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biodiesel from waste cooking oil

Transcript of biodiesel

CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundPetroleum crisis is unavoidable in the world, because that fossil fuels belong to unrenewable energy. It needs hundreds of years to produce , thats why we have to find alternative energy. One of alternative energy which can be developed is biodiesel. Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils or animal fat. The development of biodiesel becomes very important because the reserve of petroleum is decreasing.Biodiesel made from chemical reactions such as alcohol, vegetable oil with using transesterification process, which can be used easily and this fuel has similiar physical character with regular diesel oil and also can be applied for diesel engines without modification. Biodiesel is biodegredable, ten times no toxic than regular diesel oil and the number of cetana is better than regular diesel oil and the content is no sulfur and aromatic compounds, so the resulting combustion emissions are environmentally friendly and do not add the accumulation of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. So, the use of biodiesel impact on reducing the effects of global warming because of carbon dioxide emissions low.Generally, the raw material of biodiesel is vegetable oil such as palm oil, jatropha, rapeseed, safflower, etc. and also from palm oil can be taken the waste to make biodiesel which can be called "waste cooking oil". based on the results of the evaluation of the feasibility of some of the material of biodiesel, Ruhyat and Firdaus (2006) have determined that waste cooking oil is a kind of vegetable oil that is most fit for use as a raw material for biodiesel. according chhteri (2008), the processing of biodiesel from waste cooking oil is an effective way to lower the selling price of biodiesel because the low cost of raw materials. beside that, the utilization of waste cooking oil also can solve the problem of waste oil disposal and public healthWaste cooking oil is the remain of frying oil have been used 3 times. And generally, the society of Indonesia really like with fried food for side dish such as fried chiken, fried rice, fried noodle, and etc. Or for snacks such as fried banana, fried cassava, and etc. So, waste cooking oil is very easy to find and usually the society using oil for cooking continuesly. Meanwhile, the using of frying oil more than three times is dangerous because there is transition chemical reaction,so, it is better the society can utilize waste cooking oil into biodiesel than just throw it which will be a bad influence on environment. Based on the background above so the writer makes scientific writing under title Waste Cooking Oil as a Biodiesel Material for Alternative Energy.1.2 The Statement of Problem1. What is biodiesel ?2. What is waste cooking oil ?3. How is the process of using waste cooking oil as biodiesel material ?4. What are the effect of using waste cooking oil as biodiesel material ?

1.3 The Objectives of The Study1. To know what biodiesel is2. To know what waste cooking oil is3. To know the process of using waste cooking oil as biodiesel material4. To know the effect of using waste cooking oil as biodiesel material1.4 The Limitation of The StudyIn this scientific writing, the writer explains about Waste cooking oil as a biodiesel material for alternative energy. we know that natural resources especially petroloum resourcewill be finished if it is used continously. It needs alternative energy to solve that problem. But in this scientific writing we use biodisielas alternative energy and use waste cooking oil as the material of biodiesel.1.5 The Significances of The StudyThe scientific writing is expected to be useful for:1. The writerThe writer can express her idea so that she can add her knowledge about everything which is connected with biodiesel using waste cooking oil material.2. The societyThe society can use waste cooking oil for producing biodiesel as an alternative energy which is environmentally friendly.

CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF LITERATURE2.1 Alternative EnergyAlternative energy is the energy which is used to replace fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are formed from animals and plants that died hundreds of millions of years ago. So, if human do not skimp, it will be run out. The use of alternative energy is one way to conserve fossil fuels supplies. The caracteristic of alternative energy is as follow :1. Can be used continously (renewable)2. The abundant amount3. The processing and using does not cause a variety of disease4. Not dangerous and safe5. Environmentally friendly 2.1.1 The Kinds of Alternative EnergyThere are some kinds of alternative energy as follow :1. Geothermal EnergyGeothermal energy is a form of thermal energy, generated and stored in the earth. This energy used to power plants, and as heat source which is utilized directly using a pipe to the bowels of the earth and also as heat pump which is pumped directly from the earth.2. Solar PowerSolar power is the energy which is collected directly from sunlight and the advantages from this energy is as follow :1.Produces electricity using solar cells2.Produces electricity using solar power3.To charge the battery4.Heats the food using a solar oven5.Heats the water through a solar3. Wind PowerWind power is the energy collection of air movement that occurs when there is different temperature, that is warm and cold air. This energy used to power turbine and to rotate the mechanical equipment such as grinding the grain or pumping water.4. Hydro Power Hydro power is energy obtained from the flowing water. The advantages from this energy is as follow :1. As power dams2. As mikrohidro built to generate electricity up to 100 kw scale3. As run of the river were built by utilizing the kinetic energy of the water flow.

5. Fuel CellsFuel cells is the energy which change chemical reaction become electricity. This energy used to rechange portabel automative and power plant.6. BiomassBiomass is the energy use from organic material such as animal fat, vegetable rubbish or animal waste, etc. Biomassa consist of bioetanol biogas, pure plant, biobriket, and biodiesel.2.2 Biodiesel2.2.1 The History of BiodieselTransesterification of vegetable oils were conducted in early 1853 by scientist Eduffy and J. Pat. In the previous year, the diesel engine is found belonging to Rudolf Diesels engine is used as the main model. A measuring machine loft (3m) iron cylinder with a flywheel at its base, the first operation diesel machine in Augsburg, Germany, 10 August 1893, and to commemorate this, on 10 August was declared international biodiesel day.2.2.2 The Definition of BiodieselBiodoesel is one of alternative energy, methyl ester compound from esterification or transesterification process of vagetable oils, animal fats, and algae and fulfill the quality to used as fuel for diesel machine. Biodiesel has similiar physical characteristic with diesel fuel. So, it can be used as subtitution fuel for diesel vechicles. Biodiesel can be applied in the form of 1000%(B100) or mixture with diesel oil at a certain concentration level (BX) such as 10% biodiesel coils because has calorific value 37 Mj/Kg and fossil fuels has calorific value 42,7 Mj/Kg.In chemical composition, biodiesel is different with diesel oil. Generally diesel oil consist of 30-35 % aromatic hidrocarbon compounds and 65-70 % parafin with little olefin, while biodiesel consist of C6-C18 fatty acid methyl ester with 1-3 double bond for each molecule. The advantages of biodiesel with diesel oils is on exhaust gas emissions, sulfur content, cetana number, biodegredability and stability, lubicration and cleaning machines.2.2.3 The Raw Material of BiodieselBiodiesel can be made from vegetable oils and animal fats. Vegetable oils is the raw material which commonly used in the world to produce biodiesel and biodiesel can be taken from plant extracts.The use of vegetable oils as a material for biodiesel has several advantages including a source of vegetable oils is obtained. The process of making biodiesel from vegetable oils is easy and fast, the level of conversion of vegetable oils into biodiesel reaches 95 %. Vegetable oils has a fatty acid and composition varies depending on the type of crop, the main constituent subtances of vegetable oils or animal fats are triglycerides. Triglycerides are triester of gliserol with fatty acid (C8-C24).

There are more than 40 species of plants in Indonesia that can be used as a source of vegetable oils :The nameof cropThe content of oil /liter

Corn (Maize)172

Cashew Nut176









Linseed (Flax)478



Pumpkin Seed534


Mustard Seed572



The name of cropThe content of oil/liter

Saf flower779


Tung Oil Tree940

Sun Flower952



Opium Poppy1163



Castor beans1413

Pecan nuts1791



Macademia Nuts2246

Brazil Nuts2392



Palm Oil5950

2.3 Waste Cooking OilWaste cooking oil is an oil produced of leftover frying, from coconut oil or palm oil. Waste cooking oil can cause smoke or foaming of oil during frying, leaving a brown color and the flavor is not preferred from the fried food. When the oil is used to fry where the oil molecules break down into acid. This process grows with the high heat and a long time for frying food.Waste cooking oil still used for frying food, however waste cooking oil is very dangerous for health because contain free fatty acids. So, it needs great solution to use waste cooking oil so that not cause a cancer disease.The content free fatty acid in waste cooking become ester if mixed with metanol and becomes soap if mixed with NaOH. So, if waste cooking oil mixed with metanol and NaOH will happen transesterification process and the result after settled will produce biodiesel and soap. According Yuwon (2005) Waste cooking oil can be biodiesel if mixed with NaOH and metanol which is heated during 15 minutes with temperature of 55 C.On 31 August 1937 G Chavance in University Brussels (Belgia) has done experiment to make biodiesel from vegetable oils and the next experiment he was success with the material of waste cooking oil.From the data of the ministary (2005) the production of cooking oil in Indonesia increased until 11,6 % or 6,43 million tons while the consumtion of cooking oil reached 16,5 kg especially for palm oil 12,7 kg and until now waste cooking oil doesnt bring advantage and only throw away. because of that, the use of waste cooking oil as raw material of biodiesel will give good value for waste cooking oil.

CHAPTER IIITHE METHODOLOGY3.1 The Method of writingThe method of writing from this scientific writing consists of some steps follows :1. Appoinment of ThemeThis scientific writing has had theme of Physicalchemistry. This theme has been determined by school, so the writer has developed the theme becoming scientific writing.1. Appoinment of TitleThe title of scientific writing is Waste Cooking Oil as a Biodiesel Material for Alternative Energy. This title is made based on background that has been explained by the writer in chapter one.1. Collecting of DataThis scientific writing with the title Waste Cooking Oil as a Biodiesel Material for Alternative Energy. Writer has used library research method. The writer has read some sources like book and some data from internet which have been connected with title. The writer has read then made resume of important matters from the sources which can be used.

1. Formation of Scientific WritingFrom the sources which the writer has gotten and also from the background explained in chapter one, the writer tries to explain it until becoming this scientific writing. The writer really hopes thst this scientific writing can be useful for us.


4.1 Tools and materialsA. Tools

NumTools nameSpesificationUnitSum

1round bottomflask with 3 necks500 mLPiece1

2ElectricHeaters350 WPiece1


4Reflux condenserSrandartpiece1

5Flask250 mLPiece2

6ErlenmeyerFiltering250 mLPiece1

7GlassChemistry100 mL,250 mLPiece1

8PipetteVolume5 mL, 25 mLPiece1


10Funnelsplit500 mLPiece1


12Rodstirrer30 cmPiece1

13GlassMeasure50 mL, 100 mLPiece1


15Buret50 mLPiece1

16Glass Tuber0 10cmPiece1



19The standandClampSrandartSet1

20Magnetic stirer250 mLPiece1

21Vacuum pump10 mLPiece1

22Beaker PPPiece1

23Pycnometer20 mLPiece1

24Viscometer5 mLPiece1

B. Materials

NumMaterials nameSpesificationunitSum

1Waste cooking oilWasteGram200

2Methanol 99%TeknisMl50


4Isopropil Alkohol 99%TeknisMl-

5 Asetat acidTeknisMl-

6 Sulfat acidTeknisMl-


8Indikator phenolphtalen (PP)StandartTetes-

4.2 Prosedure of making biodiesel1.Take 200 grams of waste cooking oil and put in a flat round flask500 ml.2. Heat up a waste cooking oil with temperature 50 C for 15 minutes3. Take 50 ml of methanol and pour into a round flat flask of 500 ml.4. Considering 5 grams of KOH and pouring into a round flat flask of 500 ml.5. Attach the thermometer to the flask flat round and let one of his neck is open (free air reflux) 6. Warm up for 10 minutes at a temperature of 60-70o C using hot plate and stirrer7. Cool and transfer the solution into a separating funnel (the top layer contain methyl esters/biodiesel and the bottom layer contain glycerin), let stand a minute, if the mixture separates only a few, continue heating 20 minutes.8. After separating discard layers underneath.9. Adding 150 ml of distilled water, shake vigorously and let stand.10. After the split cast layers underneath.11. Repeat steps 8 and 9 three times12. To remove residual water, pouring biodiesel into the oven for 10 minutes13. Refrigerate and filtered using filter paper

4.3 Biodiesel Quality Test4.3.1 Analysis of Acid Numbers1. Weigh 20 g sample of biodiesel into 250ml erlenmeyer.2. Added 50 ml of neutral alcohol.3. Heated to boiling by using cooling upright and shake then chill.4. Coupled 2-3 drops of indicator PP 1%.5. Titrated with 0.1 N KOH solution until the red color is constant.

Calculation formulas Acid number = Vtitrasi X N KOH X BE KOH : Sample Weight (g)

DescriptionVtitrasi: Volume Titration (1.4)N: Normality of KOHBE: Equivalent Weight KOH (56.1)

4.3.2 Analysis Yield Levels1. Weigh the raw materials (waste cooking oil)2. Weigh the final results of biodiesel in glass beaker

% Lose = Raw materials - Biodiesel results x 100% :Raw materialYield =% Raw Materials -% Loss

4.4 ResearchBased on calculations of the number of acid on biodiesel by using KOH catalyst obtained results 0.3927 mg KOH / g.Acid number: Vtitrasi X N KOH X BE KOH : Sample Weight (g)= 1.4 X 0.1 X 56.1 :20= 0.3927 mg KOH / gThe final results of biodiesel in get 150g of raw materials 200 gBased on the yield test against boiodiesel obtained as follows:% Loss = Raw materials - Biodiesel results x 100% :Raw material Yield =% Raw Materials -% Loss% Loss = 200-150 x 100% :200= 25%Yield= 100% - 25%= 75%

The process of making biodiesel used waste cooking oil begins with trasesterifikasi process, where waste cooking oil is reacted with methanol 98% so that, KOH base catalyst is produced methyl ester. In this phase is formed of two layers, the bottom layer, which owns the brown colored glycerol layer and the top layer is a layer of yellow colored biodiesel. The second layer and the top layer divorced then processed to produce pure biodiesel. Quality test results can be done with the parameters, one of which is the acid number. Standart acid number in biodiesel is based National Standarisi Agency Indonesia in 2006 is a maximum of 0.8 mg KOH / g and of research conducted, biodiesel from waste cooking oil is much lower than the specified standard is 0.3927 mg KOH / g. Then we make biodiesel viable for used. Because if the test acid number is higher than the standard specified then the biodiesel is corrosive and can cause the crust to the diesel engine injector.Based on the test results obtained yield of 75% of the raw material used cooking oil. Means 25% wasted when washing biodiesel, because the tools we use less comprehensive, while the separation between biodiesel and glycerol mixed by impurities waste cooking oil. Then the results we get quite a lot that is 75%. Although in the biodiesel industry in fact that can be generated can reach more than 90%. However, because many factors so that we produce only 75%.

4.5 The effect of using waste cooking oil as biodiesel material4.5.1 The advantages of biodiesel from waste cooking oilThe advantages of biodiesel from waste cooking oil is same with the advantages of standar biodiesel if compared with diesel fuel, are :1) More economical.Biodiesel is used as fuel for diesel engines more efficient if compared to using diesel.2) Reducing the emission of smoke.Usingbiodieselcanreduce emissionssmoke releasedby the machine, so it canavoid air pollutionthatpollute the environment.3) Reduce CO2 emissions.Biodiesel release emits carbon dioxide (CO2) is less than the emissions released by diesel fuel. CO2 emissions released biodiesel is 75% less than diesel fuel emitted. So using biodiesel can reduce the impact of climate change because global warming.4) Do not produce SO2.Combustion indiesel enginesusingbiodiesel, does not producesulfur dioxide(SO2). SO2harmful to human healthbecause it contains withtoxins.5) Renewable.Biodiesel is a renewable alternative materials, because it can be made from plants and animal fat. Vegetable oils are often used in the manufacture of biodiesel, such as coconut oil, soybean oil, palm oil etc. not like diesel fuel which is will be lost in the short time.However, if the terms of the aspect economy, biodiesel from waste cooking oil more benefit. The advantages of biodiesel from waste cooking oil than biodiesel standard, as follows:1) The materials is cheaper.Waste cooking oil is material for making biodiesel which is cheaper than the new cooking oil which is material for making biodiesel standard.4.5.2 The Disadvantages of biodiesel from waste cooking oilThe disadvantages of biodiesel from waste cooking oil is as follow :1) Energy biodiesel is lower.The energy generated by the engine using biodiesel is lower than the energy produced by the engine using diesel fuel. The energy content of biodiesel is known 11% less fuel than petroleum-based diesel. This means that power generation capacity of the machines used will decrease when using biodiesel.2) The quality of low oxidation.Biodiesel has a lower oxidation quality biodiesel that can cause some problems when stored. When stored for a longer time, biodiesel tends to turn into a gel which can lead to blockage of the various engine components.3) Not withstanding the winter.In the winter, quickly frozen so that biodiesel can clog fuel lines in vehicles.4) If the biodiesel is not completely clean of glycerol, biodiesel can cause corrosion on the vehicle's engine. Residual glycerol in biodiesel there may henghidrolisa and break into FFA biodiesel which is then dissolved in biodiesel itself. The content of FFA in biodiesel is not good because it can clog the filter or strainer with sediment and be corrosion on metal diesel engines.


5.1 ConclusionBased on the result data and real information which has discussed in the previous chapter, it can be concluded as follows :1. Alternative energy is renewable energythat canrenewed.2. Biodiesel is one of alternative energy which can be used to fuel diesel engines andhas apositiveimpactasfuelin general.3. manufacture ofbiodieselcan be donethrougha transesterification process.4. Waste cooking oil is one of material that can be used to make biodiesel.5. Utilization ofwaste cooking oilasbiodieselisaway ofdisposal of waste(used cooking oil) whichgenerateseconomic valueand creatingalternative fuelsfor diesel fuelsubstitutethat isethical, economical and ecological.5.2 SuggestionAfter knowing about discussion above, the writer hopefully will give the suggestion as follows :

1. To governmentThe government can supportthe application ofalternative fuelfrom waste cooking oil, asraw material for makingbiodieselfrom leftoverfryingfoodsthat are relatively cheapand readily available.2. To the societya. The society can increase and propagate the use ofbiodieselasa fuelsubstitute fordiesel oilb. The society canoptimize the use ofwaste cooking oilas abiodieselmaterialso it can reducethe environmental loadofwasteandincrease people's income3. To the studentsThe students can explore more about the utilization of waste cooking oil as material biodiesel.


Syarief, Effendi. 2004. Melawan ketergantungan pada minyak bumi;Bahan bakar nabati dan biodiesel sebagai alternatif dan gerakan. Yogyakarta : Insist Press.Tim Penulis BRDST. 2008. Membangun Paabrik Biodiesel Skala Kecil. Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya. konsep(accesed 28th August 2015) 4th September 2015)