
Convention on Biological Diversity Rio De Janiero 1992 History 3ES3 Rebecca Moline


biological diversity

Transcript of Biodiversity

  • 1. Convention on Biological Diversity Rio De Janiero 1992 History 3ES3 Rebecca Moline

2. Biological diversity The variability of living organisms and species worldwide, in addition to their ecosystems 3. More commonly known as The Earth Summit Concerned with the protection of biological diversity worldwide Held from June 3 14, 1992 in Rio De Janiero, Brazil Raise awareness in addition to propose action plan Introduction 4. Historical background Originated from the Stockholm Conference 1972 Next global environmental summit at Rio United Nations Environment Programme Grew from 168 signatures to 181 5. Principals of Convention Conservation of biological diversity on a worldwide scale Sustainable use of its elements The fair and equitable sharing of beneficial genetic resources among countries 6. Convention Framework Governing body Conference of Parties or COP Responsible for decision making Reviewing the implementations Directing development Clarification of aspects of the convention Consideration for national reports 7. Financial Mechanisms Developed countries must financially aid developing countries in order to fulfill implementation protocols Global Environmental Facility (GEF) to operate financial mechanism 8. Implementation Strategies Enlists parties to develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity (Article 6) Places responsibility on individual nations Ecosystem Based Approach 9. What is Sustainability? the use of components of biological diversity in a way and at a rate that does not lead to long- term decline of biological diversity, therefore maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations or present and future generations (Article 2) 10. Plan of Action? 11. Future Targets Meeting in 2002, planned to reduce loss of biodiversity by 2010 an initiative that has yet to occur 2010 International Year of Biodiversity Tenth meeting of COP October/November 2010 initiatives for 2011-2020 12. Conclusions Biodiversity continues to decrease at an alarming rate Discussions must transform into legitimate action Worldwide commitment is necessary to protect the fate of the planet and its resources