Bilingual Project 3rd term.



A bilingual project about natural disasters

Transcript of Bilingual Project 3rd term.

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En Oceanía encontramos muchos fenómenos naturales, que afectan a

este continente, tales como la sequía, ciclones, terremotos, deslizamiento

de la tierra, avalanchas, erupciones volcánicas y una de las más

relevantes en el momento «el deshielo». El lugar más relevante donde se

produce estas catástrofes es Australia.

En cuanto al deshielo tema que voy a tratar, los científicos Australianos

han descubierto que hay un gran bloque de hielo «bloque Nogging», que

se encuentra cerca de la Barrera de Coral, puede derrumbarse en

cualquier momento, lo que produciría un tsunami que afectaría al norte de

Australia. Este bloque podría romperse fácilmente debido a los frecuentes

terremotos de Australia otro de sus grandes problemas.

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Todo esto esta ocurriendo, independientemente de la acción del

humano, debido a que la placa de India esta comenzando a

deslizarse bajo la del Himalaya causando así la ganancia de terreno

en Australia, pero por lo contrario India quedara bajo el mar.

Aunque Australia gane terreno no le es conveniente esta

catástrofe ya que esta placa no estará inestable lo que causaría

continuas salidas de magma «volcanes», lo que perjudicaría a la

población, entre otros problemas que arrastrará esta catástrofe

será el agoto de agua potable.

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…According to predictions soon will grow a large tsunami in the

north of Australia, that will cause thirsty situations because it will

disable the potable water. A lot of houses will be destroyed, and the

number of deads will grow.

It wouldn´t be the first time that facts like earthquake, tsunamis,

and other catastrophe appear in Australia, that why ONGs are

preparing theirselves, to future disastres, giving health aid, moving

families to buildings camps also taking shipment of food and


All this is ocurring because the India tectonic plate is sinking

slowly under the Himalayas one.

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In Oceania we find that there are many natural phenomenos that

are affecting the continent in facts like droughts, earthquakes,

cyclones, avalanches… and the most important in at the moment is

the thaw.

Scientist have discovered that there is a large block of ice call

«Nogging block» near the Coral barrier, that can produces a

tsunami that will affect the north od Australia. This block can break

easily because of the frequent earthquake, other big problem from


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…Everything is happening because the India plate is

starting to slip down the Himalaya plate , causing a gain

of ground in Australia, but otherwise India will be under

sea. All this is not convenient for Australia because it´s

plate will be unstable, and then will cause continuos

output of magma «volcano», and will affect to the

population. Another problem will be the depleted of

drinking water.

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En Océanie nous trouvons beacoup de phenomènes

naturels, qui affectent le continent comme les cyclones,

temblement de la terre, erupcions volcaniques… et le plus

exceptionel en ce moment «le dégel».

Cette catastrophe nous la voyons en Australie.

Les scientifiques Australiens ont découvert qu´il y a un

grand iceberg «bloc Nogging» qui peut se rompre trés vite

et peut faire un tsunami.

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…Il peuz être rompu facilement parce que il y a de

fréquents tremblements de terre en Australie.

Cela peut se produire parce que la plaque de l´Inde

glissesous la plaque de l´Himalaya.

L´Australie a plus de terre et l´Inde restera sous le

mer. Tout cela ne convient pas parce que cette plaque

ne sera pas stable, et volcans se formerant.

Un autre probleme est l´épuisement de l´eau potable.

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…As you know Australia is near the ozone layer and

it has a big hole produce by the human

contamination. Through here the sun UVA rays are

entered causing a lot of skin cancer, that affect in

the most part of Australia, it appears adults but it

began producing when you are a baby if you don´t

be careful with the sun.

Nowadays this disease is the most outstanding


This disease is produced by the premature sking

aging that hurt it.

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Sunbathe is very important for us because it

contain vitamine D, but we always have to take in

with sunscreen, and controlling when you go to the

beach or to do sport.

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…Nowadays, the poles are meelting, so scientist

predict that a lot of places in the world are going to

be underwater, one of them will be Australia which is

near the polar cap, that is going to break because in

this places there are many earhquakes which make

easier for it to break.

Since 1979 the ice volume is decreasing, here you

can see the grafics of the ice volume.

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…India is sinking and Australia is ganing territory:

Everithing is happening because the India plate is

starting to slip down Himalaya plate , causing a gain

of ground in Australia, but otherwise India will be

under sea. All this is not convenient for Australia

because it plate will be unstable, and then will cause

continuos output of magma «volcano», and will affect

to the population. Another problem will be the

depleted of drinking water.

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