Bio 20 - Diversity of Life

Diversity of Life Biology 20, Unit 3 Dan Savage


Unit plan for Biology 20 in Saskatchewan. Diversity of Life unit including a problem based learning module.

Transcript of Bio 20 - Diversity of Life

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Diversity of Life Biology 20, Unit 3 Dan Savage

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Table of Contents

Rationale for Diversity of Life Unit 3

Unit Objectives 5

Calendar Outline of Unit 6

Columnar Unit Outline 7

Assessment Outline 13

Additional Resources 14

“LOST!” Problem Based Learning (PBL) exercise 16

Main Objectives 16

Concept Web 16

Vocabulary List 17

Role, Situation, and End Product 17

Sequence of Information / Disclosures 19

Useful Resources 21

Assessment 22

Species Lists for Groups 23

Teacher’s Guide to Species 26

Rubric for PBL Products 29

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Rationale for Diversity of Life Unit

Dear students and parents,

We will be starting this unit with an inquiry project. This is a powerful tool

for intellectual development, and it provides students with choice over what and

how they will learn in regards to the type of product and mode of presentation.

The option of choice will also be included elsewhere in the unit, as in the choice

of organism and some choice on what information to include in the research


This unit will often involve concrete explorations and activities first, and

then study of vocabulary and concepts afterwards. This has been recognized by

many researchers as a more effective way to teach biology. It is also a goal of

this unit to provide in depth learning of the basic concepts, with chances for

students to work with and explore them. This will be at the expense of detailed

memorization work, since I think that better understanding of the important

concepts is more valuable to the students.

We will be employing a variety of assessment techniques, and assessing

more frequently in order to better and more fairly measure and judge how

students are doing. These include quizzes, portfolios, inquiry project and

presentation, and a research paper. Formative assessment techniques will be

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used, which donʼt count towards the studentsʼ marks, but do help them to

improve and learn to monitor their own learning.

Alternative perspectives on the diversity of life will be sought by bringing in

expert guest lecturers. In particular, we will seek out an expert in Traditional

Ecological Knowledge, who will give us another view of the diversity of life and

students will be required to address this aspect in their research papers (if

possible, depending on their choice of organism).

It is the goal of this unit to cover all of the key concepts, in order to place

students in a good position to tackle the other units in this course, the Biology 30

course, and be able to deal with biological information in an effective and

informed way in their future lives.


Dan Savage

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Unit Objectives

Key Concepts: Classification systems, dichotomous keys, binomial nomenclature, niches of unicellular organisms, eukaryotic organization, vascularization in plants, behaviour Factors of Scientific Literacy Emphasized: B4 organism B11 predictability B16 system B18 population B26 evolution C1 classifying C3 observing and describing C9 inferring C12 interpreting data C15 analyzing C21 synthesizing D7 variable positions F3 search for data and their meaning F5 respect for logic G3 continuous learner G5 avocation G7 vocation Foundational and Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the principles of classification 1.1 everyday examples of classification 1.3 biological classification system and binomial nomenclature 1.4 dichotomous keys 2. Recognize the role of monera, protists, and fungi in the ecosystem 2.6 distinguish between pro and eukaryotes 2.7 describe how protist kingdom is classified 2.8 observe variety of protists 2.9 general characteristics of fungi 2.10 collect and examine samples of fungi 3. Describe the diversity of plants 3.1 compare vascular and nonvascular plants 3.2 identify, describe and examine examples of plants 3.4 describe grain and forage crops 3.5 chart ranges of representative plants of Saskatchewan 4. Recognize the diversity of animals 4.1 characteristics of major phyla 4.2 Saskatchewan examples of phyla 4.4 innate vs. learned behaviour 4.5 social behaviour

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Calendar Outline of Unit November 2009

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday


Friday Saturday

1 2 Day 1 -Start of Unit 3; -Start LOST! PBL exercise

3 Day 2 -LOST! continued

4 Day 3 -LOST! presentations

5 Day 4 -Start of classification

6 Day 5


8 9 Day 6 -Start of micro. and fungi -LOST! products due!

10 Day 7

11 Day 8 -Quiz on first two sections -Start of plant section

12 Day 9 - Guest lecturer: Agrologist

13 Day 10 -Plant Quiz -Start of animal section


15 16 Day 11

17 Day 12

18 Day 13 -T.E.K. guest lecturer -Animal Quiz

19 Day 14 -Start research papers

20 Day 15 -More time for papers


22 23 -Start of Unit 4 -Research papers due today!

24 25 26 27 28

29 30

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Columnar Unit Outline

Lesson #, Day

Objectives Activities / Method


#1, Monday -introduction. -principles of classification (1.) diversity of organisms (2., 3., 4.)

-students make concept maps of their current understanding of diversity of life and classification (into Portfolios) -start on “LOST!” PBL activity. groups might get to 2nd or 3rd disclosure

-concept maps as pre-assessment -informally observe studentsʼ work on PBL cases

#2, Tuesday

-same as above, plus synthesizing data, producing a product as a group

-further research/ group work time for LOST! exercise. -expected that many groups will finish research and begin on projects. -projects to be completed for presentation on Day 3

-exit slips to describe their work for the day -formative teacher observation of groupsʼ work for the day

#3, Wednesday

-communicating their findings as a group -ability to reflect on group and individual accomplishment

-students orally present their projects -time to make changes to product based on teacher and peer feedback -students write short reflection on the activity and their performance (portfolios)

-informal peer and teacher feedback on products -teacher evaluates presentations using a rating scale -self assessment reflections -PBL products due Monday, Day 6

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Lesson #, Day

Objectives Activities / Method


#4, Thursday

-see one way to be lifelong learners -everyday examples of classification (1.1) -dichotomous keys (1.4)

-tell students to bring in article or info. source over the unit (newspaper, web, t.v., etc). must relate to diversity or classification of organisms (portfolios) -develop and discuss ways to classify objects (Activity #3*, truncated) -discuss dichotomous keys (e.g. web Mushroom one; see Resources) and practice on organisms (Activity #2*)

-article contributions marked at the end of the unit using simple rubric -formative peer assessment of dichotomous keys

#5, Friday -detailed classification system (7 main units of classification) and binomial nomenclature (1.3)

-what rules for nomenclature and classification can students infer from LOST! PBL? -students research and write out classification scheme for an organism of their choice (portfolio) -Activity 4*, translating names of fictional animals

-formative assessment of organism classifications (do students get the main concept?) -peer evaluation on animal name translations (portfolios)

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Lesson #, Day

Objectives Activities / Method


#6, Monday -observe variety of protists (2.8) -role of monera & protists in ecosystem (2.) -distinguish between pro & eukaryotes (2.6) -basic structural features of bacteria -classification of protist kingdom (2.7)

-PBL products due today -”Micro Odyssey”** (p. 165); observing pond water organisms with microscopes; drawing and painting them (portfolios) -lecture and handout on difference between pro & eukaryotes (connect to LOST! protists)

-PBL products marked with rubric (included with PBL) -formal formative assessment of drawings, students given chance to improve before summative assessment of them at end of unit -completion marks for paintings (done or not done by end of unit)

#7, Tuesday

-general characteristics of fungi (2.9) -collect and examine samples of fungi (2.10)

-fungi lab - observe and draw bread mold, lichens, mushrooms (portfolios) -spore prints and identification of mushrooms (see Resources) -students develop their own characteristics of fungi, discuss as a class -formative quiz on topics thus far -warn students of quiz for marks on classification, microorganisms, and fungi Wednesday;

-formal formative assessment on fungi drawings. -formative quiz

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Lesson #, Day

Objectives Activities / Method


#8, Wednesday

-describe diversity of plants (3.) -compare vascular and nonvascular plants (3.1) -identify, describe, examine examples of plants (3.2)

-summative quiz on topics thus far -lecture on vascularization of plants -examine, draw and label various plant examples (portfolios) -review key characteristics of plants

-summative quiz on topics thus far -informal formative feedback on plant drawings (during class time) [hopefully precluding need for feedback on drawings between classes, as has been done thus far]

#9, Thursday

-describe grain and forage crops (3.4) -chart ranges of representative plants of Saskatchewan (3.5)

-guest lecturer, agrologist (see Resources) -students map ranges of plants using info. provided (portfolios) -Warn students about summative quiz on plants Friday

-formative feedback on plant maps during class (and formally between classes if necessary)

#10, Friday -recognize diversity of animals (4.) -characteristics of major phyla (4.1)

-quick summative quiz on plants -students work with examples of major phyla, develop what they feel are key characteristics -discuss as a class, clarify as necessary (this may spill onto Monday)

-summative quiz -informal observation as students explore the animal phyla

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Lesson #, Day

Objectives Activities / Method


#11, Monday

-animal diversity (4.) -phyla characteristics (4.1) -Saskatchewan examples of phyla (4.2)

-”Are you Me” activity** (p. 64) -sort “Are you Me” animals and Saskatchewan examples into different phyla

-formal peer evaluation of group work on sorting exercise. must justify marks given (portfolios)

#12, Tuesday

-review adaptations (fish) -innate vs. learned behaviour (4.4) -social behaviour (4.5)

-”Fashion a Fish” activity** (p. 197, truncated) -explain learned vs. innate behaviour, groups brainstorm examples of each -intro social behaviour, refer to Bioscience article -students design social animal with members specialized for certain jobs (portfolios) -warn of summative quiz on animals next day

-formal formative assessment of the social animals they design -formative quiz

#13, Wednesday

-Traditional Ecological Knowledge (T.E.K.) perspective on diverse organisms; traditional range, uses, legends. -impact of human culture on animal diversity / range

-T.E.K. expert guest lecturer -summative quiz on animals -discuss Habitat Impact Map (Project WILD p. 450) if time allows

-summative evaluation with animal quiz

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Lesson #, Day

Objectives Activities / Method


#14, Thursday

-diversity of organisms (1., 2., 3., 4.) -produce short research paper

-students choose any organism they want to, and research it (including classification, features, T.E.K. perspectives, timeline for appearance of it and its ancestors) -time to research and work on paper in library / computer lab -Paper is due Monday

-informal observation of research work

#15, Friday -same as above -students make concept maps of their new understanding of diversity of life; reflect on difference between original concept map and this one (portfolios) -more time for research / work on paper composition

-paper marked based on a rubric that students will have -portfolio assignments will be marked based on rating scales, including marks for improvement based on feedback

* Suggested Activities and Inquiries, pg. 105-107 of Curriculum Guide for Biology

20/30 (1992) [see Resources page for full citation] ** Activities from Project WILD [see Resources page for full citation]

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Assessment Outline

This overview will clarify the assessment of, for, and as learning that

should be employed in the course of this unit. The information here will be

general. See the unit outline and calendar for specifics and details on timing.

A pre-study assessment should be conducted to find out where students

are with regard to the information in the unit. This will help to adapt instruction

and enable the teacher to better meet the needs of the students. In this unit the

suggestion is to have students create concept maps on the first day based on

their concepts of classification and diversity of life. These maps will also be used

in comparison with maps created at the end to allow students to dissect and

measure their own learning over the unit.

Formative assessment will be included in a large way in this unit. This will

include formative quizzes to help students become aware of their own knowledge

(and help them to prepare for summative quizzes to follow). There will also be

descriptive feedback provided on many portfolio entries, and students will have

time to make improvements on these entires using the feedback. As well, a lot of

feedback based on informal observation and peer interactions will be provided for

studentsʼ use.

Summative assessment for this unit will be based on four main things. The

majority of the emphasis will be on student portfolios, which will include a lot of

different works produced by students over the unit. There will be three quizzes for

marks based on the information we examine. The Problem Based Learning

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exercise at the start of the unit will result in a product, and a short presentation,

both of which will contribute to the studentsʻ marks for the unit. The last factor in

each studentʼs mark will be a research paper based on an organism chosen by

each individual. Students will not write a unit exam.

Breakdown of Summative Assessment

Data # % Weight

Quizzes 3 15%

Portfolio 1 50%

PBL Product 1 5%

PBL Presentation 1 15%

Research Paper 1 15%

Total 8 100% The portfolio will include a good number of different pieces of data from

the studentsʼ work in this unit (approximately 12 entries). Some will have only one

possibility, but many will allow students to choose an exemplar of their products

(a favorite fungus drawing, for example) and comment on why they feel this is a

good demonstration of their learning. The portfolio entries will often receive

formative descriptive feedback between classes, and students will be allowed to

improve their works, and switch works for others if they so choose. No portfolio

assignment will be marked until after the conclusion of the unit to give students

time to make the portfolios their best and their own. Portfolio assignments will

sometimes be marked simply for completion, sometimes using rating scales, and

often based on improvements made based on feedback.

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Additional Resources

Books: Canadian Wildlife Federation. (2006). Project Wild Activity Guide. Ontario, Canada:

Canadian Wildlife Federation. Duane Sept, J. (2006). Common Mushrooms of the Northwest: Alaska, Western Canada

and the Northwest United States. British Columbia: Calypso Publishing. Hooper, R. (1973) Butterflies of Saskatchewan: A Field Guide. Regina, Saskatchewan:

Saskatchewan Department of Natural Resources. Raven, P., Evert, R. & Eichhorn, S. (2005). Biology of Plants. New York, NY: W. H.

Freeman and Company. Scott, W. & Crossman, E. (1973) Freshwater Fishes of Canada (FRBC Bulletin 184).

Ottawa: Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Stanek, V. (1972) The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Insects. Toronto: Hamlyn. Saskatchewan Learning. (1992). Science: A Curriculum Guide for the Secondary Level

Biology 20/30. Regina, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Learning. Internet: Kaminskyj, S. “Fungi of Saskatchewan” (digital key to fungi of the province) available

online at accessed March 13th 2009.

Experts: Douglas Smith, Instructional and Sessional Lecturer. Phone: 966-4415. Office: Biol. 223 Denise Clair, Agrologist. Phone: 827-7811. e-mail: [email protected]. Articles: Cocroft R. & Rodriguez R. (2005). The Behavioural Ecology of Insect Vibrational

Communication. Bioscience, 55:4, 323-334. Places: Biology Atrium at the University of Saskatchewan; displays and information relating to a

great number of the things covered in this unit.

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Diversity of Life Problem Based Learning Exercise

Biology 20, Core Unit 3: “The Diversity of Life”

Main Objectives: 1. Describe Principles of classification 1.1 Discuss everyday examples of classification (Then discuss the value of having a biological classification system and some of the unique problems that might manifest themselves). 1.3 Understand the system of binomial nomenclature (Discuss the 7 major classification units: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species and their associated relationships). 2. Recognize the role of monera, protists, and fungi in the ecosystem 2.9 Describe the general characteristics of fungi. 3. Describe the diversity of plants 3.1 Compare nonvascular and vascular plants. 4. Recognize the diversity of animals 4.2 Identify members of each phylum which contains animals native to Saskatchewan. Concept Web:

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Vocabulary List:

- Genus - Species - Kingdom - Class - Plant - Animal - Fungus - Bacteria - Protist - Vascular plant - Non-vascular plant - Binomial nomenclature - Vector

Role, Situation, and End Product:

The situation is that the students have been mysteriously transported to a

strange location and they need to solve some problems using the species of

organisms they find around them. Each student takes the role of a member of the

group that has been lost, but they essentially play themselves. Groups are given

a list of the scientific names of species that are around them. Solutions will

require research into the nature of the species, as well as debate and discussion

about how to utilize the species available to them. The end product will be

chosen by the students, and can be any form that will communicate the

information theyʼve collected to other groups and the future generations of their


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Sequence of information / disclosures:

1. You have been transported to a strange place and now you are stranded

there. You are surrounded by a variety of organisms, and not all of them would

normally be found together. It is unclear if you will be able to make it back home

from this unknown place, and for now you are going to have to concentrate on


You have a list of the scientific names of the organisms that are around you. Sort

the list into protists, plants, fungi and animals. List the defining characteristics of

plants and fungi. You are a vegetarian, so you must choose two fungi and two

plants to use as a food source for your first day.

2. It has been a couple of days, and you are not seeing any signs of rescue. Sort

the plants into vascular and non-vascular. You need to build a shelter. What

species will you use for materials to construct your shelter? (walls, roof, floor?).

3. You are feeling as if you want to eat some protein (maybe itʼs from all the work

you put into making your shelter). Choose a member of the class Actinopterygii to

add to your diet. Also, write out the defining characteristics of animals.

4. (Group 1) You have gotten sick! You find that your abdomen is tender, and you

have abdominal cramps. You are vomiting, have diarrhea, a fever, and anorexia.

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You need to figure out why you are sick; how did you contract this sickness?

What could you use to cure yourself, and is this an available option in your

unknown location? Is there a way to avoid getting this sickness again in the

future? If there is a vector species, list it. Also list the characteristics of protists.

4. (Group 2) You have gotten sick! You have joint pain, and are vomiting. You

also suffer from cycles of sudden coldness and fever every 36-48 hours.

You need to figure out why you are sick; how did you contract this sickness?

What could you use to cure yourself, and is this an available option in your

unknown location? Is there a way to avoid getting this sickness again in the

future? If there is a vector species, list it. Also list the characteristics of protists.

4. (Group 3) You have gotten sick! You have diarrhea, and have lost weight. You

suffer from fatigue, dehydration, and fever. You have been nauseous, vomiting,

and have had pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen.

You need to figure out why you are sick; how did you contract this sickness?

What could you use to cure yourself, and is this an available option in your

unknown location? Is there a way to avoid getting this sickness again in the

future? If there is a vector species, list it. Also list the characteristics of protists.

4. (Group 4) You have gotten sick! You have a fever, suffer from headaches, and

have been having joint pains. You also have swollen lymph nodes.

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You need to figure out why you are sick; how did you contract this sickness?

What could you use to cure yourself, and is this an available option in your

unknown location? Is there a way to avoid getting this sickness again in the

future? If there is a vector species, list it. Also list the characteristics of protists.

4. (Group 5) You have gotten sick! You have a low fever, a sore throat, and

swollen lymph nodes. You also have muscle aches and pains.

You need to figure out why you are sick; how did you contract this sickness?

What could you use to cure yourself, and is this an available option in your

unknown location? Is there a way to avoid getting this sickness again in the

future? If there is a vector species, list it. Also list the characteristics of protists.

5. Some members of your group are wanting to begin hunting and eating

animals, giving up the current semi-vegetarian ways of your group. You must

develop a consensus in the group about what to do about this controversial

decision. If you decide to begin to eat land animals, which will you eat and why?

6. You need to develop a product to communicate the survival information you

have learned and used to future generations. This can be written into paragraph

form, visually with graphs, diagrams, or however you feel best accomplishes this

task. You will be communicating the knowledge you have collected to the other

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groups (You have been doing some traveling and have met up with some other

groups who have been surviving with other organisms...).

Useful Resources:

The following resources were useful in putting together the lists of species, and

might be useful for the students. Access to the internet for research is very

important, and will greatly speed up students progress on identifying and

researching the different species. There are a lot of other reference books and

encyclopedias that would also be helpful, particularly for general information on

the groups.

Duane Sept, J. (2006). Common Mushrooms of the Northwest: Alaska, Western

Canada and the Northwest United States. British Columbia: Calypso


Hooper, R. (1973) Butterflies of Saskatchewan: A Field Guide. Regina,

Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Department of Natural Resources.

Scott, W. & Crossman, E. (1973) Freshwater Fishes of Canada (FRBC Bulletin

184). Ottawa: Fisheries Research Board of Canada.

Stanek, V. (1972) The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Insects. Toronto: Hamlyn.

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Student work can be assessed by requiring them to talk about and

potentially write out their findings and decisions for each disclosure before being

allowed to continue. Care will need to be taken to make sure that some groups

do not finish far earlier than the others (groups that work quickly might be asked

to gather more in-depth information before continuing on to try to get some time

parity). This will also help the teacher ensure that students are on the right track

and can allow for feedback to help them improve.

The end product should be assessed by both the teacher and the group

itself using a rubric. A rubric for this purpose has been included. If desired,

separate rubrics could be developed for each type of product that could be

created. However, this becomes a difficult task as students think up more

creative ways to encase their information in a product.

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Species Lists for Groups:

Group 1 - Species List The following species are found around you. - Lactarius deliciosus - Eupatorus gracilicornis - Lactuca sativa - Odocoileus hemionus - Alces alces - Salvelinus namaycush - Vitis vinifera - Prunus virginiana - Pseudotsuga menziesii - Papilio kahli - Giardia lamblia - Castor canadensis - Nuphar luteum - Apis mellifera - Sphagnum cristatum - Cucurbita pepo - Amanita phalloides - Salix alba - Salmo gairdneri - Russula cascadensis Group 2 - Species List The following species are found around you. - Pleurotus ostreatus - Rangifer tarandus - Lactuca sativa - Apis mellifera - Amanita smithiana - Prunus avium - Pinus banksiana - Plasmodium falciparum - Phoca vitulina - Zea mays - Sphagnum subnitens - Oncorhynchus keta - Vaccinium corymbosum - Entosphenus tridentatus - Populus tremuloides - Anopheles gambiae - Anatis ocellata - Phycoides batesii - Lepista nuda

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Group 3 - Species List The following species are found around you. - Laccaria laccata - Centruroides gracilis - Populus fremontii - Salvelinus fontinalis - Rubus occidentalis - Tricholoma focale - Porella platyphylla - Lepus americanus - Entamoeba histolytica - Malus domestica - Pinus glabra - Nymphalis californica - Daucus carota - Lactuca sativa - Salmo trutta - Tricholoma magnivelare - Apis mellifera - Bison bison Group 4 - Species List The following species are found around you. - Boletus edulis - Coregonus artedii - Gromphadorhina portentosa - Clitocybe dilatata - Fragaria vesca - Lycaena thoe - Pinus clausa - Apis mellifera - Pyrus communis - Pellia epiphylla - Trypanosoma brucei - Glossina fuscipes - Lactuca sativa - Acer glabrum - Bubalus bubalis - Ipomoea batatas - Coregonus nigripinnis - Sus scrofa - Vascellum pretense

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- Group 5 - Species List The following species are found around you. - Hypomyces lactifluorum - Felis catus - Thymallus arcticus - Erynnis icelus - Amelanchier alnifolia - Quercus arizonica - Sarcodon imbricatus - Prunus domestica - Dendroceros crispus - Lactuca sativa - Toxoplasma gondii - Pinus flexilis - Apis mellifera - Coregonus clupeaformis - Formica rufa - Russula sanguinea - Marcopus rufus - Gallus gallus - Solanum tuberosum

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Teacherʼs Guide to Species:

Mushrooms: Edible - Lactarius deliciosus - Delicious Milk Cap - Russula cascadensis - Cascade Russula - Pleurotus ostreatus - Oyster Mushroom - Lepista nuda - Blewit - Laccaria laccata - Common Laccaria - Tricholoma magnivelare - White Matsutake - Boletus edulis - King Bolete - Vascellum pretense - Meadow Puffball - Hypomyces lactifluorum - Lobster Mushroom - Sarcodon imbricatus - Hawk Wing Poisonous or Inedible - Russula sanguinea - Rosy Russula - Clitocybe dilatata - Crowded White Clitocybe - Tricholoma focale - Booted Knight - Amanita smithiana - Smithʼs Amanita - Amanita phalloides - Death Cap Fish: - Salvelinus namaycush - Lake Trout - Salmo gairdneri - Rainbow Trout - Oncorhynchus keta - Chum Salmon - Entosphenus tridentatus - Pacific Lamprey (eaten traditionally be First Nations

people of B.C.) - Salmo trutta - Brown Trout - Salvelinus fontinalis - Brook Trout - Coregonus artedii - Lake Herring, Cisco - Coregonus nigripinnis - Black Fin Cisco - Coregonus clupeaformis - Lake Whitefish - Thymallus arcticus - Arctic Greyling Butterflies: - Erynnis icelus - Dreamy Dusky Wing - Lycaena thoe - Bronze Copper - Nymphalis californica - California Tortoise Shell - Phycoides batesii - Tawny Crescent - Papilio kahli - Kahli Swallowtail Other Insects: - Apis mellifera - Honey Bees

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- Formica rufa - Red Wood Ant - Gromphadorhina portentosa - Madagascar Hissing Cockroach - Centruroides gracilis - Florida Bark Scorpion - Anatis ocellata - Eyed Ladybird - Eupatorus gracilicornis - A kind of Rhinoceros Beetle Mammals: - Lepus americanus - Snowshoe Hare - Odocoileus hemionus - Mule Deer - Alces alces - Moose - Rangifer tarandus - Caribou, Reindeer - Phoca vitulina - Seal - Bubalus bubalis - Water-buffalo - Bison bison - Bison - Sus scrofa - Wild Boar, Pig - Marcopus rufus - Red Kangaroo - Gallus gallus - Chicken Fruit: - Prunus domestica - Plum - Pyrus communis - Pear - Malus domestica - Apple - Prunus avium - Cherry - Vitis vinifera - Grape - Prunus virginiana - Chokecherry - Vaccinium corymbosum - Blueberry - Rubus occidentalis - Black Raspberry - Fragaria vesca - Strawberry - Amelanchier alnifolia - Saskatoon Berry Vegetables: (culinarily at least...) - Solanum tuberosum - Potato - Ipomoea batatas - Sweet Potato - Daucus carota - Carrot - Zea mays - Corn (Botanically a fruit) - Cucurbita pepo - Zucchini / Squash (Botanically a fruit) - Lactuca sativa - Lettuce Non-vascular Plants: - Sphagnum cristatum - A Sphagnum Moss - Sphagnum subnitens - A Sphagnum Moss - Porella platyphylla - Leafy Liverwort - Pellia epiphylla - A Liverwort - Dendroceros crispus - A hornwort

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Trees: - Pseudotsuga menziesii - Douglas Fir - Pinus banksiana - Jack Pine - Pinus glabra - Spruce Pine - Pinus clausa - Sand Pine - Pinus flexilis - Limber Pine - - Salix alba - White Willow - Populus tremuloides - Quaking Aspen - Populus fremontii - Cottonwood - Acer glabrum - Rocky Mountain Maple - Quercus arizonica - Arizona White Oak Protist Diseases, with Vectors: - Beaver Fever: (Group 1) cause: Giardia lamblia vector: Castor canadensis - Beaver add: Nuphar luteum - water-lily (Beaver food) symptoms: tender abdomen, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, anorexia, fatigue. - Malaria: (Group 2) cause: Plasmodium falciparum vector: Anopheles gambiae (mosquito) symptoms: joint pain, vomiting, cycles of sudden coldness and fever every 36-48 hours. - Amoebic dysentery (Group 3) cause: Entamoeba histolytica vector: contaminated food or water symptoms: diarrhea, weight loss, fever, fatigue, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, pain in upper right portion of abdomen. - African Sleeping Sickness (Group 4) cause: Trypanosoma brucei vector: Glossina fuscipes - Tsetse Fly symptoms: fever, headaches, joint pains, swollen lymph nodes - Toxoplasmosis (Group 5) cause: Toxoplasma gondii vector: Felis catus - Cat symptoms: low grade fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches and pains

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Rubric for “LOST!” PBL Products1

Student Name:__________________ Date:______________

Category / Weight

Advanced (6.5-7/7)

Accomplished (5.5/7)

Basic (4.5/7) Beginning (3.5/7)

Inquiry Questions 30%

all 6 disclosures have been answered completely

4-5 disclosures have been answered completely

2-3 disclosures have been answered fully, and most others are well begun

less than 2 disclosures are fully answered, and/or many have not been well begun

Sources 20%

employs multiple print, and internet sources, and consulted expert(s)

employs multiple internet sources, and uses some print sources

employs 2-3 different internet sources

employs info. from one internet source (WIkipedia, for example)

Labels 10%

all photos have captions and sections of text are labeled; captions and labels add to understanding

all are labeled with appropriate captions/labels

most are labeled/have captions and/or it is hard to tell which labels or captions go with what

labels/captions are absent or do not make sense

Attractiveness 10%

all for accomplished plus title is neat and creative, sections are well organized

project thoughtfully designed, neat, colourful; neat title can be read from a distance

project designed well, but is messy

difficult to read, small title, unorganized design

Mechanics / Grammar 10%

capitalization, punctuation and grammar are perfect

1-2 errors in capitalization, punctuation or grammar

3-4 errors in capitalization, punctuation or grammar

5 or more errors in capitalization, punctuation, or grammar

References 20%

all sources fully referenced using APA format

all sources referenced with enough info. to track them down

all sources listed, but not all include enough info. to find them

not all references have been listed

1 Modified from “Inquiry Project” from, Rubric ID 1231360. accessed from on March 13th, 2009.

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Evaluation for Unit Plan ECUR 398.3 Teacher Candidate: Dan Savage Unit: Bio 20 Diversity of Life Criterion Comments Evaluation Self-Assessment /10 Components 42/45

Title Page √ Rationale Well done. This is written for students/parents, and

serves the purpose of a unit rationale – why this unit, why these methods, etc.

PBL/AT/proj An interesting, well-developed PBL. It might be interesting to have for different Lost scenarios, with each student group given a map of their approximate location. They then have to find the plants, animals, water quality, etc. for their locations to determine what happens at each stage. IE – when illness strikes, might it be from a fish they ate, from water they drank?

Rubric Columnar

Framework Good start. This will help you with your daily lessons and your year plan. One issue: you will need much more time for this unit. You will find, if your students are engaged – which is what you want – and if you value this learning, that you will often need two lessons to cover a concept that you have allowed one lesson for. Consider this unit as about 30 hours long. You have it for 15. I am not sure where you will need to add in the extra time.

Evaluation Framework

Good. You might need to take some of the quizzes marks and put them on a presentation of some sort – just to move some marks away from writing

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assessment. This gives students who don’t write so well (learning to write well is important in all subject areas, but you want to assess their biology as well as teach them writing) an opportunity to display their learning.

Bibliography Superb. Inquiry Good. I think you will need more time to compare

and contrast actual organisms. 13/15

Indigenous Content Consider the different ways to classify organisms and why some would be in the same group in one system and in different groups in another. This helps to develop respect for different ways to thinking.


Formative feedback Great. 14/15 Total 81/90 or
