bilal Research

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  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research



    Bilal Ahmad

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    To test the proposition that Gross Domestic Product,

    TariffRates adaptability and Inflation rate has a

    significant/insignificant relation with Foreign Assistance.

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    ` Relationship between Foreign Aidand Gross

    Domestic Product.

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    ` Tariffrates

    ` Dutch Disease (negative consequences in large

    increase ofany thing)

    ` Volatility in consumption andinvestment

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    ` What will this thesis unleash ?

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    ` Why has foreign financialassistance hadbecome

    amajorvariable to run this country.

    ` Therefore, foreign aidbecoming the centre of


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  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    1) Ho: To test the Hypothesis that Gross Domestic Product has ansignificant relation with Foreign Aid.

    H1: To test the Hypothesis that Gross Domestic Product has not asignificant relation withconsumer Foreign Aid.

    2) Ho: To test the Hypothesis that TariffRates have an insignificantrelation with Foreign Aid.

    H1: To test the Hypothesis that TariffRates have a significantrelation with Foreign Aid.

    3) Ho: To test the Hypothesis that Inflation Rates have aninsignificant relation with Foreign Aid.

    H1: To test the Hypothesis that Inflation Rates have a significantrelation with Foreign Aid.

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    ` My sampling techniques are Convenience samplingand SnowBall Sampling.

    ` Convenience Sampling: The Sampling procedure used to obtainthose units or people most conveniently available.

    ` Snow Ball Sampling: A sampling procedure in whichinitialrespondents are selectedby probability methods andadditionalrespondents are obtainedfrom the information providedby theinitial respondents.

    ` Snow ball sampling techniques is used so that sample size andcosts can be reduced, where as convenience samplingis used

    so that large number ofcompleted questionnaires can beobtained quickly and economically.

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    Dependent variable: F.AID


    Standard T

    Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value


    CONSTANT -3.20046E9 7.71484E8 -4.14845 0.0060

    GDP 0.000956376 0.0001775 5.3868 0.0017

    INFLATION -3.82561E7 2.19016E7 -1.74672 0.1313

    TARIFF 1.08015E7 8.37467E6 1.28979 0.2446-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Analysis of Variance


    Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value


    Model 1.89225E18 3 6.3075E17 15.64 0.0031

    Residual 2.42005E17 6 4.03342E16-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Total (Corr.) 2.13425E18 9

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    R-squared = 88.6609 percent

    R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 82.9914 percent

    Standard Error of Est. = 2.00834E8Mean absolute error = 1.18549E8

    Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.57117

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    ` The output shows the results offittingamultiple

    linear regression model to describe the

    relationship between Foreign Aidand 3

    independent variables. The equation of the fittedmodelis

    ` Foreign AID = -3.20046E9 + 0.000956376*GDP -

    3.82561E7*INFLATION + 1.08015E7*TARIFF

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    ` Foreign Aid with respect to Gross DomesticProduct

    ` A significant relationship exists between ForeignAid with respect to Gross Domestic Product.The p value is 0.0017 i.e. less than 0.10 whichmeans that there is a significant relation shipbetween the two variables. The t value is0.0001775 whichalso lie in the critical region.

    Hence we can say that there is a significantrelationship between these two variables.

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    ` Foreign aid with respect to INFLATION.

    ` According to the results of the regression analysis

    the p value forcustomer service orientation came

    out to be 0.1313 whichis more than 0.10 whichproves the fact true that there is no significant

    relationship between consumerforeign aidand

    inflation. Then the t value came out to 2.19016

    whichalso again show the insignificantrelationship between the two variables.

  • 8/7/2019 bilal Research


    Foreign aid with respect to Tariff Rates

    According to the multiple regression models the p

    value is 0.2446

    whichis again more than 0.10 which shows thatthere is no significant relationship between foreign

    aidand tariffrates. The t value is also 8.37467

    whichagain lie in the rejection region which shows

    that there is a negative relationship between thesetwo variables.