temasek Lifesciences Laboratory (Singapore)

2. Shin-ichi Osada (1995-1999) Mechanisms of Endodermal Determination and Regionalization. Currently: Assistant Professor, Akita University (Japan)

3. Maureen Gannon (1996-2000) The Role of pdx-1 Homeobox Gene in Pancreatic Development and Islet Differentiation. Currently: Associate Professor of Medicine, Cell and Developmental Biology, and Molecular Physiology and Biophysics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Nashville, TN)

4. Yoshiya Kawaguchi (1999-2002) Transcription Factor Regulation of Exocrine and Endocrine Pancreatic Cell Lineages. Currently: Researcher, Department of Surgery, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)

5. Shuji Takahashi (2002-2004) Nodal signaling in Xenopus embryos. Currently: Research Fellow at Tokyo University (Tokyo, Japan)

6. Yoshio Fujitani (2000-2005) Influence of upstream conserved sequences on pdx1 function in vivo. Currently: Research Scientist, First Department of Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (Kyoto, Japan)

7. Daniel Boyer (2006-2009) Pancreas Transcription Factors and Endocrine Differentiation, Currently a Clinical and Anatomical Pathology Resident, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School (Charlestown, MA)

8. Stuart Hobbs (2009-2011) Nodal vs. Actin as fill inducers of bona fide endoderm. Currently: a Research Scientist, United States Army

Current Postdoctoral Trainees

Fong Cheng Pan (2007-present)Pdx1 in mammalian pancreatic development

Yu-Ping Yang (2007-present)Pdx1 in mammalian pancreatic development

Matthew Bechard (2010-present)Pdx1 in mammalian pancreatic development

Sebastian Rieck (2011-present)Epigenetics of pancreas endocrine differentiation

Other Lab personnel:

Michael Ray (1992 – present)Ashley Burnett (2004-2005)Kim Crowder (2005-2006)Xavier Stein (2006-2007)Eric Bankaitis (2007 – 2009) now a graduate student in the lab

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Tim Shehan (2009 – 2010)Justin Wells (2009 – 2011)Clayton Ulrey (2009 – 2011)Joseph Toplon (2011 – present)Jeff Duryea (2011 – present)

Summer and other short-term students:

Amanda Hall-Walker (Smith) (2004-2005)Melanie Warnes (2008)

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ACS DB-53“Mox genes in vertebrate mesoderm specification”7/01/93-6/30/96$216,000 total direct costs

NIH RO1HD28062 - Disability Supplement“Homeobox genes in vertebrate embryonic endoderm”5/01/94-4/30/96$40,160 total direct costs

NIH RO1 HD28062“Homeobox genes in vertebrate embryonic endoderm”5/01/94-4/30/97$642,808 total direct costs

NIH PO1DK42502 (M. Magnuson, P.I, C.V.E. Wright, Project 4 P.I.)“Genes of glucose homeostasis and diabetes”Project 4 - pdx-1 in mammalian pancreatic development7/01/95-6/30/00$625,053 total direct costs for project 4

RENEWED - 7/01/00-6/30/05$669,838 total direct costs for project 4 THIS GRANT WAS RECENTLY ALTERED INTO A U-19 ASSOCIATED WITH THE INCORPORATION INTO THE BETA CELL BIOLOGY CONSORTIUM. This led to the extension of the specific aims of the grant and a significant increase in annual funding – currently ~$300,000/year direct costs.

RENEWED: 08/01/05-07/31/10Project 4 – Transcriptional networks of pancreas endocrine cell differentiation$1,187,565 total direct costs for project 4

NIH P01DK42502 (M. Magnusson, P.I., S. Leach, Core Manager (2000) C.V.E. Wright, Core Manager, (2001-2005)“Pancreatic Morphology Core, Core D, Genes of Pancreatic Function and Development”7/01/00-06/30/05$280,695 total directs PI change from Steven Leach to C.V.E. Wright effective March 2001

NIH 1 S10 RR15682-01 (David Miller, PI)“Zeiss LSM 510 Confocal Microscope”04/01/2001

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NIH T32 HD07502 (B. Hogan, P.I. (1997-2001) C.V.E. Wright, P.I. (2001-present)“Training Program in Developmental Biology”5/01/97-4/30/02$841,975 total directs (5 pre-doctoral trainees)PI change from Brigid Hogan to C.V.E. Wright effective March 2001

RENEWED: 5/01/02-4/30/07$1,098,000 total direct costs (5 pre-doctoral trainees)

RENEWED: 5/01/07-4/30/12$1,338,068 total direct costs (5 pre-doctoral trainees, 1 postdoctoral trainee)

NIH RO1 DK56211 (S. Leach, P.I.; Wright, 4% effort 1999-2000; terminated on S.L. move to Johns Hopkins)“Surgical studies of pancreatic stem cells”8/1/99-7/31/04$183,964 total direct costs

NIH RO1 GM56238 (C.V.E. Wright, PI)“Biological roles of nodal-related genes in embryogenesis” 7/01/97-6/30/01$863,294 total direct costs

RENEWED: 7/01/01-6/30/05$820,000 total direct costs

RENEWED: 7/01/07-6/30/12$1,250,000 total direct costs

JDRF 35-2008-626 (H. Semb, PI, C.V.E. Wright, Project 1 PI)hESC Network Grant – Directed differentiation of human ES cells into bona fide beta cell progenitorsProject 1: Nodal vs. Actin as full inducers of bona fide endoderm9/01/08 – 8/31/119/01/11 - 8/31/12 No cost extension$594,000 total direct costs for Project 1

NIH U01 DK089570-01 (C.V.E. Wright, PI, C.V.E. Wright, Project 1 PI)“Architecture and communication controlling the efficient generation of beta cells”9/15/10 - 6/30/14$1,368,955 annual total project costs$294,902 annual project 1 direct costs

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1. Vice-Chair, Cell & Developmental Biology Faculty Affairs, VUMC (2011-present)2. Vice-Chair, Cell & Developmental Biology Faculty Affairs, VUMC (2009-2010)3. Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Developmental Neurobiology (2003-2007)4. Director, Developmental Biology Program, VUMC (1998-present)5. Interim V-C Research, Cell Biology Department, VUMC, (1998-2000)6. Planning committee, Medical Research Building III (1998-present)7. Member, Transinstitutional Educational Initiatives Committee (1998)8. Task Force Basic Science Initiatives (1996)9. IGP Executive Committee, Cell Biology Representative (1994-1998)10. Graduate Education Committee for the Medical School (1994-1998)11. Cell Biology IGP Student Recruitment Committee (1993-

1998)12. Basic Science Seminar Series Coordinator (1992-1993)13. Cell Biology Course Review Committee14. Secondary Faculty Annual Review Committee, Cell Biology Department15. Director, Developmental Biology Journal Club16. Recruitment, David Miller, David Greenstein, Peter Kolodjiez, various others17. Supervisor, in situ/IHC core lab18. Cell Biology Renovation committees19. CBMS Training Grant Executive Committee (1993-1998)20. Highly active support and participation in Cell Biology Journal Club and Research

Seminar21. Invited Advisory Committee Member, Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award

(Bahaa Fadel)22. Cell and Developmental Biology Department Recruitment Committee23. Cell and Developmental Biology Department Space Planning Committee


Current Vanderbilt Committees2005 – present Stacey Huppert, Ph.D. (currently: Assistant Professor, Cell and Developmental

Biology) Committee Chair2002 - present Guoqiang Gu, Ph.D. (previously: Assistant Professor, Cell and Developmental

Biology, currently: Associate Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology)Committee Chair

2004 – present Matt Tyska, Ph.D. (previously: Assistant Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology, currently: Associate Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology)Committee Chair

2008 – present Kevin Ess, M.D., Ph.D. (currently: Assistant Professor, Neurology, Pediatrics, and Cell and Developmental Biology) Committee Chair

2010 – present Wenbiao Chen , Ph.D. (currently: Assistant Professor of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics)

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Previous Vanderbilt Committees2002-2009 Daniela Drummond-Barbosa, Ph.D. (previously: Assistant Professor, Cell and

Developmental Biology, currently: Associate Professor, department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore MD) Committee Chair

2009-2010 Trish Labosky, Ph.D. (previously: Associate Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology, currently: Associate Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology) Committee Chair

Previous International Mentoring Committees2010 Anne Grapin-Botton, Ph.D. (Professor, ISREC Institute, Ècole Polytechnique

Fèderalè De Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland) Mid-term External Advisor and Evaluator, Tenure Review Committee


(i) Member, Society for Developmental Biology (1990-present)(ii) Ad hoc member, NIH Biol-2 study section (1994, 1995)(iii) Site visit, NSF RTG, (1994)

Baylor Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Developmental Biology(iv) Site visit, Holland Laboratory (Red Cross) (1994)

Advisory Committee ad hoc member(v) Full Member, NIH Biol-2 study section for RO1 and F32 grants (1995-2000)(vi) Ad hoc reviewer: NSF (Developmental Biology & Neuroscience) (1996-present)

NIH (Molecular Biology)(vii) Consultant, Genetics Institute (1996-1997)(viii) JDRF/NASA Strategic Planning Workshop on b cell replacement” (1997)(ix) Scientific Advisory Board: Ontogeny, Inc., Cambridge, Mass. (1997-2000)(x) Editorial Advisory Board, “Developmental Biology” (1998-present)(xi) Guest Editor, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology,

“Lateral Asymmetry in Multicellular Organisms” (1998)(xii) NIH RFA Study Section “Approaches to Euglycemia” (1998)

Invited panel member(xiii) CSHL zebrafish meeting, attendee/poster presentations, (1998)(xiv) Speaker, American Diabetes Association, MODY meeting, Scottsdale (1998)(xv) Speaker, Focus on Diabetes, Erice, Sicily, Invited panel member (1998)(xvi) Editorial Advisory Board, “Development” (1999-present)(xvii) Editorial Board, “Genesis” (1999-present)(xviii) Ad Hoc review study section: Genome Study Section Nov 2000 (2000)(xix) NIH study section site visit team, U.Penn PPG (NIDDK; P.I. Dr. M. Lazar) (2000)(xx) Editorial Board, “TheScientificWorld” web publishing forum (2001-present)(xxi) Ad hoc reviewer CDF4 March 2001 (2001)(xxii) Chair, RFA NIH study section for Xenopus Genetics Initiative (2001)

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(xxiii) Ad hoc review; Genome Study Section; and several other study sections for (2001)NIDDK and general study sections.

(xxiv) Steering Committee, “NIH Beta Cell Biology Consortium” (2001- 2005)Chair, Transgenic Mouse and Gene Inactivation Committee

(xxv) Full Member, NIH DEV-1 Study Section (2005 - present)(xxvi) Chair, NIH-DEV-1 Study Section (2006 - 2008)(xxvii) CAMB Review Board Member, Univ. Pennsylvania Graduate Program (2008)(xxviii) Journal Reviewing:

Cell, Developmental Cell, Neuron, Nature, Science, Genes and Development, Development, Developmental Biology, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Mechanisms of Development, Journal of Cell Biology, Gene, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Experimental Cell Research, J. Biol. Chem., Nature Medicine

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May 1991 Session Chair and Invited Speaker, Southeast Regional Developmental Biology Conference

October 1991 Guest Lecturer, Genetics short course, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor “Molecular genetics of pattern formation in Drosophila (other lecturers: T. Schupbach, M. Levine, W. McGinnis, S. L. Zipursky) “The role of homeobox genes in vertebrate development”

January 1992 Invited Seminar, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (host, Rob Grainger)June 1992 Poster Presentation, 4th International Xenopus Conference, Asilomar,

Monterey, CaliforniaAugust 1992 Invited Speaker, Gordon Conference, Kimball Union Academy, Meriden

N.H., “Peptide Growth Factors”November 1992 Invited Participant, NIEHS workshop “Pattern formation”, NIEHS, RTP, N.C.

May 1993 Invited Speaker and Session Chair, S. E. Regional Developmental Biology Society meeting, Univ. of Georgia, Athens

June 1993 Invited Seminar, NIH/FDA (host, Milan Jamrich)June 1993 Invited Seminar, U. Illinois at Chicago (host: Karen Colley, Biochemistry)

April 1994 Session Chair, S. E. Regional Developmental Biology Society meeting, Duke University

November 1994 Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis (host, Jim Ihle). “A homeobox gene is required for pancreatic development and insulin gene activation”, Invited Speaker

November 1994 Invited Seminar, Genetics Institute, Boston (host, Gordon Wong)December 1994 Invited Seminar, UCLA (host, Eddy De Robertis)

February 1996 Co-organizer, Keystone Symposium, Hilton Head, South CarolinaJune 1996 Co-organizer, 1996 Society for Developmental Biology National Meeting,

Vanderbilt University1996 Session Chair/Speaker, CSHL Mouse Genetics Meeting 1996 Invited Seminars (non-conference), Duke (Dan Kiehart), UTSW (Ray

MacDonald), UCSF (Michael German)

May 1997 Invited Speaker, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, MA (host, Mary Loeken)June 1997 Invited Speaker, UCSF Dev Biology Program Mini-symposiumJune 1997 Invited Speaker, CSHL Quant Biology Symposium “Pattern Formation” June 1997 Invited Speaker, 74th Endocrinology Society meeting, San Diego (declined)November 1997 Invited Participant, CSHL/Banbury Center Conference on L-R Asymmetry

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Spr/Summer 1997 Invited Guest Editorship, Seminars in Developmental Biology

April 1998 Invited Seminar, Annual Mondy-Carroll Lectureship, Williams Baptist College, Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. “Knockout genes”

October 1998 Invited Seminar, Blaffer Lecture Series, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston. “Pdx-1 regulates pancreas differentiation and b cell function”

November 1998 Invited Speaker, “ADA: MODYs as Paradigms of the Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes”

December 1998 Invited Speaker, Erice, Italy. Conference: “Focus on Diabetes”1998 CSHL Zebrafish meeting attendee and poster presentation

March 1999 Invited Speaker, Frontiers of Amphibian Biology Conference, HiroshimaMarch 1999 Invited Lecture, Kyoto University (host, Yoshiki Sasai)March 1999 Invited Lecture, Osaka University (host, Hiroshi Hamada).April 1999 Invited Lecture, University of Pennsylvania Diabetes Grand Rounds

(host, Franz Matschinsky).June 1999 Invited Speaker, SDB National Meeting, Charlottesville, VAJune 1999 Invited Speaker, Developmental Biology Gordon ConferenceSeptember 1999 Invited Speaker, Massachusetts General Hospital Grand

Summer 2000 Invited Participant, HFSP Workshop 10, HFSP, Strasbourg, France “Vertebrate Patterning”

August 2000 Poster Presentation “Asymmetric Xnr1 expression controlled by an intron enhancer”, 8th Annual International Xenopus Conference (August 2000

March 2000 Poster Presentation, NIH Workshop “Stem Cells and the Pancreas”March 2000 Invited seminar, Purdue University, host Dr. Steve Konieczny “PDX1 and

pancreas development and function”Fall 2000 Plenary lecture, Human Cell Biology Meeting, Kyoto University and

International Conference Center. Dr. M. Imamura, organizer. “PDX1 and pancreas development and function”

Fall 2000 Invited seminar, Tokyo University, host Dr. M. Asashima “Nodal signaling and antagonism in Xenopus embryogenesis”

Fall 2000 Invited seminar, Tokyo University, host Dr. M. Taira “Nodal signaling and antagonism in Xenopus embryogenesis”

Fall 2000 Invited seminar, Tokyo University, Diabetes Group, host Dr. Kadowaki “Pdx1 and pancreas development and function”

Fall 2000 Invited seminar, Osaka University, host Dr. Hamada “Nodal signaling and antagonism in Xenopus embryogenesis”

Fall 2000 Invited seminar, Osaka Diabetes Group, host Dr. Y. Kajimoto “Pdx1 and pancreas development and function”

2000 Invited participant: Trans-NIH Xenopus community workshopAugust 2000 Poster presentation, 8th Annual International Xenopus Conference

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Dec 2000 Invited seminar, Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA. Host Dr. K. Zaret, Dr. J. Burch “pdx1 and pancreas differentiation and function”

May 2001 Plenary Lecture, Pancreatic Cancer Symposium, Vanderbilt UniversityJune 2001 Invited participant, Juan March Institute meeting, Madrid on “Vertebrate L-

R asymmetry” June 2001 Reviewer, JDRF Center for Islet Transportation at Harvard Medical School

(Newport, RI)June 2001 Discussion and Session Leader, “Axis Development and Early Patterning”,

Gordon Research Conference on Developmental Biology (Andover, NH) July 2001 Invited Workshop Organizer and participant, “L-R asymmetry.” Society for

Developmental Biology National Meeting, U.W. SeattleSeptember 2001 Invited Speaker, “Transcription factor regulation of pancreas

organogenesis”, Department of Cell Biology, Emory University (Atlanta, GA). Host: Dr. K. Moses

October 2001 NIDDK “Pancreatic Development, Proliferation, and Stem Cells,” Invited participant:

November 2001 Invited Speaker, “Global and tissue-specific requirements for transcription factors in differentiated pancreatic cells and precursor populations”, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, OH. Host: Dr. Michael Bates

January 2002 Invited Speaker, “Global and tissue-specific requirements for transcription factors in differentiated pancreatic cells and precursor populations”, Joslin Diabetes Center Diabetes (MA). Host: Dr. Susan Bonner-Weir

April 2002 Invited Speaker, “ Global and tissue specific requirements for transcription factors during pancreas organogenesis and cell type specific differentiation and maintenance”, 102nd Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society (Osaka, Japan)

April 2002 Keynote Speaker, “Plasticity of pancreatic development”, Mid-Atlantic Regional SDB Meeting (Washington, DC)

May 2002 Invited Speaker, UCLA Genetics Seminar Series (CA). Host: Shuo LinMay 2002 Invited Speaker, COE Symposium “Replication, Maintenance and

Expression of Genomic Information”, (Osaka, Japan). Host: Dr. Hisato Kondoh

July 2002 Instructor, “Gene Inactivation & Lineage Labeling Studies of Pancreas Formation”, Cold Spring Harbor Labs “Stem Cell” course (4 student contact hours)

August 2002 Invited Speaker, ISREC/EMBO “Endoderm” conference (Arolla, Switzerland)

August 2002 Invited Speaker, 9th International Xenopus Conference (Cambridge, UK)Sept 2002 Invited Speaker, 14th International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides

(Boston, MA)

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Oct 2002 Invited Speaker, Markey Special Emphasis Pathway in Human Pathobiology, Heart Failure course, Washington University (St. Louis, MO) 2 hours student contact

Oct 2002 St Louis DRTC Seminar Program, Invited SeminarOct 2002 Invited Speaker, Rachmiel Levine Memorial Symposium “Advances in Islet

Cell Biology: From Stem Cell Differentiation to Clinical Tranplantation”, “Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells to Insulin-Secreting Structures” (Anaheim, CA).

Nov 2002 Presentation and Breakout Session Leader, Beta Cell Biology Consortium Investigator Retreat (Anaheim, CA)

Title: “Transcription factor regulation of pancreas development and function”for all 2003 talks unless noted otherwise

Feb 2003 Invited Speaker, “Lineage Tracing Studies of Transcription Factors in Pancreas Development”, UC Irvine (CA) Host: Ken Cho

Feb 2003 Reviewer, JDRF Center for Beta Cell Therapy - Europe (Brussels, Belgium)Mar 2003 Invited Speaker, “Pancreatic Ontogeny: The Role of Transcription Factors”,

the 6th International Congress of the Cell Transplant Society (Atlanta, GA)Mar 2003 Invited Speaker, UC San Francisco (CA). Associated with application to

direct UCSF’s new Stem Cell Institute – I withdrew my name from this searchApr 2003 U.C. Denver (host: Lori Sussel), invited seminarApr 2003 Invited Speaker, University Colorado at Boulder (CO) Host: Jackie LeeApr 2003 Keynote Lecture, Center for Molecular Liver Studies in Digestive and Liver

Disease 4th Annual Retreat, “Lineage Tracing Studies of Transcription Factors in Pancreas Development”, (Philadelphia, PA) Host: Ken Zaret

May 2003 Participant, Joslin Diabetes Center 2003 Symposium “Evading Beta Cell Death in Diabetes: Prevention and Transplantation” (Boston, MA)

May 2003 Invited Speaker, Banting and Best Diabetes Center 14th Annual Scientific Day, “Lineage Tracing Studies of Transcription Factors in Pancreas Development” (University of Toronto) Host: Daniel Drucker

May 2003 Invited Speaker, AGA at Digestive Disease Week 2003, ”Transcriptional Control of Pancreas Organogenesis and Function” (Orlando, FL)

June 2003 Invited Speaker and Conference Summation, Instituto Juan March des Estudios Workshop on Developmental Mechanisms in Vertebrate Organogenesis (Madrid, Spain)

June 2003 Invited Speaker, “Pancreatic Progenitor Cells”, American Diabetes Association 63rd Annual Meeting (New Orleans, LA)

July 2003 Reviewer, JDRF Summer 2003 Stem Cell Center Review (New York, NY)July 2003 Participant, Society for Developmental Biology 62nd Annual Meeting

(Boston, MA) Candidate for 2004 Southeast SDB RepresentativeSept 2003 Invited Speaker, Northwester University Pancreatic Development and

Disease Modeling Conference (Chicago, IL)

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Oct 2003 Invited Speaker, “Gene manipulation on the pdx-1 pancreatic homeobox gene”, Inaugural International Stem Cell Conference “Stem Cells: From Bench to Bedside” (Singapore, Japan)

Feb 2004 Invited Speaker, “Manipulation on the pdx1 and ptf1a pancreas transcription factor genes”, Keystone Symposia “Signaling in Vertebrate Organogenesis” (Santa Fe, NM)

Mar 2004 Invited Speaker, “Gene Knockout and Lineage Studies of Pancreas Transcription Factors”, Keystone Symposia “Diabetes Mellitus: Molecular Signaling, Genes and Therapeutics/Molecular Control of Adipogenesis and Obesity” (Banff, Canada)

Mar 2004 Invited Speaker, “Manipulation on the pdx1 and ptf1a pancreas transcription factor genes”, Developmental Biology Annual Symposium and Genetics 2004 (Roslin Institute, Warwick, England)

Mar 2004 Participant, JDRF “Beta Cell Regeneration Workshop” (New York, NY)May 2004 Keynote Speaker, “Transcription Factor Regulation of Pancreas

Organogenesis and Function”, 29th Annual Arnold Lazarow Memorial Lecture, University of Minnesota Medical School (MN) Host: G. Eric Bauer

June 2004 Organizer and Session Chair, Vanderbilt University Summer Conferences “Frontiers in Genome Engineering: Building A Better Mouse” (Nashville, TN)

July 2004 Invited Speaker, Society for Developmental Biology 63rd Annual Meeting, University of Calgary (Alberta, Canada)

August 2004 Invited Speaker, “Pancreas Specification and Linage Diversification: control by the Pdx1 and Ptf1a transcription factors”, FASEB Summer Research Conference, “Mechanisms of Liver Growth, Development, and Disease” (Snowmass, CO)

Dec 2004 Invited Speaker, “Model Development. Modifier and Marker Genes” Session, “Pancreatic Cancer in Mice and Men: The Penn Workshop 2004” (Philadelphia, PA)

June 2005 Invited Speaker and Session Chair, “Pancreas Specification and Lineage Diversification: Control by the Pdx1 and Ptf1a Transcription Factors”, 10th US-Japan GI & Liver Meeting in 21st Century, (Kyoto, Japan)

July 2005 Participant, Society for Developmental Biology 64th Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA)

August 2005 Invited Speaker, “Pancreas Transcription Factors: Lineage Tracing and Cell Fate Determination”, FASEB Summer Research Conference, Gastrointestinal Tract XI: Innovations in GI Research & Therapy” (Snowmass, CO)

November 2005 Invited Speaker, “Development of efficient high-output methods for identifying pancreas differentiation regulatory genes”, Russell and Angela Berrie Cell Therapy Program in Diabetes (New York, NY)

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November 2005 Invited Speaker, “Lineage Tracing and genetic pathways of pancreas and foregut differentiation”, Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal (IRCM) Pfizer Lecture Series (Montreal, Canada)

November 2005 NCI NIH Site Team Visit Participant, Laboratory of Protein Dynamics and Signaling (Frederick, MD)

February 2006 Meeting Organizer, “Pancreatic Islets: From Development to Transplantation”, Chair of Joint Plenary Session “Joint Session with the Transplantation Meeting”, and Speaker “Analysis of Gene Networks Regulating Zebrafish Pancreas Development”, Keystone Symposium, (Taos, New Mexico)

April 2006 Invited Speaker, Department of Biological Sciences, Tennessee State University (Nashville, TN)

May 2006 Participant, BCBC Workshop of Gene Regulatory Networks and Bioinformatics and BCBC Investigator Retreat (Waltham, MA)

May 2006 Keynote Speaker, UC-Irvine Cancer Center Developmental Biology Program Retreat (Laguna Beach, CA)

June 2006 Attendee, 65th Annual Society for Developmental Biology Meeting (Ann Arbor, MI)

June-July 2006 Attendee, The 4th Annual International Society for Stem Cell Research Meeting (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

September 2006 Invited Speaker, “Anterior-ward shifting and unilateral expression of Xnr1 in L-R specification”, 11th International Xenopus Conference (Kisarazu, Tokyo) Host: Masanori Taira

September 2006 Invited Speaker, “Dissecting transcriptional networks regulating pancreas development”, University of Tokyo, (Tokyo, Japan) Host: Yoshio Kawaguchi

October 2006 Participant, BCBC Investigator Planning Meeting (Philadelphia, PA)October 2006 Invited Speaker, “Programming Pancreatic Beta Cells” EMBO/FEBS/JDRF

Workshop (El Perello, Spain)November 2006 Member, External Review Committee, Center for Developmental Genetics,

SUNY-Stonybrook (Stonybrook, NY)

February 2007 Invited Speaker, “Transcription Factor Guidance of Pancreas Specification and Lineage Diversification”, Duke University Medical Center (Durham NC) Host: Brigid Hogan

March 2007 Graduate Student Invited Speaker, “Transcription Factor Guidance of Pancreas Specification and Lineage Diversification”, Developmental Genetics Program, Skirball Institute (NYC, NY) Host: Ryan Cinalli (Student Host)

April 2007 Invited Speaker, “Left-Right field patterning & contralateral communication in Xenopus”, Department of Molecular & Human Genetics Tuesday Noon Seminar Series, Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX) Host: Milan Jamrich

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May 2007 Invited Speaker, “Transcriptional Control of Pancreas Specification and Lineage Diversification”, Division of Developmental Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital (Cincinnati, OH) Host: Jim Wells

Mat 2007 Speaker, “Threshold requirements for pdx1 in the maturation of beta cell progenitors”, BCBC Investigator Retreat (Washington, DC)

July 2007 Organizer, “Frontiers in Genome Engineering: Building A Better Mouse II”, Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)

September 2007 Invited Speaker, “Pancreas development: the frog leads the mouse”, Symposium Programme honoring the 60th Birthday of Eddy De Robertis, EMBL (Heidelberg, Germany) Host: Iain Mattaj

September 2007 Invited Speaker, “Transcription Factor Control of Pancreas Specification and Lineage Diversification “, Developmental Genetics/Centre for Biomedicine, University of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) Host: Rolf Zeller

September 2007 Speaker, “Stem Cells”, BCBC Investigator Planning Meeting (Boston, MA)October 2007 Invited Speaker, “Transcription Factor Control of Pancreas Specification

and Lineage Diversification “, 2nd Annual Developmental Biology Fall Symposium, University of Georgia (Athens, GA) Host: Nancy Manley

November 2007 Review Panel Member, CSR Open House Workshop: Integrated Biological II, NIH (Bethesda, MD)

November 2007 Keynote Speaker, “Transcription factor control of pancreas specification and lineage diversification”, University of Pittsburgh Endocrinology and Metabolism Basic Science Retreat (Pittsburgh, PA) Host: Donald Scott

March 2008 Invited Speaker, “Transcriptional regulation of pancreas progenitors and lineage diversification”, University of Nebraska Eppley Institute for Cancer Research (Omaha, NE)

March 2008 Graduate Student Invited Speaker, “Left-right asymmetry – long distance signaling and tissue morphogenesis”, University of Pennsylvania Department of Cell and Developmental Biology (Philadelphia, PA)

March 2008 Invited Speaker, “Pancreas progenitor flux: control by Pdx1 and Ptf1a” , Fox Chase Cancer Center (Philadelphia, PA) Host: Ken Zaret

April 2008 Keystone Symposia Meeting Organizer, “Islet and Beta Cell Development and Transplantation” (Snowbird, UT)

May 2008 Attendee, Upper Midwest Islet Club (meeting of many regional diabetes research labs). Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN)

May 2008 Invited Lead-off Speaker, “Diabetes and cell therapy – developmental biology and ES cells”, Training Course 2008 - Strategies in directed differentiation of ES cells into mature cell types for therapy, JDRF Center for Beta Cell Therapy in Diabetes (Copenhagen, Denmark)

September 2008 Attendee, 12th International Xenopus Conference (Mosel, Germany)November 2008 Attendee, BCBC Investigator Retreat, University of Pennsylvania

(Philadelphia, PA)December 2008 Invited Speaker, “Pancreas progenitor flux: control by Pdx1 and Ptf1a”,

University of Western Ontario (London, Canada) Host: C. Pin

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December 2008 Invited Speaker, “Pancreas progenitor flux: control by Pdx1 and Ptf1a”, Columbia University (NYC, NY) Host: Lori Sussel

January 2009 Invited Speaker, “Ptf1a and Pdx1 regulation of progenitor flux in the main phase of pancreatic organogenesis”, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) Host: Deneen Willek

February 2009 Invited Speaker, EMBO Beta Cell Differentiation & Regeneration (Edinburgh, Scotland)

March 2009 Keynote Speaker, SE Regional Society for Developmental Biology Annual Meeting (Birmingham, AL) Host: Brad Yoder

May 2009 Speaker, Progenitor to differentiated cell conversions”, BCBC Investigator Retreat (Chantilly, VA)

June 2009 Participant, “Understanding and Controlling Pancreatic development” Workshop, University of Lund (Copenhagen, Denmark) Host: Henrik Semb

July 2009 Invited Speaker, Medical School of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland) Host: Pedro L. Herrera

January 2010 Graduate Student Invited Speaker, “Progenitor regulation by transcription factors in pancreas organogenesis”, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) Host: Mitchell A. Lazar

February 2010 Invited Speaker, “Progenitor behavior in pancreas organogenesis and mature organ regeneration”, EPVL SV ISREC (Lausanne, Switzerland) Host: Anne Grapin-Botton

March 2010 Speaker, JDRF Niche Workshop, Session 1 – Differentiation of hESC to beta-cells: Where are we now? - “A critical overview of the field”, JDRF (New York, NY)

March 2010 Invited Speaker, CDB Symposium 2010 Frontiers in Organogenesis, “Progenitor regulation by transcription factors in pancreas organogenesis”, (Kobe, Japan)

June 2010 Invited Speaker, ADA 70th Scientific Sessions, “Transdifferentiation within endocrine cells”, (Orlando, FL)

July 2010 Invited Speaker, UK NSCN Third Annual Scientific Conference, (Nottingham, UK)

August 2010 Invited Speaker and Discussion Participant, “Lessons from developmental biology of the beta cell”, European Association for the Study of Diabetes (Oxford, UK)

October 2010 Invited Speaker, Joslin Diabetes Seminar, ““Commitment issues: reprogramming in pancreatic endocrine cells driven by transcription factor regulation”, (Boston, MA) Host: Susan Bonner-Weir

November 2010 Invited Speaker, “Progenitors, lineage allocation and plasticity in pancreas formation”, Institute of Medical Biology (Singapore) Host: Ray Dunn

November 2010 Invited Speaker, “Left-right asymmetry: a process regulated by fast far-ranging movement of nodal and left ligands”, Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (Singapore) Host: Karuna Sampath

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September 2011 Invited Speaker, “Pancreatic cell reprogramming – plasticity under duress”, University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute (Minneapolis, MN) Host: Jonathan Slack

September 2011 Invited Speaker, “Pancreatic cell reprogramming plasticity under duress”, UT Southwestern (Dallas, TX) Host: Ondine Cleaver

October 2011 Invited Speaker, “Transcriptional regulation of pancreas development”, BetaCell Workshop 2011 (Copenhagen)

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