Billion view reveal

JEREMY KENNEDY Copyright ©2015. All Rights Reserved.

Transcript of Billion view reveal

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JEREMY KENNEDY Copyright ©2015. All Rights Reserved.

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Views. Traffic. Visitors. Eyeballs… Call it what you will, we all need lots of it. We just can’t get enough traffic.

But what if you can tap into a community that boasts over 1.5 BILLION Pages Views, 1.6 BILLION Unique Visitors & over 3 Million Discussion Communities… every month?

I’m talking about a passionate audience where discussions take place in communities surrounding thousands of interests.

I’m talking about a community that has viral conversations about YOUR content. Your blog posts. Your sales pages. Your websites.

This platform also opens up your ability to build massive trust and personalized interest in your customers by allowing you to interact with them directly.

Building trust is no doubt the cornerstone of higher conversions.

You may have heard of this platform before, at a glance, but you probably don’t know what it “really” is and likely haven’t thought about it in the ways I’m going to show you today.

If you just take action on the stuff you learn you can make it somewhere. Forget about “easy” and “fast”.. Just “do”.

Ok so the tool I’m using, the community, the platform, the whatever you want to call it is a place called

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It ranks on Alexa with an insane 399 global rank and whopping 370 in USA (meaning the 399th most high traffic site in the world.)

Think about that for a second. Out of hundreds of millions of sites out there, this one sits at the top at 399.

Here’s a screenshot from Disqus’ website:

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That is a hell of a lot of traffic. Traffic you need to be tapping into. Traffic that our IM space is not taking full advantage of.

But what exactly “is” Disqus? Get ready for this…

Disqus is a free wordpress plugin that you install (easily) on your website which creates an instant interactive social community around your website.

It helps you build a community of active readers and commenters who engage with your content.. on any and every page you want.

Disqus also has a “Discovery” engine that allows Billions of Disqus users & views to easily find content by channels and category. This is like a directory of all content within the Disqus network, including yours.

From just a glimpse.. this monster traffic warehouse looks like a seemingly innocent comment box on your web pages.

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But there is an absolutely awesome amount of power behind that stylish & minimal appearance.

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Notice that one shows 110 comments on a single article. That is just a small example of what is going on every minute of every day.

I found that particular comment box in the screen shot above on an article on CNBC’s website.. one of the largest news outlets in the USA. (and they are using Disqus for their blog comments, so this is being used by MAJOR players)

I found that article through the Disqus’ “Discovery” engine…

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See, every time you place a Disqus discussion box on your site.. let’s say for each blog article, or each sales pages even… it lists that article in the Disqus directory.

This can bring you visitors that are just browsing around in a particular topic. If you are not part of it, you are missing out on all of this traffic by default.

Not only that, people can easily share your content and more importantly individual comments on all your favorite social networks. This makes content viral.

Look at this discussion.. 368 comments and did you read the title? If THAT can get some engagement, you laser targeting with worthwhile valuable content will smash it.

This works for ANY niche. It works for whatever YOUR keywords are.

Here’s another.

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This article has 115 comments.When you go to the website you find this is in the “Mothers and Motherhood” niche. Everything about being a mom & woman.

I thought the banner ad on their page was interesting.

On their page I can see several banner ads where they are making some good ad revenue. I can also see they have this:

I thought that was clever. They are doing several things with this.

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1. They are creating user engagement by having them send stories. That’s how you build a passionate crowd.

2. They are capturing your email address when you submit so now they can send you their newsletter.. a great place to promote products and make money.

3. They are letting their readers GENERATE content for them. Genius. Talk about saving work. They write the content, you post it to everyone.. you’re all happy (and stuffing cash in your back pocket from just sending emails)

Their is no question they have a passionate following. Getting over 100 comments is awesome. Their readers love the content.

Here’s another one of their articles:

223 Comments. They created a fiery article about parents ranting about other partners.. a little controversy goes a long way.

So are you a mother or a father?

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Who’s to say you can’t go and make a website and rant about being a dad and all the stuff that goes along with being a better one.. or at least how to survive it :-)

And meanwhile, while you’re at it.. “here’s some great dad gear like this classic leather laptop bag for only $327”.

Let me tell you, there are dads out there who have no problem dropping money on stuff like that.

They got a hot corporate job. Family of 4. Driving a Mercedes, nice house and bored out of their freaking mind.

And all they want to do is go out and buy $327 leather laptop cases to make the day feel just a little bit better.

You have to be thinking outside of the box. The people are here. They are in every niche. You have the power to tap into them, at no charge. Take full advantage of it.

Something else that makes this platform a gem is the ability for people to follow your community.

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When people follow you, now they get pinged every time you post new content. This is like having an email list on auto-pilot without actually having to have a list. None of the typical headaches.

It’s done for you.

You write a blog post and *ping* it auto-notifies your entire follower list. This is SUPER powerful for driving traffic on demand.

And of course you can still easily share it to your favorite social networks for even more traffic.

Simple short content is all you need. You can outsource content for super cheap on places like &

Facebook and Google+ have MASSIVE communities on all kinds of topics. You can tap into those with discuss and legally steal traffic from other networks and bring it to your website and your Disqus community.

Google+ especially is big on niche focused content. While it does have a social surrounding, the posts you see are more informative and engaging.

Tapping into any of the thousands and thousands of niche communities will bring more traffic.

They welcome links to blog posts that provide interesting content and value. You can simply share your posts/content within those niche communities and get free targeted traffic to your site.

Once they are on your site, make it a point in your post to engage with you in the comments below. Give them a reason. Ask a question.

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They are commenting on your website, having the discussion in YOUR Disqus community.

The Disqus comment interface makes it easy for them to share your content with their friends as well.

Your content will also show up on their “Home Feed”.

Think of it like a Facebook wall of only content from communities and blogs you follow. This brings the game to a whole new level.

Not only are they discovering content in categories. Not only is the platform built for discussion on your content, but a high percentage of users use their Home Feed as their “daily info intake”.

There are millions of people who don’t wake up and check Facebook. They wake up and check their Disqus.

In other words, people are getting their content straight from Disqus so again you have to be part of the platform to get this traffic. If you are not you are missing out.

Their feed is filled with the information and content that they choose to receive. The information they crave on a regular basis.

People on this platform are starving for content.

And in addition, they get involved in several conversations in several communities and it really becomes addicting.

Essentially you can build a highly engaged community of followers & buyers just by creating content and using Disqus.

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The views are there along with the engagement of the users. That is not in debate. You are missing out if you are not using this traffic.

YOU: “Ok I get it.. This is HOT. Let’s set this thing up.”

Setting all this up is easy.

You WILL need a website. You can get one for cheap at for around $3-6 a month.

Log into your cPanel on your hosting and install WordPress. HostGator has an auto-install function in cPanel called either Fantastico or Softlicious or Site Software that makes this process only last a few clicks of the mouse.

Now that you have WordPress installed you need to create a account.

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Go to their homepage and click the “Sign Up” button at the top.

You can create and account using your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ accounts or you can just use your email.

Once you are in click on your Edit Profile link at the top right.

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Go through and fill out your profile info. Then go back and click on Add Disqus To Site (as seen above).

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Fill in your site profile information.

Then they will give you instructions on how to install it on different types of sites. We are using Wordpress so it’s easy.

Log into your WordPress Admin Dashboard.

Click Plugins > Add New

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In the search box to the right, type “Disqus”

Disqus Comments Plugin should be at or near the top. Click the “Install Now” button on it.

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Once installed, click “Activate”.

Now go to the Plugins page and find Disqus Comments System and click “Settings”.

You can read about the different settings and what they do. Choose what suits you best or just leave them all default.

Now the Disqus comments will appear at the bottom of all your blog posts.

You can manage them from the posts themselves or you can click the Comments Tab and click “Disqus” then click “Go to Disqus Moderation”.

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This will take you to your admin dashboard on the Disqus website. Here you can manage all of your conversations across all of your sites.

Let’s Talk About Money…So there’s a LOT more to this platform that we could ever go over but right now you are here for the money.

There are several ways to make money using Disqus.

One point of monetization starts with the Discovery engine.

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You can opt to display the “Discovery” box on your website right above or below your comments.

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As you can see, the discovery box populates topic related articles on the Disqus network and displays them as recommended articles to visitors.It also displays internal links to other articles/discussions on the website you are on.

The cool part is.. advertisers pay for promoted articles on Disqus using their “Promoted Discovery” feature.

If you are running Disqus on your blog/site.. you will get paid simply for letting Disqus recommend related articles to your visitors.

This is huge.The traffic is there and you can monetize it.

So many people have trouble monetizing and many times feel shady trying to push a CPA offer for example.

By using this method it is perfect because you are providing content for your niche and giving them what they want to see.

At the same time you are getting paid for it.

Remember, this works for any niche. You can have hundreds even thousands of these sites / subdomains on your one site.

Promoted Discovery points users to content that marketers are looking to promote to your audience. As a publisher, you earn a revenue share from Disqus for each click on a promoted content link. 

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In addition, the Internal Discovery part allows users currently on your site to jump between articles on your site giving you more opportunity to earn their business and profit.

Make sure the Discovery box is enabled by going to your Disqus Moderation Dashboard and click “Settings”.

Make sure the “Discovery” checkbox is ticked.

Disqus will begin to show Discovery recommendations after you’ve added a few posts to your blog. The reason is they are gathering keyword data from your site to ensure they are displaying relevant content.

(You don’t want a “health/fitness website” showing articles from the lazy gamer site.)

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Once they start displaying the discovery content, you can get paid from clicks from those ads… without doing any extra work.

Of course, you need content to keep your visitors engaged. There is actually a structure to all this but I follow a very simple way of business. Classic & simple is better. Time tested.

My favorite quote of all time was coined by late great Zig Ziglar.

He said “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

This is not an “inspirational” ebook, this is about making money… but it’s about doing something you love to make it.Let’s say you are hanging out with your best friend. The one you tell all your secrets to and loves all the same stuff you do.

What do you talk a lot about?What do you think a lot about?What do you love talking about with, well, everyone?

Mine is “business & lifestyle”. And I’ll admit to a fault, I LOVE to talk casually about growing businesses and latest trends.

Sometimes all I care is that someone is listening as long as I’m talking about it.

If that other person is equally as interested then we are having one hell of a conversation.(Thats why I love attending live events)

There’s something that is like that for you. Something you just LOVE to talk about.

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THAT topic is YOUR niche. Niche research, done.

The only product you need to sell is content. In the information marketing business, online, content rules and big bucks are paid out to those who bring great content to a community of passionate people.

What you are doing is teaching.

You are teaching others about what you love. Just talking about it with text, or video, or audio.

Simply creating content. Emails. Blog posts. Ebooks. Short Reports… All of them just talking about the thing you love most.You are sharing with others something they are ALREADY interested in learning. People who share your interests.

Who better to have as a customer base than a passionate group of peers who enjoy your interest?

My niche, my passion is online business. I love talking about it. I love teaching. I love learning.  I love it and I work hard because it’s mostly fun.

And I’ve brought a full time living for over 5 years single handedly providing for my family of 4 with information and digital products.

But I also get to help others who share my interest.

You need two very basic and inexpensive tools to run an information product business (for any niche).

You need a WordPress blog website. And you need an email autoresponder (like GetResponse).

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Both are super cheap and equally important.

All your content goes on your website. When you add content to the site, you email your list of subscribers in your autoresponder (traffic on tap).

Content could be: A blog post, a video, an audio recording, an ebook/salespage… etc.

Be sure to put a Disqus comment box on every page. (this is done automatically with their plugin) because you don’t want to miss out on the traffic and engagement you’ll receive.

Your website is separated into two things.. Your main blog. And your sales funnels.

The blog is your “free content” that you just write on a regular basis cool stuff about your topic.

Fire up Word and write up about 7 or so pages on your subject.

Just cool tips and fun stuff.

Save it as a PDF and give it away as a short report on your blog using an optin box linked to your autoresponder.

Now write another ebook, 14 pages or so. Or maybe shoot a quick video.

Maybe you play the guitar and your content is better suited for video. Make a couple 15 minute videos, give it a name, write a quick sales letter and you are in business.

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Use to link up the buy buttons to your paypal and sync up your autoresponder so that all buyers are automatically added to your email list.

Once they are on your list you just sent them cool emails (and promotional emails).

Every time I write a blog post, I mail it out to my list. This gives #1 value and #2 a sense that I’m actually passionate about this stuff and want to help.

I offer discussion opportunities in the comments below each post using Disqus so I can build a relationship with my subscribers.

And from time to time I send emails that is recommending a tool or info report that I use or think would help. And your subscribers will actually be “happy” to spend money with you.

Otherwise it would not have supported me & my family for years.

My list pays my bills and has supported us from day one. If you are subscribed to my newsletter, thank you, I love you.

You can do this in any niche. Whatever your interest, others are interested in it to. If you’ve ever bought something related to your interests then you know you can make money, as others will buy from you.

At this point all you need is traffic.

You can get traffic in so many places. Disqus is just one. You can get free affiliate traffic to your products. You can pay for traffic.

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Disqus actually has an advertising platform built in that you can promote your content and articles with.

This isn’t 100% self serve, you have to contact their partners department, but it’s available as a tool for you if you really want to up your game and tap in to a HUGE portion of their audience.

You can also pay for ads on social networks, forum banners, niche forums, social groups, other big blogs in your niche and so many places.

Traffic is all around you.

Another tip I recommend with Disqus.

Go into the Discover box and go through a few of the articles you see in your niche with lots of posts.

For example, if you were in the gaming niche you might check out this article on Warhammer that has over 350 comments on it.

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You can click on the names of people who’ve commented and see their Disqus profile.

Like this guy “Joe Blowe”

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He has over 4,726 Comments in the Disqus community. He has 14,507 “upvotes” on his comments.. this is a grading system. The more upvotes your comment gets the higher up the ladder it goes.

This guy is VERY active and engaged in his community.

Also interesting that you can follow him and his comments. You can engage with this guy.

There is a good chance he is a part of the niche community. He likely has a blog himself.

Below that is his comment feed and recent activity.

You can click on any one of his comments and instantly reply to it. He will be notified that someone replied to him and followed him.

What would that message be?

What could it be?That’s up to you. That message could say anything.

The point is there are millions of people in this community giving you BILLIONS of opportunities to connect with them.

One connection, one single person you reach out to could be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to you.

You never know. It has happened to me. I approached my good friend James R out of the blue one day.

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To this day we’ve gone on to produce over $1M in revenue online combined together.

You have literally BILLIONS of opportunities on this platform to make that same thing happen for you.

Don’t miss the boat. Reach out and grab it by the horns.

You can use this for literally anything.

You can write a short post that leads to a CPA offer. Value content a few paragraphs, you’re getting traffic and paid from CPA.

You can make easy bonus payments with affiliate products using banner placement around .. and in.. your content.

Same thing with Google Adsense. You’re getting paid for views and clicks.

You don’t even have to write the content.One of my favorite done-for-you sources is Resell Rights Weekly.They are a free monster PLR resource.

Each week they add new PLR products for you to use and sell as your own. PLR just means private label rights. Meaning you can edit and sell them under your name.

They are done for you.

They offer a 100% free monthly membership to new PLR packs each week. I’ve been a paid member for years now as the value is astronomical and it’s helped me make a lot of money.

Anyway, they also have complete, done-for-you niche BLOGS.

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Entire websites in hundreds of niches prebuilt and prefilled with content.

They are built for monetization. They have ad placements (and affiliate products you can link to). They have tons of niche value articles already preloaded.

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If you put this on a domain & hosting for $12, add Disqus comments to it, start sharing the articles, connecting with people.

It’s already done there for you.

They have entire products you can sell.

For example, they have ebook products complete with sales pages, graphics, email swipes, squeeze pages, the whole thing.

These are FREE for you to download and use at your bidding.

You could have 100 of these niche blogs out there making you money.. The sky is the limit.

Also Disqus is GREAT for offline businesses. You are giving your customers the ability to engage with you instantaneously on your website when they have questions.

That kind of customer service in the offline world is what earns you customers against all of your competitors.

You know that as a business owner, that’s what it takes to win them over. They want personal assistance. Give it to them.

With a brick & mortar business, you’ll have mostly locals visiting on your site. What better way to build engagement then having the locals form discussions on your content. Keep them coming back.

And with Disqus, being a viral tool, you can create content leaning toward the local audience or your niche that commenters will share with their friends.

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Whether you are offline or online… put a way to collect email addresses from your visitors.

Building a list is the ultimate way to have recurring traffic on demand that you originally obtained through a different channel

(like the billions of Disqus views that you are currently missing out on).

You can sign up for a 30 day free trial with , an autoresponder, and copy paste your option form code to your blog. Done. Now you can be building an email list.

Again, this relies on you getting the traffic but you have other done for you tools for that remember?

You can make this super simple and still so powerful.


So I wanted to add a little bonus and also tell you about another free tool I’m using on my site.

Also a WordPress plugin, this one is called Spot.IM

Spot.IM is similar to Disqus in that it revolves around building a relationship and trust and customer support to your visitors.

Spot.IM sits on your website in a little bubble in the right hand side.

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When you click the bubble, it expands to a full on live chat with everyone currently on the website!

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Here you can see on my website a customer I was helping using the Spot.IM live chat told me they just purchased my product and the upsell.

He’s not the only one.

I call that a win.This kind of interaction REALLY makes a difference in your sales and conversions.

I used this on the sales page on my last WSO launch and won the WSO Of The Day award from Warrior+.

The live chat was a hit among visitors and I got 42+ new followers on my Spot.IM community in about 48 hours and hundreds of chat messages from visitors viewing the sales page.

Visitors can log in with their FB, G+ or Email and start chatting with you and the others on the site immediately.

You have full control over the conversation if an unwanted visitor pops in.

You can also upload images. For example I was updating people with my sales stats while we were on the page. That product sold 900+ copies.

They can follow your community. They can be anywhere on your site and chat with anyone within the site.

And check this out…

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Everyone who joins my Spot.IM community with just a couple click on my site.. now I have their email address and there is a “send direct message” button right there inside Disqus.

Whoa, that just opened a new set of doors.

What would that message say?What could that message say?It could say anything.

An easy start would be “hey I just wanted to continue our previous discussion on my site”.

This is powerful stuff.


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You now have in your hands the information you need to tap into your share of billions of views a month.

You have an understanding of the many different systems you can apply to the information you’ve learned today.

You have the tools to apply this information and make money. Not just money. You can make a full time living with what you just learned today.

If you aren’t taking advantage of this stuff you are missing out. That is clear to see. I was missing out.

I was missing sale after sale because my customers had questions that didn’t get answered.

Now they do. Now they even tell me they just bought as they buy.

You have limitless power with this. Take action right now.
